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Basic Info:
Symbols: Golden Bow & Arrows, Crescent Moon, Deer (stag or hind!
"owers: #lym$ian goddess o% hunting, wilderness, and wild animals!
&elationshi$ Status: Single!
'amily: Zeus is %ather, (eto is mother, and A$ollo is twin brother!
Artemis Friends
Artemis A$ollo "oseidon
Status )$date:
Artemis *oins her twin brother A$ollo to guide some children!
Personal Info:
+nterests: S$ending time with my twin brother A$ollo, hunting, wild animals, the
wilderness, guiding girls and women, and childbirth!
'a,orite Music: -he .omeric hymns in my honor, and the #r$hic hymns in my honor!
About Me: + am the goddess Artemis, daughter o% Zeus and (eto, and sister to A$ollo!
+/m the goddess o% hunting, wilderness, wild animals, and childbirth! .owe,er my
brother and + also wor0 together by being the $rotectors o% children, but also the bringers
o% disease and 1uic0 deaths! + was in,ol,ed in the -ro*an 2ar where + became woman
a%ter being beat by .era! + was the one who also sa,ed #lym$os %rom two Aloadai giants
by ma0ing them 0ill each other be%ore attac0ing!
#ther 3ames:
Diana, goddess o% -he Moon
Artemis Wall
Zeus said: .ey daughter, ha,en/t seen you or your brother in a while4 must be busy! 2e/re ha,ing a %amily
dinner night ne5t Saturday with your )ncle "oseidon, your mother, and your brother!
.ades writes: .ey niece! So something interesting ha$$ened today when + was in the wilderness! + was
attac0ed by three bears and didn/t 0now i% that was you! +% it/s about me setting your car on %ire, +/m sorry
that was an accident! .o$e to see you soon bye!
Atsma, Aaron 6! 7A&-8M+S : Gree0 Goddess!7 ARTEMIS : Greek Goddess of Hunting & the Wilderness |
Mythology, W/ i!tures | Ro"#n $i#n#! 3!$!, n!d! 2eb! 9: Aug! ;<:=!
(eadbetter, &on! 7Artemis!7 Arte"is! 3!$!, 9 Mar! :>>?! 2eb! ;> Aug! ;<:=!

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