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Some scholars may prefer the theory of articulation, where "class does not coincide

with the sign community",

to the theory of homology, where class does coincide
with the sign community and where economic forces determine the superstructure.
However, "it seems likely that some signifying structures are more easily articulated
to the interests of one group than are some others" and cross-connotation, "when
two or more dierent elements are made to connote, sym!oli"e, or evoke each
other", can set up "particularly strong articulative relationships". #or e$ample% &lvis
'resley(s linking of elements of "youth re!ellion, working-class (earthiness(, and
ethnic (roots(, each of which can evoke the others, all of which were articulated
together, however !rie)y, !y a moment of popular self-assertion".

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