Byron's Works

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Byron's Poetical Works, Vol.

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Byron's Poetical Works, Vol. 1, by Byron
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Title4 Byron's Poetical Works, Vol. 1
5uthor4 Byron
.elease 'ate4 0e"te&ber, 667 8EBook #99:1;
8*es, #e are &ore than one year ahea% of sche%ule;
8This file #as first "oste% on 5ugust 17, 66<;
E%ition4 16
=anguage4 English
!haracter set enco%ing4 50!))
+++ 0T5.T >, T/E P.>?E!T G@TEABE.G EB>>B B*.>A'0 P>ET)!5= W>.B0, V>=. 1 +++
Pro%uce% by ?onathan )ngra&, !lytie 0i%%all
an% the >nline 'istribute% Proofrea%ing Tea&
T/E W>.B0
=>.' B*.>A.
5 AEW, .EV)0E' 5A' EA=5.GE' E')T)>A,
W)T/ )==@0T.5T)>A0.
P>ET.*, V>=@CE 1.
E')TE' B*
E.AE0T /5.T=E* !>=E.)'GE, C.5.
P.E,5!E T> T/E P>EC0.
The te-t of the "resent issue of =or% Byron's Poetical Works is base% on
that of 'The Works of =or% Byron', in si- $olu&es, 1&o, #hich #as
"ublishe% by ?ohn Curray in 19<1. That e%ition follo#e% the te-t of the
successi$e issues of "lays an% "oe&s #hich a""eare% in the author's
lifeti&e, an% #ere subject to his o#n re$ision, or that of Giffor% an%
other accre%ite% rea%ers. 5 &ore or less thorough collation of the
"rinte% $olu&es #ith the C00. #hich #ere at Coore's %is"osal, yiel%e% a
nu&ber of $arioru& rea%ings #hich ha$e a""eare% in subseDuent e%itions
"ublishe% by ?ohn Curray. ,resh collations of the te-t of in%i$i%ual
"oe&s #ith the original C00. ha$e been &a%e fro& ti&e to ti&e, #ith the
result that the te-t of the latest e%ition EoneF$ol. 9$o, 1911G inclu%es
so&e e&en%ations, an% has been su""le&ente% by a%%itional $ariants.
Te-tual errors of &ore or less i&"ortance, #hich ha% cre"t into the
nu&erous e%itions #hich succee%e% the se$enteenF$olu&e e%ition of 19<,
#ere in so&e instances correcte%, but in others "asse% o$er. ,or the
"ur"oses of the "resent e%ition the "rinte% te-t has been collate% #ith
all the C00. #hich "asse% through Coore's han%s, an%, also, for the
first ti&e, #ith C00. of the follo#ing "lays an% "oe&s, $iH. 'English
Bar%s, an% 0cotch .e$ie#ers'I '!hil%e /arol%', !anto )V.I ''on ?uan',
!antos V).FJV).I 'Werner'I 'The 'efor&e% Transfor&e%'I '=ara'I
'Parisina'I 'The Pro"hecy of 'ante'I 'The Vision of ?u%g&ent'I 'The 5ge
of BronHe'I 'The )slan%'. The only #orks of any i&"ortance #hich ha$e
been "rinte% %irectly fro& the te-t of the first e%ition, #ithout
reference to the C00., are the follo#ing, #hich a""eare% in 'The
=iberal' E19F<G, $iH.4 '/ea$en an% Earth', 'The Blues', an% 'Corgante
5 ne# an%, it is belie$e%, an i&"ro$e% "unctuation has been a%o"te%. )n
this res"ect Byron %i% not "rofess to "re"are his C00. for the "ress,
an% the "unctuation, for #hich Giffor% is &ainly res"onsible, has been
reconsi%ere% #ith reference solely to the &eaning an% inter"retation of
the sentences as they occur.
)n the '/ours of )%leness an% >ther Early Poe&s', the ty"ogra"hy of the
first four e%itions, as a rule, has been "reser$e%. 5 unifor& ty"ogra"hy
in accor%ance #ith &o%ern use has been a%o"te% for all "oe&s of later
%ate. Variants, being the rea%ings of one or &ore C00. or of successi$e
e%itions, are "rinte% in italics 8as footnotes. te-t E%; i&&e%iately
belo# the te-t. They are &arke% by .o&an nu&erals. Wor%s an% lines
through #hich the author has %ra#n his "en in the C00. or .e$ises are
&arke% 'C0. erase%'.
Poe&s an% "lays are gi$en, so far as "ossible, in chronological or%er.
'!hil%e /arol%' an% ''on ?uan', #hich #ere #ritten an% "ublishe% in
"arts, are "rinte% continuouslyI an% &inor "oe&s, inclu%ing the first
four satires, ha$e been arrange% in grou"s accor%ing to the %ate of
co&"osition. E"igra&s an% 'jeu- %'es"rit' ha$e been "lace% together, in
chronological or%er, to#ar%s the en% of the si-th $olu&e. 5 Bibliogra"hy
of the "oe&s #ill i&&e%iately "rece%e the )n%e- at the close of the
si-th $olu&e.
The e%ition contains at least thirty hitherto un"ublishe% "oe&s,
inclu%ing fifteen stanHas of the unfinishe% se$enteenth canto of ''on
?uan', an% a consi%erable frag&ent of the thir% "art of 'The 'efor&e%
Transfor&e%'. The ele$en un"ublishe% "oe&s fro& C00. "reser$e% at
Ae#stea%, #hich a""ear in the first $olu&e, are of slight if any
literary $alue, but they reflect #ith singular clearness an% sincerity
the te&"er an% as"irations of the tu&ultuous an% &oo%y stri"ling to #ho&
(the nu&bers ca&e,( but #ho #isely abstaine% fro& "rinting the& hi&self.
Byron's notes, of #hich &any are "ublishe% for the first ti&e, an%
e%itorial notes, enclose% in brackets, are "rinte% i&&e%iately belo# the
$arioru& rea%ings. The e%itorial notes are %esigne% solely to su""ly the
rea%er #ith references to "assages in other #orks illustrati$e of the
te-t, or to inter"ret e-"ressions an% allusions #hich la"se of ti&e &ay
ha$e ren%ere% obscure.
Cuch of the kno#le%ge reDuisite for this "ur"ose is to be foun% in the
articles of the ''ictionary of Aational Biogra"hy', to #hich the fullest
ackno#le%g&ents are %ueI an% &uch has been arri$e% at after long
research, in$ol$ing a &inute e-a&ination of the literature, the
&agaHines, an% often the ne#s"a"ers of the "erio%.
)nas&uch as the "oe&s an% "lays ha$e been before the "ublic for &ore
than three Duarters of a century, it has not been thought necessary to
bur%en the notes #ith the eulogies an% a"ologies of the great "oets an%
critics #ho #ere Byron's conte&"oraries, an% regar%e% his #ritings, both
for goo% an% e$il, for "raise an% bla&e, fro& a %ifferent stan%"oint
fro& ours. Perha"s, e$en yet, the ti&e has not co&e for a %efinite an%
"ositi$e a""reciation of his genius. The ti%e of feeling an% o"inion
&ust ebb an% flo# &any ti&es before his rank an% station a&ong the "oets
of all ti&e #ill be finally a%ju%ge%. The s"len%our of his re"utation,
#hich %aHHle% his o#n country&en, an%, for the first ti&e, attracte% the
attention of a conte&"orary Euro"ean au%ience to an English #riter, has
fa%e%, an% belongs to historyI but the "oet's #ork re&ains, in$iting a
&ore inti&ate an% a &ore e-ten%e% scrutiny than it has hitherto recei$e%
in this country. The rea%er #ho cares to &ake hi&self acDuainte% #ith
the &etho% of Byron's #ork&anshi", to unra$el his allusions, an% to
follo# the tenour of his $erse, #ill, it is ho"e%, fin% so&e assistance
in these $olu&es.
) beg to recor% &y es"ecial thanks to the Earl of =o$elace for the use
of C00. of his gran%father's "oe&s, inclu%ing un"ublishe% frag&entsI for
"er&ission to re"ro%uce "ortraits in his "ossessionI an% for $aluable
infor&ation an% %irection in the construction of so&e of the notes.
Cy grateful ackno#le%g&ents are %ue to 'r. Garnett, !.B., 'r. 5. /.
Curray, Cr. .. E. Gra$es, an% other officials of the British Cuseu&, for
in$aluable assistance in "re"aring the notes, an% in co&"iling a
bibliogra"hy of the "oe&s.
) ha$e also to thank Cr. =eslie 0te"hen an% others for i&"ortant hints
an% suggestions #ith regar% to the inter"retation of so&e obscure
"assages in '/ints fro& /orace'.
)n correcting the "roofs for the "ress, ) ha$e ha% the a%$antage of the
skill an% kno#le%ge of &y frien% Cr. ,rank E. Taylor, of !hertsey, to
#ho& &y thanks are %ue.
>n behalf of the Publisher, ) beg to ackno#le%ge #ith gratitu%e the
kin%ness of the =a%y 'orchester, the Earl 0tanho"e, =or% Glenesk an% 0ir
Theo%ore Cartin, B.!.B., for "er&ission to e-a&ine C00. in their
"ossessionI an% of Crs. !ha#orth Custers, for "er&ission to re"ro%uce
her &iniature of Ciss !ha#orth, an% for other fa$ours. /e %esires also
to ackno#le%ge the generous assistance of Cr. an% Ciss Webb, of Ae#stea%
5bbey, in "er&itting the "ublication of C0. "oe&s, an% in &aking
transcri"ts for the "ress.
) nee% har%ly a%% that, throughout the "rogress of the #ork, the a%$ice
an% %irect assistance of Cr. ?ohn Curray an% Cr. .. E. Prothero ha$e
been al#ays #ithin &y reach. They ha$e &y cor%ial thanks.
E.AE0T /5.T=E* !>=E.)'GE.
8facsi&ile of title "age4;
P>EC0 >A V5.)>@0 >!!50)>A0.
Virginibus PuerisDue !anto.
E/or. =ib, <. '>%e 1'.G
The only 5"ology necessary to be a%%uce%, in e-tenuation of any errors
in the follo#ing collection, is, that the 5uthor has not yet co&"lete%
his nineteenth year.
'ece&ber <,196:.
B)B=)>G.5P/)!5= A>TE T> '/>@.0 >, )'=EAE00 5A' >T/E. E5.=* P>EC0'.
There #ere four %istinct issues of Byron's ?u$enilia. The first
collection, entitle% ',ugiti$e Pieces', #as "rinte% in Duarto by 0. an%
?. .i%ge of Ae#ark. T#o of the "oe&s, (The Tear( an% the (.e"ly to 0o&e
Verses of ?. C. B. Pigot, EsD.,( #ere signe% (B*.>AI( but the $olu&e
itself, #hich is #ithout a titleF"age, #as anony&ous. )t nu&bers
si-tyFsi- "ages, an% consists of thirtyFeight %istinct "ieces. The last
"iece, ()&itate% fro& !atullus. To 5nna,( is %ate% Ao$e&ber 1:, 196:.
The #hole of this issue, #ith the e-ce"tion of t#o or three co"ies, #as
%estroye%. 5n i&"erfect co"y, lacking "". 12F6 an% "". 79F::, is
"reser$e% at Ae#stea%. 5 "erfect co"y, #hich ha% been retaine% by the
.e$. ?. T. Becher, at #hose instance the issue #as su""resse%, #as
"reser$e% by his fa&ily Esee '=ife', by Barl ElHe, 192, ". K76G, an% is
no# in the "ossession of Cr. /. Bu-ton ,or&an, !.B. 5 facsi&ile re"rint
of this uniDue $olu&e, li&ite% to one hun%re% co"ies, #as issue%, for
"ri$ate circulation only, fro& the !his#ick Press in 199:.
>f the thirtyFeight ',ugiti$e Pieces', t#o "oe&s, $iH. (To !aroline( an%
(To Cary,( together #ith the last si- stanHas of the lines, (To Ciss E.
P. 8To EliHa;,( ha$e ne$er been re"ublishe% in any e%ition of Byron's
Poetical Works.
5 secon% e%ition, s&all octa$o, of ',ugiti$e Pieces', entitle% 'Poe&s on
Various >ccasions', #as "rinte% by 0. an% ?. .i%ge of Ae#ark, an%
%istribute% in ?anuary, 1962. This $olu&e #as issue% anony&ously. )t
nu&bers 1KK "ages, an% consists of a re"ro%uction of thirtyFsi-
',ugiti$e Pieces', an% of t#el$e hitherto un"rinte% "oe&sFFfortyFeight
in all. ,or references to the %istribution of this issueFFli&ite%, says
Coore, to one hun%re% co"iesFFsee letters to Cr. Pigot an% the Earl of
!lare, %ate% ?anuary 1:, ,ebruary :, 1962, an% un%ate% letters of the
sa&e "erio% to Cr. Willia& Bankes an% Cr. ,alkner E'=ife', "". K1, KG.
The annotate% co"y of 'Poe&s on Various >ccasions', referre% to in the
"resent e%ition, is in the British Cuseu&.
Early in the su&&er E?uneFF?ulyG of 1962, a $olu&e, s&all octa$o, na&e%
'/ours of )%leness'FFa title henceforth associate% #ith Byron's early
"oe&sFF#as "rinte% an% "ublishe% by 0. an% ?. .i%ge of Ae#ark, an% #as
sol% by the follo#ing =on%on booksellers4 !rosby an% !o.I =ong&an,
/urst, .ees, an% >r&eI ,. an% !. .i$ingtonI an% ?, Ca#&an. The full
title is, '/ours of )%lenessI a 0eries of Poe&s >riginal an%
Translate%'. By George Gor%on, =or% Byron, a Cinor. )t nu&bers 192
"ages, an% consists of thirtyFnine "oe&s. >f these, nineteen belonge% to
the original ',ugiti$e Pieces', eight ha% first a""eare% in 'Poe&s on
Various >ccasions', an% t#el$e #ere "ublishe% for the first ti&e. The
(,rag&ent of a Translation fro& the 1th Book of Virgil's 5Enei%(
E'sic'G, nu&bering si-teen lines, rea""ears as (The E"iso%e of Aisus an%
Euryalus, 5 Para"hrase fro& the 5Enei%, =ib. 1,( nu&bering K6: lines.
The final collection, also in s&all octa$o, bearing the title 'Poe&s
>riginal an% Translate%', by George Gor%on, =or% Byron, secon% e%ition,
#as "rinte% an% "ublishe% in 1969 by 0. an% ?. .i%ge of Ae#ark, an% sol%
by the sa&e =on%on booksellers as '/ours of )%leness'. )t nu&bers 12K
"ages, an% consists of se$enteen of the original ',ugiti$e Pieces', four
of those first "ublishe% in 'Poe&s on Various >ccasions', a re"rint of
the t#el$e "oe&s first "ublishe% in '/ours of )%leness', an% fi$e "oe&s
#hich no# a""eare% for the first ti&eFFthirtyFeight "oe&s in all.
Aeither the title nor the contents of this soFcalle% secon% e%ition
corres"on%s e-actly #ith the "re$ious issue.
>f the thirtyFeight ',ugiti$e Pieces' #hich constitute the su""resse%
Duarto, only se$enteen a""ear in all three subseDuent issues. >f the
t#el$e a%%itions to 'Poe&s on Various >ccasions', four #ere e-clu%e%
fro& '/ours of )%leness', an% four &ore fro& 'Poe&s >riginal an%
The collection of &inor "oe&s entitle% '/ours of )%leness', #hich has
been inclu%e% in e$ery e%ition of Byron's Poetical Works issue% by ?ohn
Curray since 19<1, consists of se$enty "ieces, being the aggregate of
the "oe&s "ublishe% in the three issues, 'Poe&s on Various >ccasions',
'/ours of )%leness', an% 'Poe&s >riginal an% Translate%', together #ith
fi$e other "oe&s of the sa&e "erio% %eri$e% fro& other sources.
)n the "resent issue a general hea%ing, (/ours of )%leness, an% other
Early Poe&s,( has been a""lie% to the entire collection of Early Poe&s,
196F1961. The Duarto has been re"rinte% Ee-ce"ting the lines (To Cary,(
#hich Byron hi&self %eliberately su""resse%G in its entirety, an% in the
original or%er. The successi$e a%%itions to the 'Poe&s on Various
>ccasions', '/ours of )%leness', an% 'Poe&s >riginal an% Translate%',
follo# in or%er of "ublication. The re&ain%er of the series, $iH. "oe&s
first "ublishe% in Coore's '=ife an% ?ournals of =or% Byron' E19<6GI
"oe&s hitherto un"ublishe%I "oe&s first "ublishe% in the 'Works of =or%
Byron' E19<G, an% "oe&s contribute% to ?. !. /obhouse's ')&itations an%
Translations' E1961G, ha$e been arrange% in chronological or%er. E,or an
i&"ortant contribution to the bibliogra"hy of the Duarto of 196:, an% of
the other issues of Byron's ?u$enilia, see "a"ers by Cr. .. E%gcu&be,
Cr. /. Bu-ton ,or&an, !.B., an% others, in the '5thenaeu&', 1997, $ol.
ii. "". 2<1F2<<, 2:1I an% 199:, $ol. i. ". 161, etc. ,or a collation of
the contents of the four first issues an% of certain largeF"a"er co"ies
of '/ours of )%leness', etc., see 'The Bibliogra"hy of the Poetical
Works of =or% Byron', $ol. $i. of the "resent e%ition.G
8te-t of facsi&ile "ages of t#o %ifferent e%itions &entione% abo$e4;
/>@.0 >, )'=EAE00,
5 0E.)E0 >, P>EC0,
>.)G)A5= 5A' T.5A0=5TE',
B* GE>.GE G>.'>A, =>.' B*.>A,
5 C)A>..
8Greek4 Caet ar &e &al ainee &aete ti neichei.;
/>CE.. )lia%, 16.
Virginibus "uerisDue !anto.
/e #histle% as he #ent for #ant of thought.
Printe% an% sol% by 0. an% ?. .)'GEI
0>=' 5=0> B* B !.>0B* 5A' !>. 0T5T)>AE.'0 !>@.TI
=>AGC5A, /@.0T, .EE0, 5A' >.CE, P5TE.A>0TE.F.>WI
,. 5A' !. .)V)AGT>A, 0T. P5@='0 !/@.!/*5.'I
5A' ?. C5WC5A, )A T/E P>@=T.*I
>.)G)A5= 5A' T.5A0=5TE'
GE>.GE G>.'>A, =>.' B*.>A,
8Greek4 Caet ar &e &al ainee &aete ti neichei.;
/>CE., )lia%, 16.
/e #histle% as he #ent for #ant of thought.
B)B=)>G.5P/)!5= A>TE T> EAG=)0/ B5.'0, 5A' 0!>T!/ .EV)EWE.0.
The C0. E'C0. C.'G of the first %raft of Byron's (0atire( Esee =etter to
Pigot, >ctober :, 1962G is no# in Cr. Curray's "ossession. )t is
#ritten on folio sheets "age% :F7, 9FK1, an% nu&bers <:6 lines.
Cutilations on "ages 1, 1<, <K, <7 account for the absence of ten
a%%itional lines.
5fter the "ublication of the ?anuary nu&ber of 'The E%inburgh .e$ie#'
for 1969 Econtaining the critiDue on '/ours of )%leness'G, #hich #as
%elaye% till the en% of ,ebruary, Byron a%%e% a beginning an% an en%ing
to the original %raft. The C00. of these a%%itions, #hich nu&ber ninety
lines, are #ritten on Duarto sheets, an% ha$e been boun% u" #ith the
folios. E=ines 1F1: are &issing.G The "oe&, #hich #ith these an% other
a%%itions ha% run u" to 7:6 lines, #as "rinte% in book for& E"robably by
.i%ge of Ae#arkG, un%er the title of 'British Bar%s, 5 0atire'. (This
Poe&,( #rites Byron 8'C00. C.';, (#as begun in >ctober, 1962, in =on%on,
an% at %ifferent inter$als co&"ose% fro& that "erio% till 0e"te&ber,
1969, #hen it #as co&"lete% at Ae#stea% 5bbey.FFB., 1969.( 5 %ate, 1969,
is affi-e% to the last line. >nly one co"y is e-tant, that #hich #as
"urchase%, in 19:2, fro& the e-ecutors of ..!. 'allas, by the Trustees
of the British Cuseu&. E$en this co"y has been &utilate%. Pages 12, 19,
#hich &ust ha$e containe% the first $ersion of the attack on ?effrey
Esee 'English Bar%s', ". <<, line K<1, 'note' G, ha$e been torn out,
an% Duarto "roofFsheets in s&aller ty"e of lines K<9F72, (/ail to
i&&ortal ?effrey,( etc., together #ith a Duarto "roofFsheet, in the sa&e
ty"e as 'British Bar%s', containing lines 7K6F771, ()llustrious
/ollan%,( etc., ha$e been inserte%. /obhouse's lines Efirst e%ition,
lines K2F:G, #hich are not in the original %raft, are inclu%e% in
'British Bar%s'. The insertion of the "roofs increase% the "rinte%
&atter to 79K lines. 5fter the co&"letion of this re$ise% $ersion of
'British Bar%s', a%%itions continue% to be &a%e. Carginal corrections
an% C0. frag&ents, boun% u" #ith 'British Bar%s', together #ith
fortyFfour lines Elines 2<F2:, 911F979G #hich %o not occur in C0. C.,
&ake u" #ith the "rinte% &atter the :1: lines #hich #ere "ublishe% in
Carch, 1961, un%er the title of 'English Bar%s, an% 0cotch .e$ie#ers'.
The folio an% Duarto sheets in Cr. Curray's "ossession E'C0. C.'G &ay be
regar%e% as the C0. of 'British Bar%sI British Bar%s' Ethere are a fe#
alterations, e.g. the substitution of lines <11F<:, (Cora$ians, arise,(
etc., for the eight lines on Pratt, #hich are to be foun% in the folio
C0., an% are "rinte% in 'British Bar%s'G, #ith its acco&"anying C0.
frag&ents, as the foun%ation of the te-t of the first e%ition of
'English Bar%s, an% 0cotch .e$ie#ers'.
Bet#een the first e%ition, "ublishe% in Carch, an% the secon% e%ition in
>ctober, 1961, the %ifference is e$en greater than bet#een the first
e%ition an% 'British Bar%s'. The Preface #as enlarge%, an% a "ostscri"t
affi-e% to the te-t of the "oe&. /obhouse's lines Efirst e%ition,
K2F:G #ere o&itte%, an% the follo#ing a%%itional "assages inserte%,
$iH.4 Ei.G lines 1F1:, (0till &ust ) hear,( etc.I Eii.G lines 11F1K,
(Thus saith the Preacher,( etc.I Eiii.G lines <:<FK12, (But if so&e
ne#Fborn #hi&,( etc.I Ei$.G lines :<9F26:, (>r hail at once,( etc.I E$.G
lines 2:7F219, (When so&e brisk youth,( etc.I E$i.G lines 971F996, (5n%
here let 0hee,( etc.I E$ii.G lines 1K1F1:6, (*et #hat a$ails,( etc.I
E$iii.G lines 12<F196, (There, !larke,( etc.I Ei-.G lines 1611F1626,
(Then ha"less Britain,( etc. These a%%itions nu&ber <26 lines, an%,
together #ith the :96 lines of the first e%ition Ere%uce% fro& :1: by
the o&ission of /obhouse's contributionG, &ake u" the 1676 lines of the
secon% an% thir% e%itions, an% the %oubtful fourth e%ition of 1916. >f
these a%%itions, Aos. i., ii., iii., i$., $i., $iii., i-. e-ist in C0.,
an% are boun% u" #ith the folio C0. no# in Cr. Curray's "ossession.
The thir% e%ition, #hich is, generally, %ate% 1916, is a re"lica of the
secon% e%ition.
The first issue of the fourth e%ition, #hich a""eare% in 1916, is
i%entical #ith the secon% an% thir% e%itions. 5 secon% issue of the
fourth e%ition, %ate% 1911, &ust ha$e "asse% un%er Byron's o#n
su"er$ision. =ines 2<, 2K are a%%e%, an% lines 27, 2: are &aterially
altere%. The fourth e%ition of 1911 nu&bers 167 lines.
The su""resse% fifth e%ition, nu&bering 1626 lines Ethe co"y in the
British Cuseu& has the titleF"age of the fourth e%itionI a secon% co"y,
in Cr. Curray's "ossession, has no titleF"ageG, $aries fro& the fourth
e%ition of 1911 by the a%%ition of lines 12F16 an% 79F7<1, an% by so&e
t#entyFnine e&en%ations of the te-t. Eighteen of these e&en%ations #ere
&a%e by Byron in a co"y of the fourth e%ition #hich belonge% to =eigh
/unt. >n another co"y, in Cr. Curray's "ossession, Byron &a%e nine
e&en%ations, of #hich si- are i%entical #ith those in the /unt co"y, an%
three a""ear for the first ti&e. )t #as in the latter $olu&e that he
inscribe% his afterFthoughts, #hich are %ate% (B. 191:.(
,or a co&"lete collation of the fi$e e%itions of 'English Bar%s, an%
0cotch .e$ie#ers', an% te-tual e&en%ations in the t#o annotate% $olu&es,
an% for a note on genuine an% s"urious co"ies of the first an% other
e%itions, see 'The Bibliogra"hy of the Poetical Works of =or% Byron',
$ol. $i.
8,acsi&ile of titleF"age of first e%ition, inclu%ing Byron's signature.
To $ie# this an% other facsi&iles, an% the other illustrations &entione% in
this te-t, see the ht&l e%ition. te-t E%.;
EAG=)0/ B5.'0,
0cotch .e$ie#ers.
5 05T).E.
) ha% rather be a kitten, an% cry, &e#3
Than one of these sa&e &etre balla%F&ongers.
0uch sha&eless Bar%s #e ha$eI an% yet 'tis true,
There are as &a%, aban%on'% !ritics too.
!>ATEAT0 >, V>=. ).
/>@.0 >, )'=EAE00, 5A' >T/E. E5.=* P>EC0.
,@G)T)VE P)E!E0.
Preface to the Poe&s
Bibliogra"hical Aote to (/ours of )%leness an% >ther Early Poe&s(
Bibliogra"hical Aote to (English Bar%s, an% 0cotch .e$ie#ers(
>n =ea$ing Ae#stea% 5bbey
>n the 'eath of a *oung =a%y, !ousin to the 5uthor, an% $ery %ear to
To !aroline
To !aroline 8secon% "oe&;
To E&&a
,rag&ents of 0chool E-ercises4 ,ro& the (Pro&etheus Vinctus( of
=ines #ritten in (=etters of an )talian Aun an% an English
Gentle&an, by ?.?. .ousseau4 ,oun%e% on ,acts(
5ns#er to the ,oregoing, 5%%resse% to CissFFFF
>n a !hange of Casters at a Great Public 0chool
E"ita"h on a Belo$e% ,rien%
5%rian's 5%%ress to his 0oul #hen 'ying
5 ,rag&ent
To !aroline 8thir% "oe&;
To !aroline 8fourth "oe&;
>n a 'istant Vie# of the Village an% 0chool of /arro# on the /ill,
Thoughts 0uggeste% by a !ollege E-a&ination
To Cary, on .ecei$ing /er Picture
>n the 'eath of Cr. ,o-
To a =a%y #ho Presente% to the 5uthor a =ock of /air Brai%e% #ith
his o#n, an% a""ointe% a Aight in 'ece&ber to &eet hi& in the
To a Beautiful Luaker
To =esbia3
To Wo&an
5n >ccasional Prologue, 'eli$ere% by the 5uthor Pre$ious to the
Perfor&ance of (The Wheel of ,ortune( at a Pri$ate Theatre
To EliHa
The Tear
.e"ly to so&e Verses of ?.C.B. Pigot, EsD., on the !ruelty of his
Granta. 5 Ce%ley
To the 0ighing 0tre"hon
The !ornelian
=ines 5%%resse% to a *oung =a%y. 85s the 5uthor #as %ischarging his
Pistols in a Gar%en, T#o =a%ies "assing near the s"ot #ere alar&e%
by the soun% of a Bullet hissing near the&, to one of #ho& the
follo#ing stanHas #ere a%%resse% the ne-t &orning;
Translation fro& !atullus. '5% =esbia&'
Translation of the E"ita"h on Virgil an% Tibullus, by 'o&itius Carsus
)&itation of Tibullus. '0ul"icia a% !erinthu&'
Translation fro& !atullus. '=ugete Veneres !u"i%inesDue'
)&itate% fro& !atullus. To Ellen
P>EC0 >A V5.)>@0 >!!50)>A0.
To C.0.G.
0tanHas to a =a%y, #ith the Poe&s of !a&oens
To C.0.G. 8secon% "oe&;
Translation fro& /orace. '?ustu& et tenace&', etc.
The ,irst Biss of =o$e
!hil%ish .ecollections
5ns#er to a Beautiful Poe&, Written by Contgo&ery, 5uthor of (The
Wan%erer in 0#itHerlan%,( etc., entitle% (The !o&&on =ot(
=o$e's =ast 5%ieu
=ines 5%%resse% to the .e$. ?.T. Becher, on his a%$ising the 5uthor
to &i- &ore #ith 0ociety
5ns#er to so&e Elegant Verses sent by a ,rien% to the 5uthor,
co&"laining that one of his %escri"tions #as rather too #ar&ly
Elegy on Ae#stea% 5bbey
/>@.0 >, )'=EAE00.
To George, Earl 'ela#arr
To Carion
>scar of 5l$a
Translation fro& 5nacreon. >%e )
,ro& 5nacreon. >%e <
The E"iso%e of Aisus an% Euryalus. 5 Para"hrase fro& the '5Enei%',
=ib. 1
Translation fro& the 'Ce%ea' of Euri"i%es 8=. :2F::6;
=achin y Gair
To .o&ance
The 'eath of !al&ar an% >rla
To E%#ar% Aoel =ong, EsD.
To a =a%y
P>EC0 >.)G)A5= 5A' T.5A0=5TE'.
When ) .o$e% a *oung /ighlan%er
To the 'uke of 'orset
To the Earl of !lare
) #oul% ) #ere a !areless !hil%
=ines Written beneath an El& in the !hurchyar% of /arro#
E5.=* P>EC0 ,.>C V5.)>@0 0>@.!E0.
,rag&ent, Written 0hortly after the Carriage of Ciss !ha#orth. ,irst
"ublishe% in Coore's '=etters an% ?ournals of =or% Byron', 19<6,
i. 7:
.e&e&brance. ,irst "ublishe% in 'Works of =or% Byron', 19<, $ii.
To a =a%y Who Presente% the 5uthor #ith the Vel$et Ban% #hich boun%
her Tresses. 'Works', 19<, $ii. 171
To a Bnot of @ngenerous !ritics. 'C0. Ae#stea%'
0oliloDuy of a Bar% in the !ountry. 'C0. Ae#stea%'
='5&itie est ='5&our sans 5iles. 'Works', 19<, $ii. 1:1
The Prayer of Aature. '=etters an% ?ournals', 19<6, i. 16:
Translation fro& 5nacreon. >%e 7. 'C0. Ae#stea%'
8>ssian's 5%%ress to the 0un in (!arthon.(; 'C0. Ae#stea%'
8Pignus 5&oris.; 'C0. Ae#stea%'
85 Wo&an's /air.; 'Works', 19<, $ii. 171
0tanHas to ?essy. 'Conthly =iterary .ecreations', ?uly, 1962
The 5%ieu. 'Works', 19<, $ii. 117
ToFFFF. 'C0. Ae#stea%'
>n the Eyes of Ciss 5FFFF/FFFF. 'C0. Ae#stea%'
To a Vain =a%y. 'Works', 19<, $ii. 111
To 5nne. 'Works', 19<, $ii. 61
Egotis&. 5 =etter to ?.T. Becher. 'C0. Ae#stea%'
To 5nne. 'Works', 19<, $ii. 6
To the 5uthor of a 0onnet Beginning, ('0a% is &y $erse,' you say,
'an% yet no tear.'( 'Works', 19<, $ii. 6
>n ,in%ing a ,an. 'Works', 19<, 6<
,are#ell to the Cuse. 'Works', 19<, $ii. 6<
To an >ak at Ae#stea%. 'Works', 19<, $ii. 6:
>n .e$isiting /arro#. '=etters an% ?ournals', i. 16
To &y 0on. '=etters an% ?ournals', i. 16K
Lueries to !asuists. 'C0. Ae#stea%'
0ong. BreeHe of the Aight. 'C0. =o$elace'
To /arriet. 'C0. Ae#stea%'
There #as a Ti&e, ) nee% not na&e. ')&itations an% Translations',
1961, ". 66
5n% #ilt Thou #ee" #hen ) a& lo#M ')&itations an% Translations',
1961, ". 6
.e&in% &e not, .e&in% &e not. ')&itations an% Translations', 1961,
". 112
To a *outhful ,rien%. ')&itations an% Translations', 1961, ". 197
=ines )nscribe% u"on a !u" ,or&e% fro& a 0kull. ,irst "ublishe%,
'!hil%e /arol%', !antos i., ii. E0e$enth E%itionG, 191K
Well3 Thou art /a""y. ')&itations an% Translations', 1961, ". 11
)nscri"tion on the Conu&ent of a Ae#foun%lan% 'og. ')&itations an%
Translations', 1961, ". 116
To a =a%y, >n Being aske% &y reason for Duitting Englan% in the
0"ring. ')&itations an% Translations', 1961, ". 117
,ill the Goblet 5gain. 5 0ong. ')&itations an% Translations', 1961,
". 6K
0tanHas to a =a%y, on =ea$ing Englan%. ')&itations an%
Translations', 1961, ". 2
EAG=)0/ B5.'0, 5A' 0!>T!/ .EV)EWE.0
/)AT0 ,.>C />.5!E
T/E !@.0E >, C)AE.V5
/>@.0 >, )'=EAE00
5A' >T/E. E5.=* P>EC0.
>A =E5V)AG AEW0TE5' 5BBE*. 8i;
Why %ost thou buil% the hall, 0on of the #inge% %aysM Thou lookest
fro& thy to#er toF%ay4 yet a fe# years, an% the blast of the %esart
co&es4 it ho#ls in thy e&"ty court.F>00)5A. 81;
Through thy battle&ents, Ae#stea%, 8; the hollo# #in%s #histle4 8ii;
Thou, the hall of &y ,athers, art gone to %ecayI
)n thy once s&iling gar%en, the he&lock an% thistle
/a$e choak'% u" the rose, #hich late bloo&'% in the #ay.
>f the &ailFco$er'% Barons, #ho, "rou%ly, to battle, 8iii;
=e% their $assals fro& Euro"e to Palestine's "lain, 8<;
The escutcheon an% shiel%, #hich #ith e$'ry blast rattle,
5re the only sa% $estiges no# that re&ain.
Ao &ore %oth ol% .obert, #ith har"Fstringing nu&bers,
.aise a fla&e, in the breast, for the #arFlaurell'% #reathI
Aear 5skalon's to#ers, ?ohn of /oristan 8K; slu&bers,
@nner$'% is the han% of his &instrel, by %eath.
Paul an% /ubert too slee" in the $alley of !ressyI
,or the safety of E%#ar% an% Englan% they fell4
Cy ,athers3 the tears of your country re%ress ye4
/o# you fought3 ho# you %ie%3 still her annals can tell.
>n Carston, 87; #ith .u"ert, 8:; 'gainst traitors conten%ing,
,our brothers enrich'%, #ith their bloo%, the bleak fiel%I
,or the rights of a &onarch their country %efen%ing, 8i$;
Till %eath their attach&ent to royalty seal'%. 82;
0ha%es of heroes, fare#ell3 your %escen%ant %e"arting
,ro& the seat of his ancestors, bi%s you a%ieu3 8$;
5broa%, or at ho&e, your re&e&brance i&"arting
Ae# courage, he'll think u"on glory an% you.
Though a tear %i& his eye at this sa% se"aration, 8$i;
'Tis nature, not fear, that e-cites his regretI 8$ii;
,ar %istant he goes, #ith the sa&e e&ulation,
The fa&e of his ,athers he ne'er can forget. 8$iii;
That fa&e, an% that &e&ory, still #ill he cherishI 8i-;
/e $o#s that he ne'er #ill %isgrace your reno#n4
=ike you #ill he li$e, or like you #ill he "erishI
When %ecay'%, &ay he &ingle his %ust #ith your o#n3
8,ootnote 14 The &otto #as "refi-e% in O/ours of )%lenessO.;
8,ootnote 4 The "riory of Ae#stea%, or %e Ao$o =oco, in 0her#oo%, #as
foun%e% about the year 1126, by /enry )). >n the %issolution of the
&onasteries it #as grante% Ein 17K6G by /enry V))). to (0ir ?ohn Byron
the =ittle, #ith the great bear%.( /is "ortrait is still "reser$e% at
8,ootnote <4 Ao recor% of any crusa%ing ancestors in the Byron fa&ily
can be foun%. Coore conjectures that the legen% #as suggeste% by so&e
grou"s of hea%s on the ol% "anelF#ork at Ae#stea%, #hich a""ear to
re"resent !hristian sol%iers an% 0aracens, an% #ere, &ost "robably, "ut
u" before the 5bbey ca&e into the "ossession of the fa&ily.;
8,ootnote K4 /oristan !astle, in O'erbyshireO, an ancient seat of the
BFF.FFA fa&ily 8Kto;. E/oriston.FFKto.G;
8,ootnote 74 The battle of Carston Coor, #here the a%herents of !harles
). #ere %efeate%.;
8,ootnote :4 0on of the Elector Palatine, an% relate% to !harles ). /e
after#ar%s co&&an%e% the ,leet, in the reign of !harles )).;
8,ootnote 24 0ir Aicholas Byron, the greatFgran%son of 0ir ?ohn Byron
the =ittle, %istinguishe% hi&self in the !i$il Wars. /e is %escribe% by
!laren%on EO/ist, of the .ebellionO, 1962, i. 1:G as (a "erson of great
affability an% %e-terity, as #ell as &artial kno#le%ge.( /e #as Go$ernor
of !arlisle, an% after#ar%s Go$ernor of !hester. /is ne"he# an%
heirFatFla#, 0ir ?ohn Byron, of !layton, B.B. E1711F1:7G, #as raise% to
the "eerage as Baron Byron of .och%ale, after the Battle of Ae#bury,
>ctober :, 1:K<. /e hel% successi$ely the "osts of =ieutenant of the
To#er, Go$ernor of !hester, an%, after the e-"ulsion of the .oyal ,a&ily
fro& Englan%, Go$ernor to the 'uke of *ork. /e %ie% chil%less, an% #as
succee%e% by his brother .ichar%, the secon% lor%, fro& #ho& the "oet
#as %escen%e%. ,i$e younger brothers, as .ichar%'s &onu&ent in the
chancel of /ucknall Torkar% !hurch recor%s, (faithfully ser$e% Bing
!harles the ,irst in the !i$il Wars, suffere% &uch for their loyalty,
an% lost all their "resent fortunes.( E0ee O=ife of =or% ByronO, by Barl
ElHe4 5""en%i-, Aote E5G, ". K<:.G;
8,ootnote i4 '>n =ea$ing A ... 0T ... '.'FF8Kto; '>n =ea$ing
Ae#stea%.'FFE'P. on V. >ccasions.'G;
8,ootnote ii4
'Through the cracks in these battle&ents lou% the #in%s #histle
,or the hall of &y fathers is gone to %ecayI
5n% in yon once gay gar%en the he&lock an% thistle
/a$e choak'% u" the rose, #hich late bloo&'% in the #ay'.
8,ootnote iii4
'>f the barons of ol%, #ho once "rou%ly to battle'.
8,ootnote i$4
',or !harles the Cartyr their country %efen%ing'.
8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
8,ootnote $4 'Bi%s ye a%ieu3' 8Kto;;
8,ootnote $i4 'Though a tear %i&s.' 8Kto;;
8,ootnote $ii4 ''Tis nature, not fear, #hich co&&an%s his regret'.
8,ootnote $iii4 ')n the gra$e he alone can his fathers forget'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote i-4 '*our fa&e, an% your &e&ory, still #ill he cherish'.
T> EFFF81;
=et ,olly s&ile, to $ie# the na&es
>f thee an% &e, in ,rien%shi" t#in'%I
*et Virtue #ill ha$e greater clai&s
To lo$e, than rank #ith $ice co&bin'%.
5n% though uneDual is OthyO fate,
0ince title %eck'% &y higher birthI
*et en$y not this gau%y state,
OThineO is the "ri%e of &o%est #orth.
>ur OsoulsO at least congenial &eet,
Aor can OthyO lot O&yO rank %isgraceI
>ur intercourse is not less s#eet,
0ince #orth of rank su""lies the "lace.
OAo$e&berO, 196.
8,ootnote 14 EFFF#as, accor%ing to Coore, a boy of Byron's o#n age, the
son of one of the tenants at Ae#stea%.;
>A T/E 'E5T/ >, 5 *>@AG =5'*, 81;
!>@0)A T> T/E 5@T/>., 5A' VE.* 'E5. T> /)C.
/ush'% are the #in%s, an% still the e$ening gloo&,
Aot e'en a He"hyr #an%ers through the gro$e,
Whilst ) return to $ie# &y Cargaret's to&b,
5n% scatter flo#ers on the %ust ) lo$e.
Within this narro# cell reclines her clay,
That clay, #here once such ani&ation bea&'%I
The Bing of Terrors seiH'% her as his "reyI
Aot #orth, nor beauty, ha$e her life re%ee&'%.
>h3 coul% that Bing of Terrors "ity feel,
>r /ea$en re$erse the %rea% %ecree of fate,
Aot here the &ourner #oul% his grief re$eal,
Aot here the Cuse her $irtues #oul% relate.
But #herefore #ee"M /er &atchless s"irit soars
Beyon% #here s"len%i% shines the orb of %ayI
5n% #ee"ing angels lea% her to those bo#ers,
Where en%less "leasures $irtuous %ee%s re"ay.
5n% shall "resu&"tuous &ortals /ea$en arraign3
5n%, &a%ly, Go%like Pro$i%ence accuse3
5h3 no, far fly fro& &e atte&"ts so $ainIFF
)'ll ne'er sub&ission to &y Go% refuse.
*et is re&e&brance of those $irtues %ear,
*et fresh the &e&ory of that beauteous faceI
0till they call forth &y #ar& affection's tear,
0till in &y heart retain their #onte% "lace. 8i;
8,ootnote 14 The author clai&s the in%ulgence of the rea%er &ore for
this "iece than, "erha"s, any other in the collectionI but as it #as
#ritten at an earlier "erio% than the rest Ebeing co&"ose% at the age of
fourteenG, an% his first essay, he "referre% sub&itting it to the
in%ulgence of his frien%s in its "resent state, to &aking either
a%%ition or alteration.FF8Kto;
(Cy first %ash into "oetry #as as early as 1966. )t #as the ebullition
of a "assion forFF&y first cousin, Cargaret Parker E%aughter an%
gran%%aughter of the t#o 5%&irals ParkerG, one of the &ost beautiful
of e$anescent beings. ) ha$e long forgotten the $erseI but it #oul% be
%ifficult for &e to forget herFFher %ark eyesFFher long
eyeFlashesFFher co&"letely Greek cast of face an% figure3 ) #as then
about t#el$eFFshe rather ol%er, "erha"s a year. 0he %ie% about a year
or t#o after#ar%s, in conseDuence of a fall, #hich injure% her s"ine,
an% in%uce% consu&"tion ... ) kne# nothing of her illness, being at
/arro# an% in the country till she #as gone. 0o&e years after, ) &a%e
an atte&"t at an elegyFFa $ery %ull one.(FFOByron 'iaryO, 191I
O=ifeO, ". 12.
8Cargaret Parker #as the sister of 0ir Peter Parker, #hose %eath at
Balti&ore, in 191K, Byron celebrate% in the (Elegiac 0tanHas,( #hich
#ere first "ublishe% in the "oe&s attache% to the se$enth e%ition of
O!hil%e /arol%O.;
8,ootnote i4 O0uch sorro# brings &e honour, not %isgraceO. 8Kto;;
T> 'FFF81;
)n thee, ) fon%ly ho"'% to clas"
5 frien%, #ho& %eath alone coul% se$erI
Till en$y, #ith &alignant gras", 8i;
'etach'% thee fro& &y breast for e$er.
True, she has forc'% thee fro& &y ObreastO,
*et, in &y OheartO, thou kee"'st thy seatI 8ii;
There, there, thine i&age still &ust rest,
@ntil that heart shall cease to beat.
5n%, #hen the gra$e restores her %ea%,
When life again to %ust is gi$en,
>n Othy %earO breast )'ll lay &y hea%FF
Without Othee3 #hereO #oul% be O&y /ea$enMO
,ebruary, 196<.
8,ootnote 14 George ?ohn, 7th Earl 'ela#arr E1211F19:1G. E0ee OnoteO ,
". 166I see also lines (To George, Earl 'ela#arr,( "". 1:F19.G;
8,ootnote i4
OBut en$y #ith &alignant gras",
/as torn thee fro& &y breast for e$er.
8,ootnote ii4 OBut in &y heartO. 8Kto;;
T> !5.>=)AE. 8i;
Think'st thou ) sa# thy beauteous eyes,
0uffus'% in tears, i&"lore to stayI
5n% hear% Oun&o$'%O thy "lenteous sighs,
Which sai% far &ore than #or%s can sayM 8ii;
Though keen the grief OthyO tears e-"rest, 8iii;
When lo$e an% ho"e lay ObothO o'erthro#nI
*et still, &y girl, OthisO blee%ing breast
Throbb'%, #ith %ee" sorro#, as Othine o#nO.
But, #hen our cheeks #ith anguish glo#'%,
When OthyO s#eet li"s #ere join'% to &ineI
The tears that fro& O&yO eyeli%s flo#'%
Were lost in those #hich fell fro& OthineO.
Thou coul%'st not feel &y burning cheek,
OThyO gushing tears ha% Duench'% its fla&e,
5n%, as thy tongue essay'% to s"eak,
)n Osighs aloneO it breath'% &y na&e.
5n% yet, &y girl, #e #ee" in $ain,
)n $ain our fate in sighs %e"loreI
.e&e&brance only can re&ain,
But OthatO, #ill &ake us #ee" the &ore.
5gain, thou best belo$'%, a%ieu3
5h3 if thou canst, o'erco&e regret,
Aor let thy &in% "ast joys re$ie#,
>ur only Oho"eO is, to OforgetO3
8,ootnote i4 OToOFFFF. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote ii4 Othan #or%s coul% sayO. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote iii4 OThough %ee" the griefO. 8Kto;;
T> !5.>=)AE. 81;
*ou say you lo$e, an% yet your eye
Ao sy&"to& of that lo$e con$eys,
*ou say you lo$e, yet kno# not #hy,
*our cheek no sign of lo$e betrays.
5h3 %i% that breast #ith ar%our glo#,
With &e alone it joy coul% kno#,
>r feel #ith &e the listless #oe,
Which racks &y heart #hen far fro& thee.
Whene'er #e &eet &y blushes rise,
5n% &antle through &y "ur"le% cheek,
But yet no blush to &ine re"lies,
Aor e'en your eyes your lo$e bes"eak.
*our $oice alone %eclares your fla&e,
5n% though so s#eet it breathes &y na&e,
>ur "assions still are not the sa&eI
5las3 you cannot lo$e like &e.
,or e'en your li" see&s stee"'% in sno#,
5n% though so oft it &eets &y kiss,
)t burns #ith no res"onsi$e glo#,
Aor &elts like &ine in %e#y bliss.
5h3 #hat are #or%s to lo$e like O&ineO,
Though uttere% by a $oice like thine,
) still in &ur&urs &ust re"ine,
5n% think that lo$e can ne'er be OtrueO,
Which &eets &e #ith no joyous sign,
Without a sigh #hich bi%s a%ieuI
/o# %ifferent is &y lo$e fro& thine,
/o# keen &y grief #hen lea$ing you.
*our i&age fills &y an-ious breast,
Till %ay %eclines a%o#n the West,
5n% #hen at night, ) sink to rest,
)n %rea&s your fancie% for& ) $ie#.
'Tis then your breast, no longer col%,
With eDual ar%our see&s to burn,
While close your ar&s aroun% &e fol%,
*our li"s &y kiss #ith #ar&th return.
5h3 #oul% these joyous &o&ents lastI
Vain />PE3 the gay %elusion's "ast,
That $oice3FFah3 no, 'tis but the blast,
Which echoes through the neighbouring gro$e.
But #hen Oa#akeO, your li"s ) seek,
5n% clas" enra"tur'% all your char&s,
0o chill's the "ressure of your cheek,
) fol% a statue in &y ar&s.
)f thus, #hen to &y heart e&brac'%,
Ao "leasure in your eyes is trac'%,
*ou &ay be "ru%ent, fair, an% OchasteO,
But ah3 &y girl, you O%o not lo$eO.
8,ootnote 14 These lines, #hich a""ear in the Luarto, #ere ne$er
T> ECC5. 81;
0ince no# the hour is co&e at last,
When you &ust Duit your an-ious lo$erI
0ince no#, our %rea& of bliss is "ast,
>ne "ang, &y girl, an% all is o$er.
5las3 that "ang #ill be se$ere,
Which bi%s us "art to &eet no &oreI
Which tears &e far fro& OoneO so %ear,
O'e"artingO for a %istant shore.
Well3 #e ha$e "ass'% so&e ha""y hours,
5n% joy #ill &ingle #ith our tearsI
When thinking on these ancient to#ers,
The shelter of our infant yearsI
Where fro& this Gothic case&ent's height,
We $ie#'% the lake, the "ark, the %ell,
5n% still, though tears obstruct our sight,
We lingering look a last fare#ell,
>'er fiel%s through #hich #e us'% to run,
5n% s"en% the hours in chil%ish "layI
>'er sha%es #here, #hen our race #as %one,
.e"osing on &y breast you layI
Whilst ), a%&iring, too re&iss,
,orgot to scare the ho$ering flies,
*et en$ie% e$ery fly the kiss,
)t %ar'% to gi$e your slu&bering eyes4
0ee still the little "ainte% ObarkO,
)n #hich ) ro#'% you o'er the lakeI
0ee there, high #a$ing o'er the "ark,
The Oel&O ) cla&ber'% for your sake.
These ti&es are "ast, our joys are gone,
*ou lea$e &e, lea$e this ha""y $aleI
These scenes, ) &ust retrace aloneI
Without thee, #hat #ill they a$ailM
Who can concei$e, #ho has not "ro$'%,
The anguish of a last e&braceM
When, torn fro& all you fon%ly lo$'%,
*ou bi% a long a%ieu to "eace.
OThisO is the %ee"est of our #oes,
,or OthisO these tears our cheeks be%e#I
This is of lo$e the final close,
>h, Go%3 the fon%est, OlastO a%ieu3
8,ootnote 14 To CariaFF8Kto;;
,.5GCEAT0 >, 0!/>>= EJE.!)0E04
,.>C T/E (P.>CET/E@0 V)A!T@0( >, 5E0!/*=@0,
8Greek4 Cae%a& o "anta ne&Oon, B.T.=O; 81;
Great ?o$e3 to #hose 5l&ighty Throne
Both Go%s an% &ortals ho&age "ay,
Ae'er &ay &y soul thy "o#er %iso#n,
Thy %rea% behests ne'er %isobey.
>ft shall the sacre% $icti& fall,
)n seaFgirt >cean's &ossy hallI
Cy $oice shall raise no i&"ious strain,
'Gainst hi& #ho rules the sky an% aHure &ain.
/o# %ifferent no# thy joyless fate,
0ince first /esione thy bri%e,
When "lac'% aloft in go%like state,
The blushing beauty by thy si%e,
Thou sat'st, #hile re$eren% >cean s&il'%,
5n% &irthful strains the hours beguil'%I
The Ay&"hs an% Tritons %anc'% aroun%,
Aor yet thy %oo& #as fi-'%, nor ?o$e relentless fro#n'%, 8;
/5..>W, 'ece&ber 1, 196K.
8,ootnote 14 The Greek hea%ing %oes not a""ear in the Luarto, nor in the
three first E%itions.;
8,ootnote 4 (Cy first /arro# $erses Ethat is, English, as e-ercisesG, a
translation of a chorus fro& the 'Pro&etheus' of 5Eschylus, #ere recei$e%
by 'r. 'rury, &y gran% "atron Eour hea%&asterG, but coolly. Ao one ha%,
at that ti&e, the least notion that ) shoul% subsi%e into
"oetry.(FF'=ife', ". 6. The lines are not a translation but a loose
a%a"tation or "ara"hrase of "art of a chorus of the 'Pro&etheus
Vinctus', ), 79, 'sD.';
W.)TTEA )A (=ETTE.0 >, 5A )T5=)5A A@A 5A' 5A EAG=)0/ GEAT=EC5A,
B* ?. ?. .>@00E5@I 81; ,>@A'E' >A ,5!T0.(
(5#ay, a#ay,FFyour flattering arts
Cay no# betray so&e si&"ler heartsI
5n% OyouO #ill Os&ileO at their belie$ing,
5n% OtheyO shall O#ee"O at your %ecei$ing.(
8,ootnote 14 5 secon% e%ition of this #ork, of #hich the title is,
O=etters, etc., translate% fro& the ,rench of ?ean ?acDues .ousseauO,
#as "ublishe% in =on%on, in 129K. )t is, "robably, a literary forgery.;
5A0WE. T> T/E ,>.EG>)AG, 8i; 5''.E00E' T> C)00FFFF.
'ear si&"le girl, those flattering arts,
E,ro& #hich thou'%st guar% frail fe&ale hearts,G8ii;
E-ist but in i&agination,
Cere "hanto&s of thine o#n creationI 8iii;
,or he #ho $ie#s that #itching grace,
That "erfect for&, that lo$ely face,
With eyes a%&iring, oh3 belie$e &e,
/e ne$er #ishes to %ecei$e thee4
>nce in thy "olish'% &irror glance 8i$;
Thou'lt there %escry that elegance
Which fro& our se- %e&an%s such "raises,
But en$y in the other raises.FF
Then he #ho tells thee of thy beauty, 8$;
Belie$e &e, only %oes his %uty4
5h3 fly not fro& the can%i% youthI
)t is not flattery,FF'tis truth. 8$i;
?uly, 196K.
8,ootnote i4 O5ns#er to the abo$e.O 8Kto; ;
8,ootnote ii4 O,ro& #hich you'%.O 8Kto; ;
8,ootnote iii4
OCere "hanto&s of your o#n creationI
,or he #ho seesO. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote i$4
O>nce let you at your &irror glance
*ou'll there %escry that elegance,O 8Kto;;
8,ootnote $4
OThen he #ho tells you of your beauty.O 8Kto;;
8,ootnote $i4
O)t is not flattery, but truthO. 8Kto;;
>A 5 !/5AGE >, C50TE.0 5T 5 G.E5T P@B=)! 0!/>>=. 81;
Where are those honours, )'53 once your o#n,
When Probus fill'% your &agisterial throneM
5s ancient .o&e, fast falling to %isgrace,
/ail'% a Barbarian in her !aesar's "lace,
0o you, %egenerate, share as har% a fate,
5n% seat OPo&"osusO #here your OProbusO sate.
>f narro# brain, yet of a narro#er soul, 8i;
Po&"osus hol%s you in his harsh controulI
Po&"osus, by no social $irtue s#ay'%,
With flori% jargon, an% #ith $ain "ara%eI
With noisy nonsense, an% ne#Ffangle% rules,
E0uch as #ere ne'er before enforc'% in schools.G 8ii;
Cistaking O"e%antryO for Olearning'sO la#s,
/e go$erns, sanction'% but by selfFa""lauseI
With hi& the sa&e %ire fate, atten%ing .o&e,
)llFfate% )%a3 soon &ust sta&" your %oo&4
=ike her o'erthro#n, for e$er lost to fa&e,
Ao trace of science left you, but the na&e,
/5..>W, ?uly, 1967.
8,ootnote 14 )n Carch, 1967, 'r. 'rury, the Probus of the "iece,
retire% fro& the /ea%F&astershi" of /arro# 0chool, an% #as succee%e% by
'r. Butler, the Po&"osus. ('r. 'rury,( sai% Byron, in one of his
noteFbooks, (#as the best, the kin%est Ean% yet strict, tooG frien% )
e$er ha%I an% ) look u"on hi& still as a father.( >ut of affection to
his late "rece"tor, Byron a%$ocate% the election of Cark 'rury to the
$acant "ost, an% hence his %islike of the successful can%i%ate. /e #as
reconcile% to 'r. Butler before %e"arting for Greece, in 1961, an% in
his %iary he says, () treate% hi& rebelliously, an% ha$e been sorry e$er
since.( E0ee allusions in an% notes to (!hil%ish .ecollections,( "".
9KF16:, an% es"ecially note ), ". 99, notes ) an% , ". 91, an% note ),
". 11.G; ;
8,ootnote i4
FFFFObut of a narro#er soulO.FF8Kto;;
8,ootnote ii4
O0uch as #ere ne'er before behel% in schools.OFF8Kto;;
EP)T5P/ >A 5 BE=>VE' ,.)EA'.81;
8Greek4 5staer "rin &en ela&"es eni tsuoisin he"sos.;
8Plato's E"ita"h EE"ig. Graec., ?acobs, 19:, ". <61G,
Duote% by 'iog. =aertins.;
>h, ,rien%3 for e$er lo$'%, for e$er %ear3 8i;
What fruitless tears ha$e bathe% thy honour'% bier3
What sighs reFecho'% to thy "arting breath,
Whilst thou #ast struggling in the "angs of %eath3
!oul% tears retar% the tyrant in his courseI
!oul% sighs a$ert his %art's relentless forceI
!oul% youth an% $irtue clai& a short %elay,
>r beauty char& the s"ectre fro& his "reyI
Thou still ha%st li$'% to bless &y aching sight,
Thy co&ra%e's honour an% thy frien%'s %elight.
)f yet thy gentle s"irit ho$er nigh
The s"ot #here no# thy &oul%ering ashes lie,
/ere #ilt thou rea%, recor%e% on &y heart,
5 grief too %ee" to trust the scul"tor's art.
Ao &arble &arks thy couch of lo#ly slee",
But li$ing statues there are seen to #ee"I
5ffliction's se&blance ben%s not o'er thy to&b,
5ffliction's self %e"lores thy youthful %oo&.
What though thy sire la&ent his failing line,
5 father's sorro#s cannot eDual &ine3
Though none, like thee, his %ying hour #ill cheer,
*et other offs"ring soothe his anguish here4
But, #ho #ith &e shall hol% thy for&er "laceM
Thine i&age, #hat ne# frien%shi" can effaceM
5h, none3FFa father's tears #ill cease to flo#,
Ti&e #ill assuage an infant brother's #oeI
To all, sa$e one, is consolation kno#n,
While solitary ,rien%shi" sighs alone.
/5..>W, 196<. 8;
8,ootnote i4
O>h Boy3 for e$er lo$e%, for e$er %ear3
What fruitless tears ha$e #ash'% thy honour'% bierI
What sighs reFechoe% to thy "arting breath,
Whilst thou #ert struggling in the "angs of %eath.
!oul% tears ha$e turn'% the tyrant in his course,
!oul% sighs ha$e checke% his %art's relentless forceI 8iii;
!oul% youth an% $irtue clai& a short %elay,
>r beauty char& the s"ectre fro& his "rey,
Thou still ha%'st li$'% to bless &y aching sight,
Thy co&ra%e's honour, an% thy frien%'s %elight4
Though lo# thy lot since in a cottage born,
Ao titles %i% thy hu&ble na&e a%orn,
To &e, far %earer, #as thy artless lo$e,
Than all the joys, #ealth, fa&e, an% frien%s coul% "ro$e.
,or thee alone ) li$'%, or #ish'% to li$e,
E>h Go%3 if i&"ious, this rash #or% forgi$e,G
/eartFbroken no#, ) #ait an eDual %oo&,
!ontent to join thee in thy turfFcla% to&bI
Where this frail for& co&"os'% in en%less rest,
)'ll &ake &y last, col%, "illo# on thy breastI
That breast #here oft in life, )'$e lai% &y hea%,
Will yet recei$e &e &oul%ering #ith the %ea%I
This life resign'%, #ithout one "arting sigh,
Together in one be% of earth #e'll lie3
Together share the fate to &ortals gi$en,
Together &i- our %ust, an% ho"e for /ea$en.O
/5..>W, 196<.FF8Kto. OP. on V. >ccasions.O;;
8,ootnote 14 The hea%ing #hich a""ears in the Luarto an% OP. on V.
>ccasionsO #as subseDuently change% to (E"ita"h on a ,rien%.( The &otto
#as "refi-e% in '/ours of )%leness'. The e"igra& #hich Bergk lea$es
un%er Plato's na&e #as translate% by 0helley E'Poe&s', 1917, iii.
(Thou #ert the &orning star
5&ong the li$ing,
Ere thy fair light ha% fle%I
Ao# ha$ing %ie%, thou art as
/es"erus, gi$ing
Ae# s"len%our to the %ea%.(
There is an echo of the Greek %istich in Byron's e-Duisite line, (The
CorningF0tar of Ce&ory.(
The #or%s, (0outh#ell, Carch 12,( are a%%e%, in a la%y's han%, on ". 1
of the annotate% co"y of P. 'on' V. '>ccasions' in the British Cuseu&.
The conjecture that the ('belo$e%' frien%,( #ho is of hu&ble origin, is
i%entical #ith (EFFFF( of the $erses on ". K, re&ains uncertain.;
8,ootnote ii4
Oha$e bath'% thy honoure% bier.O
8OP. on V. >ccasions.O; ;
8,ootnote iii4
O!oul% tears retar%,O 8OP. on V. >ccasions.O;
O!oul% sighs a$ert.O 8OP. on V. >ccasions.O; ;
5'.)5A'0 5''.E00 T> /)0 0>@= W/EA '*)AG.
5ni&ula3 $agula, Blan%ula,
/os"es, co&esDue cor"oris,
Luae nunc abibis in =ocaFF
Palli%ula, rigi%a, nu%ula,
Aec, ut soles, %abis ?ocosM
5h3 gentle, fleeting, #a$'ring 0"rite,
,rien% an% associate of this clay3
To #hat unkno#n region borne,
Wilt thou, no#, #ing thy %istant flightM
Ao &ore #ith #onte% hu&our gay,
But "alli%, cheerless, an% forlorn.
5 ,.5GCEAT. 81;
When, to their airy hall, &y ,athers' $oice
0hall call &y s"irit, joyful in their choiceI
When, "ois'% u"on the gale, &y for& shall ri%e,
>r, %ark in &ist, %escen% the &ountain's si%eI
>h3 &ay &y sha%e behol% no scul"tur'% urns,
To &ark the s"ot #here earth to earth returns3
Ao lengthen'% scroll, no "raiseFencu&ber'% stoneI 8i;
Cy Oe"ita"hO shall be &y na&e alone4 8;
)f OthatO #ith honour fail to cro#n &y clay, 8ii;
>h3 &ay no other fa&e &y %ee%s re"ay3
OThatO, only OthatO, shall single out the s"otI
By that re&e&ber'%, or #ith that forgot. 8iii;
8,ootnote 14 There is no hea%ing in the Luarto.;
8,ootnote 4 )n his #ill, %ra#n u" in 1911, Byron ga$e %irections that
(no inscri"tion, sa$e his na&e an% age, shoul% be #ritten on his to&b.(
?une, 1911, he #rote to Curray4 (0o&e of the e"ita"hs at the !ertosa
ce&etery, at ,errara, "lease% &e &ore than the &ore s"len%i% &onu&ents
at BolognaI for instance, 'Cartini =uigi )&"lora "ace.' !an anything be
&ore full of "athosM ) ho"e #hoe$er &ay sur$i$e &e #ill see those t#o
#or%s, an% no &ore, "ut o$er &e.(FF'=ife', "". 1<1, <19.;
8,ootnote4 i.
'Ao lengthen'% scroll of $irtue an% reno#n.'
8Kto. P. on V. >cc.;;
8,ootnote4 ii.
')f that #ith honour fails,'
8,ootnote4 iii.
'But that re&e&ber'%, or fore'er forgot'.
8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
T> !5.>=)AE. 81;
>h3 #hen shall the gra$e hi%e for e$er &y sorro#M
>h3 #hen shall &y soul #ing her flight fro& this clayM
The "resent is hell3 an% the co&ing toF&orro#
But brings, #ith ne# torture, the curse of toF%ay.
,ro& &y eye flo#s no tear, fro& &y li"s flo# no curses, 8i;
) blast not the fien%s #ho ha$e hurl'% &e fro& blissI
,or "oor is the soul #hich, be#ailing, rehearses
)ts Duerulous grief, #hen in anguish like thisFF
Was &y eye, 'stea% of tears, #ith re% fury flakes bright'ning,
Woul% &y li"s breathe a fla&e #hich no strea& coul% assuage,
>n our foes shoul% &y glance launch in $engeance its lightning,
With trans"ort &y tongue gi$e a loose to its rage.
But no# tears an% curses, alike una$ailing,
Woul% a%% to the souls of our tyrants %elightI
!oul% they $ie# us our sa% se"aration be#ailing,
Their &erciless hearts #oul% rejoice at the sight.
*et, still, though #e ben% #ith a feign'% resignation,
=ife bea&s not for us #ith one ray that can cheerI
=o$e an% /o"e u"on earth bring no &ore consolation,
)n the gra$e is our ho"e, for in life is our fear.
>h3 #hen, &y a%or'%, in the to&b #ill they "lace &e,
0ince, in life, lo$e an% frien%shi" for e$er are fle%M
)f again in the &ansion of %eath ) e&brace thee,
Perha"s they #ill lea$e un&oleste%FFthe %ea%.
8,ootnote 14 8ToFFFFFF.FF8Kto;.;;
8,ootnote i4 'fall no curses'.FF8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
T> !5.>=)AE. 81;
When ) hear you e-"ress an affection so #ar&,
Ae'er think, &y belo$'%, that ) %o not belie$eI
,or your li" #oul% the soul of sus"icion %isar&,
5n% your eye bea&s a ray #hich can ne$er %ecei$e.
*et still, this fon% boso& regrets, #hile a%oring,
That lo$e, like the leaf, &ust fall into the sear,
That 5ge #ill co&e on, #hen .e&e&brance, %e"loring,
!onte&"lates the scenes of her youth, #ith a tearI
That the ti&e &ust arri$e, #hen, no longer retaining
Their auburn, those locks &ust #a$e thin to the breeHe,
When a fe# sil$er hairs of those tresses re&aining,
Pro$e nature a "rey to %ecay an% %isease.
Tis this, &y belo$'%, #hich s"rea%s gloo& o'er &y features,
Though ) ne'er shall "resu&e to arraign the %ecree
Which Go% has "roclai&'% as the fate of his creatures,
)n the %eath #hich one %ay #ill %e"ri$e you of &e. 8i;
Cistake not, s#eet sce"tic, the cause of e&otion, 8ii;
Ao %oubt can the &in% of your lo$er in$a%eI
/e #orshi"s each look #ith such faithful %e$otion,
5 s&ile can enchant, or a tear can %issua%e.
But as %eath, &y belo$'%, soon or late shall o'ertake us,
5n% our breasts, #hich ali$e #ith such sy&"athy glo#,
Will slee" in the gra$e, till the blast shall a#ake us,
When calling the %ea%, in Earth's boso& lai% lo#.
>h3 then let us %rain, #hile #e &ay, %raughts of "leasure,
Which fro& "assion, like ours, &ust unceasingly flo#I 8iii;
=et us "ass roun% the cu" of =o$e's bliss in full &easure,
5n% Duaff the contents as our nectar belo#.
8,ootnote 14 8There is no hea%ing in the Luarto.;;
8,ootnote i4 O#ill %e"ri$e &e of theeO.FF8Kto;;
8,ootnote ii4
OAo jargon of "riests o'er our union #as &utter'%,
To ri$et the fetters of husban% an% #ifeI
By our li"s, by our hearts, #ere our $o#s alone utter'%,
To "erfor& the&, in full, #oul% ask &ore than a lifeO.FF8Kto;;
8,ootnote iii4 O#ill unceasingly flo#O.FF8Kto;;
>A 5 ')0T5AT V)EW >, T/E V)==5GE 5A' 0!/>>= >, /5..>W >A T/E /)==, 196:.
>h3 &ihi "raeteritos referat si ?u"iter annos.81;
*e scenes of &y chil%hoo%, #hose lo$'% recollection
E&bitters the "resent, co&"ar'% #ith the "astI
Where science first %a#n'% on the "o#ers of reflection,
5n% frien%shi"s #ere for&'%, too ro&antic to lastI 8;
Where fancy, yet, joys to retrace the rese&blance
>f co&ra%es, in frien%shi" an% &ischief allie%I 8<;
/o# #elco&e to &e your ne'er fa%ing re&e&brance, 8i;
Which rests in the boso&, though ho"e is %eny'%3
5gain ) re$isit the hills #here #e s"orte%,
The strea&s #here #e s#a&, an% the fiel%s #here #e foughtI 8K;
The school #here, lou% #arn'% by the bell, #e resorte%,
To "ore o'er the "rece"ts by Pe%agogues taught.
5gain ) behol% #here for hours ) ha$e "on%er'%,
5s reclining, at e$e, on yon to&bstone 87; ) layI
>r roun% the stee" bro# of the churchyar% ) #an%er'%,
To catch the last glea& of the sun's setting ray.
) once &ore $ie# the roo&, #ith s"ectators surroun%e%,
Where, as Nanga, 8:; ) tro% on 5lonHo o'erthro#nI
While, to s#ell &y young "ri%e, such a""lauses resoun%e%,
) fancie% that Cosso" 82; hi&self #as outshone.
>r, as =ear, ) "our'% forth the %ee" i&"recation,
By &y %aughters, of king%o& an% reason %e"ri$'%I
Till, fir'% by lou% "lau%its an% selfFa%ulation,
) regar%e% &yself as a OGarrickO re$i$'%. 8ii;
*e %rea&s of &y boyhoo%, ho# &uch ) regret you3
@nfa%e% your &e&ory %#ells in &y breastI 8iii;
Though sa% an% %eserte%, ) ne'er can forget you4
*our "leasures &ay still be in fancy "ossest.
To )%a full oft &ay re&e&brance restore &e, 8i$;
While ,ate shall the sha%es of the future unroll3
0ince 'arkness o'ersha%o#s the "ros"ect before &e,
Core %ear is the bea& of the "ast to &y soul3
But if, through the course of the years #hich a#ait &e,
0o&e ne# scene of "leasure shoul% o"en to $ie#,
) #ill say, #hile #ith ra"ture the thought shall elate &e,
(>h3 such #ere the %ays #hich &y infancy kne#.( 89;
8,ootnote 14 The &otto #as "refi-e% in '/ours of )%leness'.;
8,ootnote 4
(Cy schoolFfrien%shi"s #ere #ith &e O"assionsO Efor ) #as al#ays
$iolentG, but ) %o not kno# that there is one #hich has en%ure% Eto be
sure, so&e ha$e been cut short by %eathG till no#.(
''iary', 191I '=ife', ". 1.;
8,ootnote <4 Byron #as at first "lace% in the house of Cr. /enry
'rury, but in 196< #as re&o$e% to that of Cr. E$ans.
(The reason #hy =or% Byron #ishes for the change, arises fro& the
re"eate% co&"laints of Cr. /enry 'rury res"ecting his inattention to
business, an% his "ro"ensity to &ake others laugh an% %isregar% their
e&"loy&ent as &uch as hi&self.(
'r. ?ose"h 'rury to Cr. ?ohn /anson.;
8,ootnote K4
(5t /arro# ) fought &y #ay $ery fairly. ) think ) lost but one battle
out of se$en.(
''iary', 191I '=ife', ". 1.;
8,ootnote 74 5 to&b in the churchyar% at /arro# #as so #ell kno#n to be
his fa$ourite restingF"lace, that the boys calle% it (Byron's To&b4( an%
here, they say, he use% to sit for hours, #ra"t u" in thought.FF'=ife',
". :.;
8,ootnote :4 ,or the %is"lay of his %ecla&atory "o#ers, on the
s"eechF%ays, he selecte% al#ays the &ost $ehe&ent "assagesI such as the
s"eech of Nanga o$er the bo%y of 5lonHo, an% =ear's a%%ress to the
stor&.FF'=ife', ". 6, 'note'I an% '"ost', ". 16<, '$ar'. i.;
8,ootnote 24 /enry Cosso" E121F122<G, a conte&"orary of Garrick, fa&ous
for his "erfor&ance of (Nanga( in *oung's trage%y of 'The .e$enge'.;
8,ootnote 94 0tanHas 9 an% 1 first a""eare% in '/ours of )%leness'.;
8,ootnote i4
'/o# #elco&e once &ore'.
8,ootnote ii4
') consi%er'% &yself'.
8,ootnote iii4
'5s your &e&ory bea&s through this agoniHe% breastI
Thus sa% an% %eserte%, ) n'er can forget you,
Though this heart throbs to bursting by anguish "ossest.
*our &e&ory bea&s through this agoniHe% breast.FF
8P. on V. >ccasions.';
8,ootnote i$4
') thought this "oor brain, fe$er'% e$en to &a%ness,
>f tears as of reason for e$er #as %rain'%I
But the %ro"s #hich no# flo# %o#n OthisO boso& of sa%ness,
!on$ince &e the s"rings ha$e so&e &oisture retain'%'.
'0#eet scenes of &y chil%hoo%3 your blest recollection,
/as #rung fro& these eyeli%s, to #ee"ing long %ea%,
)n torrents, the tears of &y #ar&est affection,
The last an% the fon%est, ) e$er shall she%'.
8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions'.;
T/>@G/T0 0@GGE0TE' B* 5 !>==EGE EJ5C)A5T)>A.
/igh in the &i%st, surroun%e% by his "eers,
Cagnus 81; his a&"le front subli&e u"rears4 8i;
Plac'% on his chair of state, he see&s a Go%,
While 0o"hs 8; an% ,resh&en tre&ble at his no%I
5s all aroun% sit #ra"t in s"eechless gloo&, 8ii;
O/isO $oice, in thun%er, shakes the soun%ing %o&eI
'enouncing %ire re"roach to luckless fools,
@nskill'% to "lo% in &athe&atic rules.
/a""y the youth3 in Eucli%'s a-io&s trie%,
Though little $ers'% in any art besi%eI 16
Who, scarcely skill'% an English line to "en, 8iii;
0cans 5ttic &etres #ith a critic's ken.
What3 though he kno#s not ho# his fathers ble%,
When ci$il %iscor% "il'% the fiel%s #ith %ea%,
When E%#ar% ba%e his conDuering ban%s a%$ance,
>r /enry tra&"le% on the crest of ,rance4
Though &ar$elling at the na&e of OCagna !hartaO,
*et #ell he recollects the Ola#sO of O0"artaOI
!an tell, #hat e%icts sage O=ycurgusO &a%e,
While OBlackstone'sO on the OshelfO, Oneglecte%O lai%I 6
>f OGrecian %ra&asO $aunts the %eathless fa&e,
>f O5$on's bar%O, re&e&b'ring scarce the na&e.
0uch is the youth #hose scientific "ate
!lassFhonours, &e%als, fello#shi"s, a#aitI
>r e$en, "erha"s, the O%ecla&ationO "riHe,
)f to such glorious height, he lifts his eyes.
But lo3 no Oco&&onO orator can ho"e
The en$ie% sil$er cu" #ithin his sco"e4
Aot that our Ohea%sO &uch eloDuence reDuire,
Th' 5T/EA)5A'0 8<; glo#ing style, or T@==*'0 fire. <6
5 O&annerO clear or #ar& is useless, since 8i$;
We %o not try by Os"eakingO to Ocon$inceOI
Be other OoratorsO of "leasing O"rou%O,FF
We s"eak to O"leaseO oursel$es, not O&o$eO the cro#%4
>ur gra$ity "refers the O&utteringO tone,
5 "ro"er &i-ture of the OsDueakO an% OgroanO4
Ao borro#'% OgraceO of OactionO &ust be seen,
The slightest &otion #oul% %is"lease the O'eanOI
Whilst e$ery staring Gra%uate #oul% "rate,
5gainst #hatFFOheO coul% ne$er i&itate. K6
The &an, #ho ho"es t' obtain the "ro&is'% cu",
Cust in one O"ostureO stan%, an% One'er look u"OI
Aor Osto"O, but rattle o$er Oe$eryO #or%FF
Ao &atter O#hatO, so it can OnotO be hear%4
Thus let hi& hurry on, nor think to rest4
Who s"eaks the Ofastest'sO sure to s"eak the ObestOI
Who utters &ost #ithin the shortest s"ace,
Cay, safely, ho"e to #in the O#or%y raceO.
The 0ons of O0cienceO these, #ho, thus re"ai%,
=inger in ease in Granta's sluggish sha%eI 76
Where on !a&'s se%gy banks, su"ine, they lie,
@nkno#n, unhonour'% li$eFFun#e"t for %ie4
'ull as the "ictures, #hich a%orn their halls,
They think all learning fi-'% #ithin their #alls4
)n &anners ru%e, in foolish for&s "recise,
5ll &o%ern arts affecting to %es"iseI
*et "riHing OBentley's, Brunck'sO, or OPorson'sO 8K; note, 8$;
Core than the O$erse on #hich the critic #roteO4
Vain as their honours, hea$y as their 5le, 87;
0a% as their #it, an% te%ious as their taleI :6
To frien%shi" %ea%, though not untaught to feel,
When 0elf an% !hurch %e&an% a Bigot Heal.
With eager haste they court the lor% of "o#er, 8$i;
EWhether 'tis P)TT or PETT* 8:; rules the hourIG
To Ohi&O, #ith su""liant s&iles, they ben% the hea%,
While %istant &itres to their eyes are s"rea%I 8$ii;
But shoul% a stor& o'er#hel& hi& #ith %isgrace,
They'% fly to seek the ne-t, #ho fill'% his "lace.
O0uchO are the &en #ho learning's treasures guar%3
O0uchO is their O"racticeO, such is their Ore#ar%O3 26
This O&uchO, at least, #e &ay "resu&e to sayFF
The "re&iu& can't e-cee% the O"riceO they O"ayO. 8$iii;
8,ootnote 14
Ao reflection is here inten%e% against the "erson &entione% un%er the
na&e of Cagnus. /e is &erely re"resente% as "erfor&ing an una$oi%able
function of his office. )n%ee%, such an atte&"t coul% only recoil u"on
&yselfI as that gentle&an is no# as &uch %istinguishe% by his
eloDuence, an% the %ignifie% "ro"riety #ith #hich he fills his
situation, as he #as in his younger %ays for #it an% con$i$iality.
8'r. Willia& =ort Cansel E127<F196G #as, in 1219, a""ointe% Caster of
Trinity !ollege, by Pitt. /e obtaine% the bisho"ric of Bristol, through
the influence of his "u"il, 0"encer Perce$al, in 1969. /e %ie% in 196.;
8,ootnote 4 @n%ergra%uates of the secon% an% thir% year.;
8,ootnote <4 'e&osthenes.;
8,ootnote K4 The "resent Greek "rofessor at Trinity !ollege, !a&bri%geI
a &an #hose "o#ers of &in% an% #ritings &ay, "erha"s, justify their
"reference. 8.ichar% Porson E1271F1969G. ,or Byron's %escri"tion of hi&,
see letter to Curray, of ,ebruary 6, 1919. Byron says E''iary',
'ece&ber 12, 19, 191<G that he #rote the ''e$il's 'ri$e' in i&itation of
Porson's ''e$il's Walk'. This #as a co&&on &isa""rehension at the ti&e.
The ''e$il's Thoughts' #as the joint co&"osition of !oleri%ge an%
0outhey, but it #as generally attribute% to Porson, #ho took no trouble
to %isclai& it. )t #as originally "ublishe% in the 'Corning Post', 0e"t.
:, 1211, an% 0tuart, the e%itor, sai% that it raise% the circulation of
the "a"er for se$eral %ays after. E0ee !oleri%ge's Poe&s E191<G, "".
1K2, :1.G;
8,ootnote 74 =ines 71F: are not in the Luarto. They first a""eare% in
'Poe&s >riginal an% Translate%';
8,ootnote :4 0ince this #as #ritten, =or% /enry Petty has lost his
"lace, an% subseDuently E) ha% al&ost sai% conseDuentlyG the honour of
re"resenting the @ni$ersity. 5 fact so glaring reDuires no co&&ent.
E=or% /enry Petty, C.P. for the @ni$ersity of !a&bri%ge, #as !hancellor
of the E-cheDuer in 1967I but in 1962 he lost his seat. )n 1961 he
succee%e% his brother as CarDuis of =ans%o#ne. /e %ie% in 19:<.G;
8,ootnote i4 'CFFusFFl.FF'8Kto;;
8,ootnote ii4 'Whilst all aroun%.'FF8Kto;;
8,ootnote iii4
'Who #ith scarse sense to "en an English letter,
*et #ith "recision scans an 5ttis &etre.'
8,ootnote i$4
'The &anner of the s"eech is nothing, since',
8Kto. 'P, on V. >ccasions'.;;
8,ootnote $4
'!elebrate% critics'.
8Kto. 'Three first E%itions'.;;
8,ootnote $i4
'They court the tool of "o#er'.
8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions.';;
8,ootnote $ii4
'While &itres, "reben%s'.
8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions.';;
8,ootnote $iii4
The 're#ar%'s' scarce eDual to the '"rice' they "ay.
T> C5.*,
>A .E!E)V)AG /E. P)!T@.E. 81;
This faint rese&blance of thy char&s,
EThough strong as &ortal art coul% gi$e,G
Cy constant heart of fear %isar&s,
.e$i$es &y ho"es, an% bi%s &e li$e.
/ere, ) can trace the locks of gol%
Which roun% thy sno#y forehea% #a$eI
The cheeks #hich s"rung fro& Beauty's &oul%,
The li"s, #hich &a%e &e 'Beauty's' sla$e.
/ere ) can traceFFah, no3 that eye,
Whose aHure floats in liDui% fire,
Cust all the "ainter's art %efy,
5n% bi% hi& fro& the task retire.
/ere, ) behol% its beauteous hueI
But #here's the bea& so s#eetly straying, 8i.;
Which ga$e a lustre to its blue,
=ike =una o'er the ocean "layingM
0#eet co"y3 far &ore %ear to &e,
=ifeless, unfeeling as thou art,
Than all the li$ing for&s coul% be,
0a$e her #ho "lac'% thee ne-t &y heart.
0he "lac'% it, sa%, #ith nee%less fear,
=est ti&e &ight shake &y #a$ering soul,
@nconscious that her i&age there
/el% e$ery sense in fast controul.
Thro' hours, thro' years, thro' ti&e,'t#ill cheerFF
Cy ho"e, in gloo&y &o&ents, raiseI
)n life's last conflict 't#ill a""ear,
5n% &eet &y fon%, e-"iring gaHe.
8,ootnote 14 This (Cary( is not to be confoun%e% #ith the heiress of
5nnesley, or (Cary( of 5ber%een. 0he #as of hu&ble station in life.
Byron use% to sho# a lock of her light gol%en hair, as #ell as her
"icture, a&ong his frien%s. E0ee '=ife', ". K1, 'note'.G;
8,ootnote i.4
'But Where's the bea& of soft %esireM
Which ga$e a lustre to its blue,
=o$e, only lo$e, coul% e'er ins"ire.FF'
8Kto. 'P. on V, >ccasions;;
>A T/E 'E5T/ >, C.. ,>J,81;
T/E ,>==>W)AG )==)BE.5= )CP.>CPT@ 5PPE5.E' )A T/E (C>.A)AG P>0T.(
(>ur Aation's foes la&ent on O,o-'sO %eath,
But bless the hour, #hen P)TT resign'% his breath4
These feelings #i%e, let 0ense an% Truth unclue,
We gi$e the "al&, #here ?ustice "oints its %ue.(
T> W/)!/ T/E 5@T/>. >, T/E0E P)E!E0 0EAT T/E ,>==>W)AG .EP=* 8i;
,>. )A0E.T)>A )A T/E (C>.A)AG !/.>A)!=E.(
>h, factious $i"er3 #hose en$eno&'% tooth
Woul% &angle, still, the %ea%, "er$erting truthI 8ii;
What, though our (nation's foes( la&ent the fate,
With generous feeling, of the goo% an% greatI
0hall %astar% tongues essay to blast the na&e 8iii;
>f hi&, #hose &ee% e-ists in en%less fa&eM
When P)TT e-"ir'% in "lenitu%e of "o#er,
Though ill success obscur'% his %ying hour,
Pity her %e#y #ings before hi& s"rea%,
,or noble s"irits (#ar not #ith the %ea%4(
/is frien%s in tears, a last sa% reDuie& ga$e,
5s all his errors slu&ber'% in the gra$eI 8i$;
/e sunk, an 5tlas ben%ing ('neath the #eight( 8$;
>f cares o'er#hel&ing our conflicting state.
When, lo3 a /ercules, in ,o-, a""ear'%,
Who for a ti&e the ruin'% fabric rear'%4
/e, too, is fall'n, #ho Britain's loss su""lie%, 8$i;
With hi&, our fast re$i$ing ho"es ha$e %ie%I
Aot one great "eo"le, only, raise his urn,
5ll Euro"e's farFe-ten%e% regions &ourn.
(These feelings #i%e, let 0ense an% Truth un%ue,
To gi$e the "al& #here ?ustice "oints its %ueI( 8$ii;
*et, let not canker'% !alu&ny assail, 8$iii;
>r roun% her states&an #in% her gloo&y $eil.
,>J3 o'er #hose corse a &ourning #orl% &ust #ee",
Whose %ear re&ains in honour'% &arble slee"I
,or #ho&, at last, e'en hostile nations groan,
While frien%s an% foes, alike, his talents o#n.FF8i-;
,o-3 shall, in Britain's future annals, shine,
Aor e'en to P)TT, the "atriot's '"al&' resignI
Which En$y, #earing !an%our's sacre% &ask,
,or P)TT, an% P)TT alone, has %ar'% to ask. 8-;
E0outh#ell, >ct., 196:. 81;G
8,ootnote 14 The stanHa on the %eath of ,o- a""eare% in the OCorning
PostO, 0e"te&ber :, 196:.;
8,ootnote 4 This C0. is "reser$e% at Ae#stea%.;
8,ootnote i4
OThe subjoine% .e"ly.O
8Kto; ;
8,ootnote ii4
OWoul% &angle, still, the %ea%, in s"ite of truth.O
8Kto; ;
8,ootnote iii4
O0hall, therefore, %astar% tongues assail the na&e
>f hi&, #hose $irtues clai& eternal fa&eMO
8Kto; ;
8,ootnote i$4 O5n% all his errors.OFF8Kto; ;
8,ootnote $4
O/e %ie%, an 5tlas ben%ing 'neath the #eight
>f cares o""ressing our unha""y state.
But lo3 another /ercules a""eare%.O
8Kto; ;
8,ootnote $i4
O/e too is %ea% #ho still our Englan% "ro""'%
With hi& our fast re$i$ing ho"es ha$e %ro""'%.O
8Kto; ;
8,ootnote $ii4 O5n% gi$e the "al&.O 8Kto; ;
8,ootnote $iii4
OBut let not canker'% !alu&ny assail
5n% roun%.FF
8Kto; ;
8,ootnote i-4 O5n% frien%s an% foes.O 8Kto; ;
8,ootnote -4 'FF#oul% %are to ask.' 8K16;;
T> 5 =5'* W/> P.E0EATE' T> T/E 5@T/>. 5 =>!B >, /5). B.5)'E' W)T/ /)0
>WA, 5A' 5PP>)ATE' 5 A)G/T )A 'E!ECBE. T> CEET /)C )A T/E G5.'EA. 81;
These locks, #hich fon%ly thus ent#ine,
)n fir&er chains our hearts confine,
Than all th' un&eaning "rotestations
Which s#ell #ith nonsense, lo$e orations.
>ur lo$e is fi-'%, ) think #e'$e "ro$'% itI
Aor ti&e, nor "lace, nor art ha$e &o$'% itI
Then #herefore shoul% #e sigh an% #hine,
With groun%less jealousy re"ineI
With silly #hi&s, an% fancies frantic,
Cerely to &ake our lo$e ro&anticM
Why shoul% you #ee", like O=y%ia =anguishO,
5n% fret #ith selfFcreate% anguishM
>r %oo& the lo$er you ha$e chosen,
>n #inter nights to sigh half froHenI
)n leafless sha%es, to sue for "ar%on,
>nly because the scene's a gar%enM
,or gar%ens see&, by one consent,
E0ince 0hakes"eare set the "rece%entI
0ince ?uliet first %eclar'% her "assionG
To for& the "lace of assignation.
>h3 #oul% so&e &o%ern &use ins"ire,
5n% seat her by a OseaFcoalO fireI
>r ha% the bar% at !hrist&as #ritten,
5n% lai% the scene of lo$e in BritainI
/e surely, in co&&iseration,
/a% chang'% the "lace of %eclaration.
)n )taly, )'$e no objection,
War& nights are "ro"er for reflectionI
But here our cli&ate is so rigi%,
That lo$e itself, is rather frigi%4
Think on our chilly situation,
5n% curb this rage for i&itation.
Then let us &eet, as oft #e'$e %one,
Beneath the influence of the sunI
>r, if at &i%night ) &ust &eet you,
Within your &ansion let &e greet you4 8i.;
'There', #e can lo$e for hours together,
Cuch better, in such sno#y #eather,
Than "lac'% in all th' 5rca%ian gro$es,
That e$er #itness'% rural lo$esI
'Then', if &y "assion fail to "lease, 8ii.;
Ae-t night )'ll be content to freeHeI
Ao &ore )'ll gi$e a loose to laughter,
But curse &y fate, for e$er after. 8;
8,ootnote 14 These lines are a%%resse% to the sa&e Cary referre% to in
the lines beginning, (This faint rese&blance of thy char&s.( E'Vi%e
ante', ". <.G;
8,ootnote 4 )n the abo$e little "iece the author has been accuse% by
so&e 'can%i% rea%ers' of intro%ucing the na&e of a la%y 8?ulia
=eacroft; fro& #ho& he #as so&e hun%re% &iles %istant at the ti&e this
#as #rittenI an% "oor ?uliet, #ho has sle"t so long in (the to&b of all
the !a"ulets,( has been con$erte%, #ith a trifling alteration of her
na&e, into an English %a&sel, #alking in a gar%en of their o#n creation,
%uring the &onth of ''ece&ber', in a $illage #here the author ne$er
"asse% a #inter. 0uch has been the can%our of so&e ingenious critics. We
#oul% a%$ise these 'liberal' co&&entators on taste an% arbiters of
%ecoru& to rea% '0hakes"eare'.
/a$ing hear% that a $ery se$ere an% in%elicate censure has been "asse%
on the abo$e "oe&, ) beg lea$e to re"ly in a Duotation fro& an a%&ire%
#ork, '!arr's 0tranger in ,rance'.FF(5s #e #ere conte&"lating a
"ainting on a large scale, in #hich, a&ong other figures, is the
unco$ere% #hole length of a #arrior, a "ru%ishFlooking la%y, #ho see&e%
to ha$e touche% the age of %es"eration, after ha$ing attenti$ely
sur$eye% it through her glass, obser$e% to her "arty that there #as a
great %eal of in%ecoru& in that "icture. Ca%a&e 0. shre#%ly #his"ere% in
&y ear 'that the in%ecoru& #as in the re&ark.'(FF8E%. 196<, ca". -$i, ".
121. !o&"are the note on $erses a%%resse% (To a Bnot of @ngenerous
!ritics,( ". 1<.;;
8,ootnote i4
'>h3 let &e in your cha&ber greet you.'
8,ootnote ii4
'There if &y "assion'
8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions;;
T> 5 BE5@T),@= L@5BE.. 81;
0#eet girl3 though only once #e &et,
That &eeting ) shall ne'er forgetI
5n% though #e ne'er &ay &eet again,
.e&e&brance #ill thy for& retainI
) #oul% not say, () lo$e,( but still,
Cy senses struggle #ith &y #ill4
)n $ain to %ri$e thee fro& &y breast,
Cy thoughts are &ore an% &ore re"restI
)n $ain ) check the rising sighs,
5nother to the last re"lies4
Perha"s, this is not lo$e, but yet,
>ur &eeting ) can ne'er forget.
What, though #e ne$er silence broke,
>ur eyes a s#eeter language s"okeI
The tongue in flattering falsehoo% %eals,
5n% tells a tale it ne$er feels4
'eceit, the guilty li"s i&"art,
5n% hush the &an%ates of the heartI
But soul's inter"reters, the eyes,
0"urn such restraint, an% scorn %isguise.
5s thus our glances oft con$ers'%,
5n% all our boso&s felt rehears'%,
Ao Os"iritO, fro& #ithin, re"ro$'% us,
0ay rather, ('t#as the Os"irit &o$'%O us.(
Though, #hat they utter'%, ) re"ress,
*et ) concei$e thou'lt "artly guessI
,or as on thee, &y &e&ory "on%ers,
Perchance to &e, thine also #an%ers.
This, for &yself, at least, )'ll say,
Thy for& a""ears through night, through %ayI
5#ake, #ith it &y fancy tee&s,
)n slee", it s&iles in fleeting %rea&sI
The $ision char&s the hours a#ay,
5n% bi%s &e curse 5urora's ray
,or breaking slu&bers of %elight,
Which &ake &e #ish for en%less night.
0ince, oh3 #hate'er &y future fate,
0hall joy or #oe &y ste"s a#aitI
Te&"te% by lo$e, by stor&s beset,
Thine i&age, ) can ne'er forget.
5las3 again no &ore #e &eet,
Ao &ore our for&er looks re"eatI
Then, let &e breathe this "arting "rayer,
The %ictate of &y boso&'s care4
(Cay /ea$en so guar% &y lo$ely Duaker,
That anguish ne$er can o'ertake herI
That "eace an% $irtue ne'er forsake her,
But bliss be aye her heart's "artaker3
>h3 &ay the ha""y &ortal, fate% 8i;
To be, by %earest ties, relate%,
,or OherO, each hour, One# joysO %isco$er, 8ii;
5n% lose the husban% in the lo$er3
Cay that fair boso& ne$er kno#
What 'tis to feel the restless #oe,
Which stings the soul, #ith $ain regret,
>f hi&, #ho ne$er can forget3(
8,ootnote 14
OWho& the author sa# at /arro#gateO.
5nnotate% co"y of 'P. on V. >ccasions', ". :K EBritish Cuseu&G.;
8,ootnote i4
The Luarto inserts the follo#ing lines4FF
O(Ao jealous "assion shall in$a%e,
Ao en$y that "ure heart "er$a%eI(
,or he that re$els in such char&s,
!an ne$er seek another's ar&s.O;
8,ootnote ii4
ne# joy O%isco$erO.
T> =E0B)53 8i; 81;
=E0B)53 since far fro& you )'$e rang'%, 8ii;
>ur souls #ith fon% affection glo# notI
*ou say, 'tis ), not you, ha$e chang'%,
)'% tell you #hy,FFbut yet ) kno# not.
*our "olish'% bro# no cares ha$e crostI
5n% =esbia3 #e are not &uch ol%er, 8iii;
0ince, tre&bling, first &y heart ) lost,
>r tol% &y lo$e, #ith ho"e gro#n bol%er.
0i-teen #as then our ut&ost age,
T#o years ha$e lingering "ass'% a#ay, lo$e3
5n% no# ne# thoughts our &in%s engage,
5t least, ) feel %is"ose% to stray, lo$e3
(Tis O)O that a& alone to bla&e,
O)O, that a& guilty of lo$e's treasonI
0ince your s#eet breast is still the sa&e,
!a"rice &ust be &y only reason.
) %o not, lo$e3 sus"ect your truth,
With jealous %oubt &y boso& hea$es notI
War& #as the "assion of &y youth,
>ne trace of %ark %eceit it lea$es not.
Ao, no, &y fla&e #as not "reten%e%I
,or, oh3 ) lo$'% you &ost sincerelyI
5n% though our %rea& at last is en%e%
Cy boso& still estee&s you %early.
Ao &ore #e &eet in yon%er bo#ersI
5bsence has &a%e &e "rone to ro$ingI 8i$;
But ol%er, fir&er OheartsO than ours
/a$e foun% &onotony in lo$ing.
*our cheek's soft bloo& is uni&"air'%,
Ae# beauties, still, are %aily bright'ning,
*our eye, for conDuest bea&s "re"ar'%, 8$;
The forge of lo$e's resistless lightning.
5r&'% thus, to &ake their boso&s blee%,
Cany #ill throng, to sigh like &e, lo$e3
Core constant they &ay "ro$e, in%ee%I
,on%er, alas3 they ne'er can be, lo$e3
8,ootnote 14 (The la%y's na&e #as ?ulia =eacroft( E'Aote by Ciss E.
Pigot'G. The #or% (?ulia( EMG is a%%e%, in a la%y's han%, in the
annotate% co"y of 'P. on V. >ccasions', ". 7 EBritish Cuseu&G;
8,ootnote i4 'To ?ulia'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote ii4 '?ulia since'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote iii4 '5n% ?ulia'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote i$4
OPerha"s &y soul's too "ure for ro$ingO.
8,ootnote $4
O*our eye for conDuest co&es "re"ar'%O.
T> W>C5A.
Wo&an3 e-"erience &ight ha$e tol% &e 8i;
That all &ust lo$e thee, #ho behol% thee4
0urely e-"erience &ight ha$e taught
Thy fir&est "ro&ises are noughtI 8ii;
But, "lac'% in all thy char&s before &e,
5ll ) forget, but to Oa%oreO thee.
>h &e&ory3 thou choicest blessing,
When join'% #ith ho"e, #hen still "ossessingI 8iii;
But ho# &uch curst by e$ery lo$er
When ho"e is fle%, an% "assion's o$er.
Wo&an, that fair an% fon% %ecei$er,
/o# "ro&"t are stri"lings to belie$e her3
/o# throbs the "ulse, #hen first #e $ie#
The eye that rolls in glossy blue,
>r s"arkles black, or &il%ly thro#s
5 bea& fro& un%er haHel bro#s3
/o# Duick #e cre%it e$ery oath,
5n% hear her "light the #illing troth3
,on%ly #e ho"e 't#ill last for ay,
When, lo3 she changes in a %ay.
This recor% #ill for e$er stan%,'
(Wo&an, thy $o#s are trac'% in san%.( 81; 8i$;
8,ootnote i4
O0urely, e-"erienceO.
8,ootnote ii4
O5 #o&an's "ro&ises are naughtO.
8,ootnote iii4 /ere follo#s, in the Luarto, an a%%itional cou"let4FF
OThou #his"erest, as our hearts are beating,
(What oft #e'$e %one, #e're still re"eatingO,(;
8,ootnote i$4
OThis .ecor% #ill for e$er stan%
That Wo&an's $o#s are #rit in san%O.
8,ootnote 14 The last line is al&ost a literal translation fro& a
0"anish "ro$erb.
EThe last line is not (al&ost a literal translation fro& a 0"anish
"ro$erb,( but an a%a"tation of "art of a stanHa fro& the ''iana' of
?orge %e Conte&ajorFF
(Cira, el 5&or, lo Due or%enaI
Lue os $iene a haHer creer
!osas %ichas "or &uger,
* escri"tas en el arena.(
0outhey, in his '=etters fro& 0"ain', 1212, "". 92F11, gi$es a s"eci&en
of the ''iana', an% ren%ers the lines in Duestion thusFF
(5n% =o$e behel% us fro& his secret stan%,
5n% &ark'% his triu&"h, laughing, to behol% &e,
To see &e trust a #riting trace% in san%,
To see &e cre%it #hat a #o&an tol% &e.(
Byron, #ho at this ti&e ha% little or no kno#le%ge of 0"anish
literature, see&s to ha$e been struck #ith 0outhey's "ara"hrase, an%
co&"resse% the Duatrain into an e"igra&.;
5A >!!50)>A5= P.>=>G@E,
'E=)VE.E' B* T/E 5@T/>. P.EV)>@0 T> T/E PE.,>.C5A!E >, (T/E W/EE= >,
,>.T@AE( 5T 5 P.)V5TE T/E5T.E. 81;
0ince the refine&ent of this "olish'% age
/as s#e"t i&&oral raillery fro& the stageI
0ince taste has no# e-"ung'% licentious #it,
Which sta&"'% %isgrace on all an author #ritI
0ince, no#, to "lease #ith "urer scenes #e seek,
Aor %are to call the blush fro& Beauty's cheekI
>h3 let the &o%est Cuse so&e "ity clai&,
5n% &eet in%ulgenceFFthough she fin% not fa&e.
0till, not for OherO alone, #e #ish res"ect, 8i;
O>thersO a""ear &ore conscious of %efect4
ToFnight no O$et'ran .osciiO you behol%,
)n all the arts of scenic action ol%I
Ao !>>BE, no BECB=E, can salute you here,
Ao 0)''>A0 %ra# the sy&"athetic tearI
ToFnight you throng to #itness the O%ebutO
>f e&bryo 5ctors, to the 'ra&a ne#4
/ere, then, our al&ost unfle%g'% #ings #e tryI
!li" not our O"inionsO, ere the Obir%s can flyO4
,ailing in this our first atte&"t to soar,
'roo"ing, alas3 #e fall to rise no &ore.
Aot one "oor tre&bler, only, fear betrays,
Who ho"es, yet al&ost %rea%s to &eet your "raiseI
But all our 'ra&atis Personae #ait,
)n fon% sus"ense this crisis of their fate.
Ao $enal $ie#s our "rogress can retar%,
*our generous "lau%its are our sole re#ar%I
,or these, each O/eroO all his "o#er %is"lays, 8ii;
Each ti&i% O/eroineO shrinks before your gaHe4
0urely the last #ill so&e "rotection fin%M 8iii;
Aone, to the softer se-, can "ro$e unkin%4
While *outh an% Beauty for& the fe&ale shiel%, 8i$;
The sternest !ensor to the fair &ust yiel%. 8$;
*et, shoul% our feeble efforts nought a$ail,
0houl%, Oafter allO, our best en%ea$ours failI
0till, let so&e &ercy in your boso&s li$e,
5n%, if you can't a""lau%, at least Oforgi$eO.
8,ootnote 1. () enacte% Penru%%ock, in 'The Wheel of ,ortune', an%
Tristra& ,ickle, in the farce of 'The Weathercock', for three nights, in
so&e "ri$ate theatricals at 0outh#ell, in 196:, #ith great a""lause. The
occasional "rologue for our $olunteer "lay #as also of &y
co&"osition.(FF''iaryI =ife', ". <9. The "rologue #as #ritten by hi&,
bet#een stages, on his #ay fro& /arrogate. >n getting into the carriage
at !hesterfiel%, he sai% to his co&"anion, (Ao#, Pigot, )'ll s"in a
"rologue for our "layI( an% before they reache% Cansfiel% he ha%
co&"lete% his task,FFinterru"ting only once his rhy&ing re$erie, to ask
the "ro"er "ronunciation of the ,rench #or% '%ebut'I an%, on being tol%
it, e-clai&ing, (5ye, that #ill %o for rhy&e to ''ne#'.'(FF'=ife', ".
<1. (The Prologue #as s"oken by G. Wyl%e, EsD.(FFAote by Ciss E. P)G>T.;
8,ootnote i. OBut not for her aloneO.FF8Kto;
8,ootnote ii4 O,or the& each /eroO.FF8Kto;;
8,ootnote iii4 O0urely these lastO.FF8Kto;;
8,ootnote i$4 OWhilst *outhO.FF8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
8,ootnote $4 OThe sternest criticO.FF8Kto;;
T> E=)N5. 8i;
EliHa3 81; #hat fools are the Cussul&an sect,
Who, to #o&an, %eny the soul's future e-istenceI
!oul% they see thee, EliHa3 they'% o#n their %efect,
5n% this %octrine #oul% &eet #ith a general resistance. 8ii;
/a% their Pro"het "ossess'% half an ato& of sense, 8iii;
/e ne'er #oul% ha$e O#o&anO fro& Para%ise %ri$enI
)nstea% of his O/ourisO, a fli&sy "retence, 8i$;
With O#o&an aloneO he ha% "eo"le% his /ea$en.
*et, still, to increase your cala&ities &ore, 8$;
Aot content #ith %e"ri$ing your bo%ies of s"irit,
/e allots one "oor husban% to share a&ongst four3 8$i;FF
With OsoulsO you'% %is"enseI but, this last, #ho coul% bear itM
/is religion to "lease neither "arty is &a%eI
>n Ohusban%sO 'tis Ohar%O, to the #i$es &ost unci$ilI
0till ) can't contra%ict, 8$ii; #hat so oft has been sai%,
(Though #o&en are angels, yet #e%lock's the %e$il.(
This terrible truth, e$en 0cri"ture has tol%, 8;
*e Bene%icks3 hear &e, an% listen #ith ra"tureI
)f a gli&"se of re%e&"tion you #ish to behol%,
>f 0T. C5TT.FFrea% the secon% an% t#entieth cha"ter.
'Tis surely enough u"on earth to be $e-'%,
With #i$es #ho eternal confusion are s"rea%ingI
(But in /ea$en( Eso runs the E$angelists' Te-tG
(We neither ha$e gi$ing in &arriage, or #e%%ing.(
,ro& this #e su""ose, Eas in%ee% #ell #e &ay,G
That shoul% 0aints after %eath, #ith their s"ouses "ut u" &ore,
5n% #i$es, as in life, ai& at absolute s#ay,
5ll /ea$en #oul% ring #ith the conjugal u"roar.
'istraction an% 'iscor% #oul% follo# in course,
Aor C5TT/EW, nor C5.B, nor 0T. P5@=, can %eny it,
The only e-"e%ient is general %i$orce,
To "re$ent uni$ersal %isturbance an% riot.
But though husban% an% #ife, shall at length be %isjoin'%,
*et #o&an an% &an ne'er #ere &eant to %isse$er,
>ur chains once %issol$'%, an% our hearts unconfin'%,
We'll lo$e #ithout bon%s, but #e'll lo$e you for e$er.
Though souls are %enie% you by fools an% by rakes,
0houl% you o#n it yoursel$es, ) #oul% e$en then %oubt you,
*our nature so &uch of OcelestialO "artakes,
The Gar%en of E%en #oul% #ither #ithout you.
0outh#ell, O>ctoberO 1, 196:.
8,ootnote 14 The letters (E. B. P.( are a%%e%, in a la%y's han%, in the
annotate% co"y of OP. on V. >ccasionsO, ". : EOBritish Cuseu&OG. The
initials stan% for Ciss EliHabeth Pigot.;
8,ootnote 4 0tanHas 7F16, #hich a""ear in the Luarto, #ere ne$er
8,ootnote i4
OTo Ciss E. P.O 8Kto;
OTo CissOFFF. 8OP. on V. >ccasions.O;;
8,ootnote ii4
O'i% they kno# but yourself they #oul% ben% #ith res"ect,
5n% this %octrine &ust &eetOFFF.
8OC0. Ae#stea%O.;;
8,ootnote iii4 OBut an ato& of senseO. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote i$4 OBut instea% of hisO /ouris. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote $4 OBut still to increaseO. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote $i4 O/e allots but one husban%. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote $ii4 OBut ) can'tFFF.O 8Kto;;
T/E TE5..
> lachry&aru& fons, tenero sacros
'ucentiu& ortus e- ani&oI Duater
,eli-3 in i&o Dui scatente&
Pectore te, "ia Ay&"ha, sensit. 81;
G.5*, '5lcaic ,rag&ent'.
When ,rien%shi" or =o$e
>ur sy&"athies &o$eI
When Truth, in a glance, shoul% a""ear,
The li"s &ay beguile,
With a %i&"le or s&ile,
But the test of affection's a OTearO.
Too oft is a s&ile
But the hy"ocrite's #ile,
To &ask %etestation, or fearI
Gi$e &e the soft sigh,
Whilst the soulFtelling eye
)s %i&&'%, for a ti&e, #ith a OTearO.
Cil% !harity's glo#,
To us &ortals belo#,
0ho#s the soul fro& barbarity clearI
!o&"assion #ill &elt,
Where this $irtue is felt,
5n% its %e# is %iffuse% in a OTearO.
The &an, %oo&'% to sail
With the blast of the gale,
Through billo#s 5tlantic to steer,
5s he ben%s o'er the #a$e
Which &ay soon be his gra$e,
The green s"arkles bright #ith a OTearO.
The 0ol%ier bra$es %eath
,or a fanciful #reath
)n Glory's ro&antic careerI
But he raises the foe
When in battle lai% lo#,
5n% bathes e$ery #oun% #ith a OTearO.
)f, #ith highFboun%ing "ri%e,8i;
/e return to his bri%e3
.enouncing the goreFcri&son'% s"earI
5ll his toils are re"ai%
When, e&bracing the &ai%,
,ro& her eyeli% he kisses the OTearO.
0#eet scene of &y youth3 8;
0eat of ,rien%shi" an% Truth,
Where =o$e chas'% each fastFfleeting yearI
=oth to lea$e thee, ) &ourn'%,
,or a last look ) turn'%,
But thy s"ire #as scarce seen through a OTearO.
Though &y $o#s ) can "our,
To &y Cary no &ore, 8<;
Cy Cary, to =o$e once so %ear,
)n the sha%e of her bo#'r,
) re&e&ber the hour,
0he re#ar%e% those $o#s #ith a OTearO.
By another "ossest,
Cay she li$e e$er blest3
/er na&e still &y heart &ust re$ere4
With a sigh ) resign,
What ) once thought #as &ine,
5n% forgi$e her %eceit #ith a OTearO.
*e frien%s of &y heart,
Ere fro& you ) %e"art,
This ho"e to &y breast is &ost near4
)f again #e shall &eet,
)n this rural retreat,
Cay #e O&eetO, as #e O"artO, #ith a OTearO.
When &y soul #ings her flight
To the regions of night,
5n% &y corse shall recline on its bierI 8ii;
5s ye "ass by the to&b,
Where &y ashes consu&e,
>h3 &oisten their %ust #ith a OTearO.
Cay no &arble besto#
The s"len%our of #oe,
Which the chil%ren of Vanity rearI
Ao fiction of fa&e
0hall blaHon &y na&e,
5ll ) ask, all ) #ish, is a OTearO.
>ctober :, 196:. 8iii;
8,ootnote 14 The &otto #as "refi-e% in '/ours of )%leness'.;
8,ootnote 4 /arro#.;
8,ootnote <4 Ciss !ha#orth #as &arrie% in 1967.;
8,ootnote i4
OWhen #ith highFboun%ing "ri%e,
/e returnsOFFFF.
8,ootnote ii4
O5n% &y bo%y shall slee" on its bierO.
8Kto. OP. on V. >ccasionsO.;;
8,ootnote iii4
B*.>A, >ctober :, 196:.
.EP=* T> 0>CE VE.0E0 >, ?. C. B. P)G>T, E0L.,
>A T/E !.@E=T* >, /)0 C)0T.E00. 81;
Why, Pigot, co&"lain
>f this %a&sel's %is%ain,
Why thus in %es"air %o you fretM
,or &onths you &ay try,
*et, belie$e &e, a OsighO 8i;
Will ne$er obtain a OcoDuetteO.
Woul% you teach her to lo$eM
,or a ti&e see& to ro$eI
5t first she &ay Ofro#nO in a O"etIO
But lea$e her a#hile,
0he shortly #ill s&ile,
5n% then you &ay OkissO your OcoDuetteO.
,or such are the airs
>f these fanciful fairs,
They think all our Oho&ageO a O%ebtO4
*et a "artial neglect 8ii;
0oon takes an effect,
5n% hu&bles the "rou%est OcoDuetteO.
'isse&ble your "ain,
5n% lengthen your chain,
5n% see& her OhauteurO to OregretIO 8iii;
)f again you shall sigh,
0he no &ore #ill %eny,
That OyoursO is the rosy OcoDuetteO.
)f still, fro& false "ri%e, 8i$;
*our "angs she %eri%e,
This #hi&sical $irgin forgetI
0o&e OotherO a%&ire,
Who #ill O&eltO #ith your OfireO,
5n% laugh at the Olittle coDuetteO.
,or O&eO, ) a%ore
0o&e Ot#entyO or &ore,
5n% lo$e the& &ost %earlyI but yet,
Though &y heart they enthral,
)'% aban%on the& all,
'i% they act like your bloo&ing OcoDuetteO.
Ao longer re"ine,
5%o"t this %esign, 8$;
5n% break through her slightF#o$en net3
5#ay #ith %es"air,
Ao longer forbear
To fly fro& the ca"tious OcoDuetteO.
Then Duit her, &y frien%3
*our boso& %efen%,
Ere Duite #ith her snares you're beset4
=est your %ee"F#oun%e% heart,
When incens'% by the s&art,
0houl% lea% you to OcurseO the OcoDuetteO.
>ctober 2, 196:. 8$i;
8,ootnote 14 The letters (!. B. ,. ?. B. C.( are a%%e%, in a la%y's
han%, in the annotate% co"y of 'P. on V. >ccasions', ". 1K EBritish
8,ootnote i4 OBut belie$e &eO. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote ii4 OBut a "artialO. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote iii4 OAor see&O. 8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
8,ootnote i$4 OBut if fro& false "ri%e.O 8Kto;;
8,ootnote $4 OBut for& this %esign.O 8Kto;;
8,ootnote $i4 B*.>A, >ctober 2, 196:. 8Kto;
G.5AT5. 5 CE'=E*.
8Greek4 5rgureais logchaisi &achou kai "anta krataeseOo.; 81;
E.e"ly of the Pythian >racle to Phili" of Cace%on.G
>h3 coul% =E 05GE'0 8; %e&on's gift
Be realis'% at &y %esire,
This night &y tre&bling for& he'% lift
To "lace it on 0t. Cary's s"ire. 8i;
Then #oul%, unroof'%, ol% Granta's halls,
Pe%antic in&ates full %is"layI
O,ello#sO #ho %rea& on Ola#nO or OstallsO,
The "rice of $enal $otes to "ay. 8ii;
Then #oul% ) $ie# each ri$al #ight,
PETT* an% P5=CE.0T>A sur$eyI
Who can$ass there, #ith all their &ight, 8iii;
5gainst the ne-t electi$e %ay. 8<;
=o3 can%i%ates an% $oters lie 8i$;
5ll lull'% in slee", a goo%ly nu&ber3
5 race reno#n'% for "iety,
Whose conscience #on't %isturb their slu&ber.
=or% /FFF8K; in%ee%, &ay not %e&urI
,ello#s are sage, reflecting &en4
They kno# "refer&ent can occur,
But $ery sel%o&,FFOno#O an% OthenO.
They kno# the !hancellor has got
0o&e "retty li$ings in %is"osal4
Each ho"es that OoneO &ay be his OlotO,
5n%, therefore, s&iles on his "ro"osal. 8$;
Ao# fro& the so"orific scene 8$i;
)'ll turn &ine eye, as night gro#s later,
To $ie#, unhee%e% an% unseen, 8$ii;
The stu%ious sons of 5l&a Cater.
There, in a"art&ents s&all an% %a&",
The can%i%ate for college "riHes,
0its "oring by the &i%night la&"I
Goes late to be%, yet early rises. 8$iii;
/e surely #ell %eser$es to gain the&,
With all the honours of his college, 8i-;
Who, stri$ing har%ly to obtain the&,
Thus seeks un"rofitable kno#le%ge4
Who sacrifices hours of rest,
To scan "recisely &etres 5tticI
>r agitates his an-ious breast, 8-;
)n sol$ing "roble&s &athe&atic4
Who rea%s false Duantities in 0eale, 87;
>r "uHHles o'er the %ee" triangleI
'e"ri$'% of &any a #holeso&e &ealI 8-i;
)n Obarbarous =atinO 8:; %oo&'% to #rangle4
.enouncing e$ery "leasing "age,
,ro& authors of historic useI
Preferring to the letter'% sage,
The sDuare of the hy"othenuse. 82;
0till, har&less are these occu"ations, 8-ii;
That hurt none but the ha"less stu%ent,
!o&"ar'% #ith other recreations,
Which bring together the i&"ru%entI
Whose %aring re$els shock the sight,
When $ice an% infa&y co&bine,
When 'runkenness an% %ice in$ite, 8-iii;
5s e$ery sense is stee"'% in #ine.
Aot so the &etho%istic cre#,
Who "lans of refor&ation lay4
)n hu&ble attitu%e they sue,
5n% for the sins of others "ray4
,orgetting that their "ri%e of s"irit,
Their e-ultation in their trial, 8-i$;
'etracts &ost largely fro& the &erit
>f all their boaste% selfF%enial.
'Tis &orn4FFfro& these ) turn &y sight4
What scene is this #hich &eets the eyeM
5 nu&erous cro#% array'% in #hite, 89;
5cross the green in nu&bers fly.
=ou% rings in air the cha"el bellI
'Tis hush'%4FF#hat soun%s are these ) hearM
The organ's soft celestial s#ell
.olls %ee"ly on the listening ear.
To this is join'% the sacre% song,
The royal &instrel's hallo#'% strainI
Though OheO #ho hears the O&usicO long, 8-$;
Will One$erO #ish to Ohear againO.
>ur choir #oul% scarcely be e-cus'%,
E'en as a ban% of ra# beginnersI
5ll &ercy, no#, &ust be refus'% 8-$i;
To such a set of croaking sinners.
)f 'a$i%, #hen his toils #ere en%e%,
/a% hear% these blockhea%s sing before hi&,
To us his "sal&s ha% ne'er %escen%e%,FF
)n furious &oo% he #oul% ha$e tore 'e&.
The luckless )sraelites, #hen taken
By so&e inhu&an tyrant's or%er,
Were ask'% to sing, by joy forsaken,
>n Babylonian ri$er's bor%er.
>h3 ha% they sung in notes like these 8-$ii;
)ns"ir'% by stratage& or fear,
They &ight ha$e set their hearts at ease,
The %e$il a soul ha% stay'% to hear.
But if ) scribble longer no#, 8-$iii;
The %euce a soul #ill Ostay to rea%OI
Cy "en is blunt, &y ink is lo#I
'Tis al&ost ti&e to Osto"O, Oin%ee%O.
Therefore, fare#ell, ol% OGranta'sO s"ires3
Ao &ore, like O!leofasO, ) flyI
Ao &ore thy the&e &y Cuse ins"ires4
The rea%er's tir'%, an% so a& ).
>ctober 9, 196:.
8,ootnote 14 The &otto #as "refi-e% in '/ours of )%leness'.
(,ight #ith sil$er s"ears( E'i.e'. #ith bribesG, (an% the& shall
"re$ail in all things.(;
8,ootnote 4 The ''iable Boiteu-' of =e 0age, #here 5s&o%eus, the %e&on,
"laces 'on !leofas on an ele$ate% situation, an% unroofs the houses for
ins"ection. 8'on !leofas, clinging to the cloak of 5s&o%eus, is carrie%
through the air to the su&&it of 0. 0al$a%or.;
8,ootnote <4 >n the %eath of Pitt, in ?anuary, 196:, =or% /enry Petty
beat =or% Pal&erston in the contest for the re"resentation of the
@ni$ersity of !a&bri%ge in Parlia&ent.;
8,ootnote K4 Probably =or% /enry Petty. 0ee $ariant iii.;
8,ootnote 74 0cale's "ublication on Greek Cetres %is"lays consi%erable
talent an% ingenuity, but, as &ight be e-"ecte% in so %ifficult a #ork,
is not re&arkable for accuracy. E'5n 5nalysis of the Greek CetresI for
the use of stu%ents at the @ni$ersity of !a&bri%ge'. By ?ohn Barlo#
0eale E12:KG, 9$o. 5 fifth e%ition #as issue% in 1962.G;
8,ootnote :. The =atin of the schools is of the 'canine s"ecies', an%
not $ery intelligible.;
8,ootnote 24 The %isco$ery of Pythagoras, that the sDuare of the
hy"othenuse is eDual to the sDuares of the other t#o si%es of a
rightFangle% triangle.;
8,ootnote 94 >n a saint's %ay the stu%ents #ear sur"lices in cha"el.;
8,ootnote i4 '5n% "lace it'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote ii4 'The "rice of hireling'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote iii4 'Who can$ass no#'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote i$4
'>ne on his "o#er an% "lace %e"en%s,
The other onFFthe =or% kno#s #hat3
Each to so&e eloDuence "reten%s,
But neither #ill con$ince by that.
The first, in%ee%, &ay not %e&urI
,ello#s are sage reflecting &en,
5n% kno#'.
8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
8,ootnote $4
'5n% therefore s&iles at his'.
8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
8,ootnote $i4
'Ao# fro& !orru"tion's sha&eless scene'.
8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
8,ootnote $ii4 '5n% $ie# unseen'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote $iii4 'an% early rises'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote i-4 '5n% all the' 8Kto;;
8,ootnote -4 '5n% agitates'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote -i4 '5n% robs hi&self of &any a &eal'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote -ii4
'But har&less are these occu"ations
8,ootnote -iii4
'When 'runkenness an% %ice unite.
5n% e$ery sense'.
8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
8,ootnote -i$4 '5n% e-ultation'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote -$4 'But he'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote -$i4 'But &ercy'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote -$ii4 'But ha% they sung'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote -$iii4
'But if ) #rite &uch longer no#'.
8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
T> T/E 0)G/)AG 0T.EP/>A. 81;
*our "ar%on, &y frien%,
)f &y rhy&es %i% offen%,
*our "ar%on, a thousan% ti&es o'erI
,ro& frien%shi" ) stro$e,
*our "angs to re&o$e,
But, ) s#ear, ) #ill %o so no &ore.
0ince your ObeautifulO &ai%,
*our fla&e has re"ai%,
Ao &ore ) your folly regretI
0he's no# &ost %i$ine,
5n% ) bo# at the shrine,
>f this Duickly refor&e% coDuette.
*et still, ) &ust o#n, 8i;
) shoul% ne$er ha$e kno#n,
,ro& Oyour $ersesO, #hat else she %eser$'%I
*our "ain see&'% so great,
) "itie% your fate,
5s your fair #as so %e$'lish reser$'%.
0ince the bal&Fbreathing kiss 8ii;
>f this &agical Ciss,
!an such #on%erful trans"orts "ro%uceI 8iii;
0ince the O(#orl% you forget,
When your li"s once ha$e &et,(O
Cy counsel #ill get but abuse.
*ou say, (When ) ro$e,(
() kno# nothing of lo$eI(
Tis true, ) a& gi$en to rangeI
)f ) rightly re&e&ber,
O)'$e lo$'%O a goo% nu&berI 8i$;
*et there's "leasure, at least, in a change.
) #ill not a%$ance, 8$;
By the rules of ro&ance,
To hu&our a #hi&sical fairI
Though a s&ile &ay %elight,
*et a Ofro#nO #ill Oaffright,O 8$i;
>r %ri$e &e to %rea%ful %es"air.
While &y bloo% is thus #ar&,
) ne'er shall refor&,
To &i- in the Platonists' schoolI
>f this ) a& sure,
Was &y Passion so "ure,
Thy OCistressO #oul% think &e a fool. 8$ii;
9 8$iii;
5n% if ) shoul% shun,
E$ery O#o&anO for Oone,O
Whose Oi&ageO &ust fill &y #hole breastI
Who& ) &ust O"refer,O
5n% OsighO but for Oher,O
What an OinsultO 't#oul% be to the Orest3O
Ao# 0tre"hon, goo%FbyeI
) cannot %eny,
*our O"assionO a""ears &ost Oabsur%IO
0uch Olo$eO as you "lea%,
)s O"ureO lo$e, in%ee%,
,or it OonlyO consists in the O#or%O.
8,ootnote 14 The letters (?. C. B. P.( are a%%e%, in a la%y's han%, in
the annotate% co"y of 'P. on V. >ccasions', ". 12 EBritish Cuseu&G.;
8,ootnote i4 'But still'. 8Kto;;
8,ootnote ii4 'But since the chaste kiss.' 8Kto;;
8,ootnote iii4 '0uch #on%erful.' 8Kto;;
8,ootnote i$4
')'$e kiss'% a goo% nu&ber.
8,ootnote $4
') ne'er #ill a%$ance.'
8,ootnote $i4
'*et a fro#n #on't affright.'
8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions.';;
8,ootnote $ii4
'Cy &istress &ust think &e.'
8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions.';;
8,ootnote $iii4
'Though the kisses are s#eet,
Which $olu"tuously &eet,
>f kissing ) ne'er #as so fon%,
5s to &ake &e forget,
Though our li"s oft ha$e &et,
That still there #as so&ething beyon%.'
T/E !>.AE=)5A. 81;
Ao s"ecious s"len%our of this stone
En%ears it to &y &e&ory e$erI
With lustre Oonly onceO it shone,
5n% blushes &o%est as the gi$er. 8i;
0o&e, #ho can sneer at frien%shi"'s ties,
/a$e, for &y #eakness, oft re"ro$'% &eI
*et still the si&"le gift ) "riHe,
,or ) a& sure, the gi$er lo$'% &e.
/e offer'% it #ith %o#ncast look,
5s OfearfulO that ) &ight refuse itI
) tol% hi&, #hen the gift ) took,
Cy Oonly fearO shoul% be, to lose it.
This "le%ge attenti$ely ) $ie#'%,
5n% Os"arklingO as ) hel% it near,
Cethought one %ro" the stone be%e#'%,
5n%, e$er since, O)'$e lo$'% a tear.O
0till, to a%orn his hu&ble youth,
Aor #ealth nor birth their treasures yiel%I
But he, #ho seeks the flo#ers of truth,
Cust Duit the gar%en, for the fiel%.
'Tis not the "lant u"rear'% in sloth,
Which beauty she#s, an% she%s "erfu&eI
The flo#ers, #hich yiel% the &ost of both,
)n Aature's #il% lu-uriance bloo&.
/a% ,ortune ai%e% Aature's care,
,or once forgetting to be blin%,
O/isO #oul% ha$e been an a&"le share,
)f #ell "ro"ortione% to his &in%.
But ha% the Go%%ess clearly seen,
/is for& ha% fi-'% her fickle breastI
O/erO countless hoar%s #oul% OhisO ha$e been,
5n% none re&ain'% to gi$e the rest.
8,ootnote 14 The cornelian #as a "resent fro& his frien% E%leston, a
!a&bri%ge chorister, after#ar%s a clerk in a &ercantile house in =on%on.
E%leston %ie% of consu&"tion, Cay 11, 1911. E0ee letter fro& Byron to
Ciss Pigot, >ctober 9, 1911.G Their acDuaintance began by Byron sa$ing
hi& fro& %ro#ning. EC0. note by the .e$. W. /arness.G;
8,ootnote i4 'But blushes &o%est'. 8Kto;;
>h3 %i% those eyes, instea% of fire,
With bright, but &il% affection shine4
Though they &ight kin%le less %esire,
=o$e, &ore than &ortal, #oul% be thine.
,or thou art for&'% so hea$enly fair,
O/o#e'erO those orbs O&ayO #il%ly bea&,
We &ust Oa%&ire,O but still %es"airI
That fatal glance forbi%s estee&.
When Aature sta&"'% thy beauteous birth,
0o &uch "erfection in thee shone,
0he fear'% that, too %i$ine for earth,
The skies &ight clai& thee for their o#n.
Therefore, to guar% her %earest #ork,
=est angels &ight %is"ute the "riHe,
0he ba%e a secret lightning lurk,
Within those once celestial eyes.
These &ight the bol%est 0yl"h a""all,
When glea&ing #ith &eri%ian blaHeI
Thy beauty &ust enra"ture allI
But #ho can %are thine ar%ent gaHeM
'Tis sai% that Berenice's hair,
)n stars a%orns the $ault of hea$enI
But they #oul% ne'er "er&it OtheeO there,
OThouO #oul%st so far outshine the se$en.
,or %i% those eyes as "lanets roll,
Thy sisterFlights #oul% scarce a""ear4
E'en suns, #hich syste&s no# controul,
Woul% t#inkle %i&ly through their s"here. 81;
,ri%ay, Ao$e&ber 2, 196:
8,ootnote 14
(T#o of the fairest stars in all the hea$en,
/a$ing so&e business, %o intreat her eyes
To t#inkle in their s"heres till they return.(
8,ootnote i4 'To 5FFFF'. 8Kto; ;
=)AE0 5''.E00E' T> 5 *>@AG =5'*.81;
85s the author #as %ischarging his Pistols in a Gar%en, T#o =a%ies
"assing near the s"ot #ere alar&e% by the soun% of a Bullet hissing near
the&, to one of #ho& the follo#ing stanHas #ere a%%resse% the ne-t
&orning.; 8;
'oubtless, s#eet girl3 the hissing lea%,
Wafting %estruction o'er thy char&s 8i;
5n% hurtling o'er 8<; thy lo$ely hea%,
/as fill'% that breast #ith fon% alar&s.
0urely so&e en$ious 'e&on's force,
Ve-'% to behol% such beauty here,
)&"ell'% the bullet's $ie#less course,
'i$erte% fro& its first career.
*es3 in that nearly fatal hour,
The ball obey'% so&e hellFborn gui%eI
But /ea$en, #ith inter"osing "o#er,
)n "ity turn'% the %eath asi%e.
*et, as "erchance one tre&bling tear
@"on that thrilling boso& fellI
Which O)O, th' unconscious cause of fear,
E-tracte% fro& its glistening cellIFF
0ay, #hat %ire "enance can atone
,or such an outrage, %one to theeM
5rraign'% before thy beauty's throne,
What "unish&ent #ilt thou %ecreeM
Cight ) "erfor& the ?u%ge's "art,
The sentence ) shoul% scarce %e"loreI
)t only #oul% restore a heart,
Which but belong'% to OtheeO before.
The least atone&ent ) can &ake
)s to beco&e no longer freeI
/enceforth, ) breathe but for thy sake,
Thou shalt be Oall in allO to &e.
But thou, "erha"s, &ay'st no# reject
0uch e-"iation of &y guiltI
!o&e thenFFso&e other &o%e electM
=et it be %eathFFor #hat thou #ilt.
!hoose, then, relentless3 an% ) s#ear
Aought shall thy %rea% %ecree "re$entI
*et hol%FFone little #or% forbear3
=et it be aught but banish&ent.
8,ootnote 14 This title first a""eare% in (!ontents( to 'P. on V.
8,ootnote 4 The occurrence took "lace at 0outh#ell, an% the beautiful
la%y to #ho& the lines #ere a%%resse% #as Ciss /ouson, #ho is also
co&&e&orate% in the $erses (To a Vain =a%y( an% (To 5nne.( 0he #as the
%aughter of the .e$. /enry /ouson of 0outh#ell, an% &arrie% the .e$.
=uke ?ackson. 0he %ie% on !hrist&as 'ay, 191, an% her &onu&ent &ay be
seen in /ucknall Torkar% !hurch.;
8,ootnote <4 This #or% is use% by Gray in his "oe& to the ,atal
()ronFsleet of arro#y sho#er
/urtles in the %arken'% air.(;
8,ootnote i4 'near thy char&s'. 8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
T.5A0=5T)>A ,.>C !5T@==@0.
5' =E0B)5C.
EDual to ?o$e that youth &ust beFF
OGreaterO than ?o$e he see&s to &eFF
Who, free fro& ?ealousy's alar&s,
0ecurely $ie#s thy &atchless char&sI
That cheek, #hich e$er %i&"ling glo#s,
That &outh, fro& #hence such &usic flo#s,
To hi&, alike, are al#ays kno#n,
.eser$'% for hi&, an% hi& alone.
5h3 =esbia3 though 'tis %eath to &e,
) cannot choose but look on theeI
But, at the sight, &y senses fly,
) nee%s &ust gaHe, but, gaHing, %ieI
Whilst tre&bling #ith a thousan% fears,
Parch'% to the throat &y tongue a%heres,
Cy "ulse beats Duick, &y breath hea$es short,
Cy li&bs %eny their slight su""ortI
!ol% %e#s &y "alli% face o'ers"rea%,
With %ea%ly languor %roo"s &y hea%,
Cy ears #ith tingling echoes ring,
5n% =ife itself is on the #ingI
Cy eyes refuse the cheering light,
Their orbs are $eil'% in starless night4
0uch "angs &y nature sinks beneath,
5n% feels a te&"orary %eath.
T.5A0=5T)>A >, T/E EP)T5P/ >A V).G)=
5A' T)B@==@0, B* '>C)T)@0 C5.0@0.
/e #ho, subli&e, in e"ic nu&bers roll'%,
5n% he #ho struck the softer lyre of =o$e,
By 'eath's OuneDualO81; han% alike controul'%,
,it co&ra%es in Elysian regions &o$e3
8,ootnote4 1. The han% of 'eath is sai% to be unjust or uneDual, as
Virgil #as consi%erably ol%er than Tibullus at his %ecease.;
)C)T5T)>A >, T)B@==@0.
0@=P)!)5 5' !E.)AT/@C E=)B. L@5.T.G.
!ruel !erinthus3 %oes the fell %isease 8i;
Which racks &y breast your fickle boso& "leaseM
5las3 ) #ish'% but to o'erco&e the "ain,
That ) &ight li$e for =o$e an% you againI
But, no#, ) scarcely shall be#ail &y fate4
By 'eath alone ) can a$oi% your hate.
8,ootnote i4
'%oes this fell %isease'.
8Kto. 'P. on V. >ccasions.;
T.5A0=5T)>A ,.>C !5T@==@0.
=@GETE VEAE.E0 !@P)')AE0L@E E!5.C. ))).G 8i;
*e !u"i%s, %roo" each little hea%,
Aor let your #ings #ith joy be s"rea%,
Cy =esbia's fa$ourite bir% is %ea%,
Who& %earer than her eyes she lo$'%4 8ii;
,or he #as gentle, an% so true,
>be%ient to her call he fle#,
Ao fear, no #il% alar& he kne#,
But lightly o'er her boso& &o$'%4
5n% softly fluttering here an% there,
/e ne$er sought to clea$e the air,
/e chirru"'% oft, an%, free fro& care, 8iii;
Tun'% to her ear his grateful strain.
Ao# ha$ing "ass'% the gloo&y bourn, 8i$;
,ro& #hence he ne$er can return,
/is %eath, an% =esbia's grief ) &ourn,
Who sighs, alas3 but sighs in $ain.
>h3 curst be thou, %e$ouring gra$e3
Whose ja#s eternal $icti&s cra$e,
,ro& #ho& no earthly "o#er can sa$e,
,or thou hast ta'en the bir% a#ay4
,ro& thee &y =esbia's eyes o'erflo#,
/er s#ollen cheeks #ith #ee"ing glo#I
Thou art the cause of all her #oe,
.ece"tacle of life's %ecay.
8,ootnote i4
O=uctus 'e Corte PasserisO.
8Kto. OP. on V. >ccasionsO.; ;
8,ootnote ii4 OWhich %earerO. 8Kto; ;
8,ootnote iii4 OBut chirru"'%O. 8Kto; ;
8,ootnote i$4 OBut no# he's "ass'%O. 8Kto; ;
)C)T5TE' ,.>C !5T@==@0. 81;
T> E==EA. 8i;
>h3 &ight ) kiss those eyes of fire,
5 &illion scarce #oul% Duench %esireI
0till #oul% ) stee" &y li"s in bliss,
5n% %#ell an age on e$ery kissI
Aor then &y soul shoul% sate% be,
0till #oul% ) kiss an% cling to thee4
Aought shoul% &y kiss fro& thine %isse$er,
0till #oul% #e kiss an% kiss for e$erI
E'en though the nu&bers %i% e-cee% 8ii;
The yello# har$est's countless see%I
To "art #oul% be a $ain en%ea$our4
!oul% ) %esistMFFah3 ne$erFFne$er.
Ao$e&ber 1:, 196:.
8,ootnote 14 ,ro& a note in Byron's co"y of !atullus Eno# in the
"ossession of Cr. CurrayG, it is e$i%ent that these lines are base% on
!ar&. -l$iii., 'Cellitos oculos tuos, ?u$enti'.;
8,ootnote i4 'To 5nna'. 8Kto; ;
8,ootnote ii4 'E'en though the nu&ber'. 8Kto. 'Three first E%itions'.;;
+ + + + + + + +
P>EC0 >A V5.)>@0 >!!50)>A0
T> C. 0. G.
Whene'er ) $ie# those li"s of thine,
Their hue in$ites &y fer$ent kissI
*et, ) forego that bliss %i$ine,
5las3 it #ereFFunhallo#'% bliss.
Whene'er ) %rea& of that "ure breast,
/o# coul% ) %#ell u"on its sno#s3
*et, is the %aring #ish re"rest,
,or that,FF#oul% banish its re"ose.
5 glance fro& thy soulFsearching eye
!an raise #ith ho"e, %e"ress #ith fearI
*et, ) conceal &y lo$e,FFan% #hyM
) #oul% not force a "ainful tear.
) ne'er ha$e tol% &y lo$e, yet thou
/ast seen &y ar%ent fla&e too #ellI
5n% shall ) "lea% &y "assion no#,
To &ake thy boso&'s hea$en a hellM
Ao3 for thou ne$er canst be &ine,
@nite% by the "riest's %ecree4
By any ties but those %i$ine,
Cine, &y belo$'%, thou ne'er shalt be.
Then let the secret fire consu&e,
=et it consu&e, thou shalt not kno#4
With joy ) court a certain %oo&,
.ather than s"rea% its guilty glo#.
) #ill not ease &y tortur'% heart,
By %ri$ing %o$eFey'% "eace fro& thineI
.ather than such a sting i&"art,
Each thought "resu&"tuous ) resign.
*es3 yiel% those li"s, for #hich )'% bra$e
Core than ) here shall %are to tellI
Thy innocence an% &ine to sa$e,FF
) bi% thee no# a last fare#ell.
*es3 yiel% that breast, to seek %es"air
5n% ho"e no &ore thy soft e&braceI
Which to obtain, &y soul #oul% %are,
5ll, all re"roach, but thy %isgrace.
5t least fro& guilt shall thou be free,
Ao &atron shall thy sha&e re"ro$eI
Though cureless "angs &ay "rey on &e,
Ao &artyr shall thou be to lo$e.
0T5AN50 T> 5 =5'*, W)T/ T/E P>EC0 >, !5C>EA0. 81;
This $oti$e "le%ge of fon% estee&,
Perha"s, %ear girl3 for &e thou'lt "riHeI
)t sings of =o$e's enchanting %rea&,
5 the&e #e ne$er can %es"ise.
Who bla&es it but the en$ious fool,
The ol% an% %isa""ointe% &ai%M
>r "u"il of the "ru%ish school,
)n single sorro# %oo&'% to fa%eM
Then rea%, %ear Girl3 #ith feeling rea%,
,or thou #ilt ne'er be one of thoseI
To thee, in $ain, ) shall not "lea%
)n "ity for the Poet's #oes.
/e #as, in sooth, a genuine Bar%I
/is #as no faint, fictitious fla&e4
=ike his, &ay =o$e be thy re#ar%,
But not thy ha"less fate the sa&e.
8,ootnote4 1. =or% 0trangfor%'s 'Poe&s fro& the Portuguese by =uis %e
!a&oens' an% (=ittle's( Poe&s are &entione% by Coore as ha$ing been
Byron's fa$ourite stu%y at this ti&e E'=ife', PFF<1G.;
T> C. 0. G. 81;
When ) %rea& that you lo$e &e, you'll surely forgi$eI
E-ten% not your anger to slee"I
,or in $isions alone your affection can li$e,FF
) rise, an% it lea$es &e to #ee".
Then, Cor"heus3 en$elo" &y faculties fast,
0he% o'er &e your languor benignI
0houl% the %rea& of toFnight but rese&ble the last,
What ra"ture celestial is &ine3
They tell us that slu&ber, the sister of %eath,
Cortality's e&ble& is gi$enI
To fate ho# ) long to resign &y frail breath,
)f this be a foretaste of /ea$en3
5h3 fro#n not, s#eet =a%y, unben% your soft bro#,
Aor %ee& &e too ha""y in thisI
)f ) sin in &y %rea&, ) atone for it no#,
Thus %oo&'%, but to gaHe u"on bliss.
Though in $isions, s#eet =a%y, "erha"s you &ay s&ile,
>h3 think not &y "enance %eficient3
When %rea&s of your "resence &y slu&bers beguile,
To a#ake, #ill be torture sufficient.
8,ootnote 14 (!. G. B. to E. P.( 'C0. Ae#stea%'.;
T.5A0=5T)>A ,.>C />.5!E.
?ustu& et tenace& "ro"ositi $iru&.
/>.. '>%es', iii. <. ).
The &an of fir& an% noble soul
Ao factious cla&ours can controulI
Ao threat'ning tyrant's %arkling bro#
!an s#er$e hi& fro& his just intent4
Gales the #arring #a$es #hich "lough,
By 5uster on the billo#s s"ent,
To curb the 5%riatic &ain,
Woul% a#e his fi-'% %eter&ine% &in% in $ain.
5ye, an% the re% right ar& of ?o$e,
/urtling his lightnings fro& abo$e,
With all his terrors there unfurl'%,
/e #oul%, un&o$'%, una#'%, behol%I
The fla&es of an e-"iring #orl%,
5gain in crashing chaos roll'%,
)n $ast "ro&iscuous ruin hurl'%,
Cight light his glorious funeral "ile4
0till %auntless '&i%st the #reck of earth he'% s&ile.
T/E ,).0T B)00 >, =>VE.
/a barbitos %e chor%ais
ErOota &ounon aechei. 81;
5A5!.E>A 8'>%e' 1;.
5#ay #ith your fictions of fli&sy ro&ance,
Those tissues of falsehoo% #hich ,olly has #o$eI 8i;
Gi$e &e the &il% bea& of the soulFbreathing glance,
>r the ra"ture #hich %#ells on the first kiss of lo$e.
*e rhy&ers, #hose boso&s #ith fantasy glo#, 8ii;
Whose "astoral "assions are &a%e for the gro$eI
,ro& #hat blest ins"iration your sonnets #oul% flo#, 8iii;
!oul% you e$er ha$e taste% the first kiss of lo$e.
)f 5"ollo shoul% e'er his assistance refuse,
>r the Aine be %is"os'% fro& your ser$ice to ro$e,
)n$oke the& no &ore, bi% a%ieu to the Cuse,
5n% try the effect, of the first kiss of lo$e.
) hate you, ye col% co&"ositions of art,
Though "ru%es &ay con%e&n &e, an% bigots re"ro$eI
) court the effusions that s"ring fro& the heart,
Which throbs, #ith %elight, to the first kiss of lo$e. 8i$;
*our she"her%s, your flocks, those fantastical the&es, 8$;
Perha"s &ay a&use, yet they ne$er can &o$e4
5rca%ia %is"lays but a region of %rea&sI 8$i;
What are $isions like these, to the first kiss of lo$eM
>h3 cease to affir& that &an, since his birth, 8$ii;
,ro& 5%a&, till no#, has #ith #retche%ness stro$eI
0o&e "ortion of Para%ise still is on earth,
5n% E%en re$i$es, in the first kiss of lo$e.
When age chills the bloo%, #hen our "leasures are "astFF
,or years fleet a#ay #ith the #ings of the %o$eFF
The %earest re&e&brance #ill still be the last,
>ur s#eetest &e&orial, the first kiss of lo$e.
'ece&ber <, 196:.
8,ootnote 14 The &otto #as "refi-e% in '/ours of )%leness'.;
8,ootnote i4
'Coriah 85; those air %rea&s an% ty"es has o'er #o$e,
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;
'Those tissues of fancy Coriah has #o$e,
'8'P. on V. >ccasions'.; ;
80ubF,ootnote 54 Coriah is the (Go%%ess of ,olly.(;
8,ootnote ii4
'*e rhy&ers, #ho sing as if seate% on sno#.FF'
8'P. on V. >ccasions'.; ;
8,ootnote iii4
'With #hat blest ins"iration.FF'
8'C0. P. on V. >ccasions'.; ;
8,ootnote i$4
'Which glo#s #ith %elight at'.
8,ootnote $4
'*our she"her%s, your "i"es'.
8'C0. P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
8,ootnote $i4
'5rca%ia yiel%s but a legion of %rea&s'.
8,ootnote $ii4
'that &an fro& his birth'.
8'C0. P. on V. >ccasions'.;
!/)=')0/ .E!>==E!T)>A0. 81;
() cannot but re&e&ber such things #ere,
5n% #ere &ost %ear to &e.(
'Cacbeth' 8;
8(That #ere &ost "recious to &e.(
'Cacbeth', act i$, sc. <.;
When slo# 'isease, #ith all her host of Pains, 8i;
!hills the #ar& ti%e, #hich flo#s along the $einsI
When /ealth, affrighte%, s"rea%s her rosy #ing,
5n% flies #ith e$ery changing gale of s"ringI
Aot to the aching fra&e alone confin'%,
@nyiel%ing "angs assail the %roo"ing &in%4
What grisly for&s, the s"ectreFtrain of #oe,
Bi% shu%%ering Aature shrink beneath the blo#,
With .esignation #age relentless strife,
While /o"e retires a""all'%, an% clings to life. 16
*et less the "ang #hen, through the te%ious hour,
.e&e&brance she%s aroun% her genial "o#er,
!alls back the $anish'% %ays to ra"ture gi$en,
When =o$e #as bliss, an% Beauty for&'% our hea$enI
>r, %ear to youth, "ourtrays each chil%ish scene,
Those fairy bo#ers, #here all in turn ha$e been.
5s #hen, through clou%s that "our the su&&er stor&,
The orb of %ay un$eils his %istant for&,
Gil%s #ith faint bea&s the crystal %e#s of rain
5n% %i&ly t#inkles o'er the #atery "lainI 6
Thus, #hile the future %ark an% cheerless glea&s,
The 0un of Ce&ory, glo#ing through &y %rea&s,
Though sunk the ra%iance of his for&er blaHe,
To scenes far %istant "oints his "aler rays,
0till rules &y senses #ith unboun%e% s#ay,
The "ast confoun%ing #ith the "resent %ay.
>ft %oes &y heart in%ulge the rising thought,
Which still recurs, unlook'% for an% unsoughtI
Cy soul to ,ancy's fon% suggestion yiel%s,
5n% roa&s ro&antic o'er her airy fiel%s. <6
0cenes of &y youth, %e$elo"'%, cro#% to $ie#,
To #hich ) long ha$e ba%e a last a%ieu3
0eats of %elight, ins"iring youthful the&esI
,rien%s lost to &e, for aye, e-ce"t in %rea&sI
0o&e, #ho in &arble "re&aturely slee",
Whose for&s ) no# re&e&ber, but to #ee"I
0o&e, #ho yet urge the sa&e scholastic course
>f early science, future fa&e the sourceI
Who, still conten%ing in the stu%ious race,
)n Duick rotation, fill the senior "lace3 K6
These, #ith a thousan% $isions, no# unite,
To %aHHle, though they "lease, &y aching sight. 8<;
)'53 blest s"ot, #here 0cience hol%s her reign,
/o# joyous, once, ) join'% thy youthful train3
Bright, in i%ea, glea&s thy lofty s"ire,
5gain, ) &ingle #ith thy "layful DuireI
>ur tricks of &ischief, 8K; e$ery chil%ish ga&e,
@nchang'% by ti&e or %istance, see& the sa&eI
Through #in%ing "aths, along the gla%e ) trace
The social s&ile of e$ery #elco&e faceI 76
Cy #onte% haunts, &y scenes of joy or #oe,
Each early boyish frien%, or youthful foe,
>ur feu%s %issol$'%, but not &y frien%shi" "ast,FF
) bless the for&er, an% forgi$e the last.
/ours of &y youth3 #hen, nurtur'% in &y breast,
To =o$e a stranger, ,rien%shi" &a%e &e blest,FF
,rien%shi", the %ear "eculiar bon% of youth,
When e$ery artless boso& throbs #ith truthI
@ntaught by #orl%ly #is%o& ho# to feign,
5n% check each i&"ulse #ith "ru%ential reinI :6
When, all #e feel, our honest souls %isclose,
)n lo$e to frien%s, in o"en hate to foesI
Ao $arnish'% tales the li"s of youth re"eat,
Ao %earFbought kno#le%ge "urchase% by %eceitI
/y"ocrisy, the gift of lengthen'% years,
Cature% by age, the garb of Pru%ence #ears4 8ii;
When, no#, the Boy is ri"en'% into Can,
/is careful 0ire chalks forth so&e #ary "lanI
)nstructs his 0on fro& !an%our's "ath to shrink,
0&oothly to s"eak, an% cautiously to thinkI 26
0till to assent, an% ne$er to %enyFF
5 "atron's "raise can #ell re#ar% the lie4
5n% #ho, #hen ,ortune's #arning $oice is hear%,
Woul% lose his o"ening "ros"ects for a #or%M
5lthough, against that #or%, his heart rebel,
5n% Truth, in%ignant, all his boso& s#ell.
5#ay #ith the&es like this3 not &ine the task,
,ro& flattering frien%s to tear the hateful &askI
=et keener bar%s %elight in 0atire's sting,
Cy ,ancy soars not on 'etraction's #ing4 96
>nce, an% but once, she ai&'% a %ea%ly blo#,
To hurl 'efiance on a secret ,oeI
But #hen that foe, fro& feeling or fro& sha&e,
The cause unkno#n, yet still to &e the sa&e,
Warn'% by so&e frien%ly hint, "erchance, retir'%,
With this sub&ission all her rage e-"ire%.
,ro& %rea%e% "angs that feeble ,oe to sa$e,
0he hush'% her young resent&ent, an% forga$e.
>r, if &y Cuse a Pe%ant's "ortrait %re#,
P>CP>0@0' 87; $irtues are but kno#n to fe#4 16
) ne$er fear'% the young usur"er's no%,
5n% he #ho #iel%s &ust, so&eti&es, feel the ro%.
)f since on Granta's failings, kno#n to all
Who share the con$erse of a college hall,
0he so&eti&es trifle% in a lighter strain,
'Tis "ast, an% thus she #ill not sin again4
0oon &ust her early song for e$er cease,
5n%, all &ay rail, #hen ) shall rest in "eace.
/ere, first re&e&ber'% be the joyous ban%,
Who hail'% &e chief, 8:; obe%ient to co&&an%I 166
Who join'% #ith &e, in e$ery boyish s"ort,
Their first a%$iser, an% their last resortI
Aor shrunk beneath the u"start "e%ant's fro#n, 8iii;
>r all the sable glories of his go#nI 8i$;
Who, thus, trans"lante% fro& his father's school,
@nfit to go$ern, ignorant of ruleFF
0uccee%e% hi&, #ho& all unite to "raise,
The %ear "rece"tor of &y early %ays,
P.>B@0, 82; the "ri%e of science, an% the boastFF
To )'5 no#, alas3 for e$er lost3 116
With hi&, for years, #e search'% the classic "age, 8$;
5n% fear'% the Caster, though #e lo$'% the 0age4
.etir'% at last, his s&all yet "eaceful seat
,ro& learning's labour is the blest retreat.
P>CP>0@0 fills his &agisterial chairI
P>CP>0@0 go$erns,FFbut, &y Cuse, forbear4
!onte&"t, in silence, be the "e%ant's lot, 8$i;
/is na&e an% "rece"ts be alike forgotI
Ao &ore his &ention shall &y $erse %egra%e,FF
To hi& &y tribute is alrea%y "ai%. 89; 16
/igh, through those el&s #ith hoary branches cro#n'% 81;
,air )'5'0 bo#er a%orns the lan%sca"e roun%I
There 0cience, fro& her fa$our'% seat, sur$eys
The $ale #here rural Aature clai&s her "raiseI
To her a#hile resigns her youthful train,
Who &o$e in joy, an% %ance along the "lainI
)n scatter'% grou"s, each fa$our'% haunt "ursue,
.e"eat ol% "asti&es, an% %isco$er ne#I
,lush'% #ith his rays, beneath the noonti%e 0un,
)n ri$al ban%s, bet#een the #ickets run, 1<6
'ri$e o'er the s#ar% the ball #ith acti$e force,
>r chase #ith ni&ble feet its ra"i% course.
But these #ith slo#er ste"s %irect their #ay,
Where Brent's cool #a$es in li&"i% currents stray,
While yon%er fe# search out so&e green retreat,
5n% arbours sha%e the& fro& the su&&er heat4
>thers, again, a "ert an% li$ely cre#,
0o&e rough an% thoughtless stranger "lac'% in $ie#,
With frolic Duaint their antic jests e-"ose,
5n% tease the gru&bling rustic as he goesI 1K6
Aor rest #ith this, but &any a "assing fray
Tra%ition treasures for a future %ay4
('T#as here the gather'% s#ains for $engeance fought,
5n% here #e earn'% the conDuest %early bought4
/ere ha$e #e fle% before su"erior &ight,
5n% here rene#'% the #il% tu&ultuous fight.(
While thus our souls #ith early "assions s#ell,
)n lingering tones resoun%s the %istant bellI
Th' allotte% hour of %aily s"ort is o'er,
5n% =earning beckons fro& her te&"le's %oor. 176
Ao s"len%i% tablets grace her si&"le hall,
But ru%er recor%s fill the %usky #all4
There, %ee"ly car$'%, behol%3 each Tyro's na&e
0ecures its o#ner's aca%e&ic fa&eI
/ere &ingling $ie# the na&es of 0ire an% 0on,
The one long gra$'%, the other just begun4
These shall sur$i$e alike #hen 0on an% 0ire,
Beneath one co&&on stroke of fate e-"ireI 816;
Perha"s, their last &e&orial these alone,
'enie%, in %eath, a &onu&ental stone, 1:6
Whilst to the gale in &ournful ca%ence #a$e
The sighing #ee%s, that hi%e their na&eless gra$e.
5n%, here, &y na&e, an% &any an early frien%'s,
5long the #all in lengthen'% line e-ten%s.
Though, still, our %ee%s a&use the youthful race,
Who trea% our ste"s, an% fill our for&er "lace,
Who young obeye% their lor%s in silent a#e,
Whose no% co&&an%e%, an% #hose $oice #as la#I
5n% no#, in turn, "ossess the reins of "o#er,
To rule, the little Tyrants of an hourI 126
Though so&eti&es, #ith the Tales of ancient %ay,
They "ass the %reary Winter's e$e a#ayI
(5n%, thus, our for&er rulers ste&&'% the ti%e,
5n%, thus, they %ealt the co&bat, si%e by si%eI
?ust in this "lace, the &oul%ering #alls they scale%,
Aor bolts, nor bars, against their strength a$ail'%I
/ere P.>B@0 ca&e, the rising fray to Duell,
5n%, here, he falter'% forth his last fare#ellI
5n%, here, one night abroa% they %are% to roa&,
While bol% P>CP>0@0 bra$ely stai% at ho&eI( 196
While thus they s"eak, the hour &ust soon arri$e,
When na&es of these, like ours, alone sur$i$e4
*et a fe# years, one general #reck #ill #hel&
The faint re&e&brance of our fairy real&.
'ear honest race3 though no# #e &eet no &ore,
>ne last long look on #hat #e #ere beforeFF
>ur first kin% greetings, an% our last a%ieuFF
're# tears fro& eyes unus'% to #ee" #ith you.
Through s"len%i% circles, ,ashion's gau%y #orl%,
Where ,olly's glaring stan%ar% #a$es unfurl'%, 116
) "lung'% to %ro#n in noise &y fon% regret,
5n% all ) sought or ho"'% #as to forget4
Vain #ish3 if, chance, so&e #ellFre&e&ber'% face,
0o&e ol% co&"anion of &y early race,
5%$anc'% to clai& his frien% #ith honest joy,
Cy eyes, &y heart, "roclai&'% &e still a boyI
The glittering scene, the fluttering grou"s aroun%,
Were Duite forgotten #hen &y frien% #as foun%I
The s&iles of Beauty, Efor, alas3 )'$e kno#n
What 'tis to ben% before =o$e's &ighty throneIG 66
The s&iles of Beauty, though those s&iles #ere %ear,
!oul% har%ly char& &e, #hen that frien% #as near4
Cy thoughts be#il%er'% in the fon% sur"rise,
The #oo%s of )'5 %anc'% before &y eyesI
) sa# the s"rightly #an%'rers "our along,
) sa#, an% join'% again the joyous throngI
Panting, again ) trac'% her lofty gro$e,
5n% ,rien%shi"'s feelings triu&"h'% o$er =o$e.
*et, #hy shoul% ) alone #ith such %elight
.etrace the circuit of &y for&er flightM 16
)s there no cause beyon% the co&&on clai&,
En%ear'% to all in chil%hoo%'s $ery na&eM
5h3 sure so&e stronger i&"ulse $ibrates here,
Which #his"ers frien%shi" #ill be %oubly %ear
To one, #ho thus for kin%re% hearts &ust roa&,
5n% seek abroa%, the lo$e %enie% at ho&e.
Those hearts, %ear )'5, ha$e ) foun% in thee,
5 ho&e, a #orl%, a "ara%ise to &e.
0tern 'eath forba%e &y or"han youth to share
The ten%er gui%ance of a ,ather's careI 6
!an .ank, or e'en a Guar%ian's na&e su""ly
The lo$e, #hich glistens in a ,ather's eyeM
,or this, can Wealth, or Title's soun% atone,
Ca%e, by a Parent's early loss, &y o#nM
What Brother s"rings a Brother's lo$e to seekM
What 0ister's gentle kiss has "rest &y cheekM
,or &e, ho# %ull the $acant &o&ents rise,
To no fon% boso& link'% by kin%re% ties3
>ft, in the "rogress of so&e fleeting %rea&,
,raternal s&iles, collecte% roun% &e see&I <6
While still the $isions to &y heart are "rest,
The $oice of =o$e #ill &ur&ur in &y rest4
) hearFF) #akeFFan% in the soun% rejoice3
) hear again,FFbut, ah3 no Brother's $oice.
5 /er&it, '&i%st of cro#%s, ) fain &ust stray
5lone, though thousan% "ilgri&s fill the #ayI
While these a thousan% kin%re% #reaths ent#ine,
) cannot call one single blosso& &ine4
What then re&ainsM in solitu%e to groan,
To &i- in frien%shi", or to sigh aloneM K6
Thus, &ust ) cling to so&e en%earing han%,
5n% none &ore %ear, than )'5'0 social ban%.
5lonHo3 811; best an% %earest of &y frien%s, 8$ii;
Thy na&e ennobles hi&, #ho thus co&&en%s4
,ro& this fon% tribute thou canst gain no "raiseI
The "raise is his, #ho no# that tribute "ays.
>h3 in the "ro&ise of thy early youth,
)f /o"e antici"ate the #or%s of Truth3
0o&e loftier bar% shall sing thy glorious na&e,
To buil% his o#n, u"on thy %eathless fa&e4 8$iii; 76
,rien% of &y heart, an% fore&ost of the list
>f those #ith #ho& ) li$e% su"re&ely blestI
>ft ha$e #e %rain'% the font of ancient lore,
Though %rinking %ee"ly, thirsting still the &oreI
*et, #hen !onfine&ent's lingering hour #as %one,
>ur s"orts, our stu%ies, an% our souls #ere one4
Together #e i&"ell'% the flying ball,
Together #aite% in our tutor's hallI
Together join'% in cricket's &anly toil,
>r shar'% the "ro%uce of the ri$er's s"oilI :6
>r "lunging fro& the green %eclining shore,
>ur "liant li&bs the buoyant billo#s bore4 8i-;
)n e$ery ele&ent, unchang'%, the sa&e,
5ll, all that brothers shoul% be, but the na&e.
Aor, yet, are you forgot, &y jocun% Boy3
'5V@0, 81; the harbinger of chil%ish joyI
,or e$er fore&ost in the ranks of fun,
The laughing heral% of the har&less "unI
*et, #ith a breast of such &aterials &a%e,
5n-ious to "lease, of "leasing half afrai%I 26
!an%i% an% liberal, #ith a heart of steel
)n 'anger's "ath, though not untaught to feel.
0till, ) re&e&ber, in the factious strife,
The rustic's &usket ai&'% against &y life4 81<;
/igh "ois'% in air the &assy #ea"on hung,
5 cry of horror burst fro& e$ery tongue4
Whilst ), in co&bat #ith another foe,
,ought on, unconscious of th' i&"en%ing blo#I
*our ar&, bra$e Boy, arreste% his careerFF
,or#ar% you s"rung, insensible to fearI 96
'isar&'%, an% baffle% by your conDuering han%,
The gro$elling 0a$age roll'% u"on the san%4
5n act like this, can si&"le thanks re"ayM 8-;
>r all the labours of a grateful layM
>h no3 #hene'er &y breast forgets the %ee%,
That instant, '5V@0, it %eser$es to blee%.
=*!@03 81K; on &e thy clai&s are justly great4
Thy &il%er $irtues coul% &y Cuse relate,
To thee, alone, unri$all'%, #oul% belong
The feeble efforts of &y lengthen'% song. 8-i; 16
Well canst thou boast, to lea% in senates fit,
5 0"artan fir&ness, #ith 5thenian #it4
Though yet, in e&bryo, these "erfections shine,
=*!@03 thy father's fa&e 817; #ill soon be thine.
Where =earning nurtures the su"erior &in%,
What &ay #e ho"e, fro& genius thus refin'%I
When Ti&e, at length, &atures thy gro#ing years,
/o# #ilt thou to#er, abo$e thy fello# "eers3
Pru%ence an% sense, a s"irit bol% an% free,
With /onour's soul, unite% bea& in thee. <66
0hall fair E@.*5=@0,81:; "ass by unsungM
,ro& ancient lineage, not un#orthy, s"rung4
What, though one sa% %issension ba%e us "art,
That na&e is yet e&bal&'% #ithin &y heart,
*et, at the &ention, %oes that heart reboun%,
5n% "al"itate, res"onsi$e to the soun%I
En$y %issol$e% our ties, an% not our #ill4
We once #ere frien%s,FF)'ll think, #e are so still.
5 for& un&atch'% in Aature's "artial &oul%,
5 heart untainte%, #e, in thee, behol%4 <16
*et, not the 0enate's thun%er thou shall #iel%,
Aor seek for glory, in the tente% fiel%4
To &in%s of ru%er te-ture, these be gi$enFF
Thy soul shall nearer soar its nati$e hea$en.
/a"ly, in "olish'% courts &ight be thy seat,
But, that thy tongue coul% ne$er forge %eceit4
The courtier's su""le bo#, an% sneering s&ile,
The flo# of co&"li&ent, the sli""ery #ile,
Woul% &ake that breast, #ith in%ignation, burn,
5n%, all the glittering snares, to te&"t thee, s"urn. <6
'o&estic ha""iness #ill sta&" thy fateI
0acre% to lo$e, unclou%e% e'er by hateI
The #orl% a%&ire thee, an% thy frien%s a%oreIFF
5&bition's sla$e, alone, #oul% toil for &ore. 8-ii;
Ao# last, but nearest, of the social ban%,
0ee honest, o"en, generous !=E>A 812; stan%I
With scarce one s"eck, to clou% the "leasing scene,
Ao $ice %egra%es that "urest soul serene.
>n the sa&e %ay, our stu%ious race begun,
>n the sa&e %ay, our stu%ious race #as runI <<6
Thus, si%e by si%e, #e "ass'% our first career,
Thus, si%e by si%e, #e stro$e for &any a year4
5t last, conclu%e% our scholastic life,
We neither conDuer'% in the classic strife4
5s 0"eakers, 819; each su""orts an eDual na&e, 8-iii;
5n% cro#%s allo# to both a "artial fa&e4
To soothe a youthful .i$al's early "ri%e,
Though !leon's can%our #oul% the "al& %i$i%e,
*et !an%our's self co&"els &e no# to o#n,
?ustice a#ar%s it to &y ,rien% alone. <K6
>h3 ,rien%s regrette%, 0cenes for e$er %ear,
.e&e&brance hails you #ith her #ar&est tear3
'roo"ing, she ben%s o'er "ensi$e ,ancy's urn,
To trace the hours, #hich ne$er can returnI
*et, #ith the retros"ection lo$es to %#ell, 8-i$;
5n% soothe the sorro#s of her last fare#ell3
*et greets the triu&"h of &y boyish &in%,
5s infant laurels roun% &y hea% #ere t#in'%I
When P.>B@0' "raise re"ai% &y lyric song,
>r "lac'% &e higher in the stu%ious throngI <76
>r #hen &y first harangue recei$'% a""lause, 811;
/is sage instruction the "ri&e$al cause,
What gratitu%e, to hi&, &y soul "ossest,
While ho"e of %a#ning honours fill'% &y breast3 8-$;
,or all &y hu&ble fa&e, to hi& alone,
The "raise is %ue, #ho &a%e that fa&e &y o#n.
>h3 coul% ) soar abo$e these feeble lays,
These young effusions of &y early %ays,
To hi& &y Cuse her noblest strain #oul% gi$e,
The song &ight "erish, but the the&e &ight li$e. 8-$i; <:6
*et, #hy for hi& the nee%less $erse essayM
/is honour'% na&e reDuires no $ain %is"lay4
By e$ery son of grateful )'5 blest,
)t fin%s an echo in each youthful breastI
5 fa&e beyon% the glories of the "rou%,
>r all the "lau%its of the $enal cro#%.
)'53 not yet e-hauste% is the the&e,
Aor clos'% the "rogress of &y youthful %rea&.
/o# &any a frien% %eser$es the grateful strain3
What scenes of chil%hoo% still unsung re&ain3 <26
*et let &e hush this echo of the "ast,
This "arting song, the %earest an% the lastI
5n% broo% in secret o'er those hours of joy,
To &e a silent an% a s#eet e&"loy,
While, future ho"e an% fear alike unkno#n,
) think #ith "leasure on the "ast aloneI
*es, to the "ast alone, &y heart confine,
5n% chase the "hanto& of #hat once #as &ine.
)'53 still o'er thy hills in joy "resi%e,
5n% "rou%ly steer through Ti&e's e$entful ti%e4 <96
0till &ay thy bloo&ing 0ons thy na&e re$ere,
0&ile in thy bo#er, but Duit thee #ith a tearIFF
That tear, "erha"s, the fon%est #hich #ill flo#,
>'er their last scene of ha""iness belo#4
Tell &e, ye hoary fe#, #ho gli%e along,
The feeble Veterans of so&e for&er throng,
Whose frien%s, like 5utu&n lea$es by te&"ests #hirl'%,
5re s#e"t for e$er fro& this busy #orl%I
.e$ol$e the fleeting &o&ents of your youth,
While !are has yet #ithhel% her $eno&'% toothI 8-$ii; <16
0ay, if .e&e&brance %ays like these en%ears,
Beyon% the ra"ture of succee%ing yearsM
0ay, can 5&bition's fe$er'% %rea& besto#
0o s#eet a bal& to soothe your hours of #oeM
!an Treasures hoar%e% for so&e thankless 0on,
!an .oyal 0&iles, or Wreaths by slaughter #on,
!an 0tars or Er&ine, Can's &aturer Toys,
E,or glittering baubles are not left to Boys,G
.ecall one scene so &uch belo$'% to $ie#,
5s those #here *outh her garlan% t#in'% for youM K66
5h, no3 a&i% the gloo&y cal& of age
*ou turn #ith faltering han% life's $arie% "age,
Peruse the recor% of your %ays on earth,
@nsullie% only #here it &arks your birthI
0till, lingering, "ause abo$e each cheDuer'% leaf,
5n% blot #ith Tears the sable lines of GriefI
Where Passion o'er the the&e her &antle thre#,
>r #ee"ing Virtue sigh'% a faint a%ieuI
But bless the scroll #hich fairer #or%s a%orn,
Trac'% by the rosy finger of the CornI K16
When ,rien%shi" bo#'% before the shrine of truth,
5n% =o$e, #ithout his "inion, 86; s&il'% on *outh.
8,ootnote 14 The #or%s, (that schoolboy thing,( etc. Esee letter to /.
'rury, ?an. 9, 1969G, e$i%ently a""ly, not as Coore inti&ates,
to this "erio%, but to the lines (>n a !hange of Casters,(
etc., ?uly, 1967 Esee letter to W. Bankes, Carch :, 1962G.;
8,ootnote 4 The &otto #as "refi-e% in '/ours of )%leness'.;
8,ootnote <4 =ines K<F19 #ere a%%e% in '/ours of )%leness';
8,ootnote K4 Ae#ton /anson relates that on one occasion he acco&"anie%
his father to /arro# on 0"eech 'ay to see his brother /argrea$es /anson
an% Byron.
(>n our arri$al at /arro#, #e set out in search of /argrea$es an%
Byron, but the latter #as not at his tutor's. Three or four la%s,
hearing &y father's inDuiries, set off at full s"ee% to fin% hi&. They
soon %isco$ere% hi&, an%, laughing &ost heartily, calle% out, '/allo,
Byron3 here's a gentle&an #ants you.' 5n% #hat %o you thinkM /e ha%
got on 'rury's hat. ) can still re&e&ber the arch cock of Byron's eye
at the hat an% then at &y father, an% the fun an% &erri&ent it cause%
hi& an% all of us #hilst, %uring the %ay, he #as "era&bulating the
high#ays an% bye#ays of )%a #ith the hat on. '/arro# 0"eech 'ay an%
the Go$ernor's /at' #as one of the stan%ing rallyingF"oints for =or%
Byron e$er after.(
8,ootnote 74 'r. Butler, then /ea%F&aster of /arro#. /a% Byron
"ublishe% another e%ition of these "oe&s, it #as his intention
to re"lace these four lines by the four #hich follo#4FF
(')f once &y &use a harsher "ortrait %re#,
War& #ith her #rongs, an% %ee&e% the likeness true,
By cooler ju%g&ent taught, her fault she o#ns,FF
With noble &in%s a fault confess'%, atones'.(
8'C0. C.';
0ee also allusion in letter to Cr. /enry 'rury, ?une 7, 1961.
FFCoore's 'Aote'.;
8,ootnote :4 >n the retire&ent of 'r. 'rury, three can%i%ates for the
$acant chair "resente% the&sel$esFFCessrs. 'rury, E$ans, an% Butler. >n
the first &o$e&ent to #hich this contest ga$e rise in the school, young
Wil%&an #as at the hea% of the "arty for Cark 'rury, #hile Byron hel%
hi&self aloof fro& any. 5n-ious, ho#e$er, to ha$e hi& as an ally, one of
the 'rury faction sai% to Wil%&an, (Byron, ) kno#, #ill not join,
because he %oes not choose to act secon% to any one, but, by gi$ing u"
the lea%ershi" to hi&, you &ay at once secure hi&.( This Wil%&an %i%,
an% Byron took the co&&an%.FF'=ife', ". 1.;
8,ootnote 24 'r. 'rury. This &ost able an% e-cellent &an retire% fro&
his situation in Carch, 1967, after ha$ing resi%e% thirtyFfi$e years at
/arro#I the last t#enty as hea%F&asterI an office he hel% #ith eDual
honour to hi&self an% a%$antage to the $ery e-tensi$e school o$er #hich
he "resi%e%. Panegyric #oul% here be su"erfluous4 it #oul% be useless to
enu&erate Dualifications #hich #ere ne$er %oubte%. 5 consi%erable
contest took "lace bet#een three ri$al can%i%ates for his $acant chair4
of this ) can only sayFF
'0i &ea cu& $estris $aluissent $ota, Pelasgi3
Aon foret a&biguus tanti certa&inis hares.'
8Byron's letters fro& /arro# contain the sa&e high "raise of 'r. 'rury.
)n one, of Ao$e&ber , 196K, he says,
(There is so &uch of the gentle&an, so &uch &il%ness, an% nothing of
"e%antry in his character, that ) cannot hel" liking hi&, an% #ill
re&e&ber his instructions #ith gratitu%e as long as ) li$e.(
5 #eek after, he a%%s,
() re$ere 'r. 'rury. ) %rea% offen%ing hi&I not, ho#e$er, through
fear, but the res"ect ) bear hi& &akes &e unha""y #hen ) a& un%er his
'r. 'rury has relate% the secret of the influence he obtaine%4 the
glance #hich tol% hi& that the la% #as (a #il% &ountain colt,( tol% hi&
also that he coul% be (le% #ith a silken string.(;;
8,ootnote 94 This allu%es to a character "rinte% in a for&er "ri$ate
e%ition 8'P. on V. >ccasions'; for the "erusal of so&e frien%s, #hich,
#ith &any other "ieces, is #ithhel% fro& the "resent $olu&e. To %ra# the
attention of the "ublic to insignificance #oul% be %eser$e%ly
re"robate%I an% another reason, though not of eDual conseDuence, &ay be
gi$en in the follo#ing cou"let4FF
(0atire or sense, alas3 can 0"orus feelM
Who breaks a Butterfly u"on a #heelM(
'Prologue to the 0atires'4 P>PE.
8'/ours of )%leness', ". 17K, 'note';
8E0ee the lines (>n a !hange of Casters at a Great Public 0chool,(
'ante', ". 1:.G
The follo#ing lines, attache% to the Ae#stea% C0. %raft of
(!hil%ish .ecollections,( are ai&e% at Po&"osus4FF
(?ust half a Pe%agogue, an% half a ,o",
Aot for&e% to grace the "ul"it, but the 0ho"I
The '!ounter', not the ''esk', shoul% be his "lace,
Who %eals out "rece"ts, as if %ealing =aceI
0er$ile in &in%, fro& Ele$ation "rou%,
)n argu&ent, less sensible than lou%,
Through half the continent, the !o-co&b's been,
5n% stuns you #ith the Won%ers he has seen4
''/o#' in Po&"eii's $ault he foun% the "age,
>f so&e long lost, an% long la&ente% 0age,
5n% %oubtless he the =etters #oul% ha$e trac'%,
/a% they not been by age an% %ust effac'%4
This single s"eci&en #ill ser$e to she#,
The #eighty lessons of this re$eren% Beau,
Bo&bast in $ain #oul% #ant of Genius cloke,
,or feeble fires e$a"orate in s&okeI
5 Boy, o'er Boys he hol%s a tre&bling reign,
Core fit than they to seek so&e 0chool again.(;;
8,ootnote 14 =ines 11FK< #ere a%%e% in '/ours of )%leness'.;
8,ootnote 164 'uring a rebellion at /arro#, the "oet "re$ente% the
schoolFroo& fro& being burnt %o#n, by "ointing out to the boys the na&es
of their fathers an% gran%fathers on the #alls.FFECe%#in's
'!on$ersations' E19KG, ". 97.G
Byron else#here thus %escribes his usual course of life
#hile at /arro#4 (al#ays cricketing, rebelling, 'ro#ing', an% in all
&anner of &ischiefs.( >ne %ay he tore %o#n the gratings fro& the #in%o#
of the hallI an% #hen aske% by 'r. Butler his reason for the outrage,
coolly ans#ere%, (because they %arkene% the roo&.(FF'=ife', ". 1.;
8,ootnote 114 (=or% !lare.( E5nnotate% co"y of 'P. on V. >ccasions'
in the British Cuseu&.G
8=ines K<F:K, as the note in Byron's han%#riting e-"lains, #ere
originally inten%e% to a""ly to =or% !lare. )n '/ours of )%leness'
(?oannes( beca&e (5lonHo,( an% the sa&e lines #ere e&"loye% to celebrate
the &e&ory of his frien% the /on. ?ohn Wingfiel%, of the !ol%strea&
Guar%s, brother to .ichar%, fourth Viscount Po#erscourt. /e %ie% at
!oi&bra in 1911, in his t#entieth year. Byron at one ti&e ga$e hi& the
"reference o$er all other frien%s.;;
8,ootnote 14 The .e$. ?ohn !ecil Tattersall, B.5., of !hrist !hurch,
>-for%, #ho %ie% 'ece&ber 9, 191, at /all's Place, Bent, age%
8,ootnote 1<4 The (factious strife( #as brought on by the breaking u" of
school, an% the %is&issal of so&e $olunteers fro& %rill, both ha""ening
at the sa&e hour. The buttFen% of a &usket #as ai&e% at Byron's hea%,
an% #oul% ha$e felle% hi& to the groun%, but for the inter"osition of
Tattersall.FF'=ife', ". 7.;
8,ootnote 1K4 ?ohn ,itHgibbon, secon% Earl of !lare E121F1971G,
after#ar%s Go$ernor of Bo&bay, of #ho& Byron sai%, in 19,
() ha$e al#ays lo$e% hi& better than any '&ale' thing in the #orl%.(
() ne$er,( #as his language in 191, (hear the #or% ''!lare'' #ithout
a beating of the heart e$en 'no#'I an% ) #rite it #ith the feelings of
196<FKF7, a% infinitu&.(;
8,ootnote 174 ?ohn ,itHgibbon, first Earl of !lare E12K1F196G, beca&e
5ttorneyFGeneral an% =or% !hancellor of )relan%. )n the latter years of
the in%e"en%ent )rish Parlia&ent, he took an acti$e "art in "olitics in
o""osition to Grattan an% the national "arty, an% #as %istinguishe% as a
"o#erful, if bitter, s"eaker. /e #as &a%e Earl of !lare in 1217.;
8,ootnote 1:4 George ?ohn, fifth Earl of 'ela#arr.FF
() a& ha""y enough, an% co&fortable here,( says Byron, in a letter
fro& /arro# of >ct. 7, 196K. (Cy frien%s are not nu&erous, but
select. 5&ong the "rinci"al, ) rank =or% 'ela#arr, #ho is $ery
a&iable, an% &y "articular frien%.(FF
(Ao$. , 196K. =or% 'ela#arr is consi%erably younger than &e, but the
&ost goo%Fte&"ere%, a&iable, cle$er fello# in the uni$erse. To all
#hich he a%%s the Duality Ea goo% one in the eyes of #o&enG of being
re&arkably han%so&e. 'ela#arr an% &yself are, in a &anner, connecte%I
for one of &y forefathers, in !harles )'s ti&e, &arrie% into their
The allusion in the te-t to their subseDuent Duarrel, recei$es further
light fro& a letter #hich the "oet a%%resse% to =or% !lare un%er %ate,
,ebruary :, 1962. E0ee, too, lines (To George, Earl 'ela#arr,( ". 1:.G
The first =or% Byron #as t#ice &arrie%. /is first #ife #as !ecilie,
#i%o# of 0ir ,rancis Bin%lose, an% %aughter of Tho&as, thir% =or%
'ela#arr. /e %ie% chil%less, an% #as succee%e% by his brother .ichar%,
the "oet's ancestor. /is younger brother, 0ir .obert Byron, &arrie%
=ucy, another %aughter of the thir% =or% 'ela#arr.;
8,ootnote 124 E%#ar% Aoel =ong, #ho #as %ro#ne% by the foun%ering of a
trans"ort on the $oyage to =isbon #ith his regi&ent, in 1961. E0ee lines
(To E%#ar% Aoel =ong, EsD.,( '"ost', ". 19K.G;
8,ootnote 194 This allu%es to the "ublic s"eeches %eli$ere% at the
school #here the author #as e%ucate%.;
8,ootnote 114
(Cy Dualities #ere &uch &ore oratorical than "oetical, an% 'r. 'rury,
&y gran% "atron, ha% a great notion that ) shoul% turn out an orator
fro& &y fluency, &y turbulence, &y $oice, &y co"iousness of
%ecla&ation, an% &y action. ) re&e&ber that &y first %ecla&ation
astonishe% 'r. 'rury into so&e un#onte% Efor he #as econo&ical of
suchG an% su%%en co&"li&ents, before the %eclai&ers at our first
'Byron 'iary'.
() certainly #as &uch "lease% #ith =or% Byron's attitu%e, gesture, an%
%eli$ery, as #ell as #ith his co&"osition. To &y sur"rise, he su%%enly
%i$erge% fro& the #ritten co&"osition, #ith a bol%ness an% ra"i%ity
sufficient to alar& &e, lest he shoul% fail in &e&ory as to the
conclusion. ) Duestione% hi&, #hy he ha% altere% his %ecla&ationM /e
%eclare% he ha% &a%e no alteration, an% %i% not kno#, in s"eaking,
that he ha% %e$iate% fro& it one letter. ) belie$e% hi&, an% fro& a
kno#le%ge of his te&"era&ent, a& con$ince% that he #as hurrie% on to
e-"ressions an% colourings &ore striking than #hat his "en ha%
'.. '.@.*, '=ife', ". 6.;
8,ootnote 64 (='5&itie est l'5&our sans ailes,( is a ,rench "ro$erb.
E0ee the lines so entitle%, ". 6.G;
8,ootnote i4
'/ence3 thou un$arying song, of $arie% lo$es,
Which youth co&&en%s, &aturer age re"ro$esI
Which e$ery rhy&ing bar% re"eats by rote,
By thousan%s echo'% to the selfFsa&e note3
Tir'% of the %ull, unceasing, co"ious strain,
Cy soul is "anting to be free again.
,are#ell3 ye ny&"hs, "ro"itious to &y $erse,
0o&e other 'a&on, #ill your char&s rehearseI
0o&e other "aint his "angs, in ho"e of bliss,
>r %#ell in ra"ture on your nectar'% kiss.
Those beauties, grateful to &y ar%ent sight,
Ao &ore entrance &y senses in %elightI
Those boso&s, for&'% of ani&ate% sno#,
5like are tasteless an% unfeeling no#.
These to so&e ha""ier lo$er, ) resignI
The &e&ory of those joys alone is &ine.
!ensure no &ore shall bran% &y hu&ble na&e,
The chil% of "assion an% the fool of fa&e.
Weary of lo$e, of life, %e$oure% #ith s"leen,
) rest a "erfect Ti&on, not nineteenI
Worl%3 ) renounce thee3 all &y ho"e's o'ercast3
>ne sigh ) gi$e thee, but that sigh's the last.
,rien%s, foes, an% fe&ales, no# alike, a%ieu3
Woul% ) coul% a%% re&e&brance of you, too3
*et though the future, %ark an% cheerless glea&s,
The curse of &e&ory, ho$ering in &y %rea&s,
'e"icts #ith glo#ing "encil all those years,
Ere yet, &y cu", e&"oison'%, flo#'% #ith tears,
0till rules &y senses #ith tyrannic s#ay,
The "ast confoun%ing #ith the "resent %ay.
5las3 in $ain ) check the &a%%ening thoughtI
)t still recurs, unlook'% for an% unsought4
Cy soul to ,ancy's', etc., etc., as at line 1.FF;
8,ootnote ii4 '!unning #ith age.' 8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote iii4 'Aor shrunk before.' 8'/ours of )%leness'.;;
8,ootnote i$4
'!areless to soothe the "e%ant's furious fro#n,
0carcely res"ecting his &ajestic go#nI
By #hich, in $ain, he gain'% a borro#'% grace,
5%%ing ne# terror to his sneering face,'
8'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
8,ootnote $4
'With hi& for years ) search'% the classic "age,
!ulling the treasures of the letter'% sage,'
8'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
8,ootnote $i4
'!onte&"t, in silence, be the "e%ant's lot,
0oon shall his shallo# "rece"ts be forgotI
Ao &ore his &ention shall &y "en %egra%eFF
Cy tribute to his na&e's alrea%y "ai%.'
8'P. on V. >ccasions'.;
5nother $ariant for a ne# e%ition ranFF
'5nother fills his &agisterial chairI
.eluctant )%a o#ns a stranger's careI
>h3 &ay like honours cro#n his future na&e4
)f such his $irtues, such shall be his fa&e.'
8'C0. C.';
8,ootnote $ii4
'?oannes3 best an% %earest of &y frien%s.'
8'P. on V. >ccasions.';;
8,ootnote $iii4
'!oul% aught ins"ire &e #ith "oetic fire,
,or thee, alone, )'% strike the hallo#'% lyreI
But, to so&e abler han%, the task ) #a$e,
Whose strains i&&ortal &ay outli$e the gra$e'.FF
8'P. on V. >ccasions.';;
8,ootnote i-4
'>ur lusty li&bs.'
8'P. on V. >ccasions.';
'FFthe buoyant #aters bore.'
8'/ours of )%leness.';;
8,ootnote -4
'Thus %i% you sa$e that life ) scarcely "riHeFF
5 life un#orthy such a sacrifice.
>h3 #hen &y breast forgets the generous %ee%.'
8'P. on V. >ccasions'.; ;
8,ootnote -i4
',or e$er to "ossess a frien% in thee,
Was bliss unho"'%, though not unsought by &eI
Thy softer soul #as for&'% for lo$e alone,
To ru%er "assions an% to hate unkno#nI
Thy &in%, in union #ith thy beauteous for&,
Was gentle, but unfit to ste& the stor&I
That face, an in%e- of celestial #orth,
Proclai&'% a heart abstracte% fro& the earth.
>ft, #hen %e"ress'% #ith sa%, forebo%ing gloo&,
) sat reclin'% u"on our fa$ourite to&b,
)'$e seen those sy&"athetic eyes o'erflo#
With kin% co&"assion for thy co&ra%e's #oeI
>r, #hen less &ournful subjects for&'% our the&es,
We trie% a thousan% fon% ro&antic sche&es,
>ft hast thou s#orn, in frien%shi"'s soothing tone.
Whate$er #ish #as &ine, &ust be thine o#n.
The ne-t can boast to lea% in senates fit,
5 0"artan fir&ness,FF#ith 5thenian #itI
Tho' yet, in e&bryo, these "erfections shine,
!larus3 thy father's fa&e #ill soon be thine.'FF
8'P. on V. >ccasions'.;
5 re&onstrance #hich =or% !lare a%%resse% to hi& at
schoolI #as foun% a&ong his "a"ers Eas #ere &ost of the
notes of his early fa$ouritesG, an% on the back of it #as an
en%orse&ent #hich is a fresh testi&ony of his affection4FF
(This an% another letter #ere #ritten at /arro#, by &y 'then' an%, )
ho"e, 'e$er' belo$e% frien%, =or% !lare, #hen #e #ere both schoolboysI
an% sent to &y stu%y in conseDuence of so&e 'chil%ish'
&isun%erstan%ing,FFthe only one #hich e$er arose bet#een us. )t #as of
short %uration, an% ) retain this note solely for the "ur"ose of
sub&itting it to his "erusal, that #e &ay s&ile o$er the recollection
of the insignificance of our first an% last Duarrel.(
0ee, also, Byron's account of his acci%ental &eeting #ith =or% !lare in
)taly in 191, as recor%e% in ''etache% Thoughts', Ao$. 7, 191I in
letters to Coore, Carch 1 an% ?une 9, 19I an% C&e. Guiccioli's
%escri"tion of his e&otion on seeing !lare E'Cy .ecollections of =or%
Byron', e%. 19:1, ". 17:G.;
8,ootnote -ii4
'Where is the restless fool, #oul% #ish for &oreM'
8'P. on V. >ccasions.';;
8,ootnote -iii4
'5s s"eakers, each su""orts a ri$al na&e,
Though neither seeks to %a&n the other's fa&e,
Po&"osus sits, uneDual to %eci%e,
With youthful can%our, #e the "al& %i$i%e.'FF
8'P. on V. >ccasions';;
8,ootnote -i$4
'*et in the retros"ection fin%s relief,
5n% re$els in the lu-ury of grief.'FF
8'P. on V. >ccasions.';;
8,ootnote -$4
'When, yet a no$ice in the &i&ic art,
) feign'% the trans"orts of a $engeful heartI
When, as the .oyal 0la$e, ) tro% the stage,
To $ent in Nanga, &ore than &ortal rageI
The "raise of Probus, &a%e &e feel &ore "rou%,
Than all the "lau%its of the list'ning cro#%.
5h3 $ain en%ea$our in this chil%ish strain
To soothe the #oes of #hich ) thus co&"lain3
What can a$ail this fruitless loss of ti&e,
To &easure sorro#, in a jingling rhy&e3
Ao social solace fro& a frien%, is near,
5n% heartless strangers %ro" no feeling tear.
) seek not joy in Wo&an's s"arkling eye,
The s&iles of Beauty cannot check the sigh.
5%ieu, thou #orl%3 thy "leasure's still a %rea&,
Thy $irtue, but a $isionary the&eI
Thy years of $ice, on years of folly roll,
Till grinning %eath assigns the %estin'% goal,'
'Where all are hastening to the %rea% abo%e,
To &eet the ju%g&ent of a righteous Go%I
Ci-'% in the concourse of a thoughtless throng,
5 &ourner, &i%st of &irth, ) gli%e alongI
5 #retche%, isolate%, gloo&y thing,
!urst by reflection's %ee" corro%ing stingI
But not that &ental sting, #hich stabs #ithin,
The %ark a$enger of un"unish'% sinI
The silent shaft, #hich goa%s the guilty #retch
E-ten%e% on a rack's untiring stretch4
!onscience that sting, that shaft to hi& su""liesFF
/is &in% the rack, fro& #hich he ne'er can rise,
,or &e, #hate$er &y folly, or &y fear,
>ne cheerful co&fort still is cherish'% here.
Ao %rea% internal, haunts &y hours of rest,
Ao %rea&s of injure% innocence infestI
>f ho"e, of "eace, of al&ost all bereft,
!onscience, &y last but #elco&e guest, is left.
0lan%er's e&"oison'% breath, &ay blast &y na&e,
En$y %elights to blight the bu%s of fa&e4
'eceit &ay chill the current of &y bloo%,
5n% freeHe affection's #ar& i&"assion'% floo%I
Presaging horror, %arken e$ery sense,
E$en here #ill conscience be &y best %efenceI
Cy boso& fee%s no (#or& #hich ne'er can %ie4(
Aot cri&es ) &ourn, but ha""iness gone by.
Thus cra#ling on #ith &any a re"tile $ile,
Cy heart is bitter, though &y cheek &ay s&ileI
Ao &ore #ith for&er bliss, &y heart is gla%I
/o"e yiel%s to anguish an% &y soul is sa%I
,ro& fon% regret, no future joy can sa$eI
.e&e&brance slu&bers only in the gra$e.'
8'P. on V. >ccasions';;
8,ootnote -$i4
'The song &ight "erish, but the the&e &ust li$e.'
8'/ours of )%leness.';;
8,ootnote -$ii4
'FFFFhis $eno&'% tooth.'
8'/ours of )%leness'.;;
5A0WE. T> 5 BE5@T),@= P>EC, W.)TTEA B* C>ATG>CE.*,
5@T/>. >, (T/E W5A'E.E. >, 0W)TNE.=5A',( ET!.,
EAT)T=E' (T/E !>CC>A =>T.( 81;
Contgo&ery3 true, the co&&on lot
>f &ortals lies in =ethe's #a$eI
*et so&e shall ne$er be forgot,
0o&e shall e-ist beyon% the gra$e.
(@nkno#n the region of his birth,(
The hero 8; rolls the ti%e of #arI
*et not unkno#n his &artial #orth,
Which glares a &eteor fro& afar.
/is joy or grief, his #eal or #oe,
Perchance &ay 'sca"e the "age of fa&eI
*et nations, no# unborn, #ill kno#
The recor% of his %eathless na&e.
The Patriot's an% the Poet's fra&e
Cust share the co&&on to&b of all4
Their glory #ill not slee" the sa&eI
'That' #ill arise, though E&"ires fall.
The lustre of a Beauty's eye
5ssu&es the ghastly stare of %eathI
The fair, the bra$e, the goo% &ust %ie,
5n% sink the ya#ning gra$e beneath.
>nce &ore, the s"eaking eye re$i$es,
0till bea&ing through the lo$er's strainI
,or Petrarch's =aura still sur$i$es4
0he %ie%, but ne'er #ill %ie again.
The rolling seasons "ass a#ay,
5n% Ti&e, untiring, #a$es his #ingI
Whilst honour's laurels ne'er %ecay,
But bloo& in fresh, unfa%ing s"ring.
5ll, all &ust slee" in gri& re"ose,
!ollecte% in the silent to&bI
The ol%, the young, #ith frien%s an% foes,
,est'ring alike in shrou%s, consu&e.
The &oul%ering &arble lasts its %ay,
*et falls at length an useless faneI
To .uin's ruthless fangs a "rey,
The #recks of "illar'% Pri%e re&ain.
What, though the scul"ture be %estroy'%,
,ro& %ark >bli$ion &eant to guar%I
5 bright reno#n shall be enjoy'%,
By those, #hose $irtues clai& re#ar%.
Then %o not say the co&&on lot
>f all lies %ee" in =ethe's #a$eI
0o&e fe# #ho ne'er #ill be forgot
0hall burst the bon%age of the gra$e.
8,ootnote 14 Contgo&ery E?a&esG, 1221F197K, "oet an% hy&nF#riter,
'Prison 5&use&ents' E1212G,
'The >ceanI a Poe&' E1967G,
'The Wan%erer of 0#itHerlan%, an% other Poe&s' E196:G,
'The West )n%ies, an% other Poe&s' E1916G,
'0ongs of 0ion' E19G,
'The !hristian Psal&ist' E197G,
'The Pelican )slan%, an% other Poe&s' E192G,
'etc.' E'$i%e "ost'G, 'English Bar%s',
'etc.', line K19, an% 'note'.;
8,ootnote 4 Ao "articular hero is here allu%e% to. The e-"loits of
Bayar%, Ae&ours, E%#ar% the Black Prince, an%, in &ore &o%ern ti&es, the
fa&e of Carlborough, ,re%erick the Great, !ount 0a-e, !harles of 0#e%en,
etc., are fa&iliar to e$ery historical rea%er, but the e-act "laces of
their birth are kno#n to a $ery s&all "ro"ortion of their a%&irers.;
=>VE'0 =50T 5')E@.
8Greek4 5ei %' aei &e "heugei.;FF8Pseu%.; 5A5!.E>A, 8Greek4 Eis chruson;.
The roses of =o$e gla% the gar%en of life,
Though nurtur'% '&i% #ee%s %ro""ing "estilent %e#,
Till Ti&e cro"s the lea$es #ith un&erciful knife,
>r "runes the& for e$er, in =o$e's last a%ieu3
)n $ain, #ith en%ear&ents, #e soothe the sa% heart,
)n $ain %o #e $o# for an age to be trueI
The chance of an hour &ay co&&an% us to "art,
>r 'eath %isunite us, in =o$e's last a%ieu3
0till /o"e, breathing "eace, through the griefFs#ollen breast, 8i;
Will #his"er, (>ur &eeting #e yet &ay rene#4(
With this %rea& of %eceit, half our sorro#'s re"rest,
Aor taste #e the "oison, of =o$e's last a%ieu3
>h3 &ark you yon "air, in the sunshine of youth,
=o$e t#in'% roun% their chil%hoo% his flo#'rs as they gre#I
They flourish a#hile, in the season of truth,
Till chill'% by the #inter of =o$e's last a%ieu3
0#eet la%y3 #hy thus %oth a tear steal its #ay,
'o#n a cheek #hich outri$als thy boso& in hueM
*et #hy %o ) askMFFto %istraction a "rey,
Thy reason has "erish'%, #ith =o$e's last a%ieu3
>h3 #ho is yon Cisanthro"e, shunning &ankin%M
,ro& cities to ca$es of the forest he fle#4
There, ra$ing, he ho#ls his co&"laint to the #in%I
The &ountains re$erberate =o$e's last a%ieu3
Ao# /ate rules a heart #hich in =o$e's easy chains,
>nce Passion's tu&ultuous blan%ish&ents kne#I
'es"air no# infla&es the %ark ti%e of his $eins,
/e "on%ers, in frenHy, on =o$e's last a%ieu3
/o# he en$ies the #retch, #ith a soul #ra"t in steel3
/is "leasures are scarce, yet his troubles are fe#,
Who laughs at the "ang that he ne$er can feel,
5n% %rea%s not the anguish of =o$e's last a%ieu3
*outh flies, life %ecays, e$en ho"e is o'ercastI
Ao &ore, #ith =o$e's for&er %e$otion, #e sue4
/e s"rea%s his young #ing, he retires #ith the blastI
The shrou% of affection is =o$e's last a%ieu3
)n this life of "robation, for ra"ture %i$ine,
5strea81; %eclares that so&e "enance is %ueI
,ro& hi&, #ho has #orshi""'% at =o$e's gentle shrine,
The atone&ent is a&"le, in =o$e's last a%ieu3
Who kneels to the Go%, on his altar of light
Cust &yrtle an% cy"ress alternately stre#4
/is &yrtle, an e&ble& of "urest %elight,
/is cy"ress, the garlan% of =o$e's last a%ieu3
8,ootnote 14 The Go%%ess of ?ustice.;
8,ootnote i4
O0till, ho"eFbea&ing "eace.O
8'P. on V. >ccasions.';;
=)AE0. 8i;
5''.E00E' T> T/E .EV. ?. T. BE!/E., 81;
>A /)0 5'V)0)AG T/E 5@T/>. T> C)J C>.E W)T/ 0>!)ET*.
'ear BE!/E., you tell &e to &i- #ith &ankin%I
) cannot %eny such a "rece"t is #iseI
But retire&ent accor%s #ith the tone of &y &in%4
) #ill not %escen% to a #orl% ) %es"ise.
'i% the 0enate or !a&" &y e-ertions reDuire,
5&bition &ight "ro&"t &e, at once, to go forthI
When )nfancy's years of "robation e-"ire,
Perchance, ) &ay stri$e to %istinguish &y birth.
The fire, in the ca$ern of Etna, conceal'%,
0till &antles unseen in its secret recessI
5t length, in a $olu&e terrific, re$eal'%,
Ao torrent can Duench it, no boun%s can re"ress.
>h3 thus, the %esire, in &y boso&, for fa&e 8i;
Bi%s &e li$e, but to ho"e for Posterity's "raise.
!oul% ) soar #ith the Phoeni- on "inions of fla&e,
With hi& ) #oul% #ish to e-"ire in the blaHe.
,or the life of a ,o-, of a !hatha& the %eath,
What censure, #hat %anger, #hat #oe #oul% ) bra$e3
Their li$es %i% not en%, #hen they yiel%e% their breath,
Their glory illu&ines the gloo& of their gra$e.8ii;
*et #hy shoul% ) &ingle in ,ashion's full her%M
Why crouch to her lea%ers, or cringe to her rulesM
Why ben% to the "rou%, or a""lau% the absur%M
Why search for %elight, in the frien%shi" of foolsM
) ha$e taste% the s#eets, an% the bitters, of lo$e,
)n frien%shi" ) early #as taught to belie$eI
Cy "assion the &atrons of "ru%ence re"ro$e,
) ha$e foun% that a frien% &ay "rofess, yet %ecei$e.
To &e #hat is #ealthMFFit &ay "ass in an hour,
)f Tyrants "re$ail, or if ,ortune shoul% fro#n4
To &e #hat is titleMFFthe "hanto& of "o#erI
To &e #hat is fashionMFF) seek but reno#n.
'eceit is a stranger, as yet, to &y soulI
), still, a& un"ractise% to $arnish the truth4
Then, #hy shoul% ) li$e in a hateful controulM
Why #aste, u"on folly, the %ays of &y youthM
8,ootnote 14 The .e$. ?ohn Tho&as Becher E1226F19K9G #as Vicar of
.u&"ton an% Ci%so&er Aorton, Aotts., an% &a%e the acDuaintance of Byron
#hen he #as li$ing at 0outh#ell. To hi& #as sub&itte% an early co"y of
the 'Luarto', an% on his re&onstrance at the tone of so&e of the
$erses, the #hole e%ition Esa$e one or t#o co"iesG #as burnt. Becher
assiste% in the re$ision of 'P. on V. >ccasions', "ublishe% in
1962. /e #as in 1919 a""ointe% Preben%ary of 0outh#ell, an%, all his
life, took an acti$e interest an% "ro&inent "art in the a%&inistration
of the "oor la#s an% the #elfare of the "oor. E0ee Byron's letters to
hi& of ,ebruary : an% Carch 9, 1969.G;
8,ootnote i4
'To the .e$. ?. T. Becher.'
8'P. on V. >ccasions';;
8,ootnote ii4
'>h3 such the %esire.'
8'P. on V. >ccasions';;
8,ootnote iii4
'FFthe gloo& of the gra$e.'
8'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
5A0WE. T> 0>CE E=EG5AT VE.0E0 0EAT B* 5 ,.)EA' T> T/E 5@T/>.,
!>CP=5)A)AG T/5T >AE >, /)0 'E0!.)PT)>A0
W50 .5T/E. T>> W5.C=* '.5WA.
(But if any ol% =a%y, Bnight, Priest, or Physician,
0houl% con%e&n &e for "rinting a secon% e%itionI
)f goo% Ca%a& 0Duintu& &y #ork shoul% abuse,
Cay ) $enture to gi$e her a s&ack of &y &useM(
5nstey's 'Ae# Bath Gui%e', ". 1:1.
!an%our co&"els &e, BE!/E.3 to co&&en%
The $erse, #hich blen%s the censor #ith the frien%I
*our strong yet just re"roof e-torts a""lause
,ro& &e, the hee%less an% i&"ru%ent causeI 8i;
,or this #il% error, #hich "er$a%es &y strain, 8ii;
) sue for "ar%on,FF&ust ) sue in $ainM
The #ise so&eti&es fro& Wis%o&'s #ays %e"artI
!an youth then hush the %ictates of the heartM
Prece"ts of "ru%ence curb, but can't controul,
The fierce e&otions of the flo#ing soul.
When =o$e's %eliriu& haunts the glo#ing &in%,
=i&"ing 'ecoru& lingers far behin%I
Vainly the %otar% &en%s her "ru%ish "ace,
>utstri"t an% $anDuish'% in the &ental chase.
The young, the ol%, ha$e #orn the chains of lo$eI
=et those, they ne'er confine%, &y lay re"ro$eI
=et those, #hose souls conte&n the "leasing "o#er,
Their censures on the ha"less $icti& sho#er.
>h3 ho# ) hate the ner$eless, frigi% song,
The ceaseless echo of the rhy&ing throng,
Whose labour'% lines, in chilling nu&bers flo#,
To "aint a "ang the author ne'er can kno#3
The artless /elicon, ) boast, is youthIFF
Cy =yre, the /eartFF&y Cuse, the si&"le Truth.
,ar be't fro& &e the ($irgin's &in%( to (taint4(
0e%uction's %rea% is here no slight restraint4
The &ai% #hose $irgin breast is $oi% of guile,
Whose #ishes %i&"le in a &o%est s&ile,
Whose %o#ncast eye %is%ains the #anton leer,
,ir& in her $irtue's strength, yet not se$ereI
0he, #ho& a conscious grace shall thus refine,
Will ne'er be (tainte%( by a strain of &ine.
But, for the ny&"h #hose "re&ature %esires
Tor&ent her boso& #ith unholy fires,
Ao net to snare her #illing heart is s"rea%I
0he #oul% ha$e fallen, though she ne'er ha% rea%.
,or &e, ) fain #oul% "lease the chosen fe#,
Whose souls, to feeling an% to nature true,
Will s"are the chil%ish $erse, an% not %estroy
The light effusions of a hee%less boy. 8iii;
) seek not glory fro& the senseless cro#%I
>f fancie% laurels, ) shall ne'er be "rou%I
Their #ar&est "lau%its ) #oul% scarcely "riHe,
Their sneers or censures, ) alike %es"ise.
Ao$e&ber :, 196:.
8,ootnote i4
Othe hee%less an% un#orthy cause.O
8OP. on V. >ccasions.O;;
8,ootnote ii4
O,or this sole error.O
8OP. on V. >ccasions.O;;
8,ootnote iii4
OThe light effusions of an a&orous boy.O
8OP. on V. >ccasions.O;;
E=EG* >A AEW0TE5' 5BBE*. 81;
()t is the $oice of years, that are gone3 they roll before &e, #ith
all their %ee%s.(
>ssian. 8i;
AEW0TE5'3 fastFfalling, onceFres"len%ent %o&e3
.eligion's shrine3 re"entant /EA.*'0 8; "ri%e3
>f Warriors, Conks, an% 'a&es the cloister'% to&b,
Whose "ensi$e sha%es aroun% thy ruins gli%e,
/ail to thy "ile3 &ore honour'% in thy fall,
Than &o%ern &ansions, in their "illar'% stateI
Prou%ly &ajestic fro#ns thy $aulte% hall,
0co#ling %efiance on the blasts of fate.
Ao &ailFcla% 0erfs, 8<; obe%ient to their =or%,
)n gri& array, the cri&son cross 8K; %e&an%I
>r gay asse&ble roun% the festi$e boar%,
Their chief's retainers, an i&&ortal ban%.
Else &ight ins"iring ,ancy's &agic eye
.etrace their "rogress, through the la"se of ti&eI
Carking each ar%ent youth, or%ain'% to %ie,
5 $oti$e "ilgri&, in ?u%ea's cli&e.
But not fro& thee, %ark "ile3 %e"arts the !hiefI
/is feu%al real& in other regions lay4
)n thee the #oun%e% conscience courts relief,
.etiring fro& the garish blaHe of %ay.
*es3 in thy gloo&y cells an% sha%es "rofoun%,
The &onk abjur'% a #orl%, he ne'er coul% $ie#I
>r bloo%Fstain'% Guilt re"enting, solace foun%,
>r )nnocence, fro& stern >""ression, fle#.
5 Conarch ba%e thee fro& that #il% arise,
Where 0her#oo%'s outla#s, once, #ere #ont to "ro#lI
5n% 0u"erstition's cri&es, of $arious %yes,
0ought shelter in the Priest's "rotecting co#l.
Where, no#, the grass e-hales a &urky %e#,
The hu&i% "all of lifeFe-tinguish'% clay,
)n sainte% fa&e, the sacre% ,athers gre#,
Aor raise% their "ious $oices, but to "ray.
Where, no#, the bats their #a$ering #ings e-ten%,
0oon as the gloa&ing 87; s"rea%s her #aning sha%eI8ii;
The choir %i%, oft, their &ingling $es"ers blen%,
>r &atin orisons to Cary 8:; "ai%.
*ears roll on yearsI to ages, ages yiel%I
5bbots to 5bbots, in a line, succee%4
.eligion's charter, their "rotecting shiel%,
Till royal sacrilege their %oo& %ecree%.
>ne holy /EA.* rear'% the Gothic #alls,
5n% ba%e the "ious in&ates rest in "eaceI
5nother /EA.* 82; the kin% gift recalls,
5n% bi%s %e$otion's hallo#'% echoes cease.
Vain is each threat, or su""licating "rayerI
/e %ri$es the& e-iles fro& their blest abo%e,
To roa& a %reary #orl%, in %ee" %es"airFF
Ao frien%, no ho&e, no refuge, but their Go%. 89;
/ark3 ho# the hall, resoun%ing to the strain,
0hakes #ith the &artial &usic's no$el %in3
The heral%s of a #arrior's haughty reign,
/igh creste% banners #a$e thy #alls #ithin.
>f changing sentinels the %istant hu&,
The &irth of feasts, the clang of burnish'% ar&s,
The braying tru&"et, an% the hoarser %ru&,
@nite in concert #ith increas'% alar&s.
5n abbey once, a regal fortress 81; no#,
Encircle% by insulting rebel "o#ersI
War's %rea% &achines o'erhang thy threat'ning bro#,
5n% %art %estruction, in sul"hureous sho#ers.
5h3 $ain %efence3 the hostile traitor's siege,
Though oft re"uls'%, by guile o'erco&es the bra$eI
/is thronging foes o""ress the faithful =iege,
.ebellion's reeking stan%ar%s o'er hi& #a$e.
Aot una$eng'% the raging Baron yiel%sI
The bloo% of traitors s&ears the "ur"le "lainI
@nconDuer'% still, his falchion there he #iel%s,
5n% %ays of glory, yet, for hi& re&ain.
0till, in that hour, the #arrior #ish'% to stre#
0elfFgather'% laurels on a selfFsought gra$eI
But !harles' "rotecting genius hither fle#,
The &onarch's frien%, the &onarch's ho"e, to sa$e.
Tre&bling, she snatch'% hi& 816; fro& th' uneDual strife,
)n other fiel%s the torrent to re"elI
,or nobler co&bats, here, reser$'% his life,
To lea% the ban%, #here go%like ,5=B=5A' 811; fell.
,ro& thee, "oor "ile3 to la#less "lun%er gi$en,
While %ying groans their "ainful reDuie& soun%,
,ar %ifferent incense, no#, ascen%s to /ea$en,
0uch $icti&s #allo# on the gory groun%.
There &any a "ale an% ruthless .obber's corse,
Aoiso&e an% ghast, %efiles thy sacre% so%I
>'er &ingling &an, an% horse co&&i-'% #ith horse,
!orru"tion's hea", the sa$age s"oilers tro%.
Gra$es, long #ith rank an% sighing #ee%s o'ers"rea%,
.ansack'% resign, "erforce, their &ortal &oul%4
,ro& ruffian fangs, esca"e not e'en the %ea%,
.acke% fro& re"ose, in search for burie% gol%.
/ush'% is the har", unstrung the #arlike lyre,
The &instrel's "alsie% han% reclines in %eathI
Ao &ore he strikes the Dui$ering chor%s #ith fire,
>r sings the glories of the &artial #reath. 8iii;
5t length the sate% &ur%erers, gorge% #ith "rey,
.etire4 the cla&our of the fight is o'erI
0ilence again resu&es her a#ful s#ay,
5n% sable /orror guar%s the &assy %oor.
/ere, 'esolation hol%s her %reary court4
What satellites %eclare her %is&al reign3
0hrieking their %irge, illFo&en'% bir%s resort,
To flit their $igils, in the hoary fane.
0oon a ne# Corn's restoring bea&s %is"el
The clou%s of 5narchy fro& Britain's skiesI
The fierce @sur"er seeks his nati$e hell,
5n% Aature triu&"hs, as the Tyrant %ies.
With stor&s she #elco&es his e-"iring groansI
Whirl#in%s, res"onsi$e, greet his labouring breathI
Earth shu%%ers, as her ca$es recei$e his bones,
=oathing 81; the offering of so %ark a %eath.
The legal .uler 81<; no# resu&es the hel&,
/e gui%es through gentle seas, the "ro# of stateI
/o"e cheers, #ith #onte% s&iles, the "eaceful real&,
5n% heals the blee%ing #oun%s of #earie% /ate.
The gloo&y tenants, Ae#stea%3 of thy cells,
/o#ling, resign their $iolate% nestI 8i$;
5gain, the Caster on his tenure %#ells,
Enjoy'%, fro& absence, #ith enra"ture% Hest.
Vassals, #ithin thy hos"itable "ale,
=ou%ly carousing, bless their =or%'s returnI
!ulture, again, a%orns the gla%%ening $ale,
5n% &atrons, once la&enting, cease to &ourn.
5 thousan% songs, on tuneful echo, float,
@n#onte% foliage &antles o'er the treesI
5n%, hark3 the horns "roclai& a &ello# note,
The hunters' cry hangs lengthening on the breeHe.
Beneath their coursers' hoofs the $alleys shakeI
What fears3 #hat an-ious ho"es3 atten% the chase3
The %ying stag seeks refuge in the lakeI
E-ulting shouts announce the finish'% race.
5h ha""y %ays3 too ha""y to en%ure3
0uch si&"le s"orts our "lain forefathers kne#4
Ao s"len%i% $ices glitter'% to allureI
Their joys #ere &any, as their cares #ere fe#.
,ro& these %escen%ing, 0ons to 0ires succee%I
Ti&e steals along, an% 'eath u"rears his %artI
5nother !hief i&"els the foa&ing stee%,
5nother !ro#% "ursue the "anting hart.
Ae#stea%3 #hat sa%%ening change of scene is thine3
Thy ya#ning arch betokens slo# %ecayI
The last an% youngest of a noble line,
Ao# hol%s thy &oul%ering turrets in his s#ay.
'eserte% no#, he scans thy gray #orn to#ersI
Thy $aults, #here %ea% of feu%al ages slee"I
Thy cloisters, "er$ious to the #intry sho#ersI
These, these he $ie#s, an% $ie#s the& but to #ee".
*et are his tears no e&ble& of regret4
!herish'% 5ffection only bi%s the& flo#I
Pri%e, /o"e, an% =o$e, forbi% hi& to forget,
But #ar& his boso&, #ith i&"assion'% glo#.
*et he "refers thee, to the gil%e% %o&es, 81K;
>r ge#ga# grottos, of the $ainly greatI
*et lingers '&i% thy %a&" an% &ossy to&bs,
Aor breathes a &ur&ur 'gainst the #ill of ,ate.
/a"ly thy sun, e&erging, yet, &ay shine,
Thee to irra%iate #ith &eri%ian rayI
/ours, s"len%i% as the "ast, &ay still be thine,
5n% bless thy future, as thy for&er %ay. 8$;
8,ootnote 14 5s one "oe& on this subject is alrea%y "rinte%, the author
ha%, originally, no intention of inserting the follo#ing. )t is no#
a%%e% at the "articular reDuest of so&e frien%s.;
8,ootnote 4 /enry )). foun%e% Ae#stea% soon after the &ur%er of Tho&as
a Becket.;
8,ootnote <4 This #or% is use% by Walter 0cott, in his "oe&, 'The Wil%
/unts&an', as synony&ous #ith ($assal.(;
8,ootnote K4 The re% cross #as the ba%ge of the !rusa%ers.;
8,ootnote 74 5s (gloa&ing,( the 0cottish #or% for t#ilight, is far &ore
"oetical, an% has been reco&&en%e% by &any e&inent literary &en,
"articularly by 'r. Coore in his =etters to Burns, ) ha$e $enture% to
use it on account of its har&ony.;
8,ootnote :4 The "riory #as %e%icate% to the Virgin.FF8'/ours of
8,ootnote 24 5t the %issolution of the &onasteries, /enry V))). besto#e%
Ae#stea% 5bbey on 0ir ?ohn Byron.;
8,ootnote 94 'uring the lifeti&e of =or% Byron's "re%ecessor in the
title there #as foun% in the lake a large brass eagle, in the bo%y of
#hich #ere conceale% a nu&ber of ancient %ee%s an% %ocu&ents. This eagle
is su""ose% to ha$e been thro#n into the lake by the retreating
&onks.FF'=ife', ". , note. )t is no# a lectern in 0outh#ell
8,ootnote 14 Ae#stea% sustaine% a consi%erable siege in the #ar bet#een
!harles ). an% his "arlia&ent.;
8,ootnote 164 =or% Byron an% his brother 0ir Willia& hel% high co&&an%s
in the royal ar&y. The for&er #as generalFinFchief in )relan%,
lieutenant of the To#er, an% go$ernor to ?a&es, 'uke of *ork, after#ar%s
the unha""y ?a&es ))I the latter ha% a "rinci"al share in &any actions.
8'Vi%e ante', ". <, 'note' 1.;;
8,ootnote 114 =ucius !ary, =or% Viscount ,alklan%, the &ost acco&"lishe%
&an of his age, #as kille% at the Battle of Ae#bury, charging in the
ranks of =or% Byron's regi&ent of ca$alry.;
8,ootnote 14 This is an historical fact. 5 $iolent te&"est occurre%
i&&e%iately subseDuent to the %eath or inter&ent of !ro&#ell, #hich
occasione% &any %is"utes bet#een his "artisans an% the ca$aliers4 both
inter"rete% the circu&stance into %i$ine inter"ositionI but #hether as
a""robation or con%e&nation, #e lea$e to the casuists of that age to
%eci%e. ) ha$e &a%e such use of the occurrence as suite% the subject of
&y "oe&.;
8,ootnote 1<4 !harles )).;
8,ootnote 1K4 5n in%ication of Byron's feelings to#ar%s Ae#stea% in his
younger %ays #ill be foun% in his letter to his &other of Carch :,
8,ootnote i4 '/ours of )%leness.';
8,ootnote ii4
'0oon as the t#ilight #in%s a #aning sha%e.'FF
8'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
8,ootnote iii4
'FFof the laurel'% #reath.'
8'P. on V. >ccasions'.;;
8,ootnote i$4
'/o#ling, forsakeFF.'
8'P. on V. >ccasions';;
8,ootnote $4
',ortune &ay s&ile u"on a future line,
5n% hea$en restore an e$erFclou%less %ay,'
8'P. on V. >ccasions.', '/ours of )%leness.';;
+ + + + + + + + +
/>@.0 >, )'=EAE00
T> GE>.GE, E5.= 'E=5W5... 8i;
>h3 yes, ) #ill o#n #e #ere %ear to each otherI
The frien%shi"s of chil%hoo%, though fleeting, are trueI
The lo$e #hich you felt #as the lo$e of a brother,
Aor less the affection ) cherish'% for you.
But ,rien%shi" can $ary her gentle %o&inionI
The attach&ent of years, in a &o&ent e-"ires4
=ike =o$e, too, she &o$es on a s#iftF#a$ing "inion,
But glo#s not, like =o$e, #ith unDuenchable fires.
,ull oft ha$e #e #an%er'% through )%a together,
5n% blest #ere the scenes of our youth, ) allo#4
)n the s"ring of our life, ho# serene is the #eather3
But Winter's ru%e te&"ests are gathering no#.
Ao &ore #ith 5ffection shall Ce&ory blen%ing,
The #onte% %elights of our chil%hoo% retrace4
When Pri%e steels the boso&, the heart is unben%ing,
5n% #hat #oul% be ?ustice a""ears a %isgrace.
/o#e$er, %ear George, for ) still &ust estee& youFF8ii;
The fe#, #ho& ) lo$e, ) can ne$er u"brai%I
The chance, #hich has lost, &ay in future re%ee& you,
.e"entance #ill cancel the $o# you ha$e &a%e.
) #ill not co&"lain, an% though chill'% is affection,
With &e no corro%ing resent&ent shall li$e4
Cy boso& is cal&'% by the si&"le reflection,
That both &ay be #rong, an% that both shoul% forgi$e.
*ou kne#, that &y soul, that &y heart, &y e-istence,
)f %anger %e&an%e%, #ere #holly your o#nI
*ou kne# &e unalter'%, by years or by %istance,
'e$ote% to lo$e an% to frien%shi" alone.
*ou kne#,FFbut a#ay #ith the $ain retros"ection3
The bon% of affection no longer en%uresI
Too late you &ay %roo" o'er the fon% recollection,
5n% sigh for the frien%, #ho #as for&erly yours.
,or the "resent, #e "art,FF) #ill ho"e not for e$erI 81;
,or ti&e an% regret #ill restore you at last4
To forget our %issension #e both shoul% en%ea$our,
) ask no atone&ent, but %ays like the "ast.
8,ootnote 14 0ee Byron's =etter to =or% !lare of ,ebruary :, 1962,
referre% to in 'note' , ". 166.;
8,ootnote i4
8'/ours of )%leness, Poe&s >. an% Translate%;;
8,ootnote ii.
'/o#e$er, %ear 0FFFF'.
8'/ours of )%leness, Poe&s >. an% Translate%'.;;
'5C5ET50. 81;
)n la# an infant, 8; an% in years a boy,
)n &in% a sla$e to e$ery $icious joyI
,ro& e$ery sense of sha&e an% $irtue #ean'%,
)n lies an a%e"t, in %eceit a fien%I
Vers'% in hy"ocrisy, #hile yet a chil%I
,ickle as #in%, of inclinations #il%I
Wo&an his %u"e, his hee%less frien% a toolI
>l% in the #orl%, though scarcely broke fro& schoolI
'a&aetas ran through all the &aHe of sin,
5n% foun% the goal, #hen others just begin4
E$'n still conflicting "assions shake his soul,
5n% bi% hi& %rain the %regs of Pleasure's bo#lI
But, "all'% #ith $ice, he breaks his for&er chain,
5n% #hat #as once his bliss a""ears his bane.
8,ootnote 14 Coore a""ears to ha$e regar%e% these lines as a""lying to
Byron hi&self. )t is, ho#e$er, $ery unlikely that, #ith all his "assion
for "ainting hi&self in the %arkest colours, he #oul% ha$e #ritten
hi&self %o#n (a hy"ocrite.( 'a&aetas is, "robably, a satirical sketch of
a frien% or acDuaintance. E!o&"are the sole&n %enunciation of =or%
,alklan% in 'English Bar%s, an% 0cotch .e$ie#ers', lines
8,ootnote 4 )n la#, e$ery "erson is an infant #ho has not attaine% the
age of t#entyFone.;
T> C5.)>A. 81;
C5.)>A3 #hy that "ensi$e bro#M 8i;
What %isgust to life hast thouM
!hange that %iscontente% airI
,ro#ns beco&e not one so fair.
'Tis not =o$e %isturbs thy rest,
=o$e's a stranger to thy breast4
O/eO, in %i&"ling s&iles, a""ears,
>r &ourns in s#eetly ti&i% tearsI
>r ben%s the langui% eyeli% %o#n,
But OshunsO the col% forbi%%ing 'fro#n'.
Then resu&e thy for&er fire,
0o&e #ill Olo$eO, an% all a%&ire3
While that icy as"ect chills us,
Aought but cool )n%iff'rence thrills us.
Woul%'st thou #an%'ring hearts beguile,
0&ile, at least, or Osee&O to Os&ileOI
Eyes like OthineO #ere ne$er &eant
To hi%e their orbs in %ark restraintI
0"ite of all thou fain #oul%st say,
0till in OtruantO bea&s they "lay.
Thy li"sFFbut here &y O&o%estO Cuse
/er i&"ulse OchasteO &ust nee%s refuse4
0he Oblushes, curtsies, fro#ns,OFFin short 0he
'rea%s lest the O0ubjectO shoul% trans"ort &eI
5n% flying off, in search of O.easonO,
Brings Pru%ence back in "ro"er season.
O5llO ) shall, therefore, say E#hate'er 8ii;
) think, is neither here nor there,G
)s, that such Oli"sO, of looks en%earing,
Were for&'% for Obetter thingsO than OsneeringO.
>f soothing co&"li&ents %i$este%,
5%$ice at least's %isintereste%I
0uch is &y artless song to thee,
,ro& all the flo# of ,latt'ry freeI
!ounsel like O&ineO is as a brother's,
OCyO heart is gi$en to so&e othersI
That is to say, unskill'% to coHen,
)t shares itself a&ong a %oHen.
Carion, a%ieu3 oh, "r'ythee slight not
This #arning, though it &ay %elight notI
5n%, lest &y "rece"ts be %is"leasing, 8iii;
To those #ho think re&onstrance teaHing,
5t once )'ll tell thee our o"inion,
!oncerning Wo&an's soft 'o&inion4
/o#e'er #e gaHe, #ith a%&iration,
>n eyes of blue or li"s carnationI
/o#e'er the flo#ing locks attract us,
/o#e'er those beauties &ay %istract usI
0till fickle, #e are "rone to ro$e,
OTheseO cannot fi- our souls to lo$eI
)t is not too Ose$ereO a stricture,
To say they for& a O"retty "ictureOI
But #oul%'st thou see the secret chain,
Which bin%s us in your hu&ble train,
To hail you Lueens of all !reation,
Bno#, in a O#or%, 'tis 5ni&ationO.
B*.>A, O?anuaryO 16, 1962.
8,ootnote 14 The C0. of this Poe& is "reser$e% at Ae#stea%. (This #as to
/arriet Caltby, after#ar%s Crs. Aichols, #ritten u"on her &eeting Byron,
an%, 'being 'col%, silent', an% 'reser$e%' to hi&,' by the a%$ice of a
=a%y #ith #ho& she #as stayingI Duite foreign to her 'usual' &anner,
#hich #as gay, li$ely, an% full of flirtation.(FFAote by Ciss E. Pigot.
E0ee ". 1<6, $ar. ii.G;
8,ootnote a4
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote b4
'5ll ) shall therefore say of these',
E'Thy "ar%on if &y #or%s %is"lease'G.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote c4
'5n% lest &y "rece"ts be foun% fault, by
Those #ho a""ro$e% the fro#n of CFFltFby'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
>0!5. >, 5=V5. 81;
/o# s#eetly shines, through aHure skies,
The la&" of /ea$en on =ora's shoreI
Where 5l$a's hoary turrets rise,
5n% hear the %in of ar&s no &ore3
But often has yon rolling &oon,
>n 5l$a's casDues of sil$er "lay'%I
5n% $ie#'%, at &i%night's silent noon,
/er chiefs in glea&ing &ail array'%4
5n%, on the cri&son'% rocks beneath,
Which sco#l o'er ocean's sullen flo#,
Pale in the scatter'% ranks of %eath,
0he sa# the gas"ing #arrior lo#I 8i;
While &any an eye, #hich ne'er again 8ii;
!oul% &ark the rising orb of %ay,
Turn'% feebly fro& the gory "lain,
Behel% in %eath her fa%ing ray.
>nce, to those eyes the la&" of =o$e,
They blest her %ear "ro"itious lightI
But, no#, she gli&&er'% fro& abo$e,
5 sa%, funereal torch of night.
,a%e% is 5l$a's noble race,
5n% grey her to#ers are seen afarI
Ao &ore her heroes urge the chase,
>r roll the cri&son ti%e of #ar.
But, #ho #as last of 5l$a's clanM
Why gro#s the &oss on 5l$a's stoneM
/er to#ers resoun% no ste"s of &an,
They echo to the gale alone.
5n%, #hen that gale is fierce an% high,
5 soun% is hear% in yon%er hallI
)t rises hoarsely through the sky,
5n% $ibrates o'er the &oul%'ring #all.
*es, #hen the e%%ying te&"est sighs,
)t shakes the shiel% of >scar bra$eI
But, there, no &ore his banners rise,
Ao &ore his "lu&es of sable #a$e.
,air shone the sun on >scar's birth,
When 5ngus hail'% his el%est bornI
The $assals roun% their chieftain's hearth
!ro#% to a""lau% the ha""y &orn.
They feast u"on the &ountain %eer,
The Pibroch rais'% its "iercing note, 8;
To gla%%en &ore their /ighlan% cheer,
The strains in &artial nu&bers float.
5n% they #ho hear% the #arFnotes #il%,
/o"'% that, one %ay, the Pibroch's strain
0houl% "lay before the /ero's chil%,
While he shoul% lea% the Tartan train.
5nother year is Duickly "ast,
5n% 5ngus hails another sonI
/is natal %ay is like the last,
Aor soon the jocun% feast #as %one.
Taught by their sire to ben% the bo#,
>n 5l$a's %usky hills of #in%,
The boys in chil%hoo% chas'% the roe,
5n% left their houn%s in s"ee% behin%.
But ere their years of youth are o'er,
They &ingle in the ranks of #arI
They lightly #heel the bright clay&ore,
5n% sen% the #histling arro# far.
'ark #as the flo# of >scar's hair,
Wil%ly it strea&'% along the galeI
But 5llan's locks #ere bright an% fair,
5n% "ensi$e see&'% his cheek, an% "ale.
But >scar o#n'% a hero's soul,
/is %ark eye shone through bea&s of truthI
5llan ha% early learn'% controul,
5n% s&ooth his #or%s ha% been fro& youth.
Both, both #ere bra$eI the 0a-on s"ear
Was shi$er'% oft beneath their steelI
5n% >scar's boso& scorn'% to fear,
But >scar's boso& kne# to feelI
While 5llan's soul belie% his for&,
@n#orthy #ith such char&s to %#ell4
Been as the lightning of the stor&,
>n foes his %ea%ly $engeance fell.
,ro& high 0outhannon's %istant to#er
5rri$e% a young an% noble %a&eI
With Benneth's lan%s to for& her %o#er,
Glenal$on's blueFeye% %aughter ca&eI
5n% >scar clai&'% the beauteous bri%e,
5n% 5ngus on his >scar s&il'%4
)t soothe% the father's feu%al "ri%e
Thus to obtain Glenal$on's chil%.
/ark3 to the Pibroch's "leasing note,
/ark3 to the s#elling nu"tial song,
)n joyous strains the $oices float,
5n%, still, the choral "eal "rolong.
0ee ho# the /eroes' bloo%Fre% "lu&es
5sse&ble% #a$e in 5l$a's hallI
Each youth his $arie% "lai% assu&es,
5tten%ing on their chieftain's call.
)t is not #ar their ai% %e&an%s,
The Pibroch "lays the song of "eaceI
To >scar's nu"tials throng the ban%s
Aor yet the soun%s of "leasure cease.
But #here is >scarM sure 'tis late4
)s this a bri%egroo&'s ar%ent fla&eM
While thronging guests an% la%ies #ait,
Aor >scar nor his brother ca&e.
5t length young 5llan join'% the bri%eI
(Why co&es not >scarM( 5ngus sai%4
()s he not hereM( the *outh re"lie%I
(With &e he ro$'% not o'er the gla%e4
(Perchance, forgetful of the %ay,
'Tis his to chase the boun%ing roeI
>r >cean's #a$es "rolong his stay4
*et, >scar's bark is sel%o& slo#.(
(>h, no3( the anguish'% 0ire rejoin'%,
(Aor chase, nor #a$e, &y Boy %elayI
Woul% he to Cora see& unkin%M
Woul% aught to her i&"e%e his #ayM
(>h, search, ye !hiefs3 oh, search aroun%3
5llan, #ith these, through 5l$a flyI
Till >scar, till &y son is foun%,
/aste, haste, nor %are atte&"t re"ly.(
5ll is confusionFFthrough the $ale,
The na&e of >scar hoarsely rings,
)t rises on the &ur&'ring gale,
Till night e-"an%s her %usky #ings.
)t breaks the stillness of the night,
But echoes through her sha%es in $ainI
)t soun%s through &orning's &isty light,
But >scar co&es not o'er the "lain.
Three %ays, three slee"less nights, the !hief
,or >scar search'% each &ountain ca$eI
Then ho"e is lostI in boun%less grief,
/is locks in greyFtorn ringlets #a$e.
(>scar3 &y son3FFthou Go% of /ea$'n,
.estore the "ro" of sinking age3
>r, if that ho"e no &ore is gi$en,
*iel% his assassin to &y rage.
(*es, on so&e %esert rocky shore
Cy >scar's #hiten'% bones &ust lieI
Then grant, thou Go%3 ) ask no &ore,
With hi& his frantic 0ire &ay %ie3
(*et, he &ay li$e,FFa#ay, %es"air3
Be cal&, &y soul3 he yet &ay li$eI
T' arraign &y fate, &y $oice forbear3
> Go%3 &y i&"ious "rayer forgi$e.
(What, if he li$e for &e no &ore,
) sink forgotten in the %ust,
The ho"e of 5l$a's age is o'er4
5las3 can "angs like these be justM(
Thus %i% the ha"less Parent &ourn,
Till Ti&e, #ho soothes se$erest #oe,
/a% ba%e serenity return,
5n% &a%e the tearF%ro" cease to flo#.
,or, still, so&e latent ho"e sur$i$'%
That >scar &ight once &ore a""earI
/is ho"e no# %roo"'% an% no# re$i$e%,
Till Ti&e ha% tol% a te%ious year.
'ays roll'% along, the orb of light
5gain ha% run his %estine% raceI
Ao >scar bless'% his father's sight,
5n% sorro# left a fainter trace.
,or youthful 5llan still re&ain'%,
5n%, no#, his father's only joy4
5n% Cora's heart #as Duickly gain'%,
,or beauty cro#n'% the fairFhair'% boy.
0he thought that >scar lo# #as lai%,
5n% 5llan's face #as #on%rous fairI
)f >scar li$'%, so&e other &ai%
/a% clai&'% his faithless boso&'s care.
5n% 5ngus sai%, if one year &ore
)n fruitless ho"e #as "ass'% a#ay,
/is fon%est scru"les shoul% be o'er,
5n% he #oul% na&e their nu"tial %ay.
0lo# roll'% the &oons, but blest at last
5rri$'% the %early %estin'% &orn4
The year of an-ious tre&bling "ast,
What s&iles the lo$ers' cheeks a%orn3
/ark to the Pibroch's "leasing note3
/ark to the s#elling nu"tial song3
)n joyous strains the $oices float,
5n%, still, the choral "eal "rolong.
5gain the clan, in festi$e cro#%,
Throng through the gate of 5l$a's hallI
The soun%s of &irth reFecho lou%,
5n% all their for&er joy recall.
But #ho is he, #hose %arken'% bro#
Gloo&s in the &i%st of general &irthM
Before his eyes' far fiercer glo#
The blue fla&es cur%le o'er the hearth.
'ark is the robe #hich #ra"s his for&,
5n% tall his "lu&e of gory re%I
/is $oice is like the rising stor&,
But light an% trackless is his trea%.
'Tis noon of night, the "le%ge goes roun%,
The bri%egroo&'s health is %ee"ly Duaff'%I
With shouts the $aulte% roofs resoun%,
5n% all co&bine to hail the %raught.
0u%%en the strangerFchief arose,
5n% all the cla&orous cro#% are hush'%I
5n% 5ngus' cheek #ith #on%er glo#s,
5n% Cora's ten%er boso& blush'%.
(>l% &an3( he crie%, (this "le%ge is %one,
Thou sa#'st 't#as truly %runk by &eI
)t hail'% the nu"tials of thy son4
Ao# #ill ) clai& a "le%ge fro& thee.
(While all aroun% is &irth an% joy,
To bless thy 5llan's ha""y lot,
0ay, ha%st thou ne'er another boyM
0ay, #hy shoul% >scar be forgotM(
(5las3( the ha"less 0ire re"lie%,
The big tear starting as he s"oke,
(When >scar left &y hall, or %ie%,
This age% heart #as al&ost broke.
(Thrice has the earth re$ol$'% her course
0ince >scar's for& has bless'% &y sightI
5n% 5llan is &y last resource,
0ince &artial >scar's %eath, or flight.(
('Tis #ell,( re"lie% the stranger stern,
5n% fiercely flash'% his rolling eyeI
(Thy >scar's fate, ) fain #oul% learnI
Perha"s the /ero %i% not %ie.
(Perchance, if those, #ho& &ost he lo$'%,
Woul% call, thy >scar &ight returnI
Perchance, the chief has only ro$'%I
,or hi& thy Beltane, yet, &ay burn. 8<;
(,ill high the bo#l the table roun%,
We #ill not clai& the "le%ge by stealthI
With #ine let e$ery cu" be cro#n'%I
Ple%ge &e %e"arte% >scar's health.(
(With all &y soul,( ol% 5ngus sai%,
5n% fill'% his goblet to the bri&4
(/ere's to &y boy3 ali$e or %ea%,
) ne'er shall fin% a son like hi&.(
(Bra$ely, ol% &an, this health has s"e%I
But #hy %oes 5llan tre&bling stan%M
!o&e, %rink re&e&brance of the %ea%,
5n% raise thy cu" #ith fir&er han%.(
The cri&son glo# of 5llan's face
Was turn'% at once to ghastly hueI
The %ro"s of %eath each other chace,
5%o#n in agoniHing %e#.
Thrice %i% he raise the goblet high,
5n% thrice his li"s refuse% to tasteI
,or thrice he caught the stranger's eye
>n his #ith %ea%ly fury "lac'%.
(5n% is it thus a brother hails
5 brother's fon% re&e&brance hereM
)f thus affection's strength "re$ails,
What &ight #e not e-"ect fro& fearM(
.ouse% by the sneer, he rais'% the bo#l,
(Woul% >scar no# coul% share our &irth3(
)nternal fear a""all'% his soulI 8i;
/e sai%, an% %ash'% the cu" to earth.
('Tis he3 ) hear &y &ur%erer's $oice3(
=ou% shrieks a %arkly glea&ing ,or&.
(5 &ur%erer's $oice3( the roof re"lies,
5n% %ee"ly s#ells the bursting stor&.
The ta"ers #ink, the chieftains shrink,
The stranger's gone,FFa&i%st the cre#,
5 ,or& #as seen, in tartan green,
5n% tall the sha%e terrific gre#.
/is #aist #as boun% #ith a broa% belt roun%,
/is "lu&e of sable strea&'% on highI
But his breast #as bare, #ith the re% #oun%s there,
5n% fi-'% #as the glare of his glassy eye.
5n% thrice he s&il'%, #ith his eye so #il%
>n 5ngus ben%ing lo# the kneeI
5n% thrice he fro#n'%, on a !hief on the groun%,
Who& shi$ering cro#%s #ith horror see.
The bolts lou% roll fro& "ole to "ole,
5n% thun%ers through the #elkin ring,
5n% the glea&ing for&, through the &ist of the stor&,
Was borne on high by the #hirl#in%'s #ing.
!ol% #as the feast, the re$el ceas'%.
Who lies u"on the stony floorM
>bli$ion "ress'% ol% 5ngus' breast, 8i$;
5t length his lifeF"ulse throbs once &ore.
(5#ay, a#ay3 let the leech essay
To "our the light on 5llan's eyes4(
/is san% is %one,FFhis race is runI
>h3 ne$er &ore shall 5llan rise3
But >scar's breast is col% as clay,
/is locks are lifte% by the galeI
5n% 5llan's barbe% arro# lay
With hi& in %ark Glentanar's $ale.
5n% #hence the %rea%ful stranger ca&e,
>r #ho, no &ortal #ight can tellI
But no one %oubts the for& of fla&e,
,or 5l$a's sons kne# >scar #ell.
5&bition ner$'% young 5llan's han%,
E-ulting %e&ons #ing'% his %artI
While En$y #a$'% her burning bran%,
5n% "our'% her $eno& roun% his heart.
0#ift is the shaft fro& 5llan's bo#I
Whose strea&ing lifeFbloo% stains his si%eM
'ark >scar's sable crest is lo#,
The %art has %runk his $ital ti%e.
5n% Cora's eye coul% 5llan &o$e,
0he ba%e his #oun%e% "ri%e rebel4
5las3 that eyes, #hich bea&'% #ith lo$e,
0houl% urge the soul to %ee%s of /ell.
=o3 see'st thou not a lonely to&b,
Which rises o'er a #arrior %ea%M
)t gli&&ers through the t#ilight gloo&I
>h3 that is 5llan's nu"tial be%.
,ar, %istant far, the noble gra$e
Which hel% his clan's great ashes stoo%I
5n% o'er his corse no banners #a$e,
,or they #ere stain'% #ith kin%re% bloo%.
What &instrel grey, #hat hoary bar%,
0hall 5llan's %ee%s on har"Fstrings raiseM
The song is glory's chief re#ar%,
But #ho can strike a &ur%'rer's "raiseM
@nstrung, untouch'%, the har" &ust stan%,
Ao &instrel %are the the&e a#akeI
Guilt #oul% benu&b his "alsie% han%,
/is har" in shu%%ering chor%s #oul% break.
Ao lyre of fa&e, no hallo#'% $erse,
0hall soun% his glories high in air4
5 %ying father's bitter curse,
5 brother's %eathFgroan echoes there.
8,ootnote 14 The catastro"he of this tale #as suggeste% by the story of
(?erony&o an% =orenHo,( in the first $olu&e of 0chiller's '5r&enian, or
the GhostF0eer'. )t also bears so&e rese&blance to a scene in the thir%
act of 'Cacbeth'.FF8''er Geisterseher', 0chiller's 'Werke' E1911G, -.
12, 'sD'.;
8,ootnote 4 )t is e$i%ent that Byron here confuse% the '"ibroch', the
air, #ith the 'bag"i"e', the instru&ent.;
8,ootnote <4 Beltane Tree, a /ighlan% festi$al on the first of Cay,
hel% near fires lighte% for the occasion.;
8,ootnote i4
'0he $ie#'% the gas"ing'FFFF.
8'/ours of )%leness'.;;
8,ootnote ii4
'When &any an eye #hich ne'er again
!oul% $ie#'FFFF.
8'/ours of )%leness'.;;
8,ootnote iii4
')nternal fears'FFFF.
8'/ours of )%leness'.;;
8,ootnote i$4
'>l% 5ngus "rest, the earth #ith his breast'.
8'/ours of )%leness'.;;
T.5A0=5T)>A ,.>C 5A5!.E>A.
8Greek4 ThelOo legein 5t"ei%as, k.t.l.; 81;
>'E 1.
T> /)0 =*.E.
) #ish to tune &y Dui$ering lyre, 8i;
To %ee%s of fa&e, an% notes of fireI
To echo, fro& its rising s#ell,
/o# heroes fought an% nations fell,
When 5treus' sons a%$anc'% to #ar,
>r Tyrian !a%&us ro$'% afarI
But still, to &artial strains unkno#n,
Cy lyre recurs to =o$e alone.
,ir'% #ith the ho"e of future fa&e, 8ii;
) seek so&e nobler /ero's na&eI
The %ying chor%s are strung ane#,
To #ar, to #ar, &y har" is %ue4
With glo#ing strings, the E"ic strain
To ?o$e's great son ) raise againI
5lci%es an% his glorious %ee%s,
Beneath #hose ar& the /y%ra blee%sI
5ll, all in $ainI &y #ay#ar% lyre
Wakes sil$er notes of soft 'esire.
5%ieu, ye !hiefs reno#n'% in ar&s3
5%ieu the clang of War's alar&s3 8iii;
To other %ee%s &y soul is strung,
5n% s#eeter notes shall no# be sungI
Cy har" shall all its "o#ers re$eal,
To tell the tale &y heart &ust feelI
=o$e, =o$e alone, &y lyre shall clai&,
)n songs of bliss an% sighs of fla&e.
8,ootnote 14 The &otto %oes not a""ear in '/ours of )%leness' or
'Poe&s >. an% T.';
8,ootnote i4 ') sought to tune'FFFF.FF8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote ii4
'The chor%s resu&e% a secon% strain,
To ?o$e's great son ) strike again.
5lci%es an% his glorious %ee%s,
Beneath #hose ar& the /y%ra blee%s'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote iii4
'The Tru&"et's blast #ith these accor%s
To soun% the clash of hostile s#or%sFF
Be &ine the softer, s#eeter care
To soothe the young an% $irgin ,air'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
,.>C 5A5!.E>A.
8Greek4 Cesonuktiois "oth hOo"ais, k.t.l.; 81;
>'E <.
'T#as no# the hour #hen Aight ha% %ri$en
/er car half roun% yon sable hea$enI
Booetes, only, see&'% to roll 8i;
/is 5rctic charge aroun% the PoleI
While &ortals, lost in gentle slee",
,orgot to s&ile, or ceas'% to #ee"4
5t this lone hour the Pa"hian boy,
'escen%ing fro& the real&s of joy,
Luick to &y gate %irects his course,
5n% knocks #ith all his little forceI
Cy $isions fle%, alar&'% ) rose,FF
(What stranger breaks &y blest re"oseM(
(5las3( re"lies the #ily chil%
)n faltering accents s#eetly &il%I
(5 ha"less )nfant here ) roa&,
,ar fro& &y %ear &aternal ho&e.
>h3 shiel% &e fro& the #intry blast3
The nightly stor& is "ouring fast.
Ao "ro#ling robber lingers hereI
5 #an%ering baby #ho can fearM(
) hear% his see&ing artless tale, 8ii;
) hear% his sighs u"on the gale4
Cy breast #as ne$er "ity's foe,
But felt for all the baby's #oe.
) %re# the bar, an% by the light
*oung =o$e, the infant, &et &y sightI
/is bo# across his shoul%ers flung,
5n% thence his fatal Dui$er hung
E5h3 little %i% ) think the %art
Woul% rankle soon #ithin &y heartG.
With care ) ten% &y #eary guest,
/is little fingers chill &y breastI
/is glossy curls, his aHure #ing,
Which %roo" #ith nightly sho#ers, ) #ringI
/is shi$ering li&bs the e&bers #ar&I
5n% no# re$i$ing fro& the stor&,
0carce ha% he felt his #onte% glo#,
Than s#ift he seiHe% his slen%er bo#4FF
() fain #oul% kno#, &y gentle host,(
/e crie%, (if this its strength has lostI
) fear, rela-'% #ith &i%night %e#s,
The strings their for&er ai% refuse.(
With "oison ti"t, his arro# flies,
'ee" in &y tortur'% heart it lies4
Then lou% the joyous @rchin laugh'%4FF
(Cy bo# can still i&"el the shaft4
'Tis fir&ly fi-'%, thy sighs re$eal itI
0ay, courteous host, canst thou not feel itM(
8,ootnote 14 The &otto %oes not a""ear in '/ours of )%leness' or
'Poe&s >. an% T.';
8,ootnote i4 The Ae#stea% C0. insertsFF
'Ao Coon in sil$er robe #as seen
Aor e'en a tre&bling star bet#een'.;
8,ootnote ii4
'Touche% #ith the see&ing artless tale
!o&"assion's tears o'er %oubt "re$ailI
Cethought ) $ie#e% hi&, col% an% %a&",
) tri&&e% ane# &y %ying la&",
're# back the barFFan% by the light
5 "inione% )nfant &et &y sightI
/is bo# across his shoul%ers slung,
5n% hence a gil%e% Dui$er hungI
With care ) ten% &y #eary guest,
/is shi$ering han%s by &ine are "resse%4
Cy hearth ) loa% #ith e&bers #ar&
To %ry the %e# %ro"s of the stor&4
'renche% by the rain of yon%er sky
The strings are #eakFFbut let us try.'
FF8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
T/E EP)0>'E >, A)0@0 5A' E@.*5=@0. 81;
5 P5.5P/.50E ,.>C T/E (5EAE)',( =)B. 1.
Aisus, the guar%ian of the "ortal, stoo%,
Eager to gil% his ar&s #ith hostile bloo%I
Well skill'%, in fight, the Dui$ering lance to #iel%,
>r "our his arro#s thro' th' e&battle% fiel%4
,ro& )%a torn, he left his syl$an ca$e, 8i;
5n% sought a foreign ho&e, a %istant gra$e.
To #atch the &o$e&ents of the 'aunian host,
With hi& Euryalus sustains the "ostI
Ao lo$elier &ien a%orn'% the ranks of Troy,
5n% bear%less bloo& yet grac'% the gallant boyI 16
Though fe# the seasons of his youthful life,
5s yet a no$ice in the &artial strife,
'T#as his, #ith beauty, Valour's gifts to shareFF
5 soul heroic, as his for& #as fair4
These burn #ith one "ure fla&e of generous lo$eI
)n "eace, in #ar, unite% still they &o$eI
,rien%shi" an% Glory for& their joint re#ar%I
5n%, no#, co&bin'% they hol% their nightly guar%. 8ii;
(What Go%,( e-clai&'% the first, (instils this fireM
>r, in itself a Go%, #hat great %esireM 6
Cy lab'ring soul, #ith an-ious thought o""ress'%,
5bhors this station of inglorious restI
The lo$e of fa&e #ith this can ill accor%,
Be't &ine to seek for glory #ith &y s#or%.
0ee'st thou yon ca&", #ith torches t#inkling %i&,
Where %runken slu&bers #ra" each laHy li&bM
Where confi%ence an% ease the #atch %is%ain,
5n% %ro#sy 0ilence hol%s her sable reignM
Then hear &y thought4FF)n %ee" an% sullen grief
>ur troo"s an% lea%ers &ourn their absent chief4 <6
Ao# coul% the gifts an% "ro&ise% "riHe be thine,
EThe %ee%, the %anger, an% the fa&e be &ine,G
Were this %ecree%, beneath yon rising &oun%,
Cethinks, an easy "ath, "erchance, #ere foun%I
Which "ast, ) s"ee% &y #ay to Pallas' #alls,
5n% lea% 5Eneas fro& E$an%er's halls.(
With eDual ar%our fir'%, an% #arlike joy,
/is glo#ing frien% a%%ress'% the 'ar%an boy4FF
(These %ee%s, &y Aisus, shalt thou %are aloneM
Cust all the fa&e, the "eril, be thine o#nM K6
5& ) by thee %es"is'%, an% left afar,
5s one unfit to share the toils of #arM
Aot thus his son the great >"heltes taught4
Aot thus &y sire in 5rgi$e co&bats foughtI
Aot thus, #hen )lion fell by hea$enly hate,
) track'% 5Eneas through the #alks of fate4
Thou kno#'st &y %ee%s, &y breast %e$oi% of fear,
5n% hostile lifeF%ro"s %i& &y gory s"ear.
/ere is a soul #ith ho"e i&&ortal burns,
5n% OlifeO, ignoble OlifeO, for OGloryO s"urns. 8iii; 76
,a&e, fa&e is chea"ly earn'% by fleeting breath4
The "rice of honour, is the slee" of %eath.(
Then Aisus4FF(!al& thy boso&'s fon% alar&s4 8i$;
Thy heart beats fiercely to the %in of ar&s.
Core %ear thy #orth, an% $alour than &y o#n,
) s#ear by hi&, #ho fills >ly&"us' throne3
0o &ay ) triu&"h, as ) s"eak the truth,
5n% clas" again the co&ra%e of &y youth3
But shoul% ) fall,FFan% he, #ho %ares a%$ance
Through hostile legions, &ust abi%e by chance,FF :6
)f so&e .utulian ar&, #ith a%$erse blo#,
0houl% lay the frien%, #ho e$er lo$'% thee, lo#,
=i$e thouFFsuch beauties ) #oul% fain "reser$eFF
Thy bu%%ing years a lengthen'% ter& %eser$eI
When hu&ble% in the %ust, let so&e one be,
Whose gentle eyes #ill she% one tear for &eI
Whose &anly ar& &ay snatch &e back by force,
>r #ealth re%ee&, fro& foes, &y ca"ti$e corseI
>r, if &y %estiny these last %eny,
)f, in the s"oiler's "o#er, &y ashes lieI 26
Thy "ious care &ay raise a si&"le to&b,
To &ark thy lo$e, an% signalise &y %oo&.
Why shoul% thy %oating #retche% &other #ee"
/er only boy, reclin'% in en%less slee"M
Who, for thy sake, the te&"est's fury %ar'%,
Who, for thy sake, #ar's %ea%ly "eril shar'%I
Who bra$'% #hat #o&an ne$er bra$'% before,
5n% left her nati$e, for the =atian shore.(
()n $ain you %a&" the ar%our of &y soul,(
.e"lie% EuryalusI (it scorns controulI 96
/ence, let us haste3(FFtheir brother guar%s arose,
.ous'% by their call, nor court again re"oseI
The "air, buoy'% u" on /o"e's e-ulting #ing,
Their stations lea$e, an% s"ee% to seek the king.
Ao#, o'er the earth a sole&n stillness ran,
5n% lull'% alike the cares of brute an% &anI
0a$e #here the 'ar%an lea%ers, nightly, hol%
5lternate con$erse, an% their "lans unfol%.
>n one great "oint the council are agree%,
5n instant &essage to their "rince %ecree%I 16
Each lean'% u"on the lance he #ell coul% #iel%,
5n% "ois'% #ith easy ar& his ancient shiel%I
When Aisus an% his frien% their lea$e reDuest,
To offer so&ething to their high behest.
With an-ious tre&ors, yet una#'% by fear, 8$;
The faithful "air before the throne a""earI
)ulus greets the&I at his kin% co&&an%,
The el%er, first, a%%ress'% the hoary ban%.
(With "atience( Ethus /yrtaci%es beganG
(5tten%, nor ju%ge, fro& youth, our hu&ble "lan. 166
Where yon%er beacons halfFe-"iring bea&,
>ur slu&bering foes of future conDuest %rea&, 8$i;
Aor hee% that #e a secret "ath ha$e trac'%,
Bet#een the ocean an% the "ortal "lac'%I
Beneath the co$ert of the blackening s&oke,
Whose sha%e, securely, our %esign #ill cloak3
)f you, ye !hiefs, an% ,ortune #ill allo#,
We'll ben% our course to yon%er &ountain's bro#,
Where Pallas' #alls, at %istance, &eet the sight,
0een o'er the gla%e, #hen not obscur'% by night4 116
Then shall 5Eneas in his "ri%e return,
While hostile &atrons raise their offs"ring's urnI
5n% =atian s"oils, an% "ur"le% hea"s of %ea%
0hall &ark the ha$oc of our /ero's trea%I
0uch is our "ur"ose, not unkno#n the #ay,
Where yon%er torrent's %e$ious #aters strayI
>ft ha$e #e seen, #hen hunting by the strea&,
The %istant s"ires abo$e the $alleys glea&.(
Cature in years, for sober #is%o& fa&'%,
Co$'% by the s"eech, 5lethes here e-clai&'%,FF 16
(*e "arent go%s3 #ho rule the fate of Troy,
0till %#ells the 'ar%an s"irit in the boyI
When &in%s, like these, in stri"lings thus ye raise,
*ours is the go%like act, be yours the "raiseI
)n gallant youth, &y fainting ho"es re$i$e,
5n% )lion's #onte% glories still sur$i$e.(
Then in his #ar& e&brace the boys he "ress'%,
5n%, Dui$ering, strain'% the& to his age% breastI
With tears the burning cheek of each be%e#'%,
5n%, sobbing, thus his first %iscourse rene#'%4FF 1<6
(What gift, &y country&en, #hat &artial "riHe,
!an #e besto#, #hich you &ay not %es"iseM
>ur 'eities the first best boon ha$e gi$enFF
)nternal $irtues are the gift of /ea$en.
What "oor re#ar%s can bless your %ee%s on earth,
'oubtless a#ait such young, e-alte% #orthI
5Eneas an% 5scanius shall co&bine
To yiel% a""lause far, far sur"assing &ine.(
)ulus then4FF(By all the "o#ers abo$e3
By those Penates, #ho &y country lo$e3 1K6
By hoary Vesta's sacre% ,ane, ) s#ear,
Cy ho"es are all in you, ye generous "air3
.estore &y father, to &y grateful sight,
5n% all &y sorro#s, yiel% to one %elight.
Aisus3 t#o sil$er goblets are thine o#n,
0a$'% fro& 5risba's stately %o&es o'erthro#nI
Cy sire secure% the& on that fatal %ay,
Aor left such bo#ls an 5rgi$e robber's "rey.
T#o &assy tri"o%s, also, shall be thine,
T#o talents "olish'% fro& the glittering &ineI 176
5n ancient cu", #hich Tyrian 'i%o ga$e,
While yet our $essels "ress'% the Punic #a$e4
But #hen the hostile chiefs at length bo# %o#n,
When great 5Eneas #ears /es"eria's cro#n,
The casDue, the buckler, an% the fiery stee%
Which Turnus gui%es #ith &ore than &ortal s"ee%,
5re thineI no en$ious lot shall then be cast,
) "le%ge &y #or%, irre$ocably "ast4
Aay &ore, t#el$e sla$es, an% t#ice si- ca"ti$e %a&es,
To soothe thy softer hours #ith a&orous fla&es, 1:6
5n% all the real&s, #hich no# the =atins s#ay,
The labours of toFnight shall #ell re"ay.
But thou, &y generous youth, #hose ten%er years
5re near &y o#n, #hose #orth &y heart re$eres,
/enceforth, affection, s#eetly thus begun,
0hall join our boso&s an% our souls in oneI
Without thy ai%, no glory shall be &ine,
Without thy %ear a%$ice, no great %esignI
5like, through life, estee&'%, thou go%like boy,
)n #ar &y bul#ark, an% in "eace &y joy.( 126
To hi& Euryalus4FF(Ao %ay shall sha&e
The rising glories #hich fro& this ) clai&.
,ortune &ay fa$our, or the skies &ay fro#n,
But $alour, s"ite of fate, obtains reno#n.
*et, ere fro& hence our eager ste"s %e"art,
>ne boon ) beg, the nearest to &y heart4
Cy &other, s"rung fro& Pria&'s royal line,
=ike thine ennoble%, har%ly less %i$ine,
Aor Troy nor king 5cestes' real&s restrain
/er feeble age fro& %angers of the &ainI 196
5lone she ca&e, all selfish fears abo$e, 8$ii;
5 bright e-a&"le of &aternal lo$e.
@nkno#n, the secret enter"rise ) bra$e,
=est grief shoul% ben% &y "arent to the gra$eI
,ro& this alone no fon% a%ieus ) seek,
Ao fainting &other's li"s ha$e "ress'% &y cheekI
By gloo&y Aight an% thy right han% ) $o#,
/er "arting tears #oul% shake &y "ur"ose no#4 8$iii;
'o thou, &y "rince, her failing age sustain,
)n thee her &uchFlo$'% chil% &ay li$e againI 116
/er %ying hours #ith "ious con%uct bless,
5ssist her #ants, relie$e her fon% %istress4
0o %ear a ho"e &ust all &y soul enfla&e, 8i-;
To rise in glory, or to fall in fa&e.(
0truck #ith a filial care so %ee"ly felt,
)n tears at once the Trojan #arriors &eltI
,aster than all, )ulus' eyes o'erflo#3
0uch lo$e #as his, an% such ha% been his #oe.
(5ll thou hast ask'%, recei$e,( the Prince re"lie%I
(Aor this alone, but &any a gift besi%e. 66
To cheer thy &other's years shall be &y ai&,
!reusa's 8; style but #anting to the %a&eI
,ortune an a%$erse #ay#ar% course &ay run,
But bless'% thy &other in so %ear a son.
Ao#, by &y life3FF&y 0ire's &ost sacre% oathFF
To thee ) "le%ge &y full, &y fir&est troth,
5ll the re#ar%s #hich once to thee #ere $o#'%, 8-;
)f thou shoul%'st fall, on her shall be besto#'%.(
Thus s"oke the #ee"ing Prince, then forth to $ie#
5 glea&ing falchion fro& the sheath he %re#I 16
=ycaon's ut&ost skill ha% grac'% the steel,
,or frien%s to en$y an% for foes to feel4
5 ta#ny hi%e, the Coorish lion's s"oil, 8-i;
0lain '&i%st the forest in the hunter's toil,
Cnestheus to guar% the el%er youth besto#s, 8-ii;
5n% ol% 5lethes' casDue %efen%s his bro#sI
5r&'%, thence they go, #hile all th' asse&bl'% train,
To ai% their cause, i&"lore the go%s in $ain. 8-iii;
Core than a boy, in #is%o& an% in grace,
)ulus hol%s a&i%st the chiefs his "lace4 6
/is "rayer he sen%sI but #hat can "rayers a$ail,
=ost in the &ur&urs of the sighing galeM 8-i$;
The trench is "ass'%, an% fa$our'% by the night,
Through slee"ing foes, they #heel their #ary flight.
When shall the slee" of &any a foe be o'erM
5las3 so&e slu&ber, #ho shall #ake no &ore3
!hariots an% bri%les, &i-'% #ith ar&s, are seen,
5n% flo#ing flasks, an% scatter'% troo"s bet#een4
Bacchus an% Cars, to rule the ca&", co&bineI
5 &ingle% !haos this of #ar an% #ine. <6
(Ao#,( cries the first, (for %ee%s of bloo% "re"are,
With &e the conDuest an% the labour share4
/ere lies our "athI lest any han% arise,
Watch thou, #hile &any a %rea&ing chieftain %iesI
)'ll car$e our "assage, through the hee%less foe,
5n% clear thy roa%, #ith &any a %ea%ly blo#.(
/is #his"ering accents then the youth re"ress'%,
5n% "ierce% "rou% .ha&nes through his "anting breast4
0tretch'% at his ease, th' incautious king re"os'%I
'ebauch, an% not fatigue, his eyes ha% clos'%I K6
To Turnus %ear, a "ro"het an% a "rince,
/is o&ens &ore than augur's skill e$inceI
But he, #ho thus foretol% the fate of all,
!oul% not a$ert his o#n unti&ely fall.
Ae-t .e&us' ar&ourFbearer, ha"less, fell,
5n% three unha""y sla$es the carnage s#ellI
The charioteer along his courser's si%es
E-"ires, the steel his se$er'% neck %i$i%esI
5n%, last, his =or% is nu&ber'% #ith the %ea%4
Boun%ing con$ulsi$e, flies the gas"ing hea%I 76
,ro& the s#ol'n $eins the blackening torrents "ourI
0tain'% is the couch an% earth #ith clotting gore.
*oung =a&yrus an% =a&us ne-t e-"ire,
5n% gay 0erranus, fill'% #ith youthful fireI
/alf the long night in chil%ish ga&es #as "ass'%I 8-$;
=ull'% by the "otent gra"e, he sle"t at last4
5h3 ha""ier far, ha% he the &orn sur$ey'%,
5n%, till 5urora's %a#n, his skill %is"lay'%. 8-$i;
)n slaughter'% fol%s, the kee"ers lost in slee", 8-$ii;
/is hungry fangs a lion thus &ay stee"I :6
'Ci% the sa% flock, at %ea% of night he "ro#ls,
With &ur%er glutte%, an% in carnage rolls
)nsatiate still, through tee&ing her%s he roa&sI 8-$iii;
)n seas of gore, the lor%ly tyrant foa&s.
Aor less the other's %ea%ly $engeance ca&e,
But falls on feeble cro#%s #ithout a na&eI
/is #oun% unconscious ,a%us scarce can feel,
*et #akeful .haesus sees the threatening steelI
/is co#ar% breast behin% a jar he hi%es,
5n%, $ainly, in the #eak %efence confi%esI 26
,ull in his heart, the falchion search'% his $eins,
The reeking #ea"on bears alternate stainsI
Through #ine an% bloo%, co&&ingling as they flo#,
>ne feeble s"irit seeks the sha%es belo#.
Ao# #here Cessa"us %#elt they ben% their #ay,
Whose fires e&it a faint an% tre&bling rayI
There, unconfin'%, behol% each graHing stee%,
@n#atch'%, unhee%e%, on the herbage fee%4 8-i-;
Bra$e Aisus here arrests his co&ra%e's ar&,
Too flush'% #ith carnage, an% #ith conDuest #ar&4 96
(/ence let us haste, the %angerous "ath is "ass'%I
,ull foes enough, toFnight, ha$e breath'% their last4
0oon #ill the 'ay those Eastern clou%s a%ornI
Ao# let us s"ee%, nor te&"t the rising &orn.(
What sil$er ar&s, #ith $arious art e&boss'%,
What bo#ls an% &antles, in confusion toss'%,
They lea$e regar%less3 yet one glittering "riHe
5ttracts the younger /ero's #an%ering eyesI
The gil%e% harness .ha&nes' coursers felt,
The ge&s #hich stu% the &onarch's gol%en belt4 16
This fro& the "alli% corse #as Duickly torn,
>nce by a line of for&er chieftains #orn.
Th' e-ulting boy the stu%%e% gir%le #ears,
Cessa"us' hel& his hea%, in triu&"h, bearsI
Then fro& the tents their cautious ste"s they ben%,
To seek the $ale, #here safer "aths e-ten%.
?ust at this hour, a ban% of =atian horse
To Turnus' ca&" "ursue their %estin'% course4
While the slo# foot their tar%y &arch %elay,
The knights, i&"atient, s"ur along the #ay4 <66
Three hun%re% &ailFcla% &en, by Volscens le%,
To Turnus #ith their &aster's "ro&ise s"e%4
Ao# they a""roach the trench, an% $ie# the #alls,
When, on the left, a light reflection fallsI
The "lun%er'% hel&et, through the #aning night,
0he%s forth a sil$er ra%iance, glancing brightI
Volscens, #ith Duestion lou%, the "air alar&s4FF
(0tan%, 0tragglers3 stan%3 #hy early thus in ar&sM
,ro& #henceM to #ho&M(FF/e &eets #ith no re"lyI
Trusting the co$ert of the night, they fly4 <16
The thicket's %e"th, #ith hurrie% "ace, they trea%,
While roun% the #oo% the hostile sDua%ron s"rea%.
With brakes entangle%, scarce a "ath bet#een,
'reary an% %ark a""ears the syl$an scene4
Euryalus his hea$y s"oils i&"e%e,
The boughs an% #in%ing turns his ste"s &islea%I
But Aisus scours along the forest's &aHe,
To #here =atinus' stee%s in safety graHe,
Then back#ar% o'er the "lain his eyes e-ten%,
>n e$ery si%e they seek his absent frien%. <6
(> Go%3 &y boy,( he cries, (of &e bereft, 8--;
)n #hat i&"en%ing "erils art thou left3(
=istening he runsFFabo$e the #a$ing trees,
Tu&ultuous $oices s#ell the "assing breeHeI
The #arFcry rises, thun%ering hoofs aroun%
Wake the %ark echoes of the tre&bling groun%.
5gain he turnsFFof footste"s hears the noiseFF
The soun% elatesFFthe sight his ho"e %estroys4
The ha"less boy a ruffian train surroun%, 8--i;
While lengthening sha%es his #eary #ay confoun%I <<6
/i&, #ith lou% shouts, the furious knights "ursue,
0truggling in $ain, a ca"ti$e to the cre#. 8--ii;
What can his frien% 'gainst thronging nu&bers %areM
5h3 &ust he rush, his co&ra%e's fate to shareM
What force, #hat ai%, #hat stratage& essay,
Back to re%ee& the =atian s"oiler's "reyM
/is life a $oti$e ranso& nobly gi$e,
>r %ie #ith hi&, for #ho& he #ish'% to li$eM
Poising #ith strength his lifte% lance on high,
>n =una's orb he cast his frenHie% eye4FF <K6
(Go%%ess serene, transcen%ing e$ery star3 8--iii;
Lueen of the sky, #hose bea&s are seen afar3
By night /ea$en o#ns thy s#ay, by %ay the gro$e,
When, as chaste 'ian, here thou %eign'st to ro$eI
)f e'er &yself, or 0ire, ha$e sought to grace
Thine altars, #ith the "ro%uce of the chase,
0"ee%, s"ee% &y %art to "ierce yon $aunting cro#%,
To free &y frien%, an% scatter far the "rou%.(
Thus ha$ing sai%, the hissing %art he flungI
Through "arte% sha%es the hurtling #ea"on sungI <76
The thirsty "oint in 0ul&o's entrails lay,
Transfi-'% his heart, an% stretch'% hi& on the clay4
/e sobs, he %ies,FFthe troo" in #il% a&aHe,
@nconscious #hence the %eath, #ith horror gaHeI
While "ale they stare, thro' Tagus' te&"les ri$en,
5 secon% shaft, #ith eDual force is %ri$en4
,ierce Volscens rolls aroun% his lo#ering eyesI
Veil'% by the night, secure the Trojan lies. 8--i$;
Burning #ith #rath, he $ie#'% his sol%iers fall.
(Thou youth accurst, thy life shall "ay for all3( <:6
Luick fro& the sheath his fla&ing glai$e he %re#,
5n%, raging, on the boy %efenceless fle#.
Aisus, no &ore the blackening sha%e conceals,
,orth, forth he starts, an% all his lo$e re$ealsI
5ghast, confus'%, his fears to &a%ness rise,
5n% "our these accents, shrieking as he fliesI
(Ce, &e,FFyour $engeance hurl on &e aloneI
/ere sheathe the steel, &y bloo% is all your o#nI
*e starry 0"heres3 thou conscious /ea$en3 attest3
/e coul% notFF%urst notFFlo3 the guile confest3 <26
5ll, all #as &ine,FFhis early fate sus"en%I
/e only lo$'%, too #ell, his ha"less frien%4
0"are, s"are, ye !hiefs3 fro& hi& your rage re&o$eI
/is fault #as frien%shi", all his cri&e #as lo$e.(
/e "ray'% in $ainI the %ark assassin's s#or%
Pierce% the fair si%e, the sno#y boso& gor'%I
=o#ly to earth inclines his "lu&eFcla% crest,
5n% sanguine torrents &antle o'er his breast4
5s so&e young rose #hose blosso& scents the air,
=angui% in %eath, e-"ires beneath the shareI <96
>r cri&son "o""y, sinking #ith the sho#er,
'eclining gently, falls a fa%ing flo#erI
Thus, s#eetly %roo"ing, ben%s his lo$ely hea%,
5n% lingering Beauty ho$ers roun% the %ea%.
But fiery Aisus ste&s the battle's ti%e,
.e$enge his lea%er, an% 'es"air his gui%eI 8--$;
Volscens he seeks a&i%st the gathering host,
Volscens &ust soon a""ease his co&ra%e's ghostI
0teel, flashing, "ours on steel, foe cro#%s on foeI
.age ner$es his ar&, ,ate glea&s in e$ery blo#I <16
)n $ain beneath unnu&ber'% #oun%s he blee%s,
Aor #oun%s, nor %eath, %istracte% Aisus hee%sI
)n $ie#less circles #heel'% his falchion flies,
Aor Duits the hero's gras" till Volscens %iesI
'ee" in his throat its en% the #ea"on foun%,
The tyrant's soul fle% groaning through the #oun%. 8--$i;
Thus Aisus all his fon% affection "ro$'%FF
'ying, re$enge% the fate of hi& he lo$'%I
Then on his boso& sought his #onte% "lace, 8--$ii;
5n% %eath #as hea$enly, in his frien%'s e&brace3 K66
!elestial "air3 if aught &y $erse can clai&,
Wafte% on Ti&e's broa% "inion, yours is fa&e3 8--$iii;
5ges on ages shall your fate a%&ire,
Ao future %ay shall see your na&es e-"ire,
While stan%s the !a"itol, i&&ortal %o&e3
5n% $anDuishe% &illions hail their E&"ress, .o&e3
8,ootnote 14 =ines 1F19 #ere first "ublishe% in 'P. on V. >ccasions',
un%er the title of (,rag&ent of a Translation fro& the 1th Book of
Virgil's '5Enei%'.(;
8,ootnote 4 The &other of )ulus, lost on the night #hen Troy #as
8,ootnote i4
'/i& )%a sent, a hunter, no# no &ore,
To co&bat foes, u"on a foreign shoreI
Aear hi&, the lo$eliest of the Trojan ban%,
'i% fair Euryalus, his co&ra%e, stan%I
,e# are the seasons of his youthful life,
5s yet a no$ice in the &artial strife4
The Go%s to hi& un#onte% gifts i&"art,
5 fe&ale's beatify, #ith a hero's heart.
8'P. on V. >ccasions.';
,ro& )%a torn he left his nati$e gro$e,
Through %istant cli&es, an% trackless seas to ro$e.'
8'/ours of )%leness.';;
8,ootnote ii4
'5n% no# co&bin'%, the &assy gate they guar%'.
8'P. on V. >ccasions'.;
FFthey hol% the nightly guar%'.
8'/ours of )%leness'.;;
8,ootnote iii4
5n% =o$e, an% =ife alike the glory s"urne%.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote i$4
Then Aisus, (5h, &y frien%FF#hy thus sus"ect
Thy youthful breast a%&its of no %efect.(
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote $4
Tre&bling #ith %iffi%ence not a#e% by fear.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote $i4
The $ain .utulians lost in slu&ber %rea&.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote $ii4
'/ither she ca&eFFFFFF.
8'/ours of )%leness.';;
8,ootnote $iii4
'/er falling tearsFFFFFF.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote i-4
'With this assurance ,ate's atte&"ts are $ainI
,earless ) %are the foes of yon%er "lain.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote -4
'That all the gifts #hich once to thee #ere $o#e%.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;
8,ootnote -i4
'5 ta#ny skin the furious lion's s"oil.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote -ii4
'Cnestheus "resente%, an% the Warrior's &ask
5lethes ga$e a %oubly te&"er'% casDue.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote -iii4
'To gla% their journey, follo# the& in $ain.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote -i$4
''is"erse% an% scattere% on the sighing gale.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote -$4
'By Bacchus' "otent %raught #eigh'% %o#n at last
/alf the long night in chil%ish ga&es #as "ast.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote -$i4
'FF%is"orti$e "lay'%.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote -$ii4
By hunger "rest, the kee"er lull'% to slee"
)n slaughter thus a =yon's fangs &ay stee".
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote -$iii4
Through tee&ing her%s unchecke%, una#e%, he roa&s.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote -i-4
/ee%less of %anger on the herbage fee%.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote --4
FFFF'of thee bereft
)n #hat %ire "erils is &y brother left.'
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote --i4
Then his lo$'% boy the ruffian ban% surroun%
Entangle% in the tufte% ,orest groun%.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote --ii4
'5t length a ca"ti$e to the hostile cre#'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote --iii4
'The Go%%ess bright transcen%ing e$ery star'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote --i$4
'Ao object &eets the& but the earth an% skies.
/e burns for $engeance, rising in his #rathFF
Then you, accurse%, thy life shall "ay for bothI
Then fro& the sheath his fla&ing bran% he %re#,
5n% on the raging boy %efenceless fle#.
Aisus no &ore the blackening sha%e conceals,
,orth forth he rushe% an% all his lo$e re$ealsI
Pale an% confuse% his fear to &a%ness gro#s,
5n% thus in accents &il% he greets his ,oes.
(>n &e, on &e, %irect your i&"ious steel,
=et &e an% &e alone your $engeance feelFF
=et not a stri"ling's bloo% by !hiefs be s"ilt,
Be &ine the 'eath, as &ine #as all the guilt.
By /ea$en an% /ell, the "o#ers of Earth an% 5ir.
*on guiltless stri"ling neither coul% nor %are4
0"are hi&, oh3 s"are by all the Go%s abo$e,
5 ha"less boy #hose only cri&e #as =o$e.(
/e "raye% in $ainI the fierce assassin's s#or%
Pierce% the fair si%e, the sno#y boso& gore%I
'roo"ing to earth inclines his lo$ely hea%,
>'er his fair curls, the "ur"ling strea& is s"rea%.
5s so&e s#eet lily, by the "loughshare broke
=angui% in 'eath, sinks %o#n beneath the strokeI
>r, as so&e "o""y, ben%ing #ith the sho#er,
Gently %eclining falls a #aning flo#er'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote --$4
'.e$enge his object'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote --$i4
'The assassin's soul'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote --$ii4
'Then on his breast he sought his #onte% "lace,
5n% 'eath #as lo$ely in his ,rien%'s e&brace'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote --$iii4
'*ours are the fairest #reaths of en%less ,a&e.'
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
T.5A0=5T)>A ,.>C T/E (CE'E5( >, E@.)P)'E0 8=l. :2F::6;.
8Greek4 Erotes hy"er &en agan, B.T.=.81;;
When fierce conflicting "assions urge
The breast, #here lo$e is #ont to glo#,
What &in% can ste& the stor&y surge
Which rolls the ti%e of hu&an #oeM
The ho"e of "raise, the %rea% of sha&e,
!an rouse the tortur'% breast no &oreI
The #il% %esire, the guilty fla&e,
5bsorbs each #ish it felt before.
But if affection gently thrills
The soul, by "urer %rea&s "ossest,
The "leasing bal& of &ortal ills
)n lo$e can soothe the aching breast4
)f thus thou co&est in %isguise, 8i;
,air Venus3 fro& thy nati$e hea$en,
What heart, unfeeling, #oul% %es"ise
The s#eetest boon the Go%s ha$e gi$enM
But, ne$er fro& thy gol%en bo#,
Cay ) beneath the shaft e-"ire3
Whose cree"ing $eno&, sure an% slo#,
5#akes an allFconsu&ing fire4
*e racking %oubts3 ye jealous fears3
With others #age internal #arI
.e"entance3 source of future tears,
,ro& &e be e$er %istant far3
Cay no %istracting thoughts %estroy
The holy cal& of sacre% lo$e3
Cay all the hours be #inge% #ith joy,
Which ho$er faithful hearts abo$e3
,air Venus3 on thy &yrtle shrine
Cay ) #ith so&e fon% lo$er sigh3
Whose heart &ay &ingle "ure #ith &ine,
With &e to li$e, #ith &e to %ie3
Cy nati$e soil3 belo$'% before,
Ao# %earer, as &y "eaceful ho&e,
Ae'er &ay ) Duit thy rocky shore,
5 ha"less banish'% #retch to roa&3
This $ery %ay, this $ery hour,
Cay ) resign this fleeting breath3
Aor Duit &y silent hu&ble bo#erI
5 %oo&, to &e, far #orse than %eath.
/a$e ) not hear% the e-ile's sigh,
5n% seen the e-ile's silent tear,
Through %istant cli&es con%e&n'% to fly,
5 "ensi$e, #eary #an%erer hereM
5h3 ha"less %a&e3 8; no sire be#ails,
Ao frien% thy #retche% fate %e"lores,
Ao kin%re% $oice #ith ra"ture hails
Thy ste"s #ithin a stranger's %oors.
Perish the fien%3 #hose iron heart
To fair affection's truth unkno#n,
Bi%s her he fon%ly lo$'% %e"art,
@n"itie%, hel"less, an% aloneI
Who ne'er unlocks #ith sil$er key, 8<;
The &il%er treasures of his soulI
Cay such a frien% be far fro& &e,
5n% >cean's stor&s bet#een us roll3
8,ootnote 14 The Greek hea%ing %oes not a""ear in '/ours of )%leness' or
'Poe&s >. an% T'.;
8,ootnote 4 Ce%ea, #ho acco&"anie% ?ason to !orinth, #as %eserte% by
hi& for the %aughter of !reon, king of that city. The chorus, fro& #hich
this is taken, here a%%resses Ce%eaI though a consi%erable liberty is
taken #ith the original, by e-"an%ing the i%ea, as also in so&e other
"arts of the translation.;
8,ootnote <4 The original is 8Greek4 katharan anoi-anta klae%a
"hrenOon,; literally (%isclosing the bright key of the &in%.(;
8,ootnote i4
')f thus thou co&'st in gentle guise'.
8'/ours of )%leness'.;;
=5!/)A * G5).. 81;
5#ay, ye gay lan%sca"es, ye gar%ens of roses3
)n you let the &inions of lu-ury ro$e4
.estore &e the rocks, #here the sno#Fflake re"oses,
Though still they are sacre% to free%o& an% lo$e4
*et, !ale%onia, belo$'% are thy &ountains,
.oun% their #hite su&&its though ele&ents #ar4
Though cataracts foa& 'stea% of s&oothFflo#ing fountains,
) sigh for the $alley of %ark =och na Garr.
5h3 there &y young footste"s in infancy, #an%er'%4
Cy ca" #as the bonnet, &y cloak #as the "lai%I 8;
>n chieftains, long "erish'%, &y &e&ory "on%er'%,
5s %aily ) stro%e through the "ineFco$er'% gla%eI
) sought not &y ho&e, till the %ay's %ying glory
Ga$e "lace to the rays of the bright "olar starI
,or fancy #as cheer'%, by tra%itional story,
'isclos'% by the nati$es of %ark =och na Garr.
(0ha%es of the %ea%3 ha$e ) not hear% your $oices
.ise on the nightFrolling breath of the galeM(
0urely, the soul of the hero rejoices,
5n% ri%es on the #in%, o'er his o#n /ighlan% $ale3
.oun% =och na Garr, #hile the stor&y &ist gathers,
Winter "resi%es in his col% icy car4
!lou%s, there, encircle the for&s of &y ,athersI
They %#ell in the te&"ests of %ark =och na Garr.
()ll starr'%, 8<; though bra$e, %i% no $isions forebo%ing
Tell you that fate ha% forsaken your causeM(
5h3 #ere you %estine% to %ie at !ullo%en, 8K;
Victory cro#n'% not your fall #ith a""lause4
0till #ere you ha""y, in %eath's earthy slu&ber,
*ou rest #ith your clan, in the ca$es of Brae&arI 87;
The Pibroch 8:; resoun%s, to the "i"er's lou% nu&ber,
*our %ee%s, on the echoes of %ark =och na Garr.
*ears ha$e roll'% on, =och na Garr, since ) left you,
*ears &ust ela"se, ere ) trea% you again4
Aature of $er%ure an% flo#ers has bereft you,
*et still are you %earer than 5lbion's "lain4
Englan%3 thy beauties are ta&e an% %o&estic,
To one #ho has ro$'% on the &ountains afar4
>h3 for the crags that are #il% an% &ajestic,
The stee", fro#ning glories of %ark =och na Garr. 82;
8,ootnote 14 '=achin y Gair', or, as it is "ronounce% in the Erse, '=och
na Garr', to#ers "rou%ly "reFe&inent in the Aorthern /ighlan%s, near
)n$ercaul%. >ne of our &o%ern tourists &entions it as the highest
&ountain, "erha"s, in Great Britain. Be this as it &ay, it is certainly
one of the &ost subli&e an% "icturesDue a&ongst our (!ale%onian 5l"s.(
)ts a""earance is of a %usky hue, but the su&&it is the seat of eternal
sno#s. Aear =achin y Gair ) s"ent so&e of the early "art of &y life, the
recollection of #hich has gi$en birth to the follo#ing stanHas.
8Prefi-e% to the "oe& in '/ours of )%leness' an% 'Poe&s >. an% T.';
8,ootnote 4 This #or% is erroneously "ronounce% '"la%'I the "ro"er
"ronunciation Eaccor%ing to the 0cotchG is sho#n by the orthogra"hy.;
8,ootnote <4 ) allu%e here to &y &aternal ancestors, (the Gor%ons,( &any
of #ho& fought for the unfortunate Prince !harles, better kno#n by the
na&e of the Preten%er. This branch #as nearly allie% by bloo%, as #ell
as attach&ent, to the 0tuarts. George, the secon% Earl of /untley,
&arrie% the Princess 5nnabella 0tuart, %aughter of ?a&es ). of 0cotlan%.
By her he left four sons4 the thir%, 0ir Willia& Gor%on, ) ha$e the
honour to clai& as one of &y "rogenitors.;
8,ootnote K4 Whether any "erishe% in the Battle of !ullo%en, ) a& not
certainI but, as &any fell in the insurrection, ) ha$e use% the na&e of
the "rinci"al action, ("ars "ro toto.(;
8,ootnote 74 5 tract of the /ighlan%s so calle%. There is also a !astle
of Brae&ar.;
8,ootnote :4 The Bag"i"e.FF'/ours of )%leness'. E0ee note, ". 1<<.G;
8,ootnote 24 The lo$e of &ountains to the last &a%e Byron
(/ail in each crag a frien%'s fa&iliar face,
5n% =och na Garr #ith )%a looke% o'er Troy.(
'The )slan%' E19<G, !anto )). stanHa -ii.;
T> .>C5A!E.
Parent of gol%en %rea&s, .o&ance3
5us"icious Lueen of chil%ish joys,
Who lea%'st along, in airy %ance,
Thy $oti$e train of girls an% boysI
5t length, in s"ells no longer boun%,
) break the fetters of &y youthI
Ao &ore ) trea% thy &ystic roun%,
But lea$e thy real&s for those of Truth.
5n% yet 'tis har% to Duit the %rea&s
Which haunt the unsus"icious soul,
Where e$ery ny&"h a go%%ess see&s, 8i;
Whose eyes through rays i&&ortal rollI
While ,ancy hol%s her boun%less reign,
5n% all assu&e a $arie% hueI
When Virgins see& no longer $ain,
5n% e$en Wo&an's s&iles are true.
5n% &ust #e o#n thee, but a na&e,
5n% fro& thy hall of clou%s %escen%M
Aor fin% a 0yl"h in e$ery %a&e,
5 Pyla%es 81; in e$ery frien%M
But lea$e, at once, thy real&s of air 8ii;
To &ingling ban%s of fairy el$esI
!onfess that #o&an's false as fair,
5n% frien%s ha$e feeling forFFthe&sel$esM
With sha&e, ) o#n, )'$e felt thy s#ayI
.e"entant, no# thy reign is o'erI
Ao &ore thy "rece"ts ) obey,
Ao &ore on fancie% "inions soarI
,on% fool3 to lo$e a s"arkling eye,
5n% think that eye to truth #as %earI
To trust a "assing #anton's sigh,
5n% &elt beneath a #anton's tear3
.o&ance3 %isguste% #ith %eceit,
,ar fro& thy &otley court ) fly,
Where 5ffectation hol%s her seat,
5n% sickly 0ensibilityI
Whose silly tears can ne$er flo#
,or any "angs e-ce"ting thineI
Who turns asi%e fro& real #oe,
To stee" in %e# thy gau%y shrine.
Ao# join #ith sable 0y&"athy,
With cy"ress cro#n'%, array'% in #ee%s,
Who hea$es #ith thee her si&"le sigh,
Whose breast for e$ery boso& blee%sI
5n% call thy syl$an fe&ale choir,
To &ourn a 0#ain for e$er gone,
Who once coul% glo# #ith eDual fire,
But ben%s not no# before thy throne.
*e genial Ay&"hs, #hose rea%y tears 8iii;
>n all occasions s#iftly flo#I
Whose boso&s hea$e #ith fancie% fears,
With fancie% fla&es an% "hrenHy glo#
0ay, #ill you &ourn &y absent na&e,
5"ostate fro& your gentle trainM
5n infant Bar%, at least, &ay clai&
,ro& you a sy&"athetic strain.
5%ieu, fon% race3 a long a%ieu3
The hour of fate is ho$ering nighI
E'en no# the gulf a""ears in $ie#,
Where unla&ente% you &ust lie4 8i$;
>bli$ion's blackening lake is seen,
!on$uls'% by gales you cannot #eather,
Where you, an% eke your gentle Dueen,
5las3 &ust "erish altogether.
8,ootnote 14 )t is har%ly necessary to a%%, that Pyla%es #as the
co&"anion of >restes, an% a "artner in one of those frien%shi"s #hich,
#ith those of 5chilles an% Patroclus, Aisus an% Euryalus, 'a&on an%
Pythias, ha$e been han%e% %o#n to "osterity as re&arkable instances of
attach&ents, #hich in all "robability ne$er e-iste% beyon% the
i&agination of the "oet, or the "age of an historian, or &o%ern
8,ootnote i4
'Where e$ery girlFF.'
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote ii4
'But Duit at once thy real&s of air
Thy &inglingFF.'
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote iii4
'5us"icious bar%sFF.'
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote i$4
'Where you are %oo&e% in %eath to lie.'
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
T/E 'E5T/ >, !5=C5. 5A' >.=5. 81;
5A )C)T5T)>A >, C5!P/E.0>A'0 (>00)5A(. 8;
'ear are the %ays of youth3 5ge %#ells on their re&e&brance through the
&ist of ti&e. )n the t#ilight he recalls the sunny hours of &orn. /e
lifts his s"ear #ith tre&bling han%. (Aot thus feebly %i% ) raise the
steel before &y fathers3( Past is the race of heroes3 But their fa&e
rises on the har"I their souls ri%e on the #ings of the #in%I they hear
the soun% through the sighs of the stor&, an% rejoice in their hall of
clou%s. 0uch is !al&ar. The grey stone &arks his narro# house. /e looks
%o#n fro& e%%ying te&"ests4 he rolls his for& in the #hirl#in%, an%
ho$ers on the blast of the &ountain.
)n Cor$en %#elt the !hiefI a bea& of #ar to ,ingal. /is ste"s in the
fiel% #ere &arke% in bloo%. =ochlin's sons ha% fle% before his angry
s"earI 8i; but &il% #as the eye of !al&arI soft #as the flo# of his
yello# locks4 they strea&e% like the &eteor of the night. Ao &ai% #as
the sigh of his soul4 his thoughts #ere gi$en to frien%shi",FFto
%arkFhaire% >rla, %estroyer of heroes3 EDual #ere their s#or%s in
battleI but fierce #as the "ri%e of >rla4FFgentle alone to !al&ar.
Together they %#elt in the ca$e of >ithona.
,ro& =ochlin, 0#aran boun%e% o'er the blue #a$es. Erin's sons fell
beneath his &ight. ,ingal rouse% his chiefs to co&bat. 8ii; Their shi"s
co$er the ocean3 Their hosts throng on the green hills. They co&e to the
ai% of Erin.
Aight rose in clou%s. 'arkness $eils the ar&ies. But the blaHing oaks
glea& through the $alley. 8iii; The sons of =ochlin sle"t4 their %rea&s
#ere of bloo%. They lift the s"ear in thought, an% ,ingal flies. Aot so
the /ost of Cor$en. To #atch #as the "ost of >rla. !al&ar stoo% by his
si%e. Their s"ears #ere in their han%s. ,ingal calle% his chiefs4 they
stoo% aroun%. The king #as in the &i%st. Grey #ere his locks, but strong
#as the ar& of the king. 5ge #ithere% not his "o#ers. (0ons of Cor$en,(
sai% the hero, (toF&orro# #e &eet the foe. But #here is !uthullin, the
shiel% of ErinM /e rests in the halls of TuraI he kno#s not of our
co&ing. Who #ill s"ee% through =ochlin, to the hero, an% call the chief
to ar&sM The "ath is by the s#or%s of foesI but &any are &y heroes. They
are thun%erbolts of #ar. 0"eak, ye chiefs3 Who #ill ariseM(
(0on of Tren&or3 &ine be the %ee%,( sai% %arkFhaire% >rla, (an% &ine
alone. What is %eath to &eM ) lo$e the slee" of the &ighty, but little
is the %anger. The sons of =ochlin %rea&. ) #ill seek carFborne
!uthullin. )f ) fall, raise the song of bar%sI an% lay &e by the strea&
of =ubar.(FF(5n% shalt thou fall aloneM( sai% fairFhaire% !al&ar. (Wilt
thou lea$e thy frien% afarM !hief of >ithona3 not feeble is &y ar& in
fight. !oul% ) see thee %ie, an% not lift the s"earM Ao, >rla3 ours has
been the chase of the roebuck, an% the feast of shellsI ours be the "ath
of %anger4 ours has been the ca$e of >ithonaI ours be the narro#
%#elling on the banks of =ubar.(FF(!al&ar,( sai% the chief of >ithona,
(#hy shoul% thy yello# locks be %arkene% in the %ust of ErinM =et &e
fall alone. Cy father %#ells in his hall of air4 he #ill rejoice in his
boyI but the blueFeye% Cora s"rea%s the feast for her 0on in Cor$en. 0he
listens to the ste"s of the hunter on the heath, an% thinks it is the
trea% of !al&ar. =et her not say, '!al&ar has fallen by the steel of
=ochlin4 he %ie% #ith gloo&y >rla, the chief of the %ark bro#.' Why
shoul% tears %i& the aHure eye of CoraM Why shoul% her $oice curse >rla,
the %estroyer of !al&arM =i$e !al&ar3 =i$e to raise &y stone of &ossI
li$e to re$enge &e in the bloo% of =ochlin. ?oin the song of bar%s abo$e
&y gra$e. 0#eet #ill be the song of 'eath to >rla, fro& the $oice of
!al&ar. Cy ghost shall s&ile on the notes of Praise.( (>rla,( sai% the
son of Cora, (coul% ) raise the song of 'eath to &y frien%M !oul% ) gi$e
his fa&e to the #in%sM Ao, &y heart #oul% s"eak in sighs4 faint an%
broken are the soun%s of sorro#. >rla3 our souls shall hear the song
together. >ne clou% shall be ours on high4 the bar%s #ill &ingle the
na&es of >rla an% !al&ar.(
They Duit the circle of the !hiefs. Their ste"s are to the /ost of
=ochlin. The %ying blaHe of oak %i&Ft#inkles through the night. The
northern star "oints the "ath to Tura. 0#aran, the Bing, rests on his
lonely hill. /ere the troo"s are &i-e%4 they fro#n in slee"I their
shiel%s beneath their hea%s. Their s#or%s glea&, at %istance in hea"s.
The fires are faintI their e&bers fail in s&oke. 5ll is hushe%I but the
gale sighs on the rocks abo$e. =ightly #heel the /eroes through the
slu&bering ban%. /alf the journey is "ast, #hen Cathon, resting on his
shiel%, &eets the eye of >rla. )t rolls in fla&e, an% glistens through
the sha%e. /is s"ear is raise% on high. (Why %ost thou ben% thy bro#,
chief of >ithonaM( sai% fairFhaire% !al&ar4 (#e are in the &i%st of
foes. )s this a ti&e for %elayM( ()t is a ti&e for $engeance,( sai% >rla
of the gloo&y bro#. (Cathon of =ochlin slee"s4 seest thou his s"earM )ts
"oint is %i& #ith the gore of &y father. The bloo% of Cathon shall reek
on &ine4 but shall ) slay hi& slee"ing, 0on of CoraM Ao3 he shall feel
his #oun%4 &y fa&e shall not soar on the bloo% of slu&ber. .ise, Cathon,
rise3 The 0on of !onna callsI thy life is hisI rise to co&bat.( Cathon
starts fro& slee"4 but %i% he rise aloneM Ao4 the gathering !hiefs boun%
on the "lain. (,ly3 !al&ar, fly3( sai% %arkFhaire% >rla. (Cathon is
&ine. ) shall %ie in joy4 but =ochlin cro#%s aroun%. ,ly through the
sha%e of night.( >rla turns. The hel& of Cathon is cleftI his shiel%
falls fro& his ar&4 he shu%%ers in his bloo%. 8i; /e rolls by the si%e
of the blaHing oak. 0tru&on sees hi& fall4 his #rath rises4 his #ea"on
glitters on the hea% of >rla4 but a s"ear "ierce% his eye. /is brain
gushes through the #oun%, an% foa&s on the s"ear of !al&ar. 5s roll the
#a$es of the >cean on t#o &ighty barks of the Aorth, so "our the &en of
=ochlin on the !hiefs. 5s, breaking the surge in foa&, "rou%ly steer the
barks of the Aorth, so rise the !hiefs of Cor$en on the scattere% crests
of =ochlin. The %in of ar&s ca&e to the ear of ,ingal. /e strikes his
shiel%I his sons throng aroun%I the "eo"le "our along the heath. .yno
boun%s in joy. >ssian stalks in his ar&s. >scar shakes the s"ear. The
eagle #ing of ,illan floats on the #in%. 'rea%ful is the clang of %eath3
&any are the Wi%o#s of =ochlin. Cor$en "re$ails in its strength.
Corn gli&&ers on the hills4 no li$ing foe is seenI but the slee"ers are
&anyI gri& they lie on Erin. The breeHe of >cean lifts their locksI yet
they %o not a#ake. The ha#ks screa& abo$e their "rey.
Whose yello# locks #a$e o'er the breast of a chiefM Bright as the gol%
of the stranger, they &ingle #ith the %ark hair of his frien%. 'Tis
!al&ar4 he lies on the boso& of >rla. Theirs is one strea& of bloo%.
,ierce is the look of the gloo&y >rla. /e breathes notI but his eye is
still a fla&e. )t glares in %eath unclose%. /is han% is gras"e% in
!al&ar'sI but !al&ar li$es3 he li$es, though lo#. (.ise,( sai% the king,
(rise, son of Cora4 'tis &ine to heal the #oun%s of /eroes. !al&ar &ay
yet boun% on the hills of Cor$en.( 8$;
(Ae$er &ore shall !al&ar chase the %eer of Cor$en #ith >rla,( sai% the
/ero. (What #ere the chase to &e aloneM Who #oul% share the s"oils of
battle #ith !al&arM >rla is at rest3 .ough #as thy soul, >rla3 yet soft
to &e as the %e# of &orn. )t glare% on others in lightning4 to &e a
sil$er bea& of night. Bear &y s#or% to blueFeye% CoraI let it hang in &y
e&"ty hall. )t is not "ure fro& bloo%4 but it coul% not sa$e >rla. =ay
&e #ith &y frien%4 raise the song #hen ) a& %ark3(
They are lai% by the strea& of =ubar. ,our grey stones &ark the %#elling
of >rla an% !al&ar. When 0#aran #as boun%, our sails rose on the blue
#a$es. The #in%s ga$e our barks to Cor$en4FFthe bar%s raise% the song.
(What ,or& rises on the roar of clou%sM Whose %ark Ghost glea&s on the
re% strea&s of te&"estsM /is $oice rolls on the thun%er. 'Tis >rla, the
bro#n !hief of >ithona. /e #as un&atche% in #ar. Peace to thy soul,
>rla3 thy fa&e #ill not "erish. Aor thine, !al&ar3 =o$ely #ast thou, son
of blueFeye% CoraI but not har&less #as thy s#or%. )t hangs in thy ca$e.
The Ghosts of =ochlin shriek aroun% its steel. /ear thy "raise, !al&ar3
)t %#ells on the $oice of the &ighty. Thy na&e shakes on the echoes of
Cor$en. Then raise thy fair locks, son of Cora. 0"rea% the& on the arch
of the rainbo#, an% s&ile through the tears of the stor&. 8<;
8,ootnote 14 The C0. is "reser$e% at Ae#stea%.;
8,ootnote 4 )t &ay be necessary to obser$e, that the story, though
consi%erably $arie% in the catastro"he, is taken fro& (Aisus an%
Euryalus,( of #hich e"iso%e a translation is alrea%y gi$en in the
"resent $olu&e 8see "". 171F1:9;.;
8,ootnote <4 ) fear =aing's late e%ition has co&"letely o$erthro#n e$ery
ho"e that Cac"herson's '>ssian' &ight "ro$e the translation of a series
of "oe&s co&"lete in the&sel$esI but, #hile the i&"osture is %isco$ere%,
the &erit of the #ork re&ains un%is"ute%, though not #ithout
faultsFF"articularly, in so&e "arts, turgi% an% bo&bastic %iction.FFThe
"resent hu&ble i&itation #ill be "ar%one% by the a%&irers of the
original as an atte&"t, ho#e$er inferior, #hich e$inces an attach&ent to
their fa$ourite author. 8Calcol& =aing E12:F1919G "ublishe%, in 196, a
'/istory of 0cotlan%, etc.', #ith a %issertation (on the su""ose%
authenticity of >ssian's Poe&s,( an%, in 1967, a #ork entitle% 'The
Poe&s of >ssian, etc., containing the Poetical Works of ?a&es
Cac"herson, EsD., in Prose an% .hy&e, #ith Aotes an% )llustrations'.;
8,ootnote i4
'Erin's sonsFF'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote ii4
'The horn of ,ingalFF'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote iii4
'FFthe fires glea&FF'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote i$4
'/e tre&bles in his bloo%. /e rolls con$ulsi$e.'
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote $4
'FFthe &ountain of Cor$en.'
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
T> E'W5.' A>E= =>AG, E0L. 8i; 81;
(Ail ego contuleri& jucun%o sanus a&ico.(FF/>.5!E.
'ear =>AG, in this seDuester'% scene, 8ii;
While all aroun% in slu&ber lie,
The joyous %ays, #hich ours ha$e been
!o&e rolling fresh on ,ancy's eyeI
Thus, if, a&i%st the gathering stor&,
While clou%s the %arken'% noon %efor&,
*on hea$en assu&es a $arie% glo#,
) hail the sky's celestial bo#,
Which s"rea%s the sign of future "eace,
5n% bi%s the #ar of te&"ests cease.
5h3 though the "resent brings but "ain,
) think those %ays &ay co&e againI
>r if, in &elancholy &oo%,
0o&e lurking en$ious fear intru%e, 8iii;
To check &y boso&'s fon%est thought,
5n% interru"t the gol%en %rea&,
) crush the fien% #ith &alice fraught,
5n%, still, in%ulge &y #onte% the&e.
5lthough #e ne'er again can trace,
)n Granta's $ale, the "e%ant's lore,
Aor through the gro$es of )%a chase
>ur ra"ture% $isions, as beforeI
Though *outh has flo#n on rosy "inion,
5n% Canhoo% clai&s his stern %o&inion,
5ge #ill not e$ery ho"e %estroy,
But yiel% so&e hours of sober joy.
*es, ) #ill ho"e that Ti&e's broa% #ing
Will she% aroun% so&e %e#s of s"ring4
But, if his scythe &ust s#ee" the flo#ers
Which bloo& a&ong the fairy bo#ers,
Where s&iling *outh %elights to %#ell,
5n% hearts #ith early ra"ture s#ellI
)f fro#ning 5ge, #ith col% controul,
!onfines the current of the soul,
!ongeals the tear of Pity's eye,
>r checks the sy&"athetic sigh,
>r hears, un&o$'%, Cisfortune's groan
5n% bi%s &e feel for self aloneI
>h3 &ay &y boso& ne$er learn
To soothe its #onte% hee%less flo#I 8i$;
0till, still, %es"ise the censor stern,
But ne'er forget another's #oe.
*es, as you kne# &e in the %ays,
>'er #hich .e&e&brance yet %elays, 8$;
0till &ay ) ro$e untutor'%, #il%,
5n% e$en in age, at heart a chil%. 8$i;
Though, no#, on airy $isions borne,
To you &y soul is still the sa&e.
>ft has it been &y fate to &ourn, 8$ii;
5n% all &y for&er joys are ta&e4
But, hence3 ye hours of sable hue3
*our fro#ns are gone, &y sorro#s o'er4
By e$ery bliss &y chil%hoo% kne#,
)'ll think u"on your sha%e no &ore.
Thus, #hen the #hirl#in%'s rage is "ast,
5n% ca$es their sullen roar enclose 8$iii;
We hee% no &ore the #intry blast,
When lull'% by He"hyr to re"ose.
,ull often has &y infant Cuse,
5ttun'% to lo$e her langui% lyreI
But, no#, #ithout a the&e to choose,
The strains in stolen sighs e-"ire.
Cy youthful ny&"hs, alas3 are flo#nI 8i-;
EFFFFis a #ife, an% !FFFFa &other,
5n% !arolina sighs alone,
5n% Cary's gi$en to anotherI
5n% !ora's eye, #hich roll'% on &e,
!an no# no &ore &y lo$e recallFF
)n truth, %ear =>AG, 't#as ti&e to fleeFF8-;
,or !ora's eye #ill shine on all.
5n% though the 0un, #ith genial rays,
/is bea&s alike to all %is"lays,
5n% e$ery la%y's eye's a OsunO,
These last shoul% be confin'% to one.
The soul's &eri%ian %on't beco&e her, 8-i;
Whose 0un %is"lays a general Osu&&erO3
Thus faint is e$ery for&er fla&e,
5n% Passion's self is no# a na&eI 8-ii; 8-iii;
5s, #hen the ebbing fla&es are lo#,
The ai% #hich once i&"ro$'% their light,
5n% ba%e the& burn #ith fiercer glo#,
Ao# Duenches all their s"arks in nightI
Thus has it been #ith Passion's fires,
5s &any a boy an% girl re&e&bers,
While all the force of lo$e e-"ires,
E-tinguish'% #ith the %ying e&bers.
But no#, %ear =>AG, 'tis &i%night's noon,
5n% clou%s obscure the #atery &oon,
Whose beauties ) shall not rehearse,
'escrib'% in e$ery stri"ling's $erseI
,or #hy shoul% ) the "ath go o'er
Which e$ery bar% has tro% beforeM 8-i$;
*et ere yon sil$er la&" of night
/as thrice "erfor&'% her state% roun%,
/as thrice retrac'% her "ath of light,
5n% chas'% a#ay the gloo& "rofoun%,
) trust, that #e, &y gentle ,rien%,
0hall see her rolling orbit #en%,
5bo$e the %earFlo$'% "eaceful seat,
Which once contain'% our youth's retreatI
5n%, then, #ith those our chil%hoo% kne#,
We'll &ingle in the festi$e cre#I
While &any a tale of for&er %ay
0hall #ing the laughing hours a#ayI
5n% all the flo# of souls shall "our
The sacre% intellectual sho#er,
Aor cease, till =una's #aning horn,
0carce gli&&ers through the &ist of Corn.
8,ootnote 14 The C0. of these $erses is at Ae#stea%. =ong #as #ith Byron
at /arro#, an% #as the only one of his inti&ate frien%s #ho #ent u" at
the sa&e ti&e as he %i% to !a&bri%ge, #here both #ere note% for feats of
s#i&&ing an% %i$ing. =ong entere% the Guar%s, an% ser$e% in the
e-"e%ition to !o"enhagen. /e #as %ro#ne% early in 1961, #hen on his #ay
to join the ar&y in the PeninsulaI the trans"ort in #hich he saile%
being run %o#n in the night by another of the con$oy. (=ong's father,(
says Byron, (#rote to &e to #rite his son's e"ita"h. ) "ro&ise%FFbut )
ha% not the heart to co&"lete it. /e #as such a goo%, a&iable being as
rarely re&ains long in this #orl%I #ith talent an% acco&"lish&ents, too,
to &ake hi& the &ore regrette%.(FF''iary', 191I '=ife', ". <. 0ee also
&e&oran%u& E'=ife', ". <1, col. ii.G.;
8,ootnote i4
'To E. A. =. EsD.'
8'/ours of )%leness. Poe&s >. an% T.'; ;
8,ootnote ii4
''ear =FFFF.'
8'/ours of )%leness. Poe&s >. an% T.'; ;
8,ootnote iii4
'0o&e %aring en$ious.'
8'C0. Ae#stea%.'; ;
8,ootnote i$4
'its young ro&antic flo#.'
8'C0. Ae#stea%.'; ;
8,ootnote $4
'>'er #hich &y fancy'FF.
8'C0. Ae#stea%.'; ;
8,ootnote $i4
'0till &ay &y breast to boyhoo% clea$e,
With e$ery early "assion hea$eI
0till &ay ) ro$e untutore%, #il%,
But ne$er cease to see& a chil%.'FF
8'C0. Ae#stea%.'; ;
8,ootnote $ii4
'0ince #e ha$e &et, ) learnt to &ourn.'
8'C0. Ae#stea%.'; ;
8,ootnote $iii4
'5n% ca$es their sullen #ar'FF.
8'C0. Ae#stea%.'; ;
8,ootnote i-4
'FFthank /ea$en are flo#n'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote -4
')n truth %ear =FFFF'.
8'/ours of )%leness. Poe&s >. an% T.; ;
8,ootnote -i4
'The glances really %on't beco&e her'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote -ii4
'Ao &ore ) linger on its na&e'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote -iii4
'5n% "assion's self is but a na&e'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote -i$4
'5n% #hat's &uch #orse than this ) fin%
/a$e left their %ee"en'% tracks behin%
*et as yon'FFFFFF.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
T> 5 =5'*. 8i;
>h3 ha% &y ,ate been join'% #ith thine, 81;
5s once this "le%ge a""ear'% a token,
These follies ha% not, then, been &ine,
,or, then, &y "eace ha% not been broken.
To thee, these early faults ) o#e,
To thee, the #ise an% ol% re"ro$ing4
They kno# &y sins, but %o not kno#
'T#as thine to break the bon%s of lo$ing.
,or once &y soul, like thine, #as "ure,
5n% all its rising fires coul% s&otherI
But, no#, thy $o#s no &ore en%ure,
Besto#'% by thee u"on another. 81;
Perha"s, his "eace ) coul% %estroy,
5n% s"oil the blisses that a#ait hi&I
*et let &y .i$al s&ile in joy,
,or thy %ear sake, ) cannot hate hi&.
5h3 since thy angel for& is gone,
Cy heart no &ore can rest #ith anyI
But #hat it sought in thee alone,
5tte&"ts, alas3 to fin% in &any.
Then, fare thee #ell, %eceitful Cai%3
'T#ere $ain an% fruitless to regret theeI
Aor /o"e, nor Ce&ory yiel% their ai%,
But Pri%e &ay teach &e to forget thee.
*et all this gi%%y #aste of years,
This tireso&e roun% of "alling "leasuresI
These $arie% lo$es, these &atrons' fears,
These thoughtless strains to Passion's &easuresFF
)f thou #ert &ine, ha% all been hush'%4FF
This cheek, no# "ale fro& early riot,
With Passion's hectic ne'er ha% flush'%,
But bloo&'% in cal& %o&estic Duiet.
*es, once the rural 0cene #as s#eet,
,or Aature see&'% to s&ile before theeI
5n% once &y Breast abhorr'% %eceit,FF
,or then it beat but to a%ore thee.
But, no#, ) seek for other joysFF
To think, #oul% %ri$e &y soul to &a%nessI
)n thoughtless throngs, an% e&"ty noise,
) conDuer half &y Boso&'s sa%ness.
*et, e$en in these, a thought #ill steal,
)n s"ite of e$ery $ain en%ea$ourI
5n% fien%s &ight "ity #hat ) feelFF
To kno# that thou art lost for e$er.
8,ootnote 14 These $erses #ere a%%resse% to Crs. !ha#orth Custers.
Byron #rote in 19,
(>ur &eetings #ere stolen ones. ... 5 gate lea%ing fro& Cr. !ha#orth's
groun%s to those of &y &other #as the "lace of our inter$ie#s. The
ar%our #as all on &y si%e. ) #as seriousI she #as $olatile4 she like%
&e as a younger brother, an% treate% an% laughe% at &e as a boyI she,
ho#e$er, ga$e &e her "icture, an% that #as so&ething to &ake $erses
u"on. /a% ) &arrie% her, "erha"s, the #hole tenour of &y life #oul%
ha$e been %ifferent.(
Ce%#in's '!on$ersations', 19K, ". 91.;
8,ootnote i4
8'/ours of )%leness. Poe&s >. an% T.';;
+ + + + + + + + +
P>EC0 >.)G)A5= 5A' T.5A0=5TE'
W/EA ) .>VE' 5 *>@AG /)G/=5A'E.. 8i;
When ) ro$'% a young /ighlan%er o'er the %ark heath,
5n% cli&b'% thy stee" su&&it, oh Cor$en of sno#3 81;
To gaHe on the torrent that thun%er'% beneath,
>r the &ist of the te&"est that gather'% belo#I 8;
@ntutor'% by science, a stranger to fear,
5n% ru%e as the rocks, #here &y infancy gre#,
Ao feeling, sa$e one, to &y boso& #as %earI
Aee% ) say, &y s#eet Cary, 8<; 't#as centre% in youM
*et it coul% not be =o$e, for ) kne# not the na&e,FF
What "assion can %#ell in the heart of a chil%M
But, still, ) "ercei$e an e&otion the sa&e
5s ) felt, #hen a boy, on the cragFco$er'% #il%4
>ne i&age, alone, on &y boso& i&"ress'%,
) lo$'% &y bleak regions, nor "ante% for ne#I
5n% fe# #ere &y #ants, for &y #ishes #ere bless'%,
5n% "ure #ere &y thoughts, for &y soul #as #ith you.
) arose #ith the %a#n, #ith &y %og as &y gui%e,
,ro& &ountain to &ountain ) boun%e% alongI
) breaste% 8K; the billo#s of 'ee's 87; rushing ti%e,
5n% hear% at a %istance the /ighlan%er's song4
5t e$e, on &y heathFco$er'% couch of re"ose.
Ao %rea&s, sa$e of Cary, #ere s"rea% to &y $ie#I
5n% #ar& to the skies &y %e$otions arose,
,or the first of &y "rayers #as a blessing on you.
) left &y bleak ho&e, an% &y $isions are goneI
The &ountains are $anish'%, &y youth is no &oreI
5s the last of &y race, ) &ust #ither alone,
5n% %elight but in %ays, ) ha$e #itness'% before4
5h3 s"len%our has rais'%, but e&bitter'% &y lotI
Core %ear #ere the scenes #hich &y infancy kne#4
Though &y ho"es &ay ha$e fail'%, yet they are not
Though col% is &y heart, still it lingers #ith you.
When ) see so&e %ark hill "oint its crest to the sky,
) think of the rocks that o'ersha%o# !olbleenI 8:;
When ) see the soft blue of a lo$eFs"eaking eye,
) think of those eyes that en%ear'% the ru%e sceneI
When, ha"ly, so&e lightF#a$ing locks ) behol%,
That faintly rese&ble &y Cary's in hue,
) think on the long flo#ing ringlets of gol%,
The locks that #ere sacre% to beauty, an% you.
*et the %ay &ay arri$e, #hen the &ountains once &ore
0hall rise to &y sight, in their &antles of sno#I
But #hile these soar abo$e &e, unchang'% as before,
Will Cary be there to recei$e &eMFFah, no3
5%ieu, then, ye hills, #here &y chil%hoo% #as bre%3
Thou s#eet flo#ing 'ee, to thy #aters a%ieu3
Ao ho&e in the forest shall shelter &y hea%,FF
5h3 Cary, #hat ho&e coul% be &ine, but #ith youM
8,ootnote 14 Cor$en, a lofty &ountain in 5ber%eenshire. (Gor&al of sno#(
is an e-"ression freDuently to be foun% in >ssian.;
8,ootnote 4 This #ill not a""ear e-traor%inary to those #ho ha$e been
accusto&e% to the &ountains. )t is by no &eans unco&&on, on attaining
the to" of BenFeF$is, BenFyFbour%, etc., to "ercei$e, bet#een the su&&it
an% the $alley, clou%s "ouring %o#n rain, an% occasionally acco&"anie%
by lightning, #hile the s"ectator literally looks %o#n u"on the stor&,
"erfectly secure fro& its effects.;
8,ootnote <4 Byron, in early youth, #as (unco' #astefu'( of Carys.
There #as his %istant cousin, Cary 'uff Eafter#ar%s Crs. .obert
!ockburnG, #ho li$e% not far fro& the (PlainF0tanes( at 5ber%een. /er
(bro#n, %ark hair, an% haHel eyesFFher $ery %ress,( #ere long years
after (a "erfect i&age( in his &e&ory EO=ifeO, ". 1G. 0econ%ly, there
#as the Cary of these stanHas, (#ith longFflo#ing ringlets of gol%,( the
(/ighlan% Cary( of local tra%ition. 0he #as E#rites the .e$. ?. Cichie,
of The Canse, 'innetG the %aughter of ?a&es .obertson, of the far&house
of Ballatrich on 'eesi%e, #here Byron use% to s"en% his su&&er holi%ays
E121:F19G. 0he #as of gentle birth, an% through her &other, the %aughter
of !a"tain Cac%onal% of .ineton, trace% her %escent to the =or% of the
)sles. (0he %ie% at 5ber%een, Carch , 19:2, age% eightyFfi$e years.( 5
thir% Cary Esee (=ines to Cary,( etc., ". <G flits through the early
"oe&s, e$anescent but uns"iritual. =ast of all, there #as Cary 5nne
!ha#orth, of 5nnesley Esee (5 ,rag&ent,( etc., ". 16I (The 5%ieu,( st.
:, ". <1, etc.G, #hose &arriage, in 1967, (thre# hi& out againFFalone
on a #i%e, #i%e sea( E=ife, ". 97G.;
8,ootnote K4 (Breasting the lofty surge( E0hakes"eareG.;
8,ootnote 74 The 'ee is a beautiful ri$er, #hich rises near Car =o%ge,
an% falls into the sea at Ae# 5ber%een.;
8,ootnote :4 !olbleen is a &ountain near the $erge of the /ighlan%s, not
far fro& the ruins of 'ee !astle.;
8,ootnote i4
8OPoe&s >. an% T.O;;
T> T/E '@BE >, '>.0ET. 8i; 81;
'orset3 #hose early ste"s #ith &ine ha$e stray'%, 8ii;
E-"loring e$ery "ath of )%a's gla%eI
Who&, still, affection taught &e to %efen%,
5n% &a%e &e less a tyrant than a frien%,
Though the harsh custo& of our youthful ban%
Ba%e OtheeO obey, an% ga$e O&eO to co&&an%I 8;
Thee, on #hose hea% a fe# short years #ill sho#er
The gift of riches, an% the "ri%e of "o#erI
E'en no# a na&e illustrious is thine o#n,
.eno#n'% in rank, not far beneath the throne. 16
*et, 'orset, let not this se%uce thy soul 8iii;
To shun fair science, or e$a%e controulI
Though "assi$e tutors, 8<; fearful to %is"raise
The title% chil%, #hose future breath &ay raise,
Vie# %ucal errors #ith in%ulgent eyes,
5n% #ink at faults they tre&ble to chastise.
When youthful "arasites, #ho ben% the knee
To #ealth, their gol%en i%ol, not to thee,FF
5n% e$en in si&"le boyhoo%'s o"ening %a#n
0o&e sla$es are foun% to flatter an% to fa#n,FF 6
When these %eclare, (that "o&" alone shoul% #ait
>n one by birth "re%estin'% to be greatI
That books #ere only &eant for %ru%ging fools,
That gallant s"irits scorn the co&&on rulesI(
Belie$e the& not,FFthey "oint the "ath to sha&e,
5n% seek to blast the honours of thy na&e4
Turn to the fe# in )%a's early throng,
Whose souls %is%ain not to con%e&n the #rongI
>r if, a&i%st the co&ra%es of thy youth,
Aone %are to raise the sterner $oice of truth, <6
5sk thine o#n heartFF't#ill bi% thee, boy, forbear3
,or O#ellO ) kno# that $irtue lingers there.
*es3 ) ha$e &ark'% thee &any a "assing %ay,
But no# ne# scenes in$ite &e far a#ayI
*es3 ) ha$e &ark'% #ithin that generous &in%
5 soul, if #ell &atur'%, to bless &ankin%I
5h3 though &yself, by nature haughty, #il%,
Who& )n%iscretion hail'% her fa$ourite chil%I
Though e$ery error sta&"s &e for her o#n,
5n% %oo&s &y fall, ) fain #oul% fall aloneI K6
Though &y "rou% heart no "rece"t, no#, can ta&e,
) lo$e the $irtues #hich ) cannot clai&.
'Tis not enough, #ith other sons of "o#er,
To glea& the la&bent &eteor of an hourI
To s#ell so&e "eerage "age in feeble "ri%e,
With longF%ra#n na&es that grace no "age besi%eI
Then share #ith title% cro#%s the co&&on lotFF
)n life just gaH'% at, in the gra$e forgotI
While nought %i$i%es thee fro& the $ulgar %ea%,
E-ce"t the %ull col% stone that hi%es thy hea%, 76
The &oul%ering 'scutcheon, or the /eral%'s roll,
That #ellFe&blaHon'% but neglecte% scroll,
Where =or%s, unhonour'%, in the to&b &ay fin%
>ne s"ot, to lea$e a #orthless na&e behin%.
There slee", unnotic'% as the gloo&y $aults
That $eil their %ust, their follies, an% their faults,
5 race, #ith ol% ar&orial lists o'ers"rea%,
)n recor%s %estin'% ne$er to be rea%.
,ain #oul% ) $ie# thee, #ith "ro"hetic eyes,
E-alte% &ore a&ong the goo% an% #iseI :6
5 glorious an% a long career "ursue,
5s first in .ank, the first in Talent too4
0"urn e$ery $ice, each little &eanness shunI
Aot ,ortune's &inion, but her noblest son.
Turn to the annals of a for&er %ayI
Bright are the %ee%s thine earlier 0ires %is"layI
>ne, though a courtier, li$e% a &an of #orth,
5n% call'%, "rou% boast3 the British %ra&a forth. 8K;
5nother $ie#3 not less reno#n'% for WitI
5like for courts, an% ca&"s, or senates fitI 26
Bol% in the fiel%, an% fa$our'% by the AineI
)n e$ery s"len%i% "art or%ain'% to shineI
,ar, far %istinguishe% fro& the glittering throng,
The "ri%e of Princes, an% the boast of 0ong. 87;
0uch #ere thy ,athersI thus "reser$e their na&e,
Aot heir to titles only, but to ,a&e.
The hour %ra#s nigh, a fe# brief %ays #ill close,
To &e, this little scene of joys an% #oesI
Each knell of Ti&e no# #arns &e to resign
0ha%es #here /o"e, Peace, an% ,rien%shi" all #ere &ine4 96
/o"e, that coul% $ary like the rainbo#'s hue,
5n% gil% their "inions, as the &o&ents fle#I
Peace, that reflection ne$er fro#n'% a#ay,
By %rea&s of ill to clou% so&e future %ayI
,rien%shi", #hose truth let !hil%hoo% only tellI
5las3 they lo$e not long, #ho lo$e so #ell.
To these a%ieu3 nor let &e linger o'er
0cenes hail'%, as e-iles hail their nati$e shore,
.ece%ing slo#ly, through the %arkFblue %ee",
Behel% by eyes that &ourn, yet cannot #ee". 16
'orset, fare#ell3 ) #ill not ask one "art 8i$;
>f sa% re&e&brance in so young a heartI
The co&ing &orro# fro& thy youthful &in%
Will s#ee" &y na&e, nor lea$e a trace behin%.
5n%, yet, "erha"s, in so&e &aturer year,
0ince chance has thro#n us in the selfFsa&e s"here,
0ince the sa&e senate, nay, the sa&e %ebate,
Cay one %ay clai& our suffrage for the state,
We hence &ay &eet, an% "ass each other by
With faint regar%, or col% an% %istant eye. 166
,or &e, in future, neither frien% nor foe,
5 stranger to thyself, thy #eal or #oeFF
With thee no &ore again ) ho"e to trace
The recollection of our early raceI
Ao &ore, as once, in social hours rejoice,
>r hear, unless in cro#%s, thy #ellFkno#n $oiceI
0till, if the #ishes of a heart untaught
To $eil those feelings, #hich, "erchance, it ought,
)f these,FFbut let &e cease the lengthen'% strain,FF
>h3 if these #ishes are not breath'% in $ain, 116
The Guar%ian 0era"h #ho %irects thy fate
Will lea$e thee glorious, as he foun% thee great.
8,ootnote 14 )n looking o$er &y "a"ers to select a fe# a%%itional "oe&s
for this secon% e%ition, ) foun% the abo$e lines, #hich ) ha% totally
forgotten, co&"ose% in the su&&er of 1967, a short ti&e "re$ious to &y
%e"arture fro& /8arro#;. They #ere a%%resse% to a young schoolfello# of
high rank, #ho ha% been &y freDuent co&"anion in so&e ra&bles through
the neighbouring country4 ho#e$er, he ne$er sa# the lines, an% &ost
"robably ne$er #ill. 5s, on a reF"erusal, ) foun% the& not #orse than
so&e other "ieces in the collection, ) ha$e no# "ublishe% the&, for the
first ti&e, after a slight re$ision. 8The foregoing note #as "refi-e% to
the "oe& in 'Poe&s >. an% T'. George ?ohn ,re%erick, Kth 'uke of 'orset,
born 121<, #as kille% by a fall fro& his horse #hen hunting, in 1917,
#hile on a $isit to his ste"Ffather the Earl of Whit#orth,
=or%F=ieutenant of )relan%. E0ee Byron's letter to Coore, ,eb. ,
8,ootnote 4 5t e$ery "ublic school the junior boys are co&"letely
subser$ient to the u""er for&s till they attain a seat in the higher
classes. ,ro& this state of "robation, $ery "ro"erly, no rank is e-e&"tI
but after a certain "erio%, they co&&an% in turn those #ho succee%.;
8,ootnote <4 5llo# &e to %isclai& any "ersonal allusions, e$en the &ost
%istant. ) &erely &ention generally #hat is too often the #eakness of
8,ootnote K4 (Tho&as 0ack$ille, =or% Buckhurst, #as born in 172. While
a stu%ent of the )nner Te&"le, he #rote his trage%y of 'Gorbo%uc', #hich
#as "laye% before Lueen EliHabeth at Whitehall, in 17:1. This trage%y,
an% his contribution of the )n%uction an% legen% of the 'uke of
Buckingha& to the 'Cirrour for Cagistraytes', co&"ose the "oetical
history of 0ack$ille. The rest of it #as "olitical. )n 1:6K, he #as
create% Earl of 'orset by ?a&es ). /e %ie% su%%enly at the
councilFtable, in conseDuence of a %ro"sy on the brain.(FF'0"eci&ens of
the British Poets', by Tho&as !a&"bell, =on%on, 1911, ii. 1<K, 'sD'.;
8,ootnote 74 !harles 0ack$ille, Earl of 'orset 81:<2F126:;, estee&e% the
&ost acco&"lishe% &an of his %ay, #as alike %istinguishe% in the
$olu"tuous court of !harles )). an% the gloo&y one of Willia& ))). /e
beha$e% #ith great gallantry in the seaFfight #ith the 'utch in 1::7I on
the %ay "re$ious to #hich he co&"ose% his celebrate% song 8('To all you
=a%ies no# at =an%'(;. /is character has been %ra#n in the highest
colours by 'ry%en, Po"e, Prior, an% !ongre$e. 'Vi%e' 5n%erson's 'British
Poets', 121<, $i. 162, 169.;
8,ootnote i4
'To the 'uke of 'FFFFF'.
8'Poe&s >. an% T.';;
8,ootnote ii4
8'Poe&s >. an% T.';;
8,ootnote iii4
*et 'FrFtFFFFF.
8'Poe&s >. an% T.';
8,ootnote i$4
''FFrFFt fare#ell.'
8'Poe&s >. an% T.';;
T> T/E E5.= >, !=5.E. 8i;
Tu se&"er a&oris
0is &e&or, et cari co&itis ne absce%at i&ago.
V5=. ,=5!. '5rgonaut', i$. <:.
,rien% of &y youth3 #hen young #e ro$'%,
=ike stri"lings, &utually belo$'%,
With ,rien%shi"'s "urest glo#I
The bliss, #hich #ing'% those rosy hours,
Was such as Pleasure sel%o& sho#ers
>n &ortals here belo#.
The recollection see&s, alone,
'earer than all the joys )'$e kno#n,
When %istant far fro& you4
Though "ain, 'tis still a "leasing "ain,
To trace those %ays an% hours again,
5n% sigh again, a%ieu3
Cy "ensi$e &e&'ry lingers o'er,
Those scenes to be enjoy'% no &ore,
Those scenes regrette% e$erI
The &easure of our youth is full,
=ife's e$ening %rea& is %ark an% %ull,
5n% #e &ay &eetFFah3 ne$er3
5s #hen one "arent s"ring su""lies
T#o strea&s, #hich fro& one fountain rise,
Together join'% in $ainI
/o# soon, %i$erging fro& their source,
Each, &ur&uring, seeks another course,
Till &ingle% in the Cain3
>ur $ital strea&s of #eal or #oe,
Though near, alas3 %istinctly flo#,
Aor &ingle as before4
Ao# s#ift or slo#, no# black or clear,
Till 'eath's unfatho&'% gul"h a""ear,
5n% both shall Duit the shore.
>ur souls, &y ,rien%3 #hich once su""lie%
>ne #ish, nor breathe% a thought besi%e,
Ao# flo# in %ifferent channels4
'is%aining hu&bler rural s"orts,
'Tis yours to &i- in "olish'% courts,
5n% shine in ,ashion's annalsI
'Tis &ine to #aste on lo$e &y ti&e,
>r $ent &y re$eries in rhy&e,
Without the ai% of .easonI
,or 0ense an% .eason Ecritics kno# itG
/a$e Duitte% e$ery a&orous Poet,
Aor left a thought to seiHe on.
Poor =)TT=E3 s#eet, &elo%ious bar%3
>f late estee&'% it &onstrous har%
That he, #ho sang before allI
/e #ho the lore of lo$e e-"an%e%,
By %ire .e$ie#ers shoul% be bran%e%,
5s $oi% of #it an% &oral. 81;
5n% yet, #hile Beauty's "raise is thine,
/ar&onious fa$ourite of the Aine3
.e"ine not at thy lot.
Thy soothing lays &ay still be rea%,
When Persecution's ar& is %ea%,
5n% critics are forgot.
0till ) &ust yiel% those #orthies &erit
Who chasten, #ith uns"aring s"irit,
Ba% rhy&es, an% those #ho #rite the&4
5n% though &yself &ay be the ne-t
By critic sarcas& to be $e-t,
) really #ill not fight the&. 8;
Perha"s they #oul% %o Duite as #ell
To break the ru%ely soun%ing shell
>f such a young beginner4
/e #ho offen%s at "ert nineteen,
Ere thirty &ay beco&e, ) #een,
5 $ery har%en'% sinner.
Ao#, !lare, ) &ust return to youI 8ii;
5n%, sure, a"ologies are %ue4
5cce"t, then, &y concession.
)n truth, %ear !lare, in ,ancy's flight 8iii;
) soar along fro& left to rightI
Cy Cuse a%&ires %igression.
) think ) sai% 't#oul% be your fate
To a%% one star to royal stateIFF
Cay regal s&iles atten% you3
5n% shoul% a noble Conarch reign,
*ou #ill not seek his s&iles in $ain,
)f #orth can reco&&en% you.
*et since in %anger courts aboun%,
Where s"ecious ri$als glitter roun%,
,ro& snares &ay 0aints "reser$e youI
5n% grant your lo$e or frien%shi" ne'er
,ro& any clai& a kin%re% care,
But those #ho best %eser$e you3
Aot for a &o&ent &ay you stray
,ro& Truth's secure, unerring #ay3
Cay no %elights %ecoy3
>'er roses &ay your footste"s &o$e,
*our s&iles be e$er s&iles of lo$e,
*our tears be tears of joy3
>h3 if you #ish that ha""iness
*our co&ing %ays an% years &ay bless,
5n% $irtues cro#n your bro#I
Be still as you #ere #ont to be,
0"otless as you'$e been kno#n to &e,FF
Be still as you are no#. 8<;
5n% though so&e trifling share of "raise,
To cheer &y last %eclining %ays,
To &e #ere %oubly %earI
Whilst blessing your belo$e% na&e,
)'% O#ai$eO at once a OPoet'sO fa&e,
To O"ro$eO a OPro"hetO here.
8,ootnote 14 These stanHas #ere #ritten soon after the a""earance of a
se$ere critiDue in a northern re$ie#, on a ne# "ublication of the
British 5nacreon. EByron refers to the article in the 'E%inburgh
.e$ie#', of ?uly, 1962, on ('E"istles, >%es, an% other Poe&s', by Tho&as
=ittle, EsD.(G;
8,ootnote 4 5 bar% 8Coore; E'/orresco referens'G %efie% his re$ie#er
8?effrey; to &ortal co&bat. )f this e-a&"le beco&es "re$alent, our
Perio%ical !ensors &ust be %i""e% in the ri$er 0ty-4 for #hat else can
secure the& fro& the nu&erous host of their enrage% assailantsM 8!f.
'English Bar%s', l. K::, 'note'.;;
8,ootnote <4
(>f all ) ha$e e$er kno#n, !lare has al#ays been the least altere% in
e$erything fro& the e-cellent Dualities an% kin% affections #hich
attache% &e to hi& so strongly at school. ) shoul% har%ly ha$e thought
it "ossible for society Eor the #orl%, as it is calle%G to lea$e a
being #ith so little of the lea$en of ba% "assions. ) %o not s"eak
fro& "ersonal e-"erience only, but fro& all ) ha$e e$er hear% of hi&
fro& others, %uring absence an% %istance.(
''etache% Thoughts', Ao$. 7, 191I '=ife', ". 7K6.;
8,ootnote i4
'To the Earl ofFFFFF'.
8'Poe&s >. an% T.';;
8,ootnote ii4
'Ao#FFFF) &ust'.
8'Poe&s >. an% T.';;
8,ootnote iii4
')n truth %earFFFFin fancy's flight'.
8'Poe&s >. an% T.';;
) W>@=' ) WE.E 5 !5.E=E00 !/)='. 8i;
) #oul% ) #ere a careless chil%,
0till %#elling in &y /ighlan% ca$e,
>r roa&ing through the %usky #il%,
>r boun%ing o'er the %ark blue #a$eI
The cu&brous "o&" of 0a-on 81; "ri%e,
5ccor%s not #ith the freeborn soul,
Which lo$es the &ountain's craggy si%e,
5n% seeks the rocks #here billo#s roll.
,ortune3 take back these cultur'% lan%s,
Take back this na&e of s"len%i% soun%3
) hate the touch of ser$ile han%s,
) hate the sla$es that cringe aroun%4
Place &e a&ong the rocks ) lo$e,
Which soun% to >cean's #il%est roarI
) ask but thisFFagain to ro$e
Through scenes &y youth hath kno#n before.
,e# are &y years, an% yet ) feel
The Worl% #as ne'er %esign'% for &e4
5h3 #hy %o %ark'ning sha%es conceal
The hour #hen &an &ust cease to beM
>nce ) behel% a s"len%i% %rea&,
5 $isionary scene of bliss4
Truth3FF#herefore %i% thy hate% bea&
5#ake &e to a #orl% like thisM
) lo$'%FFbut those ) lo$'% are goneI
/a% frien%sFF&y early frien%s are fle%4
/o# cheerless feels the heart alone,
When all its for&er ho"es are %ea%3
Though gay co&"anions, o'er the bo#l
'is"el a#hile the sense of illI
Though Pleasure stirs the &a%%ening soul,
The heartFFthe heartFFis lonely still.
/o# %ull3 to hear the $oice of those
Who& .ank or !hance, #ho& Wealth or Po#er,
/a$e &a%e, though neither frien%s nor foes,
5ssociates of the festi$e hour.
Gi$e &e again a faithful fe#,
)n years an% feelings still the sa&e,
5n% ) #ill fly the &i%night cre#,
Where boist'rous ?oy is but a na&e.
5n% Wo&an, lo$ely Wo&an3 thou,
Cy ho"e, &y co&forter, &y all3
/o# col% &ust be &y boso& no#,
When e'en thy s&iles begin to "all3
Without a sigh #oul% ) resign,
This busy scene of s"len%i% Woe,
To &ake that cal& content&ent &ine,
Which Virtue kno#s, or see&s to kno#.
,ain #oul% ) fly the haunts of &en 8;FF
) seek to shun, not hate &ankin%I
Cy breast reDuires the sullen glen,
Whose gloo& &ay suit a %arken'% &in%.
>h3 that to &e the #ings #ere gi$en,
Which bear the turtle to her nest3
Then #oul% ) clea$e the $ault of /ea$en,
To flee a#ay, an% be at rest. 8<;
8,ootnote 14 0assenach, or 0a-on, a Gaelic #or%, signifying either
=o#lan% or English.;
8,ootnote 4 0hyness #as a fa&ily characteristic of the Byrons.
The "oet continue% in later years to ha$e a horror of being
obser$e% by unaccusto&e% eyes, an% in the country #oul%,
if "ossible, a$oi% &eeting strangers on the roa%.;
8,ootnote <4
(5n% ) sai%, > that ) ha% #ings like a %o$e, for then #oul% ) fly
a#ay, an% be at rest.(
EPsal& i$. :.G This $erse also constitutes a "art of the &ost beautiful
anthe& in our language.;
8,ootnote i4
8'Poe&s >. an% T.';;
!/@.!/*5.' >, /5..>W. 81; 8i;
0"ot of &y youth3 #hose hoary branches sigh,
0#e"t by the breeHe that fans thy clou%less skyI
Where no# alone ) &use, #ho oft ha$e tro%,
With those ) lo$e%, thy soft an% $er%ant so%I
With those #ho, scatter'% far, "erchance %e"lore,
=ike &e, the ha""y scenes they kne# before4
>h3 as ) trace again thy #in%ing hill,
Cine eyes a%&ire, &y heart a%ores thee still,
Thou %roo"ing El&3 beneath #hose boughs ) lay,
5n% freDuent &us'% the t#ilight hours a#ayI
Where, as they once #ere #ont, &y li&bs recline,
But, ah3 #ithout the thoughts #hich then #ere &ine4
/o# %o thy branches, &oaning to the blast,
)n$ite the boso& to recall the "ast,
5n% see& to #his"er, as they gently s#ell,
(Take, #hile thou canst, a lingering, last fare#ell3(
When ,ate shall chill, at length, this fe$er'% breast,
5n% cal& its cares an% "assions into rest,
>ft ha$e ) thought, 't#oul% soothe &y %ying hour,FF
)f aught &ay soothe, #hen =ife resigns her "o#er,FF
To kno# so&e hu&bler gra$e, so&e narro# cell,
Woul% hi%e &y boso& #here it lo$'% to %#ellI
With this fon% %rea&, &ethinks 't#ere s#eet to %ieFF
5n% here it linger'%, here &y heart &ight lieI
/ere &ight ) slee" #here all &y ho"es arose,
0cene of &y youth, an% couch of &y re"oseI
,or e$er stretch'% beneath this &antling sha%e,
Press'% by the turf #here once &y chil%hoo% "lay'%I
Wra"t by the soil that $eils the s"ot ) lo$'%,
Ci-'% #ith the earth o'er #hich &y footste"s &o$'%I
Blest by the tongues that char&'% &y youthful ear,
Courn'% by the fe# &y soul ackno#le%ge% hereI
'e"lor'% by those in early %ays allie%,
5n% unre&e&ber'% by the #orl% besi%e.
0e"te&ber , 1962.
8,ootnote 14 >n the %eath of his %aughter, 5llegra, in 5"ril, 19,
Byron sent her re&ains to be burie% at /arro#, (#here,( he says, in a
letter to Curray, () once ho"e% to ha$e lai% &y o#n.( (There is,( he
#rote, Cay :, (a s"ot in the church'yar%', near the foot"ath, on the
bro# of the hill looking to#ar%s Win%sor, an% a to&b un%er a large tree
Ebearing the na&e of Peachie, or PeacheyG, #here ) use% to sit for hours
an% hours #hen a boy. This #as &y fa$ourite s"otI but as ) #ish to erect
a tablet to her &e&ory, the bo%y ha% better be %e"osite% in the
'church'.( Ao tablet #as, ho#e$er, erecte%, an% 5llegra slee"s in her
un&arke% gra$e insi%e the church, a fe# feet to the right of the
8,ootnote i4
'=ines #ritten beneath an El&
)n the !hurchyar% of /arro# on the /ill
0e"te&ber , 1962'.
8'Poe&s >. an% T.';;
W.)TTEA 0/>.T=* 5,TE. T/E C5..)5GE >, C)00 !/5W>.T/. 81;
,irst "ublishe% in
Coore's '=etters an% ?ournals of =or% Byron', 19<6, i. 7:
/ills of 5nnesley, Bleak an% Barren,
Where &y thoughtless !hil%hoo% stray'%,
/o# the northern Te&"ests, #arring,
/o#l abo$e thy tufte% 0ha%e3
Ao# no &ore, the /ours beguiling,
,or&er fa$ourite /aunts ) seeI
Ao# no &ore &y Cary s&iling,
Cakes ye see& a /ea$en to Ce.
8,ootnote 14 Ciss !ha#orth #as &arrie% to ?ohn Custers, EsD., in 5ugust,
1967. The stanHas #ere first "ublishe% in Coore's O=etters an% ?ournals
of =or% ByronO, 19<6, i. 7:. E0ee, too, OThe 'rea&O, st. ii. 1. 1.G The
original C0. E#hich is in the "ossession of Crs. !ha#orth CustersG
for&erly belonge% to Ciss E. B. Pigot, accor%ing to #ho& they (#ere
#ritten by =or% Byron in 196K.( (We #ere rea%ing Burns' O,are#ell to
0cenes of #oe an% 0cenes of "leasure
0cenes that for&er thoughts rene#
0cenes of #oe an% scenes of "leasure
Ao# a sa% an% last a%ieu, etc.
#hen he sai%, ') like that &etreI let &e try it,' an% taking u" a
"encil, #rote those on the other si%e in an instant. ) rea% the& to
Coore, an% at his "articular reDuest ) co"ie% the& for hi&.(FE. B.
Pigot, 1971.
>n the flyFleaf of the sa&e $olu&e EOPoetry of .obert BurnsO, $ol. i$.
Thir% E%ition, 196G, containing the O,are#ell to 5yrshireO, Byron #rote
in "encil the t#o stanHas (>h3 little lock of gol%en hue,( in 196:
EO$i%e "ostO, ". <<G.
)t &ay be note% that the $erses Duote%, though inclu%e% until recently
a&ong his "oe&s, #ere not #ritten by Burns, but by .ichar% Gall, #ho
%ie% in 1961, age% 7.;
'Tis %one3FF) sa# it in &y %rea&s4
Ao &ore #ith /o"e the future bea&sI
Cy %ays of ha""iness are fe#4
!hill'% by Cisfortune's #intry blast,
Cy %a#n of =ife is o$ercastI
=o$e, /o"e, an% ?oy, alike a%ieu3
Woul% ) coul% a%% .e&e&brance too3
196:. 8,irst "ublishe%, 19<.;
T> 5 =5'*
W/> P.E0EATE' T/E 5@T/>. W)T/ T/E VE=VET B5A' W/)!/ B>@A' /E. T.E00E0.
This Ban%, #hich boun% thy yello# hair
)s &ine, s#eet girl3 thy "le%ge of lo$eI
)t clai&s &y #ar&est, %earest care,
=ike relics left of saints abo$e.
>h3 ) #ill #ear it ne-t &y heartI
'T#ill bin% &y soul in bon%s to thee4
,ro& &e again 't#ill ne'er %e"art,
But &ingle in the gra$e #ith &e.
The %e# ) gather fro& thy li"
)s not so %ear to &e as thisI
OThatO ) but for a &o&ent si",
5n% banDuet on a transient bliss4 8i;
OThisO #ill recall each youthful scene,
E'en #hen our li$es are on the #aneI
The lea$es of =o$e #ill still be green
When Ce&ory bi%s the& bu% again.
196:. 8,irst "ublishe%, 19<.;
8,ootnote i4
Oon a transient kiss.O
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;
T> 5 BA>T >, @AGEAE.>@0 !.)T)!0. 81;
.ail on, .ail on, ye heartless cre#3
Cy strains #ere ne$er &eant for youI
.e&orseless .ancour still re$eal,
5n% %a&n the $erse you cannot feel.
)n$oke those kin%re% "assions' ai%,
Whose baleful stings your breasts "er$a%eI
!rush, if you can, the ho"es of youth,
Tra&"ling regar%less on the Truth4
Truth's .ecor%s you consult in $ain,
0he #ill not blast her nati$e strainI
0he #ill assist her $otary's cause,
/is #ill at least be her a""lause,
*our "rayer the gentle Po#er #ill s"urnI
To ,iction's &otley altar turn,
Who joyful in the fon% a%%ress
/er fa$oure% #orshi""ers #ill bless4
5n% lo3 she hol%s a &agic glass,
Where )&ages reflecte% "ass,
Bent on your knees the Boon recei$eFF
This #ill assist you to %ecei$eFF
The glittering gift #as &a%e for you,
Ao# hol% it u" to "ublic $ie#I
=est e$il unforeseen beti%e,
5 Cask each canker'% bro# shall hi%e,
EWhilst Truth &y sole %esire is nigh,
Pre"are% the %anger to %efy,G
(There is the Cai%'s "er$erte% na&e,
5n% there the Poet's guilty ,la&e,
Gloa&ing a %ee" "hos"horic fire,
ThreateningFFbut ere it s"rea%s, retire.
0ays Truth @" Virgins, %o not fear3
The !o&et rolls its )nfluence hereI
'Tis 0can%al's Cirror you "ercei$e,
These %aHHling Ceteors but %ecei$eFF
5""roach an% touchFFAay %o not turn
)t blaHes there, but #ill not burn.(FF
5t once the shi$ering Cirror flies,
Tee&ing no &ore #ith $arnishe% =iesI
The baffle% frien%s of ,iction start,
Too late %esiring to %e"artFF
Truth "oising high )thuriel's s"ear
Bi%s e$ery ,ien% un&ask'% a""ear,
The $iHar% tears fro& e$ery face,
5n% %oo&s the& to a %ire %isgrace.
,or e'er they co&"ass their esca"e,
Each takes "erforce a nati$e sha"eFF
The =ea%er of the #rathful Ban%,
Behol% a "ortly ,e&ale stan%3
0he ra$es, i&"elle% by "ri$ate "iDue,
This &ean unjust re$enge to seekI
,ro& $ice to sa$e this $irtuous 5ge,
Thus %oes she $ent in%ecent rage3
What chil% has she of "ro&ise fair,
Who clai&s a fostering Cother's careM
Whose )nnocence reDuires %efence,
>r for&s at least a s&ooth "retence,
Thus to %isturb a har&less Boy,
/is hu&ble ho"e, an% "eace annoyM
0he nee% not fear the a&orous rhy&e,
=o$e #ill not te&"t her future ti&e,
,or her his #ings ha$e cease% to s"rea%,
Ao &ore he flutters roun% her hea%I
/er %ay's Ceri%ian no# is "ast,
The clou%s of 5ge her 0un o'ercastI
To her the strain #as ne$er sent,
,or feeling 0ouls alone 't#as &eantFF
The $erse she seiHe%, unask'%, unba%e,
5n% %a&n'%, ere yet the #hole #as rea%3
*es3 for one single erring $erse,
Pronounce% an unrelenting !urseI
*es3 at a first an% transient $ie#,
!on%e&ne% a heart she ne$er kne#.FF
!an such a $er%ict then %eci%e,
Which s"rings fro& %isa""ointe% "ri%eM
Without a #on%rous share of Wit,
To ju%ge is such a Catron fitM
The rest of the censorious throng
Who to this Healous Ban% belong,
To her a general ho&age "ay,
5n% right or #rong her #ish obey4
Why shoul% ) "oint &y "en of steel
To break (such flies u"on the #heelM(
With &in%s to Truth an% 0ense unkno#n,
Who %are not call their #or%s their o#n.
.ail on, .ail on, ye heartless !re#3
*our =ea%er's gran% %esign "ursue4
0ecure behin% her a&"le shiel%,
*ours is the har$est of the fiel%.FF
Cy "ath #ith thorns you cannot stre#,
Aay &ore, &y #ar&est thanks are %ueI
When such as you re$ile &y Aa&e,
Bright bea&s the rising 0un of ,a&e,
!hasing the sha%es of en$ious night,
>utshining e$ery critic =ight.FF
0uch, such as you #ill ser$e to sho#
Each ra%iant tint #ith higher glo#.
Vain is the feeble cheerless toil,
*our efforts on yoursel$es recoilI
Then Glory still for &e you raise,
*ours is the !ensure, &ine the Praise.
'ece&ber 1, 196:.
8,ootnote 14 ,ro& an autogra"h C0. at Ae#stea%, no# for the first ti&e
There can be little %oubt that these $erses #ere calle% forth by the
criticis&s "asse% on the (,ugiti$e Pieces( by certain la%ies of
0outh#ell, concerning #ho&, Byron #rote to Cr. Pigot E?an. 1<, 1962G, on
sen%ing hi& an early co"y of the 'Poe&s',
(That 'unlucky' "oe& to &y "oor Cary has been the cause of so&e
ani&a%$ersion fro& 'la%ies in years'. ) ha$e not "rinte% it in this
collection in conseDuence of &y being "ronounce% a &ost '"rofligate
sinner', in short a ''young Coore''(
'=ife', ". K1.;
0>=)=>L@* >, 5 B5.' )A T/E !>@AT.*. 81;
'T#as no# the noon of night, an% all #as still,
E-ce"t a ha"less .hy&er an% his Duill.
)n $ain he calls each Cuse in or%er %o#n,
=ike other fe&ales, these #ill so&eti&es fro#nI
/e frets, be fu&es, an% ceasing to in$oke
The Aine, in anguish'% accents thus he s"oke4
5h #hat a$ails it thus to #aste &y ti&e,
To roll in E"ic, or to ra$e in .hy&eM
What #orth is so&e fe# "artial rea%ers' "raise.
)f ancient Virgins croaking 'censures' raiseM
Where fe# atten%, 'tis useless to in%iteI
Where fe# can rea%, 'tis folly sure to #riteI
Where none but girls an% stri"lings %are a%&ire,
5n% !ritics rise in e$ery country 0DuireFF
But yet this last &y can%i% Cuse a%&its,
When Peers are Poets, 0Duires &ay #ell be WitsI
When schoolboys $ent their a&orous fla&es in $erse,
Catrons &ay sure their characters as"erseI
5n% if a little "arson joins the train,
5n% echos back his Patron's $oice againFF
Though not %elighte%, yet ) &ust forgi$e,
Parsons as #ell as other folks &ust li$e4FF
,ro& rage he rails not, rather say fro& %rea%,
/e %oes not s"eak for Virtue, but for brea%I
5n% this #e kno# is in his Patron's gi$ing,
,or Parsons cannot eat #ithout a '=i$ing'.
The Catron kno#s ) lo$e the 0e- too #ell,
E$en un"ro$oke% aggression to re"el.
What though fro& "ri$ate "iDue her anger gre#,
5n% ba%e her blast a heart she ne$er kne#M
What though, she sai%, for one light hee%less line,
That Wil&ot's 8; $erse #as far &ore "ure than &ine3
)n #ars like these, ) neither fight nor fly,
When '%a&es' accuse 'tis bootless to %enyI
/er's be the har$est of the &artial fiel%,
) can't attack, #here Beauty for&s the shiel%.
But #hen a "ert Physician lou%ly cries,
Who hunts for scan%al, an% #ho li$es by lies,
5 #alking register of %aily ne#s,
Train'% to in$ent, an% skilful to abuseFF
,or arts like these at bounteous tables fe%,
When 0FFFFcon%e&ns a book he ne$er rea%.
'eclaring #ith a co-co&b's nati$e air,
The '&oral's' shocking, though the 'rhy&es' are fair.
5h3 &ust he rise un"unish'% fro& the feast,
Aor lash'% by $engeance into truth at leastM
0uch lenity #ere &ore than Can's in%ee%3
Those #ho con%e&n, shoul% surely %eign to rea%.
*et &ust ) s"areFFnor thus &y "en %egra%e,
) Duite forgot that scan%al #as his tra%e.
,or foo% an% rai&ent thus the co-co&b rails,
,or those #ho fear his "hysic, like his OtalesO.
Why shoul% his har&less censure see& offenceM
0till let hi& eat, although at &y e-"ense,
5n% join the her% to 0ense an% Truth unkno#n,
Who %are not call their $ery thoughts their o#n,
5n% share #ith these a""lause, a go%like bribe,
)n short, %o anything, e-ce"t O"rescribeO4FF
,or though in garb of Galen he a""ears,
/is "ractice is not eDual to his years.
Without i&"ro$e&ent since he first began,
5 young Physician, though an ancient CanFF
Ao# let &e ceaseFFPhysician, Parson, 'a&e,
0till urge your task, an% if you can, %efa&e.
The hu&ble offerings of &y Cuse %estroy,
5n% crush, oh3 noble conDuest3 crush a Boy.
What though so&e silly girls ha$e lo$'% the strain,
5n% kin%ly ba%e &e tune &y =yre againI
What though so&e feeling, or so&e "artial fe#,
Aay, Cen of Taste an% .e"utation too,
/a$e %eign'% to "raise the firstlings of &y CuseFF
)f OyouO your sanction to the the&e refuse,
)f OyouO your great "rotection still #ith%ra#,
Whose Praise is Glory, an% #hose Voice is la#3
0oon &ust ) fall an unresisting foe,
5 ha"less $icti& yiel%ing to the blo#.FF
Thus Po"e by !url an% 'ennis #as %estroye%,
Thus Gray an% Cason yiel% to furious =loy%I 8<;
,ro& 'ry%en, Cilbourne 8K; tears the "al& a#ay,
5n% thus ) fall, though &eaner far than they.
5s in the fiel% of co&bat, si%e by si%e,
5 ,abius an% so&e noble .o&an %ie%.
'ec. 196:.
8,ootnote 14 ,ro& an autogra"h C0. at Ae#stea%, no# for the first ti&e
8,ootnote 4 ?ohn Wil&ot, Earl of .ochester E1:K2F1:96G. /is 'Poe&s'
#ere "ublishe% in the year of his %eath.;
8,ootnote <4 .obert =loy% E12<<F12:KG. The follo#ing lines occur in the
first of t#o o%es to '>bscurity an% >bli$ion'FF"aro%ies of the o%es of
Gray an% Cason4FF
(/ear% ye the %in of &o%ern rhy&ers brayM
)t #as cool CFFFFn an% #ar& GFFFFy,
)n$ol$'% in tenfol% s&oke.(;
8,ootnote K4 The .e$. =uke Cilbourne E%ie% 126G "ublishe%, in 1:19, his
'Aotes on 'ry%en's Virgil', containing a $eno&ous attack on 'ry%en. They
are allu%e% to in 'The 'uncia%', an% also by 'r. ?ohnson, #ho #rote
E'=ife of 'ry%en'G,
(/is outrages see& to be the ebullitions of a &in% agitate% by
stronger resent&ent than ba% "oetry can e-cite.(;
='5C)T)E, E0T ='5C>@. 05A0 5)=E0. 81;
Why shoul% &y an-ious breast re"ine,
Because &y youth is fle%M
'ays of %elight &ay still be &ineI
5ffection is not %ea%.
)n tracing back the years of youth,
>ne fir& recor%, one lasting truth
!elestial consolation bringsI
Bear it, ye breeHes, to the seat,
Where first &y heart res"onsi$e beat,FF
(,rien%shi" is =o$e #ithout his #ings3(

Through fe#, but %ee"ly cheDuer'% years,

What &o&ents ha$e been &ine3
Ao# half obscure% by clou%s of tears,
Ao# bright in rays %i$ineI
/o#e'er &y future %oo& be cast,
Cy soul, enra"ture% #ith the "ast,
To one i%ea fon%ly clingsI
,rien%shi"3 that thought is all thine o#n,
Worth #orl%s of bliss, that thought aloneFF
(,rien%shi" is =o$e #ithout his #ings3(
Where yon%er ye#Ftrees lightly #a$e
Their branches on the gale,
@nhee%e% hea$es a si&"le gra$e,
Which tells the co&&on taleI
.oun% this unconscious schoolboys stray,
Till the %ull knell of chil%ish "lay
,ro& yon%er stu%ious &ansion ringsI
But here, #hene'er &y footste"s &o$e,
Cy silent tears too "lainly "ro$e,
(,rien%shi" is =o$e #ithout his #ings3(
>h, =o$e3 before thy glo#ing shrine,
Cy early $o#s #ere "ai%I
Cy ho"es, &y %rea&s, &y heart #as thine,
But these are no# %ecay'%I
,or thine are "inions like the #in%,
Ao trace of thee re&ains behin%,
E-ce"t, alas3 thy jealous stings.
5#ay, a#ay3 %elusi$e "o#er,
Thou shall not haunt &y co&ing hourI
@nless, in%ee%, #ithout thy #ings.
0eat of &y youth3 8; thy %istant s"ire
.ecalls each scene of joyI
Cy boso& glo#s #ith for&er fire,FF
)n &in% again a boy.
Thy gro$e of el&s, thy $er%ant hill,
Thy e$ery "ath %elights &e still,
Each flo#er a %ouble fragrance flingsI
5gain, as once, in con$erse gay,
Each %ear associate see&s to say,
(,rien%shi" is =o$e #ithout his #ings3'
Cy =ycus3 8<; #herefore %ost thou #ee"M
Thy falling tears restrainI
5ffection for a ti&e &ay slee",
But, oh, 't#ill #ake again.
Think, think, &y frien%, #hen ne-t #e &eet,
>ur longF#ishe% inter$ie#, ho# s#eet3
,ro& this &y ho"e of ra"ture s"ringsI
While youthful hearts thus fon%ly s#ell,
5bsence &y frien%, can only tell,
(,rien%shi" is =o$e #ithout his #ings3(
)n one, an% one alone %ecei$'%,
'i% ) &y error &ournM
AoFFfro& o""ressi$e bon%s relie$'%,
) left the #retch to scorn.
) turn'% to those &y chil%hoo% kne#,
With feelings #ar&, #ith boso&s true,
T#in'% #ith &y heart's accor%ing stringsI
5n% till those $ital chor%s shall break,
,or none but these &y breast shall #ake
,rien%shi", the "o#er %e"ri$e% of #ings3
*e fe#3 &y soul, &y life is yours,
Cy &e&ory an% &y ho"eI
*our #orth a lasting lo$e insures,
@nfetter'% in its sco"eI
,ro& s&ooth %eceit an% terror s"rung,
With as"ect fair an% honey'% tongue,
=et 5%ulation #ait on kingsI
With joy elate, by snares beset,
We, #e, &y frien%s, can ne'er forget,
(,rien%shi" is =o$e #ithout his #ings3(
,ictions an% %rea&s ins"ire the bar%,
Who rolls the e"ic songI
,rien%shi" an% truth be &y re#ar%FF
To &e no bays belongI
)f laurell'% ,a&e but %#ells #ith lies,
Ce the enchantress e$er flies,
Whose heart an% not #hose fancy singsI
0i&"le an% young, ) %are not feignI
Cine be the ru%e yet heartfelt strain,
(,rien%shi" is =o$e #ithout his #ings3(
'ece&ber 1, 196:. 8,irst "ublishe%, 19<.;
8,ootnote 14 The C0. is "reser$e% at Ae#stea%.;
8,ootnote 4 /arro#.;
8,ootnote <4 =or% !lare ha% #ritten to Byron,
() think by your last letter that you are $ery &uch "iDue% #ith &ost
of your frien%s, an%, if ) a& not &uch &istaken, a little so #ith &e.
)n one "art you say,
'There is little or no %oubt a fe# years or &onths #ill ren%er us as
"olitely in%ifferent to each other, as if #e ha% ne$er "asse% a
"ortion of our ti&e together.'
)n%ee%, Byron, you #rong &eI an% ) ha$e no %oubt, at least ) ho"e, you
are #rong yourself.(
'=ife', ". 7.;
T/E P.5*E. >, A5T@.E. 81;
,ather of =ight3 great Go% of /ea$en3
/ear'st thou the accents of %es"airM
!an guilt like &an's be e'er forgi$enM
!an $ice atone for cri&es by "rayerM

,ather of =ight, on thee ) call3

Thou see'st &y soul is %ark #ithinI
Thou, #ho canst &ark the s"arro#'s fall,
5$ert fro& &e the %eath of sin.
Ao shrine ) seek, to sects unkno#nI
>h, "oint to &e the "ath of truth3
Thy %rea% >&ni"otence ) o#nI
0"are, yet a&en%, the faults of youth.
=et bigots rear a gloo&y fane,
=et 0u"erstition hail the "ile,
=et "riests, to s"rea% their sable reign,
With tales of &ystic rites beguile.
0hall &an confine his Caker's s#ay
To Gothic %o&es of &oul%ering stoneM
Thy te&"le is the face of %ayI
Earth, >cean, /ea$en thy boun%less throne.
0hall &an con%e&n his race to /ell,
@nless they ben% in "o&"ous for&M
Tell us that all, for one #ho fell,
Cust "erish in the &ingling stor&M
0hall each "reten% to reach the skies,
*et %oo& his brother to e-"ire,
Whose soul a %ifferent ho"e su""lies,
>r %octrines less se$ere ins"ireM
0hall these, by cree%s they can't e-"oun%,
Pre"are a fancie% bliss or #oeM
0hall re"tiles, gro$eling on the groun%,
Their great !reator's "ur"ose kno#M
0hall those, #ho li$e for self alone, 8i;
Whose years float on in %aily cri&eFF
0hall they, by ,aith, for guilt atone,
5n% li$e beyon% the boun%s of Ti&eM
,ather3 no "ro"het's la#s ) seek,FF
OThyO la#s in Aature's #orks a""earIFF
) o#n &yself corru"t an% #eak,
*et #ill ) O"rayO, for thou #ilt hear3
Thou, #ho canst gui%e the #an%ering star,
Through trackless real&s of aether's s"aceI
Who cal&'st the ele&ental #ar,
Whose han% fro& "ole to "ole ) trace4
Thou, #ho in #is%o& "lac'% &e here,
Who, #hen thou #ilt, canst take &e hence,
5h3 #hilst ) trea% this earthly s"here,
E-ten% to &e thy #i%e %efence.
To Thee, &y Go%, to thee ) call3
Whate$er #eal or #oe beti%e,
By thy co&&an% ) rise or fall,
)n thy "rotection ) confi%e.
)f, #hen this %ust to %ust's restor'%,
Cy soul shall float on airy #ing,
/o# shall thy glorious Aa&e a%or'%
)ns"ire her feeble $oice to sing3
But, if this fleeting s"irit share
With clay the Gra$e's eternal be%,
While =ife yet throbs ) raise &y "rayer,
Though %oo&'% no &ore to Duit the %ea%.
To Thee ) breathe &y hu&ble strain,
Grateful for all thy &ercies "ast,
5n% ho"e, &y Go%, to thee again 8ii;
This erring life &ay fly at last.
'ece&ber 1, 196:.
8,ootnote 14 These stanHas #ere first "ublishe% in Coore's '=etters an%
?ournals of =or% Byron', 19<6, i. 16:.;
8,ootnote i4
0halt these #ho li$e for self alone,
Whose years fleet on in %aily cri&eFF
0hall these by ,aith for guilt atone,
E-ist beyon% the boun%s of Ti&eM
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote ii4
Cy ho"e, &y Go%, in thee again
This erring life #ill fly at last.
8'C0. Ae#stea%';;
T.5A0=5T)>A ,.>C 5A5!.E>A. 81;
8Greek4 Eis ro%on.;
>'E 7
Cingle #ith the genial bo#l
The .ose, the 'flo#'ret' of the 0oul,
The .ose an% Gra"e together Duaff'%,
/o# %oubly s#eet #ill be the %raught3
With .oses cro#n our jo$ial bro#s,
While e$ery cheek #ith =aughter glo#sI
While 0&iles an% 0ongs, #ith Wine incite,
To #ing our &o&ents #ith 'elight.
.ose by far the fairest birth,
Which 0"ring an% Aature cull fro& EarthFF
.ose #hose s#eetest "erfu&e gi$en,
Breathes our thoughts fro& Earth to /ea$en.
.ose #ho& the 'eities abo$e,
,ro& ?o$e to /ebe, %early lo$e,
When !ytherea's bloo&ing Boy,
,lies lightly through the %ance of ?oy,
With hi& the Graces then co&bine,
5n% rosy #reaths their locks ent#ine.
Then #ill ) sing %i$inely cro#n'%,
With %usky lea$es &y te&"les boun%FF
=yaeus3 in thy bo#ers of "leasure,
)'ll #ake a #il%ly thrilling &easure.
There #ill &y gentle Girl an% ),
5long the &aHes s"orti$e fly,
Will ben% before thy "otent throneFF
.ose, Wine, an% Beauty, all &y o#n.
8,ootnote 14 ,ro& an autogra"h C0. at Ae#stea%, no# for the first ti&e
>00)5A'0 5''.E00 T> T/E 0@A )A (!5.T/>A.( 81;
>h3 thou that roll'st abo$e thy glorious ,ire,
.oun% as the shiel% #hich grac'% &y go%like 0ire,
Whence are the bea&s, > 0un3 thy en%less blaHe,
Which far ecli"se each &inor Glory's raysM
,orth in thy Beauty here thou %eign'st to shine3
Aight Duits her car, the t#inkling stars %eclineI
Palli% an% col% the Coon %escen%s to ca$e
/er sinking bea&s beneath the Western #a$eI
But thou still &o$'st alone, of light the 0ourceFF
Who can o'ertake thee in thy fiery courseM
>aks of the &ountains fall, the rocks %ecay,
Weighe% %o#n #ith years the hills %issol$e a#ay.
5 certain s"ace to yon%er Coon is gi$en,
0he rises, s&iles, an% then is lost in /ea$en.
>cean in sullen &ur&urs ebbs an% flo#s,
But thy bright bea& unchange% for e$er glo#s3
When Earth is %arkene% #ith te&"estuous skies,
When Thun%er shakes the s"here an% =ightning flies,
Thy face, > 0un, no rolling blasts %efor&,
Thou look'st fro& clou%s an% laughest at the 0tor&.
To >ssian, >rb of =ight3 thou look'st in $ain,
Aor cans't thou gla% his age% eyes again,
Whether thy locks in >rient Beauty strea&,
>r gli&&er through the West #ith fainter glea&FF
But thou, "erha"s, like &e #ith age &ust ben%I
Thy season o'er, thy %ays #ill fin% their en%,
Ao &ore yon aHure $ault #ith rays a%orn,
=ull'% in the clou%s, nor hear the $oice of Corn.
E-ult, > 0un, in all thy youthful strength3
5ge, %ark unlo$ely 5ge, a""ears at length,
5s glea&s the &oonbea& through the broken clou%
While &ountain $a"ours s"rea% their &isty shrou%FF
The Aorthern te&"est ho#ls along at last,
5n% #ay#orn strangers shrink a&i% the blast.
Thou rolling 0un #ho gil%'st those rising to#ers,
,air %i%st thou shine u"on &y earlier hours3
) hail'% #ith s&iles the cheering rays of Corn,
Cy breast by no tu&ultuous Passion tornFF
Ao# hateful are thy bea&s #hich #ake no &ore
The sense of joy #hich thrill'% &y breast beforeI
Welco&e thou clou%y $eil of nightly skies,
To thy bright cano"y the &ourner flies4
>nce bright, thy 0ilence lull'% &y fra&e to rest,
5n% 0lee" &y soul #ith gentle $isions blestI
Ao# #akeful Grief %is%ains her &il% controul,
'ark is the night, but %arker is &y 0oul.
*e #arring Win%s of /ea$'n your fury urge,
To &e congenial soun%s your #intry 'irge4
0#ift as your #ings &y ha""ier %ays ha$e "ast,
Been as your stor&s is 0orro#'s chilling blastI
To Te&"ests thus e-"os'% &y ,ate has been,
Piercing like yours, like yours, alas3 unseen.
8,ootnote 14 ,ro& an autogra"h C0. at Ae#stea%, no# for the first ti&e
"rinte%. E0ee '>ssian's Poe&s', =on%on, 1911, "". -$ii. 111.G;
P)GA@0 5C>.)0. 81;
5s by the fi-'% %ecrees of /ea$en,
'Tis $ain to ho"e that ?oy can lastI
The %earest boon that =ife has gi$en,
To &e isFF$isions of the "ast.
,or these this toy of blushing hue
) "riHe #ith Heal before unkno#n,
)t tells &e of a ,rien% ) kne#,
Who lo$e% &e for &yself alone.
)t tells &e #hat ho# fe# can say
Though all the social tie co&&en%I
.ecor%e% in &y heart 't#ill lay, 8;
)t tells &e &ine #as once a ,rien%.
Through &any a #eary %ay gone by,
With ti&e the gift is %earer gro#nI
5n% still ) $ie# in Ce&ory's eye
That tear%ro" s"arkle through &y o#n.
5n% heartless 5ge "erha"s #ill s&ile,
>r #on%er #hence those feelings s"rungI
*et let not sterner souls re$ile,
,or Both #ere o"en, Both #ere young.
5n% *outh is sure the only ti&e,
When Pleasure blen%s no base alloyI
When =ife is blest #ithout a cri&e,
5n% )nnocence resi%es #ith ?oy.
=et those re"ro$e &y feeble 0oul,
Who laugh to scorn 5ffection's na&eI
While these i&"ose a harsh controul,
5ll #ill forgi$e #ho feel the sa&e.
Then still ) #ear &y si&"le toy,
With "ious care fro& #reck )'ll sa$e itI
5n% this #ill for& a %ear e&"loy
,or %ear ) #as to hi& #ho ga$e it.
M 196:.
8,ootnote 14 ,ro& an autogra"h C0. at Ae#stea%, no# for the first ti&e
8,ootnote 4 ,or the irregular use of (lay( for (lie,( co&"are (The
5%ieu( Est. 16, 1. K, ". K1G, an% the &uchF%is"ute% line, (5n% %ashest
hi& to earthFFthere let hi& lay( E'!hil%e /arol%', canto i$. st. 196G.;
5 W>C5A'0 /5).. 81;
>h3 little lock of gol%en hue
)n gently #a$ing ringlet curl'%,
By the %ear hea% on #hich you gre#,
) #oul% not lose you for Oa #orl%O.
Aot though a thousan% &ore a%orn
The "olishe% bro# #here once you shone,
=ike rays #hich guil% a clou%less sky 8i;
Beneath !olu&bia's fer$i% Hone.
8,ootnote 14 These lines are "reser$e% in C0. at Ae#stea%, #ith the
follo#ing &e&oran%u& in Ciss Pigot's han%#riting4 (!o"ie% fro& the
flyFleaf in a $ol. of &y Burns' books, #hich is #ritten in "encil by
hi&self.( They ha$e hitherto been "rinte% as stanHas 7 an% : of the
lines (To a =a%y,( etc., ". 1.;
8,ootnote i4
Oa clou%less &ornO.
8'E%'. 19<.;
0T5AN50 T> ?E00*. 81;
There is a &ystic threa% of life
0o %early #reath'% #ith &ine alone,
That 'estiny's relentless knife
5t once &ust se$er both, or none.

There is a ,or& on #hich these eyes

/a$e fon%ly gaHe% #ith such %elightFF
By %ay, that ,or& their joy su""lies,
5n% 'rea&s restore it, through the night.
There is a Voice #hose tones ins"ire
0uch softene% feelings in &y breast, 8i;FF
) #oul% not hear a 0era"h !hoir,
@nless that $oice coul% join the rest.
There is a ,ace #hose Blushes tell
5ffection's tale u"on the cheek,
But "alli% at our fon% fare#ell,
Proclai&s &ore lo$e than #or%s can s"eak.
There is a =i", #hich &ine has "rest,
But none ha% e$er "rest beforeI
)t $o#e% to &ake &e s#eetly blest,
That &ine alone shoul% "ress it &ore. 8ii;
There is a Boso& all &y o#n,
/as "illo#'% oft this aching hea%,
5 Couth #hich s&iles on &e alone,
5n Eye, #hose tears #ith &ine are she%.
There are t#o /earts #hose &o$e&ents thrill,
)n unison so closely s#eet,
That Pulse to Pulse res"onsi$e still
They Both &ust hea$e, or cease to beat.
There are t#o 0ouls, #hose eDual flo#
)n gentle strea& so cal&ly run,
That #hen they "artFFthey "artMFFah no3
They cannot "artFFthose 0ouls are >ne.
8GE>.GE G>.'>A, =>.'; B*.>A.
8,ootnote 14 (0tanHas to ?essy( ha$e often been "rinte%, but #ere ne$er
ackno#le%ge% by Byron, or inclu%e% in any authoriHe% e%ition of his
#orks. They are, ho#e$er, unDuestionably genuine. They a""eare% first in
'Conthly =iterary .ecreations' E?uly, 1962G, a &agaHine "ublishe% by B.
!rosby P !o., 0tationers' !ourt. !rosby #as =on%on agent for .i%ge, the
Ae#ark bookseller, an%, #ith =ong&an an% others, (sol%( the recently
issue% '/ours of )%leness'. The sa&e nu&ber of 'Conthly =iterary
.ecreations' Efor ?uly, 1962G contains Byron's re$ie# of Wor%s#orth's
'Poe&s' E $ols., 1962G, an% a highly lau%atory notice of '/ours of
)%leness'. The lines are hea%e% (0tanHas to ?essy,( an% are signe%
(George Gor%on, =or% Byron.( They #ere re"ublishe% in 19K, by Bnight
an% =acy, in $ol. $. of the three su""le&entary $olu&es of the 'Works',
an% again in the sa&e year by ?ohn Bu&"us an% 5. Griffin, in their
'Ciscellaneous Poe&s', etc. 5 note #hich is "refi-e% to these issues,
(The follo#ing stanHas #ere a%%resse% by =or% Byron to his =a%y, a fe#
&onths before their se"aration,( an% three $ariants in the te-t, &ake it
unlikely that the "irating e%itors #ere acDuainte% #ith the te-t of the
&agaHine. The C0. E'British Cuseu&', Eg. C00. Ao. <<G is signe%
(George Gor%on, =or% Byron,( but the #or%s (George Gor%on, =or%( are in
another han%, an% #ere "robably a%%e% by !rosby. The follo#ing letter
Etogether #ith a #ra""er a%%resse%, (Cr. !rosby, 0tationers' !ourt,( an%
seale% in re% #a- #ith Byron's ar&s an% coronetG is attache% to the
?uly 1, 1962.
) ha$e sent accor%ing to &y "ro&ise so&e 0tanHas
for =iterary .ecreations. The insertion ) lea$e to the o"tion
of the E%itors. They ha$e ne$er a""eare% before. ) shoul%
#ish to kno# #hether they are a%&itte% or not, an% #hen
the #ork #ill a""ear, as ) a& %esirous of a co"y.
Etc., etc., B*.>A.
P.0.FF0en% your ans#er #hen con$enient.(;
8,ootnote i4
'0uch thrills of .a"ture'.
8Bnight an% =acy, 19K, $. 7:.;
8,ootnote ii4
'5n% &ine, &ine only'.
8Bnight an% =acy, $. 7:.;;
T/E 5')E@.
W.)TTEA @A'E. T/E )CP.E00)>A T/5T T/E 5@T/>. W>@=' 0>>A ')E.
5%ieu, thou /ill3 81; #here early joy
0"rea% roses o'er &y bro#I
Where 0cience seeks each loitering boy
With kno#le%ge to en%o#.
5%ieu, &y youthful frien%s or foes,
Partners of for&er bliss or #oesI
Ao &ore through )%a's "aths #e strayI
0oon &ust ) share the gloo&y cell,
Whose e$erFslu&bering in&ates %#ell
@nconscious of the %ay.
5%ieu, ye hoary .egal ,anes, 8i;
*e s"ires of Granta's $ale,
Where =earning robe% in sable reigns.
5n% Celancholy "ale.
*e co&ra%es of the jo$ial hour,
*e tenants of the classic bo#er,
>n !a&a's $er%ant &argin "lac'%,
5%ieu3 #hile &e&ory still is &ine,
,or offerings on >bli$ion's shrine,
These scenes &ust be effac'%.
5%ieu, ye &ountains of the cli&e
Where gre# &y youthful yearsI
Where =och na Garr in sno#s subli&e
/is giant su&&it rears.
Why %i% &y chil%hoo% #an%er forth
,ro& you, ye regions of the Aorth,
With sons of Pri%e to roa&M
Why %i% ) Duit &y /ighlan% ca$e,
Carr's %usky heath, an% 'ee's clear #a$e,
To seek a 0otheron ho&eM
/all of &y 0ires3 a long fare#ellFF
*et #hy to thee a%ieuM
Thy $aults #ill echo back &y knell,
Thy to#ers &y to&b #ill $ie#4
The faltering tongue #hich sung thy fall,
5n% for&er glories of thy /all,
,orgets its #onte% si&"le noteFF
But yet the =yre retains the strings,
5n% so&eti&es, on 5Eolian #ings,
)n %ying strains &ay float.
,iel%s, #hich surroun% yon rustic cot, 8;
While yet ) linger here,
5%ieu3 you are not no# forgot,
To retros"ection %ear.
0trea&let3 8<; along #hose ri""ling surge
Cy youthful li&bs #ere #ont to urge,
5t noonti%e heat, their "liant courseI
Plunging #ith ar%our fro& the shore,
Thy s"rings #ill la$e these li&bs no &ore,
'e"ri$e% of acti$e force.
5n% shall ) here forget the scene,
0till nearest to &y breastM
.ocks rise an% ri$ers roll bet#een
The s"ot #hich "assion blestI
*et Cary, 8K; all thy beauties see&
,resh as in =o$e's be#itching %rea&,
To &e in s&iles %is"lay'%I
Till slo# %isease resigns his "rey
To 'eath, the "arent of %ecay,
Thine i&age cannot fa%e.
5n% thou, &y ,rien%3 #hose gentle lo$e
*et thrills &y boso&'s chor%s,
/o# &uch thy frien%shi" #as abo$e
'escri"tion's "o#er of #or%s3
0till near &y breast thy gift 87; ) #ear 8ii;
Which s"arkle% once #ith ,eeling's tear,
>f =o$e the "ure, the sacre% ge&4
>ur souls #ere eDual, an% our lot
)n that %ear &o&ent Duite forgotI
=et Pri%e alone con%e&n3
5ll, all is %ark an% cheerless no#3
Ao s&ile of =o$e's %eceit
!an #ar& &y $eins #ith #onte% glo#,
!an bi% =ife's "ulses beat4
Aot e'en the ho"e of future fa&e
!an #ake &y faint, e-hauste% fra&e,
>r cro#n #ith fancie% #reaths &y hea%.
Cine is a short inglorious race,FF
To hu&ble in the %ust &y face,
5n% &ingle #ith the %ea%.
>h ,a&e3 thou go%%ess of &y heartI
>n hi& #ho gains thy "raise,
Pointless &ust fall the 0"ectre's %art,
!onsu&e% in Glory's blaHeI
But &e she beckons fro& the earth,
Cy na&e obscure, un&ark'% &y birth,
Cy life a short an% $ulgar %rea&4
=ost in the %ull, ignoble cro#%,
Cy ho"es recline #ithin a shrou%,
Cy fate is =ethe's strea&.
When ) re"ose beneath the so%,
@nhee%e% in the clay,
Where once &y "layful footste"s tro%,
Where no# &y hea% &ust lay, 8:;
The &ee% of Pity #ill be she%
)n %e#F%ro"s o'er &y narro# be%,
By nightly skies, an% stor&s aloneI
Ao &ortal eye #ill %eign to stee"
With tears the %ark se"ulchral %ee"
Which hi%es a na&e unkno#n.
,orget this #orl%, &y restless s"rite,
Turn, turn thy thoughts to /ea$en4
There &ust thou soon %irect thy flight,
)f errors are forgi$en.
To bigots an% to sects unkno#n,
Bo# %o#n beneath the 5l&ighty's ThroneI
To /i& a%%ress thy tre&bling "rayer4
/e, #ho is &erciful an% just,
Will not reject a chil% of %ust,
5lthough /is &eanest care.
,ather of =ight3 to Thee ) callI
Cy soul is %ark #ithin4
Thou #ho canst &ark the s"arro#'s fall,
5$ert the %eath of sin.
Thou, #ho canst gui%e the #an%ering star
Who cal&'st the ele&ental #ar,
Whose &antle is yon boun%less sky,
Cy thoughts, &y #or%s, &y cri&es forgi$eI
5n%, since ) soon &ust cease to li$e,
)nstruct &e ho# to %ie. 8iii;
1962. 8,irst "ublishe%, 19<.;
8,ootnote 14 /arro#. ;
8,ootnote 4 Crs. Pigot's !ottage.;
8,ootnote <4 The ri$er Grete, at 0outh#ell.;
8,ootnote K4 Cary !ha#orth.;
8,ootnote 74 !o&"are the $erses on (The !ornelian,( ". ::, an%
(Pignus 5&oris,( ". <1.;
8,ootnote :4 0ee note to (Pignus 5&oris,( st. <, l. <, ". <.;
8,ootnote i4
'FFye regal To#ers'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.; ;
8,ootnote ii4
'The gift ) #ear'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote iii4
'5n% since ) &ust forbear to li$e,
)nstruct &e ho# to %ie.'
8'C0. Ae#stea%';
>h3 #ell ) kno# your subtle 0e-,
,rail %aughters of the #anton E$e,FF
While jealous "angs our 0ouls "er"le-,
Ao "assion "ro&"ts you to relie$e.

,ro& =o$e, or Pity ne'er you fall,

By OyouO, no &utual ,la&e is felt,
(Tis Vanity, #hich rules you all,
'esire alone #hich &akes you &elt.
) #ill not say no OsoulsO are yours,
5ye, ye ha$e 0ouls, an% %ark ones too,
0ouls to contri$e those s&iling lures,
To snare our si&"le hearts for you.
*et shall you ne$er bin% &e fast,
=ong to a%ore such brittle toys,
)'ll ro$e along, fro& first to last,
5n% change #hene'er &y fancy cloys.
>h3 ) shoul% be a ObabyO fool,
To sigh the %u"e of fe&ale artFF
Wo&an3 "erha"s thou hast a O0oulO,
But #here ha$e O'e&onsO hi% thy O/eartOM
?anuary, 1962.
8,ootnote 14 ,ro& an autogra"h C0. at Ae#stea%, no# for the first ti&e
>A T/E E*E0 >, C)00 5FFFF/FFFF81;
5nne's Eye is liken'% to the O0unO,
,ro& it such Bea&s of Beauty fallI
5n% OthisO can be %enie% by none,
,or like the O0unO, it shines on O5llO.
Then %o not a%&iration s&other,
>r say these glances %on't beco&e herI
To OyouO, or O)O, or Oany otherO
/er O0unO, %is"lays "er"etual 0u&&er. 8;
?anuary 1K, 1962.
8,ootnote 14 Ciss 5nne /ouson. ,ro& an autogra"h C0. at Ae#stea%,
no# for the first ti&e "rinte%.;
8,ootnote 4 !o&"are, for the sa&e si&ile, the lines (To E%#ar%
Aoel =ong, EsD.,( ". 192, 'ante'.;
T> 5 V5)A =5'*. 81;
5h, hee%less girl3 #hy thus %isclose
What ne'er #as &eant for other earsI
Why thus %estroy thine o#n re"ose,
5n% %ig the source of future tearsM

>h, thou #ilt #ee", i&"ru%ent &ai%,

While lurking en$ious foes #ill s&ile,
,or all the follies thou hast sai%
>f those #ho s"oke but to beguile.
Vain girl3 thy lingering #oes are nigh,
)f thou belie$'st #hat stri"lings say4
>h, fro& the %ee" te&"tation fly,
Aor fall the s"ecious s"oiler's "rey.
'ost thou re"eat, in chil%ish boast,
The #or%s &an utters to %ecei$eM
Thy "eace, thy ho"e, thy all is lost,
)f thou canst $enture to belie$e.
While no# a&ongst thy fe&ale "eers
Thou tell'st again the soothing tale,
!anst thou not &ark the rising sneers
'u"licity in $ain #oul% $eilM
These tales in secret silence hush,
Aor &ake thyself the "ublic gaHe4
What &o%est &ai% #ithout a blush
.ecounts a flattering co-co&b's "raiseM
Will not the laughing boy %es"ise
/er #ho relates each fon% conceitFF
Who, thinking /ea$en is in her eyes,
*et cannot see the slight %eceitM
,or she #ho takes a soft %elight
These a&orous nothings in re$ealing,
Cust cre%it all #e say or #rite,
While $anity "re$ents concealing.
!ease, if you "riHe your Beauty's reign3
Ao jealousy bi%s &e re"ro$e4
>ne, #ho is thus fro& nature $ain,
) "ity, but ) cannot lo$e.
?anuary 17, 1962. 8,irst "ublishe%, 19<.;
8,ootnote 14 To 5 *oung =a%y ECiss 5nne /ousonG #hose $anity in%uce% her
to re"eat the co&"li&ents "ai% her by so&e young &en of her
acDuaintance.FF'C0. Ae#stea%O'.;
T> 5AAE. 81;
>h, 5nne, your offences to &e ha$e been grie$ous4
) thought fro& &y #rath no atone&ent coul% sa$e youI
But Wo&an is &a%e to co&&an% an% %ecei$e usFF
) look'% in your face, an% ) al&ost forga$e you.
) $o#'% ) coul% ne'er for a &o&ent res"ect you,
*et thought that a %ay's se"aration #as longI
When #e &et, ) %eter&ine% again to sus"ect youFF
*our s&ile soon con$ince% &e Osus"icionO #as #rong.
) s#ore, in a trans"ort of young in%ignation,
With fer$ent conte&"t e$er&ore to %is%ain you4
) sa# youFF&y OangerO beca&e Oa%&irationOI
5n% no#, all &y #ish, all &y ho"e's to regain you.
With beauty like yours, oh, ho# $ain the contention3
Thus lo#ly ) sue for forgi$eness before youIFF
5t once to conclu%e such a fruitless %issension,
Be false, &y s#eet 5nne, #hen ) cease to a%ore you3
?anuary 1:, 1962. 8,irst "ublishe%, 19<.;
8,ootnote 14 Ciss 5nne /ouson.;
EG>T)0C. 5 =ETTE. T> ?. T. BE!/E.. 81;
8Greek4 /eauton burOon aei%ei.;
)f ,ate shoul% seal &y 'eath toF&orro#,
EThough &uch O)O ho"e she #ill O"ost"oneO it,G
)'$e hel% a share O?oyO an% O0orro#O,
Enough for OTenOI an% OhereO ) Oo#nO it.
)'$e li$e%, as &any others li$e,
5n% yet, ) think, #ith &ore enjoy&entI
,or coul% ) through &y %ays again li$e,
)'% "ass the& in the 'sa&e' e&"loy&ent.
That 'is' to say, #ith 'so&e e-ce"tion',
,or though ) #ill not &ake confession,
)'$e seen too &uch of &an's %ece"tion
E$er again to trust "rofession.
0o&e sage 'Ca&&as' #ith gesture haughty,
Pronounce &e Duite a youthful 0innerFF
But ''aughters' say, (although he's naughty,
*ou &ust not check a '*oung Beginner'3(
)'$e lo$e%, an% &any %a&sels kno# itFF
But #ho& ) %on't inten% to &ention,
5s 'certain stanHas' also sho# it,
'0o&e' say '%eser$ing .e"rehension'.
0o&e ancient 'a&es, of $irtue fiery,
E@nless .e"ort %oes &uch belie the&,G
/a$e lately &a%e a shar" EnDuiry,
5n% &uch it 'grie$es' &e to '%eny' the&.
T#o #ho& ) lo$'% ha% 'eyes' of 'Blue',
To #hich ) ho"e you'$e no objectionI
The '.est' ha% eyes of '%arker /ue'FF
Each Ay&"h, of course, #as 'all "erfection'.
But here )'ll close &y 'chaste' 'escri"tion,
Aor say the %ee%s of ani&osityI
,or 'silence' is the best "rescri"tion,
To '"hysic' i%le curiosity.
>f ',rien%s' )'$e kno#n a 'goo%ly /un%re%'FF
,or fin%ing 'one' in each acDuaintance,
By 'so&e %ecei$e%', by others "lun%er'%,
',rien%shi"', to &e, #as not '.e"entance'.
5t '0chool' ) thought like other '!hil%ren'I
)nstea% of 'Brains', a fine )ngre%ient,
'.o&ance', &y 'youthful /ea% be#il%ering',
To '0ense' ha% &a%e &e %isobe%ient.
5 $icti&, 'nearly' fro& affection,
To certain '$ery "recious sche&ing',
The still re&aining recollection
/as 'cure%' &y 'boyish soul' of ''rea&ing'.
By /ea$en3 ) rather #oul% fors#ear
The Earth, an% all the joys reser$e% &e,
Than %are again the 's"ecious 0nare',
,ro& #hich '&y ,ate' an% '/ea$en "reser$e%' &e.
0till ) "ossess so&e ,rien%s #ho lo$e &eFF
)n each a &uch estee&e% an% true oneI
The Wealth of Worl%s shall ne$er &o$e &e
To Duit their ,rien%shi", for a ne# one.
But Becher3 you're a 're$eren% "astor',
Ao# take it in consi%eration,
Whether for "enance ) shoul% fast, or
Pray for &y 'sins' in e-"iation.
) o#n &yself the chil% of ',olly',
But not so #icke% as they &ake &eFF
) soon &ust %ie of &elancholy,
)f ',e&ale' s&iles shoul% e'er forsake &e.
'Philoso"hers' ha$e 'ne$er %oubte%',
That '=a%ies' =i"s' #ere &a%e for 'kisses3'
,or '=o$e3' ) coul% not li$e #ithout it,
,or such a 'curse%' "lace as 'This is'.
0ay, Becher, ) shall be forgi$en3
)f you %on't #arrant &y sal$ation,
) &ust resign all '/o"es' of '/ea$en'3
,or, ',aith', ) can't #ithstan% Te&"tation.
P.0.FFThese #ere #ritten bet#een one an% t#o, after '&i%night'. )
ha$e not 'correcte%', or 're$ise%'. *ours, B*.>A.
8,ootnote 14 ,ro& an autogra"h C0. at Ae#stea%, no# for the first
ti&e "rinte%.;
T> 5AAE. 81;
>h say not, s#eet 5nne, that the ,ates ha$e %ecree%
The heart #hich a%ores you shoul% #ish to %isse$erI
0uch ,ates #ere to &e &ost unkin% ones in%ee%,FF
To bear &e fro& =o$e an% fro& Beauty for e$er.
*our fro#ns, lo$ely girl, are the ,ates #hich alone
!oul% bi% &e fro& fon% a%&iration refrainI
By these, e$ery ho"e, e$ery #ish #ere o'erthro#n,
Till s&iles shoul% restore &e to ra"ture again.
5s the i$y an% oak, in the forest ent#in'%,
The rage of the te&"est unite% &ust #eatherI
Cy lo$e an% &y life #ere by nature %esign'%
To flourish alike, or to "erish together.
Then say not, s#eet 5nne, that the ,ates ha$e %ecree%
*our lo$er shoul% bi% you a lasting a%ieu4
Till ,ate can or%ain that his boso& shall blee%,
/is 0oul, his E-istence, are centre% in you.
1962. 8,irst "ublishe%, 19<.;
T> T/E 5@T/>. >, 5 0>AAET
BEG)AA)AG ('05' )0 C* VE.0E,' *>@ 05*, '5A' *ET A> TE5..'(
Thy $erse is (sa%( enough, no %oubt4
5 %e$ilish %eal &ore sa% than #itty3
Why #e shoul% #ee" ) can't fin% out,
@nless for OtheeO #e #ee" in "ity.
*et there is one ) "ity &oreI
5n% &uch, alas3 ) think he nee%s it4
,or he, )'& sure, #ill suffer sore,
Who, to his o#n &isfortune, rea%s it.
Thy rhy&es, #ithout the ai% of &agic,
Cay OonceO be rea%FFbut ne$er after4
*et their effect's by no &eans tragic,
5lthough by far too %ull for laughter.
But #oul% you &ake our boso&s blee%,
5n% of no co&&on "ang co&"lainFF
)f you #oul% &ake us #ee" in%ee%,
Tell us, you'll rea% the& o'er again.
Carch 9, 1962. 8,irst "ublishe%, 19<.;
>A ,)A')AG 5 ,5A. 81;
)n one #ho felt as once he felt,
This &ight, "erha"s, ha$e fann'% the fla&eI
But no# his heart no &ore #ill &elt,
Because that heart is not the sa&e.
5s #hen the ebbing fla&es are lo#,
The ai% #hich once i&"ro$e% their light,
5n% ba%e the& burn #ith fiercer glo#,
Ao# Duenches all their blaHe in night.
Thus has it been #ith Passion's firesFF
5s &any a boy an% girl re&e&bersFF
While e$ery ho"e of lo$e e-"ires,
E-tinguish'% #ith the %ying e&bers.
The OfirstO, though not a s"ark sur$i$e,
0o&e careful han% &ay teach to burnI
The OlastO, alas3 can ne'er sur$i$eI
Ao touch can bi% its #ar&th return.
>r, if it chance to #ake again,
Aot al#ays %oo&'% its heat to s&other,
)t she%s Eso #ay#ar% fates or%ainG
)ts for&er #ar&th aroun% another.
1962. 8,irst "ublishe%, 19<.;
8,ootnote 14 >f Ciss 5. /. EC0. Ae#stea%G.;
,5.EWE== T> T/E C@0E. 8i.;
Thou Po#er3 #ho hast rule% &e through )nfancy's %ays,
*oung offs"ring of ,ancy, 'tis ti&e #e shoul% "artI
Then rise on the gale this the last of &y lays,
The col%est effusion #hich s"rings fro& &y heart.
This boso&, res"onsi$e to ra"ture no &ore,
0hall hush thy #il% notes, nor i&"lore thee to singI
The feelings of chil%hoo%, #hich taught thee to soar,
5re #afte% far %istant on 5"athy's #ing.
Though si&"le the the&es of &y ru%e flo#ing =yre,
*et e$en these the&es are %e"arte% for e$erI
Ao &ore bea& the eyes #hich &y %rea& coul% ins"ire,
Cy $isions are flo#n, to return,FFalas, ne$er3
When %rain'% is the nectar #hich gla%%ens the bo#l,
/o# $ain is the effort %elight to "rolong3
When col% is the beauty #hich %#elt in &y soul, 8ii;
What &agic of ,ancy can lengthen &y songM
!an the li"s sing of =o$e in the %esert alone,
>f kisses an% s&iles #hich they no# &ust resignM
>r %#ell #ith %elight on the hours that are flo#nM
5h, no3 for those hours can no longer be &ine.
!an they s"eak of the frien%s that ) li$e% but to lo$eM 8iii;
5h, surely 5ffection ennobles the strain3
But ho# can &y nu&bers in sy&"athy &o$e,
When ) scarcely can ho"e to behol% the& againM
!an ) sing of the %ee%s #hich &y ,athers ha$e %one,
5n% raise &y lou% har" to the fa&e of &y 0iresM
,or glories like theirs, oh, ho# faint is &y tone3
,or /eroes' e-"loits ho# uneDual &y fires3
@ntouch'%, then, &y =yre shall re"ly to the blastFF
'Tis hush'%I an% &y feeble en%ea$ours are o'erI
5n% those #ho ha$e hear% it #ill "ar%on the "ast,
When they kno# that its &ur&urs shall $ibrate no &ore.
5n% soon shall its #il% erring notes be forgot,
0ince early affection an% lo$e is o'ercast4
>h3 blest ha% &y ,ate been, an% ha""y &y lot,
/a% the first strain of lo$e been the %earest, the last.
,are#ell, &y young Cuse3 since #e no# can ne'er &eetI 8i$;
)f our songs ha$e been langui%, they surely are fe#4
=et us ho"e that the "resent at least #ill be s#eetFF
The "resentFF#hich seals our eternal 5%ieu.
1962. 8,irst "ublishe%, 19<.;
8,ootnote 14
'5%ieu to the Cuse'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote ii4
'When col% is the for&'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote iii4
FF'#ho& ) li$e% but to lo$e'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
8,ootnote i$4
'0ince #e ne$er can &eet'.
8'C0. Ae#stea%'.;;
T> 5A >5B 5T AEW0TE5'. 81;
*oung >ak3 #hen ) "lante% thee %ee" in the groun%,
) ho"e% that thy %ays #oul% be longer than &ineI
That thy %arkF#a$ing branches #oul% flourish aroun%,
5n% i$y thy trunk #ith its &antle ent#ine.
0uch, such #as &y ho"e, #hen in )nfancy's years,
>n the lan% of &y ,athers ) rear'% thee #ith "ri%eI
They are "ast, an% ) #ater thy ste& #ith &y tears,FF
Thy %ecay, not the O#ee%sO that surroun% thee can hi%e.
) left thee, &y >ak, an%, since that fatal hour,
5 stranger has %#elt in the hall of &y 0ireI
Till Canhoo% shall cro#n &e, not &ine is the "o#er,
But his, #hose neglect &ay ha$e ba%e thee e-"ire.
>h3 har%y thou #ertFFe$en no# little care
Cight re$i$e thy young hea%, an% thy #oun%s gently
But thou #ert not fate% affection to shareFF
,or #ho coul% su""ose that a 0tranger #oul% feelM
5h, %roo" not, &y >ak3 lift thy hea% for a #hileI
Ere t#ice roun% yon Glory this "lanet shall run,
The han% of thy Caster #ill teach thee to s&ile,
When )nfancy's years of "robation are %one.
>h, li$e then, &y >ak3 to#'r aloft fro& the #ee%s,
That clog thy young gro#th, an% assist thy %ecay,
,or still in thy boso& are =ife's early see%s,
5n% still &ay thy branches their beauty %is"lay.
>h3 yet, if Caturity's years &ay be thine,
Though O)O shall lie lo# in the ca$ern of 'eath,
>n thy lea$es yet the %ayFbea& of ages &ay shine, 8i;
@ninjure% by Ti&e, or the ru%e Winter's breath.
,or centuries still &ay thy boughs lightly #a$e
>'er the corse of thy =or% in thy cano"y lai%I
While the branches thus gratefully shelter his gra$e,
The !hief #ho sur$i$es &ay recline in thy sha%e.
5n% as he, #ith his boys, shall re$isit this s"ot,
/e #ill tell the& in #his"ers &ore softly to trea%.
>h3 surely, by these ) shall ne'er be forgotI
.e&e&brance still hallo#s the %ust of the %ea%.
5n% here, #ill they say, #hen in =ife's glo#ing "ri&e,
Perha"s he has "our'% forth his young si&"le lay,
5n% here &ust he slee", till the &o&ents of Ti&e
5re lost in the hours of Eternity's %ay.
1962. 8,irst "ublishe% 19<.;
8(!o"ie% for Cr. Coore, ?an. K, 199.(FFAote by Ciss Pigot.;
8,ootnote 14 There is no hea%ing to the original C0., but on the blank
leaf at the en% of the "oe& is #ritten,
(To an oak in the gar%en of Ae#stea% 5bbey, "lante% by the author in
the 1th year of 8his; ageI this tree at his last $isit #as in a state
of %ecay, though "erha"s not irreco$erable.(
>n arri$ing at Ae#stea%, in 1219, Byron, then in his
ele$enth year, "lante% an oak, an% cherishe% the fancy, that as the tree
flourishe% so shoul% he. >n re$isiting the abbey, he foun% the oak
choke% u" by #ee%s an% al&ost %estroye%IFFhence these lines. 0hortly
after !olonel Wil%&an took "ossession, he sai% to a ser$ant,
(/ere is a fine young oakI but it &ust be cut %o#n, as it gro#s in an
i&"ro"er "lace.(
() ho"e not, sir, (re"lie% the &an, (for it's the one that &y lor% #as
so fon% of, because he set it hi&self.(
O=ifeO, ". 76, note.;
8,ootnote i4
O,or ages &ay shineO.
8OC0. Ae#stea%O;;
>A .EV)0)T)AG /5..>W. 81;
/ere once engage% the stranger's $ie#
*oung ,rien%shi"'s recor% si&"ly trac'%I
,e# #ere her #or%s,FFbut yet, though fe#,
.esent&ent's han% the line %efac'%.
'ee"ly she cutFFbut not eras'%FF
The characters #ere still so "lain,
That ,rien%shi" once return'%, an% gaH'%,FF
Till Ce&ory hail'% the #or%s again.
.e"entance "lac'% the& as beforeI
,orgi$eness join'% her gentle na&eI
0o fair the inscri"tion see&'% once &ore,
That ,rien%shi" thought it still the sa&e.
Thus &ight the .ecor% no# ha$e beenI
But, ah, in s"ite of /o"e's en%ea$our,
>r ,rien%shi"'s tears, Pri%e rush'% bet#een,
5n% blotte% out the line for e$er.
0e"te&ber, 1962.
8,irst "ublishe% in Coore's '=ife an% =etters, etc.', 19<6, i. 16.;
8,ootnote 14
(0o&e years ago, #hen at /arro#, a frien% of the author engra$e% on a
"articular s"ot the na&es of both, #ith a fe# a%%itional #or%s, as a
&e&orial. 5fter#ar%s, on recei$ing so&e real or i&aginary injury, the
author %estroye% the frail recor% before he left /arro#. >n re$isiting
the "lace in 1962, he #rote un%er it these stanHas.(
Coore's '=ife, etc.', i. 16.;;
T> C* 0>A. 81;
Those fla-en locks, those eyes of blue
Bright as thy &other's in their hueI
Those rosy li"s, #hose %i&"les "lay
5n% s&ile to steal the heart a#ay,
.ecall a scene of for&er joy,
5n% touch thy father's heart, &y Boy3
5n% thou canst lis" a father's na&eFF
5h, Willia&, #ere thine o#n the sa&e,FF
Ao selfFre"roachFFbut, let &e ceaseFF
Cy care for thee shall "urchase "eaceI
Thy &other's sha%e shall s&ile in joy,
5n% "ar%on all the "ast, &y Boy3
/er lo#ly gra$e the turf has "rest,
5n% thou hast kno#n a stranger's breastI
'erision sneers u"on thy birth,
5n% yiel%s thee scarce a na&e on earthI
*et shall not these one ho"e %estroy,FF
5 ,ather's heart is thine, &y Boy3
Why, let the #orl% unfeeling fro#n,
Cust ) fon% Aature's clai&s %iso#nM
5h, noFFthough &oralists re"ro$e,
) hail thee, %earest chil% of =o$e,
,air cherub, "le%ge of youth an% joyFF
5 ,ather guar%s thy birth, &y Boy3
>h,'t#ill be s#eet in thee to trace,
Ere 5ge has #rinkle% o'er &y face,
Ere half &y glass of life is run,
5t once a brother an% a sonI
5n% all &y #ane of years e&"loy
)n justice %one to thee, &y Boy3
5lthough so young thy hee%less sire,
*outh #ill not %a&" "arental fireI
5n%, #ert thou still less %ear to &e,
While /elen's for& re$i$es in thee,
The breast, #hich beat to for&er joy,
Will ne'er %esert its "le%ge, &y Boy3
8,irst "ublishe% in Coore's '=ife an% =etters, etc.', 19<6, i. 16K.;
8,ootnote 14 ,or a re&iniscence of #hat #as, "ossibly, an actual e$ent,
see ''on ?uan', canto -$i. st. :1. /e tol% =a%y Byron that he ha% t#o
natural chil%ren, #ho& he shoul% "ro$i%e for.;
L@E.)E0 T> !50@)0T0. 81;
The Coralists tell us that =o$ing is 0inning,
5n% al#ays are "rating about an% about it,
But as =o$e of E-istence itself's the beginning,
0ay, #hat #oul% E-istence itself be #ithout itM
They argue the "oint #ith &uch furious )n$ecti$e,
Though "erha"s 't#ere no %ifficult task to confute itI
But if Venus an% /y&en shoul% once "ro$e %efecti$e,
Pray #ho #oul% there be to %efen% or %is"ute itM
8,ootnote 14 ,ro& an autogra"h C0. E#ater&ark 1967G at Ae#stea%, no# for
the first ti&e "rinte%.;
BreeHe of the night in gentler sighs
Core softly &ur&ur o'er the "illo#I
,or 0lu&ber seals &y ,anny's eyes,
5n% Peace &ust ne$er shun her "illo#.
>r breathe those s#eet 5Eolian strains
0tolen fro& celestial s"heres abo$e,
To char& her ear #hile so&e re&ains,
5n% soothe her soul to %rea&s of lo$e.
But BreeHe of night again forbear,
)n softest &ur&urs only sigh4
=et not a Ne"hyr's "inion %are
To lift those auburn locks on high.
!hill is thy Breath, thou breeHe of night3
>h3 ruffle not those li%s of 0no#I
,or only Corning's cheering light
Cay #ake the bea& that lurks belo#.
Blest be that li" an% aHure eye3
0#eet ,anny, hallo#e% be thy 0lee"3
Those li"s shall ne$er $ent a sigh,
Those eyes &ay ne$er #ake to #ee".
,ebruary <r%, 1969.
8,ootnote 14 ,ro& the C0. in the "ossession of the Earl of =o$elace.;
T> /5..)ET. 81;
/arriet3 to see such !ircu&s"ection, 8;
)n =a%ies ) ha$e no objection
!oncerning #hat they rea%I
5n ancient Cai%'s a sage a%$iser,
=ike OherO, you #ill be &uch the #iser,
)n #or%, as #ell as 'ee%.
But /arriet, ) %on't #ish to flatter,
5n% really think 't #oul% &ake the &atter
Core "erfect if not Duite,
)f other =a%ies #hen they "reach,
Woul% certain 'a&sels also teach
Core cautiously to #rite.
8,ootnote 14 ,ro& an autogra"h C0. at Ae#stea%, no# for the first
ti&e "rinte%.;
8,ootnote 4 0ee the "oe& (To Carion,( an% 'note', ". 11. )t #oul% see&
that ?. T. Becher a%%resse% so&e flattering lines to Byron #ith
reference to a "oe& concerning /arriet Caltby, "ossibly the lines (To
Carion.( The follo#ing note #as attache% by Ciss Pigot to these stanHas,
#hich &ust ha$e been #ritten on another occasion4FF
() sa# =or% B. #as Oflattere%O by ?ohn Becher's lines, as he rea%
'5"ollo', etc., #ith a "eculiar s&ile an% e&"hasisI so out of OfunO,
to $e- hi& a little, ) sai%,
'O5"ollo3O /e Oshoul%O ha$e sai% O5"ollyonO.'
'EliHabeth3 for /ea$en's sake %on't say so again3 ) %on't
&in% OyouO telling &e soI but if any one OelseO got hol% Oof the
#or%O, ) shoul% ne$er hear the en% of it.'
0o ) laughe% at hi&, an% %ro"t it, for he #as Ore%O #ith agitation.(;
T/E.E W50 5 T)CE, ) AEE' A>T A5CE. 8i; 81;
There #as a ti&e, ) nee% not na&e,
0ince it #ill ne'er forgotten be,
When all our feelings #ere the sa&e
5s still &y soul hath been to thee.
5n% fro& that hour #hen first thy tongue
!onfess'% a lo$e #hich eDuall'% &ine,
Though &any a grief &y heart hath #rung,
@nkno#n, an% thus unfelt, by thine,
Aone, none hath sunk so %ee" as thisFF
To think ho# all that lo$e hath flo#nI
Transient as e$ery faithless kiss,
But transient in thy breast alone.
5n% yet &y heart so&e solace kne#,
When late ) hear% thy li"s %eclare,
)n accents once i&agine% true,
.e&e&brance of the %ays that #ere.
*es3 &y a%ore%, yet &ost unkin%3
Though thou #ilt ne$er lo$e again,
To &e 'tis %oubly s#eet to fin%
.e&e&brance of that lo$e re&ain. 8ii;
*es3 'tis a glorious thought to &e,
Aor longer shall &y soul re"ine,
Whate'er thou art or e'er shall be,
Thou hast been %early, solely &ine.
?une 16, 1969. 8,irst "ublishe%, 1961;
8,ootnote 14 This co"y of $erses, #ith eight others, originally a""eare%
in a $olu&e "ublishe% in 1961 by ?. !. /obhouse, un%er the title of
O)&itations an% Translations, ,ro& the 5ncient an% Co%ern !lassics,
Together #ith >riginal Poe&s ne$er before "ublishe%O. The C0. is in the
"ossession of the Earl of =o$elace.;
8,ootnote i4
O0tanHas to the 0a&eO.
8O)&it. an% Transl.O, ". 66.;;
8,ootnote ii4
OThe &e&ory of that lo$e again.O
8C0. =.;;
5A' W)=T T/>@ WEEP W/EA ) 5C =>WM 8i;
5n% #ilt thou #ee" #hen ) a& lo#M
0#eet la%y3 s"eak those #or%s again4
*et if they grie$e thee, say not soFF
) #oul% not gi$e that boso& "ain.
Cy heart is sa%, &y ho"es are gone,
Cy bloo% runs col%ly through &y breastI
5n% #hen ) "erish, thou alone
Wilt sigh abo$e &y "lace of rest.
5n% yet, &ethinks, a glea& of "eace
'oth through &y clou% of anguish shine4
5n% for a #hile &y sorro#s cease,
To kno# thy heart hath felt for &ine.
>h la%y3 blesse% be that tearFF
)t falls for one #ho cannot #ee"I
0uch "recious %ro"s are %oubly %ear 8ii;
To those #hose eyes no tear &ay stee".
0#eet la%y3 once &y heart #as #ar&
With e$ery feeling soft as thineI
But Beauty's self hath cease% to char&
5 #retch create% to re"ine.
:. 8iii;
*et #ilt thou #ee" #hen ) a& lo#M
0#eet la%y3 s"eak those #or%s again4
*et if they grie$e thee, say not soFF
) #oul% not gi$e that boso& "ain. 81;
5ug. 1, 1969. 8,irst "ublishe%, 1961.;
8,ootnote 14 )t #as in one of Byron's fits of &elancholy that the
follo#ing $erses #ere a%%resse% to hi& by his frien% ?ohn
!a& /obhouse4FF
EP)0T=E T> 5 *>@AG A>B=EC5A )A =>VE.
/ail3 generous youth, #ho& glory's sacre% fla&e
)ns"ires, an% ani&ates to %ee%s of fa&eI
Who feel the noble #ish before you %ie
To raise the finger of each "asserFby4
/ail3 &ay a future age a%&iring $ie#
5 ,alklan% or a !laren%on in you.
But as your bloo% #ith %angerous "assion boils,
Be#are3 an% fly fro& Venus' silken toils4
5h3 let the hea% "rotect the #eaker heart,
5n% Wis%o&'s 5Egis turn on Beauty's %art.
+ + + + +
But if 'tis fi-'% that e$ery lor% &ust "air,
5n% you an% Ae#stea% &ust not #ant an heir,
=ose not your "ains, an% scour the country roun%,
To fin% a treasure that can ne'er be foun%3
Ao3 take the first the to#n or court affor%s,
Trick'% out to stock a &arket for the lor%sI
By chance "erha"s your luckier choice &ay fall
>n one, though #icke%, not the #orst of all4
+ + + + +
>ne though "erha"s as any Ca-#ell free,
*et scarce a co"y, !laribel, of theeI
Aot $ery ugly, an% not $ery ol%,
5 little "ert in%ee%, but not a scol%I
>ne that, in short, &ay hel" to lea% a life
Aot farther &uch fro& co&fort than fro& strifeI
5n% #hen she %ies, an% %isa""oints your fears,
0hall lea$e so&e joys for your %eclining years.
But, as your early youth so&e ti&e allo#s,
Aor custo& yet %e&an%s you for a s"ouse,
0o&e hours of free%o& &ay re&ain as yet,
,or one #ho laughs alike at lo$e an% %ebt4
Then, #hy in hasteM "ut off the e$il %ay,
5n% snatch at youthful co&forts #hile you &ay3
Pause3 nor so soon the $arious bliss forego
That single souls, an% such alone, can kno#4
5h3 #hy too early careless life resign,
*our &orning slu&ber, an% your e$ening #ineI
*our lo$e% co&"anion, an% his easy talkI
*our Cuse, in$oke% in e$ery "eaceful #alkM
What3 can no &ore your scenes "aternal "lease,
0cenes sacre% long to #ise, un&ate% easeM
The "ros"ect lengthen'% o'er the %istant %o#n,
=akes, &ea%o#s, rising #oo%s, an% all your o#nM
What3 shall your Ae#stea%, shall your cloister'% bo#ers,
The high o'erhanging arch an% tre&bling to#ers3
0hall these, "rofane% #ith folly or #ith strife,
5n e$er fon%, or e$er angry #ife3
0hall these no &ore confess a &anly s#ay,
But changeful #o&an's changing #hi&s obeyM
Who &ay, "erha"s, as $arying hu&our calls,
!ontract your cloisters an% o'erthro# your #allsI
=et .e"ton loose o'er all the ancient groun%,
!hange roun% to sDuare, an% sDuare con$ert to roun%I
.oot u" the el&s' an% ye#s' too sole&n gloo&,
5n% fill #ith shrubberies gay an% green their roo&I
.oll %o#n the terrace to a gay "arterre,
Where gra$el'% #alks an% flo#ers alternate glareI
5n% Duite transfor&, in e$ery "oint co&"lete,
*our Gothic abbey to a country seat.
,orget the fair one, an% your fate %elayI
)f not a$ert, at least %efer the %ay,
When you beneath the fe&ale yoke shall ben%,
5n% lose your O#itO, your Ote&"erO, an% your Ofrien%O. 85;
Trin. !oll. !a&b., 1969.;
80ubF,ootnote 54 )n his &other's co"y of /obhouse's $olu&e, Byron has
#ritten #ith a "encil,
(O) ha$e lost the& all, an% shall WE' accor%inglyO. 1911. B.(;
8,ootnote i4
8C0. =.;
To the 0a&e.
8)&it. an% Transl., " 6.;;
8,ootnote ii4
,or one #hose life is tor&ent here,
5n% only in the %ust &ay slee".
8C0. =.;;
8,ootnote iii4 The C0. insertsFF
=a%y ) #ill not tell &y tale
,or it #oul% ren% thy &elting heartI
'T#ere "ity sorro# shoul% "re$ail
>'er one so gentle as thou art.
8C0. =.;;
.EC)A' CE A>T, .EC)A' CE A>T. 8i;
.e&in% &e not, re&in% &e not,
>f those belo$e%, those $anish'% hours,
When all &y soul #as gi$en to theeI
/ours that &ay ne$er be forgot,
Till Ti&e unner$es our $ital "o#ers,
5n% thou an% ) shall cease to be.
!an ) forgetFFcanst thou forget,
When "laying #ith thy gol%en hair,
/o# Duick thy fluttering heart %i% &o$eM
>h3 by &y soul, ) see thee yet,
With eyes so langui%, breast so fair,
5n% li"s, though silent, breathing lo$e.
When thus reclining on &y breast,
Those eyes thre# back a glance so s#eet,
5s half re"roach'% yet rais'% %esire,
5n% still #e near an% nearer "rest,
5n% still our glo#ing li"s #oul% &eet,
5s if in kisses to e-"ire.
5n% then those "ensi$e eyes #oul% close,
5n% bi% their li%s each other seek,
Veiling the aHure orbs belo#I
While their long lashes' %arken'% gloss
0ee&'% stealing o'er thy brilliant cheek,
=ike ra$en's "lu&age s&ooth'% on sno#.
) %rea&t last night our lo$e return'%,
5n%, sooth to say, that $ery %rea&
Was s#eeter in its "hantasy,
Than if for other hearts ) burn'%,
,or eyes that ne'er like thine coul% bea&
)n .a"ture's #il% reality.
Then tell &e not, re&in% &e not, 8ii;
>f hours #hich, though for e$er gone,
!an still a "leasing %rea& restore, 8iii;
Till thou an% ) shall be forgot,
5n% senseless, as the &oul%ering stone
Which tells that #e shall be no &ore.
5ug. 1<, 1969. 8,irst "ublishe%, 1961.;
8,ootnote i4
O5 =o$e 0ong. ToFFFF.
8)&it. an% Transl., ". 112.;
8,ootnote ii4
O.e&in% &e not, re&in% &e notO.
8C0. =.; ;
8,ootnote iii4
OCust stillO.
8C0. =.; ;
T> 5 *>@T/,@= ,.)EA'. 8i;
,e# years ha$e "ass'% since thou an% )
Were fir&est frien%s, at least in na&e,
5n% !hil%hoo%'s gay sincerity
Preser$e% our feelings long the sa&e. 8ii;
But no#, like &e, too #ell thou kno#'st 8iii;
What trifles oft the heart recallI
5n% those #ho once ha$e lo$e% the &ost
Too soon forget they lo$'% at all. 8i$;
5n% such the change the heart %is"lays,
0o frail is early frien%shi"'s reign, 8$;
5 &onth's brief la"se, "erha"s a %ay's,
Will $ie# thy &in% estrang'% again. 8$i;
)f so, it ne$er shall be &ine
To &ourn the loss of such a heartI
The fault #as Aature's fault, not thine,
Which &a%e thee fickle as thou art.
5s rolls the >cean's changing ti%e,
0o hu&an feelings ebb an% flo#I
5n% #ho #oul% in a breast confi%e
Where stor&y "assions e$er glo#M
)t boots not that, together bre%,
>ur chil%ish %ays #ere %ays of joy4
Cy s"ring of life has Duickly fle%I
Thou, too, hast ceas'% to be a boy.
5n% #hen #e bi% a%ieu to youth,
0la$es to the s"ecious Worl%'s controul,
We sigh a long fare#ell to truthI
That Worl% corru"ts the noblest soul.
5h, joyous season3 #hen the &in% 81;
'ares all things bol%ly but to lieI
When Thought ere s"oke is unconfin'%,
5n% s"arkles in the "laci% eye.
Aot so in Can's &aturer years,
When Can hi&self is but a toolI
When )nterest s#ays our ho"es an% fears,
5n% all &ust lo$e an% hate by rule.
With fools in kin%re% $ice the sa&e, 8$ii;
We learn at length our faults to blen%I
5n% those, an% those alone, &ay clai&
The "rostitute% na&e of frien%.
0uch is the co&&on lot of &an4
!an #e then 'sca"e fro& folly freeM
!an #e re$erse the general "lan,
Aor be #hat all in turn &ust beM
AoI for &yself, so %ark &y fate
Through e$ery turn of life hath beenI
Can an% the Worl% so &uch ) hate,
) care not #hen ) Duit the scene.
But thou, #ith s"irit frail an% light,
Wilt shine a#hile, an% "ass a#ayI
5s glo#F#or&s s"arkle through the night,
But %are not stan% the test of %ay.
5las3 #hene$er ,olly calls
Where "arasites an% "rinces &eet,
E,or cherish'% first in royal halls,
The #elco&e $ices kin%ly greet,G
E$'n no# thou'rt nightly seen to a%%
>ne insect to the fluttering cro#%I
5n% still thy trifling heart is gla%
To join the $ain an% court the "rou%.
There %ost thou gli%e fro& fair to fair,
0till si&"ering on #ith eager haste,
5s flies along the gay "arterre,
That taint the flo#ers they scarcely taste.
But say, #hat ny&"h #ill "riHe the fla&e
Which see&s, as &arshy $a"ours &o$e,
To flit along fro& %a&e to %a&e,
5n ignisFfatuus glea& of lo$eM
What frien% for thee, ho#e'er inclin'%,
Will %eign to o#n a kin%re% careM
Who #ill %ebase his &anly &in%,
,or frien%shi" e$ery fool &ay shareM
)n ti&e forbearI a&i%st the throng
Ao &ore so base a thing be seenI
Ao &ore so i%ly "ass alongI
Be so&ething, any thing, butFF&ean.
5ugust 6th, 1969. 8,irst "ublishe%, 1961.;
8,ootnote 14 0tanHas 9F1 are not in the OC0O.;
8,ootnote i4
'To 0ir W. '., on his using the e-"ression, (0oyes constant en
8C0. =.; ;
8,ootnote ii4
'T#ere #ell &y frien% if still #ith thee
Through e$ery scene of joy an% #oe,
That thought coul% e$er cherish'% be
5s #ar& as it #as #ont to glo#.
8C0. =; ;
8,ootnote iii4
O5n% yet like &e.O
8C0. =.; ;
8,ootnote i$4
O,orget they e$er.O
8C0. =. O)&it. an% TranslO., ". 197.; ;
8,ootnote $4
O0o short.O
8C0. =.; ;
8,ootnote $i4
O...a %ay
Will sen% &y frien%shi" back again.O
8C0. =.;
8,ootnote $ii4
OEach fool #hose $ices are the sa&e
Whose faults #ith ours &ay blen%.O
8OC0. =.O;;
=)AE0 )A0!.)BE' @P>A 5 !@P ,>.CE' ,.>C 5 0B@==. 81;
0tart notFFnor %ee& &y s"irit fle%4
)n &e behol% the only skull,
,ro& #hich, unlike a li$ing hea%,
Whate$er flo#s is ne$er %ull.
) li$e%, ) lo$e%, ) Duaff'%, like thee4
) %ie%4 let earth &y bones resignI
,ill u"FFthou canst not injure &eI
The #or& hath fouler li"s than thine.
Better to hol% the s"arkling gra"e,
Than nurse the earthF#or&'s sli&y broo%I
5n% circle in the goblet's sha"e
The %rink of Go%s, than re"tile's foo%.
Where once &y #it, "erchance, hath shone,
)n ai% of others' let &e shineI
5n% #hen, alas3 our brains are gone,
What nobler substitute than #ineM
Luaff #hile thou canst4 another race,
When thou an% thine, like &e, are s"e%,
Cay rescue thee fro& earth's e&brace,
5n% rhy&e an% re$el #ith the %ea%.
Why notM since through life's little %ay
>ur hea%s such sa% effects "ro%uceI
.e%ee&'% fro& #or&s an% #asting clay,
This chance is theirs, to be of use.
Ae#stea% 5bbey, 1969.
8,irst "ublishe% in the se$enth e%ition of '!hil%e /arol%'.;
8,ootnote 14 Byron ga$e Ce%#in the follo#ing account of this cu"4FF(The
gar%ener in %igging 8%isco$ere%; a skull that ha% "robably belonge% to
so&e jolly friar or &onk of the abbey, about the ti&e it #as
%isF&onasterie%. >bser$ing it to be of giant siHe, an% in a "erfect
state of "reser$ation, a strange fancy seiHe% &e of ha$ing it set an%
&ounte% as a %rinking cu". ) accor%ingly sent it to to#n, an% it
returne% #ith a $ery high "olish, an% of a &ottle% colour like
tortoiseshell.(FFCe%#in's '!on$ersations', 19K, ". 92.;
WE==3 T/>@ 5.T /5PP*. 8i; 81;
Well3 thou art ha""y, an% ) feel
That ) shoul% thus be ha""y tooI
,or still &y heart regar%s thy #eal
War&ly, as it #as #ont to %o.
Thy husban%'s blestFFan% 't#ill i&"art
0o&e "angs to $ie# his ha""ier lot4 8ii;
But let the& "assFF>h3 ho# &y heart
Woul% hate hi& if he lo$e% thee not3
When late ) sa# thy fa$ourite chil%,
) thought &y jealous heart #oul% breakI
But #hen the unconscious infant s&il'%,
) kiss'% it for its &other's sake.
) kiss'% it,FFan% re"ress'% &y sighs
)ts father in its face to seeI
But then it ha% its &other's eyes,
5n% they #ere all to lo$e an% &e.
7. 8iii;
Cary, a%ieu3 ) &ust a#ay4
While thou art blest )'ll not re"ineI
But near thee ) can ne$er stayI
Cy heart #oul% soon again be thine.
) %ee&'% that Ti&e, ) %ee&'% that Pri%e,
/a% Duench'% at length &y boyish fla&eI
Aor kne#, till seate% by thy si%e,
Cy heart in all,FFsa$e ho"e,FFthe sa&e.
*et #as ) cal&4 ) kne# the ti&e
Cy breast #oul% thrill before thy lookI
But no# to tre&ble #ere a cri&eFF
We &et,FFan% not a ner$e #as shook.
) sa# thee gaHe u"on &y face,
*et &eet #ith no confusion there4
>ne only feeling coul%st thou traceI
The sullen cal&ness of %es"air.
5#ay3 a#ay3 &y early %rea&
.e&e&brance ne$er &ust a#ake4
>h3 #here is =ethe's fable% strea&M
Cy foolish heart be still, or break.
Ao$e&ber, 1969. 8,irst "ublishe%, 1961.;
8,ootnote 14 These lines #ere #ritten after %ining at 5nnesley #ith Cr.
an% Crs. !ha#orth Custers. Their %aughter, born 196:, an% no# Crs.
/a&on%, of Westacre, Aorfolk, is still E?anuary, 1919G li$ing.;
8,ootnote i4
OTo Crs.FFFFO8erase%;.
8OC0. =.O;
8O)&it. an% TranslO. /obhouse, 1961.; ;
8,ootnote ii4
O0o&e "ang to see &y ri$al's lot.O
8OC0. =.O; ;
8,ootnote iii4 C0. =. insertsFF
OPoor little "le%ge of &utual lo$e,
) #oul% not hurt a hair of thee,
5lthough thy birth shoul% chance to "ro$e
Thy "arents' blissFF&y &isery.O;
)A0!.)PT)>A >A T/E C>A@CEAT >, 5 AEW,>@A'=5A' '>G. 81;
When so&e "rou% son of &an returns to earth,
@nkno#n to glory, but u"hel% by birth,
The scul"tor's art e-hausts the "o&" of #oe
5n% storie% urns recor% #ho rest belo#4
When all is %one, u"on the to&b is seen,
Aot #hat he #as, but #hat he shoul% ha$e been4
But the "oor %og, in life the fir&est frien%,
The first to #elco&e, fore&ost to %efen%,
Whose honest heart is still his &aster's o#n,
Who labours, fights, li$es, breathes for hi& alone,
@nhonour'% falls, unnotice% all his #orthFF
'enie% in hea$en the soul he hel% on earth4
While Can, $ain insect3 ho"es to be forgi$en,
5n% clai&s hi&self a sole e-clusi$e /ea$en.
>h Can3 thou feeble tenant of an hour,
'ebase% by sla$ery, or corru"t by "o#er,
Who kno#s thee #ell &ust Duit thee #ith %isgust,
'egra%e% &ass of ani&ate% %ust3
Thy lo$e is lust, thy frien%shi" all a cheat,
Thy s&iles hy"ocrisy, thy #or%s %eceit3
By nature $ile, ennoble% but by na&e,
Each kin%re% brute &ight bi% thee blush for sha&e.
*e3 #ho "erchance behol% this si&"le urn,
Pass onFFit honours none you #ish to &ourn4
To &ark a ,rien%'s re&ains these stones ariseI
) ne$er kne# but one,FFan% here he lies. 8i;
Ae#stea% 5bbey, >ctober <6, 1969. 8,irst "ublishe%, 1961.;
8,ootnote 14 This &onu&ent is "lace% in the gar%en of Ae#stea%.
5 "rose inscri"tion "rece%es the $erses4FF
(Aear this s"ot
5re %e"osite% the .e&ains of one
Who "ossesse% Beauty #ithout Vanity,
0trength #ithout )nsolence,
!ourage #ithout ,erocity,
5n% all the Virtues of Can #ithout his Vices.
This Praise, #hich #oul% be un&eaning ,lattery
)f inscribe% o$er hu&an ashes,
)s but a just tribute to the Ce&ory of
B>5T0W5)A, a 'og,
Who #as born at Ae#foun%lan%, Cay, 196<,
5n% %ie% at Ae#stea% 5bbey, Ao$. 19, 1969.(
Byron thus announce% the %eath of his fa$ourite to his frien%
/o%gson4FF(Boats#ain is %ea%3FFhe e-"ire% in a state of &a%ness on the
19th after suffering &uch, yet retaining all the gentleness of his
nature to the lastI ne$er atte&"ting to %o the least injury to any one
near hi&. ) ha$e no# lost e$erything e-ce"t ol% Curray.( )n the #ill
#hich the "oet e-ecute% in 1911, he %esire% to be burie% in the $ault
#ith his %og, an% ?oe Curray #as to ha$e the honour of &aking one of the
"arty. When the "oet #as on his tra$els, a gentle&an, to #ho& Curray
sho#e% the to&b, sai%, (Well, ol% boy, you #ill take your "lace here
so&e t#enty years hence.( () %on't kno# that, sir,( re"lie% ?oeI (if )
#as sure his lor%shi" #oul% co&e here ) shoul% like it #ell enough, but
) shoul% not like to lie alone #ith the %og.(FF'=ife', "". 2<, 1<1.;
8,ootnote i4
O) kne# but one unchang'%FFan% here he lies.FF
8O)&it. an% TranslO., ". 111.; ;
T> 5 =5'*, 81;
>A BE)AG 50BE' C* .E50>A ,>. L@)TT)AG EAG=5A' )A T/E 0P.)AG. 8i;
When Can, e-"ell'% fro& E%en's bo#ers,
5 &o&ent linger'% near the gate,
Each scene recall'% the $anish'% hours,
5n% ba%e hi& curse his future fate.
But, #an%ering on through %istant cli&es,
/e learnt to bear his loa% of griefI
?ust ga$e a sigh to other ti&es,
5n% foun% in busier scenes relief.
Thus, =a%y3 #ill it be #ith &e, 8ii;
5n% ) &ust $ie# thy char&s no &oreI
,or, #hile ) linger near to thee,
) sigh for all ) kne# before.
)n flight ) shall be surely #ise,
Esca"ing fro& te&"tation's snare4
) cannot $ie# &y Para%ise
Without the #ish of %#elling there. 8iii; 8;
'ece&ber , 1969. 8,irst "ublishe%, 1961.;
8,ootnote 14 Byron ha% #ritten to his &other on Ao$e&ber , 1969,
announcing his intention of sailing for )n%ia in the follo#ing Carch.
0ee '!hil%e /arol%', canto i. st. <. 0ee also =etter to /o%gson, Ao$.
2, 1969.;
8,ootnote 4 )n an un"ublishe% letter of Byron toFFFF, %ate% #ithin
a fe# %ays of his final %e"arture fro& )taly to Greece, in
19<, he #rites4
(Ciss !ha#orth #as t#o years ol%er than &yself. 0he &arrie% a &an of
an ancient an% res"ectable fa&ily, but her &arriage #as not a ha""ier
one than &y o#n. /er con%uct, ho#e$er, #as irre"roachableI but there
#as not sy&"athy bet#een their characters. ) ha% not seen her for &any
years #hen an occasion offere% to &e, ?anuary, 191K. ) #as u"on the
"oint, #ith her consent, of "aying her a $isit, #hen &y sister, #ho
has al#ays ha% &ore influence o$er &e than any one else, "ersua%e% &e
not to %o it. ',or,' sai% she, 'if you go you #ill fall in lo$e again,
an% then there #ill be a sceneI one ste" #ill lea% to another, 'et
cela fera un eclat''.(;
8,ootnote i4
'The ,are#ell To a =a%y.'
8')&it. an% Transl.';
8,ootnote ii4
'Thus Cary3' ECrs. CustersG.
8,ootnote iii4
'Without a #ish to enter there.'
8')&it. an% Transl'., ". 11:.; ;
,)== T/E G>B=ET 5G5)A. 8i;
5 0>AG.
,ill the goblet again3 for ) ne$er before
,elt the glo# #hich no# gla%%ens &y heart to its coreI
=et us %rink3FF#ho #oul% notMFFsince, through life's $arie% roun%,
)n the goblet alone no %ece"tion is foun%.
) ha$e trie% in its turn all that life can su""lyI
) ha$e bask'% in the bea& of a %ark rolling eyeI
) ha$e lo$'%3FF#ho has notMFFbut #hat heart can %eclare
That Pleasure e-iste% #hile Passion #as thereM
)n the %ays of &y youth, #hen the heart's in its s"ring,
5n% %rea&s that 5ffection can ne$er take #ing,
) ha% frien%s3FF#ho has notMFFbut #hat tongue #ill a$o#,
That frien%s, rosy #ine3 are so faithful as thouM
The heart of a &istress so&e boy &ay estrange,
,rien%shi" shifts #ith the sunbea&FFthou ne$er canst changeI
Thou gro#'st ol%FF#ho %oes notMFFbut on earth #hat a""ears,
Whose $irtues, like thine, still increase #ith its yearsM
*et if blest to the ut&ost that =o$e can besto#,
0houl% a ri$al bo# %o#n to our i%ol belo#,
We are jealous3FF#ho's notMFFthou hast no such alloyI
,or the &ore that enjoy thee, the &ore #e enjoy.
Then the season of youth an% its $anities "ast,
,or refuge #e fly to the goblet at lastI
There #e fin%FF%o #e notMFFin the flo# of the soul,
That truth, as of yore, is confine% to the bo#l.
When the bo- of Pan%ora #as o"en'% on earth,
5n% Cisery's triu&"h co&&enc'% o$er Cirth,
/o"e #as left,FF#as she notMFFbut the goblet #e kiss,
5n% care not for /o"e, #ho are certain of bliss.
=ong life to the gra"e3 for #hen su&&er is flo#n,
The age of our nectar shall gla%%en our o#n4
We &ust %ieFF#ho shall notMFFCay our sins be forgi$en,
5n% /ebe shall ne$er be i%le in /ea$en.
8,irst "ublishe%, 1961.;
8,ootnote i4
8')&it. an% Transl'., ". 6K.;
0T5AN50 T> 5 =5'*, >A =E5V)AG EAG=5A'. 8i;
Tis %oneFFan% shi$ering in the gale
The bark unfurls her sno#y sailI
5n% #histling o'er the ben%ing &ast,
=ou% sings on high the fresh'ning blastI
5n% ) &ust fro& this lan% be gone,
Because ) cannot lo$e but one.
But coul% ) be #hat ) ha$e been,
5n% coul% ) see #hat ) ha$e seenFF
!oul% ) re"ose u"on the breast
Which once &y #ar&est #ishes blestFF
) shoul% not seek another Hone,
Because ) cannot lo$e but one.
'Tis long since ) behel% that eye
Which ga$e &e bliss or &iseryI
5n% ) ha$e stri$en, but in $ain,
Ae$er to think of it again4
,or though ) fly fro& 5lbion,
) still can only lo$e but one.
5s so&e lone bir%, #ithout a &ate,
Cy #eary heart is %esolateI
) look aroun%, an% cannot trace
>ne frien%ly s&ile or #elco&e face,
5n% e$'n in cro#%s a& still alone,
Because ) cannot lo$e but one.
5n% ) #ill cross the #hitening foa&,
5n% ) #ill seek a foreign ho&eI
Till ) forget a false fair face,
) ne'er shall fin% a restingF"laceI
Cy o#n %ark thoughts ) cannot shun,
But e$er lo$e, an% lo$e but one.
The "oorest, $eriest #retch on earth
0till fin%s so&e hos"itable hearth,
Where ,rien%shi"'s or =o$e's softer glo#
Cay s&ile in joy or soothe in #oeI
But frien% or le&an ) ha$e none, 8ii;
Because ) cannot lo$e but one.
) goFFbut #heresoe'er ) flee
There's not an eye #ill #ee" for &eI
There's not a kin% congenial heart,
Where ) can clai& the &eanest "artI
Aor thou, #ho hast &y ho"es un%one,
Wilt sigh, although ) lo$e but one.
To think of e$ery early scene,
>f #hat #e are, an% #hat #e'$e been,
Woul% #hel& so&e softer hearts #ith #oeFF
But &ine, alas3 has stoo% the blo#I
*et still beats on as it begun,
5n% ne$er truly lo$es but one.
5n% #ho that %ear lo$'% one &ay be,
)s not for $ulgar eyes to seeI
5n% #hy that early lo$e #as cross'%,
Thou kno#'st the best, ) feel the &ostI
But fe# that %#ell beneath the sun
/a$e lo$e% so long, an% lo$e% but one.
)'$e trie% another's fetters too,
With char&s "erchance as fair to $ie#I
5n% ) #oul% fain ha$e lo$e% as #ell,
But so&e unconDuerable s"ell
,orba%e &y blee%ing breast to o#n
5 kin%re% care for aught but one.
'T#oul% soothe to take one lingering $ie#,
5n% bless thee in &y last a%ieuI
*et #ish ) not those eyes to #ee"
,or hi& that #an%ers o'er the %ee"I
/is ho&e, his ho"e, his youth are gone, 8iii;
*et still he lo$es, an% lo$es but one. 8i$;
1961. 8,irst "ublishe%, 1961.;
8,ootnote i4
'To Crs. Custers.'
'ToFFFFon =ea$ing Englan%.'
8')&it. an% Transl.', ". 2.;
8,ootnote ii4
'But frien% or lo$er ) ha$e none'.
8')&it. an% Transl'., ". 1.;;
8,ootnote iii4
'Though #heresoe$er &y bark &ay run,
) lo$e but thee, ) lo$e but one.'
8')&it. an% Transl.', ". <6.;
'The lan% rece%es his Bark is gone,
*et still he lo$es an% la$es but one.'
8,ootnote i$4
'*et far a#ay he lo$es but one.'
EAG=)0/ B5.'0, 5A' 0!>T!/ .EV)EWE.0I
5 05T).E.
=>.' B*.>A.
() ha% rather be a kitten, an% cry, &e#3
Than one of these sa&e &etre balla%F&ongers.(
(0uch sha&eless Bar%s #e ha$eI an% yet 'tis true,
There are as &a%, aban%on'% !ritics, too.(
P.E,5!E 81;
5ll &y frien%s, learne% an% unlearne%, ha$e urge% &e not to "ublish this
0atire #ith &y na&e. )f ) #ere to be (turne% fro& the career of &y
hu&our by Duibbles Duick, an% "a"er bullets of the brain( ) shoul% ha$e
co&"lie% #ith their counsel. But ) a& not to be terrifie% by abuse, or
bullie% by re$ie#ers, #ith or #ithout ar&s. ) can safely say that ) ha$e
attacke% none '"ersonally', #ho %i% not co&&ence on the offensi$e. 5n
5uthor's #orks are "ublic "ro"erty4 he #ho "urchases &ay ju%ge, an%
"ublish his o"inion if he "leasesI an% the 5uthors ) ha$e en%ea$oure% to
co&&e&orate &ay %o by &e as ) ha$e %one by the&. ) %are say they #ill
succee% better in con%e&ning &y scribblings, than in &en%ing their o#n.
But &y object is not to "ro$e that ) can #rite #ell, but, if '"ossible',
to &ake others #rite better.
5s the Poe& has &et #ith far &ore success than ) e-"ecte%, ) ha$e
en%ea$oure% in this E%ition to &ake so&e a%%itions an% alterations, to
ren%er it &ore #orthy of "ublic "erusal.
)n the ,irst E%ition of this 0atire, "ublishe% anony&ously, fourteen
lines on the subject of Bo#les's Po"e #ere #ritten by, an% inserte% at
the reDuest of, an ingenious frien% of &ine, 8; #ho has no# in the
"ress a $olu&e of Poetry. )n the "resent E%ition they are erase%, an%
so&e of &y o#n substitute% in their stea%I &y only reason for this being
that #hich ) concei$e #oul% o"erate #ith any other "erson in the sa&e
&anner,FFa %eter&ination not to "ublish #ith &y na&e any "ro%uction,
#hich #as not entirely an% e-clusi$ely &y o#n co&"osition.
With 8<; regar% to the real talents of &any of the "oetical "ersons
#hose "erfor&ances are &entione% or allu%e% to in the follo#ing "ages,
it is "resu&e% by the 5uthor that there can be little %ifference of
o"inion in the Public at largeI though, like other sectaries, each has
his se"arate tabernacle of "roselytes, by #ho& his abilities are
o$erFrate%, his faults o$erlooke%, an% his &etrical canons recei$e%
#ithout scru"le an% #ithout consi%eration. But the unDuestionable
"ossession of consi%erable genius by se$eral of the #riters here
censure% ren%ers their &ental "rostitution &ore to be regrette%.
)&becility &ay be "itie%, or, at #orst, laughe% at an% forgottenI
"er$erte% "o#ers %e&an% the &ost %eci%e% re"rehension. Ao one can #ish
&ore than the 5uthor that so&e kno#n an% able #riter ha% un%ertaken
their e-"osureI but Cr. Giffor% has %e$ote% hi&self to Cassinger, an%,
in the absence of the regular "hysician, a country "ractitioner &ay, in
cases of absolute necessity, be allo#e% to "rescribe his nostru& to
"re$ent the e-tension of so %e"lorable an e"i%e&ic, "ro$i%e% there be no
Duackery in his treat&ent of the &ala%y. 5 caustic is here offere%I as
it is to be feare% nothing short of actual cautery can reco$er the
nu&erous "atients afflicte% #ith the "resent "re$alent an% %istressing
rabies for rhy&ing.FF5s to the' E%inburgh .e$ie#ers', it #oul% in%ee%
reDuire an /ercules to crush the /y%raI but if the 5uthor succee%s in
&erely (bruising one of the hea%s of the ser"ent( though his o#n han%
shoul% suffer in the encounter, he #ill be a&"ly satisfie%.
8,ootnote 14 The Preface, as it is here "rinte%, #as "refi-e% to the
0econ%, Thir%, an% ,ourth E%itions of 'English Bar%s, an% 0cotch
.e$ie#ers'. The "reface to the ,irst E%ition began #ith the #or%s, (With
regar% to the real talents,( etc. The te-t of the "oe& follo#s that of
the su""resse% ,ifth E%ition, #hich "asse% un%er Byron's o#n
su"er$ision, an% #as to ha$e been issue% in 191. ,ro& that E%ition the
Preface #as altogether e-clu%e%.
)n an annotate% co"y of the ,ourth E%ition, of 1911, un%erneath the
note, (This "reface #as #ritten for the 0econ% E%ition, an% "rinte% #ith
it. The noble author ha% left this country "re$ious to the "ublication
of that E%ition, an% is not yet returne%,( Byron #rote, in 191:, (/e is,
an% gone again.(FFC0. Aotes fro& this $olu&e, #hich is no# in Cr.
Curray's "ossession, are &arke%FFB., 191:.;
8,ootnote 4 ?ohn !a& /obhouse.;
8,ootnote <4 Preface to the ,irst E%ition.;
)AT.>'@!T)>A T> EAG=)0/ B5.'0, 5A' 0!>T!/ .EV)EWE.0.
The article u"on '/ours of )%leness' (#hich =or% Brougha& ... after
%enying it for thirty years, confesse% that he ha% #ritten( E'Aotes fro&
a 'iary', by 0ir C. E. Grant 'uff, 1912, ii. 191G, #as "ublishe% in the
'E%inburgh .e$ie#' of ?anuary, 1969. 'English Bar%s, an% 0cotch
.e$ie#ers' %i% not a""ear till Carch, 1961. The article ga$e the
o""ortunity for the "ublication of the satire, but only in "art "ro$oke%
its co&"osition. *ears later, Byron ha% not forgotten its effect on his
&in%. >n 5"ril :, 191, he #rote to 0helley4 () recollect the effect on
&e of the E%inburgh on &y first "oe&4 it #as rage an% resistance an%
re%ress4 but not %es"on%ency nor %es"air.( 5n% on the sa&e %ate to
Curray4 () kno# by e-"erience that a sa$age re$ie# is he&lock to a
sucking authorI an% the one on &e E#hich "ro%uce% the 'English Bar%s',
etc.G knocke% &e %o#n, but ) got u" again,( etc. )t &ust, ho#e$er, be
re&e&bere% that Byron ha% his #ea"ons rea%y for an attack before he use%
the& in %efence. )n a letter to Ciss Pigot, %ate% >ctober :, 1962, he
says that (he has #ritten one "oe& of <96 lines to be "ublishe% in a fe#
#eeks #ith notes. The "oe& ... is a 0atire.( )t #as entitle% 'British
Bar%s', an% finally nu&bere% 76 lines. With a $ie# to "ublication, or
for his o#n con$enience, it #as "ut u" in ty"e an% "rinte% in Duarto
sheets. 5 single co"y, #hich he ke"t for corrections an% a%%itions, #as
"reser$e% by 'allas, an% is no# in the British Cuseu&. 5fter the re$ie#
a""eare%, he enlarge% an% recast the 'British Bar%s', an% in Carch,
1961, the 0atire #as "ublishe% anony&ously. Byron #as at no "ains to
conceal the authorshi" of 'English Bar%s, an% 0cotch .e$ie#ers', an%,
before starting on his Pilgri&age, he ha% "re"are% a secon% an% enlarge%
e%ition, #hich ca&e out in >ctober, 1961, #ith his na&e "refi-e%. T#o
&ore e%itions #ere calle% for in his absence, an% on his return he
re$ise% an% "rinte% a fifth, #hen he su%%enly resol$e% to su""ress the
#ork. >n his ho&e#ar% $oyage he e-"resse%, in a letter to 'allas, ?une
9, 1911, his regret at ha$ing #ritten the 0atire. 5 year later he
beca&e inti&ate, a&ong others, #ith =or% an% =a%y /ollan%, #ho& he ha%
assaile% on the su""osition that they #ere the instigators of the
article in the 'E%inburgh .e$ie#', an% on being tol% by .ogers that they
#ishe% the 0atire to be #ith%ra#n, he ga$e or%ers to his "ublisher,
!a#thorn, to burn the #hole i&"ression. 5 fe# co"ies esca"e% the fla&es.
>ne of t#o co"ies retaine% by 'allas, #hich after#ar%s belonge% to
Curray, an% is no# in his gran%son's "ossession, #as the foun%ation of
the te-t of 19<1, an% of all subseDuent issues. 5nother co"y #hich
belonge% to 'allas is retaine% in the British Cuseu&.
To#ar%s the close of the last century there ha% been an outburst of
satirical "oe&s, #ritten in the style of the ''uncia%' an% its offs"ring
the '.oscia%', >f these, Giffor%'s 'Ba$ia%' an% 'Ca$ia%' E121KF7G, an%
T. ?. Cathias' 'Pursuits of =iterature' E121KF2G, #ere the %irect
"rogenitors of 'English Bar%s, an% 0cotch .e$ie#ers', The '.ollia%'
E121KG, the '!hil%ren of 5"ollo' Ecirc. 121KG, !anning's 'Ae# Corality'
E1219G, an% Wolcot's coarse but $irile la&"oons, &ust also be reckone%
a&ong Byron's earlier &o%els. The &inistry of (5ll the Talents( ga$e
rise to a fresh batch of "olitical 'jeu- %'es"rits', an% in 1962, #hen
Byron #as still at !a&bri%ge, the air #as full of these e"he&era. To
na&e only a fe#, '5ll the Talents', by Poly"us EEaton 0tannar% BarrettG,
#as ans#ere% by '5ll the Blocks, an anti%ote to 5ll the Talents', by
,lagellu& EW. /. )relan%GI 'Elijah's Cantle, a tribute to the &e&ory of
the .. /. Willia& Pitt', by ?a&es 0ayer, the caricaturist, "ro$oke%
'Cel$ille's Cantle, being a Paro%y on ... Elijah's Cantle'. 'The
0i&"licia%, 5 0atiricoF'i%actic Poe&', an% =a%y 5nne /a&ilton's 'E"ics
of the Ton', are also of the sa&e "erio%. >ne an% all ha$e "erishe%, but
Byron rea% the&, an% in a greater or less %egree they su""lie% the
i&"ulse to #rite in the fashion of the %ay.
'British Bar%s' #oul% ha$e li$e%, but, unDuestionably, the s"ur of the
article, a year's %elay, an%, abo$e all, the a%$ice an% criticis& of his
frien% /o%gson, #ho #as at #ork on his 'Gentle 5lterati$e for the
.e$ie#ers', 1961 Efor further %etails, see $ol. i., '=etters', =etter
16, 'note' 1G, "ro%uce% the brilliant success of the enlarge% satire.
'English Bar%s, an% 0cotch .e$ie#ers' #as recogniHe% at once as a #ork
of genius. )t has interce"te% the "o"ularity of its great "re%ecessors,
#ho are often Duote%, but sel%o& rea%. )t is still a "o"ular "oe&, an%
a""eals #ith fresh %elight to rea%ers #ho kno# the na&es of &any of the
(bar%s( only because Byron &entions the&, an% count others #ho& he
ri%icules a&ong the greatest "oets of the century.
EAG=)0/ B5.'0 5A' 0!>T!/ .EV)EWE.0. 81;
0till 8; &ust ) hearMFFshall hoarse 8<; ,)TNGE.5=' ba#l
/is creaking cou"lets in a ta$ern hall,
5n% ) not sing, lest, ha"ly, 0cotch .e$ie#s
0houl% %ub &e scribbler, an% %enounce &y OCuseMO
Pre"are for rhy&eFF)'ll "ublish, right or #rong4
,ools are &y the&e, let 0atire be &y song. 8i;
>h3 Aature's noblest giftFF&y grey gooseFDuill3
0la$e of &y thoughts, obe%ient to &y #ill,
Torn fro& thy "arent bir% to for& a "en,
That &ighty instru&ent of little &en3 16
The "en3 fore%oo&e% to ai% the &ental throes
>f brains that labour, big #ith Verse or ProseI
Though Ay&"hs forsake, an% !ritics &ay %eri%e,
The =o$er's solace, an% the 5uthor's "ri%e.
What Wits3 #hat Poets %ost thou %aily raise3
/o# freDuent is thy use, ho# s&all thy "raise3
!on%e&ne% at length to be forgotten Duite,
With all the "ages #hich 't#as thine to #rite.
But thou, at least, &ine o#n es"ecial "en3 8ii;
>nce lai% asi%e, but no# assu&e% again, 6
>ur task co&"lete, like /a&et's 8K; shall be freeI
Though s"urne% by others, yet belo$e% by &e4
Then let us soar toF%ayI no co&&on the&e,
Ao Eastern $ision, no %iste&"ere% %rea& 87;
)ns"iresFFour "ath, though full of thorns, is "lainI
0&ooth be the $erse, an% easy be the strain.
When Vice triu&"hant hol%s her so$'reign s#ay,
>bey'% by all #ho nought besi%e obeyI 8iii;
When ,olly, freDuent harbinger of cri&e,
Be%ecks her ca" #ith bells of e$ery !li&eI 8i$; <6
When kna$es an% fools co&bine% o'er all "re$ail,
5n% #eigh their ?ustice in a Gol%en 0caleI 8$;
E'en then the bol%est start fro& "ublic sneers,
5frai% of 0ha&e, unkno#n to other fears,
Core %arkly sin, by 0atire ke"t in a#e,
5n% shrink fro& .i%icule, though not fro& =a#.
0uch is the force of Wit3 ) but not belong
To &e the arro#s of satiric songI
The royal $ices of our age %e&an%
5 keener #ea"on, an% a &ightier han%. 8$i; K6
0till there are follies, e'en for &e to chase,
5n% yiel% at least a&use&ent in the race4
=augh #hen ) laugh, ) seek no other fa&e,
The cry is u", an% scribblers are &y ga&e4
0"ee%, Pegasus3FFye strains of great an% s&all,
>%e3 E"ic3 Elegy3FFha$e at you all3
), too, can scra#l, an% once u"on a ti&e
) "oure% along the to#n a floo% of rhy&e,
5 schoolboy freak, un#orthy "raise or bla&eI
) "rinte%FFol%er chil%ren %o the sa&e. 76
'Tis "leasant, sure, to see one's na&e in "rintI
5 Book's a Book, altho' there's nothing in't.
Aot that a Title's soun%ing char& can sa$e 8$ii;
>r scra#l or scribbler fro& an eDual gra$e4
This =5CB 8:; &ust o#n, since his "atrician na&e
,aile% to "reser$e the s"urious ,arce fro& sha&e. 82;
Ao &atter, GE>.GE continues still to #rite, 89;
Tho' no# the na&e is $eile% fro& "ublic sight.
Co$e% by the great e-a&"le, ) "ursue
The selfFsa&e roa%, but &ake &y o#n re$ie#4 :6
Aot seek great ?E,,.E*'0, yet like hi& #ill be
0elfFconstitute% ?u%ge of Poesy.
5 &an &ust ser$e his ti&e to e$ery tra%e
0a$e !ensureFF!ritics all are rea%y &a%e.
Take hackneye% jokes fro& C)==E., 81; got by rote,
With just enough of learning to &isDuoteI
5 &an #ell skille% to fin%, or forge a faultI
5 turn for "unningFFcall it 5ttic saltI
To ?E,,.E* go, be silent an% %iscreet,
/is "ay is just ten sterling "oun%s "er sheet4 26
,ear not to lie,'t#ill see& a Oshar"erO hitI 8$iii;
0hrink not fro& blas"he&y, 't#ill "ass for #itI
!are not for feelingFF"ass your "ro"er jest,
5n% stan% a !ritic, hate% yet caress'%.
5n% shall #e o#n such ju%g&entM noFFas soon
0eek roses in 'ece&berFFice in ?uneI
/o"e constancy in #in%, or corn in chaff,
Belie$e a #o&an or an e"ita"h,
>r any other thing that's false, before
*ou trust in !ritics, #ho the&sel$es are soreI 96
>r yiel% one single thought to be &isle%
By ?E,,.E*'0 heart, or =5CB'0 Boeotian hea%. 816;
To these young tyrants, by the&sel$es &is"lace%,
!o&bine% usur"ers on the Throne of TasteI
To these, #hen 5uthors ben% in hu&ble a#e,
5n% hail their $oice as Truth, their #or% as =a#I
While these are !ensors, 't#oul% be sin to s"areI 811;
While such are !ritics, #hy shoul% ) forbearM
But yet, so near all &o%ern #orthies run,
'Tis %oubtful #ho& to seek, or #ho& to shunI 16
Aor kno# #e #hen to s"are, or #here to strike,
>ur Bar%s an% !ensors are so &uch alike.
Then shoul% you ask &e, 81; #hy ) $enture o'er
The "ath #hich P>PE an% G),,>.' 81<; tro% beforeI
)f not yet sickene%, you can still "rocee%I
Go onI &y rhy&e #ill tell you as you rea%.
(But hol%3( e-clai&s a frien%,FF(here's so&e neglect4
ThisFFthatFFan% t'other line see& incorrect.(
What thenM the selfFsa&e blun%er Po"e has got,
5n% careless 'ry%enFF(5ye, but Pye has not4(FF 166
)n%ee%3FF'tis grante%, faith3FFbut #hat care )M
Better to err #ith P>PE, than shine #ith P*E. 81K;
Ti&e #as, ere yet in these %egenerate %ays 817;
)gnoble the&es obtaine% &istaken "raise,
When 0ense an% Wit #ith Poesy allie%,
Ao fable% Graces, flourishe% si%e by si%e,
,ro& the sa&e fount their ins"iration %re#,
5n%, reare% by Taste, bloo&e% fairer as they gre#.
Then, in this ha""y )sle, a P>PE'0 "ure strain
0ought the ra"t soul to char&, nor sought in $ainI 116
5 "olishe% nation's "raise as"ire% to clai&,
5n% raise% the "eo"le's, as the "oet's fa&e.
=ike hi& great '.*'EA "oure% the ti%e of song,
)n strea& less s&ooth, in%ee%, yet %oubly strong.
Then !>AG.EVE'0 scenes coul% cheer, or >TW5*'0 &eltI 81:;
,or Aature then an English au%ience feltFF
But #hy these na&es, or greater still, retrace,
When all to feebler Bar%s resign their "laceM
*et to such ti&es our lingering looks are cast,
When taste an% reason #ith those ti&es are "ast. 16
Ao# look aroun%, an% turn each trifling "age,
0ur$ey the "recious #orks that "lease the ageI
This truth at least let 0atire's self allo#,
Ao %earth of Bar%s can be co&"laine% of no#. 8i-;
The loa%e% Press beneath her labour groans, 8-;
5n% Printers' %e$ils shake their #eary bonesI
While 0>@T/E*'0 E"ics cra& the creaking shel$es, 8-i;
5n% =)TT=E'0 =yrics shine in hotF"resse% t#el$es. 812;
Thus saith the OPreacherO4 (Aought beneath the sun
)s ne#,( 819; yet still fro& change to change #e run. 1<6
What $arie% #on%ers te&"t us as they "ass3
The !o#F"o-, Tractors, Gal$anis&, an% Gas, 811;
)n turns a""ear, to &ake the $ulgar stare,
Till the s#oln bubble burstsFFan% all is air3
Aor less ne# schools of Poetry arise,
Where %ull "reten%ers gra""le for the "riHe4
>'er Taste a#hile these Pseu%oFbar%s "re$ailI 8-ii;
Each country BookFclub bo#s the knee to Baal,
5n%, hurling la#ful Genius fro& the throne,
Erects a shrine an% i%ol of its o#nI 8-iii; 1K6
0o&e lea%en calfFFbut #ho& it &atters not,
,ro& soaring 0>@T/E*, %o#n to gro$eling 0T>TT. 86;
Behol%3 in $arious throngs the scribbling cre#,
,or notice eager, "ass in long re$ie#4
Each s"urs his ja%e% Pegasus a"ace,
5n% .hy&e an% Blank &aintain an eDual raceI
0onnets on sonnets cro#%, an% o%e on o%eI
5n% Tales of Terror 81; jostle on the roa%I
)&&easurable &easures &o$e alongI
,or si&"ering ,olly lo$es a $arie% song, 176
To strange, &ysterious 'ulness still the frien%,
5%&ires the strain she cannot co&"rehen%.
Thus =ays of Cinstrels 8;FF&ay they be the last3FF
>n halfFstrung har"s #hine &ournful to the blast.
While &ountain s"irits "rate to ri$er s"rites,
That %a&es &ay listen to the soun% at nightsI
5n% goblin brats, of Gil"in /orner's 8<; broo%
'ecoy young Bor%erFnobles through the #oo%,
5n% ski" at e$ery ste", =or% kno#s ho# high,
5n% frighten foolish babes, the =or% kno#s #hyI 1:6
While highFborn la%ies in their &agic cell,
,orbi%%ing Bnights to rea% #ho cannot s"ell,
'es"atch a courier to a #iHar%'s gra$e,
5n% fight #ith honest &en to shiel% a kna$e.
Ae-t $ie# in state, "rou% "rancing on his roan,
The gol%enFcreste% haughty Car&ion,
Ao# forging scrolls, no# fore&ost in the fight,
Aot Duite a ,elon, yet but half a Bnight. 8-i$;
The gibbet or the fiel% "re"are% to graceI
5 &ighty &i-ture of the great an% base. 126
5n% think'st thou, 0!>TT3 by $ain conceit "erchance,
>n "ublic taste to foist thy stale ro&ance,
Though C@..5* #ith his C)==E. &ay co&bine
To yiel% thy &use just halfFaFcro#n "er lineM 8K;
Ao3 #hen the sons of song %escen% to tra%e,
Their bays are sear, their for&er laurels fa%e,
=et such forego the "oet's sacre% na&e,
Who rack their brains for lucre, not for fa&e4
0till for stern Ca&&on &ay they toil in $ain3 87;
5n% sa%ly gaHe on Gol% they cannot gain3 196
0uch be their &ee%, such still the just re#ar% 8-$;
>f "rostitute% Cuse an% hireling bar%3
,or this #e s"urn 5"ollo's $enal son,
5n% bi% a long (goo% night to Car&ion.( 8:;
These are the the&es that clai& our "lau%its no#I
These are the Bar%s to #ho& the Cuse &ust bo#I
While C)=T>A, '.*'EA, P>PE, alike forgot,
.esign their hallo#e% Bays to W5=TE. 0!>TT.
The ti&e has been, #hen yet the Cuse #as young,
When />CE. s#e"t the lyre, an% C5.> sung, 116
5n E"ic scarce ten centuries coul% clai&,
While a#eFstruck nations haile% the &agic na&e4
The #ork of each i&&ortal Bar% a""ears
The single #on%er of a thousan% years. 82;
E&"ires ha$e &oul%ere% fro& the face of earth,
Tongues ha$e e-"ire% #ith those #ho ga$e the& birth,
Without the glory such a strain can gi$e,
5s e$en in ruin bi%s the language li$e.
Aot so #ith us, though &inor Bar%s, content, 8-$i;
>n one great #ork a life of labour s"ent4 66
With eagle "inion soaring to the skies,
Behol% the Balla%F&onger 0>@T/E* rise3
To hi& let !5C>EA0, C)=T>A, T500> yiel%,
Whose annual strains, like ar&ies, take the fiel%.
,irst in the ranks see ?oan of 5rc a%$ance,
The scourge of Englan% an% the boast of ,rance3
Though burnt by #icke% BE',>.' for a #itch,
Behol% her statue "lace% in Glory's nicheI
/er fetters burst, an% just release% fro& "rison,
5 $irgin Phoeni- fro& her ashes risen. 16
Ae-t see tre&en%ous Thalaba co&e on, 89;
5rabia's &onstrous, #il%, an% #on%'rous sonI
'o&%aniel's %rea% %estroyer, #ho o'erthre#
Core &a% &agicians than the #orl% e'er kne#.
)&&ortal /ero3 all thy foes o'erco&e,
,or e$er reignFFthe ri$al of To& Thu&b3 81;
0ince startle% Cetre fle% before thy face,
Well #ert thou %oo&e% the last of all thy race3
Well &ight triu&"hant Genii bear thee hence,
)llustrious conDueror of co&&on sense3 6
Ao#, last an% greatest, Ca%oc s"rea%s his sails,
!aciDue in Ce-ico, 8<6; an% Prince in WalesI
Tells us strange tales, as other tra$ellers %o,
Core ol% than Can%e$ille's, an% not so true.
>h, 0>@T/E*3 0>@T/E*3 8<1; cease thy $arie% song3
5 bar% &ay chaunt too often an% too long4
5s thou art strong in $erse, in &ercy, s"are3
5 fourth, alas3 #ere &ore than #e coul% bear.
But if, in s"ite of all the #orl% can say,
Thou still #ilt $erse#ar% "lo% thy #eary #ayI <6
)f still in BerkeleyFBalla%s &ost unci$il,
Thou #ilt %e$ote ol% #o&en to the %e$il, 8<;
The babe unborn thy %rea% intent &ay rue4
(Go% hel" thee,( 0>@T/E*, 8<<; an% thy rea%ers too.
Ae-t co&es the %ull %isci"le of thy school, 8<K;
That &il% a"ostate fro& "oetic rule,
The si&"le W>.'0W>.T/, fra&er of a lay
5s soft as e$ening in his fa$ourite Cay,
Who #arns his frien% (to shake off toil an% trouble,
5n% Duit his books, for fear of gro#ing %oubleI( 8<7; K6
Who, both by "rece"t an% e-a&"le, sho#s
That "rose is $erse, an% $erse is &erely "roseI
!on$incing all, by %e&onstration "lain,
Poetic souls %elight in "rose insaneI
5n% !hrist&as stories torture% into rhy&e
!ontain the essence of the true subli&e.
Thus, #hen he tells the tale of Betty ,oy,
The i%iot &other of (an i%iot BoyI(
5 &oonFstruck, silly la%, #ho lost his #ay,
5n%, like his bar%, confoun%e% night #ith %ay 8<:; 76
0o close on each "athetic "art he %#ells,
5n% each a%$enture so subli&ely tells,
That all #ho $ie# the (i%iot in his glory(
!oncei$e the Bar% the hero of the story.
0hall gentle !>=E.)'GE "ass unnotice% here, 8<2;
To turgi% o%e an% tu&i% stanHa %earM
Though the&es of innocence a&use hi& best,
*et still >bscurity's a #elco&e guest.
)f )ns"iration shoul% her ai% refuse
To hi& #ho takes a Pi-y for a &use, 8<9; :6
*et none in lofty nu&bers can sur"ass
The bar% #ho soars to elegiHe an ass4
0o #ell the subject suits his noble &in%, 8-$ii;
/e brays, the =aureate of the longFeare% kin%. 8-$iii;
>h3 #on%erF#orking =EW)03 8<1; Conk, or Bar%,
Who fain #oul% &ake Parnassus a churchFyar%3 8-i-;
=o3 #reaths of ye#, not laurel, bin% thy bro#,
Thy Cuse a 0"rite, 5"ollo's se-ton thou3
Whether on ancient to&bs thou tak'st thy stan%,
By gibb'ring s"ectres haile%, thy kin%re% ban%I 26
>r tracest chaste %escri"tions on thy "age,
To "lease the fe&ales of our &o%est ageI
5ll hail, C.P.3 8K6; fro& #hose infernal brain
ThinFsheete% "hanto&s gli%e, a grisly trainI
5t #hose co&&an% (gri& #o&en( throng in cro#%s,
5n% kings of fire, of #ater, an% of clou%s,
With (s&all grey &en,(FF(#il% yagers,( an% #hat not,
To cro#n #ith honour thee an% W5=TE. 0!>TT4
5gain, all hail3 if tales like thine &ay "lease,
0t. =uke alone can $anDuish the %isease4 96
E$en 0atan's self #ith thee &ight %rea% to %#ell,
5n% in thy skull %iscern a %ee"er /ell.
Who in soft guise, surroun%e% by a choir
>f $irgins &elting, not to Vesta's fire,
With s"arkling eyes, an% cheek by "assion flushe%
0trikes his #il% lyre, #hilst listening %a&es are hushe%M
'Tis =)TT=E3 young !atullus of his %ay,
5s s#eet, but as i&&oral, in his =ay3
Grie$e% to con%e&n, the Cuse &ust still be just,
Aor s"are &elo%ious a%$ocates of lust. 16
Pure is the fla&e #hich o'er her altar burnsI
,ro& grosser incense #ith %isgust she turns
*et kin% to youth, this e-"iation o'er,
0he bi%s thee (&en% thy line, an% sin no &ore.( 8--;
,or thee, translator of the tinsel song,
To #ho& such glittering orna&ents belong,
/ibernian 0T.5AG,>.'3 #ith thine eyes of blue, 8K1;
5n% boaste% locks of re% or auburn hue,
Whose "lainti$e strain each lo$eFsick Ciss a%&ires,
5n% o'er har&onious fustian half e-"ires, 8--i; <66
=earn, if thou canst, to yiel% thine author's sense,
Aor $en% thy sonnets on a false "retence.
Think'st thou to gain thy $erse a higher "lace,
By %ressing !a&oens 8K; in a suit of laceM
Cen%, 0T.5AG,>.'3 &en% thy &orals an% thy tasteI
Be #ar&, but "ureI be a&orous, but be chaste4
!ease to %ecei$eI thy "ilfere% har" restore,
Aor teach the =usian Bar% to co"y C>>.E.
Behol%FF*e Tarts3FFone &o&ent s"are the te-t3 8--ii;FF
/5*=E*'0 last #ork, an% #orstFFuntil his ne-tI <16
Whether he s"in "oor cou"lets into "lays,
>r %a&n the %ea% #ith "urgatorial "raise, 8K<;
/is style in youth or age is still the sa&e,
,or e$er feeble an% for e$er ta&e.
Triu&"hant first see (Te&"er's Triu&"hs( shine3
5t least )'& sure they triu&"he% o$er &ine.
>f (Cusic's Triu&"hs,( all #ho rea% &ay s#ear
That luckless Cusic ne$er triu&"h'% there. 8KK;
Cora$ians, rise3 besto# so&e &eet re#ar% 8K7;
>n %ull %e$otionFF=o3 the 0abbath Bar%, <6
0e"ulchral G.5/5CE, 8K:; "ours his notes subli&e
)n &angle% "rose, nor e'en as"ires to rhy&eI
Breaks into blank the Gos"el of 0t. =uke, 8--iii;
5n% bol%ly "ilfers fro& the PentateuchI
5n%, un%isturbe% by conscientious Dual&s,
Per$erts the Pro"hets, an% "urloins the Psal&s.
/ail, 0y&"athy3 thy soft i%ea brings( 8--i$;
5 thousan% $isions of a thousan% things,
5n% sho#s, still #hi&"ering thro' threescore of years, 8--$;
The &au%lin "rince of &ournful sonneteers. <<6
5n% art thou not their "rince, har&onious Bo#les3 8K2;
Thou first, great oracle of ten%er soulsM
Whether the& sing'st #ith eDual ease, an% grief, 8--$i;
The fall of e&"ires, or a yello# leafI
Whether thy &use &ost la&entably tells
What &erry soun%s "rocee% fro& >-for% bells, 8--$ii;
>r, still in bells %elighting, fin%s a frien%
)n e$ery chi&e that jingle% fro& >sten%I
5h3 ho# &uch juster #ere thy Cuse's ha",
)f to thy bells thou #oul%'st but a%% a ca"3 8--$iii; <K6
'elightful B>W=E03 still blessing an% still blest,
5ll lo$e thy strain, but chil%ren like it best.
'Tis thine, #ith gentle =)TT=E'0 &oral song,
To soothe the &ania of the a&orous throng3
With thee our nursery %a&sels she% their tears,
Ere Ciss as yet co&"letes her infant years4
But in her teens thy #hining "o#ers are $ainI
0he Duits "oor B>W=E0 for =)TT=E'0 "urer strain.
Ao# to soft the&es thou scornest to confine 8--i-;
The lofty nu&bers of a har" like thineI <76
(5#ake a lou%er an% a loftier strain,( 8K9;
0uch as none hear% before, or #ill again3
Where all %isco$eries ju&ble% fro& the floo%,
0ince first the leaky ark re"ose% in &u%,
By &ore or less, are sung in e$ery book,
,ro& !a"tain Aoah %o#n to !a"tain !ook.
Aor this aloneFFbut, "ausing on the roa%,
The Bar% sighs forth a gentle e"iso%e, 8---; 8K1;
5n% gra$ely tellsFFatten%, each beauteous Ciss3FF
When first Ca%eira tre&ble% to a kiss. <:6
Bo#les3 in thy &e&ory let this "rece"t %#ell,
0tick to thy 0onnets, Can3FFat least they sell.
But if so&e ne#Fborn #hi&, or larger bribe,
Pro&"t thy cru%e brain, an% clai& thee for a scribe4
)f 'chance so&e bar%, though once by %unces feare%,
Ao#, "rone in %ust, can only be re$ere%I
)f Po"e, #hose fa&e an% genius, fro& the first, 8---i;
/a$e foile% the best of critics, nee%s the #orst,
'o thou essay4 each fault, each failing scanI
The first of "oets #as, alas3 but &an. <26
.ake fro& each ancient %unghill e$'ry "earl,
!onsult =or% ,anny, an% confi%e in !@.==I 876;
=et all the scan%als of a for&er age
Perch on thy "en, an% flutter o'er thy "ageI
5ffect a can%our #hich thou canst not feel,
!lothe en$y in a garb of honest HealI
Write, as if 0t. ?ohn's soul coul% still ins"ire,
5n% %o fro& hate #hat C5==ET 871; %i% for hire.
>h3 ha%st thou li$e% in that congenial ti&e,
To ra$e #ith 'EAA)0, an% #ith .5=P/ to rhy&eI 87; <96
Thronge% #ith the rest aroun% his li$ing hea%,
Aot raise% thy hoof against the lion %ea%,
5 &eet re#ar% ha% cro#ne% thy glorious gains,
5n% linke% thee to the 'uncia% for thy "ains. 87<;
5nother E"ic3 Who inflicts again
Core books of blank u"on the sons of &enM
Boeotian !>TT=E, rich Bristo#a's boast,
)&"orts ol% stories fro& the !a&brian coast,
5n% sen%s his goo%s to &arketFFall ali$e3
=ines forty thousan%, !antos t#entyFfi$e3 <16
,resh fish fro& /i""ocrene3 87K; #ho'll buyM #ho'll buyM
The "recious bargain's chea"FFin faith, not ).
*our turtleFfee%er's $erse &ust nee%s be flat, 8---ii;
Though Bristol bloat hi& #ith the $er%ant fatI
)f !o&&erce fills the "urse, she clogs the brain,
5n% 5C>0 !>TT=E strikes the =yre in $ain.
)n hi& an author's luckless lot behol%3
!on%e&ne% to &ake the books #hich once he sol%.
>h, 5C>0 !>TT=E3FFPhoebus3 #hat a na&e
To fill the s"eakingFtru&" of future fa&e3FF K66
>h, 5C>0 !>TT=E3 for a &o&ent think
What &eagre "rofits s"ring fro& "en an% ink3
When thus %e$ote% to "oetic %rea&s,
Who #ill "eruse thy "rostitute% rea&sM
>h3 "en "er$erte%3 "a"er &isa""lie%3
/a% !>TT=E 877; still a%orne% the counter's si%e,
Bent o'er the %esk, or, born to useful toils,
Been taught to &ake the "a"er #hich he soils,
Ploughe%, %el$e%, or "lie% the oar #ith lusty li&b,
/e ha% not sung of Wales, nor ) of hi&. K16
5s 0isy"hus against the infernal stee"
.olls the huge rock #hose &otions ne'er &ay slee",
0o u" thy hill, a&brosial .ich&on%3 hea$es
'ull C5@.)!E 87:; all his granite #eight of lea$es4
0&ooth, soli% &onu&ents of &ental "ain3
The "etrifactions of a "lo%%ing brain,
That, ere they reach the to", fall lu&bering back again.
With broken lyre an% cheek serenely "ale,
=o3 sa% 5lcaeus #an%ers %o#n the $aleI
Though fair they rose, an% &ight ha$e bloo&e% at last, K6
/is ho"es ha$e "erishe% by the northern blast4
Ai""e% in the bu% by !ale%onian gales,
/is blosso&s #ither as the blast "re$ails3
>'er his lost #orks let OclassicO 0/E,,)E=' #ee"I
Cay no ru%e han% %isturb their early slee"3 872;
*et say3 #hy shoul% the Bar%, at once, resign 8---iii;
/is clai& to fa$our fro& the sacre% AineM
,or e$er startle% by the &ingle% ho#l
>f Aorthern Wol$es, that still in %arkness "ro#lI
5 co#ar% Broo%, #hich &angle as they "rey, K<6
By hellish instinct, all that cross their #ayI
5ge% or young, the li$ing or the %ea%,( 8---i$;
Ao &ercy fin%Fthese har"ies &ust be fe%.
Why %o the injure% unresisting yiel%
The cal& "ossession of their nati$e fiel%M
Why ta&ely thus before their fangs retreat,
Aor hunt the bloo%Fhoun%s back to 5rthur's 0eatM 879;
/ealth to i&&ortal ?E,,.E*3 once, in na&e,
Englan% coul% boast a ju%ge al&ost the sa&eI 871;
)n soul so like, so &erciful, yet just, KK6
0o&e think that 0atan has resigne% his trust,
5n% gi$en the 0"irit to the #orl% again,
To sentence =etters, as he sentence% &en.
With han% less &ighty, but #ith heart as black,
With $oice as #illing to %ecree the rackI
Bre% in the !ourts beti&es, though all that la#
5s yet hath taught hi& is to fin% a fla#,FF
0ince #ell instructe% in the "atriot school
To rail at "arty, though a "arty toolFF
Who kno#sM if chance his "atrons shoul% restore K76
Back to the s#ay they forfeite% before,
/is scribbling toils so&e reco&"ense &ay &eet,
5n% raise this 'aniel to the ?u%g&entF0eat. 8:6;
=et ?E,,.E*'0 sha%e in%ulge the "ious ho"e,
5n% greeting thus, "resent hi& #ith a ro"e4
(/eir to &y $irtues3 &an of eDual &in%3
0kille% to con%e&n as to tra%uce &ankin%,
This cor% recei$e3 for thee reser$e% #ith care,
To #iel% in ju%g&ent, an% at length to #ear.(
/ealth to great ?E,,.E*3 /ea$en "reser$e his life, K:6
To flourish on the fertile shores of ,ife,
5n% guar% it sacre% in its future #ars,
0ince authors so&eti&es seek the fiel% of Cars3
!an none re&e&ber that e$entful %ay, 8---$; 8:1;
That e$erFglorious, al&ost fatal fray,
When =)TT=E'0 lea%less "istol &et his eye, 8:;
5n% Bo#Fstreet Cyr&i%ons stoo% laughing byM
>h, %ay %isastrous3 on her fir&Fset rock,
'une%in's castle felt a secret shockI
'ark rolle% the sy&"athetic #a$es of ,orth, K26
=o# groane% the startle% #hirl#in%s of the northI
TWEE' ruffle% half his #a$es to for& a tear,
The other half "ursue% his cal& careerI 8:<;
5.T/@.'0 stee" su&&it no%%e% to its base,
The surly Tolbooth scarcely ke"t her "lace.
The Tolbooth feltFFfor &arble so&eti&es can,
>n such occasions, feel as &uch as &anFF
The Tolbooth felt %efrau%e% of his char&s,
)f ?E,,.E* %ie%, e-ce"t #ithin her ar&s4 8:K;
Aay last, not least, on that "ortentous &orn, K96
The si-teenth story, #here hi&self #as born,
/is "atri&onial garret, fell to groun%,
5n% "ale E%ina shu%%ere% at the soun%4
0tre#e% #ere the streets aroun% #ith &ilkF#hite rea&s,
,lo#e% all the !anongate #ith inky strea&sI
This of his can%our see&e% the sable %e#,
That of his $alour sho#e% the bloo%less hueI
5n% all #ith justice %ee&e% the t#o co&bine%
The &ingle% e&ble&s of his &ighty &in%.
But !ale%onia's go%%ess ho$ere% o'er K16
The fiel%, an% sa$e% hi& fro& the #rath of CooreI
,ro& either "istol snatche% the $engeful lea%,
5n% straight restore% it to her fa$ourite's hea%I
That hea%, #ith greater than &agnetic "o#er,
!aught it, as 'anaee caught the gol%en sho#er,
5n%, though the thickening %ross #ill scarce refine,
5ug&ents its ore, an% is itself a &ine.
(Cy son,( she crie%, (ne'er thirst for gore again,
.esign the "istol an% resu&e the "enI
>'er "olitics an% "oesy "resi%e, 766
Boast of thy country, an% Britannia's gui%e3
,or long as 5lbion's hee%less sons sub&it,
>r 0cottish taste %eci%es on English #it,
0o long shall last thine un&oleste% reign,
Aor any %are to take thy na&e in $ain.
Behol%, a chosen ban% shall ai% thy "lan,
5n% o#n thee chieftain of the critic clan.
,irst in the oatFfe% "halan- 8:7; shall be seen
The tra$elle% Thane, 5thenian 5ber%een. 8::;
/E.BE.T shall #iel% T/>.'0 ha&&er, 8:2; an% so&eti&es 716
)n gratitu%e, thou'lt "raise his rugge% rhy&es.
0&ug 0*'AE* 8:9; too thy bitter "age shall seek,
5n% classic /5==5C, 8:1; &uch reno#ne% for GreekI
0!>TT &ay "erchance his na&e an% influence len%,
5n% "altry P)==5A0 826; shall tra%uce his frien%I
While gay Thalia's luckless $otary, =5CB, 8---$i; 821;
'a&ne% like the 'e$ilFF'e$ilFlike #ill %a&n.
Bno#n be thy na&e3 unboun%e% be thy s#ay3
Thy />==5A''0 banDuets shall each toil re"ay3
While grateful Britain yiel%s the "raise she o#es 76
To />==5A''0 hirelings an% to =earning's foes.
*et &ark one caution ere thy ne-t .e$ie#
0"rea% its light #ings of 0affron an% of Blue,
Be#are lest blun%ering B.>@G/5C 82; %estroy the sale,
Turn Beef to Bannocks, !auliflo#ers to Bail.(
Thus ha$ing sai%, the kilte% Go%%ess kist
/er son, an% $anishe% in a 0cottish &ist. 82<;
Then "ros"er, ?E,,.E*3 "ertest of the train 82K;
Who& 0cotlan% "a&"ers #ith her fiery grain3
Whate$er blessing #aits a genuine 0cot, 7<6
)n %ouble "ortion s#ells thy glorious lotI
,or thee E%ina culls her e$ening s#eets,
5n% sho#ers their o%ours on thy can%i% sheets,
Whose /ue an% ,ragrance to thy #ork a%hereFF
This scents its "ages, an% that gil%s its rear. 827;
=o3 blushing )tch, coy ny&"h, ena&oure% gro#n,
,orsakes the rest, an% clea$es to thee alone,
5n%, too unjust to other Pictish &en,
Enjoys thy "erson, an% ins"ires thy "en3
)llustrious />==5A'3 har% #oul% be his lot, 7K6
/is hirelings &entione%, an% hi&self forgot3 82:;
/>==5A', #ith /EA.* PETT* 822; at his back,
The #hi""erFin an% hunts&an of the "ack.
Blest be the banDuets s"rea% at /ollan% /ouse,
Where 0cotch&en fee%, an% !ritics &ay carouse3
=ong, long beneath that hos"itable roof 8---$ii;
0hall GrubFstreet %ine, #hile %uns are ke"t aloof.
0ee honest /5==5C 829; lay asi%e his fork,
.esu&e his "en, re$ie# his =or%shi"'s #ork,
5n%, grateful for the %ainties on his "late, 8---$iii; 776
'eclare his lan%lor% can at least translate3 821;
'une%in3 $ie# thy chil%ren #ith %elight,
They #rite for foo%FFan% fee% because they #rite4 8---i-;
5n% lest, #hen heate% #ith the unusual gra"e,
0o&e glo#ing thoughts shoul% to the "ress esca"e,
5n% tinge #ith re% the fe&ale rea%er's cheek,
Cy la%y ski&s the crea& of each critiDueI
Breathes o'er the "age her "urity of soul,
.efor&s each error, an% refines the #hole. 896;
Ao# to the 'ra&a turnFF>h3 &otley sight3 7:6
What "recious scenes the #on%ering eyes in$ite4
Puns, an% a Prince #ithin a barrel "ent, 8-l; 891;
5n% 'ib%in's nonsense yiel% co&"lete content. 89;
Though no#, thank /ea$en3 the .oscio&ania's o'er. 89<;
5n% fullFgro#n actors are en%ure% once &oreI
*et #hat a$ail their $ain atte&"ts to "lease,
While British critics suffer scenes like theseI
While .E*A>='0 $ents his ('%a&&es3'( ("oohs3( an%
(Houn%s3( 8-li; 89K;
5n% co&&onF"lace an% co&&on sense confoun%sM
While BEAAE*'0 897; (Worl%(FFah3 #here is BEAAE*'0 #itM 8-lii;FF 726
Tires the sa% gallery, lulls the listless PitI
5n% BE5@C>AT'0 "ilfere% !aratach affor%s
5 trage%y co&"lete in all but #or%sM 8-liii;
Who but &ust &ourn, #hile these are all the rage
The %egra%ation of our $aunte% stageM
/ea$ens3 is all sense of sha&e an% talent goneM
/a$e #e no li$ing Bar% of &eritMFFnoneM
5#ake, GE>.GE !>=C5A3 89:; !@CBE.=5A', a#ake3892;
.ing the alaru& bell3 let folly Duake3
>h3 0/E.)'5A3 if aught can &o$e thy "en, 796
=et !o&e%y assu&e her throne againI 8-li$;
5bjure the &u&&ery of Ger&an schoolsI
=ea$e ne# PiHarros to translating foolsI 899;
Gi$e, as thy last &e&orial to the age,
>ne classic %ra&a, an% refor& the stage.
Go%s3 o'er those boar%s shall ,olly rear her hea%,
Where G5..)!B tro%, an% 0)''>A0 li$es to trea%M 8-l$; 891;
>n those shall ,arce %is"lay buffoonery's &ask,
5n% />>B conceal his heroes in a caskM 816;
0hall sa"ient &anagers ne# scenes "ro%uce 716
,ro& !/E..*, 811; 0BE,,)AGT>A, 81; an% Cother G>>0EM 8-l$i; 81<;
While 0/5BE0PE5.E, >TW5*, C500)AGE., forgot,
>n stalls &ust &oul%er, or in closets rotM
=o3 #ith #hat "o&" the %aily "rints "roclai&
The ri$al can%i%ates for 5ttic fa&e3
)n gri& array though =EW)0' s"ectres rise,
0till 0BE,,)AGT>A an% G>>0E %i$i%e the "riHe.
5n% sure 'great' 0keffington &ust clai& our "raise,
,or skirtless coats an% skeletons of "lays
.eno#ne% alikeI #hose genius ne'er confines :66
/er flight to garnish Green#oo%'s gay %esignsI 8-l$ii; 81K;
Aor slee"s #ith (0lee"ing Beauties,( but anon
)n fi$e facetious acts co&es thun%ering on.
While "oor ?ohn Bull, be#il%ere% #ith the scene,
0tares, #on%ering #hat the %e$il it can &eanI
But as so&e han%s a""lau%, a $enal fe#3
.ather than slee", #hy ?ohn a""lau%s it too.
0uch are #e no#. 5h3 #herefore shoul% #e turn
To #hat our fathers #ere, unless to &ournM
'egenerate Britons3 are ye %ea% to sha&e, :16
>r, kin% to %ulness, %o you fear to bla&eM
Well &ay the nobles of our "resent race
Watch each %istortion of a A5=')'0 faceI
Well &ay they s&ile on )taly's buffoons,
5n% #orshi" !5T5=5A)'s "antaloons, 817;
0ince their o#n 'ra&a yiel%s no fairer trace
>f #it than "uns, of hu&our than gri&ace. 81:;
Then let 5usonia, skill'% in e$ery art
To soften &anners, but corru"t the heart,
Pour her e-otic follies o'er the to#n, :6
To sanction Vice, an% hunt 'ecoru& %o#n4
=et #e%%e% stru&"ets languish o'er 'E0/5*E0,
5n% bless the "ro&ise #hich his for& %is"laysI
While Gayton boun%s before th' enra"ture% looks
>f hoary CarDuises, an% stri"ling 'ukes4
=et highFborn lechers eye the li$ely Presle
T#irl her light li&bs, that s"urn the nee%less $eilI
=et 5ngiolini bare her breast of sno#,
Wa$e the #hite ar&, an% "oint the "liant toeI
!ollini trill her lo$eFins"iring song, :<6
0train her fair neck, an% char& the listening throng3
Whet 812; not your scythe, 0u""ressors of our Vice3
.efor&ing 0aints3 too %elicately nice3
By #hose %ecrees, our sinful souls to sa$e,
Ao 0un%ay tankar%s foa&, no barbers sha$eI
5n% beer un%ra#n, an% bear%s un&o#n, %is"lay
*our holy re$erence for the 0abbathF%ay.
>r hail at once the "atron an% the "ile
>f $ice an% folly, Gre$ille an% 5rgyle3 819;
Where yon "rou% "alace, ,ashion's hallo#'% fane, :K6
0"rea%s #i%e her "ortals for the &otley train,
Behol% the ne# Petronius 811; of the %ay, 8-l$iii;
>ur arbiter of "leasure an% of "lay3
There the hire% eunuch, the /es"erian choir,
The &elting lute, the soft lasci$ious lyre,
The song fro& )taly, the ste" fro& ,rance,
The &i%night orgy, an% the &aHy %ance,
The s&ile of beauty, an% the flush of #ine,
,or fo"s, fools, ga&esters, kna$es, an% =or%s co&bine4
Each to his hu&ourFF!o&us all allo#sI :76
!ha&"aign, %ice, &usic, or your neighbour's s"ouse.
Talk not to us, ye star$ing sons of tra%e3
>f "iteous ruin, #hich oursel$es ha$e &a%eI
)n Plenty's sunshine ,ortune's &inions bask,
Aor think of Po$erty, e-ce"t (en &asDue,( 8166;
When for the night so&e lately title% ass
5""ears the beggar #hich his gran%sire #as,
The curtain %ro""e%, the gay Burletta o'er,
The au%ience take their turn u"on the floor4
Ao# roun% the roo& the circling %o#'gers s#ee", ::6
Ao# in loose #altH the thinFcla% %aughters lea"I
The first in lengthene% line &ajestic s#i&,
The last %is"lay the free unfettere% li&b3
Those for /ibernia's lusty sons re"air
With art the char&s #hich Aature coul% not s"areI
These after husban%s #ing their eager flight,
Aor lea$e &uch &ystery for the nu"tial night.
>h3 blest retreats of infa&y an% ease,
Where, all forgotten but the "o#er to "lease,
Each &ai% &ay gi$e a loose to genial thought, :26
Each s#ain &ay teach ne# syste&s, or be taught4
There the blithe youngster, just returne% fro& 0"ain,
!uts the light "ack, or calls the rattling &ainI
The jo$ial !aster's set, an% se$en's the Aick,
>rFF%one3FFa thousan% on the co&ing trick3
)f, &a% #ith loss, e-istence 'gins to tire,
5n% all your ho"e or #ish is to e-"ire,
/ere's P>WE=='0 8161; "istol rea%y for your life,
5n%, kin%er still, t#o P5GET0 for your #ife4 8-li-;
,it consu&&ation of an earthly race :96
Begun in folly, en%e% in %isgrace,
While none but &enials o'er the be% of %eath,
Wash thy re% #oun%s, or #atch thy #a$ering breathI
Tra%uce% by liars, an% forgot by all,
The &angle% $icti& of a %runken bra#l,
To li$e like !=>')@0, 816; an% like ,5=B=5A' fall.816<;
Truth3 rouse so&e genuine Bar%, an% gui%e his han%
To %ri$e this "estilence fro& out the lan%.
E'en )FFleast thinking of a thoughtless throng,
?ust skille% to kno# the right an% choose the #rong, :16
,ree% at that age #hen .eason's shiel% is lost,
To fight &y course through Passion's countless host, 816K;
Who& e$ery "ath of Pleasure's flo#'ry #ay
/as lure% in turn, an% all ha$e le% astrayFF
E'en ) &ust raise &y $oice, e'en ) &ust feel
0uch scenes, such &en, %estroy the "ublic #eal4
5ltho' so&e kin%, censorious frien% #ill say,
(What art thou better, &e%%ling fool, 8167; than theyM(
5n% e$ery Brother .ake #ill s&ile to see
That &iracle, a Coralist in &e. 266
Ao &atterFF#hen so&e Bar% in $irtue strong,
Giffor% "erchance, shall raise the chastening song,
Then slee" &y "en for e$er3 an% &y $oice
Be only hear% to hail hi&, an% rejoice,
.ejoice, an% yiel% &y feeble "raise, though )
Cay feel the lash that Virtue &ust a""ly.
5s for the s&aller fry, #ho s#ar& in shoals
,ro& silly /5,)N u" to si&"le B>W=E0, 816:;
Why shoul% #e call the& fro& their %ark abo%e,
)n Broa% 0t. Giles's or Tottenha&F.oa%M 216
>r Esince so&e &en of fashion nobly %are
To scra#l in $erseG fro& Bon%Fstreet or the 0DuareM 8l;
)f things of Ton their har&less lays in%ite,
Cost #isely %oo&e% to shun the "ublic sight,
What har&M in s"ite of e$ery critic elf,
0ir T. &ay rea% his stanHas to hi&selfI
C)=E0 5A'.EW0 8162; still his strength in cou"lets try,
5n% li$e in "rologues, though his %ra&as %ie.
=or%s too are Bar%s4 such things at ti&es befall,
5n% 'tis so&e "raise in Peers to #rite at all. 26
*et, %i% or Taste or .eason s#ay the ti&es,
5h3 #ho #oul% take their titles #ith their rhy&esM 8169;
.>0!>CC>A3 8161; 0/E,,)E='3 8116; #ith your s"irits fle%, 8111;
Ao future laurels %eck a noble hea%I
Ao Cuse #ill cheer, #ith reno$ating s&ile,
The "aralytic "uling of !5.=)0=E. 8li; 811;
The "uny schoolboy an% his early lay
Cen "ar%on, if his follies "ass a#ayI
But #ho forgi$es the 0enior's ceaseless $erse,
Whose hairs gro# hoary as his rhy&es gro# #orseM 2<6
What heterogeneous honours %eck the Peer3
=or%, rhy&ester, "etitF&aitre, "a&"hleteer3 811<;
0o %ull in youth, so %ri$elling in his age,
/is scenes alone ha% %a&ne% our sinking stageI
But Canagers for once crie%, (/ol%, enough3(
Aor %rugge% their au%ience #ith the tragic stuff.
*et at their ju%g&ent let his =or%shi" laugh, 8lii;
5n% case his $olu&es in congenial calfI
*es3 %off that co$ering, #here Corocco shines,
5n% hang a calfFskin on those recreant lines. 811K; 2K6
With you, ye 'rui%s3 rich in nati$e lea%,
Who %aily scribble for your %aily brea%4
With you ) #ar not4 G),,>.''0 hea$y han%
/as crushe%, #ithout re&orse, your nu&erous ban%.
>n (5ll the Talents( $ent your $enal s"leenI 8117;
Want is your "lea, let Pity be your screen.
=et Cono%ies on ,o- regale your cre#,
5n% Cel$ille's Cantle 811:; "ro$e a Blanket too3
>ne co&&on =ethe #aits each ha"less Bar%,
5n%, "eace be #ith you3 'tis your best re#ar%. 276
0uch %a&ning fa&eI as 'uncia%s only gi$e 8liii;
!oul% bi% your lines beyon% a &orning li$eI
But no# at once your fleeting labours close,
With na&es of greater note in blest re"ose.
,ar be't fro& &e unkin%ly to u"brai%
The lo$ely .>05'0 "rose in &asDuera%e,
Whose strains, the faithful echoes of her &in%,
=ea$e #on%ering co&"rehension far behin%. 8112;
Though !rusca's bar%s no &ore our journals fill, 8119;
0o&e stragglers skir&ish roun% the colu&ns stillI 2:6
=ast of the ho#ling host #hich once #as Bell's, 8li$;
Catil%a sni$els yet, an% /afiH yellsI
5n% Cerry's 8111; &eta"hors a""ear ane#,
!haine% to the signature of >. P. L. 816;
When so&e brisk youth, the tenant of a stall,
E&"loys a "en less "ointe% than his a#l,
=ea$es his snug sho", forsakes his store of shoes,
0t. !ris"in Duits, an% cobbles for the Cuse,
/ea$ens3 ho# the $ulgar stare3 ho# cro#%s a""lau%3
/o# la%ies rea%, an% =iterati lau%3 811; 226
)f chance so&e #icke% #ag shoul% "ass his jest,
'Tis sheer illFnatureFF%on't the #orl% kno# bestM
Genius &ust gui%e #hen #its a%&ire the rhy&e,
5n% !5PE= =>,,T 81; %eclares 'tis Duite subli&e.
/ear, then, ye ha""y sons of nee%less tra%e3
0#ains3 Duit the "lough, resign the useless s"a%e3
=o3 B@.A0 an% B=>>C,)E=', nay, a greater far,
G),,>.' #as born beneath an a%$erse star,
,orsook the labours of a ser$ile state,
0te&&e% the ru%e stor&, an% triu&"he% o$er ,ate4 296
Then #hy no &oreM if Phoebus s&ile% on you,
B=>>C,)E='3 #hy not on brother Aathan tooM 81<;
/i& too the Cania, not the Cuse, has seiHe%I
Aot ins"iration, but a &in% %isease%4
5n% no# no Boor can seek his last abo%e,
Ao co&&on be inclose% #ithout an o%e.
>h3 since increase% refine&ent %eigns to s&ile
>n Britain's sons, an% bless our genial )sle,
=et Poesy go forth, "er$a%e the #hole,
5like the rustic, an% &echanic soul3 216
*e tuneful cobblers3 still your notes "rolong,
!o&"ose at once a sli""er an% a songI
0o shall the fair your han%y#ork "eruse,
*our sonnets sure shall "leaseFF"erha"s your shoes.
Cay Coorlan% #ea$ers 81K; boast Pin%aric skill,
5n% tailors' lays be longer than their bill3
While "unctual beau- re#ar% the grateful notes,
5n% "ay for "oe&sFF#hen they "ay for coats.
To the fa&e% throng no# "ai% the tribute %ue, 8l$;
Aeglecte% Genius3 let &e turn to you. 966
!o&e forth, oh !5CPBE==3 gi$e thy talents sco"eI
Who %ares as"ire if thou &ust cease to ho"eM
5n% thou, &elo%ious .>GE.03 rise at last,
.ecall the "leasing &e&ory of the "astI 817;
5rise3 let blest re&e&brance still ins"ire,
5n% strike to #onte% tones thy hallo#e% lyreI
.estore 5"ollo to his $acant throne,
5ssert thy country's honour an% thine o#n.
What3 &ust %eserte% Poesy still #ee"
Where her last ho"es #ith "ious !>WPE. slee"M 916
@nless, "erchance, fro& his col% bier she turns,
To %eck the turf that #ra"s her &instrel, B@.A03
Ao3 though conte&"t hath &arke% the s"urious broo%,
The race #ho rhy&e fro& folly, or for foo%,
*et still so&e genuine sons 'tis hers to boast,
Who, least affecting, still affect the &ost4 8l$i;
,eel as they #rite, an% #rite but as they feelFF
Bear #itness G),,>.', 81:; 0>T/EB*, 812; C5!AE)=. 819;
(Why slu&bers G),,>.'M( once #as aske% in $ainI
Why slu&bers G),,>.'M let us ask again. 811; 96
5re there no follies for his "en to "urgeM
5re there no fools #hose backs %e&an% the scourgeM
5re there no sins for 0atire's Bar% to greetM
0talks not gigantic Vice in e$ery streetM
0hall Peers or Princes trea% "ollution's "ath,
5n% 'sca"e alike the =a#s an% Cuse's #rathM
Aor blaHe #ith guilty glare through future ti&e,
Eternal beacons of consu&&ate cri&eM
5rouse thee, G),,>.'3 be thy "ro&ise clai&e%,
Cake ba% &en better, or at least asha&e%. 9<6
@nha""y W/)TE3 81<6; #hile life #as in its s"ring,
5n% thy young Cuse just #a$e% her joyous #ing,
The 0"oiler s#e"t that soaring =yre a#ay, 8l$ii; 81<1;
Which else ha% soun%e% an i&&ortal lay.
>h3 #hat a noble heart #as here un%one,
When 0cience' self %estroye% her fa$ourite son3
*es, she too &uch in%ulge% thy fon% "ursuit,
0he so#e% the see%s, but 'eath has rea"e% the fruit.
'T#as thine o#n Genius ga$e the final blo#,
5n% hel"e% to "lant the #oun% that lai% thee lo#4 9K6
0o the struck Eagle, stretche% u"on the "lain,
Ao &ore through rolling clou%s to soar again,
Vie#e% his o#n feather on the fatal %art,
5n% #inge% the shaft that Dui$ere% in his heartI
Been #ere his "angs, but keener far to feel
/e nurse% the "inion #hich i&"elle% the steelI
While the sa&e "lu&age that ha% #ar&e% his nest
'rank the last lifeF%ro" of his blee%ing breast.
There be #ho say, in these enlightene% %ays,
That s"len%i% lies are all the "oet's "raiseI 976
That straine% )n$ention, e$er on the #ing,
5lone i&"els the &o%ern Bar% to sing4
Tis true, that all #ho rhy&eFFnay, all #ho #rite,
0hrink fro& that fatal #or% to GeniusFFTriteI
*et Truth so&eti&es #ill len% her noblest fires,
5n% %ecorate the $erse herself ins"ires4
This fact in Virtue's na&e let !.5BBE 81<; attestI
Though Aature's sternest Painter, yet the best.
5n% here let 0/EE 81<<; an% Genius fin% a "lace,
Whose "en an% "encil yiel% an eDual graceI 9:6
To gui%e #hose han% the sister 5rts co&bine,
5n% trace the Poet's or the Painter's lineI
Whose &agic touch can bi% the can$as glo#,
>r "our the easy rhy&e's har&onious flo#I
While honours, %oubly &erite%, atten% 8l$iii;
The Poet's ri$al, but the Painter's frien%.
Blest is the &an #ho %ares a""roach the bo#er
Where %#elt the Cuses at their natal hourI
Whose ste"s ha$e "resse%, #hose eye has &arke% afar,
The cli&e that nurse% the sons of song an% #ar, 926
The scenes #hich Glory still &ust ho$er o'er,
/er "lace of birth, her o#n 5chaian shore.
But %oubly blest is he #hose heart e-"an%s
With hallo#e% feelings for those classic lan%sI
Who ren%s the $eil of ages long gone by,
5n% $ie#s their re&nants #ith a "oet's eye3
W.)G/T3 81<K; 't#as thy ha""y lot at once to $ie#
Those shores of glory, an% to sing the& tooI
5n% sure no co&&on Cuse ins"ire% thy "en
To hail the lan% of Go%s an% Go%like &en. 996
5n% you, associate Bar%s3 81<7; #ho snatche% to light 8l$i-;
Those ge&s too long #ithhel% fro& &o%ern sightI
Whose &ingling taste co&bine% to cull the #reath
While 5ttic flo#ers 5onian o%ours breathe,
5n% all their reno$ate% fragrance flung,
To grace the beauties of your nati$e tongueI
Ao# let those &in%s, that nobly coul% transfuse
The glorious 0"irit of the Grecian Cuse,
Though soft the echo, scorn a borro#e% tone4 8l-;
.esign 5chaia's lyre, an% strike your o#n. 916
=et these, or such as these, #ith just a""lause, 8l-i;
.estore the Cuse's $iolate% la#sI
But not in fli&sy '5.W)A'0 81<:; "o&"ous chi&e, 8l-ii;
That &ighty &aster of un&eaning rhy&e,
Whose gil%e% cy&bals, &ore a%orne% than clear,
The eye %elighte%, but fatigue% the ear,
)n sho# the si&"le lyre coul% once sur"ass,
But no#, #orn %o#n, a""ear in nati$e brassI
While all his train of ho$ering syl"hs aroun%
E$a"orate in si&iles an% soun%4 166
/i& let the& shun, #ith hi& let tinsel %ie4
,alse glare attracts, but &ore offen%s the eye. 81<2;
*et let the& not to $ulgar W>.'0W>.T/ 81<9; stoo",
The &eanest object of the lo#ly grou",
Whose $erse, of all but chil%ish "rattle $oi%,
0ee&s blesse% har&ony to =5CB an% ==>*'4 81<1;
=et the&FFbut hol%, &y Cuse, nor %are to teach
5 strain far, far beyon% thy hu&ble reach4
The nati$e genius #ith their being gi$en
Will "oint the "ath, an% "eal their notes to hea$en. 116
5n% thou, too, 0!>TT3 81K6; resign to &instrels ru%e
The #il%er 0logan of a Bor%er feu%4
=et others s"in their &eagre lines for hireI
Enough for Genius, if itself ins"ire3
=et 0>@T/E* sing, altho' his tee&ing &use, 8l-iii;
Prolific e$ery s"ring, be too "rofuseI
=et si&"le W>.'0W>.T/ 81K1; chi&e his chil%ish $erse,
5n% brother !>=E.)'GE lull the babe at nurse 8l-i$;
=et 0"ectreF&ongering =EW)0 ai&, at &ost, 8l-$;
To rouse the Galleries, or to raise a ghostI 16
=et C>>.E still sighI let 0T.5AG,>.' steal fro& C>>.E, 8l-$i;
5n% s#ear that !5C>EA0 sang such notes of yoreI
=et /5*=E* hobble on, C>ATG>CE.* ra$e,
5n% go%ly G.5/5CE chant a stu"i% sta$eI
=et sonneteering B>W=E0 81K; his strains refine,
5n% #hine an% #hi&"er to the fourteenth lineI
=et 0T>TT, !5.=)0=E, 81K<; C5T)='5, an% the rest
>f Grub 0treet, an% of Gros$enor Place the best,
0cra#l on, 'till %eath release us fro& the strain,
>r !o&&on 0ense assert her rights againI 1<6
But Thou, #ith "o#ers that &ock the ai% of "raise,
0houl%'st lea$e to hu&bler Bar%s ignoble lays4
Thy country's $oice, the $oice of all the Aine,
'e&an% a hallo#e% har"FFthat har" is thine.
0ay3 #ill not !ale%onia's annals yiel%
The glorious recor% of so&e nobler fiel%,
Than the $ile foray of a "lun%ering clan,
Whose "rou%est %ee%s %isgrace the na&e of &anM
>r Car&ion's acts of %arkness, fitter foo%
,or 0/E.W>>''0 outla# tales of .>B)A />>'M 8l-$ii; 1K6
0cotlan%3 still "rou%ly clai& thy nati$e Bar%,
5n% be thy "raise his first, his best re#ar%3
*et not #ith thee alone his na&e shoul% li$e,
But o#n the $ast reno#n a #orl% can gi$eI
Be kno#n, "erchance, #hen 5lbion is no &ore,
5n% tell the tale of #hat she #as beforeI
To future ti&es her fa%e% fa&e recall,
5n% sa$e her glory, though his country fall.
*et #hat a$ails the sanguine Poet's ho"e,
To conDuer ages, an% #ith ti&e to co"eM 176
Ae# eras s"rea% their #ings, ne# nations rise,
5n% other Victors fill th' a""lau%ing skiesI 81KK;
5 fe# brief generations fleet along,
Whose sons forget the Poet an% his song4
E'en no#, #hat onceFlo$e% Cinstrels scarce &ay clai&
The transient &ention of a %ubious na&e3
When ,a&e's lou% tru&" hath blo#n its noblest blast,
Though long the soun%, the echo slee"s at lastI
5n% glory, like the Phoeni- 81K7; &i%st her fires,
E-hales her o%ours, blaHes, an% e-"ires. 1:6
0hall hoary Granta call her sable sons,
E-"ert in science, &ore e-"ert at "unsM
0hall these a""roach the CuseM ah, no3 she flies,
E$en fro& the te&"ting ore of 0eaton's "riHeI 8l-$iii;
Though Printers con%escen% the "ress to soil
With rhy&e by />5.E, 81K:; an% e"ic blank by />*=E4 8l-i-; 81K2;
Aot hi& #hose "age, if still u"hel% by #hist,
.eDuires no sacre% the&e to bi% us list. 81K9;
*e3 #ho in Granta's honours #oul% sur"ass,
Cust &ount her Pegasus, a fullFgro#n assI 126
5 foal #ell #orthy of her ancient 'a&,
Whose /elicon 81K1; is %uller than her !a&. 8l--;
There !=5.BE, 8176; still stri$ing "iteously (to "lease,( 8l--i;
,orgetting %oggerel lea%s not to %egrees,
5 #oul%Fbe satirist, a hire% Buffoon,
5 &onthly scribbler of so&e lo# =a&"oon, 8171;
!on%e&ne% to %ru%ge, the &eanest of the &ean,
5n% furbish falsehoo%s for a &agaHine,
'e$otes to scan%al his congenial &in%I
/i&self a li$ing libel on &ankin%. 196
>h3 %ark asylu& of a Van%al race3 817;
5t once the boast of learning, an% %isgrace3
0o lost to Phoebus, that nor /o%gson's 817<; $erse
!an &ake thee better, nor "oor /e#son's 817K; #orse. 8l--ii;
But #here fair )sis rolls her "urer #a$e,
The "artial Cuse %elighte% lo$es to la$eI
>n her green banks a greener #reath she #o$e, 8l--iii;
To cro#n the Bar%s that haunt her classic gro$eI
Where .)!/5.'0 #akes a genuine "oet's fires,
5n% &o%ern Britons glory in their 0ires. 8177; 8l--i$; 116
,or &e, #ho, thus unaske%, ha$e %are% to tell
Cy country, #hat her sons shoul% kno# too #ell, 8l--$;
Neal for her honour ba%e &e here engage 8l--$i;
The host of i%iots that infest her ageI
Ao just a""lause her honoure% na&e shall lose,
5s first in free%o&, %earest to the Cuse.
>h3 #oul% thy bar%s but e&ulate thy fa&e,
5n% rise &ore #orthy, 5lbion, of thy na&e3
What 5thens #as in science, .o&e in "o#er,
What Tyre a""eare% in her &eri%ian hour, 1666
'Tis thine at once, fair 5lbion3 to ha$e beenFF
Earth's chief 'ictatress, >cean's lo$ely Lueen4 8l--$ii;
But .o&e %ecaye%, an% 5thens stre#e% the "lain,
5n% Tyre's "rou% "iers lie shattere% in the &ainI
=ike these, thy strength &ay sink, in ruin hurle%, 8l--$iii;
5n% Britain fall, the bul#ark of the #orl%.
But let &e cease, an% %rea% !assan%ra's fate,
With #arning e$er scoffe% at, till too lateI
To the&es less lofty still &y lay confine,
5n% urge thy Bar%s to gain a na&e like thine. 817:; 1616
Then, ha"less Britain3 be thy rulers blest,
The senate's oracles, the "eo"le's jest3
0till hear thy &otley orators %is"ense
The flo#ers of rhetoric, though not of sense,
While !5AA)AG'0 colleagues hate hi& for his #it,
5n% ol% %a&e P>.T=5A' 8172; fills the "lace of P)TT.
*et once again, a%ieu3 ere this the sail
That #afts &e hence is shi$ering in the galeI
5n% 5fric's coast an% !al"e's a%$erse height, 8179;
5n% 0ta&boul's &inarets &ust greet &y sight4 166
Thence shall ) stray through Beauty's nati$e cli&e, 8171;
Where Baff 81:6; is cla% in rocks, an% cro#ne% #ith sno#s subli&e.
But shoul% ) back return, no te&"ting "ress 8l--i-;
0hall %rag &y ?ournal fro& the %esk's recessI
=et co-co&bs, "rinting as they co&e fro& far,
0natch his o#n #reath of .i%icule fro& !arrI
=et 5BE.'EEA an% E=G)A 81:1; still "ursue
The sha%e of fa&e through regions of VirtuI
Waste useless thousan%s on their Phi%ian freaks,
Cissha"en &onu&ents an% &ai&e% antiDuesI 16<6
5n% &ake their gran% saloons a general &art
,or all the &utilate% blocks of art4
>f 'ar%an tours let 'ilettanti tell,
) lea$e to"ogra"hy to ra"i% 81:; GE==I 81:<;
5n%, Duite content, no &ore shall inter"ose
To stun the "ublic earFFat least #ith Prose. 8l---;
Thus far )'$e hel% &y un%isturbe% career,
Pre"are% for rancour, steele% 'gainst selfish fearI
This thing of rhy&e ) ne'er %is%aine% to o#nFF
Though not obtrusi$e, yet not Duite unkno#n4 16K6
Cy $oice #as hear% again, though not so lou%,
Cy "age, though na&eless, ne$er %isa$o#e%I
5n% no# at once ) tear the $eil a#ay4FF
!heer on the "ack3 the Luarry stan%s at bay,
@nscare% by all the %in of CE=B>@.AE house, 81:K;
By =5CB'0 resent&ent, or by />==5A''0 s"ouse,
By ?E,,.E*'0 har&less "istol, /5==5C'0 rage,
E%ina's bra#ny sons an% bri&stone "age.
>ur &en in buckra& shall ha$e blo#s enough,
5n% feel they too are ("enetrable stuff4( 1676
5n% though ) ho"e not hence unscathe% to go,
Who conDuers &e shall fin% a stubborn foe.
The ti&e hath been, #hen no harsh soun% #oul% fall
,ro& li"s that no# &ay see& i&bue% #ith gallI
Aor fools nor follies te&"t &e to %es"ise
The &eanest thing that cra#le% beneath &y eyes4
But no#, so callous gro#n, so change% since youth,
)'$e learne% to think, an% sternly s"eak the truthI
=earne% to %eri%e the critic's starch %ecree,
5n% break hi& on the #heel he &eant for &eI 16:6
To s"urn the ro% a scribbler bi%s &e kiss,
Aor care if courts an% cro#%s a""lau% or hiss4
Aay &ore, though all &y ri$al rhy&esters fro#n,
) too can hunt a Poetaster %o#nI
5n%, ar&e% in "roof, the gauntlet cast at once
To 0cotch &arau%er, an% to 0outhern %unce.
Thus &uch )'$e %are%I if &y incon%ite lay 8l---;
/ath #ronge% these righteous ti&es, let others say4
This, let the #orl%, #hich kno#s not ho# to s"are,
*et rarely bla&es unjustly, no# %eclare. 81:7; 1626
8,ootnote 14 (The 'bin%ing' of this $olu&e is consi%erably too $aluable
for the contents. Aothing but the consi%eration of its being the
"ro"erty of another, "re$ents &e fro& consigning this &iserable recor%
of &is"lace% anger an% in%iscri&inate acri&ony to the fla&es.(FFB.,
8,ootnote 4 )C)T5T)>A.
(0e&"er ego au%itor tantu&M nunDua&ne re"ona&,
Ve-atus toties, rauci Thesei%e !o%riM(
?@VEA5=, '0atire )'.l. 1.;
8,ootnote <4 ('/oarse ,itHgeral%'.FF(.ight enoughI but #hy notice such
a &ountebankM(FFB., 191:.
Cr. ,itHgeral%, facetiously ter&e% by !obbett the (0&all Beer Poet,(
inflicts his annual tribute of $erse on the =iterary ,un%4 not content
#ith #riting, he s"outs in "erson, after the co&"any ha$e i&bibe% a
reasonable Duantity of ba% "ort, to enable the& to sustain the
8Willia& Tho&as ,itHgeral% Ecirc. 1271F191G "laye% the "art of
unofficial "oet laureate. /is loyal recitations #ere re"orte% by the
ne#s"a"ers. /e "ublishe%, 'inter alia', 'Aelson's Triu&"h' E1219G,
'Tears of /ibernia, %is"elle% by the @nion' E196G, an% 'Aelson's To&b'
E196:G. /e o#es his fa&e to the first line of 'English Bar%s', an% the
fa&ous "aro%y in '.ejecte% 5%%resses'. The follo#ing 'jeu- %es"rits'
#ere transcribe% by .. !. 'allas on a blank leaf of a co"y of the ,ifth
(Written on a co"y of 'English Bar%s' at the '5lfre%' by W. T.
,itHgeral%, EsD.FF
) fin% =or% Byron scorns &y Cuse,
>ur ,ates are ill agree%I
The Verse is safe, ) can't abuse
Those lines, ) ne$er rea%.
0igne% W. T. ,.(
5ns#er #ritten on the sa&e "age by =or% ByronFF
(What's #rit on &e,( cries ,itH, () ne$er rea%(3
What's #rit by thee, %ear ,itH, none #ill, in%ee%.
The case stan%s si&"ly thus, then, honest ,itH,
Thou an% thine ene&ies are fairly DuitsI
>r rather #oul% be, if for ti&e to co&e,
They luckily #ere '%eaf', or thou #ert %u&bI
But to their "ens #hile scribblers a%% their tongues.
The Waiter only can esca"e their lungs. 85;;
Q0ubF,ootnote 6.14 !o&"are '/ints fro& /orace', l. 969, 'note' 1.R
8,ootnote K4 !i% /a&et Benengeli "ro&ises re"ose to his "en, in the last
cha"ter of ''on Lui-ote'. >h3 that our $olu&inous gentry #oul% follo#
the e-a&"le of !i% /a&et Benengeli3;
8,ootnote 74 (This &ust ha$e been #ritten in the s"irit of "ro"hecy.(
EB., 191:.G;
8,ootnote :4 (/e's a $ery goo% fello#I an%, e-ce"t his &other an%
sister, the best of the set, to &y &in%.(FFB., 191:. 8Willia&
E1221F19K9G an% George E129KF19<KG =a&b, sons of 0ir Peniston =a&b
EViscount Celbourne, 199G, by EliHabeth, only %aughter of 0ir .al"h
Cilbanke, #ere =a%y Byron's first cousins. Willia& &arrie%, in 1967,
=a%y !aroline Ponsonby, the #riter of 'Glenar$on'. George, #ho #as one
of the early contributors to the 'E%inburgh .e$ie#', &arrie% in 1961
!aroline .osalie 5%elai%e 0t. ?ules. 5t the ti&e of the se"aration, =a%y
!aroline =a&b an% Crs. George =a&b #ar&ly es"ouse% =a%y Byron's cause,
=a%y Celbourne an% her %aughter =a%y !o#"er Eafter#ar%s =a%y Pal&erstonG
#ere rather against than for =a%y Byron. Willia& =a&b #as %iscreetly
silent, an% George =a&b %eclai&e% against =a%y Byron, calling her a
%FFFF% fool. /ence =or% Byron's "raises of George. !f. line 712 of
'English Bar%s'.;
8,ootnote 24 This ingenuous youth is &entione% &ore "articularly, #ith
his "ro%uction, in another "lace. E'Vi%e "ost', l. 71:.G
(0"urious Brat( 8see $ariant ii. ". <66;, that is the farceI the
ingenuous youth #ho begat it is &entione% &ore "articularly #ith his
offs"ring in another "lace. 8'Aote. C0. C.'; 8The farce 'Whistle for )t'
#as "erfor&e% t#o or three ti&es at !o$ent Gar%en Theatre in 1962.;
8,ootnote 94 )n the 'E%inburgh .e$ie#'.;
8,ootnote 14 The "ro$erbial (?oe( Ciller, an actor by "rofession
E1:9KF12<9G, #as a &an of no e%ucation, an% is sai% to ha$e been unable
to rea%. /is re"utation rests &ainly on the book of jests co&"ile% after
his %eath, an% attribute% to hi& by ?ohn Cottley. E,irst E%ition. T.
.ea%. 12<1.G;
8,ootnote 164 Cessrs. ?effrey an% =a&b are the al"ha an% o&ega, the
first an% last of the 'E%inburgh .e$ie#'I the others are &entione%
8The C0. Aote is as follo#s4FF(>f the young gentle&en #ho #rite in the
'E...', ) ha$e no# na&e% the al"ha an% o&ega, the first an% the last,
the best an% the #orst. The inter&e%iate &e&bers are %esignate% #ith %ue
honour hereafter.(;
(This #as not just. Aeither the heart nor the hea% of these gentle&en
are at all #hat they are here re"resente%. 5t the ti&e this #as #ritten,
) #as "ersonally unacDuainte% #ith either.(FFB., 191:.
8,rancis ?effrey E122<F1976G foun%e% the 'E%inburgh .e$ie#' in
conjunction #ith 0y%ney 0&ith, Brougha&, an% ,rancis /orner, in 196. )n
196< he succee%e% 0&ith as e%itor, an% con%ucte% the '.e$ie#' till 191.
)n%e"en%ence of "ublishers an% high "ay to contributors E(Ten guineas a
sheet,( #rites 0outhey to 0cott, ?une, 1962, (instea% of se$en "oun%s
for the '5nnual',( '=ife an% !orr'., iii. 17G %istinguishe% the ne#
journal fro& the first. ?effrey #as calle% to the 0cottish bar in 121K,
an% as an a%$ocate #as es"ecially successful #ith juries. /e #as
constantly e&"loye%, an% #on fa&e an% fortune. )n 191 he #as electe%
'ean of the ,aculty of 5%$ocates, an% the follo#ing year, #hen the Whigs
ca&e into office, he beca&e =or% 5%$ocate. /e sat as C.P. t#ice for
Calton E19<6F19<G, an%, after#ar%s, for E%inburgh. )n 19<K he #as
a""ointe% a ?u%ge of the !ourt of 0essions, #hen he took the title of
=or% ?effrey. Byron ha% attacke% ?effrey in British Bar%s before his
'/ours of )%leness' ha% been cut u" by the 'E%inburgh', an% #hen the
article a""eare% E?an. 1969G, un%er the &istaken i&"ression that he #as
the author, %enounce% hi& at large Ell. K:6F79G in the first e%ition of
'English Bar%s, an% 0cotch .e$ie#ers'. Aone the less, the great critic
%i% not fail to %o a&"le justice to the "oet's &ature #ork, an% #on fro&
hi& re"eate% ackno#le%g&ents of his kin%ness an% generosity. E0ee
'E%inburgh .e$ie#', $ol. --ii. ". K1:, an% Byron's co&&ent in his
''iary' for Carch 6,191KI '=ife', ". <. 0ee, too, '/ints fro&
/orace', ll. 791F::I an% ''on ?uan', canto -. st. 11F1:, an% canto -ii.
st. 1:. 0ee also Bagehot's '=iterary 0tu%ies', $ol. i. article ).G;
8,ootnote 114 )C)T5T)>A.
(0tulta est %e&entia, cu& tot ubiDue
FFFFFFoccurras "eriturae "arcere chartae.(
?@VEA5=, '0at. ).' ll. 12, 19.;
8,ootnote 14 )C)T5T)>A.
(!ur ta&en hoc "otius libeat %ecurrere ca&"o,
Per Due& &agnus eDuos 5uruncae fle-it alu&nus,
0i $acat, et "laci%i ratione& a%&ittitis, e%a&.(
?@VEA5=, '0at. )'. ll. 11F1.;
8,ootnote 1<4 Willia& Giffor% E127:F19:G, a selfFtaught scholar, first
a "loughboy, then boy on boar% a Bri-ha& coaster, after#ar%s shoe&aker's
a""rentice, #as sent by frien%s to E-eter !ollege, >-for% E1221F91G. )n
the 'Ba$ia%' E121KG an% the 'Cae$ia%' E1217G he attacke% &any of the
s&aller #riters of the %ay, #ho #ere either silly, like the 'ella
!ruscan 0chool, or %iscre%itable, like Willia&s, #ho #rote as (5nthony
PasDuin.( )n his 'E"istle to Peter Pin%ar' E1966G he laboure% to e-"ose
the true character of ?ohn Wolcot. 5s e%itor of the '5ntiF?acobin, or
Weekly E-a&iner' EAo$e&ber, 1212, to ?uly, 1219G, he su""orte% the
"olitical $ie#s of !anning an% his frien%s. 5s e%itor of the 'Luarterly
.e$ie#', fro& its foun%ation E,ebruary, 1961G to his resignation in
0e"te&ber, 19K, he soon rose to literary e&inence by his soun% sense
an% a%herence to the best &o%els, though his ju%g&ents #ere so&eti&es
narro#F&in%e% an% #ar"e% by "olitical "reju%ice. /is e%itions of
'Cassinger' E1967G, #hich su"erse%e% that of Conck Cason an% 'a$ies
E12:7G, of 'Ben ?onson' E191:G, of ',or%' E192G, are $aluable. To his
translation of '?u$enal' E196G is "refi-e% his autobiogra"hy. /is
translation of 'Persius' a""eare% in 191. To Giffor%, Byron usually
"ai% the ut&ost %eference. (5ny suggestion of yours, e$en if it #ere
con$eye%,( he #rites to hi&, in 191<, (in the less ten%er te-t of the
'Ba$ia%', or a Conck Cason note to Cassinger, #oul% be obeye%.( 0ee also
his letter E0e"te&ber 6, 191, '=ife', ".7<1G4 () kno# no "raise #hich
#oul% co&"ensate &e in &y o#n &in% for his censure.( Byron #as attracte%
to Giffor%, "artly by his %e$otion to the classical &o%els of
literature, "artly by the outs"oken frankness of his literary criticis&,
"artly also, "erha"s, by his "hysical %efor&ity.;
8,ootnote 1K4 /enry ?a&es Pye E12K7F191<G, C.P. for Berkshire, an%
after#ar%s Police Cagistrate for West&inster, hel% the office of "oet
laureate fro& 1216 till his %eath in 191<, succee%ing Tho&as Warton, an%
succee%e% by 0outhey. /e "ublishe% ',arring%on /ill' in 122K, The
'Progress of .efine&ent' in 129<, an% a translation of Burger's '=enore'
in 1217. /is na&e recurs in the 'Vision of ?u%g&ent', stanHa -cii. =ines
12F16 #ere inserte% in the ,ifth E%ition.;
8,ootnote 174 The first e%ition of the 0atire o"ene% #ith this lineI an%
Byron's original intention #as to "refi- the follo#ing argu&ent, first
"ublishe% in '.ecollections', by .. !. 'allas E19KG4FF
(The "oet consi%ereth ti&es "ast, an% their "oesyFF&akes a su%%en
transition to ti&es "resentFFis incense% against bookF&akersFFre$ileth
Walter 0cott for cu"i%ity an% balla%F&ongering, #ith notable re&arks
on Caster 0outheyFFco&"laineth that Caster 0outhey ha% inflicte% three
"oe&s, e"ic an% other#ise, on the "ublicFFin$eigheth against Willia&
Wor%s#orth, but lau%eth Cister !oleri%ge an% his elegy on a young
assFFis %is"ose% to $itu"erate Cr. =e#isFFan% greatly rebuketh Tho&as
=ittle Ethe lateG an% =or% 0trangfor%FFreco&&en%eth Cr. /ayley to turn
his attention to "roseFFan% e-horteth the Cora$ians to glorify Cr.
Graha&eFFsy&"athiseth #ith the .e$. 8Willia& Bo#les;FFan% %e"loreth
the &elancholy fate of ?a&es Contgo&eryFFbreaketh out into in$ecti$e
against the E%inburgh .e$ie#ersFFcalleth the& har% na&es, har"ies an%
the likeFFa"ostro"hiseth ?effrey, an% "ro"hesieth.FFE"iso%e of ?effrey
an% Coore, their jeo"ar%y an% %eli$eranceI "ortents on the &orn of the
co&batI the T#ee%, Tolbooth, ,irth of ,orth 8an% 5rthur's 0eat;,
se$erally shocke%I %escent of a go%%ess to sa$e ?effreyI incor"oration
of the bullets #ith his sinci"ut an% occi"ut.FFE%inburgh .e$ie#s 'en
&asse'.FF=or% 5ber%een, /erbert, 0cott, /alla&, Pillans, =a&be,
0y%ney 0&ith, Brougha&, etc.FF=or% /ollan% a""lau%e% for %inners an%
translations.FFThe 'ra&aI 0keffington, /ook, .eynol%s, Benney, !herry,
etc.FF0heri%an, !ol&an, an% !u&berlan% calle% u"on 8reDueste%, C0.; to
#rite.FF.eturn to "oesyFFscribblers of all sortsFFlor%s so&eti&es
rhy&eI &uch better notFF/afiH, .osa Catil%a, an% J.*.N.FF.ogers,
!a&"bell, Giffor%, etc. true "oetsFFTranslators of the Greek
5nthologyFF!rabbeFF'ar#in's styleFF!a&bri%geFF0eatonian
8,ootnote 1:4 =ines 117, 11:, #ere a C0. a%%ition to the "rinte% te-t of
'British Bar%s'. 5n alternati$e $ersion has been "encille% on the
(>t#ay an% !ongre$e &i&ic scenes ha% #o$e
5n% Waller tune% his =yre to &ighty =o$e.(;
8,ootnote 124 Tho&as =ittle #as the na&e un%er #hich Coore's early "oe&s
#ere "ublishe%, 'The Poetical Works of the late Tho&as =ittle, EsD.'
E1961G. (T#el$es( refers to the (%uo%eci&o.( 0heets, after "rinting, are
"resse% bet#een col% or hot rollers, to i&"art s&oothness of (surface.(
/ot rolling is the &ore e-"ensi$e "rocess.;
8,ootnote 194 Eccles. cha"ter i. $erse 1.;
8,ootnote 114 5t first sight Byron a""ears to refer to the lighting of
streets by gas, es"ecially as the first sho" lighte% #ith it #as that of
=ar%ner P !o., at the corner of the 5lbany E?une, 1967G, an% as la&"s
#ere on $ie# at the "re&ises of the Gas =ight an% !oke !o&"any in Pall
Call fro& 1969 on#ar%s. But it is al&ost certain that he allu%es to the
(subli&ating gas( of 'r. Be%%oes, #hich his assistant, 'a$y, &entions in
his '.esearches' E1966G as nitrous o-i%e, an% #hich #as use% by 0outhey
an% !oleri%ge. The sa&e four (#on%ers( of &e%ical science are %e"icte%
in Gillray's caricatures, Ao$e&ber, 1961, an% Cay an% ?une, 196, an%
are satiriHe% in !hristo"her !austic's 'Terrible Tractoration3 5
Poetical Petition against Gal$anising Tru&"ery an% the Perkinistit
)nstitution' Ein K cantos, 196<G.
5gainst $accination, or co#F"o-, a brisk #ar #as still being carrie% on.
Gillray has a likeness of ?enner $accinating "atients.
Cetallic (Tractors( #ere a re&e%y &uch a%$ertise% at the beginning of
the century by an 5&erican Duack, Benja&in !harles Perkins, foun%er of
the Perkinean )nstitution in =on%on, as a (cure for all 'isor%ers, .e%
Aoses, Gouty Toes, Win%y Bo#els, Broken =egs, /u&" Backs.(
)n Gal$anis& se$eral e-"eri&ents, con%ucte% by Professor 5l%ini, ne"he#
of Gal$ani, are %escribe% in the 'Corning Post' for ?an. :th, ,eb. :th,
an% ?an. n%, 196<. The latter #ere &a%e on the bo%y of ,orster the
,or the allusion to Gas, co&"are 'Terrible Tractoration', canto 1FF
(Be%%oes Ebless the goo% %octorG has
0ent &e a bag full of his gas,
Which snuff'% the nose u", &akes #it brighter,
5n% eke a %unce an airy #riter.(;
8,ootnote 64 0tott, better kno#n in the 'Corning Post' by the na&e of
/afiH. This "ersonage is at "resent the &ost "rofoun% e-"lorer of the
bathos. ) re&e&ber, #hen the reigning fa&ily left Portugal, a s"ecial
>%e of Caster 0tott's, beginning thus4FFE'0tott loDuitur Duoa%
(Princely offs"ring of BraganHa,
Erin greets thee #ith a stanHa,( etc.
5lso a 0onnet to .ats, #ell #orthy of the subject, an% a &ost thun%ering
>%e, co&&encing as follo#s4FF
(>h3 for a =ay3 lou% as the surge
That lashes =a"lan%'s soun%ing shore.(
=or% ha$e &ercy on us3 the (=ay of the =ast Cinstrel( #as nothing to
this. 8The lines (Princely >ffs"ring,( hea%e% (E-te&"oraneous Verse on
the e-"ulsion of the Prince .egent fro& Portugal by Gallic Tyranny,(
#ere "ublishe% in the 'Corning Post', 'ec. <6, 1962. E0ee '"ost', l.
269, an% 'note'.G; ;
8,ootnote 14 0ee ". <12, note 1.;
8,ootnote 4 0ee the (=ay of the =ast Cinstrel,( '"assi&'. Ae$er #as
any "lan so incongruous an% absur% as the groun%#ork of this "ro%uction.
The entrance of Thun%er an% =ightning "rologuising to Bayes' trage%y
8E'$i%e The .ehearsal'G, 'British Bar%s';, unfortunately takes a#ay the
&erit of originality fro& the %ialogue bet#een Cessieurs the 0"irits of
,loo% an% ,ell in the first canto. Then #e ha$e the a&iable Willia& of
'eloraine, (a stark &ossFtroo"er,( $i%elicet, a ha""y co&"oun% of
"oacher, shee"Fstealer, an% high#ay&an. The "ro"riety of his &agical
la%y's injunction not to rea% can only be eDualle% by his can%i%
ackno#le%g&ent of his in%e"en%ence of the tra&&els of s"elling,
although, to use his o#n elegant "hrase, ('t#as his neck$erse at
/arribee,( 'i. e.' the gallo#s.
The biogra"hy of Gil"in /orner, an% the &ar$ellous "e%estrian "age, #ho
tra$elle% t#ice as fast as his &aster's horse, #ithout the ai% of
se$enFleague% boots, are 'chefs %'oeu$re' in the i&"ro$e&ent of taste.
,or inci%ent #e ha$e the in$isible, but by no &eans s"aring bo- on the
ear besto#e% on the "age, an% the entrance of a Bnight an% !harger into
the castle, un%er the $ery natural %isguise of a #ain of hay. Car&ion,
the hero of the latter ro&ance, is e-actly #hat Willia& of 'eloraine
#oul% ha$e been, ha% he been able to rea% an% #rite. The "oe& #as
&anufacture% for Cessrs. !>A0T5B=E, C@..5*, an% C)==E., #orshi"ful
Booksellers, in consi%eration of the recei"t of a su& of &oneyI an%
truly, consi%ering the ins"iration, it is a $ery cre%itable "ro%uction.
)f Cr. 0!>TT #ill #rite for hire, let hi& %o his best for his
"ay&asters, but not %isgrace his genius, #hich is un%oubte%ly great, by
a re"etition of BlackF=etter Balla% i&itations.
8!onstable "ai% 0cott a thousan% "oun%s for 'Car&ion', an%
(offere% one fourth of the co"yright to Cr. Ciller of 5lbe&arle
0treet, an% one fourth to Cr. Curray of ,leet 0treet Esee line 12<G.
Both "ublishers eagerly acce"te% the "ro"osal.(
(5 se$ere an% unjust re$ie# of 'Car&ion' by ?effrey a""eare% in 8the
'E%inburgh .e$ie#' for 5"ril; 1969, accusing 0cott of a &ercenary
s"irit in #riting for &oney. ... 0cott #as &uch nettle% by these
E'Ce&oirs of ?ohn Curray', i. 2:, 17G. )n his %iary of 191< Byron #rote
of 0cott,
(/e is un%oubte%ly the Conarch of Parnassus, an% the &ost 'English' of
'=ife', ". 6:.;;
8,ootnote <4 )t #as the suggestion of the !ountess of 'alkeith, that
0cott shoul% #rite a balla% on the ol% bor%er legen% of 'Gil"in /orner',
#hich first ga$e sha"e to the "oet's i%eas, an% le% to the '=ay of the
=ast Cinstrel'.;
8,ootnote K4 )n his strictures on 0cott an% 0outhey, Byron takes his
lea% fro& =a%y 5nne /a&ilton's E12::F19K:, %aughter of 5rchibal%, ninth
'uke of /a&ilton, an% =a%yFinF#aiting to !aroline of Bruns#ickG 'E"ics
of the Ton' E1962G, a #ork #hich has not share% the %ubious celebrity of
her '0ecret Ce&ories of the !ourt', etc. E19<G. !o&"are the follo#ing
lines E". 1G4FF
(Then still &ight 0outhey sing his craHy ?oan,
>r feign a Welsh&an o'er the 5tlantic flo#n,
>r tell of Thalaba the #on%rous &atter,
>r #ith clo#n Wor%s#orth, chatter, chatter, chatter.
+ + + + +
Goo%Fnature% 0cott rehearse, in #ellF"ai% lays,
The &ar$'lous chiefs an% el$es of other %ays.(
E,or 0cott's reference to (&y share of flagellation a&ong &y betters,(
an% an e-"licit state&ent that he ha% re&onstrate% #ith ?effrey against
the (offensi$e criticis&( of '/ours of )%leness', because he thought it
treate% #ith un%ue se$erity, see )ntro%uction to 'Car&ion', 19<6.G;;
8,ootnote 74 =ines 121, 196, in the ,ifth E%ition, #ere substitute% for
$ariant i. ". <1.FF'=eigh /unt's annotate% !o"y of the ,ourth E%ition'.;
8,ootnote :4 (Goo% night to Car&ion(FFthe "athetic an% also "ro"hetic
e-cla&ation of /enry Blount, EsDuire, on the %eath of honest Car&ion.;
8,ootnote 24 5s the '>%yssey' is so closely connecte% #ith the story of
the ')lia%', they &ay al&ost be classe% as one gran% historical "oe&. )n
allu%ing to Cilton an% Tasso, #e consi%er the 'Para%ise =ost' an%
'Gerusale&&e =iberata' as their stan%ar% effortsI since neither the
'?erusale& !onDuere%' of the )talian, nor the 'Para%ise .egaine%' of the
English bar%, obtaine% a "ro"ortionate celebrity to their for&er "oe&s.
Luery4 Which of Cr. 0outhey's #ill sur$i$eM;
8,ootnote 94 'Thalaba', Cr. 0outhey's secon% "oe&, is #ritten in
%efiance of "rece%ent an% "oetry. Cr. 0. #ishe% to "ro%uce so&ething
no$el, an% succee%e% to a &iracle. '?oan of 5rc' #as &ar$ellous enough,
but 'Thalaba' #as one of those "oe&s (#hich,( in the #or% of P>.0>A,
(#ill be rea% #hen /o&er an% Virgil are forgotten, butFFSiSnot till
then'.( 8(>f 'Thalaba( the #il% an% #on%rous song(FFProe& to 'Ca%oc',
0outhey's 'Poetical Works' E19<9G, $ol. $. '?oan of 5rc' #as "ublishe%
in 121:, 'Thalaba the 'estroyer' in 1961, an% 'Ca%oc' in 1967.;
8,ootnote 14 The hero of ,iel%ing's farce, 'The Trage%y of Trage%ies',
'or the =ife an% 'eath of To& Thu&b the Great', first "laye% in 12<6 at
the /ay&arket.;
8,ootnote <64 0outhey's 'Ca%oc' is %i$i%e% into t#o "artsFFPart ).,
(Ca%oc in WalesI( Part ))., (Ca%oc in 5Htlan.( The #or% (caciDue(
E(!aciDue or caHiDue... a nati$e chief or '"rince' of the aborigines in
the West )n%ies4( 'Ae# Engl. 'ict'., 5rt. (!aciDue(G occurs in the
translations of 0"anish #riters Duote% by 0outhey in his notes, but not
in the te-t of the "oe&.;
8,ootnote <14 We beg Cr. 0outhey's "ar%on4 (Ca%oc %is%ains the %egra%e%
title of E"ic.( 0ee his Preface. 8()t assu&es not the %egra%e% title of
E"ic.(FFPreface to 'Ca%oc' E1967G, 0outhey's 'Poetical Works' E19<9G,
$ol. $. ". --i.; Why is E"ic %egra%e%M an% by #ho&M !ertainly the late
.o&aunts of Casters !ottle, =aureat Pye, >gil$y, /ole,85; an% gentle
Cistress !o#ley, ha$e not e-alte% the E"ic CuseI but, as Cr. 0>@T/E*'0
"oe& (%is%ains the a""ellation,( allo# us to askFFhas he substitute%
anything better in its stea%M or &ust he be content to ri$al 0ir .)!/5.'
B=5!BC>.E in the Duantity as #ell as Duality of his $erseM
80ubF,ootnote 54 ,or (/ole,( the 'C0'. an% 'British Bar%s' rea% (0ir ?.
B. BurgessI !u&berlan%.(; ;
8,ootnote <4 0ee 'The >l% Wo&an of Berkeley', a balla% by Cr. 0outhey,
#herein an age% gentle#o&an is carrie% a#ay by BeelHebub, on a (high
trotting horse.(;
8,ootnote <<4 The last line, (Go% hel" thee,( is an e$i%ent "lagiaris&
fro& the '5ntiF?acobin' to Cr. 0outhey, on his 'actylics4FF
(Go% hel" thee, silly one3(
'Poetry of the 5ntiF?acobin', ". <.;
8,ootnote <K4 )n the annotate% co"y of the ,ourth E%ition Byron has
%ra#n a line %o#n the &argin of the "assage on Wor%s#orth, lines
<:FK9, an% a%%s the #or% (@njust.( The first four lines on !oleri%ge
Elines 77F79G are also &arke% (@njust.( The recantation is, no %oubt,
inten%e% to a""ly to both "assages fro& beginning to en%.
('@njust'.(FFB., 191:. E0ee also Byron's letter to 0. T. !oleri%ge,
Carch <1, 1917.G;
8,ootnote <74 '=yrical Balla%s', ". K.FF(The Tables Turne%,( 0tanHa 1.
(@", u", &y frien%, an% clear your looks,
Why all this toil an% troubleM
@", u", &y frien%, an% Duit your books,
>r surely you'll gro# %ouble.(;
8,ootnote <:4 Cr. W. in his "reface labours har% to "ro$e, that "rose
an% $erse are &uch the sa&eI an% certainly his "rece"ts an% "ractice are
strictly confor&able4FF
(5n% thus to Betty's Duestions he
Ca%e ans#er, like a tra$eller bol%.
'The cock %i% cro#, toF#hoo, toF#hoo,
5n% the sun %i% shine so col%.'(
'=yrical Balla%s', ". 121. 8!o&"are 'The 0i&"licia%', )). 17F<67, an%
8,ootnote <24 (/e has not "ublishe% for so&e years.(FF'British Bar%s'.
E5 &arginal note in "encil.G 8!oleri%ge's 'Poe&s' E<r% e%it.G a""eare%
in 196<I the first nu&ber of 'The ,rien%' on ?une 1, 1961.;;
8,ootnote <94 !>=E.)'GE'0 'Poe&s', ". 11, (0ongs of the Pi-ies,( 'i. e.'
'e$onshire ,airiesI ". K, #e ha$e (=ines to a *oung =a%yI( an%, ". 7,
(=ines to a *oung 5ss.( 8!o&"are 'The 0i&"licia%', ll. 11, 1<FF
(Then in %es"ite of scornful ,olly's "other,
5sk hi& to li$e #ith you an% hail hi& brother.(;;
8,ootnote <14 Catthe# Gregory =e#is E1227F1919G, kno#n as (Conk( =e#is,
#as the son of a rich ?a&aica "lanter. 'uring a si- &onths' $isit to
Wei&ar E121F<G, #hen he #as intro%uce% to Goethe, he a""lie% hi&self to
the stu%y of Ger&an literature, es"ecially no$els an% the %ra&a. )n 121K
he #as a""ointe% 'attache' to the E&bassy at the /ague, an% in the
course of ten #eeks #rote '5&brosio, or The Conk', #hich #as "ublishe%
in 1217. )n 1219 he &a%e the acDuaintance of 0cott, an% "rocure% his
"ro&ise of coFo"eration in his conte&"late% 'Tales of Terror'. )n the
sa&e year he "ublishe% the '!astle 0"ectre' Efirst "laye% at 'rury =ane,
'ec. 1K, 1212G, in #hich, to Duote the "ostscri"t (To the .ea%er,( he
&eant Ebut 0heri%an inter"ose%G (to ha$e e-hibite% a #hole regi&ent of
Ghosts.( 'Tales of Terror' #ere "rinte% at Weybri%ge in 1961, an% t#o or
three e%itions of 'Tales of Won%er', to #hich Byron refers, ca&e out in
the sa&e year. =e#is borro#e% so freely fro& all sources that the
collection #as calle% (Tales of Plun%er.( )n the first e%ition Et#o
$ols., "rinte% by W. Bul&er for the author, 1961G the first eighteen
"oe&s, #ith the e-ce"tion of 'The ,ire Bing' E-ii.G by Walter 0cott, are
by =e#is, either original or translate%. 0cott also contribute%
'Glenfinlas, The E$e of 0t. ?ohn, ,re%erick an% 5lice, The Wil% /unts&en
E'er Wil%e ?aegerG. 0outhey contribute% si- "oe&s, inclu%ing 'The >l%
Wo&an of Berkeley' E--i$.G. 'The =ittle Grey Can' E-i-.G is by /.
Bunbury. The secon% $olu&e is &a%e u" fro& Burns, Gray, Parnell, Glo$er,
Percy's '.eliDues', an% other sources.
5 secon% e%ition, "ublishe% in 1961, #hich consists of thirtyFt#o
balla%s E0outhey's are not inclu%e%G, a%$ertises ('Tales of Terror'
"rinte% unifor& #ith this e%ition of 'Tales of Won%er'.( '.o&antic
Tales', in four $olu&es, a""eare% in 1969. >f his other #orks, 'The
!a"ti$e, 5 Cono%ra&a', #as "laye% in 196<I the 'Bra$o of Venice, 5
Translation fro& the Ger&an', in 196KI an% 'Ti&our the Tartar' in 1911.
/is '?ournal of a West )n%ian Pro"rietor' #as not "ublishe% till 19<K.
/e sat as C.P. for /in%on E121:F196G.
/e ha% been a fa$ourite in society before Byron a""eare% on the scene,
but there is no recor% of any inti&acy or acDuaintance before 191<. When
Byron #as li$ing at Gene$a, =e#is $isite% the Caison 'io%ati in 5ugust,
191:, on #hich occasion he (translate% to hi& Goethe's ',aust' by #or%
of &outh,( an% %re# u" a co%icil to his #ill, #itnesse% by Byron,
0helley, an% Poli%ori, #hich containe% certain hu&ane "ro$isions for the
#ellFbeing of the negroes on his ?a&aica estates. /e also $isite% hi& at
'=a Cira' in 5ugust, 1912. Byron #rote of hi& after his %eath4 (/e #as a
goo% &an, an% a cle$er one, but he #as a bore, a %a&ne% boreFFone &ay
say. But ) like% hi&.(
To ju%ge fro& his letters to his &other an% other e$i%ence E0cott's
testi&ony, for instanceG, he #as a kin%ly, #ellFintentione% &an, but
lacking in hu&our. When his father con%e&ne% the in%ecency of the
'Conk', he assure% hi& (that he ha% not the slightest i%ea that #hat he
#as then #riting coul% injure the "rinci"les of any hu&an being.( (/e
#as,( sai% Byron, (too great a bore to lie,( an% the "lea is e$i%ently
offere% in goo% faith. 5s a #riter, he is &e&orable chiefly for his
s"onsorshi" of Ger&an literature. 0cott sai% of hi& that he ha% the
finest ear for rhyth& he e$er &et #ithFFfiner than Byron'sI an%
!oleri%ge, in a letter to Wor%s#orth, ?an., 1219 E'=etters of 0. T. !.'
E1917G, i. <2G, an% again in 'Table Talk' for Carch 6, 19<K, co&&en%s
his $erses. !ertainly his balla% of (!raHy ?ane,( once so fa&ous that
la%ies took to #earing (!raHy ?ane( hats, is of the nature of "oetry.
E0ee '=ife', <K1, <:, K11, etc.I '=ife an% !orres"on%ence' of C. G.
=e#is E19<1G, i. 179, etc.I '=ife of 0cott', by ?. G. =ockhart E19KG,
"". 96F9<, 1K.G; ;
8,ootnote K64 (,or e$ery one kno#s little Catt's an C.P.(FF0ee a "oe& to
Cr. =e#is, in 'The 0tates&an', su""ose% to be #ritten by Cr. ?ekyll.
8?ose"h ?ekyll E%. 19<2G #as celebrate% for his #itticis&s an% &etrical
'jeu- %'es"rit' #hich he contribute% to the 'Corning !hronicle' an% the
'E$ening 0tates&an'. /is election as C.P. for !alne in 1292, at the
no&ination of =or% =ans%o#ne, ga$e rise to '?ekyll, 5 Political Eclogue'
Esee 'The .ottia%' E1211G, "". 11FKG. /e #as a fa$ourite #ith the
Prince .egent, at #hose instance he #as a""ointe% a Caster in !hancery
in 1917.;;
8,ootnote K14 The rea%er, #ho &ay #ish for an e-"lanation of this, &ay
refer to (0trangfor%'s !a&oens,( ". 12, note to ". 7:, or to the last
"age of the 'E%inburgh .e$ie#' of 0trangfor%'s !a&oens.
8Percy !linton 0y%ney 0&ythe, si-th Viscount 0trangfor% E1296F1977G,
"ublishe% 'Translations fro& the Portuguese by =uis %e !a&oens' in 196<.
The note to #hich Byron refers is on the canHonet 'Aaoe sei Due&
assella', (Thou hast an eye of ten%er blue.( )t runs thus4
(=ocks of auburn an% eyes of blue ha$e e$er been %ear to the sons of
song.... 0terne e$en consi%ers the& as in%icati$e of Dualities the
&ost a&iable.... The Translator %oes not #ish to %ee& ... this
unfoun%e%. /e is, ho#e$er, a#are of the %anger to #hich such a
confession e-"oses hi&FFbut he flies for "rotection to the te&"le of
5@.E5 VEA@0.(
)t &ay be a%%e% that Byron's o#n locks #ere auburn, an% his eyes a
8,ootnote K4 )t is also to be re&arke%, that the things gi$en to the
"ublic as "oe&s of !a&oens are no &ore to be foun% in the original
Portuguese, than in the 0ong of 0olo&on.;
8,ootnote K<4 0ee his $arious Biogra"hies of %efunct Painters, etc.
8Willia& /ayley E12K7F196G "ublishe% 'The Triu&"hs of Te&"er' in 1291,
an% 'The Triu&"h of Cusic' in 196K. /is biogra"hy of Cilton a""eare% in
121:, of !o#"er in 196<FK, of .o&ney in 1961. /e ha% "ro%uce%, a&ong
other "lays, 'The /a""y Prescri"tion' an% 'The T#o !onnoisseurs' in
129K. )n 1969 he #oul% be regar%e% as out of %ate, (hobbling on( behin%
younger ri$als in the race Esee E.B., ). 1<G. ,or his life an% #orks,
see 0outhey's article in the 'Luarterly .e$ie#' E$ol. ---i. ". :<G. The
a""eal to (tarts( to (s"are the te-t,( is "ossibly an echo of 'The
'uncia%', i. 177, 17:FF
(>f these t#el$e $olu&es, t#el$e of a&"lest siHe,
.e%ee&e% fro& to"ers an% %efrau%e% "ies.(
The &eaning of the a""eal is fi-e% by such a "assage as this fro& 'The
Blues', #here the co&"any %iscuss Wor%s#orth's a""oint&ent to a
!ollectorshi" of 0ta&"sFF
) shall think of hi& oft #hen ) buy a ne# hatI
There his #orks #ill a""ear.
('=a%y Blue&ount'.
0ir, they reach to the Ganges.
) sha'n't go so far. ) can ha$e the& at Grange's.(
Grange's #as a #ellFkno#n "astryFcook's in Picca%illy. )n Pierce Egan's
'=ife in =on%on' Ee%. 191G, ". 26, 'note' 1, the author #rites, (5s )
sincerely ho"e that this #ork #ill shrink fro& the touch of a
"astryFcook, an% also a$oi% the foul uses of a trunkF&aker ... ) feel
in%uce% no# to %escribe, for the benefit of "osterity, the "e%igree of a
'an%y in 196.(;
8,ootnote KK4 /ayley's t#o &ost notorious $erse "ro%uctions are
'Triu&"hs of Te&"er' an% 'The Triu&"h of Cusic'. /e has also #ritten
&uch !o&e%y in rhy&e, E"istles, etc., etc. 5s he is rather an elegant
#riter of notes an% biogra"hy, let us reco&&en% P>PE'0 a%$ice to
W*!/E.=E* to Cr. /.'s consi%eration, $iH., (to con$ert "oetry into
"rose,( #hich &ay be easily %one by taking a#ay the final syllable of
each cou"let.;
8,ootnote K74 =ines <11F<: %o not for& "art of the original 'C0'. 5
sli" of "a"er #hich contains a fair co"y of the lines in Byron's
han%#riting has been, #ith other frag&ents, boun% u" #ith 'allas's co"y
of 'British Bar%s'. )n the 'C0'. this "lace is taken by a "assage an%
its "en%ant note, #hich Byron o&itte% at the reDuest of 'allas, #ho #as
a frien% of Pratt's4FF
()n $erse &ost stale, un"rofitable, flatFF
!o&e, let us change the scene, an% ''glean'' #ith PrattI
)n hi& an author's luckless lot behol%,
!on%e&ne% to &ake the books #hich once he sol%4
'egra%e% &an3 again resu&e thy tra%eFF
The $otaries of the Cuse are ill re"ai%,
Though %aily "uffs once &ore in$ite to buy
5 ne# e%ition of thy '0y&"athy.'(
(Cr. Pratt, once a Bath bookseller, no# a =on%on author, has #ritten as
&uch, to as little "ur"ose, as any of his scribbling conte&"oraries. Cr.
P.'s '0y&"athy' is in rhy&eI but his "rose "ro%uctions are the &ost
0a&uel ?ackson Pratt E12K1F191KG, actor, itinerant lecturer, "oet of the
!ruscan school, trage%ian, an% no$elist, "ublishe% a large nu&ber of
$olu&es. /is 'Gleanings' in Englan%, /ollan%, Wales, an% West"halia
attaine% so&e re"utation. /is '0y&"athyI a Poe&' E1299G "asse% through
se$eral e%itions. /is "seu%ony& #as !ourtney Cel&oth. /e #as a "atron of
the cobblerF"oet, Blacket; ;
8,ootnote K:4 Cr. Graha&e has "oure% forth t#o $olu&es of !ant, un%er
the na&e of '0abbath Walks' an% 'Biblical Pictures'. 8?a&es Graha&e
E12:7F1911G, a la#yer, #ho subseDuently took /oly >r%ers. 'The 0abbath',
a "oe&, #as "ublishe% anony&ously in 196KI an% to a secon% e%ition #ere
a%%e% '0abbath Walks'. 'Biblical Pictures' a""eare% in 1962.;
8,ootnote K24 The .e$. W. =isle Bo#les E12:9F1976G. /is e%ition of
Po"e's 'Works', in ten $ols., #hich stirre% Byron's gall, a""eare% in
1962. The ',all of E&"ires', Tyre, !arthage, etc., is the subject of
"art of the thir% book of 'The 0"irit of 'isco$ery by 0ea' E1967G. =ines
(To a Withere% =eaf,( are, "erha"s, of later %ateI but the (sear
tresses( an% (shi$ering lea$es( of (5utu&n's gra%ual gloo&( are fa&iliar
i&ages in his earlier "oe&s. Byron's senior by t#enty years, he #as
%estine% to outli$e hi& by &ore than a Duarter of a centuryI but #hen
'English Bar%s, etc.', #as in "rogress, he #as little &ore than
&i%%leFage%, an% the (three score years( &ust ha$e been #ritten in the
s"irit of "ro"hecy. 5s it chance%, the last #or% reste% #ith hi&, an% it
#as a generous one. 5%%ressing Coore, in 19K, he says E'!hil%e /arol%'s
=ast Pilgri&age'GFF
(0o /arol% en%s, in Greece, his "ilgri&age3
There fitly en%ingFFin that lan% reno#n'%,
Whose &ighty Genius li$es in Glory's "age,FF
/e on the Cuses' consecrate% groun%,
0inking to rest, #hile his young bro#s are boun%
With their unfa%ing #reath3(
5&ong his "oe&s are a (0onnet to >-for%,( an% (0tanHas on hearing the
Bells of >sten%.(;
8,ootnote K94 (5#ake a lou%er,( etc., is the first line in B>W=E0'0
'0"irit of 'isco$ery'4 a $ery s"irite% an% "retty %#arf E"ic. 5&ong
other e-Duisite lines #e ha$e the follo#ing4FF
FFFF(5 kiss
0tole on the list'ning silence, ne$er yet
/ere hear%I they tre&ble% e$en as if the "o#er,( etc., etc.
That is, the #oo%s of Ca%eira tre&ble% to a kissI $ery &uch astonishe%,
as #ell they &ight be, at such a "heno&enon.
(CisFDuote% an% &isun%erstoo% by &eI but not intentionally. )t #as not
the '#oo%s,' but the "eo"le in the& #ho tre&ble%FF#hy, /ea$en only
kno#sFFunless they #ere o$erhear% &aking this "ro%igious s&ack.(FB.,
8,ootnote K14 The e"iso%e abo$e allu%e% to is the story of (.obert a
Cachin( an% (5nna %'5rfet,( a "air of constant lo$ers, #ho "erfor&e% the
kiss abo$e &entione%, that startle% the #oo%s of Ca%eira. 80ee Byron's
letter to Curray, ,eb. 2, 191, (>n Bo#ies' 0trictures,( '=ife', ".
8,ootnote 764 !@.== is one of the /eroes of the ''uncia%', an% #as a
bookseller. =or% ,anny is the "oetical na&e of =or% /E.VE*, author of
'=ines to the )&itator of /orace'.;
8,ootnote 714 =or% B>=)AGB.>BE hire% C5==ET to tra%uce P>PE after his
%ecease, because the "oet ha% retaine% so&e co"ies of a #ork by =or%
BolingbrokeFFthe (Patriot Bing,(FF#hich that s"len%i%, but &alignant
genius ha% or%ere% to be %estroye%.;
8,ootnote 74 'ennis the critic, an% .al"h the rhy&ester4FF
(0ilence, ye Wol$es3 #hile .al"h to !ynthia ho#ls,
Caking Aight hi%eous4 ans#er hi&, ye o#ls3(
8Book ))). )). 1:7, 1::, Po"e #rote, (5n% &akes night,( etc.;;
8,ootnote 7<4 0ee Bo#les's late e%ition of Po"e's #orks, for #hich he
recei$e% three hun%re% "oun%s. 8T#el$e hun%re% guineas.FF'British
Bar%s'.; Thus Cr. B. has e-"erience% ho# &uch easier it is to "rofit by
the re"utation of another, than to ele$ate his o#n. 8(Too sa$age all
this on Bo#les,( #rote Byron, in 191:, but he after#ar%s returne% to his
original senti&ents. (5lthough,( he says E,eb. 2, 191G, () regret
ha$ing "ublishe% 'English Bar%s, an% 0cotch .e$ie#ers', the "art #hich )
regret the least is that #hich regar%s Cr. Bo#les, #ith reference to
Po"e. Whilst ) #as #riting that "ublication, in 1962 an% 1969, Cr.
/obhouse #as %esirous that ) shoul% e-"ress our &utual o"inion of Po"e,
an% of Cr. Bo#les's e%ition of his #orks. 5s ) ha% co&"lete% &y outline,
an% felt laHy, ) reDueste% that 'he' #oul% %o so. /e %i% it. /is
fourteen lines on Bo#les's Po"e are in the first e%ition of 'English
Bar%s', an% are Duite as se$ere, an% &uch &ore "oetical, than &y o#n, in
the secon%. >n re"rinting the #ork, as ) "ut &y na&e to it, ) o&itte%
Cr. /obhouse's lines, by #hich the #ork gaine% less than Cr. Bo#les....
) a& grie$e% to say that, in rea%ing o$er those lines, ) re"ent of their
ha$ing so far fallen short of #hat ) &eant to e-"ress u"on the subject
of his e%ition of Po"e's #orks( E'=ife', "". :99, :91G. The lines
su""lie% by /obhouse are here subjoine%4FF
(0tick to thy sonnets, &an3FFat least they sell.
>r take the only "ath that o"en lies
,or &o%ern #orthies #ho #oul% ho"e to rise4
,i- on so&e #ellFkno#n na&e, an%, bit by bit,
Pare off the &erits of his #orth an% #it4
>n each alike e&"loy the critic's knife,
5n% #hen a co&&ent fails, "refi- a lifeI
/int certain failings, faults before unkno#n,
.e$ie# forgotten lies, an% a%% your o#nI
=et no %isease, let no &isfortune 'sca"e,
5n% "rint, if luckily %efor&e%, his sha"e4
Thus shall the #orl%, Duite un%ecei$e% at last,
!lea$e to their "resent #its, an% Duit their "astI
Bar%s once re$ere% no &ore #ith fa$our $ie#,
But gi$e their &o%ern sonneteers their %ueI
Thus #ith the %ea% &ay li$ing &erit co"e,
Thus Bo#les &ay triu&"h o'er the sha%e of Po"e.(;;
8,ootnote 7K4
('/elicon' is a &ountain, an% not a fishF"on%. )t shoul% ha$e been
'/i""ocrene.'(FFB., 191:.
8The correction #as &a%e in the ,ifth E%ition.;;
8,ootnote 774 Cr. !ottle, 5&os, ?ose"h, ) %on't kno# #hich, but one or
both, once sellers of books they %i% not #rite, an% no# #riters of books
they %o not sell, ha$e "ublishe% a "air of E"icsFF'5lfre%' E"oor 5lfre%3
Pye has been at hi& too3GFF'5lfre%' an% the ',all of !a&bria'.
(5ll right. ) sa# so&e letters of this fello# E?h. !ottleG to an
unfortunate "oetess, #hose "ro%uctions, #hich the "oor #o&an by no
&eans thought $ainly of, he attacke% so roughly an% bitterly, that )
coul% har%ly regret assailing hi&, e$en #ere it unjust, #hich it is
notFFfor $erily he is an ass.(FFB., 191:.
8!o&"are 'Poetry of the 5ntiF?acobin'FF
(5n% !ottle, not he #ho& that 5lfre% &a%e fa&ous,
But ?ose"h of Bristol, the brother of 5&os.(
The i%entity of the brothers !ottle a""ears to ha$e been a &atter
beneath the notice both of the authors of the '5ntiF?acobin' an% of
Byron. 5&os !ottle, #ho %ie% in 1966 Esee =a&b's =etter to !oleri%ge of
>ct. 1, 1966I '=etters of !. =a&b', 1999, i. 1K6G, #as the author of a
'Translation of the E%%a of 0oe&un%', "ublishe% in 1212. ?ose"h !ottle,
'inter alia', "ublishe% '5lfre%' in 1961, an% 'The ,all of !a&bria',
1962. 5n 'E-"ostulatory E"istle', in #hich ?ose"h a$enges 5&os an%
sole&nly castigates the author of ''on ?uan', #as issue% in 1911 Esee
=a&b's =etter to !ottle, Ao$. 7, 1911G, an% #as re"rinte% in the Ce&oir
of 5&os !ottle, inserte% in his brother's 'Early .ecollections of
!oleri%ge' E=on%on, 19<2, i. 111G. The (unfortunate "oetess( #as,
"robably, 5nn *earsley, the Bristol &ilkF#o&an. Wor%s#orth, too Esee
'.ecollections of the TableFTalk of 0. .ogers', 197:, ". <7G, %issua%e%
her fro& "ublishing her "oe&s. .oughness an% bitterness #ere not a&ong
!ottle's faults or foibles, an% it is "ossible that Byron &isconcei$e%
the "ur"ort of the corres"on%ence.;;
8,ootnote 7:4 Cr. Caurice hath &anufacture% the co&"onent "arts of a
"on%erous Duarto, u"on the beauties of (.ich&on% /ill,( an% the
like4FFit also takes in a char&ing $ie# of Turnha& Green, /a&&ers&ith,
Brentfor%, >l% an% Ae#, an% the "arts a%jacent. 8The .e$. Tho&as Caurice
E127KF19KG ha% this at least in co&&on #ith ByronFFthat his '/istory of
5ncient an% Co%ern /in%ostan' #as se$erely attacke% in the 'E%inburgh
.e$ie#'. /e "ublishe% a $in%ication of his #ork in 1967. /e &ust ha$e
confine% his %ulness to his "oe&s E'.ich&on% /ill' E1962G, etc.G, for
his 'Ce&oirs' E1911G are a&using, an%, though other#ise bla&eless, he
left behin% hi& the re"utation of an (in%iscri&inate enjoy&ent( of
literary an% other society. =a%y 5nne /a&ilton allu%es to hi& in 'E"ics
of the Ton' E1962G, ". 1:7FF
(>r #ar&e% like Caurice by Cuseu& fire,
,ro& Ganges %ragge% a hur%yFgur%y lyre.(
/e #as assistant kee"er of C00. at the British Cuseu& fro& 1211 till his
8,ootnote 724 Poor C>ATG>CE.*, though "raise% by e$ery English .e$ie#,
has been bitterly re$ile% by the 'E%inburgh'. 5fter all, the Bar% of
0heffiel% is a &an of consi%erable genius. /is 'Wan%erer of 0#itHerlan%'
is #orth a thousan% '=yrical Balla%s', an% at least fifty ''egra%e%
8?a&es Contgo&ery E1221F197KG #as born in 5yrshire, but settle% at
0heffiel%, #here he e%ite% a ne#s"a"er, the ')ris', a ra%ical "rint,
#hich brought hi& into conflict #ith the authorities. /is early "oe&s
#ere hel% u" to ri%icule in the 'E%inburgh .e$ie#' by ?effrey, in ?an.
1962. )t #as "robably the follo#ing "assage #hich "ro$oke% Byron's note4
(When e$ery %ay is bringing forth so&e ne# #ork fro& the "en of 0cott,
!a&"bell,... Wor%s#orth, an% 0outhey, it is natural to feel so&e %isgust
at the un%istinguishing $oracity #hich can s#allo# %o#n these... $erses
to a "illo#.( The 'Wan%erer of 0#itHerlan%', #hich Byron sai% he
"referre% to the '=yrical Balla%s', #as "ublishe% in 196:. The allusion
in line K11 is to the first stanHa of 'The =yre'FF
(Where the ro$ing rill &ean%'re%
'o#n the green, retiring $ale,
Poor, forlorn 5laecus #an%ere%,
Pale #ith thoughtsFFserenely "ale.(
/e is re&e&bere% chiefly as the #riter of so&e a%&irable hy&ns. E'Vi%e
ante', ". 162, (5ns#er to a Beautiful Poe&,( an% 'note'.G;
8,ootnote 794 5rthur's 0eatI the hill #hich o$erhangs E%inburgh.;
8,ootnote 714 =ines K<1F72 are not in the 'C0.' The first %raft of the
"assage on ?effrey, #hich a""ears to ha$e foun% a "lace in 'British
Bar%s' an% to ha$e been after#ar%s cut out, runs as follo#s4FF
(Who has not hear% in this enlightene% age,
When all can criticise the historic "age,
Who has not hear% in ?a&es's Bigot .eign
>f ?efferies3 &onarch of the scourge, an% chain,
?efferies the #retch #hose "estilential breath,
=ike the %rea% 0i&oo&, #inge% the shaft of 'eathI
The ol%, the young to ,ate re&orseless ga$e
Aor s"are% one $icti& fro& the co&&on gra$eM
(0uch #as the ?u%ge of ?a&es's iron ti&e,
When =a# #as Cur%er, Cercy #as a cri&e,
Till fro& his throne by #eary &illions hurle%
The 'es"ot roa&e% in E-ile through the #orl%.
(*ears ha$e rolle% onIFFin all the lists of 0ha&e,
Who no# can "arallel a ?efferies' na&eM
With han% less &ighty, but #ith heart as black
With $oice as #illing to %ecree the .ack,
With tongue en$eno&e%, #ith intentions foul
The sa&e in na&e an% character an% soul.(
The first four lines of the abo$e, #hich ha$e been erase%, are to be
foun% on ". 1: of 'British Bar%s.' Pages 12, 19, are #anting, an% Duarto
"roofs of lines K<9F72 ha$e been inserte%. =ines 79F7<1 a""ear for the
first ti&e in the ,ifth E%ition.;;
8,ootnote :64 (Too ferociousFFthis is &ere insanity.(FFB., 191:. 8The
co&&ent a""lies to lines K<FK7<.;;
8,ootnote :14 (5ll this is ba%, because "ersonal.(FFB., 191:.;
8,ootnote :4 )n 196:, Cessrs. ?effrey an% Coore &et at !halk ,ar&. The
%uel #as "re$ente% by the interference of the CagistracyI an% on
e-a&ination, the balls of the "istols #ere foun% to ha$e e$a"orate%.
This inci%ent ga$e occasion to &uch #aggery in the %aily "rints. 8The
first four e%itions rea%, (the balls of the "istols, like the courage of
the co&batants.(;
8The follo#ing %isclai&er to the foregoing note a""ears in the C0. in
=eigh /unt's co"y of the ,ourth E%ition, 1911. )t #as first "rinte% in
the ,ifth E%ition4FF;
() a& infor&e% that Cr. Coore "ublishe% at the ti&e a %isa$o#al of the
state&ents in the ne#s"a"ers, as far as regar%e% hi&selfI an%, in
justice to hi&, ) &ention this circu&stance. 5s ) ne$er hear% of it
before, ) cannot state the "articulars, an% #as only &a%e acDuainte%
#ith the fact $ery lately. Ao$e&ber K, 1911.(
85s a &atter of fact, it #as ?effrey's "istol that #as foun% to be
8,ootnote :<4 The T#ee% here beha$e% #ith "ro"er %ecoru&I it #oul% ha$e
been highly re"rehensible in the English half of the ri$er to ha$e sho#n
the s&allest sy&"to& of a""rehension.;
8,ootnote :K4 This %is"lay of sy&"athy on the "art of the Tolbooth Ethe
"rinci"al "rison in E%inburghG, #hich truly see&s to ha$e been &ost
affecte% on this occasion, is &uch to be co&&en%e%. )t #as to be
a""rehen%e%, that the &any unha""y cri&inals e-ecute% in the front &ight
ha$e ren%ere% the E%ifice &ore callous. 0he is sai% to be of the softer
se-, because her %elicacy of feeling on this %ay #as truly fe&inine,
though, like &ost fe&inine i&"ulses, "erha"s a little selfish.;
8,ootnote :74 =ine 769. ,or (oatFfe% "halan-,( the Luarto Proof an%
E%itions 1FK rea% (ranks illustrious.( The correction is &a%e in
'C0'. in the 5nnotate% E%ition. )t #as suggeste% that the &otto of
the 'E%inburgh .e$ie#' shoul% ha$e been, (Cusa& tenui &e%ita&ur
8,ootnote ::4 /is =or%shi" has been &uch abroa%, is a &e&ber of the
5thenian 0ociety, an% re$ie#er of Gell's 'To"ogra"hy of Troy'. 8George
Gor%on, fourth Earl of 5ber%een E129KF19:6G, "ublishe% in 19 '5n
)nDuiry into the Princi"les of Beauty in Grecian 5rchitecture'. /is
gran%father "urchase% Gight, the "ro"erty #hich Crs. Byron ha% sol% to
"ay her husban%'s %ebts. This &ay ha$e been an a%%itional reason for the
intro%uction of his na&e.;;
8,ootnote :24 Cr. /erbert is a translator of )celan%ic an% other "oetry.
>ne of the "rinci"al "ieces is a '0ong on the .eco$ery of Thor's
/a&&er'4 the translation is a "leasant chant in the $ulgar tongue, an%
en%eth thus4FF
()nstea% of &oney an% rings, ) #ot,
The ha&&er's bruises #ere her lot.
Thus >%in's son his ha&&er got.(
8Willia& /erbert E1229F19K2G, son of the first Earl of !arnar$on, e%ite%
'Cusae Etonenses' in 1217, #hilst he #as still at school. /e #as one of
the earliest contributors to the 'E%inburgh .e$ie#'. 5t the ti&e #hen
Byron #as #riting his satire, he #as C.P. for /a&"shire, but in 191K he
took >r%ers. /e #as a""ointe% 'ean of Canchester in 19K6, an%
re"ublishe% his "oetical #orks, an% a&ong the& his )celan%ic
Translations or '/orae 0can%icae ECiscellaneous Works', $ols.G, in
8,ootnote :94 The .e$. 0*'AE* 0C)T/, the re"ute% 5uthor of 'Peter
Ply&ley's =etters', an% sun%ry criticis&s. 80y%ney 0&ith E1221F19K7G,
the (#itty !anon of 0t. Paul's,( #as one of the foun%ers, an% for a
short ti&e E196G the e%itor, of the 'E%inburgh .e$ie#'. /is '=etters on
the !atholicks, fro& Peter Ply&ley to his brother 5braha&', a""eare% in
8,ootnote :14 Cr. /5==5C re$ie#e% P5*AE BA)G/T'0 (Taste,( an% #as
e-cee%ingly se$ere on so&e Greek $erses therein. )t #as not %isco$ere%
that the lines #ere Pin%ar's till the "ress ren%ere% it i&"ossible to
cancel the critiDue, #hich still stan%s an e$erlasting &onu&ent of
/alla&'s ingenuity.FF8'Aote a%%e% to 0econ% E%ition'4
/alla& is incense% because he is falsely accuse%, seeing that he ne$er
%ineth at /ollan% /ouse. )f this be true, ) a& sorryFFnot for ha$ing
sai% so, but on his account, as ) un%erstan% his =or%shi"'s feasts are
"referable to his co&"ositions. )f he %i% not re$ie# =or% />==5A''0
"erfor&ance, ) a& gla%I because it &ust ha$e been "ainful to rea%, an%
irkso&e to "raise it. )f Cr. /5==5C #ill tell &e #ho %i% re$ie# it,
the real na&e shall fin% a "lace in the te-tI "ro$i%e%, ne$ertheless,
the sai% na&e be of t#o ortho%o- &usical syllables, an% #ill co&e into
the $erse4 till then, /5==5C &ust stan% for #ant of a better.;
8/enry /alla& E1222F1971G, author of 'Euro"e %uring the Ci%%le 5ges',
1969, etc.
(This,( sai% Byron, (is the style in #hich history ought to be
#ritten, if it is #ishe% to i&"ress it on the &e&ory(
E'=a%y Blessington's !on$ersations #ith =or% Byron', 19<K, ". 1<G. The
article in Duestion #as #ritten by 'r. ?ohn 5llen, =or% /ollan%'s
%o&estic "hysician, an% Byron #as &isle% by the si&ilarity of soun% in
the t#o na&es Esee /. !. .obinson's ''iary', i. 22G, or re"eate% #hat
/o%gson ha% tol% hi& Esee )ntro%uction, an% =etter 16, 'note' iG.
,or a %is"roof that /alla& #rote the article, see 'Gent. Cag'., 19<6,
"t. i. ". <91I an% for an allusion to the &istake in the re$ie#, co&"are
'5ll the Talents', ". 1:, an% 'note'.
(0"are &e not '!hronicles' an% '0un%ay Ae#s',
0"are &e not 'Pa&"hleteers' an% '0cotch .e$ie#s'(
(The best literary joke ) recollect is its 8the 'E%in. .e$'.; atte&"ting
to "ro$e so&e of the Grecian Pin%ar rank non sense, su""osing it to ha$e
been #ritten by Cr. P. Bnight.(;
8,ootnote 264 Pillans is a 8"ri$ate, 'C0'.; tutor at Eton. 8?a&es
Pillans E1229F19:KG, .ector of the /igh 0chool, an% Professor of
/u&anity in the @ni$ersity, E%inburgh. Byron "robably assu&e% that the
re$ie# of /o%gson's 'Translation of ?u$enal', in the 'E%inburgh .e$ie#',
5"ril, 1969, #as by hi&.;;
,ootnote 214 The /onourable G. =a&be re$ie#e% (BE.E0,>.''0 Ciseries,(
an% is &oreo$er 5uthor of a farce enacte% #ith &uch a""lause at the
Priory, 0tan&oreI an% %a&ne% #ith great e-"e%ition at the late theatre,
!o$ent Gar%en. )t #as entitle% 'Whistle for )t'. 80ee note, 'su"ra', on
line 72.; /is re$ie# of ?a&es Beresfor%'s 'Ciseries of /u&an =ifeI or
the =ast Groans of Ti&othy Testy an% 0a&uel 0ensiti$e', a""eare% in the
'E%inburgh .e$ie# 'for >ct. 196:.;
8,ootnote4 24 Cr. Brougha&, in Ao. JJV. of the 'E%inburgh .e$ie#',
throughout the article concerning 'on Pe%ro %e !e$allos, has %is"laye%
&ore "olitics than "olicyI &any of the #orthy burgesses of E%inburgh
being so incense% at the infa&ous "rinci"les it e$inces, as to ha$e
#ith%ra#n their subscri"tions.FF8/ere follo#e%, in the ,irst E%ition4
(The na&e of this "ersonage is "ronounce% Broo& in the south, but the
truly northern an% '&usical' "ronunciation is B.>@G/F5C, in t#o
syllablesI( but for this, Byron substitute% in the 0econ% E%ition4 ()t
see&s that Cr. Brougha& is not a Pict, as ) su""ose%, but a Bor%erer,
an% his na&e is "ronounce% Broo&, fro& Trent to Tay4FFso be it.(
The title of the #ork #as (E-"osition of the Practices an% Cachinations
#hich le% to the usur"ation of the !ro#n of 0"ain, an% the &eans a%o"te%
by the E&"eror of the ,rench to carry it into e-ecution,( by 'on Pe%ro
!e$allos. The article, #hich a""eare% in >ct. 1969, #as the joint
co&"osition of ?effrey an% Brougha&, an% "ro$e% a turningF"oint in the
"olitical %e$elo"&ent of the '.e$ie#'.;;
8,ootnote 2<4 ) ought to a"ologise to the #orthy 'eities for intro%ucing
a ne# Go%%ess #ith short "etticoats to their notice4 but, alas3 #hat #as
to be %oneM ) coul% not say !ale%onia's Genius, it being #ell kno#n
there is no genius to be foun% fro& !lack&annan to !aithnessI yet
#ithout su"ernatural agency, ho# #as ?effrey to be sa$e%M The national
(Bel"ies( are too un"oetical, an% the (Bro#nies( an% (gu%e neighbours(
Es"irits of a goo% %is"ositionG refuse% to e-tricate hi&. 5 Go%%ess,
therefore, has been calle% for the "ur"oseI an% great ought to be the
gratitu%e of ?effrey, seeing it is the only co&&unication he e$er hel%,
or is likely to hol%, #ith anything hea$enly.;
8,ootnote 2K4 =ines 79F7<1 a""eare% for the first ti&e in the ,ifth
8,ootnote 274 0ee the colour of the back bin%ing of the 'E%inburgh
8,ootnote 2:4 (Ba% enough, an% on &istaken groun%s too.(FFB., 191:. 8The
co&&ent a""lies to the #hole "assage on =or% /ollan%.;
8/enry .ichar% Vassall, thir% =or% /ollan% E122<F19K6G, to #ho& Byron
%e%icate% the 'Bri%e of 5by%os' E191<G. /is '=ife of =o"e %e Vega' Esee
note KG #as "ublishe% in 196:, an% 'Three !o&e%ies fro& the 0"anish', in
8,ootnote 224 /enry Petty E1296F19:<G succee%e% his brother as thir%
CarDuis of =ans%o#ne in 1961. /e #as a regular atten%ant at the social
an% "olitical gatherings of his relati$e, =or% /ollan%I an% as /ollan%
/ouse #as regar%e% as one of the &ain rallyingF"oints of the Whig "arty
an% of the E%inburgh .e$ie#ers, the #or%s, (#hi""erFin an% huntsF&an,(
"robably refer to their e-ertions in this res"ect.;
8,ootnote 294 0ee note 1, ". <<2. E,ootnote :1FFTe-t E%.G;
8,ootnote 214 =or% /ollan% has translate% so&e s"eci&ens of =o"e %e
Vega, inserte% in his life of the author. Both are be"raise% by his
'%isintereste%' guests.;
8,ootnote 964 !ertain it is, her la%yshi" is sus"ecte% of ha$ing
%is"laye% her &atchless #it in the 'E%inburgh .e$ie#'. /o#e$er that &ay
be, #e kno# fro& goo% authority, that the &anuscri"ts are sub&itte% to
her "erusalFFno %oubt, for correction.;
8,ootnote 914 )n the &eloF%ra&a of 'Tekeli', that heroic "rince is cla"t
into a barrel on the stageI a ne# asylu& for %istresse% heroes.FF8)n the
'C0'. an% 'British Bar%s' the note stan%s thus4FF()n the &elo%ra&a of
'Tekeli', that heroic "rince is cla"t into a barrel on the stage, an%
!ount E$erar% in the fortress hi%es hi&self in a greenFhouse built
e-"ressly for the occasion. 'Tis a "ity that Theo%ore /ook, #ho is
really a &an of talent, shoul% confine his genius to such "altry
"ro%uctions as 'The ,ortress, Cusic Ca%', etc. etc.( Theo%ore /ook
E1299F19K1G "ro%uce% 'Tekeli' in 196:. ',ortress' an% 'Cusic Ca%' #ere
"laye% in 1962. /e ha% #ritten so&e eight or ten "o"ular "lays before he
#as t#entyFone.;;
8,ootnote 94 'Vi%e "ost', 1. 711, note <.;
8,ootnote 9<4 Willia& /enry West Betty E1211F192KG E(the *oung .oscius(G
&a%e his first a""earance on the =on%on stage as 0eli&, %isguise% as
5ch&et, in 'Barbarossa', 'ec. 1, 196K, an% his last, as a boy actor, in
'Tancre%', an% !a"tain ,lash in 'Ciss in her Teens', Car. 12, 196:, but
acte% in the "ro$inces till 1969. 0o great #as the e-cite&ent on the
occasion of his '%ebut', that the &ilitary #ere hel% in rea%iness to
assist in kee"ing or%er. /a$ing &a%e a large fortune, he finally retire%
fro& the stage in 19K, an% "asse% the last fifty years of his life in
retire&ent, sur$i$ing his fa&e by &ore than half a century.;
8,ootnote 9K4 5ll these are fa$ourite e-"ressions of Cr. .eynol%s, an%
"ro&inent in his co&e%ies, li$ing an% %efunct. 8,re%erick .eynol%s
E12:KF19K1G "ro%uce% nearly one hun%re% "lays, one of the &ost
successful of #hich #as 'The !ara$an, or the 'ri$er an% his 'og'. The
te-t allu%es to his en%ea$our to intro%uce the language of or%inary life
on the stage. !o&"are 'The !hil%ren of 5"ollo', ". 1FF
(But in his %iction .eynol%s grossly errsI
,or #hether the lo$e hero s&iles or &ourns,
'Tis oh3 an% ah3 an% ah3 an% oh3 by turns.(;;
8,ootnote 974 ?a&es Benney E1296F19K1G. 5&ong his $ery nu&erous "lays,
the &ost successful #ere '.aising the Win%' E196<G, an% '0#eethearts an%
Wi$es' E19<G. 'The Worl%' #as brought out at !o$ent Gar%en, Carch <6,
1969, an% ha% a consi%erable run. /e #as inti&ate #ith !harles an% Cary
=a&b Esee '=etters of !harles =a&b', ii. 1:, KKG.;
8,ootnote 97a4 Cr. T. 0heri%an, the ne# Canager of 'rury =ane theatre,
stri""e% the Trage%y of 'Bon%uca' 8'!aratach' in the original 'C0'.; of
the %ialogue, an% e-hibite% the scenes as the s"ectacle of '!aractacus'.
Was this #orthy of his sireM or of hi&selfM 8Tho&as 0heri%an
E1227F1912G, &ost fa&ous as the son of .ichar% Brinsley 0heri%an, an%
father of =a%y 'ufferin, Crs. Aorton, an% the 'uchess of 0o&erset, #as
author of se$eral "lays. /is 'Bon%uca' #as "laye% at !o$ent Gar%en, Cay
<, 1969. The follo#ing ans#er to a real or fictitious corres"on%ent, in
the 'Euro"ean CagaHine' for Cay, 1969, is an in%ication of conte&"orary
o"inion4 (The ,ish#o&an's letter to the author of '!aractacus' on the
art of gutting is ina%&issible.( ,or anec%otes of Tho&as 0heri%an, see
5ngelo's '.e&iniscences', 199, ii. 126F127. 0ee, too, 'E"ics of the
Ton', ". :K.;;
8,ootnote 9:4 George !ol&an, the younger E12:F19<:G, #rote nu&erous
%ra&as, se$eral of #hich, 'e.g. The )ron !hest' E121:G, '?ohn Bull'
E196<G, 'The /eirFatF=a#' E1969G, ha$e been "o"ular #ith &ore than one
generation of "laygoers. 5n a&using co&"anion, an% a fa$ourite at !ourt,
he #as a""ointe% =ieutenant of the *eo&en of the Guar%, an% e-a&iner of
"lays by .oyal fa$our, but his reckless &o%e of life ke"t hi& al#ays in
%ifficulties. '?ohn Bull' is referre% to in '/ints fro& /orace', line
8,ootnote 924 .ichar% !u&berlan% E12<F1911G, the original of 0ir
,retful Plagiary in 'The !ritic', a &an of $arie% abilities, #rote
"oetry, "lays, no$els, classical translations, an% #orks of religious
contro$ersy. /e #as successi$ely ,ello# of Trinity !ollege, !a&bri%ge,
secretary to the =or% =ieutenant of )relan%, an% secretary to the Boar%
of Tra%e. /is best kno#n "lays are 'The West )n%ian, The Wheels of
,ortune', an% 'The ?e#'. /e "ublishe% his 'Ce&oirs' in 196:F2.;;
8,ootnote 994 0heri%an's translation of 'PiHarro', by BotHebue, #as
first "laye% at 'rury =ane, 1211. 0outhey #rote of it, ()t is i&"ossible
to sink belo# 'PiHarro'. BotHebue's "lay &ight ha$e "asse% for the #orst
"ossible if 0heri%an ha% not "ro$e% the "ossibility of &aking it #orse(
E0outhey's '=etters', i. 92G. Giffor% allu%es to it in a note to 'The
Cae$ia%' as (the translation so &aliciously attribute% to 0heri%an.(;
8,ootnote 914 )n all e%itions, "re$ious to the fifth, it #as, (Be&ble
li$es to trea%.( Byron use% to say, that, of actors, (!ooke #as the &ost
natural, Be&ble the &ost su"ernatural, Bean the &e%iu& bet#een the t#oI
but that Crs. 0i%%ons #as #orth the& all "ut together.( 0uch effect,
ho#e$er, ha% Bean's acting on his &in%, that once, on seeing hi& "lay
0ir Giles >$erreach, he #as seiHe% #ith a fit.;
8,ootnote 164 0ee 'su"ra', line 7:.;
8,ootnote 114 5n%re# !herry E12:F191G acte% &any "arts in )relan% an%
in the "ro$inces, an% for a fe# years a""eare% at 'rury =ane. /e #as
"o"ular in 'ublin, #here he #as kno#n as (=ittle !herry.( /e #as "ainte%
as =aHarillo in ?e"hson's 'T#o 0trings to *our Bo#'. /e #rote 'The
Tra$ellers' E196:G, 'Peter the Great' E1962G, an% other "lays.;;
8,ootnote 14 Cr. 8no# 0ir =u&ley; 0keffington is the illustrious author
of 'The 0lee"ing BeautyI' an% so&e co&e%ies, "articularly 'Cai%s an%
Bachelors4 Baccalaurii' baculo &agis Dua& lauro %igni.
8=u&ley 0t. George Eafter#ar%s 0ir =u&leyG 0keffington E12:9F1976G.
Besi%es the "lays &entione% in the note, he #rote 'The Cai% of /onour'
E196<G an% 'The Cysterious Bri%e' E1969G. '5&atory Verses, by To&
0huffleton of the Ci%%le Te&"le' E1917G, are attribute% to his "en. They
are "reface% by a %e%icatory letter to Byron, #hich inclu%es a coarse
but cle$er skit in the style of 'English Bar%s'. (Great 0keffington( #as
a great %an%y. 5ccor%ing to !a"t. Grono# E'.e&iniscences', i. :<G, (he
use% to "aint his face so that he looke% like a ,rench toyI he %resse%
'a la .obes"ierre', an% "ractise% all the folliesI... #as re&arkable for
his "oliteness an% courtly &anners... *ou al#ays kne# of his a""roach by
an 'a$ant courier' of s#eet s&ell.( /is "lay 'The 0lee"ing Beauty' ha% a
consi%erable $ogue.;;
8,ootnote 1<4 Tho&as ?ohn 'ib%in E1221F19K1G, natural son of !harles
'ib%in the el%er, &a%e his first a""earance on the stage at the age of
four, "laying !u"i% to Crs. 0i%%ons' Venus at the 0hakes"earian ?ubilee
in 1227. >ne of his best kno#n "ieces is 'The ?e# an% the 'octor'
E1219G. /is "anto&i&e, 'Cother Goose', in #hich Gri&al%i took a "art,
#as "laye% at !o$ent Gar%en in 1962, an% is sai% to ha$e brought the
&anage&ent =6,666.;
8,ootnote 1K4 Cr. Green#oo% is, #e belie$e, sceneF"ainter to 'rury =ane
theatreFFas such, Cr. 0keffington is &uch in%ebte% to hi&.;
8,ootnote 174 Aal%i an% !atalani reDuire little noticeI for the $isage
of the one, an% the salary of the other, #ill enable us long to
recollect these a&using $agabon%s. Besi%es, #e are still black an% blue
fro& the sDueeHe on the first night of the =a%y's a""earance in
trousers. 8Guise""e Aal%i E1226F196G &a%e his '%ebut' on the =on%on
stage at the Bing's Theatre in 5"ril, 196:. )n conjunction #ith !atalani
an% Braha&, he ga$e concerts at Willis' .oo&s. 5ngelica !atalani Ecirc.
1297F19K1G, a fa&ous so"rano, )talian by birth an% training, &a%e her
'%ebut' at Venice in 1217. 0he re&aine% in Englan% for eight years
E196:F1KG. /er first a""earance in Englan% #as at the Bing's Theatre, in
Portogallo's '0e&ira&i%e,' in 196:. /er large salary #as one of the
causes #hich "ro$oke% the >. P. E>l% PricesG .iots in 'ece&ber, 1961, at
!o$ent Gar%en. Prae% says of his 'Ball .oo& Belle'FF
(0he #arble% /an%el4 it #as gran%I
0he &a%e the !atalani jealous.(;
8,ootnote 1:4 Coore says that the follo#ing t#enty lines #ere struck off
one night after =or% Byron's return fro& the >"era, an% sent the ne-t
&orning to the "rinter. The %ate of the letter to 'allas, #ith #hich the
lines #ere enclose%, suggests that the re"resentation #hich "ro$oke% the
outburst #as that of ') Villegiatori .eHHani,' at the Bing's Theatre,
,ebruary 1, 1961. The first "iece, in #hich Aal%i an% !atalani #ere the
"rinci"al singers, #as follo#e% by %'Eg$ille's &usical e-tra$aganHa,
''on Luichotte, on les Aoces %e Ga&ache.' )n the 'cor"s %e ballet' #ere
'eshayes, for &any years &aster of the 'ballet' at the Bing's TheatreI
Ciss Gayton, #ho ha% "laye% a 0yl"h at 'rury =ane as early as 196: Eshe
#as &arrie%, Carch 19, 1961, to the .e$. Willia& Curray, brother of 0ir
?a&es Pulteney, Bart.FF'Corning !hronicle,' 'ece&ber <6, 1916G, an%
Ca%e&oiselle 5ngiolini, (elegant of figure, '"etite', but finely for&e%,
#ith the &anner of Vestris.( Ca%e&oiselle Presle %oes not see& to ha$e
taken "art in ''on LuichotteI' but she #as #ell kno#n as '"re&iere
%anseuse' in '=a Belle =aitiere, =a ,ete !hinoise,' an% other ballets.;;
8,ootnote 124 ,or (#het( E%itions 1F7 rea% (raise.( =ines :<F:<2 are
&arke% (goo%( in the 5nnotate% ,ourth E%ition.;
8,ootnote 194 To "re$ent any blun%er, such as &istaking a street for a
&an, ) beg lea$e to state, that it is the institution, an% not the 'uke
of that na&e, #hich is here allu%e% to.
5 gentle&an, #ith #ho& ) a& slightly acDuainte%, lost in the 5rgyle
.oo&s se$eral thousan% "oun%s at Backga&&on.85; )t is but justice to the
&anager in this instance to say, that so&e %egree of %isa""robation #as
&anifeste%4 but #hy are the i&"le&ents of ga&ing allo#e% in a "lace
%e$ote% to the society of both se-esM 5 "leasant thing for the #i$es an%
%aughters of those #ho are blesse% or curse% #ith such connections, to
hear the Billiar%FBalls rattling in one roo&, an% the %ice in another3
That this is the case ) &yself can testify, as a late un#orthy &e&ber of
an )nstitution #hich &aterially affects the &orals of the higher or%ers,
#hile the lo#er &ay not e$en &o$e to the soun% of a tabor an% fi%%le,
#ithout a chance of in%ict&ent for riotous beha$iour. 8The 5rgyle
)nstitution, foun%e% by !olonel Gre$ille, flourishe% &any years before
the 5rgyll .oo&s #ere built by Aash in 1919. This &ention of Gre$ille's
na&e cause% hi& to %e&an% an e-"lanation fro& Byron, but the &atter #as
a&icably settle% by Coore an% G. ,. =eckie, #ho acte% on behalf of the
%is"utants Esee '=ife', "". 1:6, 1:1G.;;
80ubF,ootnote 54 (True. )t #as Billy Way #ho lost the &oney. ) kne# hi&,
an% #as a subscriber to the 5rgyle at the ti&e of this e$ent.(FFB.,
8,ootnote 114 Petronius, (5rbiter elegantiaru&( to Aero, (an% a $ery
"retty fello# in his %ay,( as Cr. !ongre$e's (>l% Bachelor( saith of
8,ootnote 1664 (We are authorise% to state that Cr. Gre$ille, #ho has a
s&all "arty at his "ri$ate asse&bly roo&s at the 5rgyle, #ill recei$e
fro& 16 to 1 8".&.; &asks #ho ha$e Crs. !hichester's )nstitution
tickets.FFCorning Post, ?une 2, 1961.;
8,ootnote 1614 0ee note on line :9:, infra.;
8,ootnote 164 '!lo%ius'FF(Cutato no&ine %e te ,abula narratur.(FF8'C0';
8The allusion is to the #ellFkno#n inci%ents of his intrigue #ith
Po&"eia, !aesar's #ife, an% his sacrilegious intrusion into the &ysteries
of the Bona 'ea. The .o&ans ha% a "ro$erb, (!lo%ius accuset CoechosM(
E?u$., '0at.' ii. 2G. That (0teenie( shoul% lecture on the (tur"itu%e
of incontinence3( E'The ,ortunes of Aigel,' ca". ---ii.G;;
8,ootnote 16<4 ) kne# the late =or% ,alklan% #ell. >n 0un%ay night )
behel% hi& "resi%ing at his o#n table, in all the honest "ri%e of
hos"italityI on We%nes%ay &orning, at three o'clock, ) sa# stretche%
before &e all that re&aine% of courage, feeling, an% a host of "assions.
/e #as a gallant an% successful officer4 his faults #ere the faults of a
sailorFFas such, Britons #ill forgi$e the&. 8(/is beha$iour on the fiel%
#as #orthy of a better fate, an% his con%uct on the be% of %eath e$ince%
all the fir&ness of a &an #ithout the farce of re"entanceFF) say the
farce of re"entance, for %eathFbe% re"entance is a farce, an% as little
ser$iceable to the soul at such a &o&ent as the surgeon to the bo%y,
though both &ay be useful if taken in ti&e. 0o&e hireling in the "a"ers
forge% a tale about an agoniHe% $oice, etc. >n &entioning the
circu&stance to Cr. /ea$isi%e, he e-clai&e%, 'Goo% Go%3 #hat absur%ity
to talk in this &anner of one #ho %ie% like a lion3'FFhe %i%
&ore.(FF'C0'; /e %ie% like a bra$e &an in a better causeI for ha% he
fallen in like &anner on the %eck of the frigate to #hich he #as just
a""ointe%, his last &o&ents #oul% ha$e been hel% u" by his country&en as
an e-a&"le to succee%ing heroes.
8!harles ?ohn !arey, ninth Viscount ,alklan%, %ie% fro& a #oun% recei$e%
in a %uel #ith Cr. 5. Po#ell on ,eb. 9, 1961. E0ee Byron's letter to
his &other, Carch :, 1961.G The story of (the agoniHe% $oice( &ay be
trace% to a "aragra"h in the 'Corning Post,' Carch , 19614 (=or%
,alklan%, after hearing the surgeon's o"inion, sai% #ith a faltering
$oice an% as intelligibly as the agoniHe% state of his bo%y an% &in%
"er&itte%, () acDuit Cr. Po#ell of all bla&eI in this transaction )
alone a& cul"able.'(;;
8,ootnote 16K4 (*es4 an% a "recious chase they le% &e.(FFB., 191:.;
8,ootnote 1674 (',ool' enough, certainly, then, an% no #iser
since.(FFB., 191:.;
8,ootnote 16:4 What #oul% be the senti&ents of the Persian 5nacreon,
/5,)N, coul% he rise fro& his s"len%i% se"ulchre at 0heeraH E#here he
re"oses #ith ,E.'>@0) an% 05'), the >riental /o&er an% !atullusG, an%
behol% his na&e assu&e% by one 0T>TT of '.>C>.E, the &ost i&"u%ent an%
e-ecrable of literary "oachers for the 'aily PrintsM;
8,ootnote 1624 Ciles Peter 5n%re#s E%. 19KG #as the o#ner of large
"o#%erF&ills at 'artfor%. /e #as C.P. for Be#%ley. /e hel% a goo% social
"osition, but his inti&ate frien%s #ere actors an% "lay#rights. /is
'Better =ate than Ae$er' E#hich .eynol%s an% To"ha& hel"e% hi& to #riteG
#as "laye% for the first ti&e at 'rury =ane, >ctober 12, 1216, #ith
Be&ble as 0a$ille, an% Crs. ?or%an as 5ugusta. /e is &entione% in 'The
Ba$ia%', l. 16I an% in a note Giffor% satiriHes his "rologue to
'=orenHo', an% %escribes hi& as an (in%ustrious "aragra"hF&onger.(;;
8,ootnote 1694 )n a &anuscri"t frag&ent, boun% in the sa&e $olu&e as
'British Bar%s', #e fin% these lines4FF
()n these, our ti&es, #ith %aily #on%ers big,
5 =ettere% "eer is like a lettere% "igI
Both kno# their 5l"habet, but #ho, fro& thence,
)nfers that "eers or "igs ha$e &anly senseM
0till less that such shoul% #oo the graceful nineI
Parnassus #as not &a%e for lor%s an% s#ine.(;
8,ootnote 1614 Went#orth 'illon, Kth Earl of .osco&&on E1:<KF1:97G,
author of &any translations an% &inor "oe&s, en%ea$oure% Ecirc. 1::<G to
foun% an English literary aca%e&y.;
8,ootnote 1164 ?ohn 0heffiel%, Earl of Culgra$e E1:79G, CarDuis of
Aor&anby E1:1KG, 'uke of Buckingha& E126<G E1:K1F121G, #rote an 'Essay
u"on Poetry', an% se$eral other #orks.;
8,ootnote 1114 =ines 22F2K6 #ere a%%e% after 'British Bar%s' ha% been
"rinte%, an% are inclu%e% in the ,irst E%ition, but the a""earance in
'British Bar%s' of lines 2<F2: an% 2K1F2K:, #hich ha$e been cut out
fro& Cr. Curray's C0., for&s one of &any "roofs as to the i%entity of
the te-t of the 'C0'. an% the "rinte% Luarto.;;
8,ootnote 114 ,re%erick /o#ar%, 7th Earl of !arlisle, B.G. E12K9F197G,
Viceroy of )relan%, 1296F129, an% Pri$y 0eal, etc., "ublishe%
'Trage%ies an% Poe&s', 1961. /e #as Byron's first cousin once re&o$e%,
an% his guar%ian. 'Poe&s >riginal an% Translate%,' #ere %e%icate% to
=or% !arlisle, an%, as an erase% C0. a%%ition to 'British Bar%s'
testifies, he #as to ha$e been e-ce"te% fro& the roll of title%
(5h, #ho #oul% take their titles fro& their rhy&esM
>n 'one' alone 5"ollo %eigns to s&ile,
5n% cro#ns a ne# .osco&&on in !arlisle.(
Before, ho#e$er, the re$ise% 0atire #as sent to the "ress, !arlisle
ignore% his cousin's reDuest to intro%uce hi& on taking his seat in the
/ouse of =or%s, an%, to a$enge the slight, eighteen lines of castigation
su""lante% the flattering cou"let. =or% !arlisle suffere% fro& a ner$ous
%isor%er, an% Byron #as infor&e% that so&e rea%ers ha% scente% an
allusion in the #or%s ("aralytic "uling.( () thank /ea$en,( he
e-clai&e%, () %i% not kno# itI an% #oul% not, coul% not, if ) ha%. )
&ust naturally be the last "erson to be "ointe% on %efects or &ala%ies.(
)n 191K he consulte% .ogers on the chance of conciliating !arlisle, an%
in '!hil%e /arol%', iii. 1, he la&ents the loss of the (young an%
gallant /o#ar%( E!arlisle's youngest sonG at Waterloo, an% a%&its that
(he %i% his sire so&e #rong.( But, accor%ing to Ce%#in E'!on$ersations',
19K, ". <:G, #ho "rints an e-cellent "aro%y on !arlisle's lines
a%%resse% to =a%y /ollan% in 19, in #hich he urges her to %ecline the
legacy of Aa"oleon's snuffFbo-, Byron &a%e fun of his (noble relati$e(
to the en% of the cha"ter E'$i%e "ost', ". <26, 'note' G.;;
8,ootnote 11<4 The Earl of !arlisle has lately "ublishe% an
eighteenF"enny "a&"hlet on the state of the 0tage, an% offers his "lan
for buil%ing a ne# theatre. )t is to be ho"e% his =or%shi" #ill be
"er&itte% to bring for#ar% anything for the 0tageFFe-ce"t his o#n
trage%ies. 8This "a&"hlet #as entitle% 'Thoughts u"on the "resent
con%ition of the stage, an% u"on the construction of a ne# Theatre',
anon. 1969.;
=ine 2<. Aone of the earlier e%itions, inclu%ing the fifth an% Curray,
19<1, insert (an%( bet#een ("etitF&aitre( an% ("a&"hleteer.( Ao %oubt
Byron soun%e% the final syllable of (&aitre,( 'anglice' (&ailer.(;;
8,ootnote 11K4
('off that lion's hi%e,
5n% hang a calfFskin on those recreant li&bs.(
0/5BE0PE5.E, 'Bing ?ohn.'
=or% !arlisle's #orks, &ost res"len%ently boun%, for& a cons"icuous
orna&ent to his bookFshel$es4FF
(The rest is all but 8only, C0.; leather an% "runella.(
(Wrong alsoFFthe "ro$ocation #as not sufficient to justify such
acerbity.(FFB., 191:.;
8,ootnote 1174 '5ll the Blocks, or an 5nti%ote to (5ll the Talents(' by
,lagellu& EW. /. )relan%G, =on%on, 19624 'The Groan of the Talents, or
Pri$ate 0enti&ents on Public >ccasions,' 1962I (GrFF$ile 5gonistes, '5
'ra&atic Poe&, 1962,' etc., etc.(;
8,ootnote 11:4 (CE=V)==E'0 Cantle,( a "aro%y on 'Elijah's Cantle,' a
"oe&. 8'Elijah's Cantle, being $erses occasione% by the %eath of that
illustrious states&an, the .ight /on. W. Pitt.' 'e%icate% to the .ight
.e$. the =or% Bisho" of =incoln E1962G, #as #ritten by ?a&es 0ayer.
'Cel$ille's Cantle, being a Paro%y on the "oe& entitle% (Elijah's
Cantle(' #as "ublishe% by Bu%%, 1962. '5 Cono%y on the %eath of the ..
/. !. ?. ,o-,' by .ichar% Payne Bnight, #as "rinte% for ?. Payne,
196:F2. 5nother (Cono%y,( '=ines #ritten on returning fro& the ,uneral
of the .. /. !. ?. ,o-, ,ri%ay >ct'. 16, 196:, a%%resse% to =or%
/ollan%, #as by C. G. =e#is, an% there #ere others.;;
8,ootnote 1124 This lo$ely little ?essica, the %aughter of the note% ?e#
Bing, see&s to be a follo#er of the 'ella !rusca school, an% has
"ublishe% t#o $olu&es of $ery res"ectable absur%ities in rhy&e, as ti&es
goI besi%es sun%ry no$els in the style of the first e%ition of 'The
(0he since &arrie% the 'Corning Post'FFan e-cee%ing goo% &atchI an% is
no# %ea%FF#hich is better.(FFB., 191:. 8The last se$en #or%s are in
"encil, an%, "ossibly, by another han%. The no$elist (.osa,( the
%aughter of (?e# Bing,( the lor%ly &oneyFlen%er #ho li$e% in !larges
0treet, an% %ro$e a yello# chariot, &ay "ossibly be confoun%e% #ith
(.osa Catil%a,( Crs. Byrne EGrono#, '.e&.' E1991G, i. 1<F1<:G. E0ee
note 1, ". <79.G;
8,ootnote 1194 =ines 271, 2:6 #ere a%%e% for the first ti&e in the
,ourth E%ition.;
8,ootnote 1114 =ines 27:F2:K, #ith $ariant ii., refer to the 'ella
!ruscan school, attacke% by Giffor% in 'The Ba$ia%' an% 'The Cae$ia%.'
.obert Cerry E1277F1219G, together #ith Crs. PioHHi, Bertie Greathee%,
Willia& Parsons, an% so&e )talian frien%s, for&e% a literary society
calle% the '>Hiosi' at ,lorence, #here they "ublishe% 'The 5rno
Ciscellany' E129KG an% 'The ,lorence Ciscellany' E1297G, consisting of
$erses in #hich the authors (say kin% things of each other( EPreface to
'The ,lorence Ciscellany,' by Crs. PioHHiG. )n 1292 Cerry, #ho ha%
beco&e a &e&ber of the 'ella !ruscan 5ca%e&y at ,lorence, returne% to
=on%on, an% #rote in the 'Worl%' Ethen e%ite% by !a"tain To"ha&G a
sonnet on (=o$e,( un%er the signature of ('ella !rusca.( /e #as ans#ere%
by Crs. /annah !o#ley, 'nee' Parkhouse E12K<F1961G, fa&ous as the
authoress of 'The Belles 0tratage&' Eacte% at !o$ent Gar%en in 129G, in
a sonnet calle% (The Pen,( signe% (5nna Catil%a.( The "oetical
corres"on%ence #hich follo#e% #as "ublishe% in 'The British 5lbu&'
E1291, $ols.G by ?ohn Bell. >ther #riters connecte% #ith the 'ella
!ruscan school #ere (Per%ita( .obinson, 'nee' 'arby E1279F1966G, #ho
"ublishe% 'The Cistletoe' E1966G un%er the "seu%ony& (=aura Caria,( an%
to #ho& Cerry a%%resse% a "oe& Duote% by Giffor% in 'The Ba$ia%' E'note'
to line 9KGI !harlotte 'acre, #ho &arrie% Byrne, .obinson's successor
as e%itor of the 'Corning Post,' #rote un%er the "seu%ony& of (.osa
Catil%a,( an% "ublishe% "oe&s E'/ours of 0olitu%e,' 1967G an% nu&erous
no$els E'!onfessions of the Aun of 0t. >&er's,' 1967I 'NofloyaI' 'The
=ibertine,' etc.GI an% (/afiH( E.obert 0tott, of the 'Corning Post'G. >f
these #riters, ('ella !rusca( Cerry, an% (=aura Caria( .obinson, #ere
%ea%I (5nna Catil%a( !o#ley, (/afiH( 0tott, an% (.osa Catil%a( 'acre
#ere still li$ing. ?ohn Bell E12K7F19<1G, the "ublisher of 'The British
5lbu&,' #as also one of the "ro"rietors of the 'Corning Post,' the
'>racle,' an% the 'Worl%,' in all of #hich the 'ella !ruscans #rote. /is
(>#ls an% Aightingales( are e-"laine% by a reference to 'The Ba$ia%' El.
9KG, #here Giffor% "reten%s to &istake the nightingale, to #hich Cerry
E(5rno(G a%%resse% so&e lines, for an o#l. (>n looking again, ) fin% the
o#l to be a nightingale3FFA'i&"orte.(;;
8,ootnote 164 These are the signatures of $arious #orthies #ho figure
in the "oetical %e"art&ents of the ne#s"a"ers.;
8,ootnote 114 (This #as &eant for "oor Blackett, #ho #as then
"atronise% by 5. ). B.( E=a%y ByronGI (but 'that' ) %i% not kno#, or
this #oul% not ha$e been #ritten, at least ) think not.(FFB., 191:.
8?ose"h Blacket E129:F1916G, sai% by 0outhey E'=etters,' i. 12G to
"ossess (force an% ra"i%ity,( an% to be en%o#e% #ith (&ore "o#ers than
.obert Bloo&fiel%, an% an intellect of higher "itch,( #as the son of a
labourer, an% by tra%e a cobbler. /e #as brought into notice by 0. ?.
Pratt E#ho "ublishe% Blacket's '.e&ains' in 1911G, an% #as befrien%e% by
the Cilbanke fa&ily. Ciss Cilbanke, after#ar%s =a%y Byron, #rote E0e"t.
, 1961G, (0eaha& is at "resent the resi%ence of a "oet, by na&e ?ose"h
Blacket, one of the BurnsFlike an% 'er&o%y kin%, #hose genius is his
sole "ossession. ) #as yester%ay in his co&"any for the first ti&e, an%
#as &uch "lease% #ith his &anners an% con$ersation. /e is e-tre&ely
%iffi%ent, his %e"ort&ent is &il%, an% his countenance ani&ate%
&elancholy an% of a satirical turn. /is "oe&s certainly %is"lay a
su"erior genius an% an enlarge% &in%....( Blacket %ie% on the 0eaha&
estate in 0e"t., 1916, at the age of t#entyFthree. E0ee Byron's letter
to 'allas, ?une 9, 1911I his 'E"ita"h for ?ose"h BlackettI' an% '/ints
fro& /orace,' l. 2<K.G;;
8,ootnote 14 !a"el =offt, EsD., the Caecenas of shoe&akers, an%
PrefaceF#riterFGeneral to %istresse% $erse&enI a kin% of gratis
5ccoucheur to those #ho #ish to be %eli$ere% of rhy&e, but %o not kno#
ho# to bring it forth.
8!a"el =offt E1271F19KG, jurist, "oet, critic, an% horticulturist,
honoure% hi&self by his kin%ly "atronage of .obert Bloo&fiel%
E12::F19<G, #ho #as born at /onington, near =offt's estate of Throston,
0uffolk. .obert Bloo&fiel% #as brought u" by his el%er brothersFF
Aathaniel a tailor, an% George a shoe&aker. )t #as in the latter's
#orksho" that he co&"ose% 'The ,ar&er's Boy,' #hich #as "ublishe% E1219G
#ith the hel" of =offt. /e also #rote '.ural Tales' E196G, 'Goo%
Ti%ingsI or Ae#s fro& the ,ar& 'E196KG, 'The Banks of the Wye' E1911G,
etc. E0ee '/ints fro& /orace,' line 2<K, notes 1 an% .G;;
8,ootnote 1<4 0ee Aathaniel Bloo&fiel%'s o%e, elegy, or #hate$er he or
any one else chooses to call it, on the enclosures of (/onington Green.(
8Aathaniel Bloo&fiel%, as a &atter of fact, calle% it a balla%.FF'Poe&s'
8,ootnote 1K4 Vi%e '.ecollections of a Wea$er in the Coorlan%s of
0taffor%shire'. 8The e-act title is 'The Coorlan% Bar%I or Poetical
.ecollections of a Wea$er', etc. $ols., 1962. The author #as T.
Bake#ell, #ho also #rote '5 'o&estic Gui%e to )nsanity', 1967.;;
8,ootnote 174 )t #oul% be su"erfluous to recall to the &in% of the
rea%er the authors of 'The Pleasures of Ce&ory' an% 'The Pleasures of
/o"e', the &ost beautiful %i%actic "oe&s in our language, if #e e-ce"t
Po"e's 'Essay on Can'4 but so &any "oetasters ha$e starte% u", that e$en
the na&es of !a&"bell an% .ogers are beco&e strange.FF8Beneath this note
Byron scribble%, in 191:,FF
(Pretty Ciss ?aDueline
/a% a nose aDuiline,
5n% #oul% assert ru%e
Things of Ciss Gertru%e,
While Cr. Car&ion
=e% a great ar&y on,
Caking Beha&a look
=ike a fierce Ca&eluke.(
() ha$e been rea%ing,( he says, in 191<, ('Ce&ory' again, an% '/o"e'
together, an% retain all &y "reference of the for&er. /is elegance is
really #on%erfulFFthere is no such a thing as a $ulgar line in his
book.( )n the annotations of 191:, Byron re&arks, (.ogers has not
fulfille% the "ro&ise of his first "oe&s, but has still $ery great
8,ootnote 1:4 G),,>.', author of the 'Ba$ia%' an% 'Cae$ia%', the first
satires of the %ay, an% translator of ?u$enal, 8an% one Ethough not the
bestG of the translators of ?u$enal.FF'British Bar%s'.;;
8,ootnote 124 0>T/EB*, translator of W)E=5A''0 '>beron' an% Virgil's
'Georgics', an% author of '0aul', an e"ic "oe&. 8Willia& 0otheby
E1272F19<<G began life as a ca$alry officer, but being a &an of fortune,
sol% out of the ar&y an% %e$ote% hi&self to literature, an% to the
"atronage of &en of letters. /is translation of the '>beron' a""eare% in
1219, an% of the 'Georgics' in 1966. '0aul' #as "ublishe% in 1962. When
Byron #as in Venice, he concei$e% a %islike to 0otheby, in the belief
that he ha% &a%e an anony&ous attack on so&e of his #orksI but, later,
his $er%ict #as, (a goo% &an, rhy&es #ell Eif not #iselyGI but is a
bore( E''iary', 191I 'Works', ". 761, noteG. /e is (the sole&n antiDue
&an of rhy&e( E'Be""o', st. l-iii.G, an% the (Botherby( of 'The Blues'I
an% in ''on ?uan', !anto ). st. c-$i., #e rea%FF
(Thou shalt not co$et Cr. 0otheby's house
/is Pegasus nor anything that's his.(;;
8,ootnote 194 C5!AE)=, #hose "oe&s are %eser$e%ly "o"ular, "articularly
(0!>T=5A''0 0caith,( an% the (Waes of War,( of #hich ten thousan% co"ies
#ere sol% in one &onth. 8/ector Cacneil E12K:F191:G #rote in %efence of
sla$ery in ?a&aica, an% #as the author of se$eral "oe&s4 '0cotlan%'s
0kaith, or the /istory of Will an% ?ean' E1217G, 'The Waes of War, or
the @"shot of the /istory of Will an% ?ean' E121:G, etc., etc.;;
8,ootnote 114 Cr. G),,>.' "ro&ise% "ublicly that the 'Ba$ia%' an%
'Cae$ia%' shoul% not be his last original #orks4 let hi& re&e&ber, (Co-
in reluctantes %racones.( 8!f. 'Ae# Corality,' lines 1FK.;;
8,ootnote 1<64 /enry Birke White %ie% at !a&bri%ge, in >ctober 196:, in
conseDuence of too &uch e-ertion in the "ursuit of stu%ies that #oul%
ha$e &ature% a &in% #hich %isease an% "o$erty coul% not i&"air, an%
#hich 'eath itself %estroye% rather than sub%ue%. /is "oe&s aboun% in
such beauties as &ust i&"ress the rea%er #ith the li$eliest regret that
so short a "erio% #as allotte% to talents, #hich #oul% ha$e %ignifie%
e$en the sacre% functions he #as %estine% to assu&e.
8/. B. White E1297F196:G "ublishe% '!lifton Gro$e' an% other "oe&s in
196<. T#o $olu&es of his '.e&ains,' consisting of "oe&s, letters, etc.,
#ith a life by 0outhey, #ere issue% in 1969. /is ten%ency to e"ile"sy
#as increase% by o$erF#ork at !a&bri%ge. /e once re&arke% to a frien%
that (#ere he to "aint a "icture of ,a&e, cro#ning a %istinguishe%
un%ergra%uate after the 0enate house e-a&ination, he #oul% re"resent her
as concealing a 'eath's hea% un%er a &ask of Beauty( E'=ife of /. B.
W.', by 0outhey, i. K7G. By (the soaring lyre, #hich else ha% soun%e% an
i&&ortal lay,( Byron, "erha"s, refers to the unfinishe% '!hristia%,'
#hich, says 0outhey, (/enry ha% &ost at heart.(;;
8,ootnote 1<14 =ines 9<F9<K, as they stan% in the te-t, #ere inserte%
in C0. in both the 5nnotate% !o"ies of the ,ourth E%ition.;;
8,ootnote 1<4 () consi%er !rabbe an% !oleri%ge as the first of these
ti&es, in "oint of "o#er an% genius.(FFB., 191:.;
8,ootnote 1<<4 Cr. 0hee, author of '.hy&es on 5rt' an% 'Ele&ents of
5rt'. 80ir Cartin 5rcher 0hee E1226F1976G #as Presi%ent of the .oyal
5ca%e&y E19<6FK7G. /is '.hy&es on 5rt' E1967G an% 'Ele&ents of 5rt'
E1961G, a "oe& in si- cantos, #ill har%ly be regar%e% as #orthy of
Byron's "raise, #hich #as "robably Duite genuine. /e also #rote a no$el,
'/arry !al$erley', an% other #orks.;;
8,ootnote 1<K4 Cr. Wright, late !onsulFGeneral for the 0e$en )slan%s, is
author of a $ery beautiful "oe&, just "ublishe%4 it is entitle% '/orae
)onicae', an% is %escri"ti$e of the isles an% the a%jacent coast of
Greece. 8Walter .o%#ell Wright #as after#ar%s Presi%ent of the !ourt of
5""eal in Calta, #here he %ie% in 19:. '/orae )onicae, a Poe& %escri"ti$e
of the )onian )slan%s, an% Part of the 5%jacent !oast of Greece', #as
"ublishe% in 1961. /e is &entione% in one of Byron's long notes to
'!hil%e /arol%', canto ii., %ate% ,ranciscan !on$ent, Car. 12, 1911.;;
8,ootnote 1<74 The translators of the 5nthology ha$e since "ublishe%
se"arate "oe&s, #hich e$ince genius that only reDuires o""ortunity to
attain e&inence. 8The .e$. .obert Blan% E1221F197G "ublishe%, in 196:,
'Translations chiefly fro& the Greek 5nthology, #ith Tales an%
Ciscellaneous Poe&s'. )n these he #as assiste% Esee '=ife of the .e$.
,rancis /o%gson', $ol. i. "". :F:6G by 'en&an Eafter#ar%s !hief
?usticeG, by /o%gson hi&self, an%, abo$e all, by ?ohn /er&an Ceri$ale
E1221F19KKG, #ho subseDuently, in 191<, #as joint e%itor #ith hi& of
'!ollections fro& the Greek 5nthology', etc.;;
8,ootnote 1<:4 Eras&us 'ar#in E12<1F196G, the gran%father of !harles
.obert 'ar#in. !oleri%ge %escribes his "oetry as (nothing but a
succession of lan%sca"es or "aintings. )t arrests the attention too
often, an% so "re$ents the ra"i%ity necessary to "athos.(FF'5ni&a
Poetae', 1917, ". 7. /is chief #orks are 'The Botanic Gar%en' E1291F1G
an% 'The Te&"le of Aature' E196<G. Byron's censure of 'The Botanic
Gar%en' is inconsistent #ith his "rinci"les, for 'ar#in's $erse #as
strictly &o%elle% on the lines of Po"e an% his follo#ers. But the '=o$es
of the Triangles' ha% laughe% a#ay the '=o$es of the Plants'.;;
8,ootnote 1<24 The neglect of 'The Botanic Gar%en' is so&e "roof of
returning taste. The scenery is its sole reco&&en%ation.;
8,ootnote 1<94 This #as not Byron's &ature o"inion, nor ha% he so
e-"resse% hi&self in the re$ie# of Wor%s#orth's 'Poe&s' #hich he
contribute% to '!rosby's CagaHine' in 1962 E'=ife', ". ::1G. /is scorn
#as, in "art, "ro$oke% by in%ignities offere% to Po"e an% 'ry%en, an%,
in "art, assu&e% because one =ake "oet calle% u" the restI an% it #as
goo% s"ort to flout an% jibe at the (,raternity.( That the %ay #oul%
co&e #hen the &essage of Wor%s#orth #oul% reach his ears an% a#aken his
enthusias&, he coul% not, of course, foresee Esee '!hil%e /arol%', canto
iii. stanHas 2, 'et seDD.'G.;;
8,ootnote 1<14 Cessrs. =a&b an% =loy%, the &ost ignoble follo#ers of
0outhey an% !o. 8!harles =loy% E1227F19<1G resi%e% for so&e &onths un%er
!oleri%ge's roof, first in Bristol, an% after#ar%s at Aether 0to#ey
E121:F1212G. /e "ublishe%, in 121:, a folio e%ition of his 'Poe&s on the
'eath of Priscilla ,ar&er', in #hich a sonnet by !oleri%ge an% a "oe& of
=a&b's #ere inclu%e%. =a&b an% =loy% contribute% se$eral "ieces to the
secon% e%ition of !oleri%ge's Poe&s, "ublishe% in 1212I an% in 1219 they
brought out a joint $olu&e of their o#n co&"osition, na&e% 'Poe&s in
Blank Verse'. 'E%&un% >li$er', a no$el, a""eare% also in 1219. 5n
estrange&ent bet#een !oleri%ge an% =loy% resulte% in a Duarrel #ith
=a&b, an% a %ra#ing together of =a&b, =loy%, an% 0outhey. But Byron
"robably ha% in his &in% nothing &ore than the lines in the
'5ntiF?acobin', #here =a&b an% =loy% are classe% #ith !oleri%ge an%
0outhey as a%$ocates of ,rench socialis&4FF
(!oleri%ge an% 0outhey, =loy% an% =a&b an% !o.,
Tune all your &ystic har"s to "raise =e"au-.(
)n later life Byron e-"resse% a $ery %ifferent o"inion of =a&b's
literary &erits. E0ee the "reface to 'Werner', no# first "ublishe%.G;;
8,ootnote 1K64 By the bye, ) ho"e that in Cr. 0cott's ne-t "oe&, his
hero or heroine #ill be less a%%icte% to (Gra&arye,( an% &ore to
Gra&&ar, than the =a%y of the =ay an% her Bra$o, Willia& of 'eloraine.;
8,ootnote 1K14 (@njust.(FFB., 191:. 8)n ',rost at Ci%night', first
"ublishe% in 1219, !oleri%ge t#ice &entions his (!ra%le% infant.(;;
8,ootnote 1K4 The .e$. W. =. Bo#les E'$i%e ante', ". <<, note G,
"ublishe%, in 1291, ',ourteen 0onnets #ritten chiefly on PicturesDue
0"ots %uring a ?ourney'.;;
8,ootnote 1K<4 )t &ay be aske%, #hy ) ha$e censure% the Earl of
!5.=)0=E, &y guar%ian an% relati$e, to #ho& ) %e%icate% a $olu&e of
"uerile "oe&s a fe# years agoMFFThe guar%ianshi" #as no&inal, at least
as far as ) ha$e been able to %isco$erI the relationshi" ) cannot hel",
an% a& $ery sorry for itI but as his =or%shi" see&e% to forget it on a
$ery essential occasion to &e, ) shall not bur%en &y &e&ory #ith the
recollection. ) %o not think that "ersonal %ifferences sanction the
unjust con%e&nation of a brother scribblerI but ) see no reason #hy they
shoul% act as a "re$enti$e, #hen the author, noble or ignoble, has, for
a series of years, beguile% a (%iscerning "ublic( Eas the a%$ertise&ents
ha$e itG #ith %i$ers rea&s of &ost ortho%o-, i&"erial nonsense. Besi%es,
) %o not ste" asi%e to $itu"erate the earl4 noFFhis #orks co&e fairly in
re$ie# #ith those of other Patrician =iterati. )f, before ) esca"e% fro&
&y teens, ) sai% anything in fa$our of his =or%shi"'s "a"er books, it
#as in the #ay of %utiful %e%ication, an% &ore fro& the a%$ice of others
than &y o#n ju%g&ent, an% ) seiHe the first o""ortunity of "ronouncing
&y sincere recantation. ) ha$e hear% that so&e "ersons concei$e &e to be
un%er obligations to =or% !5.=)0=E4 if so, ) shall be &ost "articularly
ha""y to learn #hat they are, an% #hen conferre%, that they &ay be %uly
a""reciate% an% "ublicly ackno#le%ge%. What ) ha$e hu&bly a%$ance% as an
o"inion on his "rinte% things, ) a& "re"are% to su""ort, if necessary,
by Duotations fro& Elegies, Eulogies, >%es, E"iso%es, an% certain
facetious an% %ainty trage%ies bearing his na&e an% &ark4FF
(What can ennoble kna$es, or 'fools', or co#ar%sM
5las3 not all the bloo% of all the /o#ar%s.(
0o says Po"e. 5&en3FF(Cuch too sa$age, #hate$er the foun%ation &ight
be.(FFB., 191:.;
8,ootnote 1KK4 =ine 17. 'Aote'FF
(Tollere hu&o, $ictorDue $iru& $olitare "er ora.(
8,ootnote 1K74
(The %e$il take that 'Phoeni-'3 /o# ca&e it thereM(
FFB., 191:.;
8,ootnote 1K:4 The .e$. !harles ?a&es /oare E1291F19:7G, a close frien%
of the lea%ers of the E$angelical "arty, gaine% the 0eatonian PriHe at
!a&bri%ge in 1962 #ith his "oe& on the '0hi"#reck of 0t. Paul'.;
8,ootnote 1K24 E%&un% /oyle, the father of the &o%ern ga&e of #hist,
li$e% fro& 1:2 to 12:1. The .e$. !harles /oyle, his ("oetical
na&esake,( #as, like /oare, a 0eatonian "riHe&an, an% #rote an e"ic in
thirteen books on the 'E-o%us'.;
8,ootnote 1K94 The 'Ga&es of /oyle', #ell kno#n to the $otaries of
Whist, !hess, etc., are not to be su"erse%e% by the $agaries of his
"oetical na&esake 8(illustrious 0ynoni&e( in 'C0.' an% 'British Bar%s';,
#hose "oe& co&"rise%, as e-"ressly state% in the a%$ertise&ent, all the
(Plagues of Egy"t.(;
8,ootnote 1K14 /ere, as in line <11, (,resh fish fro& /elicon,( etc.,
Byron confoun%s /elicon an% /i""ocrene.;;
8,ootnote 1764 This "erson, #ho has lately betraye% the &ost rabi%
sy&"to&s of confir&e% authorshi", is #riter of a "oe& %eno&inate% 'The
5rt of Pleasing', as (=ucus a non lucen%o,( containing little
"leasantry, an% less "oetry. /e also acts as 8(lies as( in 'C0.';
&onthly sti"en%iary an% collector of calu&nies for the '0atirist'. )f
this unfortunate young &an #oul% e-change the &agaHines for the
&athe&atics, an% en%ea$our to take a %ecent %egree in his uni$ersity, it
&ight e$entually "ro$e &ore ser$iceable than his "resent salary.;
8Aote.FF5n unfortunate young "erson of E&anuel !ollege, !a&bri%ge,
ycle"e% /e#son !larke, has lately &anifeste% the &ost rabi% sy&"to&s of
confir&e% 5uthorshi". /is 'isor%er co&&ence% so&e years ago, an% the
'Ae#castle /eral%' tee&e% #ith his "recocious essays, to the great
e%ification of the Burgesses of Ae#castle, Cor"eth, an% the "arts
a%jacent e$en unto Ber#ick u"on T#ee%. These ha$e since been abun%antly
scurrilous u"on the 8to#n; of Ae#castle, his nati$e s"ot, Cr. Cathias
an% 5nacreon Coore. What these &en ha% %one to offen% Cr. /e#son !larke
is not kno#n, but surely the to#n in #hose &arkets he ha% sol% &eat, an%
in #hose #eekly journal he ha% #ritten "rose %eser$e% better treat&ent.
Cr. /.!. shoul% recollect the "ro$erb ('tis a $illainous bir% that
%efiles his o#n nest.( /e no# #rites in the '0atirist'. We reco&&en% the
young &an to aban%on the &agaHines for &athe&atics, an% to belie$e that
a high %egree at !a&bri%ge #ill be &ore a%$antageous, as #ell as
"rofitable in the en%, than his "resent "recarious gleanings.;
8/e#son !larke E1292Fcirc. 19<G #as entere% at E&&anuel !oll. !a&b.
circ. 196: Esee 'Postscri"t'G. /e ha% to lea$e the @ni$ersity #ithout
taking a %egree, an% &igrate% to =on%on, #here he %e$ote% his not
inconsi%erable talents to contributions to the '0atirist', the
'0courge', etc. /e also #rote4 '5n )&"artial /istory of the Aa$al, etc.,
E$ents of Euro"e ... fro& the ,rench .e$olution ... to the !onclusion of
a General Peace' E1917GI an% a continuation of /u&e's '/istory of
Englan%', $ols. E19<G.
The '0atirist', a &onthly &agaHine illustrate% #ith coloure% cartoons,
#as issue% 1969F191K. '/ours of )%leness' #as re$ie#e% ?an. 1969 Ei.
22F91G. (The 'iary of a !antab( E?une, 1969, ii. <:9G contains so&e
$erses of (=or% BFFFFn to his Bear. To the tune of =achin y gair.( The
last $erse runs thus4FF
(But #hen #ith the ar%our of =o$e ) a& burning,
) feel for thy tor&ents, ) feel for thy careI
5n% #ee" for thy bon%age, so truly %iscerning
What's felt by a '=or%', &ay be felt by a 'Bear'.(
)n 5ugust, 1969 Eiii. 29F9:G, there is a critiDue on 'Poe&s >riginal an%
Translate%', in #hich the bear "lays &any "arts. The #riter (is #ithout
his bear an% is hi&self &uHHle%,( etc. To#ar%s the close of the article
a sole&n sentence is "asse% on the author for his %isregar% of the
a%$ice of "arents, tutors, frien%sI (but,( a%%s the re$ie#er, (in the
"altry $olu&e before us #e think #e obser$e so&e "roof that the still
s&all $oice of conscience #ill be hear% in the cool of the %ay. E$en no#
the gay, the gallant, the acco&"lishe% bearFlea%er is not ha""y,( etc.
/ence the castigation of (the siHar of E&&anuel !ollege.(;
8,ootnote 1714
(.ight enough4 this #as #ell %eser$e%, an% #ell lai% on.(
EB., 191:.G;
8,ootnote 174
()nto !a&bri%geshire the E&"eror Probus trans"orte% a consi%erable
bo%y of Van%als.(
EGibbon's ''ecline an% ,all', ii. 9<.G There is no reason to %oubt the
truth of this assertionI the bree% is still in high "erfection.
We see no reason to %oubt the truth of this state&ent, as a large stock
of the sa&e bree% are to be foun% there at this %ay.FF'British Bar%s'.
8=ines 191F19K %o not occur in the 'C0'. =ines 191, 19, are inserte% in
C0. in 'British Bar%s'.;;
8,ootnote 17<4 This gentle&an's na&e reDuires no "raise4 the &an #ho
8has sur"asse% 'ry%en an% Giffor% as a Translator.FF'C0. British Bar%s';
in translation %is"lays unDuestionable genius &ay be #ell e-"ecte% to
e-cel in original co&"osition, of #hich, it is to be ho"e%, #e shall
soon see a s"len%i% s"eci&en. 8,rancis /o%gson E1291F197G #as Byron's
lifelong frien%. /is '?u$enal' a""eare% in 1962I '=a%y ?ane Grey an%
other Poe&s', in 1961I '0ir E%gar, a Tale', in 1916. ,or other #orks an%
%etails, see '=ife of the .e$. ,rancis /o%gson', by the .e$. ?a&es T.
/o%gson E1929G.;;
8,ootnote 17K4 /e#son !larke, 'EsD'., as it is #ritten.;
8,ootnote 1774 'The 5boriginal Britons', an e-cellent 8(&ost e-cellent(
in 'C0.'; "oe&, by .ichar%s. 8The .e$. George .ichar%s, '.'.
E12:1F19<7G, a ,ello# of >riel, an% after#ar%s .ector of 0t.
Cartin'sFinFtheF,iel%s. 'The 5boriginal Britons', a "riHe "oe&, #as
"ublishe% in 121, an% #as follo#e% by 'The 0ongs of the 5boriginal
Bar%s of Britain' E121G, an% $arious other "rose an% "oetical #orks.;;
8,ootnote4 17:. With this $erse the satire originally en%e%.;
8,ootnote 1724 5 frien% of &ine being aske%, #hy his Grace of Portlan%
#as likene% to an ol% #o&anM re"lie%, (he su""ose% it #as because he #as
"ast bearing.( EE$en /o&er #as a "unsterFFa solitary "un.GFF8'C0'.; /is
Grace is no# gathere% to his gran%&others, #here he slee"s as soun% as
e$erI but e$en his slee" #as better than his colleagues' #aking. 1911.
8Willia& /enry !a$en%ish, thir% 'uke of Portlan% E12<9F1961G, Pri&e
Cinister in 1962, on the %o#nfall of the Cinistry of (5ll the Talents,(
till his %eath in 1961, #as, as the #its sai%, (a con$enient block to
hang Whigs on,( but #as not, e$en in his $igour, a &an of &uch
intellectual ca"acity. When Byron &e%itate% a tour to )n%ia in 1969,
Portlan% %ecline% to #rite on his behalf to the 'irectors of the East
)n%ia !o&"any, an% couche% his refusal in ter&s #hich Byron fancie% to
be offensi$e.;;
8,ootnote 1794 (0a# it 5ugust, 1961.(FFB., 191:. 8The follo#ing notes
#ere o&itte% fro& the ,ifth E%ition4FF
(!al"e is the ancient na&e of Gibraltar. 0a# it 5ugust, 1961.FFB.,
(0ta&boul is the Turkish #or% for !onstantino"le. Was there the su&&er
To (Count !aucasus,( he a%%s, (0a# the %istant ri%ge of,FF1916, 1911(;;
8,ootnote 1714 Georgia.;
8,ootnote 1:64 Count !aucasus.;
8,ootnote 1:14 =or% Elgin #oul% fain "ersua%e us that all the figures,
#ith an% #ithout noses, in his stonesho", are the #ork of Phi%ias3
(!re%at ?u%aeus3( 8.. Payne Bnight, in his intro%uction to '0"eci&ens of
5ncient 0cul"ture', "ublishe% 1961, by the 'ilettanti 0ociety, thro#s a
%oubt on the Phi%ian #ork&anshi" of the (Elgin( &arbles. 0ee the
)ntro%uction to 'The !urse of Ciner$a'.;;
8,ootnote 1:4 80ir Willia& Gell E1222F19<:G "ublishe% the 'To"ogra"hy
of Troy' E196KG, the 'Geogra"hy an% 5ntiDuities of )thaca' E1962G, an%
the ')tinerary of Greece' E1969G. Byron re$ie#e% the t#o last #orks in
the 'Conthly .e$ie#' E5ugust, 1911G, E'=ife', "". :26, :2:G. ,resh fro&
the scenes, he s"eaks #ith authority. (With /o&er in his "ocket an% Gell
on his su&"terF&ule, the >%ysseus tourist &ay no# &ake a $ery classical
an% %elightful e-cursion.( The e"ithet in the original C0. #as
(co-co&b,( but beco&ing acDuainte% #ith Gell #hile the satire #as in the
"ress, Byron change% it to (classic.( )n the fifth e%ition he altere% it
to (ra"i%,( an% a""en%e% this note4FF('.a"i%,' in%ee%3 /e to"ogra"hise%
an% ty"ogra"hise% Bing Pria&'s %o&inions in three %ays3 ) calle% hi&
'classic' before ) sa# the Troa%, but since ha$e learne% better than to
tack to his na&e #hat %on't belong to it.(;;
8,ootnote 1:<4 Cr. Gell's 'To"ogra"hy of Troy an% )thaca' cannot fail to
ensure the a""robation of e$ery &an "ossesse% of classical taste, as
#ell for the infor&ation Cr. Gell con$eys to the &in% of the rea%er, as
for the ability an% research the res"ecti$e #orks %is"lay.
('Troy an% )thaca.' Visite% both in 1916, 1911.(FFB., 191:.
(')thaca' "asse% first in 1961.(FFB., 191:.
(0ince seeing the "lain of Troy, &y o"inions are so&e#hat change% as
to the abo$e note. !ell's sur$ey #as hasty an% su"erficial.(FFB.,
8,ootnote 1:K4
(0ingular enough, an% '%in' enough, Go% kno#s.(
EB., 191:G.;
8,ootnote 1:74
(The greater "art of this satire ) &ost sincerely #ish ha% ne$er been
#rittenFnot only on account of the injustice of &uch of the critical,
an% so&e of the "ersonal "art of itFFbut the tone an% te&"er are such
as ) cannot a""ro$e.(
B*.>A. ?uly 1K, 191:. ''io%ati, Gene$a'.;
8,ootnote i4
'Truth be &y the&e, an% !ensure gui%e &y song.'
8'C0. C.';
8,ootnote ii4
'But thou, at least, &ine o#n es"ecial Duill
'i"t in the %e# %ro"s fro& Parnassus' hill,
0halt e$er honoure% an% regar%e% be,
By &ore besi%e no %oubt, yet still by &e.'
8'C0. C.'; ;
8,ootnote iii4
'5n% &en through life her #illing sla$es obey.'
8'C0. 0econ%, Thir%, an% ,ourth E%itions.';;
8,ootnote i$4
'@nfol%s her &otley store to suit the ti&e.'FF
8'C0. 0econ%, Thir%, an% ,ourth E%itions.';;
8,ootnote $4
'When ?ustice halts an% .ight begins to fail.'
8'C0. 0econ%, Thir%, an% ,ourth E%itions.';;
8,ootnote $i4
'5 &ortal #ea"on'.
8'C0. C.';
8,ootnote $ii4
'*et Titles soun%ing lineage cannot sa$e
>r scra#l or scribbler fro& an eDual gra$e,
=a&b ha% his farce but that Patrician na&e
,aile% to "reser$e the s"urious brat fro& sha&e.'
8,ootnote $iii4
'a lucky hit.'
8'0econ%, Thir%, an% ,ourth E%itions.';;
8,ootnote i-4
'Ao %earth of rhy&e.'
8'British Bar%s'.; ;
8,ootnote -4
'The Press o""resse%.'
8'British Bar%s'.; ;
8,ootnote -i4
'While 0outhey's E"ics loa%.'
8'British Bar%s'.; ;
8,ootnote -ii4
'>'er taste a#hile these )nfi%els "re$ail.'
8,ootnote -iii4
'Erect an% hail an i%ol of their o#n.'
8,ootnote -i$4
'Aot Duite a foot"a%FFFFF.'
8'British Bar%s'.; ;
8,ootnote -$4
'=o# &ay they sink to &erite% conte&"t.'
8'British Bar%s'.;;
'5n% 0corn rei&&erate the &ean atte&"t3'FF
8'C0. ,irst to ,ourth E%itions';;
8,ootnote -$i4
'FFthough lesser bar%s contentFF'
8'British Bar%s';
8,ootnote -$ii4
'/o# #ell the subject.'
8'C0. ,irst to ,ourth E%itions.';;
8,ootnote -$iii4
'5 fello# feeling &akes us #on%rous kin%.'FF
8'British Bar%s, ,irst to ,ourth E%itions.';;
8,ootnote -i-4
'Who fain #oul%'st.'
8'British Bar%s, ,irst to ,ifth E%itions'.;;
8,ootnote --4
'Cen% thy life, an% sin no &ore.'
8,ootnote --i4
'5n% o'er har&onious nonsense.'
8'C0. ,irst E%ition.';;
8,ootnote --ii4
')n &any &arbleFco$ere% $olu&es $ie#
/ayley, in $ain atte&"ting so&ething ne#,
Whether he s"in his co&e%ies in rhy&e,
>r scra#ls as Woo% an% Barclay 85; #alk, 'gainst Ti&e.'
8'C0. British Bar%s', an% ',irst to ,ourth E%itions.';
80ubF,ootnote 54 !a"tain .obert Barclay E1221F197KG of @ry,
agriculturalist an% "e%estrian, ca&e of a fa&ily note% for "hysical
strength an% en%urance. Byron sa# hi& #in his #alk against Woo% at
Ae#&arket. E0ee 5ngelo's '.e&iniscences' E19<2G, $ol. ii. "". <2FKK.G )n
?uly, 1961, Barclay co&"lete% his task of #alking a thousan% &iles in a
thousan% hours, at the rate of one &ile in each an% e$ery hour. E0ee,
too, for an account of Barclay, 'The Eccentric .e$ie#' E191G, i.
8,ootnote --iii4
'Breaks into &a#kish lines each holy Book'.
8'C0. ,irst E%ition'.; ;
8,ootnote --i$4
'Thy (0y&"athy( that'.
8'British Bar%s'.; ;
8,ootnote --$4
'5n% sho#s %issol$e% in sy&"athetic tears'.
'FFFFin thine o#n &elting tears.FF'
8'C0. ,irst to ,ourth E%itions'.;;
8,ootnote --$i4
'Whether in sighing #in%s the& seek'st relief
>r !onsolation in a yello# leaf.FF'
8'C0. first to ,ourth E%itions.'; ;
8,ootnote --$ii4
'What "retty soun%s.'
8'British Bar%s.'; ;
8,ootnote --$iii4
'Thou fain #oul%s'tFFFF'
8'British Bar%s.'; ;
8,ootnote --i-4
'But to soft the&es'.
8'British Bar%s, ,irst E%ition'.; ;
8,ootnote ---4
'The Bar% has #o$e'.
8'British Bar%s'.; ;
8,ootnote ---i4
')f Po"e, since &ortal, not untaught to err
5gain %e&an% a %ull biogra"her'.
8,ootnote ---ii4
'Too &uch in Turtle Bristol's sons %elight
Too &uch in Bo#ls of .ack "rolong the night.FF'
8'C0. 0econ% to ,ourth E%itions'.;
'Too &uch o'er Bo#ls.'
8'0econ% an% Thir% E%itions'.;;
8,ootnote ---iii4
'5n% yet #hy'.
8'British Bar%s'.; ;
8,ootnote ---i$4
'>r ol% or young'.
8'British Bar%s'.; ;
8,ootnote ---$4
FF'yes, )'& sure all &ay.'
8'Luarto Proof 0heet';
8,ootnote ---$i4
'While !loacina's holy "ontiff =a&be 8<;
5s he hi&self #as %a&ne% shall try to %a&n'.
8'British Bar%s'.;
80ubF,ootnote 5. We ha$e hear% of "ersons #ho (#hen the Bag"i"e sings in
the nose cannot contain their urine for affection,( but Cr. =. carries
it a ste" further than 0hakes"eare's %iuretic a&ateurs, being notorious
at school an% college for his inability to containFFanything. We %o not
kno# to #hat (Pi"e( to attribute this a%%itional effect, but the fact is
uncontro$ertible.FF8'Aote' to Luarto Proof boun% u" #ith 'British
8,ootnote ---$ii4
'=o3 long beneath'FF.
8'British Bar%s'.;;
8,ootnote ---$iii4
'5n% grateful to the foun%er of the feast
'eclare his lan%lor% can translate at least'.FF
8'C0. British Bar%s. ,irst to ,ourth E%itions'.;;
8,ootnote ---i-4
'FFare fe% because they #rite.'
8'British Bar%s'.;;
8,ootnote -l4
'Princes in Barrels, !ounts in arbours "ent.FF
8C0. British Bar%s'.;;
8,ootnote -li4
'/is (%a&&e, "oohs.('
8'C0. ,irst E%ition.';;
8,ootnote -lii4
'While Benny's Worl% just suffere% to "rocee%
Proclai&s the au%ience $ery kin% in%ee%'.FF
8'C0. British Bar%s. ,irst to ,ourth E%itions'.;;
8,ootnote -liii4
'.esu&e her throne again'.FF
8'C0. British Bar%s. ,irst to ,ourth E%itions.';;
8,ootnote -li$4FF
'an% Be&ble li$es to trea%'.FF
8'British Bar%s. ,irst to ,ourth E%itions.';;
8,ootnote -l$4
'0t. George 85; an% Goo%y Goose %i$i%e the "riHe.'FF
8C0. alternati$e in British Bar%s.;
80ubF,ootnote 54 We nee% not infor& the rea%er that #e %o not allu%e to
the !ha&"ion of Englan% #ho sle# the 'ragon. >ur 0t. George is content
to %ra# status #ith a $ery %ifferent kin% of ani&al.FF8Pencil note to
'British Bar%s'.;;;
8,ootnote -l$i4
')ts hu&ble flight to s"len%i% Panto&i&es'.
8'British Bar%s. C0';;
8,ootnote -l$ii4
'Behol% the ne# Petronius of the ti&es
The skilful 5rbiter of &o%ern cri&es.'
8,ootnote -l$iii4
'FFFFa Paget for your #ife.'
8'C0. ,irst to ,ourth E%itions.';;
8,ootnote -li-4
',ro& Gros$enor Place or 0Duare'.
8'C0. British Bar%s'.;;
8,ootnote l4
'>n one alone 5"ollo %eigns to s&ile
5n% cro#ns a ne# .osco&&on in !arlisle.'
8'C0. 5%%ition to British Bar%s.';
'Aor e'en a hackneye% Cuse #ill %eign to s&ile
>n &inor Byron, or &ature !arlisle.'
8,irst E%ition.;
8,ootnote li4
'*et at their fiatFFFF'
'*et at their nauseaFFFF.'
8'C0. 5%%ition to British Bar%s'.;;
8,ootnote lii4
'0uch sneering fa&e.'
8'British Bar%s';
8,ootnote liii4
'Though Bell has lost his nightingales an% o#ls,
Catil%a sni$els still an% /afiH ho#ls,
5n% !rusca's s"irit rising fro& the %ea%
.e$i$es in =aura, LuiH, an% J. *. N.'FF
8'British Bar%s. ,irst to Thir% E%itions', 1916.;;
8,ootnote li$4
'Aone since the "ast ha$e clai&e% the tribute %ue'.
8'British Bar%s. C0'.;;
8,ootnote l$4
',ro& 5lbion's cliffs to !ale%onia's coast.
0o&e fe# #ho kno# to #rite as #ell as feel'.
8,ootnote l$i4
'The s"oiler ca&eI an% all thy "ro&ise fair
/as sought the gra$e, to slee" for e$er there.FF'
8',irst to ,ourth E%itions';;
8,ootnote l$ii4
'>n hi& &ay &eritorious honours ten%
While %oubly &ingling,'.
8'C0. erase%'.;;
,ootnote l$iii4
'5n% you unite% Bar%s'.
8'C0. 5%%ition to British Bar%s'.;
'5n% you ye na&eless'.
8'C0. erase%'.;;
8,ootnote l$i-4
'Translation's ser$ile #ork at length %iso#n
5n% Duit 5chaia's Cuse to court your o#n'.
8'C0. 5%%ition to British Bar%s'.;;
8,ootnote l-4
'=et these arise an% an-ious of a""lause'.
8'British Bar%s. C0'.;;
8,ootnote l-i4
'But not in hea$y'.
8'British Bar%s. C0'.;;
8,ootnote l-ii4
'=et "rurient 0outhey cease'.
8'C0. British Bar%s'.;;
8,ootnote l-iii4
'still the babe at nurse'.
'=et =e#is jilt our nurseries #ith alar&
With tales that oft %isgust an% ne$er char&'.
8,ootnote l-i$4
'But thou #ith "o#ersFF'
8'C0. British Bar%s'.;;
8,ootnote l-$4
'=et C>>.E be le#%I let 0T.5AG,>.' steal fro& C>>.E'.
8'C0. ,irst to ,ourth E%itions'.;;
8,ootnote l-$i4
',or outla#e% 0her#oo%'s tales.'
8'C0. Brit. Bar%s. E%s.' 1FK.;
8,ootnote l-$ii4
'5n% e$en s"urns the great 0eatonian "riHe.FF'
8'C0. ,irst to ,ourth E%itions' Ea correction in the 5nnotate% !o"yG.;;
8,ootnote l-$iii4
'With o%es by 0&yth 85; an% e"ic songs by /oyle,
/oyle #hose learn'% "age, if still u"hel% by #hist
.eDuire% no sacre% the&e to bi% us list.FF'
8'C0. British Bar%s.';
80ubF,ootnote 54 Willia& 0&yth E12::F19K1G. Professor of Co%ern /istory
at !a&bri%ge, "ublishe% his 'English =yrics' Ein 196:G, an% se$eral
other #orks.;
8,ootnote l-i-4
'*et hol%FFas #hen by /ea$en's su"re&e behest,
)f foun%, ten righteous ha% "reser$e% the .est
)n 0o%o&'s fate% to#nFFfor Granta's na&e
=et /o%gson's Genius "lea% an% sa$e her fa&e
But #here fair )sis, etc.'
8'C0.' an% 'British Bar%s.';;
8,ootnote l--4
'0ee !larke still stri$ing "iteously to "lease
,orgets that 'oggrel lea%s not to %egrees.FF'
8'C0. ,rag&ent' boun% u" #ith 'British Bar%s'.;
8,ootnote l--i4
'0o sunk in %ullness an% so lost in sha&e
That 0&ythe an% /o%gson scarce re%ee& thy fa&e.FF'
8'C0. 5%%ition to British Bar%s. ,irst to ,ourth E%itions'.;;
8,ootnote l--ii4
'FFFFis #o$e.FF'
8C0. British Bar%s' an% ',irst to ,ourth E%itions'.;;
8,ootnote l--iii4
'5n% &o%ern Britons justly "raise their sires.'FF
8'C0. British Bar%s' an% ',irst to ,ourth E%itions;;
8,ootnote l--i$4
'FF#hat her sons &ust kno# too #ell.'
8'British Bar%s;;
8,ootnote l--$4
'Neal for her honour no &alignant .age,
/as ba%e &e s"urn the follies of the age.FF'
8'C0. British Bar%s'. ,irst E%ition;;
8,ootnote l--$i4
'FF>cean's lonely Lueen.'
8'British Bar%s';;
'FF>cean's &ighty Lueen.'
8',irst to ,ourth E%itions';;
8,ootnote4 l--$ii.
'=ike these thy cliffs &ay sink in ruin hurle%
The last #hite ra&"arts of a falling #orl%'.FF
8'British Bar%s C0.';;
8,ootnote4 l--$iii.
'But shoul% ) back return, no lettere% rage
0hall %rag &y co&&onF"lace book on the stage4
=et $ain Valentia 85; ri$al luckless !arr,
5n% eDual hi& #hose #ork he sought to &ar.FF'
8'0econ% to ,ourth E%itions'.;
80ubF,ootnote4 5. =or% Valentia E#hose tre&en%ous tra$els are
forthco&ing #ith %ue %ecorations, gra"hical, to"ogra"hical,
ty"ogra"hicalG %e"ose%, on 0ir ?ohn !arr's unlucky suit, that Cr.
'ubois's satire "re$ente% his "urchase of 'The 0tranger' in
)relan%.FF>h, fie, &y lor%3 has your lor%shi" no &ore feeling for a
fello#FtouristMFFbut (t#o of a tra%e,( they say, etc. 8George 5nnesley,
Viscount Valentia E12:1F19KKG, "ublishe%, in 1961, 'Voyages an% Tra$els
to )n%ia, !eylon, the .e% 0ea, 5byssinia, an% Egy"t in the *ears
196F:'. Byron calls hi& ($ain( Valentia, because his (accounts of
cere&onies atten%ing his lor%shi"'s inter$ie#s #ith se$eral of the "etty
"rinces( suggest the thought (that his "rinci"al erran% to )n%ia #as to
&easure certain rank in the British "eerage against the gra%ations of
5siatic royalty.(FF'Eclectic .e$ie#', 5ugust, 1961. )n 5ugust, 1969, 0ir
?ohn !arr, author of nu&erous 'Tra$els', brought an unsuccessful action
for %a&ages against Cessrs. /oo% an% 0har"e, the "ublishers of the
"aro%y of his #orks by E%#ar% 'ubois,FF'Cy Pocket Book4 or /ints for a
.yghte Cerrie an% !onceite%e Tour, in Kto, to be calle% (The 0tranger in
)relan% in 1967,(' By a Bnight Errant, an% %e%icate% to the "a"er&akers.
E0ee =etter to /o%gson, 5ugust :, 1961, an% su""resse% stanHa EstanHa
)---$ii.G of the first canto of '!hil%e /arol%'.G;;
8,ootnote l--i-4
'To stun &ankin%, #ith Poesy or Prose'.
8'0econ% to ,ourth E%itions'.;
8,ootnote l---4
'Thus &uch )'$e %are% to %o, ho# far &y lay'.FF
8',irst to ,ourth E%itions'.;;
P>0T0!.)PT T> T/E 0E!>A' E')T)>A.
) ha$e been infor&e%, since the "resent e%ition #ent to the "ress, that
&y trusty an% #ellFbelo$e% cousins, the E%inburgh .e$ie#ers, are
"re"aring a &ost $ehe&ent critiDue on &y "oor, gentle, 'unresisting'
Cuse, #ho& they ha$e alrea%y so beF%e$ile% #ith their ungo%ly ribal%ryI
(Tantaene ani&is coelestibus )rae3(
) su""ose ) &ust say of ?E,,.E* as 0ir 5A'.EW 5G@E!/EEB saith, (an ) ha%
kno#n he #as so cunning of fence, ) ha% seen hi& %a&ne% ere ) ha% fought
hi&.( What a "ity it is that ) shall be beyon% the Bos"horus before the
ne-t nu&ber has "asse% the T#ee%3 But ) yet ho"e to light &y "i"e #ith
it in Persia. 81;
Cy Aorthern frien%s ha$e accuse% &e, #ith justice, of "ersonality
to#ar%s their great literary 5nthro"o"hagus, ?efferyI but #hat else #as
to be %one #ith hi& an% his %irty "ack, #ho fee% by (lying an%
slan%ering,( an% slake their thirst by (e$il s"eaking(M ) ha$e a%%uce%
facts alrea%y #ell kno#n, an% of ?E,,.E*'s &in% ) ha$e state% &y free
o"inion, nor has he thence sustaine% any injury4FF#hat sca$enger #as
e$er soile% by being "elte% #ith &u%M )t &ay be sai% that ) Duit Englan%
because ) ha$e censure% there ("ersons of honour an% #it about to#nI(
but ) a& co&ing back again, an% their $engeance #ill kee" hot till &y
return. Those #ho kno# &e can testify that &y &oti$es for lea$ing
Englan% are $ery %ifferent fro& fears, literary or "ersonal4 those #ho
%o not, &ay one %ay be con$ince%. 0ince the "ublication of this thing,
&y na&e has not been conceale%I ) ha$e been &ostly in =on%on, rea%y to
ans#er for &y transgressions, an% in %aily e-"ectation of sun%ry
cartelsI but, alas3 (the age of chi$alry is o$er,( or, in the $ulgar
tongue, there is no s"irit no#FaF%ays.
There is a youth ycle"e% /e#son !larke Esubau%i 'esDuire'G, a siHer of
E&anuel !ollege, an%, ) belie$e, a %eniHen of Ber#ickFu"onFT#ee%, #ho& )
ha$e intro%uce% in these "ages to &uch better co&"any than he has been
accusto&e% to &eetI he is, not#ithstan%ing, a $ery sa% %og, an% for no
reason that ) can %isco$er, e-ce"t a "ersonal Duarrel #ith a bear, ke"t
by &e at !a&bri%ge to sit for a fello#shi", an% #ho& the jealousy of his
Trinity conte&"oraries "re$ente% fro& success, has been abusing &e, an%,
#hat is #orse, the %efenceless innocent abo$e &entione%, in the
'0atirist' for one year an% so&e &onths. ) a& utterly unconscious of
ha$ing gi$en hi& any "ro$ocationI in%ee%, ) a& guiltless of ha$ing hear%
his na&e, till cou"le% #ith the '0atirist'. /e has therefore no reason
to co&"lain, an% ) %are say that, like 0ir ,retful Plagiary, he is
rather '"lease%' than other#ise. ) ha$e no# &entione% all #ho ha$e %one
&e the honour to notice &e an% &ine, that is, &y bear an% &y book,
e-ce"t the e%itor of the '0atirist', #ho, it see&s, is a gentle&anFFGo%
#ot3 ) #ish he coul% i&"art a little of his gentility to his subor%inate
scribblers. ) hear that Cr. ?E.A)AG/5C81; is about to take u" the
cu%gels for his Caecenas, =or% !arlisle. ) ho"e not4 he #as one of the
fe#, #ho, in the $ery short intercourse ) ha% #ith hi&, treate% &e #ith
kin%ness #hen a boyI an% #hate$er he &ay say or %o, ("our on, ) #ill
en%ure.( ) ha$e nothing further to a%%, sa$e a general note of
thanksgi$ing to rea%ers, "urchasers, an% "ublishers, an%, in the #or%s
of 0!>TT, ) #ish
(To all an% each a fair goo% night,
5n% rosy %rea&s an% slu&bers light.(
8,ootnote 14 The article ne$er a""eare%, an% =or% Byron, in the '/ints
fro& /orace', taunte% ?effrey #ith a silence #hich see&e% to in%icate
that the critic #as beaten fro& the fiel%.;
8,ootnote 4 E%#ar% ?erningha& E122F191G, thir% son of 0ir George
?erningha&, Bart., #as an in%efatigable $ersifier. Bet#een the
"ublication of his first "oe&, 'The Aunnery', in 12::, an% his last,
'The >l% Bar%'s ,are#ell', in 191, he sent to the "ress no less than
thirty se"arate co&"ositions. 5s a contributor to the 'British 5lbu&',
Giffor% han%le% hi& roughly in the 'Ba$ia%' Elines 1, GI an% Cathias,
in a note to 'Pursuits of =iterature', brackets hi& #ith Payne Bnight as
(ecri$ain %u co&&un et "oete $ulgaire.( /e #as a %an%y #ith a literary
turn, #ho throughout a long life kne# e$ery one #ho #as #orth kno#ing.
0o&e of his letters ha$e recently been "ublishe% Esee '?erningha&
=etters', t#o $ols., 191:G.;
/)AT0 ,.>C />.5!E4 8i;
BE)AG 5A 5==@0)>A )A EAG=)0/ VE.0E T> T/E EP)0T=E
(5' P)0>AE0, 'E 5.TE P>ET)!5,(
5A' )ATEA'E' 50 5 0EL@E= T> (EAG=)0/ B5.'0, 5A' 0!>T!/ .EV)EWE.0.(
FFFF(Ergo fungar $ice cotis, acutu&
.e%%ere Duae ferru& $alet, e-sors i"sa secan%i.(
/>.. ''e 5rte Poet'., )). <6K an% <67.
(.hy&es are %ifficult thingsFFthey are stubborn things, 0ir.(
,)E=')AG'0 '5&elia', Vol. iii. BookI an% !ha". $.
8,ootnote i4
/ints fro& /orace E5thens, !a"uchin !on$ent, Carch 1, 1911GI being an
)&itation in English Verse fro& the E"istle, etc.
8C0, C.;
/ints fro& /orace4 being a Partial )&itation, in English Verse, of the
E"istle '5% Pisones, 'e 5rte Poetica'I an% inten%e% as a seDuel to
'English Bar%s, an% 0cotch .e$ie#ers'.
5thens, ,ranciscan !on$ent, Carch 1, 1911.
8'Proof b'.;;
)AT.>'@!T)>A T> /)AT0 ,.>C />.5!E
Three C00. of '/ints fro& /orace' are e-tant, t#o in the "ossession of
=or% =o$elace EC00. =. a an% bG, an% a thir% in the "ossession of Cr.
Curray E'C0. C'.G.
Proofs of lines 12<F2 an% 1F2 E'Proofs a, b'G, are a&ong the Egerton
C00. in the British Cuseu&. They #ere "urchase% fro& the .e$. 5le-an%er
'allas, ?anuary 1, 19:2, an% are, %oubtless, frag&ents of the "roofs
set u" in ty"e for !a#thorn in 1911. They are in (bookFfor&,( an% sho#
that the $olu&e #as inten%e% to be unifor& #ith the ,ifth E%ition of
'English Bar%s, an% 0cotch .e$ie#ers', of 1911. The te-t corres"on%s
closely but not e-actly #ith that a%o"te% by Curray in 19<1, an% %oes
not e&bo%y the $ariants of the se$eral C00. )t is "robable that co&"lete
"roofs #ere in Coore's "ossession at the ti&e #hen he inclu%e% the
selections fro& the '/ints' in his '=etters an% ?ournals', "". :<F:1,
an% that the te-t of the entire "oe& as "ublishe% in 19<1 #as %eri$e%
fro& this source. 0elections, nu&bering in all 17: lines, ha% alrea%y
a""eare% in '.ecollections of the =ife of =or% Byron', by .. !. 'allas,
19K, "". 16KF11<. Byron, esti&ating the &erit by the %ifficulty of the
"erfor&ance, rate% the '/ints fro& /orace' e-tra$agantly high. /e only
forbore to "ublish the& after the success of '!hil%e /arol%', because he
felt, as he states, that he shoul% be (hea"ing coals of fire u"on his
hea%( if he #ere in his hour of triu&"h to "ut forth a seDuel to a
la&"oon "ro$oke% by failure. Aine years after#ar%s, #hen he resol$e% to
"rint the #ork #ith so&e o&issions, he gra$ely &aintaine% that it
e-celle% the "ro%uctions of his &ature genius. (5s far,( he sai%, (as
$ersification goes, it is goo%I an% on looking back at #hat ) #rote
about that "erio%, ) a& astonishe% to see ho# little ) ha$e traine% on.
) #rote better then than no#I but that co&es of &y ha$ing fallen into
the atrocious ba% taste of the ti&es( 80e"te&ber <, 196;. The o"inion
of ?. !. /obhouse that the '/ints' #oul% reDuire (a goo% %eal of
slashing( to a%a"t the& to the "assing hour, an% other consi%erations,
again le% Byron to sus"en% the "ublication. 5uthors are freDuently ba%
ju%ges of their o#n #orks, but of all the literary hallucinations u"on
recor% there are none #hich e-cee% the &istaken "references of =or%
Byron. 0hortly after the a""earance of 'The !orsair' he fancie% that
'English Bar%s' #as still his &aster"ieceI #hen all his greatest #orks
ha% been "ro%uce%, he conten%e% that his translation fro& Pulci #as his
(gran% "erfor&ance,FFthe best thing he e$er %i% in his lifeI( an%
throughout the #hole of his literary career he regar%e% these '/ints
fro& /orace' #ith a s"ecial an% unchanging fon%ness.
/)AT0 ,.>C />.5!E
5T/EA04 !5P@!/)A !>AVEAT, Carch. 1, 1911. 8i;
Who #oul% not laugh, if =a#rence 81;, hire% to grace 8ii;
/is costly can$as #ith each flattere% face,
5buse% his art, till Aature, #ith a blush,
0a# cits gro# !entaurs un%erneath his brushM
>r, shoul% so&e li&ner join, for sho# or sale,
5 Cai% of /onour to a Cer&ai%'s tailM 8iii;
>r lo# 'ubost 8;FFas once the #orl% has seenFF
'egra%e Go%'s creatures in his gra"hic s"leenM
Aot all that force% "oliteness, #hich %efen%s
,ools in their faults, coul% gag his grinning frien%s. 16
Belie$e &e, Coschus, like that "icture see&s 8i$;
The book #hich, sillier than a sick &an's %rea&s,
'is"lays a cro#% of figures inco&"lete,
Poetic Aight&ares, #ithout hea% or feet.
Poets an% "ainters, as all artists kno#, 8$;
Cay shoot a little #ith a lengthene% bo#I
We clai& this &utual &ercy for our task,
5n% grant in turn the "ar%on #hich #e askI
But &ake not &onsters s"ring fro& gentle %a&sFF
Bir%s bree% not $i"ers, tigers nurse not la&bs. 6
5 laboure%, long E-or%iu&, so&eti&es ten%s
E=ike "atriot s"eechesG but to "altry en%sI 8$i;
5n% nonsense in a lofty note goes %o#n,
5s Pertness "asses #ith a legal go#n4 8$ii;
Thus &any a Bar% %escribes in "o&"ous strain 8$iii;
The clear brook babbling through the goo%ly "lain4
The gro$es of Granta, an% her Gothic halls,
Bing's !ollF!a&'s strea&Fstaine% #in%o#s, an% ol% #alls4
>r, in a%$enturous nu&bers, neatly ai&s
To "aint a rainbo#, or the ri$er Tha&es. 8<; <6
*ou sketch a tree, an% so "erha"s &ay shine 8i-;FF
But %aub a shi"#reck like an alehouse signI
*ou "lan a O$aseOFFit %#in%les to a O"otOI
Then gli%e %o#n GrubFstreetFFfasting an% forgot4
=aughe% into =ethe by so&e Duaint .e$ie#,
Whose #it is ne$er troubleso&e tillFFtrue.
)n fine, to #hatsoe$er you as"ire,
=et it at least be si&"le an% entire.
The greater "ortion of the rhy&ing tribe 8-;
EGi$e ear, &y frien%, for thou hast been a scribeG K6
5re le% astray by so&e "eculiar lure. 8-i;
) labour to be briefFFbeco&e obscureI
>ne falls #hile follo#ing Elegance too fastI
5nother soars, inflate% #ith Bo&bastI
Too lo# a thir% cra#ls on, afrai% to fly,
/e s"ins his subject to 0atietyI
5bsur%ly $arying, he at last engra$es
,ish in the #oo%s, an% boars beneath the #a$es3 8-ii;
@nless your care's e-act, your ju%g&ent nice,
The flight fro& ,olly lea%s but into ViceI 76
Aone are co&"lete, all #anting in so&e "art,
=ike certain tailors, li&ite% in art.
,or galligaskins 0lo#shears is your &an 8-iii;
But coats &ust clai& another artisan. 8K;
Ao# this to &e, ) o#n, see&s &uch the sa&e
5s Vulcan's feet to bear 5"ollo's fra&eI
>r, #ith a fair co&"le-ion, to e-"ose
Black eyes, black ringlets, butFFa bottle nose3
'ear 5uthors3 suit your to"ics to your strength,
5n% "on%er #ell your subject, an% its lengthI :6
Aor lift your loa%, before you're Duite a#are
What #eight your shoul%ers #ill, or #ill not, bear.
But luci% >r%er, an% Wit's siren $oice, 8-i$;
5#ait the Poet, skilful in his choiceI
With nati$e EloDuence he soars along,
Grace in his thoughts, an% Cusic in his song.
=et ?u%g&ent teach hi& #isely to co&bine
With future "arts the no# o&itte% line4
This shall the 5uthor choose, or that reject,
Precise in style, an% cautious to selectI 26
Aor slight a""lause #ill can%i% "ens affor%
To hi& #ho furnishes a #anting #or%. 8-$;
Then fear not, if 'tis nee%ful, to "ro%uce
0o&e ter& unkno#n, or obsolete in use,
E5s Pitt has furnishe% us a #or% or t#o, 87;
Which =e-icogra"hers %ecline% to %oIG
0o you in%ee%, #ith care,FFEbut be content
To take this license rarelyGFF&ay in$ent.
Ae# #or%s fin% cre%it in these latter %ays,
)f neatly grafte% on a Gallic "hraseI 8-$i; 96
What !haucer, 0"enser %i%, #e scarce refuse
To 'ry%en's or to Po"e's &aturer Cuse.
)f you can a%% a little, say #hy not,
5s #ell as Willia& Pitt, an% Walter 0cottM
0ince they, by force of rhy&e an% force of lungs, 8-$ii;
Enriche% our )slan%'s illFunite% tonguesI
'Tis thenFFan% shall beFFla#ful to "resent
.efor& in #riting, as in Parlia&ent.
5s forests she% their foliage by %egrees,
0o fa%e e-"ressions #hich in season "leaseI 16
5n% #e an% ours, alas3 are %ue to ,ate,
5n% #orks an% #or%s but %#in%le to a %ate.
Though as a Conarch no%s, an% !o&&erce calls, 8-$iii;
)&"etuous ri$ers stagnate in canalsI
Though s#a&"s sub%ue%, an% &arshes %raine%, sustain 8-i-;
The hea$y "loughshare an% the yello# grain,
5n% rising "orts along the busy shore
Protect the $essel fro& ol% >cean's roar,
5ll, all, &ust "erishI but, sur$i$ing last,
The lo$e of =etters half "reser$es the "ast. 166
True, so&e %ecay, yet not a fe# re$i$eI 8--; 8:;
Though those shall sink, #hich no# a""ear to thri$e,
5s !usto& arbitrates, #hose shifting s#ay 8--i;
>ur life an% language &ust alike obey.
The i&&ortal #ars #hich Go%s an% 5ngels #age,
5re they not sho#n in Cilton's sacre% "ageM
/is strain #ill teach #hat nu&bers best belong
To the&es celestial tol% in E"ic song. 8--ii;
The slo#, sa% stanHa #ill correctly "aint
The =o$er's anguish, or the ,rien%'s co&"laint. 116
But #hich %eser$es the =aurelFF.hy&e or BlankM 8--iii;
Which hol%s on /elicon the higher rankM
=et sDuabbling critics by the&sel$es %is"ute
This "oint, as "uHHling as a !hancery suit.
0atiric rhy&e first s"rang fro& selfish s"leen.
*ou %oubtFFsee 'ry%en, Po"e, 0t. Patrick's 'ean. 82;
Blank $erse is no#, #ith one consent, allie%
To Trage%y, an% rarely Duits her si%e.
Though &a% 5l&anHor 89; rhy&e% in 'ry%en's %ays,
Ao singFsong /ero rants in &o%ern "laysI 16
Whilst &o%est !o&e%y her $erse foregoes
,or jest an% '"un' 81; in $ery &i%%ling "rose.
Aot that our Bens or Beau&onts sho# the #orse,
>r lose one "oint, because they #rote in $erse.
But so Thalia "leases to a""ear, 8--i$;
Poor Virgin3 %a&ne% so&e t#enty ti&es a year3
Whate'er the scene, let this a%$ice ha$e #eight4FF
5%a"t your language to your /ero's state.
5t ti&es Cel"o&ene forgets to groan,
5n% brisk Thalia takes a serious toneI 1<6
Aor unregar%e% #ill the act "ass by
Where angry To#nly 816; (lifts his $oice on high.(
5gain, our 0hakes"eare li&its $erse to Bings,
When co&&on "rose #ill ser$e for co&&on thingsI
5n% li$ely /al resigns heroic ire, 8--$;FF
To (hollaing /ots"ur( 811; an% his sce"tre% sire. 8--$i;
'Tis not enough, ye Bar%s, #ith all your art,
To "olish "oe&sI they &ust touch the heart4
Where'er the scene be lai%, #hate'er the song,
0till let it bear the hearer's soul alongI 1K6
!o&&an% your au%ience or to s&ile or #ee",
Whiche'er &ay "lease youFFanything but slee".
The Poet clai&s our tearsI but, by his lea$e,
Before ) she% the&, let &e see 'hi&' grie$e.
)f banishe% .o&eo feigne% nor sigh nor tear,
=ulle% by his languor, ) coul% slee" or sneer. 8--$ii;
0a% #or%s, no %oubt, beco&e a serious face,
5n% &en look angry in the "ro"er "lace.
5t %ouble &eanings folks see& #on%rous sly,
5n% 0enti&ent "rescribes a "ensi$e eyeI 176
,or Aature for&e% at first the in#ar% &an,
5n% actors co"y AatureFF#hen they can.
0he bi%s the beating heart #ith ra"ture boun%,
.aise% to the 0tars, or le$elle% #ith the groun%I
5n% for E-"ression's ai%, 'tis sai%, or sung, 8--$iii;
0he ga$e our &in%'s inter"reterFFthe tongue,
Who, #orn #ith use, of late #oul% fain %is"ense
E5t least in theatresG #ith co&&on senseI
>'er#hel& #ith soun% the Bo-es, Gallery, Pit,
5n% raise a laugh #ith anythingFFbut Wit. 1:6
To skilful #riters it #ill &uch i&"ort,
Whence s"ring their scenes, fro& co&&on life or !ourtI
Whether they seek a""lause by s&ile or tear,
To %ra# a =ying Valet, 81; or a =ear, 81<;
5 sage, or rakish youngster #il% fro& school,
5 #an%ering Peregrine, or "lain ?ohn BullI
5ll "ersons "lease #hen Aature's $oice "re$ails,
0cottish or )rish, born in Wilts or Wales.
>r follo# co&&on fa&e, or forge a "lotI 8--i-;
Who cares if &i&ic heroes li$e% or not3 126
>ne "rece"t ser$es to regulate the scene4
Cake it a""ear as if it O&ightO ha$e ObeenO.
)f so&e 'ra#cansir 81K; you as"ire to %ra#,
Present hi& ra$ing, an% abo$e all la#4
)f fe&ale furies in your sche&e are "lanne%,
Cacbeth's fierce %a&e is rea%y to your han%I
,or tears an% treachery, for goo% an% e$il,
!onstance, Bing .ichar%, /a&let, an% the 'e$il3
But if a ne# %esign you %are essay,
5n% freely #an%er fro& the beaten #ay, 196
True to your characters, till all be "ast,
Preser$e consistency fro& first to last.
Tis har% 817; to $enture #here our betters fail, 8---;
>r len% fresh interest to a t#iceFtol% taleI
5n% yet, "erchance,'tis #iser to "refer
5 hackneye% "lot, than choose a ne#, an% errI
*et co"y not too closely, but recor%,
Core justly, thought for thought than #or% for #or%I
Aor trace your Prototy"e through narro# #ays,
But only follo# #here he &erits "raise. 116
,or you, young Bar%3 #ho& luckless fate &ay lea% 81:;
To tre&ble on the no% of all #ho rea%,
Ere your first score of cantos Ti&e unrolls, 8---i;
Be#areFFfor Go%'s sake, %on't begin like Bo#les3
(5#ake a lou%er an% a loftier strain,( 812;FF
5n% "ray, #hat follo#s fro& his boiling brainMFF
/e sinks to 0outhey's le$el in a trice,
Whose E"ic Countains ne$er fail in &ice3
Aot so of yore a#oke your &ighty 0ire
The te&"ere% #arblings of his &asterFlyreI 66
0oft as the gentler breathing of the lute,
(>f Can's first %isobe%ience an% the fruit(
/e s"eaks, but, as his subject s#ells along,
Earth, /ea$en, an% /a%es echo #ith the song.(8---ii;
0till to the (&i%st of things( he hastens on,
5s if #e #itnesse% all alrea%y %oneI 8---iii;
=ea$es on his "ath #hate$er see&s too &ean
To raise the subject, or a%orn the sceneI
Gi$es, as each "age i&"ro$es u"on the sight,
Aot s&oke fro& brightness, but fro& %arknessFFlightI 16
5n% truth an% fiction #ith such art co&"oun%s,
We kno# not #here to fi- their se$eral boun%s.
)f you #oul% "lease the Public, %eign to hear
What soothes the &anyFhea%e% &onster's ear4 8---i$;
)f your heart triu&"h #hen the han%s of all
5""lau% in thun%er at the curtain's fall,
'eser$e those "lau%itsFFstu%y Aature's "age,
5n% sketch the striking traits of e$ery ageI
While $arying Can an% $arying years unfol%
=ife's little tale, so oft, so $ainly tol%I 6
>bser$e his si&"le chil%hoo%'s %a#ning %ays,
/is "ranks, his "rate, his "lay&ates, an% his "lays4
Till ti&e at length the &annish tyro #eans,
5n% "rurient $ice outstri"s his tar%y teens3 8---$;
Behol% hi& ,resh&an3 force% no &ore to groan 8---$i;
>'er Virgil's 819; %e$ilish $erses an% his o#nI
Prayers are too te%ious, =ectures too abstruse,
/e flies fro& Ta$ell's fro#n to (,or%ha&'s Ce#sI(
E@nlucky Ta$ell3 811; %oo&e% to %aily cares 8---$ii;
By "ugilistic "u"ils, an% by bears,G <6
,ines, Tutors, tasks, !on$entions threat in $ain,
Before houn%s, hunters, an% Ae#&arket Plain.
.ough #ith his el%ers, #ith his eDuals rash,
!i$il to shar"ers, "ro%igal of cashI
!onstant to noughtFFsa$e haHar% an% a #hore, 8---$iii;
*et cursing bothFFfor both ha$e &a%e hi& sore4
@nrea% Eunless since books beguile %isease,
The PFFFF- beco&es his "assage to 'egreesGI
,oole%, "illage%, %unne%, he #astes his ter&s a#ay, 8---i-;
5n% une-"elle%, "erha"s, retires C.5.I K6
Caster of 5rts3 as OhellsO an% OclubsO 86; "roclai&, 8-l;
Where scarce a blackleg bears a brighter na&e3
=aunche% into life, e-tinct his early fire,
/e a"es the selfish "ru%ence of his 0ireI
Carries for &oney, chooses frien%s for rank,
Buys lan%, an% shre#%ly trusts not to the BankI
0its in the 0enateI gets a son an% heirI
0en%s hi& to /arro#FFfor hi&self #as there.
Cute, though he $otes, unless #hen calle% to cheer,
/is son's so shar"FFhe'll see the %og a Peer3 76
Canhoo% %eclinesFF5ge "alsies e$ery li&bI
/e Duits the sceneFFor else the scene Duits hi&I
0cra"es #ealth, o'er each %e"arting "enny grie$es, 8-li;
5n% 5$arice seiHes all 5&bition lea$esI
!ounts cent "er cent, an% s&iles, or $ainly frets,
>'er hoar%s %i&inishe% by young /o"eful's %ebtsI
Weighs #ell an% #isely #hat to sell or buy,
!o&"lete in all life's lessonsFFbut to %ieI
Pee$ish an% s"iteful, %oting, har% to "lease,
!o&&en%ing e$ery ti&e, sa$e ti&es like theseI :6
!raHe%, Duerulous, forsaken, half forgot,
E-"ires un#e"tFFis burie%FF=et hi& rot3
But fro& the 'ra&a let &e not %igress,
Aor s"are &y "rece"ts, though they "lease you less. 8-lii;
Though Wo&an #ee", an% har%est hearts are stirre%, 8-liii;
When #hat is %one is rather seen than hear%,
*et &any %ee%s "reser$e% in /istory's "age
5re better tol% than acte% on the stageI
The ear sustains #hat shocks the ti&i% eye,
5n% /orror thus subsi%es to 0y&"athy, 26
True Briton all besi%e, ) here a& ,renchFF
Bloo%she% 'tis surely better to retrench4
The gla%iatorial gore #e teach to flo#
)n tragic scenes %isgusts though but in sho#I
We hate the carnage #hile #e see the trick,
5n% fin% s&all sy&"athy in being sick.
Aot on the stage the regici%e Cacbeth
5""als an au%ience #ith a Conarch's %eathI 8-li$;
To gaHe #hen sable /ubert threats to sear
*oung 5rthur's eyes, can OoursO or OAatureO bearM 96
5 haltere% heroine 81; ?ohnson sought to slayFF
We sa$e% )rene, but half %a&ne% the "lay,
5n% E/ea$en be "raise%3G our tolerating ti&es
0tint Ceta&or"hoses to Panto&i&esI
5n% =e#is' 8; self, #ith all his s"rites, #oul% Duake
To change Earl >s&on%'s negro to a snake3
Because, in scenes e-citing joy or grief,
We loathe the action #hich e-cee%s belief4
5n% yet, Go% kno#s3 #hat &ay not authors %o,
Whose Postscri"ts "rate of %yeing (heroines blue(M 8<; 16
5bo$e all things, O'anO Poet, if you can,
Eke out your acts, ) "ray, #ith &ortal &an,
Aor call a ghost, unless so&e curse% scra"e 8-l$;
Cust o"en ten tra"F%oors for your esca"e.
>f all the &onstrous things )'% fain forbi%,
) loathe an >"era #orse than 'ennis %i%I 8K;
Where goo% an% e$il "ersons, right or #rong,
.age, lo$e, an% aught but &oraliseFFin song.
/ail, last &e&orial of our foreign frien%s, 8-l$i;
Which Gaul allo#s, an% still /es"eria len%s3 <66
Aa"oleon's e%icts no e&bargo lay
>n #horesFFs"iesFFsingersFF#isely shi""e% a#ay.
>ur giant !a"ital, #hose sDuares are s"rea% 8-l$ii;
Where rustics earne%, an% no# &ay beg, their brea%,
)n all iniDuity is gro#n so nice,
)t scorns a&use&ents #hich are not of "rice.
/ence the "ert sho"kee"er, #hose throbbing ear
5ches #ith orchestras #hich he "ays to hear, 8-l$iii;
Who& sha&e, not sy&"athy, forbi%s to snore,
/is anguish %oubling by his o#n (encoreI( 8-li-; <16
0DueeHe% in (,o"'s 5lley,( 87; jostle% by the beau-,
Tease% #ith his hat, an% tre&bling for his toesI
0carce #restles through the night, nor tastes of ease,
Till the %ro""e% curtain gi$es a gla% release4
Why this, an% &ore, he suffersFFcan ye guessMFF
Because it costs hi& %ear, an% &akes hi& %ress3 8:;
0o "ros"er eunuchs fro& Etruscan schoolsI
Gi$e us but fi%%lers, an% they're sure of fools3
Ere scenes #ere "laye% by &any a re$eren% clerk, 8l; 82;
EWhat har&, if 'a$i% %ance% before the arkMG 8li; <6
)n !hrist&as re$els, si&"le country folks
Were "lease% #ith &orriceF&u&&'ry an% coarse jokes.
)&"ro$ing years, #ith things no longer kno#n,
Pro%uce% blithe Punch an% &erry Ca%a&e ?oan,
Who still frisk on #ith feats so le#%ly lo#, 8lii;
'Tis strange Ben$olio 89; suffers such a sho#I
0u""ressing "eer3 to #ho& each $ice gi$es "lace, 8liii;
>aths, bo-ing, beggingFFall, sa$e rout an% race.
,arce follo#e% !o&e%y, an% reache% her "ri&e,
)n e$erFlaughing ,oote's fantastic ti&e4 81; <<6
Ca% #ag3 #ho "ar%one% none, nor s"are% the best,
5n% turne% so&e $ery serious things to jest.
Aor !hurch nor 0tate esca"e% his "ublic sneers,
5r&s nor the Go#nFFPriestsFF=a#yersFFVolunteers4
(5las, "oor *orick3( no# for e$er &ute3
Whoe$er lo$es a laugh &ust sigh for ,oote.
We s&ile, "erforce, #hen histrionic scenes
5"e the s#oln %ialogue of Bings an% Lueens,
When (!rononhotonthologos &ust %ie,( 8<6;
5n% 5rthur struts in &i&ic &ajesty. <K6
Coschus3 #ith #ho& once &ore ) ho"e to sit, 8li$;
5n% s&ile at folly, if #e can't at #itI
*es, ,rien%3 for thee )'ll Duit &y cynic cell,
5n% bear 0#ift's &otto, (Vi$e la bagatelle3(
Which char&e% our %ays in each 5Egean cli&e,
5s oft at ho&e, #ith re$elry an% rhy&e.
Then &ay Eu"hrosyne, #ho s"e% the "ast,
0oothe thy =ife's scenes, nor lea$e thee in the lastI
But fin% in thineFFlike "agan Plato's be%, 8l$; 8<1;
0o&e &erry Canuscri"t of Ci&es, #hen %ea%. <76
Ao# to the 'ra&a let us ben% our eyes,
Where fettere% by #hig Wal"ole lo# she liesI 8<;
!orru"tion foile% her, for she feare% her glanceI
'ecoru& left her for an >"era %ance3
*et !hesterfiel%, 8<<; #hose "olishe% "en in$eighs
'Gainst laughter, fought for free%o& to our PlaysI
@nchecke% by Cegri&s of "atrician brains,
5n% %a&ning 'ulness of =or% !ha&berlains.
.e"eal that act3 again let /u&our roa&
Wil% o'er the stageFF#e'$e ti&e for tears at ho&eI <:6
=et 5rcher 8<K; "lant the horns on 0ullen's bro#s,
5n% Estifania gull her (!o""er( 8<7; s"ouseI
The &oral's scantFFbut that &ay be e-cuse%,
Cen go not to be lecture%, but a&use%.
/e #ho& our "lays %is"ose to Goo% or )ll
Cust #ear a hea% in #ant of Willis' skillI 8<:;
5ye, but Cacheath's e-a&"leFF"sha3FFno &ore3
)t for&e% no thie$esFFthe thief #as for&e% beforeI 8<2;
5n% s"ite of "uritans an% !ollier's curse, 8l$i;
Plays &ake &ankin% no better, an% no #orse. 8<9; <26
Then s"are our stage, ye &etho%istic &en3
Aor burn %a&ne% 'rury if it rise again. 8<1;
But #hy to brainFscorche% bigots thus a""ealM
!an hea$enly Cercy %#ell #ith earthly NealM
,or ti&es of fire an% faggot let the& ho"e3
Ti&es %ear alike to "uritan or Po"e.
5s "ious !al$in sa# 0er$etus blaHe,
0o #oul% ne# sects on ne#er $icti&s gaHe.
E'en no# the songs of 0oly&a beginI
,aith cants, "er"le-e% a"ologist of 0in3 <96
While the =or%'s ser$ant chastens #ho& he lo$es,
5n% 0i&eon kicks, 8K6; #here Ba-ter only (sho$es.(8K1;
Who& Aature gui%es, so #rites, that e$ery %unce 8l$ii;,
Enra"ture%, thinks to %o the sa&e at onceI
But after inky thu&bs an% bitten nails 8l$iii;,
5n% t#enty scattere% Duires, the co-co&b fails.
=et Pastoral be %u&bI for #ho can ho"e
To &atch the youthful eclogues of our Po"eM
*et his an% Phili"s' 8K; faults, of %ifferent kin%,
,or 5rt too ru%e, for Aature too refine%, 8li-; <16
)nstruct ho# har% the &e%iu& 'tis to hit
'T#i-t too &uch "olish an% too coarse a #it.
5 $ulgar scribbler, certes, stan%s %isgrace%
)n this nice age, #hen all as"ire to tasteI
The %irty language, an% the noiso&e jest,
Which "lease% in 0#ift of yore, #e no# %etestI
Proscribe% not only in the #orl% "olite 8l-;,
But e$en too nasty for a !ity Bnight3
Peace to 0#ift's faults3 his #it hath &a%e the& "ass,
@n&atche% by all, sa$e &atchless /u%ibras3 K66
Whose author is "erha"s the first #e &eet,
Who fro& our cou"let lo""e% t#o final feetI
Aor less in &erit than the longer line,
This &easure &o$es a fa$ourite of the Aine.
Though at first $ie# eight feet &ay see& in $ain
,or&e%, sa$e in >%e, to bear a serious strain 8l-i;,
*et 0cott has sho#n our #on%ering isle of late
This &easure shrinks not fro& a the&e of #eight,
5n%, $arie% skilfully, sur"asses far
/eroic rhy&e, but &ost in =o$e an% War, K16
Whose fluctuations, ten%er or subli&e,
5re curbe% too &uch by longFrecurring rhy&e.
But &any a skilful ju%ge abhors to see,
What fe# a%&ireFFirregularity.
This so&e $ouchsafe to "ar%onI but 'tis har%
When such a #or% contents a British Bar%.
5n% &ust the Bar% his glo#ing thoughts confine, 8l-ii;
=est !ensure ho$er o'er so&e faulty lineM
.e&o$e #hate'er a critic &ay sus"ect,
To gain the "altry suffrage of (!orrect(M K6
>r "rune the s"irit of each %aring "hrase,
To fly fro& Error, not to &erit PraiseM
*e, #ho seek finishe% &o%els, ne$er cease 8l-iii;,
By %ay an% night, to rea% the #orks of Greece.
But our goo% ,athers ne$er bent their brains
To heathen Greek, content #ith nati$e strains.
The fe# #ho rea% a "age, or use% a "en,
Were satisfie% #ith !haucer an% ol% BenI
The jokes an% nu&bers suite% to their taste
Were Duaint an% careless, anything but chasteI K<6
*et, #hether right or #rong the ancient rules,
)t #ill not %o to call our ,athers fools3
Though you an% ), #ho eru%itely kno#
To se"arate the elegant an% lo#,
!an also, #hen a hobbling line a""ears,
'etect #ith fingersFFin %efault of ears.
)n sooth ) %o not kno#, or greatly care
To learn, #ho our first English strollers #ereI
>r if, till roofs recei$e% the $agrant art,
>ur Cuse, like that of Thes"is, ke"t a cartI KK6
But this is certain, since our 0hakes"eare's %ays,
There's "o&" enoughFFif little elseFFin "laysI
Aor #ill Cel"o&ene ascen% her Throne 8l-i$;
Without high heels, #hite "lu&e, an% Bristol stone.
>l% !o&e%ies still &eet #ith &uch a""lause,
Though too licentious for %ra&atic la#sI
5t least, #e &o%erns, #isely, 'tis confest,
!urtail, or silence, the lasci$ious jest 8l-$;.
Whate'er their follies, an% their faults besi%e,
>ur enter"rising Bar%s "ass nought untrie%I K76
Aor %o they &erit slight a""lause #ho choose
5n English subject for an English Cuse,
5n% lea$e to &in%s #hich ne$er %are in$ent
,rench fli""ancy an% Ger&an senti&ent.
Where is that li$ing language #hich coul% clai&
Poetic &ore, as "hiloso"hic, fa&e,
)f all our Bar%s, &ore "atient of %elay,
Woul% sto", like Po"e, to "olish by the #ayM 8K<;
=or%s of the Duill, #hose critical assaults
>'erthro# #hole Duartos #ith their Duires of faults 8l-$i;, K:6
Who soon %etect, an% &ark #here'er #e fail,
5n% "ro$e our &arble #ith too nice a nail3
'e&ocritus hi&self #as not so ba%I
/e only 'thought'FFbut 'you' #oul% &ake usFF&a%3
But truth to say, &ost rhy&ers rarely guar%
5gainst that ri%icule they %ee& so har%I
)n "erson negligent, they #ear, fro& sloth,
Bear%s of a #eek, an% nails of annual gro#thI
.esi%e in garrets, fly fro& those they &eet,
5n% #alk in alleys rather than the street. K26
With little rhy&e, less reason, if you "lease,
The na&e of Poet &ay be got #ith ease,
0o that not tuns of helleboric juice 8l-$ii;
0hall e$er turn your hea% to any useI
Write but like Wor%s#orthFFli$e besi%e a lake,
5n% kee" your bushy locks a year fro& BlakeI 8KK;
Then "rint your book, once &ore return to to#n,
5n% boys shall hunt your Bar%shi" u" an% %o#n. 8K7;
5& ) not #ise, if such so&e "oets' "light,
To "urge in s"ringFFlike Bayes 8K:;FFbefore ) #riteM K96
)f this "recaution softene% not &y bile,
) kno# no scribbler #ith a &a%%er styleI
But since E"erha"s &y feelings are too niceG
) cannot "urchase ,a&e at such a "rice,
)'ll labour gratis as a grin%ers' #heel, 8l-$iii;
5n%, blunt &yself, gi$e e%ge to other's steel,
Aor #rite at all, unless to teach the art
To those rehearsing for the Poet's "artI
,ro& /orace sho# the "leasing "aths of song, 8l-i-;,
5n% fro& &y o#n e-a&"leFF#hat is #rong. K16
Though &o%ern "ractice so&eti&es %iffers Duite,
'Tis just as #ell to think before you #riteI
=et e$ery book that suits your the&e be rea%,
0o shall you trace it to the fountainFhea%.
/e #ho has learne% the %uty #hich he o#es
To frien%s an% country, an% to "ar%on foesI
Who &o%els his %e"ort&ent as &ay best
5ccor% #ith Brother, 0ire, or 0trangerFguestI
Who takes our =a#s an% Worshi" as they are,
Aor roars refor& for 0enate, !hurch, an% BarI 766
)n "ractice, rather than lou% "rece"t, #ise,
Bi%s not his tongue, but heart, "hiloso"hiHe4
0uch is the &an the Poet shoul% rehearse,
5s joint e-e&"lar of his life an% $erse.
0o&eti&es a s"rightly #it, an% tale #ell tol%,
Without &uch grace, or #eight, or art, #ill hol%
5 longer e&"ire o'er the "ublic &in%
Than soun%ing trifles, e&"ty, though refine%.
@nha""y Greece3 thy sons of ancient %ays
The Cuse &ay celebrate #ith "erfect "raise, 716
Whose generous chil%ren narro#e% not their hearts
With !o&&erce, gi$en alone to 5r&s an% 5rts. 8l--;
>ur boys Esa$e those #ho& "ublic schools co&"el
To (=ong an% 0hort( before they're taught to s"ellG
,ro& frugal fathers soon i&bibe by rote,
(5 "enny sa$e%, &y la%, 's a "enny got.(
Babe of a city birth3 fro& si-"ence take 8l--i;
The thir%, ho# &uch #ill the re&ain%er &akeMFF
(5 groat.(FF(5h, bra$o3 'ick hath %one the su&3 8l--ii;
/e'll s#ell &y fifty thousan% to a Plu&.( 8K2; 76
They #hose young souls recei$e this rust beti&es,
'Tis clear, are fit for anything but rhy&esI
5n% =ocke #ill tell you, that the father's right
Who hi%es all $erses fro& his chil%ren's sightI
,or Poets Esays this 0age 8K9;, an% &any &ore,G
Cake sa% &echanics #ith their lyric lore4 8l--iii;
5n% 'el"hi no#, ho#e$er rich of ol%,
'isco$ers little sil$er, an% less gol%,
Because Parnassus, though a Count %i$ine,
)s "oor as )rus, 8K1; or an )rish &ine. 8l--i$; 876; 7<6
T#o objects al#ays shoul% the Poet &o$e,
>r one or both,FFto "lease or to i&"ro$e.
Whate'er you teach, be brief, if you %esign
,or our re&e&brance your %i%actic lineI
.e%un%ance "laces Ce&ory on the rack,
,or brains &ay be o'erloa%e%, like the back. 8l--$;
,iction %oes best #hen taught to look like Truth,
5n% fairy fables bubble none but youth4
E-"ect no cre%it for too #on%rous tales,
0ince ?onas only s"rings ali$e fro& Whales3 7K6
*oung &en #ith aught but Elegance %is"enseI
Caturer years reDuire a little 0ense.
To en% at once4FFthat Bar% for all is fit 8l--$i;
Who &ingles #ell instruction #ith his #itI
,or hi& .e$ie#s shall s&ileI for hi& o'erflo#
The "atronage of PaternosterFro#I
/is book, #ith =ong&an's liberal ai%, shall "ass
EWho ne'er %es"ises books that bring hi& brassGI
Through three long #eeks the taste of =on%on lea%,
5n% cross 0t. George's !hannel an% the T#ee%. 776
But e$ery thing has faults, nor is't unkno#n
That har"s an% fi%%les often lose their tone,
5n% #ay#ar% $oices, at their o#ner's call,
With all his best en%ea$ours, only sDuallI
'ogs blink their co$ey, flints #ithhol% the s"ark,
5n% %oubleFbarrels E%a&n the&3G &iss their &ark. 8l--$ii; 871;
Where freDuent beauties strike the rea%er's $ie#,
We &ust not Duarrel for a blot or t#oI
But "ar%on eDually to books or &en,
The sli"s of /u&an Aature, an% the Pen. 7:6
*et if an author, s"ite of foe or frien%,
'es"ises all a%$ice too &uch to &en%,
But e$er t#angs the sa&e %iscor%ant string,
Gi$e hi& no Duarter, ho#soe'er he sing.
=et /a$ar%'s 87; fate o'ertake hi&, #ho, for once,
Pro%uce% a "lay too %ashing for a %unce4
5t first none %ee&e% it hisI but #hen his na&e
5nnounce% the factFF#hat thenMFFit lost its fa&e.
Though all %e"lore #hen Cilton %eigns to %oHe, 8l--$iii;
)n a long #ork 'tis fair to steal re"ose. 726
5s Pictures, so shall Poe&s beI so&e stan%
The critic eye, an% "lease #hen near at han%I 8l--i-;
But others at a %istance strike the sightI
This seeks the sha%e, but that %e&an%s the light,
Aor %rea%s the connoisseur's fasti%ious $ie#,
But, ten ti&es scrutinise%, is ten ti&es ne#.
Parnassian "ilgri&s3 ye #ho& chance, or choice, 8l---;
/ath le% to listen to the Cuse's $oice,
.ecei$e this counsel, an% be ti&ely #iseI
,e# reach the 0u&&it #hich before you lies. 796
>ur !hurch an% 0tate, our !ourts an% !a&"s, conce%e
.e#ar% to $ery &o%erate hea%s in%ee%3
)n these "lain co&&on sense #ill tra$el farI
5ll are not Erskines #ho &islea% the Bar4 8l---i; 87<;
But Poesy bet#een the best an% #orst
Ao &e%iu& kno#sI you &ust be last or firstI
,or &i%%ling Poets' &iserable $olu&es
5re %a&ne% alike by Go%s, an% Cen, an% !olu&ns. 8l---ii;
5gain, &y ?effreyFFas that soun% ins"ires, 87K;
/o# #akes &y boso& to its #onte% fires3 716
,ires, such as gentle !ale%onians feel
When 0outhrons #rithe u"on their critic #heel,
>r &il% Eclectics, 877; #hen so&e, #orse than Turks,
Woul% rob "oor ,aith to %ecorate (Goo% Works.(
0uch are the genial feelings the& canst clai&FF
Cy ,alcon flies not at ignoble ga&e.
Cightiest of all 'une%in's beasts of chase3
,or thee &y Pegasus #oul% &en% his "ace.
5rise, &y ?effrey3 or &y inkless "en
0hall ne$er blunt its e%ge on &eaner &enI :66
Till thee or thine &ine e$il eye %iscerns,
(5las3 ) cannot strike at #retche% kernes.( 87:;
)nhu&an 0a-on3 #ilt thou then resign
5 Cuse an% heart by choice so #holly thineM
'ear %FF% conte&ner of &y schoolboy songs,
/ast thou no $engeance for &y Canhoo%'s #rongsM
)f un"ro$oke% thou once coul% bi% &e blee%,
/ast thou no #ea"on for &y %aring %ee%M
What3 not a #or%3FFan% a& ) then so lo#M
Wilt thou forbear, #ho ne$er s"are% a foeM :16
/ast thou no #rath, or #ish to gi$e it $entM
Ao #it for Aobles, 'unces by %escentM
Ao jest on (&inors,( Duibbles on a na&e, 872;
Aor one facetious "aragra"h of bla&eM
)s it for this on )lion ) ha$e stoo%,
5n% thought of /o&er less than /olyroo%M
>n shore of Eu-ine or 5Egean sea,
Cy hate, untra$elle%, fon%ly turne% to thee.
5h3 let &e cease3 in $ain &y boso& burns,
,ro& !ory%on unkin% 5le-is turns4 879; :6
Thy rhy&es are $ainI thy ?effrey then forego,
Aor #oo that anger #hich he #ill not sho#.
What thenMFFE%ina star$es so&e lanker son,
To #rite an article thou canst not shunI
0o&e less fasti%ious 0cotch&an shall be foun%,
5s bol% in Billingsgate, though less reno#ne%.
5s if at table so&e %iscor%ant %ish, 871;
0houl% shock our o"tics, such as frogs for fishI
5s oil in lieu of butter &en %ecry,
5n% "o""ies "lease not in a &o%ern "ieI 8l---iii; :<6
)f all such &i-tures then be half a cri&e,
We &ust ha$e E-cellence to relish rhy&e.
Cere roast an% boile% no E"icure in$itesI
Thus Poetry %isgusts, or else %elights.
Who shoot not flying rarely touch a gun4
Will he #ho s#i&s not to the ri$er runM
5n% &en un"ractise% in e-changing knocks
Cust go to ?ackson 8:6; ere they %are to bo-.
Whate'er the #ea"on, cu%gel, fist, or foil,
Aone reach e-"ertness #ithout years of toilI :K6
But fifty %unces can, #ith "erfect ease,
Tag t#enty thousan% cou"lets, #hen they "lease.
Why notMFFshall ), thus Dualifie% to sit
,or rotten boroughs, ne$er sho# &y #itM
0hall ), #hose fathers #ith the (Luoru&( sate, 8l---i$;
5n% li$e% in free%o& on a fair estateI
Who left &e heir, #ith stables, kennels, "acks, 8l---$;
To 'all' their inco&e, an% toFF't#ice' its ta-I
Whose for& an% "e%igree ha$e scarce a fault,
0hall ), ) say, su""ress &y 5ttic 0altM :76
Thus think (the Cob of Gentle&enI( but you,
Besi%es all this, &ust ha$e so&e Genius too.
Be this your sober ju%g&ent, an% a rule,
5n% "rint not "i"ing hot fro& 0outhey's school,
Who Eere another Thalaba a""earsG,
) trust, #ill s"are us for at least nine years.
5n% hark'ye, 0outhey3 8:1; "rayFFbut %on't be $e-e%FF
Burn all your last three #orksFFan% half the ne-t.
But #hy this $ain a%$iceM once "ublishe%, books
!an ne$er be recalle%FFfro& "astryFcooks3 8l---$i; ::6
Though (Ca%oc,( #ith (Pucelle,( 8:; instea% of Punk,
Cay tra$el back to LuitoFFon a trunk3 8:<;
>r"heus, #e learn fro& >$i% an% =e&"riere,
=e% all #il% beasts but Wo&en by the earI
5n% ha% he fi%%le% at the "resent hour,
We'% seen the =ions #altHing in the To#erI 8:K;
5n% ol% 5&"hion, such #ere &instrels then,
/a% built 0t. Paul's #ithout the ai% of Wren.
Verse too #as ?ustice, an% the Bar%s of Greece
'i% &ore than constables to kee" the "eaceI :26
5bolishe% cuckol%o& #ith &uch a""lause,
!alle% county &eetings, an% enforce% the la#s,
!ut %o#n cro#n influence #ith refor&ing scythes,
5n% ser$e% the !hurchFF#ithout %e&an%ing tithesI
5n% hence, throughout all /ellas an% the East,
Each Poet #as a Pro"het an% a Priest,
Whose ol%Festablishe% Boar% of ?oint !ontrols 8:7;
)nclu%e% king%o&s in the cure of souls.
Ae-t rose the &artial /o&er, E"ic's "rince,
5n% ,ighting's been in fashion e$er sinceI :96
5n% ol% Tyrtaeus, #hen the 0"artans #arre%,
E5 li&"ing lea%er, but a lofty bar%G 8l---$ii;
Though #alle% )tho&e ha% resiste% long,
.e%uce% the fortress by the force of song.
When >racles "re$aile%, in ti&es of ol%,
)n song alone 5"ollo's #ill #as tol%. 8l---$iii;
Then if your $erse is #hat all $erse shoul% be,
5n% Go%s #ere not asha&e% on't, #hy shoul% #eM
The Cuse, like &ortal fe&ales, &ay be #ooe%I 8::;
)n turns she'll see& a Pa"hian, or a "ru%eI :16
,ierce as a bri%e #hen first she feels affright,
Cil% as the sa&e u"on the secon% nightI
Wil% as the #ife of 5l%er&an or Peer,
Ao# for /is Grace, an% no# a grena%ier3
/er eyes besee&, her heart belies, her HoneFF
)ce in a cro#%FFan% =a$a #hen alone.
)f Verse be stu%ie% #ith so&e sho# of 5rt.
Bin% Aature al#ays #ill "erfor& her "artI
Though #ithout Genius, an% a nati$e $ein
>f #it, #e loathe an artificial strain, 266
*et 5rt an% Aature joine% #ill #in the "riHe,
@nless they act like us an% our allies.
The youth #ho trains to ri%e, or run a race,
Cust bear "ri$ations #ith unruffle% face,
Be calle% to labour #hen he thinks to %ine,
5n%, har%er still, lea$e #enching an% his #ine.
=a%ies #ho sing, at least #ho sing at sight,
/a$e follo#e% Cusic through her farthest flightI 8l---i-;
But rhy&ers tell you neither &ore nor less,
()'$e got a "retty "oe& for the PressI( 216
5n% that's enoughI then #rite an% "rint so fastIFF
)f 0atan take the hin%&ost, #ho'% be lastM
They stor& the Ty"es, they "ublish, one an% all, 8-c; 8:2;
They lea" the counter, an% they lea$e the stall.
Pro$incial Cai%ens, &en of high co&&an%,
*ea3 Baronets ha$e inke% the bloo%y han%3
!ash cannot Duell the&I Pollio "laye% this "rank, 8-ci;
EThen Phoebus first foun% cre%it in a Bank3G
Aot all the li$ing only, but the %ea%,
,ool on, as fluent as an >r"heus' /ea%I 8:9; 26
'a&ne% all their %ays, they "osthu&ously thri$e,
'ug u" fro& %ust, though burie% #hen ali$e3
.e$ie#s recor% this e"i%e&ic cri&e,
Those Books of Cartyrs to the rage for rhy&e.
5las3 #oe #orth the scribbler3 often seen
)n Corning Post, or Conthly CagaHine.
There lurk his earlier laysI but soon, hot "resse%, 8-cii;
Behol% a Luarto3FFTarts &ust tell the rest.
Then lea$e, ye #ise, the =yre's "recarious chor%s
To &useF&a% baronets, or &a%%er lor%s, 8c-iii; 2<6
>r country !ris"ins, no# gro#n so&e#hat stale,
T#in 'oric &instrels, %runk #ith 'oric ale3
/ark to those notes, narcotically soft3
The !obblerF=aureats 8:1; sing to !a"el =offt3 826;
Till, lo3 that &o%ern Ci%as, as he hears, 8-ci$;
5%%s an ell gro#th to his egregious ears3 8-c$;
There li$es one 'rui%, #ho "re"ares in ti&e 821;
'Gainst future feu%s his "oor re$enge of rhy&eI
.acks his %ull Ce&ory, an% his %uller Cuse,
To "ublish faults #hich ,rien%shi" shoul% e-cuse. 2K6
)f ,rien%shi"'s nothing, 0elfFregar% &ight teach
Core "olishe% usage of his "arts of s"eech.
But #hat is sha&e, or #hat is aught to hi&M 8-c$i;
/e $ents his s"leen, or gratifies his #hi&.
0o&e fancie% slight has rouse% his lurking hate,
0o&e folly crosse%, so&e jest, or so&e %ebateI
@" to his %en 0ir 0cribbler hies, an% soon
The gathere% gall is $oi%e% in =a&"oon.
Perha"s at so&e "ert s"eech you'$e %are% to fro#n,
Perha"s your Poe& &ay ha$e "lease% the To#n4 276
)f so, alas3 'tis nature in the &anFF
Cay /ea$en forgi$e you, for he ne$er can3
Then be it soI an% &ay his #ithering Bays
Bloo& fresh in satire, though they fa%e in "raise
While his lost songs no &ore shall stee" an% stink
The %ullest, fattest #ee%s on =ethe's brink,
But s"ringing u"#ar%s fro& the sluggish &oul%,
Be E#hat they ne$er #ere beforeG beFFsol%3
0houl% so&e rich Bar% Ebut such a &onster no#, 82;
)n &o%ern Physics, #e can scarce allo#G, 8-c$ii; 2:6
0houl% so&e "reten%ing scribbler of the !ourt,
0o&e rhy&ing PeerFFthere's "lenty of the sortFF8-c$iii; 82<;
5ll but one "oor %e"en%ent "riest #ith%ra#n,
E5h3 too regar%less of his !ha"lain's ya#n3G
!on%e&n the unlucky !urate to recite
Their last %ra&atic #ork by can%leFlight,
/o# #oul% the "reacher turn each rueful leaf,
'ull as his ser&ons, but not half so brief3
*et, since 'tis "ro&ise% at the .ector's %eath,
/e'll risk no li$ing for a little breath. 226
Then s"outs an% foa&s, an% cries at e$ery line,
EThe =or% forgi$e hi&3G (Bra$o3 Gran%3 'i$ine3(
/oarse #ith those "raises E#hich, by ,latt'ry fe%, 8-ci-;
'e"en%ence barters for her bitter brea%G,
/e stri%es an% sta&"s along #ith creaking bootI
Till the floor echoes his e&"hatic foot,
Then sits again, then rolls his "ious eye, 8c;
5s #hen the %ying $icar #ill not %ie3
Aor feels, forsooth, e&otion at his heartIFF
But all 'isse&blers o$eract their "art. 296
*e, #ho as"ire to (buil% the lofty rhy&e,( 82K;
Belie$e not all #ho lau% your false (subli&eI(
But if so&e frien% shall hear your #ork, an% say,
(E-"unge that stanHa, lo" that line a#ay,(
5n%, after fruitless efforts, you return
Without a&en%&ent, an% he ans#ers, (Burn3(
That instant thro# your "a"er in the fire,
5sk not his thoughts, or follo# his %esireI
But Eif true Bar%3G you scorn to con%escen%, 8ci;
5n% #ill not alter #hat you can't %efen%, 216
)f you #ill bree% this Bastar% of your Brains, 827;
We'll ha$e no #or%sFF)'$e only lost &y "ains.
*et, if you only "riHe your fa$ourite thought,
5s critics kin%ly %o, an% authors oughtI
)f your cool frien% annoy you no# an% then,
5n% cross #hole "ages #ith his "laguy "enI
Ao &atter, thro# your orna&ents asi%e,FF
Better let hi& than all the #orl% %eri%e.
Gi$e light to "assages too &uch in sha%e,
Aor let a %oubt obscure one $erse you'$e &a%eI 966
*our frien%'s a (?ohnson,( not to lea$e one #or%,
/o#e$er trifling, #hich &ay see& absur%I
0uch erring trifles lea% to serious ills,
5n% furnish foo% for critics, or their Duills. 82:;
5s the 0cotch fi%%le, #ith its touching tune,
>r the sa% influence of the angry Coon,
5ll &en a$oi% ba% #riters' rea%y tongues,
5s ya#ning #aiters fly 822; ,itHscribble's lungsI 8cii;
*et on he &outhsFFten &inutesFFte%ious each 8ciii; 829;
5s Prelate's ho&ily, or "lace&an's s"eechI 916
=ong as the last years of a lingering lease,
When .iot "auses until .ents increase.
While such a &instrel, &uttering fustian, strays
>'er he%ge an% %itch, through unfreDuente% #ays,
)f by so&e chance he #alks into a #ell,
5n% shouts for succour #ith stentorian yell,
(5 ro"e3 hel", !hristians, as ye ho"e for grace3(
Aor #o&an, &an, nor chil% #ill stir a "aceI
,or there his carcass he &ight freely fling, 8ci$;
,ro& frenHy, or the hu&our of the thing. 96
Though this has ha""ene% to &ore Bar%s than oneI
)'ll tell you Bu%gell's story,FFan% ha$e %one.
Bu%gell, a rogue an% rhy&ester, for no goo%,
E@nless his case be &uch &isun%erstoo%G
When tease% #ith cre%itors' continual clai&s,
(To %ie like !ato,( 821; lea"t into the Tha&es3
5n% therefore be it la#ful through the to#n
,or any Bar% to "oison, hang, or %ro#n.
Who sa$es the inten%e% 0uici%e recei$es
0&all thanks fro& hi& #ho loathes the life he lea$esI 8c$; 9<6
5n%, sooth to say, &a% "oets &ust not lose
The Glory of that %eath they freely choose.
Aor is it certain that so&e sorts of $erse 8c$i;
Prick not the Poet's conscience as a curseI
'ose% 896; #ith $ile %ra&s on 0un%ay he #as foun%,
>r got a chil% on consecrate% groun%3
5n% hence is haunte% #ith a rhy&ing rageFF
,eare% like a bear just bursting fro& his cage.
)f free, all fly his $ersifying fit,
,atal at once to 0i&"leton or Wit4 9K6
But 'hi&', unha""y3 #ho& he seiHes,FF'hi&'
/e flays #ith .ecitation li&b by li&bI
Probes to the Duick #here'er he &akes his breach,
5n% gorges like a =a#yerFFor a =eech.
8The last "age of 'C0. C.' is %ate%FF
!a"uchin !on$ent,
5thens. 'Carch 1Kth, 1911'.
The follo#ing &e&oran%u&, in Byron's han%#riting, is also inscribe% on
the last "age4
(2 lines, an% K inserte% after an% no# counte%, in all 2:.FFB.
(0ince this se$eral lines are a%%e%.FFB. ?une 1Kth, 1911.
(!o"ie% fair at Calta, Cay <r%, 1911.FFB.(
'Carch 11th an% 1th',
5thens. 1911.
8'C0. =. EaG'.;
B*.>A, 'Carch 1Kth, 1911.'
5thens, !a"uchin !on$ent.
8'C0. =. EbG'.;;
8,ootnote 14 0ir Tho&as =a#rence E12:1F19<6G succee%e% West as P...5. in
196. Benja&in West E12<9F196G ha% been electe% P...5. in 121, on the
%eath of 0ir ?oshua .eynol%s.;
8,ootnote 4 )n an English ne#s"a"er, #hich fin%s its #ay abroa%
#here$er there are English&en, ) rea% an account of this %irty %auber's
caricature of Cr. /FFFas a (beast,( an% the conseDuent action, etc. The
circu&stance is, "robably, too #ell kno#n to reDuire further co&&ent.
8Tho&as /o"e E1226F19<1G #as celebrate% for his collections of "ictures,
scul"ture, an% ObricFaFbracO. /e #as the author of O5nastasius, or
Ce&oirs of a Greek, etcO., #hich #as attribute% to Byron, an%, accor%ing
to =a%y Blessington, e-cite% his en$y. (=o# 'ubost( #as a ,rench
"ainter, #ho, in re$enge for so&e fancie% injustice, caricature% /o"e
an% his #ife as Beauty an% the Beast. 5n e-hibition of the sketch is
sai% to ha$e brought in fro& t#enty to thirty "oun%s a #eek. 5 brother
of Crs. /o"e E=ouisa Beresfor%, %aughter of =or% 'ecies, 5rchbisho" of
Tua&G &utilate% the "icture, an%, an action ha$ing been brought, #as
or%ere% to "ay a no&inal su& of fi$e "oun%s. 'ubost's aca%e&y "ortrait
of Crs. /o"e %i% not "lease Peter Pin%ar.
()n Cistress /o"e, Consieur 'ubost3
Thy Genius yiel%eth u" the Ghost.(
OWorksO E191G, $. <2.;;
8,ootnote <4
(While "ure 'escri"tion hel% the "lace of 0ense.(FF
Po"e, OProl. to the 0at.,O =. 1K9.
(While Cr. 0ol %ecke% out all so glorious
0hines like a Beau in his Birth%ay E&broi%ery.(
8,iel%ing, OTo& Thu&bO, act i. sc. ).;FF8OC0. C.O;
(O,as est et ab /oste %oceri.O( )n the 2th 5rt. of the <1st Ao. of the
OE%inburgh .e$ie#O E$ol. -$i. 5". 1916G the (>bser$ations( of an >-for%
Tutor are co&"are% to (!hil%ren's !ra%les( E"age 191G, then to a
(Barn%oor fo#l flying( E"age 19G, then the &an hi&self to (a
!oachFhorse on the Trottoir( E"age 197G etc., etc., #ith a $ariety of
other conun%ru&s all ten%ing to "ro$e that the ingenuity of co&"arison
increases in "ro"ortion to the %issi&ilarity bet#een the things
co&"are%.FF8OC0. =. EbG erase%.O;;
8,ootnote K4 Cere co&&on &ortals #ere co&&only content #ith one Taylor
an% #ith one bill, but the &ore "articular gentle&en foun% it i&"ossible
to confi%e their lo#er gar&ents to the &akers of their bo%y clothes. )
s"eak of the beginning of 19614 #hat refor& &ay ha$e since taken "lace )
neither kno#, nor %esire to kno#.FF8OC00. =. EbG, CO.;;
8,ootnote 74 Cr. Pitt #as liberal in his a%%itions to our Parlia&entary
tongueI as &ay be seen in &any "ublications, "articularly the 'E%inburgh
8The reference &ay be to financial ter&s, such as sinking fun% Ea "hrase
not intro%uce% by PittG, the English eDui$alent of 'caisse
%'a&ortisse&ent', or inco&e ta- E'i&"ot sur le re$enu'G, or to actual
,rench #or%s such as 'chouannerie, "rojet', etc. But Pitt's (a%%itions(
are unnotice% by ,rere an% other re"orters an% critics of his s"eeches.
,or a satirical %escri"tion of Pitt's #or%s, (#hich are finer an% longer
than can be concei$e%,( see '.ollia%', 1211I 'Political Ciscellanies',
". K1I an% 'Political Eclogues', ". 117.
(5n% Billy best of all things lo$esFFa tro"e.(
!o&"are, too, Peter Pin%ar, (To 0yl$anus @rban,( 'Works' E191G, ii. 71.
(=ycurgus Pitt #hose "enetrating eyes
Behol% the fount of ,ree%o& in e-cise,
Whose '"atriot' logic "ossibly &aintains
The 'i%entity' of 'liberty' an% 'chains'.(;;
8,ootnote :4 >l% balla%s, ol% "lays, an% ol% #o&en's stories, are at
"resent in as &uch reDuest as ol% #ine or ne# s"eeches. )n fact, this is
the &illenniu& of black letter4 thanks to our /ebers, Webers, an%
8.ichar% /eber E122<F19<<G, bookFcollector an% &an of letters, #as
halfFbrother of the Bisho" of !alcutta. /e e%ite%, 'inter alia',
'0"eci&ens of the Early English Poets', by George Ellis, < $ols., =on%on4
W. /. Weber E129<F1919G, a Ger&an by birth, #as e&"loye% by 0ir Walter
0cott as an a&anuensis an% (searcher.( /e e%ite%, in 1916, 'Cetrical
.o&ances of the 1<th, 1Kth, an% 17th !enturies', a #ork %escribe% by
0outhey E'=etters', ii. <69G as (a%&irably e%ite%, e-cee%ingly curious,
an% after &y o#n heart.( /e also "ublishe% e%itions of ,or%, an%
Beau&ont an% ,letcher, #hich #ere a%$ersely criticiHe% by Giffor%. ,or
an account of his relations to 0cott an% of his &elancholy en%, see
=ockhart's '=ife of 0cott' E1921G, ". 71.;;
8,ootnote 24 'Cac ,lecknoe', the ''uncia%', an% all 0#ift's la&"ooning
balla%s. Whate$er their other #orks &ay be, these originate% in "ersonal
feelings, an% angry retort on un#orthy ri$alsI an% though the ability of
these satires ele$ates the "oetical, their "oignancy %etracts fro& the
"ersonal character of the #riters.;
8,ootnote 94 '5l&anHor4 or the !onDuest of Grana%a by the 0"aniar%s', a
Trage%y by ?ohn 'ry%en. The bo&bastic character of the hero #as se$erely
criticiHe% in 'ry%en's o#n ti&e, an% #as %efen%e% by hi& thus4
('Tis sai% that 5l&anHor is no "erfect "attern of heroic $irtue, that
he is a conte&ner of kings, an% that he is &a%e to "erfor&
i&"ossibilities. ) &ust therefore a$o#, in the first "lace, fro&
#hence ) took the character. The first i&age ) ha% of hi& #as fro& the
5chilles of /o&er4 the ne-t fro& Tasso's .inal%o, an% the thir% fro&
the 5rtaban of Cons. !al"rene%e.... /e talks e-tra$agantly in his
"assion, but if ) #oul% take the trouble to Duote fro& Ben ?onson's
!ethegus, ) coul% easily sho# you that the rho%o&onta%es of 5l&anHor
are neither so irrational as his nor so i&"ossible to be "ut in
'5n Essay on /eroic Plays. Works of ?ohn 'ry%en' E191G, i$. <F7.;
8,ootnote 14 With all the $ulgar a""lause an% critical abhorrence of
"uns, they ha$e 5ristotle on their si%eI #ho "er&its the& to orators,
an% gi$es the& conseDuence by a gra$e %isDuisition.
8(!icero also,( says 5%%ison, (has s"rinkle% se$eral of his #orks #ith
the&I an% in his book on >ratory, Duotes abun%ance of sayings as "ieces
of #it, #hich, u"on e-a&ination, "ro$e arrant "uns.(FF'Essay on Wit,
Works' E1999G, ii. <7K.;;
8,ootnote 164 )n Vanbrugh an% Gibber's co&e%y of The Pro$oke% /usban%,
first "laye% at 'rury =ane, ?anuary 16, 129.;;
8,ootnote 114
(5n% in his ear )'ll hollaFFCorti&er3(
8') /enry )V'., act i. sc. <.;;
8,ootnote 14 Garrick's '=ying Valet' #as "laye% for the first ti&e at
Goo%&an's ,iel%s, Ao$e&ber <6, 12K1.;
8(Peregrine( is a character in George !ol&an's '?ohn Bull', or '5n
English&an's ,ireF0i%e', !o$ent Gar%en. Carch 7, 196<.; ;
8,ootnote 1<4 ) ha$e ?ohnson's authority for &aking =ear a
(Perha"s #here =ear ra$'% or /a&let %ie%
>n flying cars ne# sorcerers &ay ri%e.(
8(Perha"s #here =ear has ra$'%, an% /a&let %y'%.(
Prologue to ')rene. ?ohnson's Works' E196:G, i. 1:9.;
an% Eif it nee% be &entione%G the 'authority' of the e"igra& on Barry
an% Garrick.FF8Aote 'erase%, Proof b, British Cuseu&'.;;
8,ootnote 1K4
('?ohnson'. Pray, Cr. Bayes, #ho is that 'ra#cansirM
'Bayes'. Why, 0ir, a great 8fierce; hero, that frights his &istress,
snubs u" kings, baffles ar&ies, an% %oes #hat he #ill, #ithout regar%
to nu&bers, goo% sense, or justice 8goo% &anners, justice, or
'The .ehearsal', act i$. sc. ).
'The .ehearsal', by George Villiers, secon% 'uke of Buckingha&
E1:2F1:99G, a""eare% in 1:21. 0"rat an% others are sai% to ha$e share%
the authorshi". 0o "o"ular #as the "lay that ('ra#cansir( "asse% into a
synoni&e for a bragga%ocio. )t is belie$e% that (Bayes( Ethat is, of
course, (laureate(G #as &eant for a caricature of 'ry%en4 (he hi&self
co&"lains bitterly that it #as so.( E0ee '=i$es of the Poets' E1916G, i.
<9:I an% Bos#ell's '=ife of ?ohnson' E192:G, ". <7, an% 'note'.G;;
8,ootnote 174
('ifficile est "ro"rie co&&unia %icereI tuDue
.ectius )liacu& car&en %e%ucis in actus,
Lua& si "roferres ignota in%ictaDue "ri&us.(
/>.4 ''E 5.TE P>ET'4 19F1<6.
Cons. 'acier, Cons. %e 0e$igne, Boileau, an% others, ha$e left their
%is"ute on the &eaning of this sentence in a tract consi%erably longer
than the "oe& of /orace. )t is "rinte% at the close of the ele$enth
$olu&e of Ca%a&e %e 0e$igne's =etters, e%ite% by Grou$elle, Paris, 196:.
Presu&ing that all #ho can construe &ay $enture an o"inion on such
subjects, "articularly as so &any #ho Ocan'tO ha$e taken the sa&e
liberty, ) shoul% ha$e hel% (&y farthing can%le( as a#k#ar%ly as
another, ha% not &y res"ect for the #its of =ouis 1Kth's 5ugustan
(0iecle( in%uce% &e to subjoin these illustrious authorities. )
therefore offer4
firstly Boileau4 ()l est %ifficile %e trailer %es sujets Dui sont a la
"ortee %e tout le &on%e %'une &aniere Dui $ous les ren%e "ro"res, ce Dui
s'a""elle s'a""ro"rier un sujet "ar le tour Du'on y %onne.(
%ly, Batteu-4 (Cais il est bien %ifficile %e %onner %es traits "ro"res
et in%i$i%uels au- etres "ure&ent "ossibles.(
<%ly, 'acier4 ()l est %ifficile %e traiter con$enable&ent ces caracteres
Due tout le &on%e "eut in$enter.(
Cr. 0e$igne's o"inion an% translation, consisting of so&e thirty "ages,
) o&it, "articularly as Cr. Grou$elle obser$es, (=a chose est bien
re&arDuable, aucune %e ces %i$erses inter"retations ne "arait etre la
$eritable.( But, by #ay of co&fort, it see&s, fifty years after#ar%s,
(=e lu&ineu- 'u&arsais( &a%e his a""earance, to set /orace on his legs
again, (%issi"er tous les nuages, et concilier tous les %issenti&entsI(
an% ) su""ose so&e fifty years hence, so&ebo%y, still &ore lu&inous,
#ill %oubtless start u" an% %e&olish 'u&arsais an% his syste& on this
#eighty affair, as if he #ere no better than Ptole&y or !o"ernicus an%
co&&ents of no &ore conseDuence than astrono&ical calculations. ) a&
ha""y to say, (la longueur %e la %issertation( of Cr. '. "re$ents Cr. G.
fro& saying any &ore on the &atter. 5 better "oet than Boileau, an% at
least as goo% a scholar as Cr. %e 0e$igne, has sai%,
(5 little learning is a %angerous thing.(
5n% by the abo$e e-tract, it a""ears that a goo% %eal &ay be ren%ere% as
useless to the Pro"rietors.
8Byron chose the #or%s in Duestion, 'ifficile,' etc., as a &otto for the
first fi$e cantos of ''on ?uan';
8,ootnote 1:4 5bout t#o years ago a young &an na&e% To#nsen% #as
announce% by Cr. !u&berlan%, in a re$ie# Esince %ecease%G 8the '=on%on
.e$ie#';, as being engage% in an e"ic "oe& to be entitle% (5r&age%%on.(
The "lan an% s"eci&en "ro&ise &uchI but ) ho"e neither to offen% Cr.
To#nsen%, nor his frien%s, by reco&&en%ing to his attention the lines of
/orace to #hich these rhy&es allu%e. )f Cr. To#nsen% succee%s in his
un%ertaking, as there is reason to ho"e, ho# &uch #ill the #orl% be
in%ebte% to Cr. !u&berlan% for bringing hi& before the "ublic3 But, till
that e$entful %ay arri$es, it &ay be %oubte% #hether the "re&ature
%is"lay of his "lan Esubli&e as the i%eas confesse%ly areG has not,FFby
raising e-"ectation too high, or %i&inishing curiosity, by %e$elo"ing
his argu&ent,FFrather incurre% the haHar% of injuring Cr. To#nsen%'s
future "ros"ects. Cr. !u&berlan% E#hose talents ) shall not %e"reciate
by the hu&ble tribute of &y "raiseG an% Cr. To#nsen% &ust not su""ose &e
actuate% by un#orthy &oti$es in this suggestion. ) #ish the author all
the success he can #ish hi&self, an% shall be truly ha""y to see e"ic
"oetry #eighe% u" fro& the bathos #here it lies sunken #ith 0outhey,
!ottle, !o#ley ECrs. or 5braha&G, >gil$y, Wilkie, Pye, an% all the (%ull
of "ast an% "resent %ays.( E$en if he is not a 'Cilton', he &ay be
better than 'Black&ore'I if not a '/o&er', an '5nti&achus'. ) shoul%
%ee& &yself "resu&"tuous, as a young &an, in offering a%$ice, #ere it
not a%%resse% to one still younger. Cr. To#nsen% has the greatest
%ifficulties to encounterI but in conDuering the& he #ill fin%
e&"loy&entI in ha$ing conDuere% the&, his re#ar%. ) kno# too #ell (the
scribbler's scoff, the critic's contu&elyI( an% ) a& afrai% ti&e #ill
teach Cr. To#nsen% to kno# the& better. Those #ho succee%, an% those #ho
%o not, &ust bear this alike, an% it is har% to say #hich ha$e &ost of
it. ) trust that Cr. To#nsen%'s share #ill be fro& 'en$y'I he #ill soon
kno# &ankin% #ell enough not to attribute this e-"ression to &alice.
8This note #as #ritten 8at 5thens; before the author #as a""rise% of Cr.
!u&berlan%'s %eath 8in Cay, 1911;.FF'C0'. E0ee Byron's letter to 'allas,
5ugust 2, 1911.G The .e$. George To#nsen% E1299F1972G "ublishe% 'Poe&s'
in 1916, an% eight books of his '5r&age%%on' in 1917. They &et #ith the
fate #hich Byron ha% "re%icte%. )n later life he co&"ile% nu&erous #orks
of scri"tural e-egesis. /e #as a !anon of 'urha& fro& 197 till his
8,ootnote 124 The first line of '5 0"irit of 'isco$ery by 0ea', by the
.e$. W. =isle Bo#les, first "ublishe% in 1967.;
8,ootnote 194 /ar$ey, the 'circulator' of the 'circulation' of the
bloo%, use% to fling a#ay Virgil in his ecstasy of a%&iration an% say,
(the book ha% a %e$il.( Ao# such a character as ) a& co"ying #oul%
"robably fling it a#ay also, but rather #ish that (the %e$il ha% the
bookI( not fro& %islike to the "oet, but a #ellFfoun%e% horror of
he-a&eters. )n%ee%, the "ublic school "enance of (=ong an% 0hort( is
enough to beget an anti"athy to "oetry for the resi%ue of a &an's life,
an%, "erha"s, so far &ay be an a%$antage.;
8,ootnote 114
(')nfan%u&, regina, jubes reno$are %olore&'.(
) %are say Cr. Ta$ell Eto #ho& ) &ean no affrontG #ill un%erstan% &eI
an% it is no &atter #hether any one else %oes or no.FFTo the abo$e
e$ents, ('DuaeDue i"se &iserri&a $i%i, et Duoru& "ars &agna fui',( all
'ti&es' an% 'ter&s' bear testi&ony. 8The .e$. G.,. Ta$ell #as a fello#
an% tutor of Trinity !ollege, !a&bri%ge, %uring Byron's resi%ence, an%
o#e% this notice to the (Heal #ith #hich he "roteste% against his
ju$enile $agaries.( 'uring a "art of his resi%ence at Trinity, Byron
ke"t a ta&e bear in his roo&s in Ae$ille's !ourt. E0ee 'English Bar%s',
l. 12<, 'note', an% "ostscri"t to the 0econ% E%ition, 'ante', ". <9<. 0ee
also letter to Ciss Pigot, >ctober :, 1962.G
The follo#ing co"y of a bill Eno %ateG tells its o#n story4FF
The /onble. =or% Byron.
To ?ohn !larke.
To Brea% P Cilk for the Bear %eli$'%.R = 1 1 2
to /ala%ay ... ... ... R
!a&bri%ge .e$e. 5 !larke.;;
8,ootnote 64 (/ell,( a ga&ingFhouse so calle%, #here you risk little,
an% are cheate% a goo% %eal. (!lub,( a "leasant "urgatory, #here you
lose &ore, an% are not su""ose% to be cheate% at all.;
8,ootnote 14
()rene ha% to s"eak t#o lines #ith the bo#string roun% her neckI but
the au%ience crie% out 8'Cur%er3'; 'Cur%er3' an% she #as oblige% to go
off the stage ali$e.(
'Bos#ell's ?ohnson' 8192:, ". :6;.
8)rene Efirst "laye% ,ebruary :, 12K1G for the future #as "ut to %eath
behin% the scenes. The strangling her, contrary to /orace's rule, 'cora&
"o"ulo', #as suggeste% by Garrick. E0ee 'a$ies' '=ife of Garrick'
E1969G, i. 172.G;;
8,ootnote 4 Catthe# Gregory =e#is E1227F1919G. E'Vi%e English Bar%s,
etc'., l. :7, n. 9.G The character of /assan, (&y &isanthro"ic negro,(
as =e#is calle% hi&, #as sai% by the critics of the %ay to ha$e been
borro#e% fro& Nanga in *oung's '.e$enge'. =e#is, in his (5%%ress to the
.ea%er,( Duote% by Byron Ein 'note' <G, %efen%s the originality of the
8,ootnote <4 )n the "ostscri"t to OThe !astle 0"ectreO, Cr. =e#is tells
us, that though blacks #ere unkno#n in Englan% at the "erio% of his
action, yet he has &a%e the anachronis& to set off the scene4 an% if he
coul% ha$e "ro%uce% the effect (by &aking his heroine blue,(FF) Duote
hi&FF(blue he #oul% ha$e &a%e her3( 8OThe !astle 0"ectreO, by C.G.
=e#is, EsD., C.P., =on%on, 1219, "age 16.;;
8,ootnote K4 )n 126: ?ohn 'ennis, the critic E1:72F12<KG, #rote an
'Essay on the >"eras after the )talian &anner, #hich are about to be
establishe% on the English 0tage'I to sho# that they #ere &ore i&&oral
than the &ost licentious "lay.;
8,ootnote 74 >ne of the gang#ays in the >"era /ouse, #here the young
&en of fashion use% to asse&ble. E0ee letter to Curray, Ao$. 1, 196I
O=ifeO, ". :.G;
8,ootnote :4 )n the year 1969, ha""ening at the o"era to trea% on the
toes of a $ery #ellF%resse% &an, ) turne% roun% to a"ologiHe, #hen, to
&y utter astonish&ent, ) recogniHe% the face of the "orter of the $ery
hotel #here ) then lo%ge% in 5lbe&arle 0treet. 0o here #as a gentle&an
#ho ran e$ery &orning forty erran%s for half a cro#n, thro#ing a#ay half
a guinea at night, besi%es the e-"ense of his habili&ents, an% the hire
of his (!ha"eau %e Bras.(FF8OC0. =. EaGO.;;
8,ootnote 24 The first theatrical re"resentations, entitle% (Cysteries
an% Coralities,( #ere generally enacte% at !hrist&as, by &onks Eas the
only "ersons #ho coul% rea%G, an% latterly by the clergy an% stu%ents of
the uni$ersities. The %ra&atis "ersonae #ere usually 5%a&, Pater
!oelestis, ,aith, Vice, an% so&eti&es an angel or t#oI but these #ere
e$entually su"erse%e% by 'Ga&&er Gurton's Aee%le'.FF'Vi%e' Warton's
'/istory of English Poetry 8"assi&;'.FF8'C00. C., =. EbG'.;;
8,ootnote 94 'Ben$olio' 8=or% Gros$enor, 'C0. ='. E'b'G; %oes not betI
but e$ery &an #ho &aintains racehorses is a "ro&oter of all the
conco&itant e$ils of the turf. 5$oi%ing to bet is a little "harisaical.
)s it an e-cul"ationM ) think not. ) ne$er yet hear% a ba#% "raise% for
chastity, because 'she herself' %i% not co&&it fornication.
8.obert, secon% Earl Gros$enor E12:2F19K7G, #as create% CarDuis of
West&inster in 19<1. =ike his father, Giffor%'s "atron, the first Earl
Gros$enor, he #as a bree%er of racehorses, an% a "atron of the turf. 5s
=or% Belgra$e, he brought for#ar% a &otion for the su""ression of 0un%ay
ne#s"a"ers, ?une 11, 1211, %enouncing the& in a $iolent s"eech. The
&otion #as lostI but &any years after, in a s"eech %eli$ere% in the
/ouse of =or%s, ?anuary , 1962, he returne% to the charge. E0ee 'Parl.
/ist'., <K. 166:, 1616I an% 'Parl. 'eb'., 9. 9:.G E,or a skit on =or%
Belgra$e's sabbatarian $ie#s, see Peter Pin%ar, 'Works' E191G, i$.
8,ootnote 14 0a&uel ,oote E126F1222G, actor an% "lay#right. /is solo
entertain&ents, in 'The 'ish of Tea, 5n 5uction of Pictures', 12K2F9
Esee his co&e%y 'Taste'G, #ere the "recursors of 'Cathe#s at /o&e', an%
a long line of successors. /is farces an% curtainF"ieces #ere often
(s"ice%Fu"( #ith &ore or less &alicious characterFsketches of li$ing
"ersons. 5&ong his better kno#n "ieces are 'The Cinor' E12:6G,
ri%iculing Whitefiel% an% the Cetho%ists, an% 'The Cayor of Garratt'
E12:<G, in #hich he "laye% the "art of 0turgeon EByron use% this "iece,
for an illustration in his s"eech on the ,ra&eF#orkers Bill, ,ebruary
2, 191G. 'The =yar', first "laye% at !o$ent Gar%en, ?anuary 1, 12:,
#as the latest to hol% the stage. )t #as re"ro%uce% at the >"era !o&iDue
in 1922.;
8,ootnote <64 /enry !arey, "oet an% &usician E%. 12K<G, a natural son of
George 0a$ile, CarDuis of /alifa-, #as the author of
O!hrononhotonthologosO, (the &ost tragical trage%y e$er yet trage%ise%
by any co&"any of trage%ians,( #hich #as first "laye% at the /ay&arket,
,ebruary , 12<K. The #ellFkno#n lines, (Go, call a coach, an% let a
coach be calle%,( etc., #hich 0cott "refi-e% to the first cha"ter of
OThe 5ntiDuaryO, are fro& the last scene, in #hich Bo&bar%inion fights
#ith an% kills the Bing !hrononhotonthologos. But his one achie$e&ent
#as O0ally in our 5lleyO, of #hich he #rote both the #or%s an% the
&usic. The authorshi" of (Go% 0a$e the Bing( has been attribute% to hi&,
"robably un%er a &isa""rehension.;
8,ootnote <14 @n%er Plato's "illo# a $olu&e of the 'Ci&es' of 0o"hron
#as foun% the %ay he %ie%.FF'Vi%e' Barthele&i, 'e Pau#, or 'iogenes
=aertius, 8=ib. iii. ". 1:9FF!houet 1717; if agreeable. 'e Pau# calls it
a jestFbook. !u&berlan%, in his '>bser$er', ter&s it &oral, like the
sayings of Publius 0yrus.;
8,ootnote <4 )n 12<2 the &anager of Goo%&an's ,iel%s Theatre ha$ing
brought 0ir .obert Wal"ole a farce calle% 'The Gol%en .u&"', the
&inister %etaine% the co"y. /e then &a%e e-tracts of the &ost offensi$e
"assages, rea% the& to the house, an% brought in a bill to li&it the
nu&ber of "layhouses an% to subject all %ra&atic #ritings to the
ins"ection of the =or% !ha&berlain. /orace Wal"ole ascribe% 'The Gol%en
.u&"' to ,iel%ing, an% sai% that he ha% foun% an i&"erfect co"y of the
"lay a&ong his father's "a"ers. But this has been Duestione%. E0ee '5
Book of the Play', by 'utton !ook E1991G, ". 2.G;;
8,ootnote <<4 /is s"eech on the =icensing 5ct 8in #hich he o""ose% the
Bill;, is reckone% one of his &ost eloDuent efforts.
8The follo#ing sentences ha$e been e-tracte% fro& the s"eech #hich #as
(The bill is not only an encroach&ent u"on liberty, it is like#ise an
encroach&ent on "ro"erty. Wit, &y lor%s, is a sort of "ro"ertyI it is
the "ro"erty of those #ho ha$e it, an% too often the only "ro"erty
they ha$e to %e"en% on...
(Those gentle&en #ho ha$e any such "ro"erty are all, ) ho"e, our
frien%sI %o not let us subject the& to any unnecessary or arbitrary
(The stage an% the "ress, &y lor%, are t#o of our outFsentriesI if #e
re&o$e the&, if #e hoo%#ink the&, if #e thro# the& into fetters, the
ene&y &ay sur"rise us. Therefore ) &ust no# look u"on the bill before
us as a ste" for intro%ucing arbitrary "o#er into this king%o&.(
=or% !hesterfiel%'s senti&ents #ith regar% to laughter are containe% in
an a"o"htheg&, re"eate% &ore than once in his corres"on%ence4 (The
$ulgar laugh alou%, but ne$er s&ileI on the contrary, "eo"le of fashion
often s&ile, but sel%o& or ne$er laugh alou%.(FF'!hesterfiel%'s =etters
to his Go%son', >-for%, 1916, ". 2.;;
8,ootnote <K4 5rcher an% 0Duire 0ullen are characters in ,arDuhar's
"lay E1:29F1262G, 'The Beau-' 0tratage&', Carch 9, 1262.;;
8,ootnote <74 Cichael PereH, the (!o""er !a"tain,( in 8,letcher's;
'.ule a Wife an% /a$e a Wife' 8license% >ctober 11, 1:K;.;
8,ootnote <:4 The .e$. 'r. ,rancis Willis %ie% in 1962, in the 16th year
of his age. /e atten%e% George ))). in his first attack of &a%ness in
1299. The "o#er of his eye on other "ersons is illustrate% by a story
relate% by ,re%erick .eynol%s E'=ife an% Ti&es', ii. <G, #ho %escribes
ho# E%&un% Burke Duaile% un%er his look. /is son, ?ohn Willis, #as
entruste% #ith the entire charge of the king in 1911. !o&"are 0helley's
'Peter Bell the Thir%', "art $i.FF
(=et hi& sha$e his hea%4
Where's 'r. WillisM(
E0ee, too, 'Blan%FBurges Pa"ers' E1997G, "". 11<F117, an% '=ife of
George )V'., by Percy ,itHgeral% E1991G, ii. 19.G;;
8,ootnote <24 'r. ?ohnson #as of the like o"inion.
(/igh#ay&en an% housebreakers,( he says, in his =ife of Gay, (sel%o&
freDuent the "layhouse, or &ingle in any elegant %i$ersionI nor is it
"ossible for any one to i&agine that he &ay rob #ith safety, because
he sees Cacheath re"rie$e% u"on the stage.(
'=i$es of the Poets', by 0a&uel ?ohnson E1916G, ii. ::. )t #as
asserte%, on the other han%, by 0ir ?ohn ,iel%ing, the Bo#Fstreet
&agistrate, that on e$ery run of the "iece, 'The Beggar's >"era', an
increase% nu&ber of high#ay&en #ere brought to his officeI an% so strong
#as his con$iction, that in 122 he re&onstrate% against the "erfor&ance
#ith the &anagers of both the houses.;
8,ootnote <94 ?erry !ollier's contro$ersy #ith !ongre$e, etc., on the
subject of the %ra&a, is too #ell kno#n to reDuire further co&&ent.
8?ere&y !ollier E1:76F127:G, nonFjuring bisho" an% %i$ine. The occasion
of his contro$ersy #ith !ongre$e #as the "ublication of his '0hort Vie#
of the )&&orality an% Profaneness of the English 0tage' E1:12F9G.
!ongre$e, #ho ha% been attacke% by na&e, re"lie% in a tract entitle%
'5&en%&ents u"on Cr. !ollier's false an% i&"erfect citations fro& the'
>=' B5T!/E=E@., etc.;;
8,ootnote <14 5 fe# &onths after lines <26F<91 #ere a%%e% to 'The
/ints', in 0e"te&ber, 191, Byron, at the reDuest of =or% /ollan%, #rote
the a%%ress %eli$ere% on the o"ening of the theatre, #hich ha% been
rebuilt after the fire of ,ebruary K, 1961. /e subseDuently joine% the
!o&&ittee of Canage&ent;
8,ootnote K64 Cr. 0i&eon is the $ery bully of beliefs, an% castigator of
(goo% #orks.( /e is ably su""orte% by ?ohn 0tickles, a labourer in the
sa&e $ineyar%4FFbut ) say no &ore, for, accor%ing to ?ohnny in full
congregation,'(Ao ho"es for the& as laughs.('
8The .e$. !harles 0i&eon E1279F19<:G #as the lea%er of the e$angelical
&o$e&ent in !a&bri%ge. The reference &ay be to the rigour #ith #hich he
re"elle% a charge brought against hi& by 'r. E%#ar%s, the Caster of
0i%ney 0usse-, that a ser&on #hich he ha% "reache% in Ao$e&ber, 1961,
sa$oure% of antino&ianis&. )t &ay be note% that a frien% Ethe .e$. W.
ParishG, to #ho& he sub&itte% the C0. of a rejoin%er to Pearson's
'!autions, etc.', a%$ise% hi& to "rint it, (es"ecially if you shoul%
rather kee" %o#n a lash or t#o #hich &ight irritate.( 0i&eon #as
naturally irascible, an%, in re"ly to a frien% #ho ha% &il%ly re"ro$e%
hi& for so&e %is"lay of te&"er, signe% hi&self, in hu&orous "enitence,
(!harles "rou% an% irritable.( E0ee 'Ce&oirs of the =ife of the .e$. Cr.
0i&eon', by .e$. W. !arus E19K2G, "". 117, 9, etc.G;;
8,ootnote K14 'Ba-ter's 0ho$e to hea$yFaFF% !hristians', the $eritable
title of a book once in goo% re"ute, an% likely enough to be so again.
8(Ba-ter( is a sli" of the "en. The tract or ser&on, '5n Effectual 0ho$e
to the hea$yFarse !hristian', #as, accor%ing to the titleF"age, #ritten
by Willia& Bunyan, &inister of the gos"el in 0outh Wales, an% ("rinte%
for the author( in =on%on in 12:9.;;
8,ootnote K4 5&brose Phili"s E1:27MF12K1G "ublishe% his 'E"istle to the
Earl of 'orset' an% his 'Pastorals' in 1261. )t is sai% that Po"e
attacke% hi& in his satires in conseDuence of an article in the
'Guar%ian', in #hich the 'Pastorals' #ere un%uly e-tolle%. /is $erses,
a%%resse% to the chil%ren of his "atron, =or% !arteret, #ere "aro%ie% by
/enry !arey, in 'Aa&by Pa&by, or a Panegyric on the Ae#
8,ootnote K<4 0ee letters to Curray, 0e"t. 17, 1912I ?an. 7, 1911I Car.
1, 196I Ao$. K, 196I etc. 0ee also the t#o '=etters' against Bo#les,
#ritten at .a$enna, ,eb. 2 an% Car. 1, 191, in #hich Byron's
enthusiastic re$erence for Po"e is the %o&inant note.;
8,ootnote KK4 5s fa&ous a tonsor as =icinus hi&self, an% better "ai%
8an% &ay be like hi& a senator, one %ay or other4 no %is"arage&ent to
the /igh !ourt of Parlia&ent.FF'C0.=.EbG';, an% &ay, like hi&, be one
%ay a senator, ha$ing a better Dualification than one half of the hea%s
he cro"s, $iH.FF)n%e"en%ence.
85ccor%ing to the 0choliast, !assar &a%e his barber =icinus a senator,
(Duo% o%isset Po&"eiu&.( Blake Esee =etter to Curray, Ao$. 1, 196G #as,
"resu&ably, Benja&in Blake, a "erfu&er, #ho li$e% at K:, Park 0treet,
Gros$enor 0Duare.;;
8,ootnote K74 There #as so&e foun%ation for this. When Wor%s#orth an%
his sister 'orothy calle% on 'aniel 0tuart, e%itor of the '!ourier', at
his fine ne# house in /arley 0treet, the butler #oul% not a%&it the&
further than the hall, an% #as not a little taken aback #hen he
#itnesse% the %eference sho#n to these strangelyFattire% figures by his
&aster.FFPersonal .e&iniscence of the late Ciss 0tuart, of 16:, /arley
8,ootnote K:4
('Bayes'. )f ) a& to #rite fa&iliar things, as sonnets to 5r&i%a, an%
the like, ) &ake use of ste#e% "runes onlyI but #hen ) ha$e a gran%
%esign in han%, ) e$er take "hysic an% let bloo%I for #hen you #oul%
ha$e "ure s#iftness of thought, an% fiery flights of fancy, you &ust
ha$e a care of the "ensi$e "art. )n fine, you &ust "urge.(
'.ehearsal', act ii. sc. 1.
This "assage is instance% by ?ohnson as a "roof that (Bayes( #as a
caricature of 'ry%en.
(Bayes, #hen he is to #rite, is bloo%e% an% "urge%I this, as =a&otte
relates, ... #as the real "ractice of the "oet.(
'=i$es of the Poets' 1916G, i. <99.;;
8,ootnote K24 !ant ter& for =166,666.;
8,ootnote K94 ) ha$e not the original by &e, but the )talian translation
runs as follo#s4FF
(E una cosa a &io cre%ere &olto stra$agante, che un Pa%re %esi%eri, o
"er&etta, che suo figliuolo colti$i e "erfeHioni Duesto talento.(
5 little further on4
(0i tro$ano %i ra%o nel Parnaso le &iniere %' oro e %' argento,(
'E%ucaHione %ei ,anciulli %el 0igner =ocke' EVenice, 129G, ii. 92.
8()f the chil% ha$e a "oetic $ein, it is to &e the strangest thing in
the #orl%, that the father shoul% %esire or suffer it to be cherishe%
or i&"ro$e%.(FF()t is $ery sel%o& seen, that any one %isco$ers &ines
of gol% or sil$er on Parnassus.(
'0o&e Thoughts concerning E%ucation', by ?ohn =ocke E1996G, ". 17.;;
8,ootnote K14 ()ro "au"erior4( a "ro$erb4 this is the sa&e beggar #ho
bo-e% #ith @lysses for a "oun% of ki%'s fry, #hich he lost an% half a
%oHen teeth besi%es. E0ee '>%yssey', -$iii. 19.G;
8,ootnote 764 The )rish gol% &ine in Wicklo#, #hich yiel%s just ore
enough to s#ear by, or gil% a ba% guinea.;
8,ootnote 714 5s Cr. Po"e took the liberty of %a&ning /o&er, to #ho& he
#as un%er great obligationsFF('5n% /o&er E%a&n hi&3G calls'(FFit &ay be
"resu&e% that anybo%y or anything &ay be %a&ne% in $erse by "oetical
licence 8) shall su""ose one &ay %a&n anything else in $erse #ith
i&"unity.FF'C0. =. EbG';I an%, in case of acci%ent, ) beg lea$e to "lea%
so illustrious a "rece%ent.;
8,ootnote 74 ,or the story of Billy /a$ar%'s trage%y, see 'a$ies's
'=ife of Garrick'. ) belie$e it is '.egulus', or '!harles the ,irst'
8=incoln's )nn ,iel%s, Carch 1, 12<2;. The &o&ent it #as kno#n to be his
the theatre thinne%, an% the bookFseller refuse% to gi$e the custo&ary
su& for the co"yright. 80ee '=ife of Garrick', by Tho&as 'a$ies E1969G,
ii. 67.;
8,ootnote 7<4 Tho&as Erskine Ethir% son of the fifth Earl of BuchanG
after#ar%s =or% Erskine E1276F19<G, =or% !hancellor E196:F2G, an
eloDuent orator, a su"re&ely great a%$ocate, #as, by co&"arison, a
failure as a ju%ge. /is "o#er o$er a jury, (his little t#el$ers,( as he
#oul% so&eti&es a%%ress the&, #as "ractically unli&ite%. E0ee
'.ecollections of the TableFTalk of 0a&uel .ogers' E197:G, ". 1:.G;;
8,ootnote 7K4 =ines 791F:: are not in the 'Curray C0'., nor in either
of the '=o$elace C00'.;;
8,ootnote 774 To the Eclectic or !hristian .e$ie#ers ) ha$e to return
thanks for the fer$our of that charity #hich, in 1961, in%uce% the& to
e-"ress a ho"e that a thing then "ublishe% by &e &ight lea% to certain
conseDuences, #hich, although natural enough, surely ca&e but rashly
fro& re$eren% li"s. ) refer the& to their o#n "ages, #here they
congratulate% the&sel$es on the "ros"ect of a tilt bet#een Cr. ?effrey
an% &yself, fro& #hich so&e great goo% #as to accrue, "ro$i%e% one or
both #ere knocke% on the hea%. /a$ing sur$i$e% t#o years an% a half
those (Elegies( #hich they #ere kin%ly "re"aring to re$ie#, ) ha$e no
"eculiar gusto to gi$e the& (so joyful a trouble,( e-ce"t, in%ee%, (u"on
co&"ulsion, /alI( but if, as 'a$i% says in 'The .i$als', it shoul% co&e
to (bloo%y s#or% an% gun fighting,( #e (#on't run, #ill #e, 0ir =uciusM(
8Byron, #riting at 5thens, a#ay fro& his books, &isDuotes 'The .i$als'.
The #or%s, (0ir =ucius, #eFF#eFF#eFF#e #on't run,( are s"oken by 5cres,
not by 'a$i%.; ) %o not kno# #hat ) ha% %one to these Eclectic
gentle&en4 &y #orks are their la#ful "erDuisite, to be he#n in "ieces
like 5gag, if it see& &eet unto the&4 but #hy they shoul% be in such a
hurry to kill off their author, ) a& ignorant. (The race is not al#ays
to the s#ift, nor the battle to the strong4( an% no#, as these
!hristians ha$e (s&ote &e on one cheek,( ) hol% the& u" the otherI an%,
in return for their goo% #ishes, gi$e the& an o""ortunity of re"eating
the&. /a% any other set of &en e-"resse% such senti&ents, ) shoul% ha$e
s&ile%, an% left the& to the (recor%ing angelI( but fro& the "harisees
of !hristianity %ecency &ight be e-"ecte%. ) can assure these brethren,
that, "ublican an% sinner as ) a&, ) #oul% not ha$e treate% (&ine
ene&y's %og thus.( To sho# the& the su"eriority of &y brotherly lo$e, if
e$er the .e$eren% Cessrs. 0i&eon or .a&s%en shoul% be engage% in such a
conflict as that in #hich they reDueste% &e to fall, ) ho"e they &ay
esca"e #ith being (#inge%( only, an% that /ea$isi%e &ay be at han% to
e-tract the ball.
8()f, ho#e$er, the noble =or% an% the learne% a%$ocate ha$e the
courage reDuisite to sustain their &utual insults, #e shall "robably
soon hear the e-"losions of another kin% of '"a"er' #ar, after the
fashion of the e$erF&e&orable %uel #hich the latter is sai% to ha$e
fought, or see&e% to fight, #ith '=ittle' Coore. We confess there is
sufficient "ro$ocation, if not in the critiDue, at least in the
satire, to urge a '&an of honour' to %efy his assailant to &ortal
co&bat, an% "erha"s to #arrant a &an of la# to '%eclare' #ar in
West&inster /all. >f this #e shall no %oubt hear &ore in %ue ti&e(
E'Eclectic .e$ie#', Cay, 1961G. Byron "reten%s to belie$e that the
(!hristian( .e$ie#ers, actuate% by stern Heal for "iety, #ere &aking
&ischief in sober earnest. (/ea$isi%e( Esee last line of Byron's noteG
#as the surgeon in atten%ance at the %uel bet#een =or% ,alklan% an% Cr.
5. Po#ell. E0ee 'English Bar%s', 1. :9:, note .G;;
8,ootnote 7:4 OCacbethO, act $. sc. 2.;
8,ootnote 724 0ee the critiDue of the 'E%inburgh .e$ie#' on '/ours of
)%leness', ?anuary, 1969.;
8,ootnote 794 ()n$enies aliu&, si te hic fasti%it, 5le-in.(;
8,ootnote 714 /ere 'C0. =.' EaG reco&&ences.;
8,ootnote :64 ?ohn ?ackson E12:1F19K7G, better kno#n as (Gentle&an(
?ackson, #as cha&"ion of Englan% fro& 1217 to 196<. /is three fights
#ere against ,e#terel E1299G, George )ngleston, nickna&e% (the Bre#er(
E1291G, an% Cen%oHa E1217G. )n 196< he retire% fro& the ring. /is roo&s
at 1<, Bon% 0treet, beca&e the hea%FDuarters of the Pugilistic !lub.
E0ee Pierce Egan's '=ife in =on%on', "". 7F7K, #here the roo&s are
%escribe%, an% a %ra#ing of the& by !ruikshank is gi$en.G ?ackson's
character stoo% high.
(,ro& the highest to the lo#est "erson in the 0"orting Worl%, his
'%ecision' is la#.(
/e #as Byron's guest at !a&bri%ge, Ae#stea%, an% BrightonI recei$e% fro&
hi& &any lettersI an% is %escribe% by hi&, in a note to ''on ?uan' E-i.
11G, as4
(&y ol% frien% an% cor"oreal "astor an% &aster.(;
8,ootnote :14 Cr. 0outhey has lately tie% another canister to his tail
in 'The !urse of Beha&a', &augre the neglect of 'Ca%oc', etc., an% has
in one instance ha% a #on%erful effect. 5 literary frien% of &ine,
#alking out one lo$ely e$ening last su&&er, on the ele$enth bri%ge of
the Pa%%ington canal, #as alar&e% by the cry of (one in jeo"ar%y4( he
rushe% along, collecte% a bo%y of )rish hay&akers Esu""ing on
butterF&ilk in an a%jacent "a%%ockG, "rocure% three rakes, one eelFs"ear
an% a lan%ing net, an% at last E'horresco referens'G "ulle% outFFhis o#n
"ublisher. The unfortunate &an #as gone for e$er, an% so #as a large
Duarto #here#ith he ha% taken the lea", #hich "ro$e%, on inDuiry, to
ha$e been Cr. 0outhey's last #ork. )ts (alacrity of sinking( #as so
great, that it has ne$er since been hear% ofI though so&e &aintain that
it is at this &o&ent conceale% at 5l%er&an Birch's "astry "re&ises,
!ornhill. Be this as it &ay, the coroner's inDuest brought in a $er%ict
of (',elo %e biblio"ola'( against a (Duarto unkno#nI( an% circu&stantial
e$i%ence being since strong against 'The !urse of Beha&a' Eof #hich the
abo$e #or%s are an e-act %escri"tionG, it #ill be trie% by its "eers
ne-t session, in GrubFstreetFF5rthur, 5lfre%, 'a$i%eis, .ichar% !oeur %e
=ion, E-o%us, E-o%ia%, E"igonia%, !al$ary, ,all of !a&bria, 0iege of
5cre, 'on .o%erick, an% To& Thu&b the Great, are the na&es of the t#el$e
jurors. The ju%ges are Pye, Bo#les, an% the bellF&an of 0t. 0e"ulchre's.
The sa&e a%$ocates, "ro an% con, #ill be e&"loye% as are no# engage% in
0ir ,. Bur%ett's celebrate% cause in the 0cotch courts. The "ublic
an-iously a#ait the result, an% all 'li$e' "ublishers #ill be sub"oenae%
as #itnesses.FFBut Cr. 0outhey has "ublishe% 'The !urse of Beha&a',FFan
in$iting title to Duibblers. By the bye, it is a goo% %eal beneath 0cott
an% !a&"bell, an% not &uch abo$e 0outhey, to allo# the booby Ballantyne
to entitle the&, in the 'E%inburgh 5nnual .egister' Eof #hich, by the
bye, 0outhey is e%itorG (the gran% "oetical triu&$irate of the %ay.(
But, on secon% thoughts, it can be no great %egree of "raise to be the
oneFeye% lea%ers of the blin%, though they &ight as #ell kee" to
the&sel$es (0cott's thirty thousan% co"ies sol%,( #hich &ust sa%ly
%isco&fort "oor 0outhey's unsaleables. Poor 0outhey, it shoul% see&, is
the (=e"i%us( of this "oetical triu&$irate. ) a& only sur"rise% to see
hi& in such goo% co&"any.
(0uch things, #e kno#, are neither rich nor rare,
But #on%er ho# the %e$il 'he' ca&e there.(
The trio are #ell %efine% in the si-th "ro"osition of Eucli%4FF
(Because, in the triangles ' B !, 5 ! BI ' B is eDual to 5 !I an% B !
co&&on to bothI the t#o si%es ' B, B !, are eDual to the t#o 5 !, ! B,
each to each, an% the angle ' B ! is eDual to the angle 5 ! B4
therefore, the base ' ! is eDual to the base 5 B, an% the triangle ' B
! ECr. 0outheyG is eDual to the triangle 5 ! B, the less to the
greater, #hich is absur%( etc.
The e%itor of the 'E%inburgh .egister' #ill fin% the rest of the theore&
har% by his stablingI he has only to cross the ri$erI 'tis the first
turn"ike t' other si%e 'Pons 5sinoru&.'85;
8'The !urse of Beha&a', by .obert 0outhey, #as "ublishe% 1916I
'5rthur, or The Aorthern Enchant&ent', by the .e$. .ichar% /ole, in 1291I
'5lfre%', by ?ose"h !ottle, in 1961I
''a$i%eisT', by 5braha& !o#ley, in 1:7:I
'.ichar% the ,irst', by 0ir ?a&es Blan% 0urges, in 1961I
'E-o%ia%', by 0ir ?. Blan% 0urges an% .. !u&berlan%, in 1969I
'E-o%us', by !harles /oyle, in 196I
'E"igonia%', by W. Wilkie, '.'., in 1272I
'!al$ary', by .. !u&berlan%, in 121I
',all of !a&bria', by ?ose"h !ottle, in 1961I
'0iege of 5cre', by /annah !o#ley, in 1961I
'The Vision of 'on .o%erick', by 0ir Walter 0cott, in 1911I
'To& Thu&b the Great', by /enry ,iel%ing, in 12<6.
The '!ourier' of ?uly 1:, 1911, re"orts in full the first stage of the
case 0ir ,. Bur%ett '$.' Willia& 0cott E'$i%e su"ra'G, #hich #as brought
before =or% Cea%o#bank as or%inary in the outer court. ?effrey #as
counsel for the "ursuer, #ho sought to reco$er a su& of =7666 lent un%er
a bon%. ,or the %efence it #as allege% that the &oney ha% been entruste%
for a "articular "ur"ose, na&ely, the &aintenance of an infant. ?effrey
%enie% the e-istence of any such clai&, an% &aintaine% that #hate$er #as
scan%alous or calu&nious in the %efence #as absolutely untrue. The case,
#hich #as not inclu%e% in the 0cottish =a# .e"orts, #as "robably settle%
out of court. E$i%ently the ju%ge hel% that on technical groun%s an
action %i% not lie. Bur%ett's ene&ies #ere not slo# in turning the
scan%al to account. E0ee a conte&"orary "a&"hlet, '5%ultery an%
Patriotis&', =on%on, 1911.G; ;
80ubF,ootnote 54 This =atin has sorely "uHHle% the @ni$ersity of
E%inburgh. Ballantyne sai% it &eant the (Bri%ge of Ber#ick,( but
0outhey clai&e% it as half EnglishI 0cott s#ore it #as the (Brig o'
0tirling4( he ha% just "asse% t#o Bing ?a&es's an% a %oHen 'ouglasses
o$er it. 5t last it #as %eci%e% by ?effrey, that it &eant nothing &ore
nor less than the (counter of 5rchy !onstable's sho".(;
8,ootnote :4 Voltaire's 'Pucelle' is not Duite so i&&aculate as Cr.
0outhey's '?oan of 5rc', an% yet ) a& afrai% the ,rench&an has both &ore
truth an% "oetry too on his si%eFFEthey rarely go togetherGFFthan our
"atriotic &instrel, #hose first essay #as in "raise of a fanatical
,rench stru&"et, #hose title of #itch #oul% be correct #ith the change
of the first letter.;
8,ootnote :<4 =ike 0ir Blan% Burges's '.ichar%'I the tenth book of
#hich ) rea% at Calta, on a trunk of Eyre's, 11, !ocks"urFstreet.
)f this be %oubte%, ) shall buy a "ort&anteau to Duote fro&.
80ir ?a&es Blan% Burges E127F19KG, #ho assu&e%, in 191, the na&e of
=a&b, &arrie%, as his first #ife, the /on. EliHabeth Aoel, %aughter of
=or% Went#orth, an% younger sister of Byron's &otherFinFla#, =a%y
Cilbanke. /e #as calle% to the bar in 1222, an% in the sa&e year #as
a""ointe% a !o&&issioner in Bankru"tcy. )n 1292 he #as returne% C.P. for
the borough of /ellestonI an% fro& 1291 to 1217 hel% office as
@n%erF0ecretary for ,oreign 5ffairs. )n 1217, at the instance of his
chief, =or% Gren$ille, he $acate% his "ost, an% by #ay of co&"ensation
#as create% a baronet #ith a sinecure "ost as BnightFCarshal of the
.oyal /ousehol%. Thenceforth he %e$ote% hi&self to literature. )n 121:
he #rote the 'Birth an% Triu&"h of =o$e', by #ay of letterF"ress to so&e
elegant %esigns of the Princess EliHabeth. E,or '.ichar% the ,irst' an%
the 'E-o%ia%', see note, ". K<:.G /is "lays, '.iches an% Tricks for
Tra$ellers', a""eare% in 1916, an% there #ere other #orks. )n s"ite of
Wor%s#orth's testi&ony EWor%s#orth signe%, but !oleri%ge %ictate% an% no
%oubt co&"ose%, the letter4 see 'Tho&as Poole an% /is ,rien%s', ii. 2G
(to a "ure an% un&i-e% $ein of nati$e English( in '.ichar% the ,irst
EBlan%FBurges Pa"ers', 1997, ". <69G, Burges as a "oet a#aits
re%isco$ery. /is %iaries, "ortions of #hich #ere "ublishe% in 1997, are
li$ely an% instructi$e. /e has been i&&ortaliHe% in Person's
(Poetis nos laeta&ur tribus,
Pye, Petro Pin%ar, "ar$o Pybus.
0i ulterius ire "ergis,
5%%e his 0ir ?a&es Blan% Burges3(;
8,ootnote :K4 8!harles =a&b, in (!hrist's /os"ital ,i$e an% Thirty *ears
5go( EOProse WorksO, 19<:, ii. <6G, recor%s his re"eate% $isits, as a
Blue !oat boy, (to the =ions in the To#erFFto #hose le$ee, by courtesy
i&&e&orial, #e ha% a "rescri"ti$e title to a%&ission.(;
8,ootnote :74 =ines :22, :29 are not in 'C0. =. EaG'.;
8,ootnote ::4 =ines :91F:1: are not in 'C0. =. EaG' or 'C0. =. EbG'.;
8,ootnote :24 'C0. =.' E'a' an% 'b'G continue at line 279.;
8,ootnote :94
(Tu& DuoDue &ar&orea ca"ut a cer$ice re$ulsu&,
Gurgite cu& &e%io "ortans >Eagrius /ebrus,
Vol$eret Eury%icen $o- i"sa, et frigi%a linguaI
5h, &isera& Eury%icen3 ani&a fugiente $ocabatI
Eury%icen toto referebant flu&ine ri"ae.(
'Georgic', i$. 7<F72.;
8,ootnote :14 ) beg Aathaniel's "ar%on4 he is not a cobblerI 'it' is a
'tailor', but begge% !a"el =offt to sink the "rofession in his "reface
to t#o "air of "antaFF"sha3FFof cantos, #hich he #ishe% the "ublic to
try onI but the sie$e of a "atron let it out, an% so far sa$e% the
e-"ense of an a%$ertise&ent to his country custo&ersFFCerry's
(Coorfiel%s #hine( #as nothing to all this. The ('elia !ruscans( #ere
"eo"le of so&e e%ucation, an% no "rofessionI but these 5rca%ians
E(5rca%es a&bo(FFbu&"kins bothG sen% out their nati$e nonsense #ithout
the s&allest alloy, an% lea$e all the shoes an% s&allFclothes in the
"arish unre"aire%, to "atch u" Elegies on Enclosures, an% Paeans to
Gun"o#%er. 0itting on a sho"Fboar%, they %escribe the fiel%s of battle,
#hen the only bloo% they e$er sa# #as she% fro& the fingerI an% an
(Essay on War( is "ro%uce% by the ninth "art of a ("oetI(
(5n% o#n that 'nine' such "oets &a%e a Tate.(
'i% Aathan e$er rea% that line of Po"eM an% if he %i%, #hy not take it
as his &ottoM
8'5n Essay on WarI /onington Green, a Balla% ... an Elegy an% other
Poe&s,' #as "ublishe% in 196<.;;
8,ootnote 264 This #ellF&eaning gentle&an has s"oile% so&e e-cellent
shoe&akers, an% been accessory to the "oetical un%oing of &any of the
in%ustrious "oor. Aathaniel Bloo&fiel% an% his brother Bobby ha$e set
all 0o&ersetshire singingI nor has the &ala%y confine% itself to one
county. Pratt too E#ho once #as #iserG has caught the contagion of
"atronage, an% %ecoye% a "oor fello# na&e% Blackett into "oetryI but he
%ie% %uring the o"eration, lea$ing one chil% an% t#o $olu&es of
(.e&ains( utterly %estitute. The girl, if she %on't take a "oetical
t#ist, an% co&e forth as a shoe&aking 0a""ho, &ay %o #ellI but the
(trage%ies( are as ricketty as if they ha% been the offs"ring of an Earl
or a 0eatonian "riHe "oet. The "atrons of this "oor la% are certainly
ans#erable for his en%I an% it ought to be an in%ictable offence. But
this is the least they ha$e %one4 for, by a refine&ent of barbarity,
they ha$e &a%e the ElateG &an "osthu&ously ri%iculous, by "rinting #hat
he #oul% ha$e ha% sense enough ne$er to "rint hi&self. !ertes these
rakers of (.e&ains( co&e un%er the statute against (resurrection &en.(
What %oes it signify #hether a "oor %ear %ea% %unce is to be stuck u" in
0urgeons' or in 0tationers' /allM )s it so ba% to unearth his bones as
his blun%ersM )s it not better to gibbet his bo%y on a heath, than his
soul in an octa$oM (We kno# #hat #e are, but #e kno# not #hat #e &ay
beI( an% it is to be ho"e% #e ne$er shall kno#, if a &an #ho has "asse%
through life #ith a sort of eclat is to fin% hi&self a &ountebank on the
other si%e of 0ty-, an% &a%e, like "oor ?oe Blackett, the laughingFstock
of "urgatory. The "lea of "ublication is to "ro$i%e for the chil%I no#,
&ight not so&e of this '0utor ultra !re"i%aitis' frien%s an% se%ucers
ha$e %one a %ecent action #ithout in$eigling Pratt into biogra"hyM 5n%
then his inscri"tion s"lit into so &any &o%icu&s3FF(To the 'uchess of
0o&uch, the .ight /on. 0oFan%F0o, an% Crs. an% Ciss 0o&ebo%y, these
$olu&es are,( etc. etc.FF#hy, this is %oling out the (soft &ilk of
%e%ication( in gills,FFthere is but a Duart, an% he %i$i%es it a&ong a
%oHen. Why, Pratt, ha%st thou not a "uff leftM 'ost thou think si-
fa&ilies of %istinction can share this in DuietM There is a chil%, a
book, an% a %e%ication4 sen% the girl to her grace, the $olu&es to the
grocer, an% the %e%ication to the %e$il.
8,or .obert Bloo&fiel%, see 'English Bar%s', ll. 22KF29:, an% note .
,or ?ose"h Blacket, see 'English Bar%s', ll. 2:7F226, an% note 1.
Blacket's '.e&ains', #ith =ife by Pratt, a""eare% in 1911. The #ork #as
%e%icate% (To /er Grace the 'uchess of =ee%s, =a%y Cilbanke an% ,a&ily,
Bene$olent Patrons of the 5uthor,( etc.;;
8,ootnote 214 =ines 2<2F279 are not in either of the three original C00.
of '/ints fro& /orace', an% #ere "robably #ritten in the autu&n of 1911.
They a""ear a&ong a sheet of (alterations to 'English Bar%s, an% 0.
.e$ie#ers', continue% #ith a%%itions( E'C00. =.'R, %ra#n u" for the
fifth e%ition, an% they are inserte% on a se"arate sheet in 'C0. C.' 5
secon% sheet E'C00. =.'G of (scra"s of rhy&e ... "rinci"ally a%%itions
an% corrections for 'English Bar%s', etc.( Efor the fifth e%itionG, so&e
of #hich are %ate% 1916, %oes not gi$e the #hole "assage, but inclu%es
the follo#ing $ariants Eerase%G of lines 27<F27:4FF
(Then let thy "on%erous Duarto stee" an% stink,
The %ullest fattest #ee% on =ethe's brink.
'o#n #ith that $olu&e to the %e"ths of hell3
>bli$ion see&s re#ar%ing it too #ell.(
(*et then thy Duarto still &ay,( etc.
5 ('rui%( Esee 'English Bar%s', line 2K1G #as Byron's na&e for a
scribbler #ho #rote for his li$ing. )n 'C0. C.', (scribbler( has been
erase%, an% ('rui%( substitute%. )t is %oubtful to #ho& the "assage, in
its final sha"e, #as inten%e% to a""ly, but it is "ossible that the
erase% lines, in #hich ("on%erous Duarto( stan%s for (lost songs,( #ere
ai&e% at 0outhey Esee 'ante', line :72, 'note' 1G.;
8,ootnote 24 'C0. =. EaG' reco&&ences at line 279.;
8,ootnote 2<4 /ere #ill Cr. Giffor% allo# &e to intro%uce once &ore to
his notice the sole sur$i$or, the (ulti&us .o&anoru&,( the last of the
!ruscantiFF(E%#in( the ("rofoun%( by our =a%y of Punish&ent3 here he is,
as li$ely as in the %ays of (#ell sai% Ba$ia% the !orrect.( ) thought
,itHgeral% ha% been the tail of "oesyI but, alas3 he is only the
5 ,5C)=)5. EP)0T=E T> T/E E')T>. >, T/E (C>.A)AG !/.>A)!=E.(
(What rea&s of "a"er, floo%s of ink,(
'o so&e &en s"oil, #ho ne$er think3
5n% so "erha"s you'll say of &e,
)n #hich your rea%ers &ay agree.
0till ) #rite on, an% tell you #hyI
Aothing's so ba%, you can't %eny,
But &ay instruct or entertain
Without the risk of gi$ing "ain, etc., etc.
>A 0>CE C>'E.A L@5!B0 5A' .E,>.C)0T0.
)n tracing of the hu&an &in%
Through all its $arious courses,
Though strange, 'tis true, #e often fin%
)t kno#s not its resources4
5n% &en through life assu&e a "art
,or #hich no talents they "ossess,
*et #on%er that, #ith all their art,
They &eet no better #ith success, etc., etc.;
8'5 ,a&iliar E"istle, etc.', by T. Vaughan, EsD., #as "ublishe% in the
'Corning !hronicle', >ctober 2, 1911. Giffor%, in the 'Ba$ia%' El. <76G,
s"eaks of (E%#in's &e#lings,( an% in a note na&es (E%#in( as the
("rofoun% Cr. T. Vaughan.( '=o$e's Ceta&or"hoses', by T. Vaughan, #as
"laye% at 'rury =ane, 5"ril 17, 122:. /e also #rote 'The /otel, or
'ouble Valet', Ao$e&ber :, 122:, #hich ?e"hson re#rote un%er the title
of 'The 0er$ant #ith T#o Casters.' !o&"are '!hil%ren of 5"ollo', ". K14FF
(?e"hson, #ho has no hu&our of his o#n,
Thinks it no cri&e to borro# fro& the to#nI
The farce Eal&ost forgotG of 'The /otel'
>r ''ouble Valet' see&s to ans#er #ell.
This an% his o#n &ake 'T#o 0trings to his Bo#'.(;;
8,ootnote 2K4 0ee Cilton's '=yci%as'.;
8,ootnote 274 Ciner$a being the first by ?u"iter's hea%F"iece, an% a
$ariety of eDually unaccountable "arturitions u"on earth, such as Ca%oc,
etc. etc.;
8,ootnote 2:4
(5 crust for the critics.(
'Bayes, in (the .ehearsal(' 8act ii. sc. ;.
8,ootnote 224 5n% the (#aiters( are the only fortunate "eo"le #ho can
(fly( fro& the&I all the rest, $iH. the sa% subscribers to the (=iterary
,un%,( being co&"elle%, by courtesy, to sit out the recitation #ithout a
ho"e of e-clai&ing, (0ic( Ethat is, by choking ,itH. #ith ba% #ine, or
#orse "oetryG (&e ser$a$it 5"ollo3(
80ee 'English Bar%s', line 1 an% 'note' <.;;
8,ootnote 294 =ines 91<F91: not in 'C0. =. EaG' or 'C0. =. EbG'.;
8,ootnote 214 >n his table #ere foun% these #or%s4FF(What !ato %i%, an%
5%%ison a""ro$e%, cannot be #rong.( But 5%%ison %i% not (a""ro$eI( an%
if he ha%, it #oul% not ha$e &en%e% the &atter. /e ha% in$ite% his
%aughter on the sa&e #aterF"artyI but Ciss Bu%gell, by so&e acci%ent,
esca"e% this last "aternal attention. Thus fell the syco"hant of
(5tticus,( an% the ene&y of Po"e3
8Eustace Bu%gell E1:9:F12<2G, a frien% an% relati$e of 5%%ison's, (lea"t
into the Tha&es( to esca"e the %ishonour #hich attache% to hi& in
connection #ith 'r. Tin%al's #ill, an% the i&&e%iate "ressure of &oney
%ifficulties. /e #as, &ore or less, insane.
(We talke% Esays Bos#ellG of a &an's %ro#ning hi&self. ) "ut the case
of Eustace Bu%gell.
'0u""ose, sir,' sai% ), 'that a &an is absolutely sure that, if he
li$es a fe# %ays longer, he shall be %etecte% in a frau%, the
conseDuence of #hich #ill be utter %isgrace, an% e-"ulsion fro&
?>/A0>A. 'Then, sir, let hi& go abroa% to a %istant countryI let hi&
go to so&e "lace #here he is 'not' kno#n. 'on't let hi& go to the
%e$il, #here he 'is' kno#n.'(
Bos#ell's '=ife of ?ohnson' E199:G, ". 91.;;
8,ootnote 964 )f (%ose% #ith,( etc. be censure% as lo#, ) beg lea$e to
refer to the original for so&ething still lo#erI an% if any rea%er #ill
translate (Cin-erit in "atrios cineres,( etc. into a %ecent cou"let, )
#ill insert sai% cou"let in lieu of the "resent.;
8,ootnote i4
5T/EA0, 'Carch n%, 1911'.
8'C0. =.' EaG.;
5T/EA0, 'Carch 1th, 1911'.
8'C0. =. EiG, C0. C.';;
8,ootnote ii4
')f 85; West or =a#rence, Etake #hiche$er you #illG
0ons of the Brush, su"re&e in gra"hic skill,
0houl% cla" a hu&an hea%F"iece on a &are,
/o# #oul% our E-hibition's loungers stare3
>r shoul% so&e %ashing li&ner set to sale
Cy =a%y's likeness #ith a Cer&ai%'s tail.'
8'C0. =.' EaG.;
'The features finishe%, shoul% su"erbly %eck
Cy =a%y's likeness #ith a ,illy's neckI
>r shoul% so&e li&ner &a% or &au%lin grou"
5 Cer&ai%'s tail an% Cai% of /onour's /oo".'
8'C0. =. 'EbG.; ;
80ubF,ootnote 54 ) ha$e been oblige% to %i$e into the (Bathos( for the
si&ile, as ) coul% not fin% a %escri"tion of these Painters' &erits
abo$e groun%.
(0i liceat "ar$is
!o&"onere &agna(FF
(=ike =on%on's colu&n "ointing to the skies
=ike a 'tall Bully', lifts its hea% an% lies(
) #as in ho"es &ight bear &e out, if the &onu&ent be like a Bully.
West's glory &ay be re%uce% by the scale of co&"arison. )f not, let &e
ha$e recourse to 'To& Thu&b the Great' 8,iel%ing's farce, first
"laye% 12<6; to kee" &y si&ile in countenance.FF8'C0. =. EbG erase%;;
8,ootnote iii4 5fter line :, the follo#ing lines Eerase%G #ere inserte%4FF
'>r "atch a Ca&&oth u" #ith #ings an% li&bs,
5n% fins of aught that flies or #alks or s#i&s'.
8'C0. C'.;
5nother $ariant ranFF
'>r "aint Eastray fro& Truth an% Aature le%G
5 ?u%ge #ith #ings, a 0tates&an #ith a /ea%'3
8'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote i$4
'Belie$e &e, /obhouse'.
8'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote $4
'as #e scribblers'.
8'C00. ='. E'a' an% 'b'G, 'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote $i4
'=ike War%le's'85; 's"eeches'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;;
80ubF,ootnote 54 8G#ylli& =loy% War%le E12:F19<KG, #ho ser$e% in
)relan% in 1219, as !olonel of the Welsh ,usiliers, kno#n as (Wynne's
la&bs,( #as C.P. for >keha&"ton 1962F1. )n ?anuary, 1961, he brought
for#ar% a &otion for a "arlia&entary in$estigation into the e-ercise
of &ilitary "atronage by the 'uke of *ork, an% the su""ose% influence
of the 'uke's &istress, Cary 5nne !larke.;;
8,ootnote $ii4
'5s "ertness lurks beneath a legal go#n.
5n% nonsense in a lofty note goes %o#n'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;;
'Which co$ers all things like a Prelate's go#n'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;;
'Which #ra"s "resu&"tion'.
8'C0. C. erase%'.;;
8,ootnote $iii4
'5s #hen the "oet to %escri"tion yiel%s
>f #aters gli%ing through the goo%ly fiel%sI
The Gro$es of Granta an% her Gothic /alls,
>-for% an% !hristchurch, =on%on an% 0t. Pauls,
>r #ith a ru%er flight he feebly ai&s
To "aint a rainbo# or the .i$er Tha&es.
Perha"s you %ra# a fir tree or a beech,
But then a lan%sca"e is beyon% your reachI
>r, if that allegory "lease you not,
Take thisFFyou'l% for& a $ase, but &ake a "ot'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;;
8,ootnote i-4
'5lthough you sketch a tree #hich Taste en%ures,
*our illF%aube% 0hi"#reck shocks the !onnoisseurs.'
8'C0. C.';;
8,ootnote -4
'The greater "ortion of the &en of rhy&e
Parents an% chil%ren or their 0ires subli&e'.
8'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote -i4
'But change the &ala%y they stri$e to cure'.
8'C0. =. Ea'G.;;
8,ootnote -ii4
',ish in the #oo%s an% #il%Fboars in the #a$es'.
8'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote -iii4
',or !oat an% #aistcoat 0lo#shears is your &an,
But Breeches clai& another 5rtisanI
Ao# this to &e ) o#n see&s &uch the sa&e
5s one leg "erfect an% the other la&e'.
8'C00. C., =. Ea'G.;
'0#eitHer is your &an'.
8C0. C. 'erase%'.;;
8,ootnote -i$4
'/i& #ho hath sense to &ake a skilful choice
Aor luci% >r%er, nor the 0iren Voice
>f EloDuence shall shun, an% Wit an% Grace
E>r )'& %ecei$e%G shall ai% hi& in the .ace4
These too #ill teach hi& to %efer or join
To future "arts the no# o&itte% line4
This shall the 5uthor like or that reject,
0"aring in #or%s an% cautious to select4
Aor slight a""lause #ill can%i% "ens affor%
To hi& #ho #ell co&"oun%s a #anting #or%,
5n% if, by chance, 'tis nee%ful to "ro%uce
0o&e ter& long lai% an% obsolete in use'.FF
8'C00. C., ='. E'a' an% 'b'G. 'The last line "artly erase%.';
8,ootnote -$4
'The %e-trous !oiner of a' #anting '#or%'.FF
8'Proof b, British Cuseu&'.;;
8,ootnote -$i4
'5%roitly grafte%.'
8'Proof b, British Cuseu&'.;;
8,ootnote -$ii4
'0ince they enriche% our language in their ti&e
)n &o%ern s"eeches or Black letter rhy&e.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote -$iii4
'Though at a Conarch's no%, an% Traffic's call
.eluctant ri$ers %e$iate to !anal'.
8'C00. C., ='. E'a' an% 'b'G.;;
8,ootnote -i-4
'&arshes %rie%, sustain'.
8'Proof b, British Cuseu&'.;;
8,ootnote --4
'ThusFFfuture years %ea% $olu&es shall re$i$e'.
8'Proof b, British Cuseu&'.;;
8,ootnote --i4
'5s !usto& fluctuates #hose )ron 0#ay
Though e$er changing Cortals &ust obey'.
8'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote --ii4
'To &ark the Cajesty of E"ic song'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;;
8,ootnote --iii4
'But #hich is "referable rhy&e or blank
Which hol%s in "oesy'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;
8,ootnote --i$4
FF'$entures to a""ear.FF'
8'C0. !orr. in Proof b, British Cuseu&'.;
8,ootnote --$4
'5n% /arry Con&outh, till the scenes reDuire,
.esigns heroics to his sce"tre% 0ire.'
8'C0. ='. EaG.;;
8,ootnote --$i4
'To (hollaing /ots"ur( an% the sce"tre% sire.'FF
8'C0. !orr. in Proof b, British Cuseu&'.;;
8,ootnote --$ii4
''ull as an >"era, ) shoul% slee" or sneer.'
8'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote --$iii4
'5n% for E&otion's ai% 'tis sai% an% sung'.
8'C0. =, EaG'.;;
8,ootnote --i-4
'or for& a "lot'.
8'Proof b, British Cuseu&'.;;
8,ootnote ---4
'Whate'er the critic says or "oet sings
'Tis no slight task to #rite on co&&on things'.
8'C0. =. EaG.';;
8,ootnote ---i4
'Ere o'er our hea%s your Cuse's Thun%er rolls.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote ---ii4
'Earth, /ea$en an% /ell, are shaken #ith the 0ong.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote ---iii4
'Through %ee%s #e kno# not, though alrea%y %one,'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote ---i$4
'What soothes the "eo"le's, Peer's, an% !ritic's ear.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote ---$4
'5n% Vice bu%s forth %e$elo"e% #ith his Teens.'
8C0. C.;;
8,ootnote ---$i4
'The bear%less Tyro free% at length fro& school.
8C00. =. EbG, C. erase%'.;
'5n% blushing Birch %is%ains all !ollege rule.
8C0. C. erase%'.;
'5n% %rea%e% Birch.
8C0. =.' Ea' an% 'b'G.;;
8,ootnote ---$ii4
'@nlucky Ta$ell3 %a&ne% to %aily cares
By "ugilistic ,resh&en, an% by Bears.'
8'C0. C. erase%'.;;
8,ootnote ---$iii4
'.ea%y to Duit #hate$er he lo$e% before,
!onstant to nought, sa$e haHar% an% a #hore.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote ---i-4
'The better years of youth he #astes a#ay.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote -l4
'Caster of 5rts, as all the !lubs "roclai&.'
8'C0. =. EbG'.;;
8,ootnote -li4
'0cra"es #ealth, o'er Gran%a&'s en%less jointure grie$es.'
8'C0. erase%'.;
'>'er Gran%a&'s &ortgage, or young ho"eful's %ebts.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
'>'er @ncle's &ortgage.'
8'C0. =. EbG'.;;
8,ootnote -lii4
'*our "lot is tol% or acte% &ore or less.'
8'C0. C.';;
8,ootnote -liii4
'To greater sy&"athy our feelings rise
When #hat is %one is %one before our eyes.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote -li$4
'5""alls an au%ience #ith the #ork of 'eathFF
To gaHe #hen /ubert si&"ly threats to sere.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote -l$4
'Aor call a Ghost, unless so&e curse% hitch
.eDuires a tra"%oor Goblin or a Witch.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote -l$i4
'This co&es fro& !o&&erce #ith our foreign frien%s
These are the "recious fruits 5usonia sen%s.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote -l$ii4
'>ur Giant !a"ital #here streets still s"rea%
Where once our si&"ler sins #ere bre%.'
8'C0. =. EaG.';
'>ur fiel%s #here once the rustic earne% his brea%.'
8'C0. =. EbG'.;;
8,ootnote -l$iii4
'5ches #ith the >rchestra he "ays to hear.
8C0. C.';;
8,ootnote -li-4
'0carce ke"t a#ake by roaring out encore.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote l4
'Ere theatres #ere built an% re$eren% clerks
Wrote "lays as so&e ol% book re&arks.'
8C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote li4
'Who %i% #hat VestrisFFyet, at least,FFcannot,
5n% cut his kingly ca"ers (0ans culotte.('
8'C0. C.';;
8,ootnote lii4
'Who yet sDueaks on nor fears to be forgot
)f goo% Earl Gros$enor su"erse%e the& not'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;
'Who still frisk on #ith feats so $astly lo#
'Tis strange Earl Gros$enor suffers such a sho#'.
8'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote liii4
'0u""ressing Peer3 to #ho& all $ice gi$es "lace,
0a$e Ga&blingFFfor his =or%shi" lo$es a .ace'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;;
8,ootnote li$4
'/obhouse, since #e ha$e ro$e% through Eastern cli&es,
While all the 5Egean echoe% to our rhy&es,
5n% boun% to Co&us by so&e "agan s"ell
=aughe%, sang an% Duaffe% to (Vi$e la Bagatelle3'(FF
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;
'/obhouse, #ith #ho& once &ore ) ho"e to sit
5n% s&ile at #hat our 0tage retails for #it.
0ince fe#, ) kno#, enjoy a laugh so #ell
0ar%onic sla$e to (Vi$e la Bagatelle(
0o that in your's like Pagan Plato's be%
They'll fin% so&e book of E"igra&s #hen %ea%'.
8'C0. ='. E'b'G.;;
8,ootnote l$4
'Cy #ay#ar% 0"irit #eakly yiel%s to gloo&,
But thine #ill #aft thee lightly to the To&b,
0o that in thine, like Pagan Plato's, be%
They'll fin% so&e Canuscri"t of Ci&es, #hen %ea%'.
8'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote l$i4
'5n% s"ite of Cetho%is& an% !ollier's curse'.
8'C0. C'.;
'/e #ho's se%uce% by "lays &ust be a fool'
')f boys #ant teaching let the& stay at school'.
8C0. =. EaG.;;
8,ootnote l$ii4
'Who& Aature gui%es so #rites that he #ho sees
Enra"ture% thinks to %o the sa&e #ith ease'.
8'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote l$iii4
'But after toilFinke% thu&bs an% bitten nails
0cratche% hea%, ten DuiresFFthe easy scribbler fails'.FF
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;
8,ootnote li-4
'The one too rustic, t'other too refine%'.
8'C0. ='. E'a' an% 'b'G.;;
8,ootnotes l-4
'>ffensi$e &ost to &en #ith house an% lan%
Possesse% of Pe%igree an% bloo%y han%'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;;
,ootnote l-i4
'!o&"ose% for any but the lightest strain'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;;
,ootnote l-ii4
'5n% &ust ) then &y'FF
8'C0.='. E'a'G.;
8,ootnote l-iii4
'*e #ho reDuire )&"ro$e&ent'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;;
8,ootnote l-i$4
'5n% Trage%y, #hate$er stuff he s"oke
Ao# #ants high heels, long s#or% an% $el$et cloak'.FF
8'C0. ='. E'a'G 'erase%'.;;
8,ootnote l-$4
'!urtail or silence the offensi$e jest'.
8'C0. C'.;
'!urtail the "ersonal or s&utty jest'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G 'erase%'.;;
8,ootnote l-$i4
'>$erthro# #hole books #ith all their hosts of faults'.FF
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;;
8,ootnotes l-$ii4
'0o that not /ellebore #ith all its juice'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;;
8,ootnote l-$iii4
')'ll act instea% of #hetstoneFFblunte%, but
>f use to &ake another's raHor cut'.
8'C0. =.' E'a'G.;;
8,ootnote l-i-4
',ro& /orace sho# the better arts of song'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;;
8,ootnote l--4
'To Tra%e, but ga$e their hours to ar&s an% arts'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;
'With traffic'.
8'C0. ='. E'b'G.;;
8,ootnote l--i4
'Babe of ol% Thelusson' 85;FFFF.
8'C0. ='. E'a' an% 'b'G.;;
80ubF,ootnote 54 8Peter )saac Thellusson, banker E%ie% ?uly 1, 1212G,
by his #ill %irecte% that his "ro"erty shoul% accu&ulate for the
benefit of the unborn heir of an unborn gran%son. The #ill #as,
finally, u"hel%, but, &ean#hile, on ?uly 9, 1966, an act E<1 an% K6
Geo. ))).c.19G #as "asse% li&iting such e-ecutory %e$ises.;;
8,ootnote l--ii4
'5 groatFFah bra$o3 'ick's the boy for su&s
/e'll s#ell &y fifty thousan% into "lu&s'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;;
8,ootnote l--iii4
'5re i%le %ogs an% E%a&n the&3G al#ays "oor'.FF
8'C0. ='. E'a' an% 'b'G.;;
8,ootnote l--i$4
'@nlike Potosi hol%s no sil$er &ine'.
8'C0. ='. E'a'G.;
'Bee"s back his ingots like'R
')s rather costi$eFFlike' R 'an )rish Cine'.
')s no Potosi, but' R
8'C0. ='. E'b'G.;;
8,ootnote l--$4
'Write but recite not, e'en 5"ollo's song
Couthe% in a &ortal ear #oul% see& too long,
=ong as the last year of a lingering lease,
When .e$el "auses until .ents increase'.
8'C0. C. erase%'.;;
8,ootnote l--$i4
'To finish all'.
8'C0. ='. E'b'G.;
'That Bar% the &ask #ill fit'.
8'C0. ='. E'b'G.;;
8,ootnote l--$ii4
'.e$enge %efeats its object in the %ark
5n% "istols Ecourage bullies3G &iss their &ark.'
8'C0. =. EaG.';
5n% "istols Ecourage %uellists3G &iss their &ark.
8'C0. =. EbG'.;;
8,ootnote l--$iii4
'Though &uch %is"lease%.'
8'C0. =. Ea an% bG'.;;
8,ootnote l--i-4
'The scrutiny.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote l---4
'>h ye as"iring youths #ho& fate or choice.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
8,ootnote l---i4
'5ll are not Erskines #ho a%orn the bar.'
8'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote l---ii4
'With $ery &i%%ling $erses to offen%
The 'e$il an% ?effrey grant but to a frien%.'
8'C0. =. EaG.';
'Though #hat (Go%s, &en, an% colu&ns( inter%ict,
The 'e$il an% ?effrey 85; "ar%onFFin a Pict.'
8'C0. C.';;
80ubF,ootnote 54 (The 'e$il an% ?effrey are here "lace% antithetically
to go%s an% &en, such being their usual "osition, an% their %ue
oneFFaccor%ing to the facetious saying, ')f Go% #on't take you, the
'e$il &ustI' an% ) a& sure no one %urst object to his taking the
"oetry, #hich, rejecte% by /orace, is acce"te% by ?effrey. That these
gentle&en are in so&e cases kin%er,FFthe one to country&en, an% the
other fro& his o%% "ro"ensity to "refer e$il to goo%,FFthan the 'go%s,
&en, an% colu&ns' of /orace, &ay be seen by a reference to the re$ie#
of !a&"bell's 'Gertru%e of Wyo&ing'I an% in Ao. <1 of the 'E%inburgh
.e$ie#' Egi$en to &e the other %ay by the ca"tain of an English
frigate off 0ala&isG, there is a si&ilar concession to the &e%iocrity
of ?a&ie Graha&'s 'British Georgics'. )t is fortunate for !a&"bell,
that his fa&e neither %e"en%s on his last "oe&, nor the "uff of the
'E%inburgh .e$ie#'. The catalogues of our English are also less
fasti%ious than the "illars of the .o&an librarians. 5 #or% &ore #ith
the author of 'Gertru%e of Wyo&ing'. 5t the en% of a "oe&, an% e$en of
a cou"let, #e ha$e generally 'that un&eaning thing #e call a thoughtI'
so Cr. !a&"bell conclu%es #ith a thought in such a &anner as to fulfil
the #hole of Po"e's "rescri"tion, an% be as 'un&eaning' as the best of
his brethren4FF
'Because ) &ay not 'stain' #ith grief
The %eathFsong of an )n%ian chief.'
(When ) #as in the fifth for&, ) carrie% to &y &aster the translation
of a chorus in Pro&etheus, #herein #as a "estilent e-"ression about
'staining a $oice,' #hich &et #ith no Duarter. =ittle %i% ) think that
Cr. !a&"bell #oul% ha$e a%o"te% &y fifth for& 'subli&e'FFat least in
so cons"icuous a situation. '0orro#' has been '%ry' Ein "ro$erbsG, an%
'#et' Ein sonnetsG, this &any a %ayI an% no# it ''stains',' an% stains
a soun%, of all feasible things3 To be sure, %eathFsongs &ight ha$e
been staine% #ith that sa&e grief to $ery goo% "ur"ose, if >utalissi
ha% cla""e% %o#n his stanHas on #holeso&e "a"er for the 'E%inburgh
E$ening Post', or any other gi$en hy"erborean gaHetteI or if the sai%
>utalissi ha% been trouble% #ith the slightest secon% sight of his o#n
notes e&bo%ie% on the last "roof of an o$ercharge% DuartoI but as he
is su""ose% to ha$e been an i&"ro$isatore on this occasion, an%
"robably to the last tune he e$er chante% in this #orl%, it #oul% ha$e
%one hi& no %iscre%it to ha$e &a%e his e-it #ith a &outhful of co&&on
sense. Talking of ''staining'' Eas !aleb Luote& saysG '"uts &e in
&in%' of a certain cou"let, #hich Cr. !a&"bell #ill fin% in a #riter
for #ho& he, an% his school, ha$e no s&all conte&"t4FF
'E'en co"ious 'ry%en #ante%, or forgot,
The last an% greatest artFFthe art to 'blot'3'(
8'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote l---iii4
'5n% &ustar% rarely "leases in a "ie.'
8'C0. =. 'EaG.;;
8,ootnote l---i$4
'5t the 0essions'.
8'C0. =.' EbG, 'in "encil'.; ;
8,ootnote l---$4 =ines :K2F:76FF
Whose character contains no glaring fault...
0hall ), ) say.
8C0. =. EaG.;;
8,ootnote l---$i4 5fter ::6FF
'But #hy this hintF#hat author e'er coul% sto"
/is "oe&s' "rogress in a Grocers sho".'
8'C0. =. EaG.'; ;
8,ootnote l---$ii4
'5s la&e as ) a&, but a better bar%.'
8'C0. C.';;
8,ootnote l---$iii4
'5"ollo's song the fate of &en foretol%.'
8'C0. =. EaG.';;
8,ootnote l---i-4
'/a$e stu%ie% #ith a Caster %ay an% night'.
8'C0. =. Ea, bG.';;
8,ootnote -c4
'They stor& Bolt !ourt, they "ublish one an% all'.FF
8'C0. C. erase%.';;
8,ootnote -ci4
'.ogers "laye% this "rank'.
8'C0. C.';;
8,ootnote -cii4
'There see their sonnets firstFFbut 0"ringFFhot "rest
Behol%s a LuartoFFTarts &ust tell the .est.'
8'C0. C. erase%.';;
8,ootnote -ciii4
'To fu%%le% EsDuires or to fli""ant =or%s.'
8'C0. C.';;
8,ootnote -ci$4
'Till lo3 that &o%ern Ci%as of the s#ainsFF
,eels his ears lengthenFF#ith the lengthening strains'.FF
8'C0. C. erase%'.;;
8,ootnote -c$4
'5%%s a #eek's gro#th to his enor&ous ears'.
8'C0. C. erase%.';;
8,ootnote -c$i4
'But #hat are theseM Benefits &ight bin%
0o&e %ecent ties about a &anly &in%'.
8'C0. C.';;
8,ootnote -c$ii4
'>ur &o%ern sce"tics can no &ore allo#.'
8'C0. =. EaG.';;
8,ootnote -c$iii4
'0o&e rhy&ing "eerFF!arlisle or !arysfort.'85;
8'C0. C.';;
80ubF,ootnote 54 8To $ariant ii. E". KKKG Ethis footnoteG is subjoine%
this note4
(>f '?ohn ?oshua, Earl of !arysfort,' ) kno# nothing at "resent, but
fro& an a%$ertise&ent in an ol% ne#s"a"er of certain Poe&s an%
Trage%ies by his =or%shi", #hich ) sa# by acci%ent in the Corea.
Being a rhy&er hi&self, he #ill forgi$e the liberty ) take #ith his
na&e, seeing, as he &ust, ho# $ery co&&o%ious it is at the close of
that cou"letI an% as for #hat follo#s an% goes before, let hi& "lace
it to the account of the other ThaneI since ) cannot, un%er these
circu&stances, augur "ro or con the contents of his 'foolsca" cro#n
8?ohn ?oshua Proby, first Earl of !arysfort, #as joint
"ost&asterFgeneral in 1967, en$oy to Berlin in 196:, an% a&bassa%or to
Petersburgh in 1962. Besi%es his "oe&s E''ra&atic an% Ciscellaneous
Works', 1916G, he "ublishe% t#o "a&"hlets E1296,129<G, to sho# the
necessity of uni$ersal suffrage an% short "arlia&ents. /e %ie% in
8,ootnote -ci-4
'/oarse #ith be"raising, an% half choake% #ith lies,
0#eat on his bro# an% tear %ro"s in his eyes.'
8'C0. =. EaG.';;
8,ootnote c4
'Then sits again, then shakes his "iteous hea%
5s if the Vicar #ere alrea%y %ea%.'
8'C0. =. EaG.';;
8,ootnote ci4
'But if you're too conceite% to a&en%.'
8'C0. =. EaG.;';
8,ootnote cii4
'>n "ain of suffering fro& their "en or tongues.'
8'C0. C. erase%.';
'FFfly ,itHgeral%'s lungs.'
8'C0. C.';;
8,ootnote ciii4
'5h #hen Bar%s &outh3 ho# sy&"athetic Ti&e
0tagnates, an% /ours stan% still to hear their rhy&e.'
8'C0. C. erase%'.;;
8,ootnote ci$4
'Besi%es ho# kno# yeM that he %i% not fling
/i&self thereFFfor the hu&our of the thing.'
8'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote c$4
'0&all thanks, un#elco&e life he Duickly lea$esI
5n% ra$ing "oetsFFreally shoul% not lose.'
8'C0. C'.;
8,ootnote c$i4
'Aor is it clearly un%erstoo% that $erse
/as not been gi$en the "oet for a curseI
Perha"s he sent the "arson's "ig to "oun%,
>r got a chil% on consecrate% groun%I
But, be this as it &ay, his rhy&ing rage
E-cee%s a Bear #ho stri$es to break his cage.
)f free, all fly his $ersifying fitI
The young, the ol%, the si&"leton an% #it.'
8'C0. =. EaG'.;;
T/E !@.0E >, C)AE.V5.
FF(Pallas te hoc $ulnere, Pallas
)&&olat, et "oena& scelerato e- sanguine su&it.(
O5enei%O, lib. -ii, 1K2, 1K9.
A>TE ).
)n 'The Cale%iction of Ciner$a EAe# Conthly CagaHine', $ol. iii. ". K6G
a%%itional footnotes are a""en%e%
E1G to line 16:, recor%ing the obliteration of =or% Elgin's na&e, (#hich
ha% been inscribe% on a "illar of one of the "rinci"al te&"les,( #hile
that of =a%y Elgin ha% been left untouche%I an%
EG to line 11:, gi$ing Duotations fro& "". 179, :1, K11 of Eustace's
'!lassical Tour in )taly'.
5fter line 1<6, #hich rea%s, (5n% #ell ) kno# #ithin that &urky lan%(
E'i.e'. !ale%oniaG, the follo#ing a"ology for a hiatus #as inserte%4
(/ere follo#s in the original certain lines #hich the e%itor has
e-ercise% his %iscretion by su""ressingI inas&uch as they co&"rise
national reflections #hich the bar%'s justifiable in%ignation has &a%e
hi& "our forth against a "eo"le #hich, if not uni$ersally of an
a&iable, is generally of a res"ectable character, an% %eser$es not in
this case to be censure% 'en &asse' for the faults of an
A>TE )).
The te-t of 'The !urse of Ciner$a' is base% on that of the Duarto
"rinte% by T. 'a$ison in 191<. With the e-ce"tion of the $ariants, as
note%, the te-t corres"on%s #ith the C0. in the "ossession of =or%
0tanho"e. 'oubtless it re"resents Byron's final re$ision. The te-t of an
e%ition of 'The !urse, etc'., Phila%el"hia, 1917, 9$o 8"rinte% by 'e
0il$er an% !o.;, #as follo#e% by Galignani Ethir% e%it., 1919, etc.G.
The sa&e te-t is follo#e%, but not in$ariably, in the selections "rinte%
by /one in 191: E111 linesGI Wilson, 1919 E11 linesGI an% Bnight an%
=acy, 19K E111 linesG. )t e-hibits the follo#ing $ariants fro& the
Duarto of 191<4FF
=ine. Variant.
7:.FFFF'lan%s an% &ain.'
91. '/er hel& #as %ee" in%ente% an% her lance.'
1K. '0eek'st thou the causeM > &ortal, look aroun%.'
16. 'That /a%rianFFFF'
11:. 'The last base bruteFFFF'
1K<. 'Ten thousan% sche&es of "etulance an% "ri%e.'
17. 'FFFF$ictors o'er the gra$e.'
1:. 'FFFFTi&e shall tell the rest.'
111. '=oath'% throughout lifeFFscarce "ar%on'% in the %ust.'
6<. 'Erostratus an% Elgin, etc.'
6:. 'FFFF$iler than the first.
. '0hall shake your usur"ation to its base.'
<<. 'While =usitaniaFFFF'
2<. 'Then in the 0enatesFFFF'
16. 'FFFF%ecorate his fall.'
The follo#ing $ariants &ay also be note%4FF
=ine. Variant. Publisher
1. '0lo# sinks no# lo$ely, etc.' /one
116. 'The Gothic &onarch an% the BritishFFFF.' Wilson
'FFFFan% his fit co&"eer.'
1<1. '5n% #ell ) kno# #ithin that &urky lan%.
'is"atche% her reckoning chil%ren far an% #i%e. /one
5n% #ell ) kno#, albeit afar, the lan%,
Where star$ing 5$arice kee"s her chosen ban%I
>r sen%s their hungry nu&bers eager forth.
5n% aye accurse%, etc.' Wilson
)AT.>'@!T)>A T> OT/E !@.0E >, C)AE.V5O
'The !urse of Ciner$a', #hich #as #ritten at 5thens, an% is %ate% Carch
12, 1911, re&aine% un"ublishe%, as a #hole, in this country, %uring
Byron's lifeFti&e. The arrange&ent #hich ha% been &a%e #ith !a#thorn, to
bring out a fifth e%ition of 'English Bar%s', inclu%e% the issue of a
se"arate $olu&e, containing '/ints fro& /orace' an% 'The !urse of
Ciner$aI' an%, as Coore inti&ates, it #as the #ith%ra#al of the latter,
in %eference to the #ishes of =or% Elgin or his connections, #hich le%
to the su""ression of the other satires.
The Duarto e%ition of The '!urse of Ciner$a', "rinte% by T. 'a$ison in
191, #as "robably set u" at the sa&e ti&e as Curray's Duarto e%ition of
'!hil%e /arol%', an% reser$e% for "ri$ate circulation. With or #ithout
Byron's consent, the "oe& as a #hole #as "ublishe% in Phila%el"hia by 'e
0il$er an% !o., 1917, 9$o Efor $ariants, see ". K7<, 'note'G. )n a letter
to Curray, Carch :, 191:, he says that he (%iso#ns( 'The !urse, etc.',
(as stolen an% "ublishe% in a &iserable an% $illainous co"y in the
&agaHine.( The reference is to 'The Cale%iction of Ciner$a, or The
5thenian CarbleFCarket', #hich a""eare% in the 'Ae# Conthly CagaHine'
for 5"ril, 1919, $ol. iii. K6. )t nu&bers 111 lines, an% is signe%
(0tero"es( EThe =ightner, a !yclo"sG. The te-t of the &agaHine, #ith the
sa&e a%%itional footnotes, but un%er the title of 'The !urse', etc., #as
re"ublishe% in the eighth e%ition of 'Poe&s on /is 'o&estic
!ircu&stances', W. /one, =on%on, 191:, 9$o, an%, thenceforth, in other
"iratical issues. Whate$er &ay ha$e been his feelings or intentions in
191, four years later Byron #as #ell a#are that 'The !urse of Ciner$a'
#oul% not increase his re"utation as a "oet, #hile the object of his
satireFFthe e-"osure an% %enunciation of =or% ElginFFha% been
acco&"lishe% by the scathing stanHas Ecanto ii. 16F17G, #ith their
acco&"anying note, in '!hil%e /arol%'. ('iso#n( it as he &ight, his
#or%s #ere "ast recall, an% both in%ict&ents stan% in his na&e.
Byron #as "reju%ice% against Elgin before he starte% on his tour. /e
ha%, "erha"s, glance% at the s"len%i% folio, '0"eci&ens of 5ncient
0cul"ture', #hich #as issue% by the 'ilettanti 0ociety in 1961. Payne
Bnight #rote the "reface, in #hich he &aintains that the frieHes an%
&eto"es of the Parthenon #ere not the actual #ork of Phi%ias, (but ...
architectural stu%ies ... "robably by #ork&en scarcely ranke% a&ong
artists.( 0o ju%ge% the lea%er of the 'cognoscenti', an%, in accor%ance
#ith his $ie#s, Elgin an% 5ber%een are hel% u" to ri%icule in 'English
Bar%s' Esecon% e%ition, >ctober, 1961, 1. 1662, an% 'note'G as cre%ulous
an% e-tra$agant collectors of (&ai&e% antiDues.( )t #as, ho#e$er, not
till the first $isit to 5thens E'ece&ber, 1961FCarch, 1916G, #hen he sa#
#ith his o#n eyes the (ra$ages of barbarous an% antiDuarian %es"oilers(
E=or% Broughton's 'Tra$els in 5lbania', 1979, i. 71G, that conte&"t
ga$e #ay to in%ignation, an% his #rath foun% $ent in the "ages of
'!hil%e /arol%'.
Byron care% as little for ancient buil%ings as he %i% for the
authorities, or for "atriotic enter"rise, but he #as stirre% to the
Duick by the &arks of fresh an%, as he #as le% to belie$e, #anton injury
to (5thena's "oor re&ains.( The southern si%e of the halfF#recke%
Parthenon ha% been %e"ri$e% of its re&aining &eto"es, #hich ha% suffere%
far less fro& the #eather than the other si%es #hich are still in the
buil%ingI all that re&aine% of the frieHe ha% been stri""e% fro& the
three si%es of the cella, an% the eastern "e%i&ent ha% been %es"oile% of
its %i&inishe% an% &utilate%, but still s"len%i%, grou" of figuresI an%,
though fi$e or si- years ha% gone by, the blank s"aces bet#een the
trigly"hs &ust ha$e re$eale% their recent e-"osure to the light, an% the
shattere% e%ges of the cornice, #hich here an% there ha% been raise% an%
%e&olishe% to "er&it the %islo%g&ent of the &eto"es, &ust ha$e caught
the eye as they s"arkle% in the sun. Aor ha% the re&o$al an% %e"ortation
of frieHes an% statues co&e to an en%. The fir&an #hich 'r. /unt, the
cha"lain to the e&bassy, ha% obtaine% in 1961, #hich e&"o#ere% Elgin an%
his agents to take a#ay 'Dualche "eHHi %i "ietra', still ran, an% 'on
Tita =usieri, the )talian artist, #ho re&aine% in Elgin's ser$ice, #as
still, like the 'canes $enatici' E5&ericane, (s&ellF%ogs(G e&"loye% by
Verres in 0icily Esee '!hil%e /arol%', canto ii. st. 1, 'note'G,
fin%ing fresh relics, an% still be#ailing to sy&"athetic tra$ellers the
har% fate #hich co&"elle% hi& to %es"oil the te&"les '&algre lui'. The
feelings of the inhabitants the&sel$es #ere not &uch in Duestion, but
their o"inions #ere Duote% for an% against the re&o$al of the &arbles.
Elgin's secretary an% "ri&e agent, W... /a&ilton, testifies, fro&
"ersonal kno#le%ge, that, (so far fro& e-citing any un"leasant
sensations, the "eo"le see&e% to feel it as the &eans of bringing
foreigners into the country, an% of ha$ing &oney s"ent there( E'Ce&oir
on the Earl of Elgin's Pursuits in Greece', 1911G. >n the other han%,
the tra$eller, E%#ar% 'aniel !larke, #ith #ho& Byron corres"on%e% Esee
'!hil%e /arol%', canto ii. st. 1, 'note'G, s"eaks of the attach&ent of
the Turks to the Parthenon, an% their religious $eneration for the
buil%ing as a &osDue, an% tells a "athetic story of the grief of the
'is%ar #hen (a &eto"e #as lo#ere%, an% the a%jacent &asonry scattere%
its #hite frag&ents #ith thun%ering noise a&ong the ruins( E'Tra$els in
Various !ountries', "art ii, sect. ii, ". K9<G.
>ther tra$ellers of less authority than !larkeFF'o%#ell, for instance,
#ho $isite% the Parthenon before it ha% been %is&antle%, an%,
after#ar%s, #as "resent at the re&o$al of &eto"esI an% /ughes, #ho ca&e
after Byron Eautu&n, 191<GFF&ake use of such "hrases as (shattere%
%esolation,( (#anton %e$astation an% a$i%ity of "lun%er.( E$en
Cichaelis, the great archaeologist, #ho %enounces 'The !urse of Ciner$a'
as a ('libellous' "oe&,( an% affir&s (that only blin% "assion coul%
%oubt that =or% Elgin's act #as an act of "reser$ation,( a%&its that
(the re&o$al of se$eral &eto"es an% of the statue fro& the Erechtheion
ha% se$erely injure% the surroun%ing architecture( E'5ncient Carbles in
Great Britain', by 5. Cichaelis, translate% by !.5.C. ,ennell, 199, ".
1<7G. /ighly coloure% an% e&otional as so&e of these "hrases &ay be,
they e-"lain, if they %o not justify, the 'sae$a in%ignatio' of Byron's
)t is al&ost, if not Duite, unnecessary to state the facts on the other
si%e. /istory regar%s =or% Elgin as a %isintereste% official, #ho at
"ersonal loss Eat least thirtyFfi$e thousan% "oun%s on his o#n sho#ingG,
an% in s"ite of o""osition an% %is"arage&ent, secure% for his o#n
country an% the furtherance of art the "erishable frag&ents of Phi%ian
#ork&anshi", #hich, but for his inter$ention, &ight ha$e "erishe%
altogether. )f they ha% elu%e% the clutches of Turkish &ason an% Greek
%ealer in antiDuitiesFFif, by so&e ha""y chance, they ha% esca"e% the
ra$ages of #ar, the gra%ual but gra%ually increasing assaults of rain
an% frost #oul% ha$e alrea%y left their effacing scars on the (Elgin
&arbles.( 5s it is, the "rogress of %ecay has been arreste%, an% all the
#orl% is the gainer. Byron #as neither a "ro"het nor an archaeologist,
an% ti&e an% kno#le%ge ha$e "ut hi& in the #rong. But in 1916 the ga"s
in the entablature of the Parthenon #ere ne#, the Phi%ian &arbles #ere
hu%%le% in a (%a&" %irty "enthouse( in Park =ane Esee '=ife of /ay%on',
i. 9KG, an% the logic of e$ents ha% not justifie% a sa% necessity.
T/E !@.0E >, C)AE.V5.
Pallas te hoc Vulnere Pallas
)&&olat et "oena& scelerato e- 0anguine 0u&it.
5T/EA04 !5P@!/)A !>AVEAT, OCarchO 12, 1911.
0lo# sinks, &ore lo$ely ere his race be run, 81;
5long Corea's hills the setting 0unI
Aot, as in northern cli&es, obscurely bright,
But one unclou%e% blaHe of li$ing lightI
>'er the hushe% %ee" the yello# bea& he thro#s, 8i;
Gil%s the green #a$e that tre&bles as it glo#sI
>n ol% 5Egina's rock an% /y%ra's isle 8;
The Go% of gla%ness she%s his "arting s&ileI
>'er his o#n regions lingering lo$es to shine,
Though there his altars are no &ore %i$ine. 8ii; 16
'escen%ing fast, the &ountainFsha%o#s kiss
Thy glorious Gulf, unconDuere% 0ala&is3
Their aHure arches through the long e-"anse, 8iii;
Core %ee"ly "ur"le%, &eet his &ello#ing glance,
5n% ten%erest tints, along their su&&its %ri$en,
Cark his gay course, an% o#n the hues of /ea$enI
Till, %arkly sha%e% fro& the lan% an% %ee",
Behin% his 'el"hian rock he sinks to slee". 8i$;
>n such an e$e his "alest bea& he cast
When, 5thens3 here thy Wisest looke% his last. 6
/o# #atche% thy better sons his fare#ell ray,
That close% their &ur%ere% 0age's 8<; latest %ay3
Aot yetFFnot yetFF0ol "auses on the hill,
The "recious hour of "arting lingers stillI
But sa% his light to agoniHing eyes,
5n% %ark the &ountain's once %elightful %yesI
Gloo& o'er the lo$ely lan% he see&e% to "our,
The lan% #here Phoebus ne$er fro#ne% beforeI
But ere he sunk belo# !ithaeron's hea%,
The cu" of Woe #as Duaffe%FFthe 0"irit fle%I <6
The soul of /i& that scorne% to fear or fly, 8$;
Who li$e% an% %ie% as none can li$e or %ie.
But lo3 fro& high /y&ettus to the "lain
The Lueen of Aight asserts her silent reignI 8$i; 8K;
Ao &urky $a"our, heral% of the stor&, 8$ii;
/i%es her fair face, or gir%s her glo#ing for&I
With cornice gli&&ering as the &oonbea&s "lay,
There the #hite colu&n greets her grateful ray,
5n% bright aroun%, #ith Dui$ering bea&s beset,
/er e&ble& s"arkles o'er the CinaretI K6
The gro$es of oli$e scattere% %ark an% #i%e,
Where &eek !e"hisus she%s his scanty ti%e,
The cy"ress sa%%ening by the sacre% &osDue,
The glea&ing turret of the gay kiosk, 87;
5n% sa% an% so&bre '&i% the holy cal&,
Aear Theseus' fane, yon solitary "al&I
5ll, tinge% #ith $arie% hues, arrest the eyeI
5n% %ull #ere his that "asse% the& hee%less by. 8:;
5gain the 5Egean, hear% no &ore afar,
=ulls his chafe% breast fro& ele&ental #ar4 76
5gain his #a$es in &il%er tints unfol%
Their long e-"anse of sa""hire an% of gol%,
Ci-e% #ith the sha%es of &any a %istant isle
That fro#n, #here gentler >cean %eigns to s&ile. 8$iii;
5s thus, #ithin the #alls of Pallas' fane,
) &arke% the beauties of the lan% an% &ain,
5lone, an% frien%less, on the &agic shore,
Whose arts an% ar&s but li$e in "oets' loreI
>ft as the &atchless %o&e ) turne% to scan,
0acre% to Go%s, but not secure fro& Can, :6
The Past returne%, the Present see&e% to cease,
5n% Glory kne# no cli&e beyon% her Greece3
/our rolle% along, an% 'ian's orb on high
/a% gaine% the centre of her softest skyI
5n% yet un#earie% still &y footste"s tro%
>'er the $ain shrine of &any a $anishe% Go%4 8i-;
But chiefly, Pallas3 thine, #hen /ecate's glare
!hecke% by thy colu&ns, fell &ore sa%ly fair
>'er the chill &arble, #here the startling trea%
Thrills the lone heart like echoes fro& the %ea%. 26
=ong ha% ) &use%, an% treasure% e$ery trace
The #reck of Greece recor%e% of her race,
When, lo3 a giantFfor& before &e stro%e,
5n% Pallas haile% &e in her o#n 5bo%e3
*es,'t#as Ciner$a's selfI but, ah3 ho# change%,
0ince o'er the 'ar%an fiel% in ar&s she range%3
Aot such as erst, by her %i$ine co&&an%,
/er for& a""eare% fro& Phi%ias' "lastic han%4
Gone #ere the terrors of her a#ful bro#,
/er i%le 5Egis bore no Gorgon no#I 96
/er hel& #as %inte%, an% the broken lance
0ee&e% #eak an% shaftless e'en to &ortal glanceI
The >li$e Branch, #hich still she %eigne% to clas",
0hrunk fro& her touch, an% #ithere% in her gras"I
5n%, ah3 though still the brightest of the sky,
!elestial tears be%i&&e% her large blue eyeI
.oun% the rent casDue her o#let circle% slo#,
5n% &ourne% his &istress #ith a shriek of #oe3
(Cortal3(FF't#as thus she s"akeFF(that blush of sha&e
Proclai&s thee Briton, once a noble na&eI 16
,irst of the &ighty, fore&ost of the free, 8-;
Ao# honoure% 'less' by all, an% 'least' by &e4
!hief of thy foes shall Pallas still be foun%.
0eek'st thou the cause of loathing3FFlook aroun%.
=o3 here, %es"ite of #ar an% #asting fire,
) sa# successi$e Tyrannies e-"ireI
'0ca"e% fro& the ra$age of the Turk an% Goth, 8-i;
Thy country sen%s a s"oiler #orse than both.
0ur$ey this $acant, $iolate% faneI
.ecount the relics torn that yet re&ain4 166
'These' !ecro"s "lace%, 'this' Pericles a%orne%, 82;
'That' 5%rian reare% #hen %roo"ing 0cience &ourne%.
What &ore ) o#e let Gratitu%e attestFF
Bno#, 5laric an% Elgin %i% the rest.
That all &ay learn fro& #hence the "lun%erer ca&e,
The insulte% #all sustains his hate% na&e4 89;
,or Elgin's fa&e thus grateful Pallas "lea%s,
Belo#, his na&eFFabo$e, behol% his %ee%s3
Be e$er haile% #ith eDual honour here
The Gothic &onarch an% the Pictish "eer4 8-ii; 116
5r&s ga$e the first his right, the last ha% none,
But basely stole #hat less barbarians #on.
0o #hen the =ion Duits his fell re"ast,
Ae-t "ro#ls the Wolf, the filthy ?ackal last4 8-iii;
,lesh, li&bs, an% bloo% the for&er &ake their o#n,
The last "oor brute securely gna#s the bone.
*et still the Go%s are just, an% cri&es are crosse%4
0ee here #hat Elgin #on, an% #hat he lost3
5nother na&e #ith OhisO "ollutes &y shrine4
Behol% #here 'ian's bea&s %is%ain to shine3 16
0o&e retribution still &ight Pallas clai&,
When Venus half a$enge% Ciner$a's sha&e.( 81;
0he cease% a#hile, an% thus ) %are% re"ly,
To soothe the $engeance kin%ling in her eye4
('aughter of ?o$e3 in Britain's injure% na&e, 8-i$;
5 trueFborn Briton &ay the %ee% %isclai&.
,ro#n not on Englan%I Englan% o#ns hi& not4
5thena, no3 thy "lun%erer #as a 0cot.
5sk'st thou the %ifferenceM ,ro& fair Phyles' to#ers
0ur$ey BoeotiaIFF!ale%onia's ours. 1<6
5n% #ell ) kno# #ithin that bastar% lan% 816;
/ath Wis%o&'s go%%ess ne$er hel% co&&an%I
5 barren soil, #here Aature's ger&s, confine%
To stern sterility, can stint the &in%I
Whose thistle #ell betrays the niggar% earth,
E&ble& of all to #ho& the =an% gi$es birthI
Each genial influence nurture% to resistI
5 lan% of &eanness, so"histry, an% &ist. 8-$;
Each breeHe fro& foggy &ount an% &arshy "lain
'ilutes #ith %ri$el e$ery %riHHly brain, 1K6
Till, burst at length, each #at'ry hea% o'erflo#s,
,oul as their soil, an% frigi% as their sno#s4
Then thousan% sche&es of "etulance an% "ri%e
'es"atch her sche&ing chil%ren far an% #i%eI
0o&e East, so&e West, so&eFFe$ery#here but Aorth3
)n Duest of la#less gain, they issue forth.
5n% thusFFaccurse% be the %ay an% year3
0he sent a Pict to "lay the felon here.
*et !ale%onia clai&s so&e nati$e #orth, 811;
5s %ull Boeotia ga$e a Pin%ar birthI 176
0o &ay her fe#, the lettere% an% the bra$e,
Boun% to no cli&e, an% $ictors of the gra$e,
0hake off the sor%i% %ust of such a lan%,
5n% shine like chil%ren of a ha""ier stran%I
5s once, of yore, in so&e obno-ious "lace,
Ten na&es Eif foun%G ha% sa$e% a #retche% race.(
(Cortal3( the blueFeye% &ai% resu&e%, (once &ore
Bear back &y &an%ate to thy nati$e shore. 81;
Though fallen, alas3 this $engeance yet is &ine,
To turn &y counsels far fro& lan%s like thine. 1:6
/ear then in silence Pallas' stern behestI
/ear an% belie$e, for Ti&e #ill tell the rest.
(,irst on the hea% of hi& #ho %i% this %ee%
Cy curse shall light,FFon hi& an% all his see%4
Without one s"ark of intellectual fire,
Be all the sons as senseless as the sire4
)f one #ith #it the "arent broo% %isgrace,
Belie$e hi& bastar% of a brighter race4
0till #ith his hireling artists let hi& "rate,
5n% ,olly's "raise re"ay for Wis%o&'s hateI 126
=ong of their Patron's gusto let the& tell,
Whose noblest, Onati$eO gusto isFFto sell4
To sell, an% &akeFF&ay sha&e recor% the %ay3FF
The 0tateFF.ecei$er of his "ilfere% "rey.
Ceanti&e, the flattering, feeble %otar%, West,
Euro"e's #orst %auber, an% "oor Britain's best,
With "alsie% han% shall turn each &o%el o'er,
5n% o#n hi&self an infant of fourscore. 81<;
Be all the Bruisers culle% fro& all 0t. Giles',
That 5rt an% Aature &ay co&"are their stylesI 8-$i; 196
While bra#ny brutes in stu"i% #on%er stare,
5n% &ar$el at his =or%shi"'s 'stone sho"' there. 81K;
.oun% the thronge% gate shall sauntering co-co&bs cree"
To lounge an% lucubrate, to "rate an% "ee"I
While &any a langui% &ai%, #ith longing sigh,
>n giant statues casts the curious eyeI
The roo& #ith transient glance a""ears to ski&,
*et &arks the &ighty back an% length of li&bI
Courns o'er the %ifference of Ono#O an% OthenOI
E-clai&s, 'These Greeks in%ee% #ere "ro"er &en3' 116
'ra#s slight co&"arisons of 'these' #ith 'those', 8-$ii;
5n% en$ies =ais all her 5ttic beau-.
When shall a &o%ern &ai% ha$e s#ains like theseM 8-$iii;
5las3 0ir /arry is no /ercules3
5n% last of all, a&i%st the ga"ing cre#,
0o&e cal& s"ectator, as he takes his $ie#,
)n silent in%ignation &i-e% #ith grief,
5%&ires the "lun%er, but abhors the thief.
>h, loathe% in life, nor "ar%one% in the %ust,
Cay /ate "ursue his sacrilegious lust3 66
=inke% #ith the fool that fire% the E"hesian %o&e,
0hall $engeance follo# far beyon% the to&b, 817;
5n% Eratostratus 81:; an% Elgin shine
)n &any a bran%ing "age an% burning lineI
5like reser$e% for aye to stan% accurse%,
Perchance the secon% blacker than the first.
(0o let hi& stan%, through ages yet unborn,
,i-e% statue on the "e%estal of 0cornI
Though not for hi& alone re$enge shall #ait,
But fits thy country for her co&ing fate4 16
/ers #ere the %ee%s that taught her la#less son
To %o #hat oft Britannia's self ha% %one.
=ook to the BalticFFblaHing fro& afar,
*our ol% 5lly yet &ourns "erfi%ious #ar. 812;
Aot to such %ee%s %i% Pallas len% her ai%,
>r break the co&"act #hich herself ha% &a%eI
,ar fro& such counsels, fro& the faithless fiel%
0he fle%FFbut left behin% her Gorgon shiel%I
5 fatal gift that turne% your frien%s to stone,
5n% left lost 5lbion hate% an% alone. 6
(=ook to the East, 819; #here Ganges' s#arthy race
0hall shake your tyrant e&"ire to its baseI
=o3 there .ebellion rears her ghastly hea%,
5n% glares the Ae&esis of nati$e %ea%I
Till )n%us rolls a %ee" "ur"ureal floo%,
5n% clai&s his long arrear of northern bloo%.
0o &ay ye "erish3FFPallas, #hen she ga$e
*our freeFborn rights, forba%e ye to ensla$e.
(=ook on your 0"ain3FFshe clas"s the han% she hates,
But bol%ly clas"s, an% thrusts you fro& her gates. <6
Bear #itness, bright Barossa3 811; thou canst tell
Whose #ere the sons that bra$ely fought an% fell.
But =usitania, kin% an% %ear ally,
!an s"are a fe# to fight, an% so&eti&es fly.
>h glorious fiel%3 by ,a&ine fiercely #on,
The Gaul retires for once, an% all is %one3
But #hen %i% Pallas teach, that one retreat
.etrie$e% three long >ly&"ia%s of %efeatM
(=ook last at ho&eFFye lo$e not to look there
>n the gri& s&ile of co&fortless %es"air4 K6
*our city sa%%ens4 lou% though .e$el ho#ls,
/ere ,a&ine faints, an% yon%er .a"ine "ro#ls.
0ee all alike of &ore or less bereftI
Ao &isers tre&ble #hen there's nothing left.
'Blest "a"er cre%itI' 86; #ho shall %are to singM
)t clogs like lea% !orru"tion's #eary #ing.
*et Pallas "luck'% each Pre&ier by the ear,
Who Go%s an% &en alike %is%aine% to hearI
But one, re"entant o'er a bankru"t state,
>n Pallas calls,FFbut calls, alas3 too late4 76
Then ra$es for'FFFF'I to that Centor ben%s,
Though he an% Pallas ne$er yet #ere frien%s.
/i& senates hear, #ho& ne$er yet they hear%,
!onte&"tuous once, an% no# no less absur%.
0o, once of yore, each reasonable frog,
0#ore faith an% fealty to his so$ereign 'log.'
Thus haile% your rulers their "atrician clo%,
5s Egy"t chose an onion 81; for a Go%.
(Ao# fare ye #ell3 enjoy your little hourI
Go, gras" the sha%o# of your $anishe% "o#erI :6
Gloss o'er the failure of each fon%est sche&eI
*our strength a na&e, your bloate% #ealth a %rea&.
Gone is that Gol%, the &ar$el of &ankin%.
5n% Pirates barter all that's left behin%. 8;
Ao &ore the hirelings, "urchase% near an% far,
!ro#% to the ranks of &ercenary #ar.
The i%le &erchant on the useless Duay
'roo"s o'er the bales no bark &ay bear a#ayI
>r, back returning, sees rejecte% stores
.ot "iece&eal on his o#n encu&bere% shores4 26
The star$e% &echanic breaks his rusting loo&,
5n% %es"erate &ans hi& 'gainst the co&ing %oo&.
Then in the 0enates of your sinking state
0ho# &e the &an #hose counsels &ay ha$e #eight.
Vain is each $oice #here tones coul% once co&&an%I
E'en factions cease to char& a factious lan%4
*et jarring sects con$ulse a sister )sle,
5n% light #ith &a%%ening han%s the &utual "ile.
('Tis %one, 'tis "astFFsince Pallas #arns in $ainI
The ,uries seiHe her ab%icate% reign4 96
Wi%e o'er the real& they #a$e their kin%ling bran%s,
5n% #ring her $itals #ith their fiery han%s.
But one con$ulsi$e struggle still re&ains, 8-i-;
5n% Gaul shall #ee" ere 5lbion #ear her chains,
The bannere% "o&" of #ar, the glittering files, 8--;
>'er #hose gay tra""ings stern Bellona s&ilesI
The braHen tru&", the s"iritFstirring %ru&,
That bi% the foe %efiance ere they co&eI
The hero boun%ing at his country's call,
The glorious %eath that consecrates his fall, 16
0#ell the young heart #ith $isionary char&s.
5n% bi% it ante%ate the joys of ar&s.
But kno#, a lesson you &ay yet be taught,
With %eath alone are laurels chea"ly boughtI
Aot in the conflict /a$oc seeks %elight,
/is %ay of &ercy is the %ay of fight.
But #hen the fiel% is fought, the battle #on,
Though %renche% #ith gore, his #oes are but begun4
/is %ee"er %ee%s as yet ye kno# by na&eI
The slaughtere% "easant an% the ra$ishe% %a&e, <66
The rifle% &ansion an% the foeFrea"e% fiel%,
)ll suit #ith souls at ho&e, untaught to yiel%.
0ay #ith #hat eye along the %istant %o#n
Woul% flying burghers &ark the blaHing to#nM
/o# $ie# the colu&n of ascen%ing fla&es
0hake his re% sha%o# o'er the startle% Tha&esM
Aay, fro#n not, 5lbion3 for the torch #as thine
That lit such "yres fro& Tagus to the .hine4
Ao# shoul% they burst on thy %e$ote% coast,
Go, ask thy boso& #ho %eser$es the& &ostM <16
The la# of /ea$en an% Earth is life for life,
5n% she #ho raise%, in $ain regrets, the strife.(
8,ootnote 14 The lines E1F7KG #ith #hich the 0atire begins, %o#n to (5s
thus, #ithin the #alls of Pallas' fane,( first a""eare% E191KG as the
o"ening stanHa of the Thir% !anto of 'The !orsair'. 5t that ti&e the
"ublication of 'The !urse of Ciner$a' ha% been aban%one%. E0ee Byron's
'note' to 'The !orsair', !anto ))). st. i. line i.G;
8,ootnote 4 )%raI 'The !orsair', ))). st. i. line 2. /y%ra, or /y%rea,
is an islan% on the east coast of the Pelo"onnese, bet#een the gulfs of
Aau"lia an% 5Egina. 5s an (isle of Greece( it ha% al&ost no history
until the War of )n%e"en%ence, #hen its chief to#n beca&e a (city of
refuge( for the inhabitants of the Corea an% Aorthern Greece. Byron #as,
"erha"s, the first "oet to gi$e it a na&e in song.;
8,ootnote <4 0ocrates %rank the he&lock a short ti&e before sunset Ethe
hour of e-ecutionG, not#ithstan%ing the entreaties of his %isci"les to
#ait till the sun #ent %o#n.;
8,ootnote K4 The t#ilight in Greece is &uch shorter than in our o#n
countryI the %ays in #inter are longer, but in su&&er of less %uration.;
8,ootnote 74 The kiosk is a Turkish su&&erFhouseI the "al& is #ithout
the "resent #alls of 5thens, not far fro& the te&"le of Theseus, bet#een
#hich an% the tree the #all inter$enes. !e"hisus' strea& is in%ee%
scanty, an% )lissus has no strea& at all.;
8,ootnote :4
(The Te&"le of Theseus is the &ost "erfect ancient e%ifice in the
#orl%. )n this fabric, the &ost en%uring stability, an% a si&"licity
of %esign "eculiarly striking, are unite% #ith the highest elegance
an% accuracy of #ork&anshi".(
'Tra$els in 5lbania, etc.', by =or% Broughton E1979G, i. 71.;
8,ootnote 24 This is s"oken of the city in general, an% not of the
5cro"olis in "articular. The te&"le of ?u"iter >ly&"ius, by so&e
su""ose% the Pantheon, #as finishe% by /a%rianI si-teen colu&ns are
stan%ing, of the &ost beautiful &arble an% architecture.;
8,ootnote 94 The follo#ing lines, of #hich the first t#o #ere #ritten on
the original 'C0'., are in Byron's han%#riting4FF
(5s"ice Duos 0coto Pallas conce%it honoresI
0ubter stat no&en, facta su"erDue $i%e.
0cote &iser3 Dua&$is nocuisti Palla%is ae%i,
)nfan%u& facinus $in%icat i"sa Venus.
Pyg&alion statua& "ro s"onsa arsisse referturI
Tu statua& ra"ias, 0cote, se% u-or abest.(
!o&"are '/orace in =on%on', by the authors of '.ejecte% 5%%resses'
E?a&es an% /orace 0&ithG, =on%on, 191<, o%e -$., (The Parthenon,(
('Pastor Duu& traheret "er freta na$ibus'.(
(5n% /y&en shall thy nu"tial ho"es consu&e,
@nless, like fon% Pyg&alion, thou canst #e%
0tatues thy han% coul% ne$er gi$e to bloo&.
)n #ifeless #e%lock shall thy life be le%,
Ao &arriage joys to bless thy solitary be%.(
8=or% Elgin's first &arriage #ith Cary, %aughter of Willia& /a&ilton
Aisbet, #as %issol$e% by 5ct of Parlia&ent in 1969.;;
8,ootnote 14 /is lor%shi"'s na&e, an% that of one #ho no longer bears
it, are car$e% cons"icuously on the ParthenonI abo$e, in a "art not far
%istant, are the torn re&nants of the bassorelie$os, %estroye% in a $ain
atte&"t to re&o$e the&.
8>n the Erechtheu& there #as %ee"ly cut in a "laster #all the #or%sFF
(L@>' A>A ,E!E.@AT G>T),
/>! ,E!E.@AT 0!>T).(;;
8,ootnote 164 ()rish bastar%s,( accor%ing to 0ir !allaghan >'Brallaghan.
8(5 #il% )rish sol%ier in the Prussian 5r&y,( in Cacklin's
'=o$eFaFlaFCo%e' Efirst "laye% 'ece&ber 1, 1271G.;;
8,ootnote 114 =ines 1K1F17: not in original 'C0'.;
8,ootnote 14 !o&"are '/orace in =on%on', o%e -$4FF
(5ll #ho behol% &y &utilate% "ile,
0hall bran% its ra$ages #ith classic rageI
5n% soon a title% bar% fro& Britain's isle
Thy country's "raise an% suffrage shall engage,
5n% fire #ith 5thens' #rongs an angry age.(;
8,ootnote 1<4 Cr. West, on seeing the (Elgin !ollection,( E) su""ose #e
shall hear of the (5bersha#( an% (?ack 0he"har%( collectionG %eclare%
hi&self a (&ere tyro( in art.
8!o&"are =etters of Benja&in West to the Earl of Elgin, ,ebruary :,
1961, Carch 6, 1911, "ublishe% in W... /a&ilton's 'Ce&oran%u&', 1911.;;
8,ootnote 1K4 Poor !rib #as sa%ly "uHHle% #hen the &arbles #ere first
e-hibite% at Elgin /ouseI he aske% if it #as not (a stone sho"M(FF/e #as
rightI it 'is' a sho".;
8,ootnote 174 =ines 6F:7 are not in the C0.;
8,ootnote 1:4 /erostratus or Eratostratus fire% the te&"le of 5rte&is on
the sa&e night that 5le-an%er the Great #as born. E0ee Plut.,
'5le-'., <, etc.G;
8,ootnote 124 The affair of !o"enhagen. !o"enhagen #as bo&bar%e% by sea
by 5%&iral =or% Ga&bier E127:F19<<G, an% by lan% by General =or%
!athcart E1277F19K<G, 0e"te&ber F9, 1962. The cita%el #as gi$en u" to
the English, an% the 'anes surren%ere% their fleet, #ith all the na$al
stores, an% their arsenals an% %ockyar%s. The e-"e%ition #as ("ro&"tly
an% secretly eDui""e%( by the British Go$ern&ent (#ith an acti$ity an%
celerity,( says Boch E'/ist. of Euro"e', ". 1KG, (such as they ha%
ne$er %is"laye% in sen%ing ai% to their allies,( #ith a $ie# to
antici"ate the seiHure an% a""ro"riation of the 'anish fleet by Aa"oleon
an% 5le-an%er EGreen's '/ist. English Peo"le' E1927G, ". 211G.;;
8,ootnote 194 (The East( is brought #ithin range of Ciner$a's curse,
'sy&&etriae causa', an% it is har% to say to #hich (rebellion( she
refers. 5 choice lies bet#een the &utiny #hich broke out in 1961, %uring
0ir George Barlo#'s "resi%ency of Ca%ras, a&ong the officers of the
!o&"any's ser$ice, an% #hich at one ti&e threatene% the continuance of
British s#ay in )n%iaI an% later troubles, in 1916, arising fro& the
Pin%ari hor%es, #ho lai% #aste the $illages of !entral )n%ia an%
/in%ostan, an% fro& the Pathans, #ho in$a%e% Berar un%er 5&eer Bhan. But
here, as in lines K7F79 E'$i%e infra', ". K26, 'note' iG, Byron is
taking toll of a note to 'E"ics of the Ton', "". K:, K2, #hich
enlarges on the &utiny of nati$e sol%iers #hich took "lace at Vellore in
196:, #here se$eral (Euro"ean officers an% a consi%erable "ortion of the
:1th .egi&ent #ere &assacre%,( in conseDuence of (an inju%icious or%er
#ith res"ect to the %ress of the 0e"oys.(FFGleig's '/istory of the
British E&"ire in )n%ia' E19<7G, iii. <<, 'note'.;;
8,ootnote 114 The $ictory of (bright Barossa,( Carch 7, 1911, #as
achie$e% by the su%%en %eter&inationFF(an ins"iration rather than a
resolution,( says Aa"ierFFof the British co&&an%er, General Graha&
ETho&as, =or% =yne%och, 1276F19K<G, to counterF&arch his troo"s, an%
force the e&inence kno#n as the !erro %e Puerco, or hill of Barosa,
#hich ha% fallen into the han%s of the ,rench un%er .uffin. Graha& #as
at this ti&e secon% in co&&an% to the 0"anish !a"tainFgeneral, =a Pena,
an% at his or%ers, but un%er the i&"ression that the hill #oul% be
guar%e% by the 0"anish troo"s, #as &aking his #ay to a neighbouring
height. Ceanti&e =a Pena ha% #ith%ra#n the cor"s of battle to a
%istance, an% left the hill co$ere% #ith baggage an% i&"erfectly
"rotecte%. Graha& reca"ture% Barosa, an% re"ulse% the ,rench #ith hea$y
loss, in an hour an% a half. Aa"ier affir&s that =a Pena (looke% i%ly
on, neither sen%ing his ca$alry nor his horse artillery to the
assistance of his allyI( an% testifies (that no stroke in ai% of the
British #as struck by a 0"anish sabre that %ay.(
(,a&ine( &ay ha$e raise% the %e$il in the English troo"s, but it
"re$ente% the& fro& follo#ing u" the $ictory. 5 further charge against
the 0"aniar%s #as that, after Barosa ha% been #on, the English #ere left
for hours #ithout foo%, an%, as they ha% &arche% through the night
before they ca&e into action, they coul% only look on #hile the ,rench
&a%e goo% their retreat.
T#o co&"anies of the 6th Portuguese for&e% "art of the British
contingent, an% took "art in the engage&ent. The year before, at Busaco
E0e"te&ber 2, 1916G, the Portuguese ha% %is"laye% signal bra$eryI but
at Gebora E,ebruary 11, 1911G (Ca%%en's Portuguese, regar%less of his
e-a&"le an% re"roaches, sha&efully turne% their backs( EAa"ier's
'/istory of the Peninsular War' E1916G, iii. :, 19, 16F162G.;
8,ootnote 64
(Blest "a"er cre%it3 last an% best su""ly,
That len%s !orru"tion lighter #ings to fly.(
8)n ,ebruary, 1911, a select co&&ittee of the /ouse of !o&&ons (on
co&&ercial cre%it( reco&&en%e% an a%$ance of =:,666,666 to &anufacturers
#ho #ere suffering fro& o$erFs"eculation. ('i% they not kno#,( aske%
=or% Gren$ille, in the /ouse of =or%s, Carch 1, (that they #ere a%%ing
to the &ass of "a"er at this &o&ent in e-istence a su& of =:,666,666, as
if there #as not "a"er enough alrea%y in the country, in or%er to
"rotect their co&&erce an% &anufactures fro& %estructionM( Ae$ertheless,
the &easure "asse%. The year before E,ebruary 11, 1916G, a co&&ittee
#hich ha% sat un%er the "resi%ency of ,rancis /orner, to inDuire into
the cause of the high "rice of gol% bullion Egol% #as #orth =K. 16s. an
ounceG, returne% E?une 16G a re"ort urging the resu&"tion of cash
"ay&ent at the en% of t#o years.
)t has been suggeste% to the e%itor that the asterisks E'FFFF'G in line
71 E#hich are not fille% u" in =or% 0tanho"e's C0. of 'The !urse of
Ciner$a'G stan% for (/orner,( an% that Byron, #riting at 5thens in
Carch, 1911, #as un%er the i&"ression that Perce$al #oul% a%o"t soun%
$ie#s on the currency Duestion, an% #as not a#are that he #as strongly
antiFbullionist. >n that su""osition the t#o "re&iers are Portlan% an%
Perce$al, /orner is the Centor, an% Perce$al Eline 72G the ("atrician
clo%.( To #hat e-tent Byron #as 'au courant' #ith ho&e "olitics #hen he
#rote the lines, it is i&"ossible to say, an% #ithout such kno#le%ge
so&e %oubt &ust rest on any inter"retation of the "assage. But of its
genesis there is no %oubt. =a%y 5nn /a&ilton, in her esti&ate of =or%
/enry Petty, in 'E"ics of the Ton' E". 1<1G, has so&ething to say on
bu%get (figures(FF
(Those i&"s #hich &ake the senses reel, an% Houn%s3
Cistake a cy"her for a thousan% "oun%sI(
an% her noteF#riter co&&ents thus4 ()t so&e#hat hurts the feelings to
see a &inister stan% u" in his "lace, an% after a $ery "retty e-or%iu&
to the bu%get, take u" a bun%le of "a"ers fro& the table, gaHe at the
inco&"rehensible calculations before hi&, sta&&er out a fe# confuse%
nu&bers, an% then, #ith a rueful face, look o$er his shoul%er to
VFFnsFFrt for assistance. /o# often ha$e ) grie$e% to see unha""y
5FF%FFgFFn in this la&entable "re%ica&ent3( 5gain, on Thellusson being
raise% to the "eerage as =or% .en%lesha&, she asksFF
(0ay, shall #e ben% to titles thus besto#e%,
5n% like the Egy"tians, hail the calf a go%M
With toa%s, as"s, onions, orna&ent the shrine,
5n% re"tiles o#n an% "otFherbs things %i$ineM(
)t is e$i%ent that Byron, unins"ire% by Pallas, turne% to the 'E"ics of
the Ton' for (co"y,( but #hether he left a blank on "ur"ose because
(Vansittart( Eto #ho& Perce$al %i% turnG #oul% not scan, or, &isle% by
ol% ne#s"a"ers, #oul% ha$e #ritten (/orner,( &ust re&ain a &ystery.;;
8,ootnote 14 0ee the "ortrait of 0"encer Perce$al in the Aational
Portrait Gallery.;
8,ootnote 4 The 'eal an% 'o$er traffickers in s"ecie.;
8,ootnote i4
'>'er the blue ocean #ay his'.
80ubF,ootnote 54 The only C0. of 'The !urse of Ciner$a' #hich the
e%itor has seen, is in the "ossession of the Earl of 0tanho"e. 5
secon% C0., for&erly in the "ossession of the 'uke of Ae#castle, is
belie$e% to ha$e "erishe% in a fire #hich broke out at !lu&ber in
8,ootnote ii4
'Aor yet forbears each longFaban%one% shrine'.
8,ootnote iii4
'Their '$arying aHure &ingle% #ith the sky
Beneath his rays assu&es a %ee"er %ye'.
8,ootnote i$4
'Behin% his 'el"hian cliff'FFFF.
8'!orsair', ))). st. i. l. 19.;;
8,ootnote $4
'The soul of hi& #ho'FFFF.
8'!orsair, ))). st. i. 1. <1.';;
8,ootnote $i4
'sil$er reign'.
8,ootnote $ii4
'/o# s#eet an% 0ilent, not a "assing clou%
/i%es her fair face #ith inter$ening shrou%'.
8,ootnote $iii4
'see&s to s&ile',
8'!orsair', ))). st. i. 1. 7K.;;
8,ootnote i-4
'0a% shrine'.
8,ootnote -4
'Welco&e to sla$es, an% fore&ost'.
8'C0'.; ;
8,ootnote -i4
'5h, 5thens3 scarce esca"e% fro& Turk an% Goth,
/ell sen%s a "altry 0cotch&an #orse than both.'
8,ootnote -ii4
'British "eer'.
8'C0'.; ;
8,ootnote -iii4
'0neaking ?ackal'.
8'C0'.; ;
8,ootnote -i$4
'guilty na&e'.
8,ootnote -$4
'5 lan% of liars, &ountebanks, an% Cist'.
8,ootnote -$i4
'That 5rt &ay &easure ol% an% &o%ern styles'.
8,ootnote -$ii4
'shy co&"arisons'.
8,ootnote -$iii4
')n sooth the Ay&"h 't#ere no slight task to "lease
0ince young 0ir /arry, etc.'
8,ootnote -i-4
',allen is each %ear bought frien% on ,oreign !oast
>r league% to a%% you to the #orl% you lost'.
8,ootnote --4
'FFFF'the glittering file
The &artial soun%s that ani&ate the #hile'.
)AT.>'@!T)>A T> 'T/E W5=TN'
Byron s"ent the autu&n of 191 (by the #aters of !heltenha&,( an%,
besi%es #riting to or%er his '0ong of 'rury =ane' Ethe a%%ress s"oken at
the o"ening of the theatre, >ct. 16, 191G, he "ut in han% a '0atire on
WaltHing'. )t #as "ublishe% anony&ously in the follo#ing s"ringI but,
"ossibly, because it #as so&e#hat coolly recei$e%, he tol% Curray E5"ril
1, 191<G (to contra%ict the re"ort that he #as the author of a certain
&alicious "ublication on #altHing.( )n his &e&oran%a (chiefly #ith
reference to &y Byron,( Coore notes (Byron's hatre% of #altHing,( an%
recor%s a "assage of ar&s bet#een (the la&e boy( an% Cary !ha#orth,
#hich arose fro& her (%ancing #ith so&e "erson #ho #as unkno#n to her.(
Then, an% al#ays, he &ust ha$e e-"erience% the bitter sense of e-clusion
fro& acti$e a&use&entsI but it is a hasty assu&"tion that Byron only
%enounce% #altHing because he #as unable to #altH hi&self. To &o%ern
senti&ent, on the &oral si%e, #altHing is unassailableI but the first
i&"ressions of s"ectators, to #ho& it #as a no$elty, #ere %istinctly
)n a letter fro& Ger&any ECay 12, 1211G !oleri%ge %escribes a %ance
roun% the &ay"ole at .uebelan%.
(The %ances #ere reels an% the #altHes, but chiefly the latterI this
%ance is in the higher circles sufficiently $olu"tuous, but here the
&otions of it #ere 'far' &ore faithful inter"reters of the "assions.(
5 year later, /.!. .obinson, #riting fro& ,rankfort in 1966 E''iary an%
=etters', i. 2:G, says, (The %ancing is unlike anything you e$er sa#.
*ou &ust ha$e hear% of it un%er the na&e of #altHing, that is rolling
an% turning, though the rolling is not horiHontal but "er"en%icular. *et
Werther, after %escribing his first #altH #ith !harlotte, says, an% )
say so too, ') felt that if ) #ere &arrie% &y #ife shoul% #altH Eor
rollG #ith no one but &yself.'( Ten years later, Gillray "ublishes a
caricature of the #altH, as a ,rench %ance, #hich he styles, (=e bon
Genre.( )t is not a "retty "icture. By %egrees, ho#e$er, an% #ith so&e
reluctance, society yiel%e% to the fascinations of the stranger.
(Cy cousin /artington,( #rites =a%y !aroline =a&b, in 191 E'Ce&oirs
of Viscount Celbourne', by W.T. Cc!ullagh Torrens, i. 167G, (#ante% to
ha$e #altHes an% Dua%rillesI an% at 'e$onshire /ouse it coul% not be
allo#e%, so #e ha% the& in the great %ra#ingFroo& at Whitehall. 5ll
the 'bon ton' asse&ble% there continually. There #as nothing so
(Ao e$ent,( says Tho&as .aikes E'Personal .e&iniscences', ". 9KG, e$er
"ro%uce% so great a sensation in English society as the intro%uction of
the Ger&an #altH.... >l% an% young returne% to school, an% the &ornings
#ere no# absorbe% at ho&e in "ractising the figures of a ,rench
Dua%rille or #hirling a chair roun% the roo& to learn the ste" an%
&easure of the Ger&an #altH. The antiF#altHing "arty took the alar&,
crie% it %o#nI &others forba% it, an% e$ery ballroo& beca&e a scene of
feu% an% contention. The foreigners #ere not i%le in for&ing their
'ele$es'I Baron Tri"", Aeu&ann, 0t. 5l%egon%e, etc., "erse$ere% in s"ite
of all "reju%ices #hich #ere &arshalle% against the&. )t #as not,
ho#e$er, till Byron's (&alicious "ublication( ha% been issue% an%
forgotten that the ne# %ance recei$e% full recognition. (When,( .aikes
conclu%es, (the E&"eror 5le-an%er #as seen #altHing roun% the roo& at
5l&ack's #ith his tight unifor& an% nu&erous %ecorations,( or 8Grono#,
'.ecollections', 19:6, "". <, <<; (=or% Pal&erston &ight ha$e been seen
%escribing an infinite nu&ber of circles #ith Ca%a&e %e =ie$en,( insular
"reju%ices ga$e #ay, an% #altHing beca&e general.
T/E W5=TN4
5A 5P>0T.>P/)! /*CA.
B* />.5!E />.AEC, E0L.
(Lualis in Eurotae ri"is, aut "er juga !ynthi,
E-ercet ')5A5 choros.(
V).G)=, '5En'. i. 76.
(0uch on Eurotas's banks, or !ynthus's height,
'iana see&s4 an% so she char&s the sight,
When in the %ance the graceful go%%ess lea%s
The Duire of ny&"hs, an% o$erto"s their hea%s.(
'.*'EA'0 OVirgilO.
The titleF"age of the first e%ition EKto.G of OThe WaltHO bears the
Printe% by 0. Gosnell,
=ittle Lueen 0treet, /olborn.
,or 0her#oo%, Aeely an% ?ones,
Paternoster .o#. 191<.
EPrice Three 0hillings.G
0uccessi$e .e$ises ha% run as follo#s4FF
i. =on%on4 Printe% for ?ohn Curray, 5lbe&arle 0treet, Picca%illy. By 0.
Gosnell, =ittle Lueen 0treet. 191<.
ii. !a&bri%ge4 Printe% by G. Caitlan%. ,or ?ohn Curray, etc.
iii. !a&bri%ge4 Printe% by G. Caitlan%. ,or 0her#oo%, Aeely an% ?ones,
Paternoster .o#. 191<.
,or the Bibliogra"hy of OThe WaltHO, see $ol. $i. of the "resent issue.
T> T/E P@B=)0/E..
) a& a country Gentle&an of a &i%lan% county. ) &ight ha$e been a
Parlia&entF&an for a certain boroughI ha$ing ha% the offer of as &any
$otes as General T. at the general election in 191. 81; But ) #as all
for %o&estic ha""inessI as, fifteen years ago, on a $isit to =on%on, )
&arrie% a &i%%leFage% Cai% of /onour. We li$e% ha""ily at /orne& /all
till last 0eason, #hen &y #ife an% ) #ere in$ite% by the !ountess of
WaltHa#ay Ea %istant relation of &y 0"ouseG to "ass the #inter in to#n.
Thinking no har&, an% our Girls being co&e to a &arriageable Eor, as
they call it, '&arketable'G age, an% ha$ing besi%es a !hancery suit
in$eterately entaile% u"on the fa&ily estate, #e ca&e u" in our ol%
chariot,FFof #hich, by the bye, &y #ife gre# so asha&e% in less than a
#eek, that ) #as oblige% to buy a secon%Fhan% barouche, of #hich ) &ight
&ount the bo-, Crs. /. says, if ) coul% %ri$e, but ne$er see the
insi%eFFthat "lace being reser$e% for the /onourable 5ugustus Ti"toe,
her "artnerFgeneral an% >"eraFknight. /earing great "raises of Crs. /.'s
%ancing Eshe #as fa&ous for birthnight &inuets in the latter en% of the
last centuryG, ) unboote%, an% #ent to a ball at the !ountess's,
e-"ecting to see a country %ance, or, at &ost, !otillons, reels, an% all
the ol% "aces to the ne#est tunes, But, ju%ge of &y sur"rise, on
arri$ing, to see "oor %ear Crs. /orne& #ith her ar&s half roun% the
loins of a huge hussarFlooking gentle&an ) ne$er set eyes on beforeI an%
his, to say truth, rather &ore than half roun% her #aist, turning roun%,
an% roun%, to a %FFFF% seeFsa# u"Fan%F%o#n sort of tune, that re&in%e%
&e of the (Black ?oke,( only &ore ('affettuoso'(81; till it &a%e &e
Duite gi%%y #ith #on%ering they #ere not so. By an% by they sto""e% a
bit, an% ) thought they #oul% sit or fall %o#n4FFbut noI #ith Crs. /.'s
han% on his shoul%er, ('Lua& fa&iliariter'(8; Eas Terence sai%, #hen )
#as at school,G they #alke% about a &inute, an% then at it again, like
t#o cockFchafers s"itte% on the sa&e bo%kin. ) aske% #hat all this
&eant, #hen, #ith a lou% laugh, a chil% no ol%er than our Wilhel&ina Ea
na&e ) ne$er hear% but in the 'Vicar of Wakefiel%', though her &other
#oul% call her after the Princess of 0#a""enbach,G sai%, (=FF%3 Cr.
/orne&, can't you see they're $altHingM( or #altHing E) forget #hichGI
an% then u" she got, an% her &other an% sister, an% a#ay they #ent, an%
roun%Faboute% it till su""erFti&e. Ao# that ) kno# #hat it is, ) like it
of all things, an% so %oes Crs. /. Ethough ) ha$e broken &y shins, an%
four ti&es o$erturne% Crs. /orne&'s &ai%, in "ractising the "reli&inary
ste"s in a &orningG. )n%ee%, so &uch %o ) like it, that ha$ing a turn
for rhy&e, tastily %is"laye% in so&e election balla%s, an% songs in
honour of all the $ictories Ebut till lately ) ha$e ha% little "ractice
in that #ayG, ) sat %o#n, an% #ith the ai% of Willia& ,itHgeral%, EsD.,
an% a fe# hints fro& 'r. Busby, E#hose recitations ) atten%, an% a&
&onstrous fon% of Caster Busby's &anner of %eli$ering his father's late
successful ('rury =ane 5%%ress,(G81; ) co&"ose% the follo#ing hy&n,
#here#ithal to &ake &y senti&ents kno#n to the PublicI #ho&,
ne$ertheless, ) heartily %es"ise, as #ell as the critics.
) a&, 0ir, yours, etc., etc.
/>.5!E />.AEC.
8,ootnote 14 0tate of the "oll Elast %ayG 7.
8General Tarleton E127KF19<<G conteste% =i$er"ool in >ctober, 191. ,or
three %ays the "oll stoo% at fi$e, an% on the last %ay, ele$en. !anning
an% Gascoigne #ere the successful can%i%ates.;;
8,ootnote 4 Core e-"ressi$e.FF8OC0O.;
8,ootnote <4 Cy =atin is all forgotten, if a &an can be sai% to ha$e
forgotten #hat he ne$er re&e&bere%I but ) bought &y titleF"age &otto of
a !atholic "riest for a threeFshilling bank token, after &uch haggling
for the e$en si-"ence. ) gru%ge% the &oney to a "a"ist, being all for
the &e&ory of Perce$al an% (Ao "o"ery,( an% Duite regretting the
%o#nfall of the "o"e, because #e can't burn hi& any &ore.FF8.e$ise Ao.
.; ;
8,ootnote K4 0ee '.ejecte% 5%%resses'.;
Cuse of the &anyFt#inkling feet3 81; #hose char&s
5re no# e-ten%e% u" fro& legs to ar&sI
Ter"sichore3FFtoo long &is%ee&e% a &ai%FF
.e"roachful ter&FFbesto#e% but to u"brai%FF
/enceforth in all the bronHe of brightness shine, 8i;
The least a Vestal of the Virgin Aine.
,ar be fro& thee an% thine the na&e of Pru%e4
Cocke% yet triu&"hantI sneere% at, unsub%ue%I
Thy legs &ust &o$e to conDuer as they fly,
)f but thy coats are reasonably high3 16
Thy breastFFif bare enoughFFreDuires no shiel%I
'ance forthFFOsans ar&ourO thou shalt take the fiel%
5n% o#nFFi&"regnable to O&ostO assaults,
Thy not too la#fully begotten (WaltH.(
/ail, ni&ble Ay&"h3 to #ho& the young hussar, 8;
The #hiskere% $otary of WaltH an% War,
/is night %e$otes, %es"ite of s"ur an% bootsI
5 sight un&atche% since >r"heus an% his brutes4
/ail, s"iritFstirring WaltH3FFbeneath #hose banners
5 &o%ern hero fought for &o%ish &annersI 6
>n /ounslo#'s heath to ri$al Wellesley's 8<; fa&e,
!ocke%, fire%, an% &isse% his &anFFbut gaine% his ai&I
/ail, &o$ing &use3 to #ho& the fair one's breast
Gi$es all it can, an% bi%s us take the rest.
>h3 for the flo# of Busby, 8K; or of ,itH,
The latter's loyalty, the for&er's #its,
To (energise the object ) "ursue,(
5n% gi$e both Belial an% his 'ance their %ue3 8ii;
)&"erial WaltH3 i&"orte% fro& the .hine
E,a&e% for the gro#th of "e%igrees an% #ineG, <6
=ong be thine i&"ort fro& all %uty free,
5n% /ock itself be less estee&e% than theeI
)n so&e fe# Dualities alikeFFfor /ock
)&"ro$es our cellarFFOthouO our li$ing stock.
The hea% to /ock belongsFFthy subtler art
)nto-icates alone the hee%less heart4
Through the full $eins thy gentler "oison s#i&s,
5n% #akes to Wantonness the #illing li&bs.
>h, Ger&any3 ho# &uch to thee #e o#e,
5s hea$enFborn Pitt can testify belo#, K6
Ere curse% !onfe%eration &a%e thee ,rance's,
5n% only left us thy %FF% %ebts an% %ances3 87;
>f subsi%ies an% /ano$er bereft,
We bless thee stillFFGeorge the Thir% is left3
>f kings the bestFFan% last, not least in #orth,
,or graciously begetting George the ,ourth.
To Ger&any, an% /ighnesses serene,
Who o#e us &illionsFF%on't #e o#e the LueenM
To Ger&any, #hat o#e #e not besi%esM
0o oft besto#ing Bruns#ickers an% bri%esI 76
Who "ai% for $ulgar, #ith her royal bloo%,
'ra#n fro& the ste& of each Teutonic stu%4
Who sent usFFso be "ar%one% all her faultsFF
5 %oHen %ukes, so&e kings, a LueenFFan% WaltH.
But "eace to herFFher E&"eror an% 'iet,
Though no# transferre% to Buona"arte's (fiat3(
Back to &y the&eFF> &use of Cotion3 say,
/o# first to 5lbion foun% thy WaltH her #ayM
Borne on the breath of /y"erborean gales,
,ro& /a&burg's "ort E#hile /a&burg yet ha% O&ailsOG, :6
Ere yet unlucky ,a&eFFco&"elle% to cree"
To sno#y GottenburgF#as chille% to slee"I
>r, starting fro& her slu&bers, %eigne% arise,
/eligolan%3 to stock thy &art #ith liesI 8iii;
While unburnt Cosco# 8:; yet ha% ne#s to sen%,
Aor o#e% her fiery E-it to a frien%,
0he ca&eFFWaltH ca&eFFan% #ith her certain sets
>f true %es"atches, an% as true GaHettesI
Then fla&e% of 5usterlitH the blest %es"atch, 82;
Which OConiteurO nor OCorning PostO can &atch 26
5n%FFal&ost crushe% beneath the glorious ne#sFF
Ten "lays, an% forty tales of BotHebue'sI 89;
>ne en$oy's letters, si- co&"oser's airs,
5n% loa%s fro& ,rankfort an% fro& =ei"sic fairs4
Ceiners' four $olu&es u"on Wo&ankin%, 81;
=ike =a"lan% #itches to ensure a #in%I
Brunck's hea$iest to&e for ballast, 816; an%, to back it,
>f /eyne, 811; such as shoul% not sink the "acket. 8i$;
,raught #ith this cargoFFan% her fairest freight,
'elightful WaltH, on ti"toe for a Cate, 96
The #elco&e $essel reache% the genial stran%,
5n% roun% her flocke% the %aughters of the lan%.
Aot %ecent 'a$i%, #hen, before the ark,
/is gran% OPasFseulO e-cite% so&e re&arkI
Aot lo$eFlorn Lui-ote, #hen his 0ancho thought
The knight's O,an%angoO friskier than it oughtI
Aot soft /ero%ias, #hen, #ith #inning trea%,
/er ni&ble feet %ance% off another's hea%I
Aot !leo"atra on her Galley's 'eck,
'is"laye% so &uch of OlegO or &ore of OneckO, 16
Than Thou, a&brosial WaltH, #hen first the Coon
Behel% thee t#irling to a 0a-on tune3
To *ou, ye husban%s of ten years3 #hose bro#s
5che #ith the annual tributes of a s"ouseI
To you of nine years less, #ho only bear
The bu%%ing s"routs of those that you OshallO #ear,
With a%%e% orna&ents aroun% the& rolle%
>f nati$e brass, or la#Fa#ar%e% gol%I
To *ou, ye Catrons, e$er on the #atch
To &ar a son's, or &ake a %aughter's &atchI 166
To *ou, ye chil%ren ofFF#ho& chance accor%sFF
O5l#aysO the =a%ies, an% Oso&eti&esO their =or%sI
To *ou, ye single gentle&en, #ho seek
Tor&ents for life, or "leasures for a #eekI
5s =o$e or /y&en your en%ea$ours gui%e,
To gain your o#n, or snatch another's bri%eIFF
To one an% all the lo$ely 0tranger ca&e,
5n% e$ery BallFroo& echoes #ith her na&e.
En%earing WaltH3FFto thy &ore &elting tune
Bo# )rish ?ig, an% ancient .iga%oon. 81; 116
0cotch reels, a$aunt3 an% !ountryF%ance forego
*our future clai&s to each fantastic toe3
WaltHFFWaltH aloneFFboth legs an% ar&s %e&an%s,
=iberal of feet, an% la$ish of her han%sI
/an%s #hich &ay freely range in "ublic sight
Where ne'er beforeFFbutFF"ray ("ut out the light.(
Cethinks the glare of yon%er chan%elier
0hines &uch too farFFor ) a& &uch too nearI
5n% true, though strangeFFWaltH #his"ers this re&ark,
(Cy sli""ery ste"s are safest in the %ark3( 16
But here the Cuse #ith %ue %ecoru& halts,
5n% len%s her longest "etticoat to (WaltH.(
>bser$ant Tra$ellers of e$ery ti&e3
*e Luartos "ublishe% u"on e$ery cli&e3
6 say, shall %ull O.o&aika'sO hea$y roun%,
O,an%ango'sO #riggle, or OBolero'sO boun%I
!an Egy"t's O5l&asO 81<;FFtantalising grou"FF
!olu&bia's ca"erers to the #arlike Whoo"FF
!an aught fro& col% Ba&schatka to !a"e /orn
With WaltH co&"are, or after WaltH be bornM 1<6
5h, no3 fro& Corier's "ages %o#n to Galt's, 81K;
Each tourist "ens a "aragra"h for (WaltH.(
0ha%es of those Belles #hose reign began of yore,
With George the Thir%'sFFan% en%e% long before3FF
Though in your %aughters' %aughters yet you thri$e, 8$;
Burst fro& your lea%, an% be yoursel$es ali$e3
Back to the BallFroo& s"ee% your s"ectre% host,
,ool's Para%ise is %ull to that you lost. 8$i;
Ao treacherous "o#%er bi%s !onjecture DuakeI
Ao stiffFstarche% stays &ake &e%%ling fingers acheI 8$ii; 1K6
ETransferre% to those a&biguous things that a"e
Goats in their $isage, 817; #o&en in their sha"eIG
Ao %a&sel faints #hen rather closely "resse%,
But &ore caressing see&s #hen &ost caresse%I
0u"erfluous /artshorn, an% re$i$ing 0alts,
Both banishe% by the so$ereign cor%ial (WaltH.(
0e%ucti$e WaltH3FFthough on thy nati$e shore
E$en Werter's self "roclai&e% thee half a #horeI
WerterFFto %ecent $ice though &uch incline%,
*et #ar&, not #antonI %aHHle%, but not blin%FF 176
Though gentle Genlis, 81:; in her strife #ith 0tael,
Woul% e$en "roscribe thee fro& a Paris ballI
The fashion hailsFFfro& !ountesses to Lueens,
5n% &ai%s an% $alets #altH behin% the scenesI
Wi%e an% &ore #i%e thy #itching circle s"rea%s,
5n% turnsFFif nothing elseFFat least our Ohea%sOI
With thee e$en clu&sy cits atte&"t to bounce,
5n% cockney's "ractise #hat they can't "ronounce.
Go%s3 ho# the glorious the&e &y strain e-alts,
5n% .hy&e fin%s "artner .hy&e in "raise of (WaltH3( 1:6
Blest #as the ti&e WaltH chose for her O%ebutO3
The !ourt, the .egent, like herself #ere ne#I 812;
Ae# face for frien%s, for foes so&e ne# re#ar%sI
Ae# orna&ents for blackFan% royal Guar%sI 8$iii;
Ae# la#s to hang the rogues that roare% for brea%I
Ae# coins E&ost ne#G 819; to follo# those that fle%I
Ae# $ictoriesFFnor can #e "riHe the& less,
Though ?enky 811; #on%ers at his o#n successI
Ae# #ars, because the ol% succee% so #ell,
That &ost sur$i$ors en$y those #ho fellI 126
Ae# &istressesFFno, ol%FFan% yet 'tis true,
Though they be Ool%O, the OthingO is so&ething ne#I
Each ne#, Duite ne#FFEe-ce"t so&e ancient tricksG, 86;
Ae# #hiteFsticksFFgol%FsticksFFbroo&FsticksFFOall ne# sticksO3
With $ests or riban%sFF%ecke% alike in hue,
Ae# troo"ers strut, ne# turncoats blush in blue4
0o saith the Cuse4 &yFFFF, 81; #hat say youM
0uch #as the ti&e #hen WaltH &ight best &aintain
/er ne# "refer&ents in this no$el reignI
0uch #as the ti&e, nor e$er yet #as suchI 196
/oo"s are O &oreO, an% "etticoats Onot &uchOI
Corals an% Cinuets, Virtue an% her stays,
5n% tellFtale "o#%erFFall ha$e ha% their %ays.
The Ball beginsFFthe honours of the house
,irst %uly %one by %aughter or by s"ouse,
0o&e PotentateFFor royal or sereneFF
With Bent's gay grace, or sa"ient Gloster's &ien, 8i-;
=ea%s forth the rea%y %a&e, #hose rising flush
Cight once ha$e been &istaken for a blush.
,ro& #here the garb just lea$es the boso& free, 116
That s"ot #here hearts 8; #ere once su""ose% to beI
.oun% all the confines of the yiel%e% #aist,
The strangest han% &ay #an%er un%is"lace%4
The la%y's in return &ay gras" as &uch
5s "rincely "aunches offer to her touch.
Please% roun% the chalky floor ho# #ell they tri"
>ne han% re"osing on the royal hi"3 8<;
The other to the shoul%er no less royal
5scen%ing #ith affection truly loyal3
Thus front to front the "artners &o$e or stan%, 66
The foot &ay rest, but none #ith%ra# the han%I
5n% all in turn &ay follo# in their rank,
The Earl ofFF5steriskFFan% =a%yFFBlankI
0irFF0uchFaFoneFF#ith those of fashion's host, 8-; 8K;
,or #hose blest surna&esFF$i%e (Corning Post.(
E>r if for that i&"artial "rint too late,
0earch 'octors' !o&&ons si- &onths fro& &y %ateGFF
Thus all an% each, in &o$e&ent s#ift or slo#,
The genial contact gently un%ergoI
Till so&e &ight &ar$el, #ith the &o%est Turk, 16
)f (nothing follo#s all this "al&ing #orkM( 87;
True, honest CirHa3FFyou &ay trust &y rhy&eFF
0o&ething %oes follo# at a fitter ti&eI
The breast thus "ublicly resigne% to &an,
)n "ri$ate &ay resist hi&FFif it can.
> ye #ho lo$e% our Gran%&others of yore,
,itH"atrick, 8:; 0heri%an, an% &any &ore3
5n% thou, &y Prince3 #hose so$ereign taste an% #ill 8-i;
)t is to lo$e the lo$ely bel%a&es still3
Thou Ghost of Lueensberry3 82; #hose ju%ging 0"rite 6
0atan &ay s"are to "ee" a single night,
PronounceFFif e$er in your %ays of bliss
5s&o%eus struck so bright a stroke as thisI
To teach the young i%eas ho# to rise,
,lush in the cheek, an% languish in the eyesI
.ush to the heart, an% lighten through the fra&e,
With halfFtol% #ish, an% illF%isse&ble% fla&e,
,or "rurient Aature still #ill stor& the breastFF
OWhoO, te&"te% thus, can ans#er for the restM
But yeFF#ho ne$er felt a single thought <6
,or #hat our Corals are to be, or oughtI
Who #isely #ish the char&s you $ie# to rea",
0ayFF#oul% you &ake those beauties Duite so chea"M
/ot fro& the han%s "ro&iscuously a""lie%,
.oun% the slight #aist, or %o#n the glo#ing si%e,
Where #ere the ra"ture then to clas" the for&
,ro& this le#% gras" an% la#less contact #ar&M 8-ii;
5t once =o$e's &ost en%earing thought resign,
To "ress the han% so "resse% by none but thineI
To gaHe u"on that eye #hich ne$er &et K6
5nother's ar%ent look #ithout regretI
5""roach the li" #hich all, #ithout restraint,
!o&e near enoughFFif not to touchFFto taintI
)f such thou lo$estFFlo$e her then no &ore,
>r gi$eFFlike herFFcaresses to a scoreI
/er Cin% #ith these is gone, an% #ith it go
The little left behin% it to besto#.
Volu"tuous WaltH3 an% %are ) thus blas"he&eM
Thy bar% forgot thy "raises #ere his the&e.
Ter"sichore forgi$e3FFat e$ery Ball 76
Cy #ife Ono#O #altHesFFan% &y %aughters OshallOI
OCyO sonFFEor sto"FF'tis nee%less to inDuireFF
These little acci%ents shoul% ne'er trans"ireI
0o&e ages hence our genealogic tree 8-iii;
Will #ear as green a bough for hi& as &eGFF
WaltHing shall rear, to &ake our na&e a&en%s
Gran%sons for &eFFin heirs to all his frien%s.
8,ootnote 14 (Glance their &anyFt#inkling feet.(FFG.5*.;
8,ootnote 4 =ines 17F9 %o not a""ear in the C0., but ten lines
Eo&itting lines 1FKG #ere inserte% in Proof Ao. 1.;
8,ootnote <4 To ri$al =or% Wellesley's, or his ne"he#'s, as the rea%er
"leases4FFthe one gaine% a "retty #o&an, #ho& he %eser$e%, by fighting
forI an% the other has been fighting in the Peninsula &any a long %ay,
(by 0hre#sbury clock,( #ithout gaining anything in 'that' country but
the title of (the Great =or%,( an% (the =or%I( #hich sa$ours of
"rofanation, ha$ing been hitherto a""lie% only to that Being to #ho&
('Te 'eu&s'( for carnage are the rankest blas"he&y.FF)t is to be
"resu&e% the general #ill one %ay return to his 0abine far&4 there
(To ta&e the genius of the stubborn "lain,
'5l&ost as Duickly' as he conDuer'% 0"ain3(
The =or% Peterborough conDuere% continents in a su&&erI #e %o &oreFF#e
contri$e both to conDuer an% lose the& in a shorter season. )f the
(great =or%'s( '!incinnatian' "rogress in agriculture be no s"ee%ier
than the "ro"ortional a$erage of ti&e in Po"e's cou"let, it #ill,
accor%ing to the far&er's "ro$erb, be ("loughing #ith %ogs.(
By the byeFFone of this illustrious "erson's ne# titles is forgottenFFit
is, ho#e$er, #orth re&e&beringFF('0al$a%or %el &un%o3( cre%ite,
"osteri'3 )f this be the a""ellation anne-e% by the inhabitants of the
Peninsula to the na&e of a '&an' #ho has not yet sa$e% the&FFDueryFFare
they #orth sa$ing, e$en in this #orl%M for, accor%ing to the &il%est
&o%ifications of any !hristian cree%, those three #or%s &ake the o%%s
&uch against the& in the ne-tFF(0a$iour of the #orl%,( Duotha3FFit #ere
to be #ishe% that he, or any one else, coul% sa$e a corner of itFFhis
country. *et this stu"i% &isno&er, although it sho#s the near connection
bet#een su"erstition an% i&"iety, so far has its use, that it "ro$es
there can be little to %rea% fro& those !atholics EinDuisitorial
!atholics tooG #ho can confer such an a""ellation on a 'Protestant'. )
su""ose ne-t year he #ill be entitle% the (Virgin CaryI( if so, =or%
George Gor%on hi&self #oul% ha$e nothing to object to such liberal
bastar%s of our =a%y of Babylon.
8Willia& PoleFWellesley E1297MF1972G, after#ar%s fourth =or% Cornington,
a ne"he# of the great 'uke of Wellington, &arrie%, in Carch, 191,
!atharine, %aughter an% heiress of 0ir Tylney =ong, Bart. >n his
&arriage he a%%e% his #ife's %ouble surna&e to his o#n, an%, thereby,
ga$e the #its their chance. )n '.ejecte% 5%%resses' ,itHgeral% is &a%e
to e-clai&FF
(Bless e$ery &an "ossess'% of aught to gi$e,
=ong &ay =ongFTilneyFWellesleyF=ongFPole li$e.(
The "rinci"als in the %uel to #hich Byron allu%es #ere WellesleyFPole
an% =or% Bil#orth. The occasion of the Duarrel #as a &isconce"tion of
so&e e-"ression of Pole's at an asse&bly at =a%y /a#ar%en's E5ugust :,
1911G. 5 &eeting took "lace on Wi&ble%on !o&&on E5ugust 1G, at #hich the
secon%s inter$ene%, an% e$erything #as (a&icably a%juste%.( 0o&e %ays
later a letter a""eare% in the 'Corning Post' E5ugust 1K, 1911G, signe%
(Bil#orth,( to the effect that an a"ology ha% been offere% an% acce"te%.
This le% to a secon% &eeting on /ounslo# /eath E5ugust 17G, #hen shots
#ere e-change%. 5gain the secon%s inter$ene%, an%, after &ore
e-"lanations, &atters #ere finally arrange%. 5 'jeu %'es"rit' #hich
a""eare% in the 'Corning !hronicle' E5ugust 1:, 1911G connects the
(&ortal fracas( #ith Pole's "ro#ess in #altHing at a fete at Wanstea%
/ouse, near /ackney, #here, #hen the heiress ha% been #ooe% an% #on, his
guests use% to %ine at &i%night after the o"era.
(Ci% the tu&ult of #altHing an% #il% )rish reels,
5 "ri&e %ancer, )'& sure to get at herFF
5n% by =o$e's graceful &o$e&ents to tri" u" her heels,
)s the =ong an% the short of the &atter.(;
8,ootnote K4 Tho&as Busby, Cus. 'oc. E1277F19<9G, &usical co&"oser, an%
author of '5 Ae# an% !o&"lete Cusical 'ictionary', 1961, etc. /e #as
also a $ersifier. 5s early as 1297 he "ublishe% 'The 5ge of Genius, 5
0atire'I an%, after he ha% cease% to co&"ose &usic for the stage,
brought out a translation of =ucretius, #hich ha% long been in C0. /is
(rejecte% a%%ress( on the reo"ening of 'rury =ane Theatre, #oul% ha$e
been recite% by his son E>ctober 17G, but the gallery refuse% to hear it
out. >n the ne-t night E>ctober 1:G (Caster( Busby #as &ore successful.
Byron's "aro%y of Busby's a%%ress, #hich began #ith the line, (When
energising objects &en "ursue,( is hea%e%, (Parenthetical 5%%ress. By
'r. Plagiary.(;
8,ootnote 74 The !onfe%eration of the .hine E196<F191<G, by #hich the
courts of Wuerte&berg an% Ba$aria, together #ith so&e lesser
"rinci"alities, %etache% the&sel$es fro& the Ger&anic Bo%y, an% acce"te%
the i&&e%iate "rotection of ,rance.;
8,ootnote :4 The "atriotic arson of our a&iable allies cannot be
sufficiently co&&en%e%FFnor subscribe% for. 5&ongst other %etails
o&itte% in the $arious 85; %es"atches of our eloDuent a&bassa%or, he %i%
not state Ebeing too &uch occu"ie% #ith the e-"loits of !olonel !FFFF,
in s#i&&ing ri$ers froHen, an% gallo"ing o$er roa%s i&"assable,G that
one entire "ro$ince "erishe% by fa&ine in the &ost &elancholy &anner, as
follo#s4FF)n General .osto"chin's consu&&ate conflagration, the
consu&"tion of tallo# an% train oil #as so great, that the &arket #as
ina%eDuate to the %e&an%4 an% thus one hun%re% an% thirtyFthree thousan%
"ersons #ere star$e% to %eath, by being re%uce% to #holeso&e %iet3 the
la&"Flighters of =on%on ha$e since subscribe% a "int Eof oilG a "iece,
an% the tallo#Fchan%lers ha$e unani&ously $ote% a Duantity of best
&oul%s Efour to the "oun%G, to the relief of the sur$i$ing
0cythiansIFFthe scarcity #ill soon, by such e-ertions, an% a "ro"er
attention to the 'Duality' rather than the Duantity of "ro$ision, be
totally alle$iate%. )t is sai%, in return, that the untouche% @kraine
has subscribe% si-ty thousan% bee$es for a %ay's &eal to our suffering
8/a&burg fell to Aa"oleon's forces in 1916, an% thenceFfor#ar% the &ails
fro& the north of Euro"e #ere %es"atche% fro& 5nholt, or Gothenberg, or
/eligolan%. )n 1911 an atte&"t to enforce the conscri"tion resulte% in
the e&igration of nu&bers of young &en of suitable age for &ilitary
ser$ice. The unfortunate city #as %e"ri$e% of &ails an% &ales at the
sa&e ti&e. /eligolan%, #hich #as taken by the British in 1962, an%
turne% into a %e"ot for the i&"ortation of s&uggle% goo%s to ,rench
territory, affor%e% a &eetingF"lace for British an% continental tra%ers.
Cails fro& /eligolan% %etaile% ru&ours of #hat #as taking "lace at the
centres of #arI but the ne#s"a"ers occasionally thre# %oubts on the
infor&ation obtaine% fro& this source. =or% !athcart's %es"atch, %ate%
Ao$e&ber <, a""eare% in the 'GaHette' 'ece&ber 1:, 191. The "aragra"h
#hich a""eale% to Byron's sense of hu&our is as follo#s4 (The e-"e%ition
of !olonel !hernichef E'sic'G 8the !Har's ai%eF%eFca&"; #as a continue%
an% e-traor%inary e-ertion, he ha$ing &arche% se$en hun%re% #ersts
E'sic'G in fi$e %ays, an% s#a& se$eral ri$ers.(;
80ubF,ootnote 54 Veracious %es"atches.FF8'C0. C'.; ;
8,ootnote 24 5usterlitH #as fought on 'ec. , 1967. >n 'ec. 6 the
'Corning !hronicle' "ublishe% a co&&unication fro& a corres"on%ent,
gi$ing the substance of Aa"oleon's (Procla&ation to the 5r&y,( issue% on
the e$ening after the battle, #hich ha% reache% Bourrienne, the ,rench
&inister at /a&burg. (5n ar&y,( ran the "rocla&ation, (of 166,666 &en,
#hich #as co&&an%e% by the E&"erors of .ussia an% 5ustria, has been in
less than four hours either cut off or %is"erse%.( )t #as an official
note of this (blest %es"atch,( for#ar%e% by courier to Bath, #hich
brought (the hea$y ne#s( to Pitt, an%, it is belie$e%, hastene% his
8,ootnote 94 5ugust ,re%erick ,er%inan% $on BotHebue E12:1F1911G, #ho&
!oleri%ge a""raise% as (the Ger&an Beau&ont an% ,letcher #ithout their
"oetic "o#ers,( an% !arlyle as (a bun%le of %ye% rags,( #rote o$er a
hun%re% "lays, "ublishing t#enty #ithin a fe# years.
5n a%a"tation of 'Cisanthro"y an% .e"entance' as 'The 0tranger',
0heri%an's 'PiHarro', an% =e#is' '!astle 0"ectre' are #ellFkno#n
instances of his "o#erful influence on English %ra&atists.
(The Present,( #rites 0ara !oleri%ge, in a note to one of her father's
letters, (#ill e$er ha$e her s"ecial $otaries in the #orl% of letters,
#ho collect into their focus, by a kin% of burningFglass, the feelings
of the %ay. 5&ongst such BotHebue hol%s a high rank. Those '%ye% rags'
of his once for&e% gorgeous banners, an% flaunte% in the eyes of
refine% co&"anies fro& =on%on to Ca%ri%, fro& Paris to
!oleri%ge's 'Biogra"hia =iteraria' E19K2G, ii. 2.;
8,ootnote 14 5 translation of !hristo"her Ceiner's '/istory of the
,e&ale 0e-', in four $olu&es, #as "ublishe% in =on%on in 1969. =a"lan%
#iHar%s, not #itches, #ere sai% to raise stor&s by knotting "ieces of
string, #hich they e-"ose% to the #in%.;
8,ootnote 164 .ichar% ,ranH Phili""e Brunck E121F196<G. /is e%itions of
the '5nthologia Graeca', an% of the Greek %ra&atists are a&ong his best
kno#n #orks. !o&"are 0heri%an's %oggerelFF
(/uge lea$es of that great co&&entator, ol% Brunck,
Perha"s is the "a"er that line% &y "oor 'Trunk'.(;
8,ootnote 114 !hristian Gottlob /eyne E121F191G "ublishe% e%itions of
'Virgil' E12:2F1227G, 'Pin%ar' E122<G, an% '>"uscula 5ca%e&ica', in si-
$ols. E1297F191G.;
8,ootnote 14 5 li$ely %ance for one cou"le, characteriHe% by a "eculiar
ju&"ing ste". )t "robably originate% in Pro$ence.;
8,ootnote 1<4 'ancing girlsFF#ho %o for hire #hat WaltH %oth gratis.
8The .o&aika is a &o%ern Greek %ance, characteriHe% by ser"entining
figures an% han%kerchiefFthro#ing a&ong the %ancers. The ,an%ango
E0"aniar%s use the #or% (segui%illa(G #as of Coorish origin. The Bolero
#as brought fro& Pro$ence, circ. 1296.
(The Bolero into-icates, the ,an%ango
E'/ist. of 'ancing', by G. VuillierF/eine&ann, 1919G.;;
8,ootnote 1K4 ,or Corier, see note to line 11. Galt has a "aragra"h
%escri"ti$e of the #altHing 'er$ishes E'Voyages an% Tra$els' E191G,
8,ootnote 174 )t cannot be co&"laine% no#, as in the =a%y Baussiere's
ti&e, of the (0ieur %e la !roi-,( that there be (no #hiskersI( but ho#
far these are in%ications of $alour in the fiel%, or else#here, &ay
still be Duestionable. Cuch &ay be, an% hath beenI85; a$ouche% on both
si%es. )n the ol%en ti&e "hiloso"hers ha% #hiskers, an% sol%iers
noneFF0ci"io hi&self #as sha$enFF/annibal thought his one eye han%so&e
enough #ithout a bear%I but 5%rian, the e&"eror, #ore a bear% Eha$ing
#arts on his chin, #hich neither the E&"ress 0abina nor e$en the
courtiers coul% abi%eGFFTurenne ha% #hiskers, Carlborough
noneFFBuona"arte is un#hiskere%, the .egent #hiskere%I ('argal'(
greatness of &in% an% #hiskers &ay or &ay not go togetherI but certainly
the %ifferent occurrences, since the gro#th of the last &entione%, go
further in behalf of #hiskers than the anathe&a of 5nsel& %i%
'against' long hair in the reign of /enry ).FF,or&erly, 're%'
#as a fa$ourite colour. 0ee =o%o#ick Barrey's co&e%y of '.a&
5lley', 1::1I 5ct ). 0cene ).
'Taffeta'. Ao# for a #agerFFWhat coloure% bear% co&es ne-t by the
'5%riana'. 5 black &an's, ) think.
'Taffeta'. ) think not so4 ) think a 're%', for that is &ost in
There is (nothing ne# un%er the sun4( but 're%', then a 'fa$ourite', has
no# subsi%e% into a fa$ourite's colour. 8This is, %oubtless, an allusion
to =or% *ar&outh, #hose fiery #hiskers gaine% hi& the nickna&e of (.e%
80ubF,ootnote 54 The "aragra"h (Cuch &ay be( %o#n to (reign of /enry
).( #as a%%e% in .e$ise 1, an% the re&ain%er of the note in .e$ise .;;
8,ootnote 1:4 Ca%a&e Genlis E0te"hanie ,elicite 'ucrest, CarDuise %e
0illeryG, co&&enting on the #altH, #rites,
(5s a foreigner, ) shall not take the liberty to censure this kin% of
%anceI but this ) can say, that it a""ears intolerable to Ger&an
#riters of su"erior &erits #ho are not accuse% of se$erity of
an% by #ay of e-a&"le instances C. ?acobi, #ho affir&s that (Werther
E'0orro#s of Werther', =etter i-.G, the lo$er of !harlotte, s#ears that,
#ere he to "erish for it, ne$er shoul% a girl for #ho& he entertaine%
any affection, an% on #ho& he ha% honourable $ie#s, %ance the #altH #ith
any other &an besi%es hi&self.(FF'0elections fro& the Works of Ca%a&e %e
Genlis' E196:G, ". :7.
!o&"are, too, (,aulklan%( on countryF%ances in 'The .i$als', act ii. sc.
(!ountryF%ances3 jigs an% reels3 ... 5 &inuet ) coul% ha$e forgi$en
... Noun%s3 ha% she &a%e one in a cotillonFF) belie$e ) coul% ha$e
forgi$en e$en thatFFbut to be &onkeyFle% for a night3 to run the
gauntlet through a string of a&orous "al&ing "u""ies ... >h, ?ack,
there ne$er can be but one &an in the #orl% #ho& a truly &o%est an%
%elicate #o&an ought to "air #ith in a countryF%anceI an% e$en then,
the rest of the cou"les shoul% be her greatFuncles an% aunts3(;
8,ootnote 124 5n anachronis&FFWaltH an% the battle of 5usterlitH are
before sai% to ha$e o"ene% the ball togetherI the bar% &eans Eif he
&eans anythingG, WaltH #as not so &uch in $ogue till the .egent attaine%
the ac&e of his "o"ularity. WaltH, the co&et, #hiskers, an% the ne#
go$ern&ent, illu&inate% hea$en an% earth, in all their glory, &uch about
the sa&e ti&e4 of these the co&et only has %isa""eare%I the other three
continue to astonish us still.FF'Printers 'e$il'.
85s the 'Printer's 'e$il' inti&ates, the $arious no$elties of the age of
(WaltH( are so&e#hat loosely enu&erate%. The !o&et, #hich signaliHe%
1911, the year of the restricte% .egency, ha% %isa""eare% before the
Prince an% his satellites burst into full blaHe in 191. )t #as Esee
'/istorical .ecor% of the =ife Guar%s', 19<7, ".122G in 191 that the
Prince .egent co&&an%e% the follo#ing alterations to be &a%e in the
eDui"&ents of the regi&ent of =ife Guar%s4 (!ocke% hats #ith feathers to
be %iscontinue%, an% brass hel&ets #ith black horsehair crests
substitute%. =ong coats, tri&&e% #ith gol% lace across the front. 0hirts
an% cuffs to be re"lace% by short coatees,( etc., etc. )n the sa&e
branch of the ser$ice, #hiskers #ere alrea%y in $ogue. The (ne# la#s(
#ere those e&bo%ie% in the (,ra&eF#ork Bill,( #hich Byron %enounce% in
his s"eech in the /ouse of =or%s, ,eb. 2, 191. ,or&erly the breaking
of fra&es ha% been treate% (as a &inor felony, "unishable by
trans"ortation for fourteen years,( an% the object of the bill #as to
&ake such offences ca"ital. The bill "asse% into la# on Carch 7, an% as
a result #e rea% E'5nnual .egister', 191, "". <9, <1G that on Cay K a
s"ecial co&&ission for the rioters of !heshire #as o"ene% by ?u%ge
'allas at !hester. (/is lor%shi" "asse% the a#ful sentence of %eath u"on
si-teen, an% in a &ost i&"ressione% a%%ress, hel% out not the s&allest
ho"e of &ercy.( >f these fi$e 'only' #ere hange%.
>#ing to the scarcity of sil$er coinage, the Bank of Englan% #as
e&"o#ere% to issue bankFtokens for $arious su&s ECr. /orne& bought his
&otto for 'The WaltH' #ith a threeFshilling bankFtokenI see 'note' to
PrefaceG #hich ca&e into circulation on ?uly 1, 1911. The (ne#
nine"ences( #hich #ere sai% to be forthco&ing ne$er "asse% into
circulation at all. 5 single ("attern( coin Eon the ob$erse, 'Bank
Token, Aine"ence, 191'G is "reser$e% in the British Cuseu& Esee
"ri$ately "rinte% '!atalogue', by W. Boyne E19::G, ".11G. The (ne#
$ictories( #ere the fall of !iu%a% .o%rigo E?an. 12G, the ca"ture of
Ba%ajoH E5"ril 2G, an% the Battle of 0ala&anca E?uly 1, 191G. By #ay
of (ne# #ars,( the Presi%ent of the @nite% 0tates %eclare% #ar #ith
Great Britain on ?une 19, an% Great Britain #ith the @nite% 0tates, >ct.
1<, 191. 5s to (ne# &istresses,( for a reference to ('>ur' 0ultan's(
(sheF"ro&otions( of (those only "lu&" an% sage, Who'$e reache% the
regulation age,( see ')nterce"te% =etters, or the T#o"enny PostFbag', by
Tho&as Bro#n the *ounger, 191<, an% for (gol% sticks,( etc., see
(Pro&otions( in the '5nnual .egister' for Carch, 191, in #hich a long
list of /ousehol% a""oint&ents is %uly recor%e%.;;
8,ootnote 194 5&ongst others a ne# nine"enceFFa cre%itable coin no#
forthco&ing, #orth a "oun%, in "a"er, at the fairest calculation.;
8,ootnote 114 .obert Banks ?enkinson, secon% Earl of =i$er"ool, #as
0ecretary at War an% for the !olonies fro& 1961 to 191, in 0"encer
Perce$al's a%&inistration, an%, on the assassination of the "re&ier,
un%ertook the go$ern&ent. Both as 0ecretary at War an% as Pri&e Cinister
his chief efforts #ere %e$ote% to the su""ort of Wellington in the
8,ootnote 64 (>h that 'right' shoul% thus o$erco&e '&ight3'( Who %oes
not re&e&ber the (%elicate in$estigation( in the 'Cerry Wi$es of
',or%'. Pray you, co&e nearI if ) sus"ect #ithout cause, #hy then &ake
s"ort at &eI then let &e be your jestI ) %eser$e it. /o# no#M #hither
bear you thisM
'Crs. ,or%'. What ha$e you to %o #hither they bear itMFF*ou #ere best
&e%%le #ith buckF#ashing.(
85ct iii. sc. <.;
8,ootnote 14 The gentle, or ferocious, rea%er &ay fill u" the blank as
he "leasesFFthere are se$eral %issyllabic na&es at 'his' ser$ice Ebeing
alrea%y in the .egent'sG4 it #oul% not be fair to back any "eculiar
initial against the al"habet, as e$ery &onth #ill a%% to the list no#
entere% for the s#ee"FstakesIFFa %istinguishe% consonant is sai% to be
the fa$ourite, &uch against the #ishes of the 'kno#ing ones'.FF8'.e$ise';
8)n the .e$ise the line, #hich is not in the C0., ran, (0o saith the
CuseI &y CFFFF#hat say youM( The na&e inten%e% to be su""lie% is
>n Perce$al's %eath ECay 11 191G, =or% =i$er"ool beca&e Pri&e Cinister,
but #as unable to carry on the go$ern&ent. 5ccor%ingly the Prince .egent
%esire% the CarDuis Wellesley an% !anning to a""roach =or%s Grey an%
Gren$ille #ith regar% to the for&ation of a coalition &inistry. They
#ere unsuccessful, an% as a ne-t ste" =or% Coira E,rancis .a#%on, first
CarDuis of /astings, 127KF19:G #as e&"o#ere% to &ake o$ertures in the
sa&e Duarter. The Whig =or%s sti"ulate% that the regulation of the
/ousehol% shoul% rest #ith &inisters, an% to this Coira #oul% not
consent, "ossibly because the Prince's fa$ourite, =or% *ar&outh, #as
ViceF!ha&berlain. Aegotiations #ere again broken off, an% on ?une 1
=i$er"ool began his long ter& of office as Pri&e Cinister.
() sate,( #rites Byron, (in the %ebate or rather %iscussion in the
/ouse of =or%s on that Duestion Ethe secon% negotiationG i&&e%iately
behin% Coira, #ho, #hile Grey #as s"eaking, turne% roun% to &e
re"eate%ly, an% aske% &e #hether ) agree% #ith hi&. )t #as an a#k#ar%
Duestion to &e, #ho ha% not hear% both si%es. Coira ke"t re"eating to
&e, ')t is 'not' soI it is so an% so,'( etc.
E=etter to W. Bankes Eun%ate%G, '=ife', ". 1:G. /ence the Duestion, (Cy
Coira, #hat say youM(;
8,ootnote 4
(We ha$e change% all that,( says the Cock 'octorFF'tis all
goneFF5s&o%eus kno#s #here. 5fter all, it is of no great i&"ortance
ho# #o&en's hearts are %is"ose% ofI they ha$e nature's "ri$ilege to
%istribute the& as absur%ly as "ossible. But there are also so&e &en
#ith hearts so thoroughly ba%, as to re&in% us of those "heno&ena
often &entione% in natural historyI $iH. a &ass of soli% stoneFFonly
to be o"ene% by forceFFan% #hen %i$i%e%, you %isco$er a Otoa%O in the
centre, li$ely, an% #ith the re"utation of being $eno&ous.(
8)n the C0. the last sentence stoo%4 ()n this country there is Oone &anO
#ith a heart so thoroughly ba% that it re&in%s us of those unaccountable
"etrifactions often &entione% in natural history,( etc. The cou"letFF
(0uch things #e kno# are neither rich nor rare,
But #on%er ho# the 'e$il they got there,(
#hich #as affi-e% to the note, #as subseDuently erase%.;;
8,ootnote <4 !o&"are 0heri%an's lines on #altHing, #hich Coore
hear% hi& (re"eat in a %ra#ingFroo&(FF
(With tranDuil ste", an% ti&i% %o#ncast glance,
Behol% the #ellF"air'% cou"le no# a%$ance.
)n such s#eet "osture our first "arents &o$e%,
While, han% in han%, through E%en's bo#er they ro$e%.
Ere yet the %e$il, #ith "ro&ise fine an% false,
Turne% their "oor hea%s, an% taught the& ho# to #altH.
>ne han% gras"s hers, the other hol%s her hi".
,or so the la#'s lai% %o#n by Baron Tri".(;
8,ootnote K4 =ines 6KF62 are not in the C0., but #ere a%%e% in a
8,ootnote 74 )n Turkey a "ertinentFFhere an i&"ertinent an% su"erfluous
DuestionFFliterally "ut, as in the te-t, by a Persian to Corier, on
seeing a WaltH in Pera. 80ee '5 ?ourney through Persia', etc. By ?a&es
Corier, =on%on E191G, ". <:7.;
8,ootnote :4 .ichar% ,itH"atrick E12K2F191<G, secon% son of ?ohn, first
Earl of >ssory, ser$e% in the first 5&erican War at the battles of
Bran%y#ine an% Ger&ansto#n. /e sat as C.P. for Ta$istock for
thirtyFthree years. The chosen frien% an% co&"anion of ,o-, he #as a
"ro&inent &e&ber of the o""osition %uring the close of the eighteenth
century. )n the &inistry of (5ll the Talents( he #as 0ecretary at War.
/e %abble% in literature, #as one of the authors of the '.ollia%', an%
in 1227 "ublishe% ''orin%a4 5 To#n Eclogue'. /e #as note% for his social
gifts, an% in recognition, it is sai%, of his (fine &anners an% "olite
a%%ress,( inherite% a han%so&e annuity fro& the 'uke of Lueensberry.
Byron associates hi& #ith 0heri%an as 'un ho&&e galant' an% lea%er of
'ton' of the "ast generation.;
8,ootnote 24 Willia& 'ouglas, thir% Earl of Carch an% fourth 'uke of
Lueensberry E12KF1916G, other#ise (ol% L.,( #as cons"icuous as a
(bloo%( an% e$il li$er fro& youth to e-tre&e ol% age. /e #as a "atron of
the turf, a connoisseur of )talian >"era, an% 'surtout' an in$eterate
libertine. 5s a Whig, he hel% office in the /ousehol% %uring Aorth's
!oalition Cinistry, but throughout George the Thir%'s first illness in
1299, %is"laye% such in%ecent "artisanshi" #ith the Prince of Wales,
that, #hen the king reco$ere%, he lost his "ost. /is %uke%o& %ie% #ith
hi&, an% his i&&ense fortune #as %i$i%e% bet#een the heirs to his other
titles an% his frien%s. =or% *ar&outh, #hose #ife, Caria ,agniani, he
belie$e% to be his natural %aughter, #as one of the "rinci"al legatees.;
8,ootnote i4
'/enceforth #ith %ue unblushing brightness shine'.
8'C0. C'.; ;
8,ootnote ii4
'5n% #ea$e a cou"let #orthy the& an% you.'
8'Proof'.; ;
8,ootnote iii4
'To &ake /eligolan% the &art for lies'.
8'C0. C'.;
8,ootnote i$4
'5s &uch of /eyne as shoul% not sink the "acket'.
8'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote $4
'Who in your %aughters' %aughters yet sur$i$e
=ike BanDuo's s"irit be yoursel$es ali$e.'
8'C0. C.';;
8,ootnote $i4
'Elysiu&'s ill e-change% for that you lost'.
8'C0. C.';;
8,ootnote $ii4
'Ao stiffFstarche% stays &ake &e%%ling lo$ers ache'.
8'C0. C'.;;
8,ootnote $iii4
'Ae# ca"s an% ?ackets for the royal Guar%s'.
8'C0. C.';;
8,ootnote i-4
'With BFFt's gay grace, or sillyFBilly's &ien'.
8'C0. C.';
'With BFFt's gay grace, or GFFr's booby &ien'.
8'C0. erase%'.;
8,ootnote -4
'0irFF0uch a oneFF#ith Crs.FFCiss 0oFso'.
8,ootnote -i4
'5n% thou &y Prince #hose un%is"ute% #ill'.
8C0. C.;;
8,ootnote -ii4
',ro& this abo&inable contact #ar&'.
8'C0. C.';;
8,ootnote -iii4
'0o&e generations hence our Pe%igree
Will ne$er look the #orse for hi& or &e.'
8'C0, erase%'.;;
EA' >, V>=. ).
=>A'>A4 P.)ATE' B* W)==)5C !=>WE0 5A' 0>A0, =)C)TE',
0T5C,>.' 0T.EET 5A' !/5.)AG !.>00.
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