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Test 3 - Paper 2 - Writing

The Pelican Brief

Politics is one of the most important concepts inside the Pelican Briefs storyline because
tells the story of a young law student who tries to solve the mystery around the deaths of two
politicians who were murdered unexpectedly.
At first, in the story, nobody is able to see what is the connection between this two
assassinations. Primarily because both of the dead men were political opponents and apparently
had nothing in common. Only the main character finds out what that missing link could be.
At some point, she realizes that both politicians had a few similar characteristics, being the
most important one the fact that they were eco-conscious. This was the reason why they were
about to vote against the most powerful oil company in the country before they were murdered.
The company is seeking for a permission to drill inside the lands of a preserved area.
From this point forward, the whole narrative goes around on how easily the political process
can be corrupted by a few corporations and how the congress ends working in favor of some
particular interests.
It is clear, specially after reading this book, that sometimes the political agenda could be
influenced by a particular group without too much effort, and that only a minor group in our
societies would be curious enough to ask about what the true intentions behind those actions could
Unfortunately, this kind of political schemes are not unfamiliar in our world, but as the main
characters do in the book, we can step up against it as well.

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