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Six-Point Lesson Plan

Grade Lesson Title : Identifying differences in a variety of technological tools

Materials/Resources Needed : latos for students e!uied "ith a rogra# to #a$e grahs
%ocus and
&s "e re#e#'er fro# last class "e learned ho" to use different tyes of technologies to gather infor#ation on
different toics( Today "e are going to "or$ together in airs ) grous of t"o* and use our latos
To learn a'out different tyes of grahs and he infor#ation "e ut on each of the grahs(
)N-S-S reference*
.(IT(/(0 1se a variety of technology tools to organi2e data and infor#ation )e(g(3 "ord rocessor3
grahic organi2er3 audio and visual recording3 online colla'oration tools3 etc(*
Students "ill learn ho" to enter infor#ation onto different tyes of grahs on their
Students "ill learn "hat different tyes of grahs are and "hat they are used for
To effectively teach this lesson each air of students "ill need to 'e assigned a lato to us
to "or$ together to figure out ho" to access the different grahs and "hat they are used for
Today "e are going to learn "hat each grah is used for and ho" to ut data into each grah
4xlain the definition of "hat a 'ar grah is3 that it sho"s the nu#'er value of infor#ation
reresented 'y the height of rectangles "hich all have an e!ual "idth
Teacher "ill then ta$e a oll fro# students for infor#ation to use on the 'ar grah
&s$ the students "hat their favorite color is out of 'lue3 red3 yello"3 urle3 green
&s the teacher is ta$ing the oll3 he or she "ill "rite do"n the nu#'er of each dislayed for
the children to see
&fter collecting the infor#ation 'efore using the co#uter to enter the infor#ation first dra"
the 'ar grah on the 'oard3 allo"ing students to have a visual of "hat it should loo$ li$e on
the co#uter
Log onto .id 5one "e'site htts://nces(ed(gov/nces$ids/grahing/classic/'ar(as
4nter the Infor#ation into the correct slots to #a$e this 'ar grah exlain the definition of
each ste
No" give students a set of infor#ation to #a$e their o"n 'ar grah on the "e'site
&llo" students to "or$ "ith a artner to co#lete this activity "hile "al$ing around #a$ing
sure that they are understanding "hat needs to 'e done and co#leting the "or$
Six-Point Lesson Plan
6atch for students "ho #ay need additional hel understanding the concet or ho" to
enter the infor#ation
%or ho#e"or$ students "ill need to #a$e their o"n 'ar grah using infor#ation they collect
over the "ee$end
They "ill 'e given a sheet to hel guide the# to co#lete the grah at ho#e and then rint
and 'ring their grah to class on Monday(
-losure 7oes anyone have any !uestions on "hy "e learned to use the 'ar grah today8
6hat other infor#ation can "e dislay on the 'ar grah8
Next "ee$ "e are going to learn ho" to start learning ho" to do research on the co#uter

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