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Ten Rules For Being a Good


(and Member of Parliament)
Vicki Bourne
Former Senator
Australian Parliament
1. Be humble
There is no positional power.

Be aware of how little power you have individually.

Power is only a product of collective action.
2. Be nice to others
Keep people on side you might
need their support later.
3. Think strategically
Where is the power?

How can I get others to agree?

Who will back me?

Create a situation where everyone gains something.
4. Specialise

Pick a topic that interests you and research it

Become one of the experts in the Parliament on your

Eventually, others will seek your point of view,
publicly and privately, and this will give you
considerable standing and influence.
5. Have clear, achievable goals
Know what you want to achieve from the time you are elected.

Do not try to change the world.

Pick objectives that are measurable (this is good for your own
6. Understand the issues
Research. If you are discussing any issue
local to international make sure you have
all the most up-to-date information.
7. Listen to others
Do not think you understand it all. Others
experience will probably be different to yours, and
they may help you re-think your view.

Anyway, in a democracy their view also counts.
8. Learn how to say no
kindly and with respect
Sometimes this is not easy! But you
might need that persons support later so
avoid offending.
9. Understand your Institution
The more you understand the rules of
procedure and the traditions of the
parliament, the more you will be able to use
these to achieve your goals.

10. Earn respect
Show you respect the views and experience of

Demonstrate that you can be trusted

Learn to recognise corrupt behaviour.

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