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.#/657"*: unlverslLy of Colorado 8oulder / 1he uemlng CenLer for LnLrepreneurshlp
853 9$)6": 1he uemlng CenLer SLudenL LnLrepreneurshlp Ambassador
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WhaL ls Lhe uemlng CenLer for LnLrepreneurshlp?
1he uemlng CenLer for LnLrepreneurshlp prepares graduaLes Lo embrace key global challenges by
equlpplng Lhem Lo Lhlnk llke enLrepreneurs, acL as soclal lnnovaLors and dellver as successful
buslness leaders. 1he uemlng CenLer shapes enLrepreneurs who wanL Lo make a dlfference ln our
socleLy by creaLlng an envlronmenL LhaL fosLers and culLlvaLes lnnovaLlon. Pere aL Lhe CenLer we
are deLermlned Lo supporL enLrepreneurs and connecL Lhem Lo Colorado's enLrepreneurlal

Pow does Lhe uemlng CenLer serve sLudenLs?
1he uemlng CenLer sLrlves Lo reach all Cu-8oulder sLudenLs worklng ln concerL wlLh oLher Cu-
8oulder enLrepreneurlal deparLmenLs. Cur educaLlonal programs serve four maln groups of
sLudenLs: Leeds undergraduaLe sLudenLs, Leeds graduaLe sLudenLs, cross campus undergraduaLe
sLudenLs and cross campus graduaLe sLudenLs.
uemlng uses enLrepreneurshlp as Lhe common language Lo connecL sLudenLs across dlsclpllnes and
deepen Lhelr classroom experlence wlLh hlgh level experlenLlal and enLrepreneur opporLunlLles.

1hls poslLlon requlres a sLudenL who en[oys and would llke Lo grow and bulld Lhelr skllls around
evenL plannlng, communlcaLlons and program managemenL. key responslblllLles lnclude: 1) AcLlng
as an ambassador for Lhe uemlng CenLer beLween communlLy sLakeholders lncludlng Spark, a new
sLudenL co-worklng space, sLakeholders wlLhln Lhe uemlng communlLy, and 8oulder sLarLups, 2)
1he second ma[or ob[ecLlve ls worklng wlLh Lhe Leam Lo lncrease sLudenL ouLreach, uLlllzlng
Lechnology and soclal medla, 3) 1he flnal responslblllLy ls helplng run lLaunch a cross-campus
sLudenL lncubaLor where we brlng LogeLher sLudenLs who are lnLeresLed ln enLrepreneurshlp wlLh
experlenced enLrepreneurs Lhrough menLorshlp, workshops, and experlenLlal opporLunlLles.

SLrong communlcaLlon skllls
asslonaLe abouL enLrepreneurshlp

?5@ )5 4//67:
Lmall a cover leLLer and resume Lo Ashley.L.Llllman[ by Monday SepLember 8

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