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The Franks consolidated their kingdom in modern France under a series of strong
kings and warlords during the seventh and eighth centuries. In 732 they defeated
a Muslim army invading France from the Iberian Peninsula. Around 750, the Frank
s pushed into Italy to rescue Rome and the pope, who were under attack by the Lo
mbards. In 768 Charles the Great, or Charlemagne, became king of the Franks and
began his remarkable reign.
Charlemagne returned to Italy across the Alps in 774 and rescued the Pope once a
gain. He became king of both the Franks and Lombards and effective ruler of Rome
. He continued his conquests, simultaneously converting his enemies to Christian
ity. He took southern France and northern parts of Spain. He moved into western
Germany, converting the Saxons and fighting off the Magyars of Hungary. He estab
lished "marches" on his frontier, which were buffer states between the Frankish
Empire and barbarian tribes to the east. On Christmas Day in 800, Charlemagne wa
s crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the pope (the title was a surprise and one he ha
d not sought).
The importance of Charlemagne transcends the size and creation of the Holy Roman
Empire, which fell apart soon after his death anyway. He was a great supporter
and defender of the Catholic Church and used it to encourage learning and the ar
ts. He set up schools in association with cathedrals to educate civil servants a
nd nobles to improve government. He collected and codified the laws, improving t
he system of justice. He invented feudalism as a way of providing local order wh
ile retaining central authority.
The great promise of European revival radiating from the Frankish Empire was sto
pped short, however. Following the death of Charlemagne's son, the empire was sp
lit three ways among his grandsons. The western part evolved later into modern F
rance. The eastern part became Germany much later. The central part was conteste
d by the other two through succeeding generations into the twentieth century. A
more immediate problem was the sudden appearance of Viking raiders from Scandina
via, who greatly disrupted northern Europe for the next two centuries.

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