Magical Chunk Paragraphs

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Molasky Magical Paragraph Format

It is essential that students learn to write good, solid paragraphs in each content area class because the
style of writing will differ from English to science to social studies classes (Hampton, 2011).

Ask Molasky students,
What is a paragraph about? and they should respond with, One main idea!
If you further quizzed them, they should respond with, Has a topic sentence, 5-7 sentences, and a
closing sentence.
Do this process often throughout the school and our students will own this knowledge! When students can write a
really good magical paragraph, they are on track to be good writersand readers!

According to Dye (2005) a good paragraph has four major parts:
1. Is on one main idea
2. Has a topic sentence
3. Consists of 5-7 sentences (or more)
4. Has a closing [or transition] sentence.

A magical paragraph is one that is chunked into parts to make it easier to learn and to write. It consists of
4 elements: topic sentence, concrete detail, commentary on that detail, and concluding sentence.

Topic Sentence (TS) Introduces the main idea or topic of the paragraph. A topic sentence can go
anywhere in a paragraph, but have students put it at the beginning to start.
Example: In the science lab safety is important.

Concrete Detail (fact) (CD) also known as evidence. This can be a quote or paraphrase from
the text. It is what the text states.
Example: You should never work in a lab unless an adult is present because it is not safe.

Commentary #1 (opinion) (CM) Commentary is your explanation of HOW the concrete
detail proves your point. This is where you get to express yourself and be heard.
Example: If you were to get a chemical in your eyes you would need an adult to help wash it out.

Commentary #2 (opinion) (CM) This second commentary is your explanation of WHY it
Example: Fires can occur at a work stations and an adult is needed to use a fire extinguisher.

Concluding Sentence (CS) wraps-up your paragraph and/or provides a bit of a lead into the next
Example: The science lab can be an exciting place, but only if you learn and follow proper lab safety procedures.

Put the chunk together and this is what you havea solid paragraph on one topic.
In the science lab safety is important. You should never work in a lab unless an adult is present
because it is not safe. If you were to get a chemical in your eyes you would need an adult to help wash it
out. Fires can occur at a work stations and an adult is needed to use a fire extinguisher The science lab
can be an exciting place, but only if you learn and follow proper lab safety procedures

You can put one, two, or three chunks in one paragraph depending upon how rigorous you would like the
paragraph to be.

Why a chunk paragraph?
The chunk paragraph format forces you to expand on your ideas and explain yourself.

MANY middle and high school students struggle to write fully developed arguments. The format,
when used, greatly improves the quality of your writing.

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