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5392 South Milford Rd, Milford, Ohio 45150513-410-4196wagnerrp@iaioh!

Ryan Patrick Wagner
"o o#tain So$ial Media %ntern&hip where % $an u&e ' pre(iou& wor) e*perien$e, and ongoing
edu$ation to #ring (alue and leader&hip to a winning tea!
2012 - +urrent ,ddie Merlot-& .rie Stea)hou&e and Seafood +in$innati, Ohio
Server Assistant/Party Planner
/&&i&t and train all new #u&&er&
S$hedule and organi0e large pri(ate partie&
.roptl' attend to ta#le& and $u&toer& that need ta#le& $leared
2011-2012 "arget Milford, Ohio
Sales Floor
Su$$e&&full' &old new produ$t& to eet onthl' goal& of 1500
/&&i&ted new hire& in preparing to eet da' to da' e*pe$tation&
Re&pon&i#le for handling iediate $u&toer $oplaint& and 2ue&tion& and deli(ering
appropriate re&olution&
2010-2013 3arper& .oint Ra$2uet +lu# 3arper& .oint, Ohio
Youth ennis !nstructor/Pro
+on$eptuali0ed and e*e$uted uni2ue tenni& le&&on& for 4-10 'ear old&
4e(eloped 4 new &trategie& to help train adult tenni& pla'er&
+lu# +aptain
2013-"o +urrent
Miai 6ni(er&it' of Ohio
Milford 3igh S$hool
O*ford, Ohio
Milford, Ohio
Milford 3igh S$hool& ,agle /ward for o&t out&tanding /thlete and +ounit' figure on and
off the field
4 'ear 7ar&it' letter holder in "enni&
8unior and Senior 'ear 3onor Roll with a 3!5 9./
:.hone nu#er;:,-ail addre&&;
&Your 'a%e(
/$ti(itie&< O(er 50 hour& in "ea +oun&eling, Sport& Organi0ation&, and 3igh S$hool a$ti(itie&
%ntere&t&< =roo#all +lu# "enni&

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