Course Outline Nss Geography 2014

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Issues in Canadian Geography CGC 1D

Northern Secondary School

September, 2014 to June, 2015
Credit Value 1.0 Compulsory
Course Overview
Welcome to Canadan Geo!raphy. Durn! ths course you "ll #ocus on !eo!raphc ssues that
a##ect Canadans today. $ou "ll dra" on your personal e%ery day e&perences as you learn
about Canada's dstnct and chan!n! character and the natural and human systems and !lobal
n#luences that shape our country. $ou "ll use a %arety o# !eotechnolo!es and n(ury methods
to e&amne practcal !eo!raphc (uestons and communcate your #ndn!s.
Course Outline
Date Big Ideas Framing Questions*
September Geographic Inquiry and Skill Development
Interactions in Physical Geography: )o" do physcal processes n#luence
"here and ho" people l%e, "or* and plan+
Interactions in Physical Geography: ,n "hat "ays to -arth.s natural processes,
phenomena and e%ents n#luence Canada.s natural characterstcs+
Managing Canadas Resources and Industries: What crtera should "e set #or
the e&tracton and de%elopment o# Canada's natural resources+
Managing Canadas Resources and Industries: Whch resources and ndustres
"ould you consder to be most %aluable to Canada+
Changing Populations: )o" m!ht Canada's response to !lobal populaton
ssues a##ect Canadan communtes+
Changing Populations: What crtera should be used to determne Canadan
mm!raton polcy+
ivea!le Communities: What crtera should "e use "hen determnn! #uture
de%elopment plans #or communtes+
ivea!le Communities: What are some smlartes and d##erences n land use
n d##erent Canadan communtes+
June Course revie" presentation o culminating pro!ect" e#am
* /or more n#ormaton about the currculum #or ,ssues n Canadan Geo!raphy see
Equipment $ou must brn! a bnder #or all handouts and course materals, "rtn! tools ncludn! coloured
pencls and your 201442015 NSS student a!enda to e%ery class. 5 6S7 *ey "ll also be needed #or some
ass!nments. 5 camera and h*n! clothn! "ll be needed #or the #eld trps to 7rc*"or*s at the be!nnn! o#
8ctober, 2014 and 9oronto ,sland proposed #or the #rst "ee* o# :ay, 2015.
Homework $ou "ll be responsble #or completon o# t"o to #our hours o# home"or* per "ee*,
"hch "ll consst o# readn! #rom a %arety o# sources, "rtten ass!nments, ,nternet research, nter%e"s,
preparn! electronc and oral presentatons and studyn! #or tests and the #nal e&am.
Resources 9he te&tboo*s Canadan Geo!raphy0 5 Sense o# ;lace :cGra"4)ll <yerson 200=,
;erspect%es0 Canadan Geo!raphy ,r"n ;ublshn! 1222, :a*n! Connectons0 Canada's Geo!raphy
;rentce )all Gnn 2
-dton 200=, and Canadan 8&#ord School 5tlas 2
-dton, 2002 "ll be used n the
Northern - Howe
:rs. )o"e
Classroom 2041 8##ce 212
41=4323402?4 e&t. 200@5
classroom. $ou "ll conduct !uded ,nternet searches and nter%e" others to e&pand your *no"led!e o#
!eo!raphy. $ou "ll read artcles, %e" %deos, "atch ;o"er ;ont presentatons and hear #rom members o#
the communty about d##erent aspects o# Canada and ts place n the "orld.
ttendance and !tudent Responsi"ility
;unctual, re!ular attendance s essental #or success.
Students are responsble #or all ass!nments. ,# you are absent, t s your responsblty to obtan all
"or* mssed mmedately upon returnn! to school. $ou are responsble #or completn! and handn! n
any mssed ass!nments.
-ach student "ll be !%en a hard copy o# each maAor ass!nment n class. ,n case that you lose your
copy or "ere absent on the day that the ass!nment "as dstrbuted, you can %e" and1 or prnt
addtonal copes o# ass!nments by !on! to the Northern #older on the des*top o# the computers at
school. 9he #older can be accessed at home %a the "ebste at Go to the ;c*
6p con and then clc* on :cBel%ey to #nd the Canadan Geo!raphy ass!nments.
$ou "ll be as*ed to hand n many o# your ass!nments electroncally n the Drop 8## secton o# the
Northern #older. ;lease be sure to label each o# your #les "th your #ull name.
5ll "or* s to be completed n the tme ass!ned. 8nce the ass!nments ha%e been mar*ed and
returned, all late ass!nments rece%e a mar* o# Cero.
Students "ho *no" they "ll be absent on the due date must ma*e alternate arran!ements to !et
ther ass!nment n on tme. Students may not ma*e up mar*s #or a class they ha%e s*pped.
Students are e&pected to submt only ther o"n or!nal "or* on e%aluatons done n or out o# class.
;la!arsm s the passn! o## o# deas or "rtn!s by another as one.s o"nD students "ll rece%e a mar*
o# Cero #or "or* that s pla!arCed. Cases o# academc dshonesty Echeatn! and pla!arsmF "ll be
dealt "th on a case4by4case bass, but each case "ll n%ol%e an n%est!aton, communcaton "th
the student and hs1her parent1!uardan.
Classroom E#pectations and Conduct
;lease re#er to pa!e 12 o# your student a!enda #or Northern's Code o# Conduct, "hch sets out the !eneral
set o# polces re!ardn! classroom beha%our and responsbltes. When n doubt as to ho" to act n a certan
stuaton, try to thn* ho" you "ould #eel # the shoe "as on the other #oot.
5s you "ll be usn! the ,nternet e&tens%ely durn! ths course, you need to be a"are o# the 9DS7 8n4lne
Code o# Conduct set out on pa!e 2 n your student a!enda. $ou "ll be !%en access to a computer durn!
most o# the course, ho"e%er # you are #ound to %st "ebstes that are not part o# the class "or*, your
computer pr%le!es "ll be suspended #or the balance o# the class. <epeated abuse "ll result n a detenton
and1or %st to the Gce ;rncpal.
ssessment and Evaluation
$ou "ll be !%en many opportuntes #or assessment and e%aluaton ncludn! nd%dual and !roup proAects,
role playn!, nter%e"s, demonstratons, con#erences, re#lectons and (uCCes. @0H o# the mar* "ll be based
on course "or* completed durn! the term.
9he Culmnatn! 5ct%tes are "orth 30H and "ll nclude a #eld trp, maAor proAect, and #nal e&am
encompassn! all aspects o# the !eo!raphy currculum. 9he day4lon! #eld trp s proposed #or the #rst "ee* o#
:ay and attendance s mandatory. :ore n#ormaton about the destnaton, cost and other aspects o# the trp
"ll be !%en n the sprn!.
;lease re#er to 8ntaro :nstry o# -ducaton currculum document #or detals o# 8%erall and Spec#c
-&pectatons, #ound at http011""".edu.!o%.on.ca1en!1currculum1secondary1can"orld210curr2013.pd#
Northern - Howe

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