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Hello, cold, cold world.

I sense that you do not

appreciate my labors greatly; that you do not
understand the lengths I go to in order to ensure the
success of the righteous; that you do not feel pity for
my struggles against the witless and the poverty that
seek to strangle me daily. You indeed may see me as
an Irish dog, a penniless immigrant come to this new
land, but I, in fact, am above you all. I belong with the
top class, high amongst the wealthy and powerful,
and I am on the cusp of being transferred to my
rightful place. By the hand of the all-powerful Lord
and of the kindness and goodness of my dear Mayor
Carter Harrison, I, the ever-humble servant, will take
up my new post as corporation counsel, and then
you, uncaring reader, shall be once again groveling in
the gutters where you belong. Those who know their
place shall be rewarded, and in the spirit of truth, I
inform you that I belong upon the top tiers and that
you shall remain in the stench-choked streets of this
city. Betray not my confidence, or you shall feel the
burn of my wrath, and question not my future. I shall
receive what I have earned.
Patrick Eugene Joseph Prendergast
July 7, 1893 at 10:17
Age 24

Works at Inter Ocean delivery contractor

Motto Dont get on my bad side, fool.

Marital status: Independent Irish worker
who dont need no woman.
Address 437 Revolver Way

Phone 282-P-4-CORP-COUNSEL

Worlds Fair
Buy while
stocks last!
Carter Harrison
October 28, 1893 at 8:29
Thanks for giving me the chance to prove that they
should actually believe me, bro. I was like, "I am shot. I
will die" and nobody believed me so I died just to spite
them and they were like, "He died angrybecause I
didn't believe him" and I was like AWWYEAH...but
yeah, thanks no thanks for shooting me (332).

Joseph McCarthy
July 5, 1893 at 3:02
Hey, man, I saw this weird dude this morning
"walking in circles...with his head tipped back and his
hat pulled down so low it covered his eyes" and then
would you believe he "walked face-first into a
tree[??]" (226). Lolz...he looked kinda like you
though...not cool...
Activities I enjoy writing postcards and walking
without looking where I'm going. I find both of these
experiences to be incredibly freeing and relaxing, and
help me towards my dual goals of getting in touch with
nature and the domination of Chicago.

Music My favorite songs are "I Shot the Sheriff" by
Eric Clapton because shooting is always a solution in
my opinion. I also love the song "Bang Bang" by Cher
because it has a pretty sick beat...and it involves

TV I absolutely love the show "Big Bang Theory"
because I like events involving large explosions, noise,
and fire. I also enjoy the show "Sherlock" by the BBC
because the villains are positively cuddly.

Movies My all-time favorite movie would have to be
the 1960s version of Psycho because honestly, I think
that Mr. Norman Bates is actually a very friendly and
appealing character. I also love the movie "Shoot 'Em
Up" because I enjoy relaxing in front of a good,
calming flick.

Books My favorite books are "Waterbury" by Katia
Lief and, of course, the Bible. The first is because it is
about victims who turn on their captors, as I have done
to those who have tried to hold me back, and the
second because I am clearly a very moral man.
Call Charles
Chappell for
information at
Contact Dr. H.
H. Holmes at
location 63rd
and Wallace for
position at the
Worlds Fair
Mary Hanson
October 30, 1893 at 5:16
Son, you need to clean up yo' act:
first, "in the midst of supper, at
approximately seven-thirty,
someone rang the bell" (which like
sooo annoying) and then "at
precisely eight o'clock the front bell
rang again" (and by now I have like
.2% patience left) and then you go
and shoot the mayor! (329).
Patrick Eugene Joseph
June 20, 1893 at 11:19
When Carter Harrison recognizes my efforts
I will be lifted
To observe from the top-floor windows
To earn wealth beyond my wildest dreams
To mingle with the upper echelons
To escape from beneath the smog
I know in my heart that hope shall prevail.
Patrick Eugene Joseph
April 7, 1893 at 9:10
Mary Hanson
March 29, 1893 at 11:13
His pale face gleaming in the dim light
his dark hair close-cropped and sinister
his weapon raised and loaded
P.E.J. Prendergast fired the revolver
at the mayor
into his chest
into the silence
through his flesh
away from sanity.
Alfred S. Trude
March 17, 1893 at 1:03
You have such atrocious grammar that I literally
can't even: "Have you ever saw the picture" and
"No one should be put to death no matter who it
is, if it can be avoided, it is demoralizing -" THAT
CORRECT TENSE (184, 385). Anyways, puh-
leez stop with the postcards, gracias.

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