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Sophia Lerebours 5-G

By Angie Sage

In Angie Sages Queste, the fourth book in the Septimus Heap series, two stories are
unraveling at the same time: one evil and the other heroic. On the evil side, a boy the same age
as the main character Septimus Heap named Merrin Meredith had the Two-Face Ring. It is very
powerful and he used it to make many Things
. (They are invisible to everyone and are servants
to their creator.) Septimus Heap has the possession of a Queste stone. This means he must go
on a Queste. His friends Beetle and Jenna are accompanying him on the trip because the
destination is the House of Foryx, where they will attempt to rescue their friend Snorri and
Nicko Heap, Septimuss brother. To open the door to the completion of the Queste, time is the
true key.
Time is very important in this book. It is a very complex part of the story because the
present is split between good and evil, yet they intertwine with each other. This causes it to
almost be a character in the story. For example, Septimus is the seventh son of the seventh son.
Time caused this to happen. Marcellus Pye, the last alchemist, invented a tincture that
prevented death from old age and/or sickness. Hopeta Ra, the founder of the wizard tower,

also played around with time. He invented the House of Foryx, the place where All Times
Meet, He also invented the Questing Pot, the pot where the apprentice to the ExtraOrdinary
Wizard gets to draw a Queste stone. Intentionally, the apprentice who drew the stone would be
happy because they would get to meet Hopeta Ra. But Hopeta Ras ex-best friend Tertius Fume
used Darke magic (evil magic) to turn the forest into a range of snowy mountains.
In the evil half of the present, young Merrin makes a contract with Tertius. Merrin gives
Tertius control of a Thing, and in exchange, Tertius plans to darken the destiny of Septimus
Heap by causing him to draw a Queste stone. The Queste stone is in the evil half since Tertius
Darkened the Queste, therefore darkening the stone. After accepting it and saying thank you,
the apprentice is on the Queste. During the Queste, Tertius attempts to kill him or her, since he
Darkened the Queste. There is another half of the evil half as well. Simon Heap (Septimuss
brother) returned to the Wizard Tower with his girlfriend Lucy, although he was banned from it.
He was banned from it because in the past he tried to murder Septimus, and Marcia, the
ExtraOrdinary Wizard. He also did Darke magic. He stayed with his mom, Sarah Heap for a while
then left before he was caught.
Meanwhile, Sarahs youngest son Septimus and his friends are on a mission to save
Snorri and Nicko who are in the House of Foryx. It just happens that to complete the quest, the
apprentice must go to the House of Foryx as well. The team must venture through the snow
and hail of the snowy mountains to reach their destiny of fulfilling the Queste and saving their
friends. But there are many things to stop them. Since Things can manipulate people, all people
must beware that anyone could be possessed by an evil Thing. For example, during the story

their part-rat part-human friend was manipulated by a Thing. He knocked on the door but
luckily Septimus scanned the area for Darke magic and sensed something behind the door.
Septimus and his friends made it in to the House of Foryx. Everyone was reunited. But
there is one problem: to exit the Houses of Foryx, someone from the persons time must stand
outside the door while the people exit. In the House of Foryx there is a door that is the same as
the ExtraOrdinary Wizards Door. Septimus wrote a message to Marcia (ExtraOrdinary Wizard)
using the door and chalk so she could rescue them. Marcia came on Spit Fyre the Dragon to the
House of Foryx and rescued everyone. Since Septimus completed the Queste, for proof Hopeta
Ra rubbed ashes from the chimney he was in when he was talking to Septimus on to the stone.
Time plays a big part in this book. But it also plays a large role in wisdom. To become
wise, you must have experience with many tough challenges. A person cannot teach kids how
to camp, if they never went camping. Wisdom is gained over time. If I was older, I would
probably not make as many bad choices as now, because Id have the wisdom not to.

All words in bold( Things, Darke and Darkened) are bold because that is the way they are shown in the book

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