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Pride Leader

Ahh, there you are. I see he has you tied up nicely.

Hppmmhf meef hmmpff

I see he enchanted the ropes, and youre booby trapped. Im betting you were taled
into this.


I thought so. Here let me remo!e this gag.

"hans, yes he taled me into this. #an you get me a drin$

%ay, I &ust new you wouldnt &ust be lying there all comfortably tied up unless he
ased you first.

Its been fun. 'eeing e!eryones faces when he catches them trying to untie me.

(ho so far$

Let me thin, )ina, "igger twice, *isty, Lisa, Poor thing, she came so hard, she
passed out. "hen there was *ary, I thought her eyes were going to pop out.

'o thats at least + times for you.

*ore lie nine, can you find him and as him if I can be released. I can really use a

How about if I &ust untie you$

,o you ha!e a clue of what he has booby trapped them with$

Loos lie a not that cant be untied.

%ay than, -o for it.

Joy reaches the ropes on Ioi leg and finds she fro.en in place, bent o!er and unable
to mo!e. 'he loos forward at Ioi and sees the gag is bac in place.

/ow what do I ha!e here, my little bunny girl thought she could release my Puma.
(ell tell me how it feels to be bent o!er naed with her right in your face$

/aed0 How$ *ar, what are you doing$

Im ha!ing fun, maybe while Im gi!ing you a wor out you can mae Ioi feel good.

1ut *ar, 'h.. 2gg As.. oh0 ed to3 oh my0

Less taling, more en&oying.

2aaa huffffff 2ggggg

Ah ha. *uffpp mppffff


%ay Ioi, time to release you, you been a good sport, and an e!en better bait.

%h, I en&oyed e!ery min of it. 1ut now I really need a shower.

%ay, go and rela5. Ill be around.

*ar, thans, I really had fun today.

-lad you did. /ow go get cleaned up.


Joy$ Joy wae up.

%h, 1oy was that a surprise 's6rcace.

I see he found you also.

7es he did, and he trapped me good, I ne!er saw it coming.

,o you now what going on with him$ I ha!e ne!er seen him this way before. (hile
its much better, I dont thin anyone can eep up with him for long if he stays this

I may ha!e a idea, 1ut I need to chec with a few others.

(ell get cleaned up and dressed. 7ou really need a shower.


Joy, you called$

7es Lo!e, *ars acting much different. ,o you ha!e any idea why$

(hats he been doing$

Hes acting lie me in heat. And hes relentless. He went as far as setting a trap for

A trap$ How so$

He use Ioi to bait us to untie her, the ropes had a simple enchantment that was
untieable, but I thought I was smarter then him, I remo!ed the enchantment and
grabbed the ropes to untie the not. ,o you now what he had waiting for me0

/o, but I want to hear it all.

As soon as I touched them I was fro.en in place. I waited about ten mins before he
showed up. And than I found out I was nude0 He booby trapped Ioi, not the ropes, He
had me so all I could do was eat her while he rode me,

%h my. Has he been doing that all day$

8rom what I hear yes, but he had me set up with a special surprise. After the first
hour, he pulled out and sho!ed it up my ass0 %h it was so filling, I swear he was
going to go right thru me.

7ou said he been up to this all day$

7eah, and most of his wi!es are really sore. "hey need a brea from him.

It could be a side affect of his 1onding with 8alas soul. 'he was a goddess of
8ertility. Hes going to need to find balance so he doesnt hurt a lo!ed one.

%, )ose, 'tar come here please.

7ou called$

Hello Joy.

I need your help. 'eems that part of 8ala is ha!ing an interesting side effect on *ar.

How so$

Hes been screwing lie a bunny in heat.

)ose 9 Laughing ::
%h 1oy. 'ounds lie fun. How can we help.

Lets call him here, and try to help him see whats going on, while e!eryones
en&oying his better mood, theyre also being worn out and becoming !ery sore.

%ay. *ar0 #ome to us please0

Hey, there my bunny girl, I was wondering were you went. And Hello ladies.

*ar, (e need to tal to you.

(ho I piss off now$

Its nothing lie that. 1ut it seems you ha!e been !ery frisy lately.

7eap, been wearing your poor wi!es out.

*ar, do you now what type of goddess 8ala was$

/ot really$ 1ut you now what, 'tar, your looing really good right now. (ould you
be interested in some play time$

*ar, #ome on, eep your thoughts on what we are taling about.

#ome on now, *ar do you now$

'he was a cute little red fo5.

'he was the 8o5es -oddess of fertility, and it seems shes ha!ing a side affect on

%h$ 7ou say fertility. Lie in maing babies$

7eap, while I would most liely en&oy playing with you. I thin we need to help you
find a balance so you do not go completely se5 mad.

Hands off, *ar come on. 7ou need to gain control o!er this. /ow pay attention.

*ar, tell me, what triggered this today$ (ho was the first person that got your
attention today$

I was waling thru a hall, *o, she was in heat and I had to gi!e her a iss.

'o what happened afterwards$

I found 8yyf in a room, her bac to me, her tail looed so pretty, the sirt of her dress
so short. I had to ha!e her right there, bent o!er the des. 'he seemed to en&oy the

(e all do from you.

I see, so after being e5pose to *os pheromones e!eryone became a target for a
outlet. (ell *ar breath deep. And rela5. /o one is upset and sounds lie all en&oyed

I now I really did, 6!en if it was such a surprise.

'ounds lie some changes may be needed Joy. 'ome how when someone is in
heat, *ar is going to need some ma&or outlet for himself, one where he is not going
to screw e!eryone cra.y.

I can as 's6rcace, and 8yyf to eep more breeders at hand. 'o he will ha!e plenty
of females to help with that

Ill thin that would be counter producti!e Joy.

(hy is that$

7es, why$

1ecause breeders are suppose to be in heat.

%h *y0 "hat would mean.

%ay oay I get it. *aybe some more maids than.

"hat may be it. 1ut *ar, I8 you e!er feel that way again, -i!e me a call<-rin=

Hey0 He not a play toy0<-rin=

I dont now, 'ounds lie it could be fun.

I thin you ha!e found at least three others to help at times Joy.

*ar get a wide smile on his face and his eyes flare for a second, Joy finds herself
once more bent o!er with her face &ust inches from Ioi pussy. And she now reli!es
the two hours of se5 she had with *ar earlier. (hen she opens her eyes, 'he see
that 'tar, )ose and Lo!e ha!e &oined her on the floor, all sweaty, breathing hea!y,
And with that well nown after glow, *ar stand there laughing really hard.

%H *7 -%,0 (as that real$0

It so did feel that way0

How0 %H my0 Im sore0

*ar, what did you ,o$

I let them reli!e what you en&oyed, you all were Joy for that moment, you all felt it,
li!ed it, and from the loos of it, en&oyed it.

*y ass hurts. How did you do that$

7ou now, I really dont now, somethings &ust come to me others I ha!e to wor had

7ou had us reli!e it$ /ot &ust share the memory$

/o reli!e it fully, you body fully reacted to e!erything. 8or as far as your bodies now,
it was really happening.

'o they all got to feel e!erything I felt$

8elt, taste, hear, reaction, all of it.

)ose, that means you felt him split you too0 )ight up the ass. %h "his is &ust too

7es, and I see why you en&oy it. I really thought he was going to rip me in half.

'ame here, Im still sore

How long will this last$

Just as long as it taes for each of you to reco!er, the *emories are yours now, they
will ne!er lea!e you.

I sure hope not.

7ou come now0 /eed help0

7ip, (hat wrong$

#ome now0

Ladies, Loos lie Im needed elsewhere.


'ire0 "here you are, there has been a mayday call. (e ha!e changed course to

How far and how many$

+ ,ouhed battle ships, we are ?@ mins out.

(hy dont we &ump$

"heyre too close to the systems sun. (e cant &ump in its gra!ity well.

(ho are they attacing$

"hey are attacing a farming colony. "hey ha!e !ery limited defenses and are taing
a pounding.

%, thans < mars starts to build up power to strie out =

*ar, youre not to interfere directly. -et your *ages and Priestess here.

I understand the *ages, but what can the Priestess do$ I!e seen that they ha!e had
problems with their powers.

Just get them here. And I will con!ert them to a *uch more powerful god.

(hat -od$ And why couldnt I &ust do it if a priestess can for a god$

"rust me please, &ust get them in the war room.


'ire you called for us$

7es ladies, Joy wanted a word with you, she thins she can help you.

*ar please step out, you three come here.


*ar, &ust do it please.


%, now listen to me carefully. 7our goddess is sleeping in the mist of time, she cant
help. 1ut I now a !ery powerful -od that will not forsae you when you call on him.

Priestess Hooooh:
-oddess Joy, (e now youre are a goddess, 1ut youre not one of us. (e cant &ust
call on you.

/ot me. And this -od is a !ery special -od, He is the -oddesses #hampion -od, A
-od for the protection of the innocent. A -od without a name.

Priestess Jooih:
(hy would he come to us$ And without a name how can we call on him$

#ome here, you ha!e brandings, I will change them, (hen you call him, &ust place
your paws on the branding and call for the goddesses champion. And be ready for
more power than you ha!e e!er seen before. *ae your strie true. And he will
handle the rest.

Priestess Auypp:
7es we will gi!e this try. (e need his help if we are going to be able to fight.

Joy places a paw on the branding, one at a time, "he change, "o fi!e stars with two
inner stars, the larger one seems to be holding a smaller one, the fi!e outer are fi!e
pointed and one of each inner point is reaching to the larger inner star.

/ow you go to the bridge. *ae your call for his help. And be ready. His powers are
o!erwhelming, His Lo!e the utmost. %n your way out as his 'ire to come bac in.

"han you, we shall do as you ased.


(hat did you do Joy$ "hey all loo so hopeful.

I con!erted them. 7ou need to sit down. And get ready.

'it$ (hy I need to get bac to the bridge.

I con!erted them to a new -od, %ne who has ne!er been called on before, %ne who
if he doesnt sit may fall on his tail soon.

(hat$ *e$ How does that wor$

'uddenly *ars 6yes glow white. He gets light headed, Joy &umps to him, guiding
him to a seat.

%n the 1ridge, the three Priestess are chanting, asing for help from the -oddesses
#hampion, "heir glowing brands respond, Power come in wa!es, as more builds up
their eyes glow, their furs 1urst into pure white flames, a response so powerful all
three fall to their nees, they eep chanting, the )age of a -od comes forward, A
#hampion, A -od for the innocent. A -od *adden. C+ light mins away, three
,ouhed ships start to compress, shrining in si.e, e5plosi!ely decompressing
compartments all o!er the ship, their hulls being sDuee.ed by a *ighty -od,
#rushed to the point that e!en a blac hole cant achie!e. "he Priestesses turn their
attention to other ships. 6ach one is crushed, ne!er nowing how or why. "he
Priestesses release their call for help, ama.ed at the amount of power they wielded,
so pure, so lo!ing, and so much )age. A /ew -ods Powers that ha!e ne!er been
felt before a true -oddesses #hampion for the Innocent. A protector of the helpless.
A god not to be messed with. %thers on the dec stand ama.ed, e!en the *ages
couldnt do anything from this far, whoe!er this new -od is, has powers well beyond
any other god of past days.

1ac in the (ar room. Joy sits beside *ars laying form, he passed out. 'he is
whispering how happy she is for him. 1ac in the 'hadows *ars rage has been
felt, (ar goes into hiding, many other younger gods get as far as possible from him.
-oddesses band together. All ama.ed at what they felt. 'uch raw power released.
)ose, 'tar and Lo!e go to *ar, "heyre worried about what they were going to find.

Joy what happened$

Is e!erything oay$

He trusted me0 He allowed me to mae a choice for him. And I found him a way to
strie bac.

Joy, what did you do$

I con!erted three priestesses, He has Priestesses now, and the power they wield

"hats great Joy. (hat did you use for a name$

'tar ept calling him a champion, I use that as a base, they now call for him "he
-oddesses #hampion, "he Protector of the innocent. And boy did it ha!e results.

Lets get him to his bed. He needs to sleep this off.

Lo!e, Joy, )ose and 'tar pulled their will together to tae *ar to his 1ed. %nly to
find themsel!es before the -od of -ods, *ars laying comfortably on a bed of
flowers close by.

-od of -ods:
Joy, Im so proud of you. "hat was a great idea, now you four ha!e a mission, go
forth and con!ert all the older priestesses of dying faiths, And con!ert them. He
needs an army, and you ha!e found one that no one can withstand.

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