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China is an excellent place with many things to offer, it

is located in south East Asia and is the size of 9.707
million Square kilometres and with a whopping
population of 1.3 billion people! China is also
well known for their animals, food and much
much/ more.
China is one of the worlds oldest civilisations,
but is now more of a modern and has high
tech technology and more. China was once
Ruled by emperors spaning all the way back in 221 BC and the last
emperor was overthrown in 1921 and China became a republic and a
communist government was formed and started its rule in 1949 and
then followed a civil war with the Chinese nationalists.
China was once way ahead in technology, science and math since
they had created the compass, paper, printing, silk and gunpowder,
however this was a long time ago!
Due to the fact that China is extremely big its weather has been split
into 5 different zones and has all 4 seasons but acts very differently
to Australia, heres why.
(Weather in Beijing)
Beijing has four discernible seasons - short windy spring, long hot
summer and cool pleasant autumn but long chilly winter.
There are constant sandstorms in spring which make September and
October the best time to visit China, Beijing.

China has multiple foods which are enjoyed
around the world today such as noodles and
rice and China is known to be the most known
Country for food. China is infested with
markets which will be most likely containing fruit and vegetables and
more healthy foods to eat but at the same time it is enjoyable and
delicious, this makes China the most well-known for food.
Connections to Australia
China is like Australias best friend for when
it comes to trading! From technology, iron
and several minerals, China uses our useful
resources to make certain items and we buy
it back from them to make profit, however it is a win win for both
Australia and China. This is also why most products or toys say made
in China on their packaging and the reason that we are both making
profit is our currency is worth more than China so we can sell off
their products for more money and this cycle goes on and on.
The Chinese people have a multi-sport event similar to the Olympic
Games, these events consist of well known sports worldwide such as
football, basketball, Badminton and table tennis. These are the main
sports of China.
China use money called Renminbi and it works just like
Australian money but like I said our money is worth more,
you have the standard 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 notes just like
Australia so if you are moving to China currency is not
much of a hassle.
China is home to amazing attractions, such as mountain ranges,
manmade lakes and breathtaking buildings and more than 338,000
people Australians visited China in the past year. The main places in
china where people visit is Shanghai, Great Wall of China and much
more, it is no wonder that so many people visit China.
Health + Security
China overall is a safe country but in some areas you may have to
take caution from events like Scams and protestors since things like
can get unpredictably dangerous and because of the violence 15 out
of 1000 babies die from disease and more. For health cautions China
does have a numerous amount of diseases which have been
confirmed or originated in China. China has low crime and have strict
laws including Death Penalty for offenses such as drugs and serious
crimes which makes China a safe and dangerous country in some
So this is China, its home to amazing animals, mountain ranges and
many ancient objects and much more, I hope you have enjoyed my
information report and I hope to make more in the future since I
really enjoy doing these sort of things.
Thanks for Reading

(Some Wikipedia involved)

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