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Candy Quiz

1. A famous swashbuckling trio of old _______________

2. Elmer Fudds sleight-of-hand or magical maneuvers _______________
3. laces of interring enemies of those who tend and drive and who are usuall!
mounted on domesticated" large" solid-hoofed" herbivorous mammals ___________
#. A broad" luminous" irregular band of astral lights that encom$asses the stellar s$here
%. &rimson-colored libidinous cravings _______________
'. A celestial bod! fourth order from the sun" cons$icuous for the redness of its light(
its $lanetar! s!mbol is ) _______________
*. +he hard fibrous ,!lem substance $roduced b! the A-uifoliaceae famil! of shrubs
and trees" characteri.ed b! their thick" gloss!" s$in!-margined leaves and usuall!
bright red berries _______________
/. Author 0illiam 1idne! orters $seudon!m _______________
2. 3ulti$le e,$ressions of mirth" 4o!" or scorn in a covert or su$$ressed manner
15. An idiom" used here singularl!" em$lo!ed to describe one whose de,terous
deficienc! denies $roficienc! in getting a gri$ on goods _______________
11. ossessive clone al$habetical characters _______________
12. A saloon named after the news$a$er-re$orter alias of a su$erhero _____________
13. &hildhood name of a former renowned baseball $la!er whose strike-out record is
recondite _______________
1#. &elebrated street in the 6ig A$$le _______________
1%. 7abial massage _______________
1'. +he 2#-hour $art of the week set aside to com$ensate for labor or toil __________
1*. A slugglish 4ab _______________
1/. Ebon!-colored countr! critter _______________
12. 1ubordinate s$ices or seasonings _______________
25. 7actic flo$s _______________
21. A morsel of regurgitated sweet viscid material from the social and colonial
h!meno$terous insect _______________
22. +he 4ubilant sensation of an elli$soidal and edible nut _______________
23. 7abel on the bod! bag containing the remains collected after a cat named 89eese:
was run over b! a mower _______________
2#. ;issonant confectionar! mi,ture of dulcet and $i-uant seasonings ____________
2%. +o rotate several members of the c!lindrical-sha$ed com$onent of the vowel famil!

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