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TOPIC 2-3: SEGMENTS AND DISTANCE (textbook 1-2 & 1-6)

LINE SEGMENT: part of a line consisting of 2 endpoints and all of the

points between them.
Coordinate: a nmber that pro!ides the location of a point.
To measre the LENGTH of a segment" #o can se a nmber line to
find the DISTANCE between the two endpoints" or #o can se the
EXAMPLE 1 Find the distance between 2 and 6 on a number
EXAMPLE 2 Find PQ, Q and P on the number line shown
PQ ! """""""""""" Q ! """""""""""" P ! """"""""""""
# 1 2 $ % &1 &2 &$ &%

d'on a number line( !

$%here a & b are coordinates of the
endpoints of the segment.'
%hen a segment is drawn on a coordinate plane" #o can find its
LENGTH b# sing the DISTANCE formla:
EXAMPLE $ Find the distance between ' 2, &1 ( and ' &2, &1 (.
(ond to the nearest hndredth if necessar#.
EXAMPLE % Find the distance between ' &), 2 ( and ' &2, $ (.
(ond to the nearest hndredth if necessar#.
EXAMPLE ) Find A*. (ond to the nearest hndredth if necessar#.
d !
E)amine the measres of *+" +( and *( in E,-M*LE 2. Notice that
../ 0 1./ 2 3" so 444444444444444444. This sggests the following
+e,ment Addition Postulate- If + is between * and (" then
*+ 0 +( 2 *(. If *+ 0 +( 2 *(" then + is between * and (.
EXAMPLE 6 ./ * is between A and 0 and A* ! % and *0 ! ), then
A0 ! """""""""""""""
EXAMPLE 1 ./ A* ! 2, *0 ! 2 3 6 and A0 ! 2%, then /ind A* and
A* ! """""""""""""""4 *0 ! """"""""""""""""
EXAMPLE 5 Find LM i/ L is between 6 and M, 6L ! 62 ),
LM ! 22 3 $ and 6M ! $#.
LM ! """""""""""""""

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