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ACBL Internship Report

Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 1
ACBL Internship Report

Virtual university
Project Name: Internship report on Askari commercial bank
limited Rahim-Yar-Khan

!bmitted to: mkt"1#$%!&ed!&pk
!bmitted b': (A()ABAL**+
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 .
ACBL Internship Report
Our loving parents
Respectable Teachers
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 2
ACBL Internship Report
Whose endless support and
kindness is beyond expression
and words may not just be
enough to express our gratitude.
3e are thank4!l to 5od Almi6ht' 7ho enables !s to accomplish this task
7ith d!e care&
3e also 7ant to pa' trib!te to o!r 7orth' teachers 7ho are the main
so!rce o4 enli6hten to o!r mind& 3e are thank4!l to them as the' prepared
!s 4or lookin6 at the matters o4 li4e 7idel' 7ith open minds& 8his research
is one o4 the so!rces o4 6i%in6 !s kno7led6e abo!t 9Brief analysis on
Askari commercial bank Limited
3e are especiall' thank4!l to o!r honorable teacher 7ho pro%ides !s
6!idance 7hene%er 7e 4eel some di44ic!lt'& (is kno7led6e: approach and
pro4essionalism ha%e al7a's inspired !s and helped !s !nderstand:
anal';e and sol%e problems in a practical manner&
I am also thank4!l to %irt!al !ni%ersit' o4 Pakistan 7ho pro%ide !s a
plat4orm to polish o!r skill and pro%ide a <!alit' o4 ed!cation in o! door
3e m!st mention o!r dear respondents 4or their co-operation beca!se
7itho!t their co-operation it 7as not possible 4or !s to complete this
research& 8he completion o4 this research project is a res!lt o4 hard 7ok
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 0
ACBL Internship Report
8hank 'o!

!"ecuti#e summery
In +BA the internship pro6ram is %er' comp!lsor' 4or re6!lar st!dents and 7itho!t
the internship pro6ram the de6ree is not complete and the concepts that I learn d!rin6
the st!d' it is %er' important 4or me to learn all the concepts practicall' associated
7ith an' or6ani;ation and learn the practical concepts& & I selected Askari
Commercial bank and decided to do internship in this bank
8his report is 9Brie4 +arketin6 anal'sis o4 Askari commercial bank= And o!r research
objecti%e is to share o!r practical e>perience o4 pro4essional li4e 3hich i 6ot d!rin6
the internship period the research is based on o!r 4indin6s 7hich I 6ather d!rin6 the
period and personnel obser%ation the primar' so!rce is inter%ie7 s!r%e' and
personnel obser%ation d!rin6 the internship and secondar' so!rce I read ne7s paper
article te>t books and internet &8his report is brie4 description and s!mmer' o4 o!r
7ork 7hich I per4orm d!rin6 ei6ht 7eek in Askari commercial bank limited Ashra4
Comple>: +odel 8o7n: Rahim'ar Khan d!rin6 the period I 7orked in c!stomer
ser%ice : cash clearin6 acco!nt and marketin6 department the task and d!ties 7hich
7ere assi6ned their detail is 6i%en belo7 this report speciall' hi6hli6ht the hierarch
str!ct!re and 4!nction o4 marketin6 department o4 Askari commercial bank limited
Ashra4 Comple>: +odel 8o7n: Rahim'ar Khan 8he internship pro6ram pro%ides me
the 6reat opport!nit' o4 bein6 e>posed to act!al b!siness: dealin6: and opport!nit' o4
pro4essional insi6ht 7hich help me in 4!t!re& It 7as a 6reat e>perience 4or me to 7ork
in this or6ani;ation& +' theoretical kno7led6e abo!t m' s!bjects became potent and
stron6 7ith the help o4 practical implication&
3hen I 7ork in di44erent departments o4 Askari Commercial Bank limited I see that
7hat is done in di44erent departments and ho7 the 7ork is done in departments d!rin6
the internship I collect data abo!t the main clients o4 bank and more I see ho7 the
marketin6 is done in askari commercial bank limited and see the se6mentation
strate6': 7hat is the tar6et market o4 the Askari bank: positionin6 strate6':
promotional strate6' and other strate6ies& I also collect data abo!t the 4!nction o4 sale
department and see ho7 the sale department is 7ork&
?!rin6 the period I sa7 the stren6th o4 the or6ani;ation is 6ood d'namic
en%ironment lar6e deposit a!tomatic operation online bankin6 and Islamic bankin6
the 7eakness 7hich is a44ectin6 the ima6e o4 the bank is short n!mber o4 branches
Internship Report-
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ACBL Internship Report
short n!mber o4 emplo'ee no job speciation and satis4action and centrali;e decision
makin6 to o%ercome these 7eakness the top mana6ement need to 4oc!s on internal
and e>ternal 4actor 7hich a44ectin6 the bank and increase n!mber o4 branches and
emplo'ee and 6i%e special trainin6 to emplo'ee to per4orm their 7ell and it is also
necessar' to promote the Islamic bankin6 onl' 4e7 branches this ser%ice is a%ailable
and it sho!ld e>pand to other branches the bank sho!ld also increase their marketin6
acti%ities to promote their prod!ct and ser%ice both local and domestic le%el and
l!nch di44erent kind promotion scheme s!ch like sale promotion p!blic relation and
p!blicit' i4 Askari commercial bank limited Ashra4 Comple>: +odel 8o7n: Rahim
'ar Khan 4ollo7 these 6!ideline and o%ercome their 7eakness it 7ill achie%e the ne7
7a's o4 s!ccess
$nterns%i& com&letion Letter
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 "
ACBL Internship Report

Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 -
ACBL Internship Report
Table of content
Description Page
'refatory &art
1 8itle pa6e
. ?edication
2 Ackno7led6ment
0 *>ec!ti%e s!mmer'
@ canned cop' o4 internship certi4icate
" 8able o4 content
Main &art
- Brie4 introd!ction o4 the sector o4 or6ani;ation
/ A%er%ie7 o4 the or6ani;ation
/&1 (istor'
/&. Nat!re o4 or6ani;ation
/&2 B!siness %ol!me
/&0 Prod!ct line
/&@ Brand port4olio o4 the or6ani;ation
/&" trate6ies o4 brandin6 !sed b' the or6ani;ation
/&- List o4 main client
/&/ List o4 main competitor
/&# Ar6ani;ation str!ct!re
# Ar6ani;ational (ierarch' chart
#&1 N!mber o4 emplo'ees
#&. +ain o44ices
#&2 Introd!ction o4 all the departments
#&0 Comments on the or6ani;ational str!ct!re
1, Plan 4or 'o! internship pro6ram
1,&1 A brie4 introd!ction o4 the branch1head o44ice 7here
'o! did 'o!r internship
1,&. tartin6 and endin6 dates o4 'o!r internship
1,&2 8he departments in 7hich 'o! 6ot trainin6 and
d!ration o4 'o!r trainin6
11 8rainin6 pro6ram
11&1 ?etailed description o4 the department 'o!
7orked in
1. tr!ct!re o4 marketin6 department
1.&1 ?epartment hierarch'
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 /
ACBL Internship Report
1.&. N!mber o4 emplo'ees 7orkin6 in the +arketin6
1.&2 +arketin6 operations
12 B!nctions o4 the +arketin6 ?epartment
12&1 e6mentation strate6'
12&. 8ar6et marketin6 strate6'
12&2 Prod!ct plannin6: de%elopment C mana6ement
12&0 Positionin6
12&@ Pricin6 strate6'
12&" ?istrib!tion strate6'
12&- Promotional strate6'
10 tr!ct!re o4 the ales ?epartment
10&1 ?epartment hierarch'
10&. N!mber o4 emplo'ees 7orkin6 in the sales
10&2 ales operations
1@ B!nction o4 sales department
1@&1 ales methodolo6'
1@&. 8'pe o4 sellin6
1@&2 ales ret!rns proced!res
1" C!stomer ser%ices department
1"&1 process o4 de%elopin6 relations 7ith c!stomers
1"&. 8echni<!es o4 retainin6 the c!stomers
1"&2 8echni<!es o4 attractin6 ne7 c!stomers
1"&0 3a's o4 handlin6 di44erent kinds o4 c!stomers
1- Critical anal'sis
1-&1 !ccess C 4ail!re o4 di44erent prod!cts o4 the
or6ani;ation in the market alon6 7ith reasons&
1-&. B!t!re prospects o4 the or6ani;ation
1/ 3A8 anal'sis o4 the or6ani;ation in the b!siness
1# Concl!sion C recommendations 4or impro%ement
., Re4erences and so!rces !sed
Appendi> part
.1 Anne"es
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 #
ACBL Internship Report
Brief $ntroduction of t%e sector of t%e organi(ation
Askari commercial bank limited is cate6ories in bankin6 sector& 8he 7ord 9Bank=
is o4 a *!ropean ori6in and is deri%ed 4rom the Italian 7ord 9BANCA=:
7hich means a table or a co!nter& bank is a 4inancial instit!tion licensed b' a
6o%ernment& Its primar' acti%it' is to lend mone'& +an' other 4inancial acti%ities
7ere allo7ed o%er time& Bor e>ample banks are important pla'ers in 4inancial markets
and o44er 4inancial ser%ices s!ch as in%estment 4!nd 8he le%el o4 6o%ernment
re6!lation o4 the bankin6 ind!str' %aries 7idel': 7ith co!nties s!ch as Iceland: the
Dnited Kin6dom and the Dnited tates ha%in6 relati%el' li6ht re6!lation o4 the
bankin6 sector: and co!ntries s!ch as China ha%in6 relati%el' hea%ier re6!lation
Eincl!din6 stricter re6!lations re6ardin6 the le%el o4 reser%esF&
1#0-: bankin6 in Pakistan 7as dominated b' branches o4 British banks& 8he tate
Bank o4 Pakistan: the central bank: 7as 4ormed a4ter partition in 1#0/& It ass!med the
s!per%isor' and monetar' polic' po7ers o4 the tate Bank o4 India& In the period o4
",s to -,s the emer6ence o4 a n!mber o4 speciali;ed de%elopment 4inance instit!tions
E?BIsF s!ch as Ind!strial ?e%elopment Bank o4 Pakistan EI?BPF and the A6ric!lt!ral
?e%elopment Bank EA?BF& 8hese ?BIs 7ere either controlled directl' b' the state or
thro!6h the BP: and 7ere intended to concentrate on speci4ic priorit' sector lendin6&
In 1#-0 all domestic commercial banks 7ere nationali;ed b' the 5o%ernment& 8he
Pakistan Bankin6 Co!ncil 7as established: 7hich ass!med the role o4 a bankin6
holdin6 compan' b!t 7ith limited s!per%isor' po7ers& (o7e%er: PBC 7as dissol%ed
in 1##-: lea%in6 the BP as the sole re6!lator' a!thorit' 4or banks and 4inancial
instit!tions in Pakistan& Nationali;ation o4 the bankin6 sector led to pet projects& 8he
the branch net7ork o4 NCBs also proli4erated in an e44ort to pro%ide bankin6 ser%ices
to all re6ions1territories o4 the co!ntr': o4ten 7ith disre6ard to the %iabilit' or
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 1,
ACBL Internship Report
4easibilit' o4 s!ch e>pansion
8he bankin6 sector is cate6ori;e in di44erent cate6ori;e central commercial ind!strial
and in%estment bank central bank is banker o4 all bank and re6!late the monetar'
polic' commercial bank !s!all' accepts deposits: makes b!siness loans: and o44ers
related ser%ices A6ric!lt!re banks pro%ides the loan 4or a6ric!lt!re
)#er#iew of t%e organi(ation
*istory of Askari commercial bank limited
8he bankin6 sector has 7itnessed a dramatic chan6e d!rin6 the
last ten 'ears 7ith the de%elopment o4 Askari Bank: 7hich is
not onl' rede4inin6 priorities and 4oc!s o4 the banks: b!t also
threatenin6 the domination o4 traditional pla'ers&
8he stor' be6ins 7ith the incorporation o4 Askari
Commercial Bank limited in Pakistan on Actober ,#: 1##1: Askari Bank Commenced
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 11
Central bank
Commercial bank
!"c%ange bank
$ndustrial bank
Agriculture bank
$n#estment bank
ACBL Internship Report
Ebe6inF to operations in April 1##.: as a p!blic limited compan'& 8he bank is listed on
the Karachi: Lahore and Islamabad tock *>chan6es and the initial p!blic o44erin6
7as o%er s!bscribed b' 1" times&
3hile capt!rin6 the tar6et market share amon6st the %ie7 banks: Askari has
pro%ided 6ood %al!e to its shareholders& Its share price has remained appro>imatel'
1.G hi6her than the a%era6e share price o4 <!oted banks d!rin6 the last 4o!r 'ears&
Askari Bank has e>panded into a nation 7ide presence o4 /2 Branches: and an
A44shore Bankin6 Dnit in Bahrain& A shared net7ork o4 o%er /,, online A8+s
co%erin6 all major cities in Pakistan s!pports the deli%er' channels 4or c!stomer
ser%ice& As on ?ecember 21: .,,0: the Bank had e<!it' o4 Rs& "&,1" billion and total
assets o4 Rs& 1,-&1"/ billion: 7ith o%er 0-@:,,, bankin6 c!stomers: ser%iced b' a
total sta44 o4 .:11/&
Askari Bank is the onl' bank 7ith its operational head o44ice in the t7in cities
o4 Ra7alpindi-Islamabad: 7hich ha%e relati%el' limited opport!nities as compared to
Karachi and Lahore& 8his created its o7n challen6es and opport!nities: and 4orced as
to e%ol%e an o!t7ard-lookin6 strate6' in terms o4 Askari market emphasis& As a
res!lt: Askari de%eloped a 6eo6raphicall' di%ersi4ied assets base instead o4 a
concentration and hea%' reliance on b!siness in the major commercial centers o4
Karachi and Lahore: 7here most other banks ha%e their operational (ead o44ices&
M)T$,AT$)+ )- A.KA/$ C)MM!/C$AL BA+K
3hile s!ccess4!ll' penetratin6 the ke' domestic markets thro!6h strate6ic
e>pansion and b!siness di%ersi4ication the' remain ali%e to the challen6e emanatin6
4rom the de%elopment in the 6lobal 4inancial marketsH the opport!nities and threats
en6endered b' 6reater dere6!lation and increased c!stomer e>pectations& 8hese
pro%ide them the impet!s EmomentF to make the best !se o4 a%ailable reso!rces:
incl!din6 modern technolo6ies: to meet the challen6es ahead&
(istoricall': AskariIs core marketin6 4oc!s 4or its asset base has been the
middle and !pper middle b!siness ho!ses Eincl!din6 7holesalers and man!4act!rersF
operatin6 in the lar6e !rban centers o4 Pakistan: 7hich are primaril' oriented to7ards
4orei6n trade& 8his se6ment constit!tes si6ni4icant re%en!es to the bank& 8he liabilit'
side remains 4oc!sed on the middle and !pper middle class retired and ser%in6
6o%ernment and armed 4orces personal and mid-si;e b!siness ho!ses&
8heir corporate bankin6 di%ision 7as established in April 1### 7ith the
primar' 4oc!s on ser%icin6 lar6e corporate and m!lti-national companies E+NCsF&
Bene4itin6 4rom the bankIs 6ro7in6 balance sheet si;e: this di%ision B no7 6ainin6
moment!m and their lon6-term aim ? to de%elop it into an independent&
trate6ic b!siness !nit EBDFJ 8his 7o!ld the bank to ac<!ire: de%elop and
speciali;ed abilities: and enhance their 4oc!s on ser%in6 the emer6in6 needs o4 the
corporate clients&
3ith this branch net7ork o4 -@ and 4!rther e>pected increase in 4!t!re: the
A8+Is 4acilit' and internet Bankin6: Askari BankIs reach is e%er increasin6& In
reco6nition o4 this reach: the' ha%e set !p a retail-bankin6 6ro!p in K!l' .,,,: the
mobile A8+Is 4acilit' is 4irst time started b' Askari commercial bank in .,,@
dedicated to ser%in6 the !rban cons!mer marketH Askari is committed to a66ressi%el'
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 1.
ACBL Internship Report
market this se6ment& 8he strate6' is to pro%ide their c!stomers 7ith a basket o4
inno%ati%e prod!cts to meet their %ar'in6 needs&
Askari Commercial Bank is the onl' Pri%ate ector bank that has been appro%ed b'
the 3orld Bank as a Participatin6 Binancial Instit!tion 4or the DL .,, million Line
o4 Credit sanctioned Ea!thori;edF to the 5o%ernment o4 Pakistan 4or the Binancial
ector ?eepenin6 and Intermediation Project&
AskariMs emphasis on 4!rther broadenin6 its core 4orei6n trade b!siness translated into
handlin6 a hi6her %ol!me o4 *>port and Import b!siness o4 Rs& 2" billion re6isterin6 a
6ro7th o4 0.G o%er the per%io!s 'ear& 8his enhanced 4orei6n trade b!siness 7as
sec!red d!e to e>cellent c!stomer ser%ices and e44icient international settlement
arran6ements 7ith o!r correspondent banks&
Awards and Ac%ie#ements
Askari Bank contin!es its s!ccess in competition& Recentl' 7e ha%e once a6ain been
6i%en the 0Best /etail Bank in 'akistan b' 8he Asian Banker 4or the .nd
consec!ti%e 'ear& Askari Bank has been 6i%en the 1st Cons!mer Choice A7ard .,,0
4or the Commercial Bankin6 Cate6or' b' the Cons!mer Association o4 Pakistan& 3e
ha%e also recei%ed the Cor&orate !"cellence Award 4or the 4inancial sector 4rom the
+ana6ement Association o4 Pakistan E+APF 4or the 'ears .,,.: .,,2 and .,,0&
3e ha%e been 6i%en 0T%e Best Bank in 'akistan a7ard b' 1lobal -inance
ma6a;ine t7ice i&e& 4or the 'ears .,,1 and .,,.& 3e ha%e been 6i%en the 0Best
Consumer $nternet Bank a7ard b' 5lobal Binance ma6a;ine 4or the 'ears .,,.
and .,,2& 3e 7on the !uro money and Asiamoney a7ards as earl' as 1##0: 1##"
and 1##-& 3e ha%e A12: the hi6hest possible credit ratin6: 4or short-term obli6ations:
and o!r lon6-term ratin6 stands at AA& 3e 7on the presti6io!s 0Best 'resented
Annual Accounts a7ard 4rom the Instit!te o4 Chartered Acco!ntants in Pakistan
EICAPF: and 8he Instit!te o4 Cost and +ana6ement Acco!ntants in Pakistan
EICA+PF: 4or the er%ices ector: 4or the 'ears .,,,: .,,1and .,,.& 3e ha%e also
recei%ed rankin6 pri;es d!rin6 the last si> 'ears 4rom the o!th Asian Bederation o4
Acco!ntants EABAF 4or 0T%e Best 'resented Annual Accounts 4or the 4inancial
sector: in the AARC re6ion& In .,,- Askari bank 7on 0T%e Best Consumer
Banking Award 3446 4or the third consec!ti%e 'ear 4rom the cons!mer Association
o4 Pakistan& In .,,/: Askari Bank has been 6i%en 98he Best Retail Bankin6 A7ard
.,,/= b' Pakistan 5!arantee *>port Corporation Ltd&
Mission statement
8o be the leadin6 pri%ate sector bank in Pakistan 7ith an international presence:
deli%erin6 <!alit' ser%ice thro!6h inno%ati%e technolo6' and e44ecti%e h!man
reso!rce mana6ement in a modern and pro6ressi%e or6ani;ational c!lt!re o4
meritocrac': maintainin6 hi6h ethical and pro4essional standards: 7hile pro%idin6
enhanced %al!e to all o!r stake-holders: and contrib!tin6 to societ'
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 12
ACBL Internship Report
+ature of t%e organi(ation
ACBL is pri%ate sector bank and is cate6ori;e in commercial bank& commercial bank
to re4er to a bank or a di%ision o4 a bank primaril' dealin6 7ith deposits and loans
4rom corporations or lar6e b!sinesses& Commercial bankin6 ma' also be seen as
distinct 4rom retail bankin6: 7hich in%ol%es the pro%ision o4 4inancial ser%ices direct
to cons!mers& ACBL o44er both commercial and retail bankin6 ser%ices& In retail
bankin6 er%ices o44ered incl!de: sa%in6s and checkin6 acco!nts: mort6a6es: personal
loans: debit cards: credit cards: It pro%ide both prod!ct and ser%ice to the cons!mer
and the b!sinress !ser
Business #olume of /a%im56ar5K%an Branc%
B!siness %ol!me o4 Askari commercial bank limited Ashri4 comple> model to7n
Rahim-Yar -khan is .-, million
)#erall Business #olume
8otal assets 1:1//:.0@
8otal liabilities /"1://-
Net assets 2.":2@/

8otal re%en!e and pro4t a4ter ta> 4or the nine months ended eptember 2, : .,,/
7ere Rs& -@:12- tho!sands and Rs& 2-:,"1 tho!sands respecti%el'&
Askari commercial bank 4inancial report .,,/ NonlineO
'roduct Line
Askari commercial bank o44er 4o!r main prod!ct Cons!mer bankin6 Islamic bankin6
A6ric!lt!re 4inance sol!tion and corporate in%estment bankin6 !nder these 4o!r
prod!ct banks o44er a ran6e o4 prod!ct line
Internship Report-
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ACBL Internship Report
Consumer banking &roduct
AF Askari 4inance loan
Personal Binance
+ort6a6e Binance
B!siness Binance
mart Cash
BF In%estment prod!ct
+ahana Bachat Acco!nt
Roshan +!sta<bil ?eposit
?eposit +!ltiplier Acco!nt
Pal!e Pl!s ?eposits
R!pee 8ra%eler Che<!es
AKCAR? EAskari ?ebit CardF
Internet Bankin6 er%ice
*lectronic Bill Pa'ment er%ices
Cash +ana6ement er%ices
In%estment Certi4icates
$slamic banking ser#ices
Islamic Corporate Bankin6
Islamic In%estment Bankin6
Islamic 8rade Binance
Islamic 5eneral Bankin6
Islamic Cons!mer Bankin6
Agriculture finance solution
Kissan *%er 5reen Binance
Kissan 8ractor Binance
Kissan Aabpashi Binance
Kissan Li%estock ?e%elopment Binance
Kissan Barm +echani;ation Binance
Kissan 8ransport Binance
Cor&orate 7 $n#estment Banking
Corporate Bankin6 ?i%ision
8erm Loans
B!nd 8rans4ers 1 Remittances
In%estment Bankin6 ?i%ision
Project Binance
Islamic Binance
Askari /os%an Musta8bil 9e&osit
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 1@
ACBL Internship Report
Askari Bank has la!nched the Askari Roshan
+!sta<bil ?eposit: a sa%in6 plan speciall' desi6ned
4or indi%id!al in%estors 7ho 7ish to in%est no7 4or a
re6!lar ret!rn at a later sta6e 7hile keepin6 their
principal amo!nt intact& 3ith Askari Roshan
+!sta<bil ?eposit 'o! can do!ble 'o!r in%estment
in a time period o4 ten 'ears& In%est no7 in the 4orm
o4 monthl' deposits 4or 4i%e 'ears and 6et paid back
the same amo!nt 4or the ne>t 4i%e 'ears 7hile
recei%in6 'o!r principal amo!nt in 4!ll at the end o4
the ten!re&
Askari 9e&osit Multi&lier Account
0,alue of initial in#estment of /s: 144;444<5 will increase to /s: 36=;444<5 at
+!ltiplier acco!nt& 8his acco!nt is 4or indi%id!al
in%estors 7hose p!rpose is lon6 term sa%in6s 7ith
hi6h ret!rns& 3ith a ten!re o4 1, Years and a
competiti%e rate o4 ret!rn on mat!rit' this acco!nt is
ideal 4or in%estors 7ho 7ish to start sa%in6 4or their
4!t!re toda'&
,alue of initial in#estment of /s: 144;444<5 will
increase to /s: 36=;444<5 at maturity>
,alue 'lus 9e&osits
Askari Bank leads the 7a': 'et a6ain 7ith the
introd!ction o4 Askari Pal!e Pl!s R!pee ?eposit
Acco!nts: 7hich promise 6reater 4inancial 4reedom
and sec!rit': in an !n-matched 7a'&
No7 'o! can open a ?,alue 'lus Account? 7hile
enjo'in6 the 4le>ibilit' o4 a normal checkin6 acco!nt&
A.KA/$ CA/9
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 1"
ACBL Internship Report
Askari ?ebit Card means 4reedom: com4ort:
con%enience and sec!rit': so that 'o! can ha%e retail
transactions 7ith complete peace o4 mind& Askari
?ebit Card is 'o!r ne7 shoppin6 companion 7hich
enhances 'o!r <!alit' o4 li4e b' lettin6 'o! do
shoppin6: dine at resta!rants: pa' 'o!r !tilit' bills:
trans4er 4!nds: 7ithdra7 and deposit cash thro!6h
A8+ an'7here: an'time&
Tra#elers C%e8ues
Askari Bank Limited has al7a's remained at
4ore4ront in introd!cin6 inno%ati%e and !ni<!e
prod!cts in bankin6 sector& A!r 4inancial instr!ments
pro%ide 6reater 4inancial 4reedom and sec!rit' in an
!nmatched 7a' to o!r %al!ed c!stomers&
Askari Bank o44ers 'o! its QR!pee 8ra%eller
Che<!esQ eliminatin6 all 4inancial risks 7hile
tra%elin6& o a%oid risk o4 carr'in6 cash thro!6h
Askari BankMs R!pee 8ra%eler Che<!es&
.mart Cas%
8his personal line o4 credit 7o!ld be set !p
3ith a speci4ied credit limit !p to Rs& @,,:,,,1-
'ersonal -inance
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 1-
ACBL Internship Report
Personal Binance is a parameter dri%en prod!ct 4or
caterin6 to the needs o4 the 6eneral p!blic belon6in6
to di44erent se6ments& Ane can a%ail !nlimited
opport!nities thro!6h Askari BankMs Personal
Binance& 3ith !nmatched 4inance 4eat!res in terms o4
loan amo!nt: pa'back period and most a44ordable
monthl' installments: Askari BankMs Personal
Binance makes s!re that one 6ets the most o!t o4
his1her loan&
Mortgage -inance
Askari Q+ort6a6e BinanceQ o44ers the con%enience o4
o7nin6 a ho!se o4 choice: 7hile li%in6 in it at its
rental %al!e& 8he installment plan has care4!ll'
desi6ned to s!it both the b!d6et C accommodation
Business -inance
ACBL is pro%idin6 loans to small and medi!m si;e
b!siness enterprises !nder Askari BankMs B!siness
Binance cheme& 8he 6oal o4 ACBL is to o44er a
loan: 7hich enables b!siness comm!nit' to recei%e
the 4inancin6 re<!ired b' them based on their cash

Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 1/
ACBL Internship Report
Brand 'rotifolio
Askari commercial bank tar6et 4o!r di44erent markets 7ith di44erent needs and
7ants e%er' market can be se6ment b' prod!ct and cons!mer e>pectation 8he
brand port4olio is the set o4 all brands and brand lines that a partic!lar 4irm o44ers
4or sale to b!'ers in a partic!lar cate6or'& 8h!s: a brand port4olio 7o!ld be one
partic!lar col!mn o4 the matri>& ?i44erent brands ma' be desi6ned and marketed
to appeal to di44erent market se6ments& Askari commercial bank has 4o!r di44erent
prod!ct and Islamic bankin6 cons!mer bankin6 prod!ct a6ric!lt!re 4inance
sol!tion and corporate in%estment bankin6 and pro%ide a ran6 o4 di44erent prod!ct
in these cate6ori;e accordin6 to c!stomer need
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 1#
ACBL Internship Report
.trategies of branding used by t%e organi(ation
Askari commercial bank !se !mbrella brand strate6' the same brand name s!pport
se%eral di44erent prod!ct in di44erent market s!ch like the name o4 the brand is askari
commercial bank and it o44er a ran6e o4 prod!ct in di44erent market s!ch like Askari
r!pee tra%eler che<!e and Askari smart cash An !mbrella brand is a brand that co%ers
di%erse kinds o4 prod!cts 7hich are more or less related Dmbrella brandin6 can be a
s!ccess4!l marketin6 strate6'& (o7e%er: this de-pends on ha%in6 a consistent and
clear brand identit' across the %ariants& It also needs to be reco6ni;ed that: 7hile this
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 .,

r banking
of the
ACBL Internship Report
approach can help 9kick start= %ariant la!nches: halo e44ects are not 6!aranteed& Anl'
aro!nd a <!arter o4 %ariant ads bene4it other %ariants 7ithin the port4olio so it is
!s!all' necessar' to s!pport indi%id!al %ariant la!nches&
T%e main ad#antages of @mbrella brand strategy are
Ane can capitali;e on the stren6th o4 one prod!ct and 6ain the bene4it o4 scale
economies in other markets&
8he almost immediate 6ood7ill can be 6enerated onl' i4 the brand is 7ell
And enjo's 6reat rep!tation like the brands mentioned abo%e&
Birms o4 6reat rep!tation can sa%e a lot o4 mone' on comm!nications i4 the'
*nter markets 7here the' 7ere not present be4ore&
In present da'Is o%er-comm!nicated era: this is a tremendo!s ad%anta6e 6i%en
8he 4act that the cost o4 achie%in6 a7areness is o!t o4 reach o4 so man'
T%e drawbacks are of @mbrella brand strategy is:

An' prod!ct can ne6ati%el' a44ect the o%erall brand and speci4ic bene4its ma'
be m!ddled in the o%erall shared %al!e
Clients in R&Y&Khan Branch
)&+ Corporation
alman 4lo!r +ills
P!njab oil +ills
Arm' p!blic school and colle6e
!perior 6ro!p o4 colle6e
National 6arrison school
he Bea!t'
?r: Ra;i Ab!l amad
Na!man medicines
+!slim jenin6 ind!str'
+umber of com&etitors
Bank Name Branc%es @/L
A: 'ublic .ector commercial bank
1& Birst 3omen Bank Ltd 2# 777&47bl&com&pk
.& National Bank o4 Pakistan 1.1# 777&nbp&com&pk
2& 8he Bank o4 P!njab .@@ 777&p!njabbank&com
B: Local 'ri#ate Banks
1& Allied Bank Ltd -2. 777&abl&com&pk
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 .1
ACBL Internship Report
.& Bank Al-Balah Ltd& 110 777&bankal4alah&com
2& Bank Al-(abib Ltd& -- 777&bankalhabib&com &
0& Ba'sal Bank Ltd& @@ 777&4a'salbank&com&pk
@& (abib Bank Ltd& 10.@ 777&habibbankltd&com
"& KAB Bank Ltd& .2 777&kasbbank&com
-& +ee;an Bank Ltd& .2 777&mee;anbank&com
/& +etropolitan Bank Ltd 0- 777&metrobank&com&pk
#& +CB Bank Ltd& #01 777&mcb&com&pk
1,& a!di-Pak Commercial Bank Ltd& 2/ 777&sa!dipakbank&com
11& oneri Bank Ltd& @2 777&soneri&com
1.& Dnited Bank Ltd& 1:,02 777&!bl&com&pk
C: -oreign Banks
1tandard Chartered Bank Ltd 2, 777&standardchartered&com
9: .&eciali(ed Banks
1& )arai 8ra<iati Bank Ltd& 20@ 777&;tbl&com&pk
)rgani(ation *ierarc%y c%art
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 ..
ACBL Internship Report
Board o4 directors
Lt& 5en& 3aseem Ahmed Ashra4 - Chairman
Lt& 5en& Imtia; (!ssain - Chairman *>ec!ti%e Committee
Lt& 5en& BARAAR A(+*? K(AN 5DR+ANI E(A(**?F
+r& +&Ra4i< +ehkari - President C Chie4 *>ec!ti%e
Bri6 ERF +!hammad hira; Bai6 - ?irector
Bri6 ERF Asmat Dllah Khan Nia;i - ?irector
Bri6 ERF +!hammad Bashir Ba; - ?irector
Bri6 ERF ha!kat +ahmood Cha!dhari - ?irector
+r& )a4ar Alam Khan !mbal - ?irector
+r& Kashi4 +ateen Ansari - ?irector
+r& +!hammad Najam Ali - ?irector
+r& +!hammad A4;al +!ni4 - ?irector
+r& 8ari< I<bal Khan - ?irector ENI8 NomineeF
+umber )f !m&loyee
Branc% Total !m&loyee 6ear
/A*$M56A/5K%an 3A 3449
)#erall 6;A4A 344A
Main office Askari commercial Bank
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 .2
ACBL Internship Report
City Address PABX NO. Fax No
Bank <!are:
0-- Bank <!are: 8he +all Lahore ,0.--.11/@1 ,0.-
"1-: halimar Link Road:
Ba6hbanp!ra Lahore
Baha7alp!r 1-Noor +ahal Road: Baha7alp!r ,".-#.@@2..-2 ,".-
B!re7ala #-C: Cit' 5ate +kt: Colle6e Road
,"--2--..,"-/ ,"--
Chani 5oth:
Dch Road Channi 5oth 8ehsil
Ahmedp!r *ast: Baha7alp!r
,".-.-/2,,/ ,".-
5!jran7ala 5&8 Road 5!jran7ala ,@@-#.,,/@@-" ,@@-
5!jrat (assan Pla;a 5&8&Road 5!jrat ,@2-2@2,1"0-@ ,@2-
5hala +andi Kalalp!r Bhattian ,@0--@,1,12-0 ,@0--
Khan6 Ch!rch Road addar: Khan6 ,0---".11@, ,0--
Khane7al ?A(A Pla;a: Cho7k +arka;i:
,"@-#.,,.-1-- ,"@-
Kh!rrian7ala K!mrah Road: Kh!rrian7ala ,01-02"0,.# ,01-
Lalam!sa 5&8 Road: Lalam!sa ,@2--@1#"#,-1 ,@2--
Abdali Road:
"01 A-1: Abdali Road: +!ltan ,"1-#.,12#1-0 ,"1-
Bosan Road:
Plot 1/,.: 3ard No& 1,: Bosan
Road: +!ltan
Akara Chak No& .-0.: +&A& Kinnah Road
Akara Cantt
,00.-@.##-2-0 ,00.-
Akara Cantt @1 (.: Classic Comple> Ilam ?in
hahdeed Road : Akara Cantt
,00-.//1"00 ,00-
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 .0
Askari Bank has e>panded into a nation7ide
presence o4 1@, branches: and an o44shore bankin6
Dnit in Bahrain and the main head <!arter o4
askari commerical bank in Ra7alipandi and the
detail o4 the main o44ices 6i%en belo7
ACBL Internship Report
?r& akina Ri;%i Road: +andi
Peoples Colon'
Peoples Colon': Baisalabad ,01-/-2#2."-/ ,01-
Dni: Road
Dni%ersit' Road: Baisalabad ,01-#.,1,,/-
Phool Na6ar Plot Khasra No& 11#2: +ain
+!ltan Road: ?istt: Kas!r
Rahim Yar
Ashra4 Comple>: +odel 8o7n:
Rahim'ar Khan
,"/-@/-#/@1-. ,"/-
Ra%i Road:
2@-+ain Ra%i Road: Lahore ,0.---,,@1" ,0.-
adi<abad -/-?: Allama I<bal Road: Ne7
8o7n: adi<abad
,"/-@/,.2---/ ,"/-
ahi7al 0/1 B C B 1: (i6h treet Branch:
,0,-00"--2--# ,0,-
ar6odha /,-Cl!b Road: Ald Ci%il Lines:
,0/-2-.@0#, ,0/-
N-1.-R--,C: App R!st!m ohrab
C'cle Bactor': heikh!p!ra Road:
,0.--#1#2,.-@ ,0.-
heikh!p!ra Propert' No& B-IS-"-00: +ain
Lahore ar6odha Road:
ialkot Paris
Paris Road ialkot ,@.-0."./,"-/ ,@.-
ialkot Cantt 8ari< Road: ialkot Cantt ,@.-0.##,,1-2 ,@.-
8oba 8ek in6h @#"- +ohallah Chamra +andi:
Khan6 Road: 8oba 8ek in6h
,0".-@1"1.,-1 ,0".-
Pehari 12: * Block: Karkahna Ba;ar:
,"--22""-1/-# ,"--
Chak7al 8ala6an6 Road : Chak7al ,@02-@@210.-2 ,@02-
Chashma Plot No& 1: Bank <!are: Chashma ,0@#-.01@00 ,0@#-
?&I&Khan Kai4 5!lbahahr B!ildin6 :
A&R&Khan Cho7k: Circ!lar Road
?&I& Khan
,#""--.,1/,-. ,#""-
5!jar Khan B-III: 2",11: 5&8&Road: 5!jar
(&R&Ra7alpindi Bilal Pla;a: (aider Road:
,@1-#.-.//,-2 ,@1-
(arip!r hahrah-e-(a;ara: (arip!r ,##@-".-1./-
Khel!m Plot No& ..@ C ..": Kohinoor
Pla;a: Ald 5&8 Road: Khell!m
,@00--.,,@2-@ ,@00-
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 .@
ACBL Internship Report
Kohat (an6! Road: Kohat Cantt ,#..- @1,#12-
Kharian Ra;a B!ildin6: +ain 5&8 Road:
Kharian Cantt
+ardan 8he +all Road: +ardan ,#2--#.2,@,1-
+in6ora: 7at App Park (otel : +aakan Ba6h:
aid! hari4 Road: +in6ora 7at
,#0"--122@/-# ,#0"-
+irp!r AKCK Nathia B!ildin6: Cho7k
haheedan: +irp!r AK C K
2--: Bakhr-e-Alam Road: Cantt
Pla;a Branch: Pesha7ar
,#1- #.1.022-" ,#1- @.-"2
Pesha7ar Cit' Bank <!are: Cho7k Yad6ar:
,#1-.@"1.0"-- ,#1-
R!etta E+ainF +&A Kinnah Road: R!etta ,/1-./02-@1-0 ,/1-
3ah Cantt PAB (otel : 8he +all 3ah Cantt ,@1-0@22.-.
?aharki 1.-": +ain Road )a4ar Ba;ar:
,-.2-"01.", ,-.2-
5hotki Plot No& # ?: ?eh Adher 3ali:
Radirp!r Road: App 8o7n
Committee: 5hotki
,-.2-",,@,, ,-.2-
('derabad 22.-222: addar Ba;ar: ('derabad ,..-
hahra-e- Noor:
C&& Nos& ."1111C."111.:
hahrah-e-Noor +!hammad
+arket: ('derabad
,..-.-/0/@. ,..-
Kacobabad 3ard No& ,@: R!aid-e-A;am Road:
,-..-"@1/"" ,-..-
Kandhkot Plot No& .#11: 8o7er Road:
Larkana B!der Road: Larkana ,-0-0,@2/.2-0 ,-0-
+irp!r Khas C& /2@: 3ard B: +&A& Kinnah
Road: +irp!r Khas
,.21-#.#,22@ ,.21-
Na7abshah Katchar' Road: Na7ab hah ,.00-#2-,0",-
!kk!r ara4a Ba;ar: !kk!r ,-1- @"./."--/ ,-1-
$ntroduction of All de&artments
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 ."
ACBL Internship Report
1& Remittances department
.& C!stomer ser%ice center
2& Cash department
0& Clearin6 department
@& Acco!nt department
"& I&8 department
-& Credit department
/& A!to Binance ?epartment
#& A6ric!lt!re ?epartment
1,&(!man Reso!rce ?epartment
/emittances de&artment

8he head o4 the remittances department is Yo!si4 Kamil
8he 4!nction o4 remittance departments is to handle 7ith the 4ollo7in6 instr!ments:
Pa' Arder
?emand ?ra4t
Pa' slip
8ele6raphic 8rans4er
Pa'ment o4 Remittances
Cancellation o4 pa' order C demand dra4t
8he remittance department deals 7ith the trans4er o4 mone' 4rom one place to
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 .-
6ousif Bamil *ead of
/emittance 9e&artment
Bunior officer
ACBL Internship Report
8his department deals 7ith the local c!rrenc' trans4er onl'& ACBL pro%ides these
ser%ices to both c!stomers C non-c!stomers
Customer ser#ice center
C!stomer ser%ice ?epartment per4orm the 4ollo7in6 d!ties
5i%e brie4 in4ormation abo!t di44erent acco!nt to c!stomer
Acco!nt openin6
Pro%ide ser%ice to c!stomer s!ch as 4illin6 the 4orma
Iss!in6 the che<!e book
Iss!e ?ebit card and credit card
Locker record keepin6
Comp!teri;e record keepin6 o4 !tilit' bills and other collection

Cas% de&artment
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 ./
Caseem .adi8ue *ead
of cas% 9e&artment
C% Bamil
Customer .er#ice
Amir /e%mani *ead of
customer ser#ice
Miss .ima
Bunior officer
Munir K%an
ACBL Internship Report
All ph'sical mo%ement o4 cash in the bank is made thro!6h the cash department&
Normall' cash department per4orms 4ollo7in6 4!nctions
Act accordin6 to an' standin6 instr!ctions
8rans4er o4 4!nds 4rom one acco!nt to another
(andlin6 o4 A8+
Peri4ication o4 si6nat!res
(andlin6 o4 pri;e bond
Clearing de&artment
8he 7ord clearin6 has been deri%ed 4rom the 7ord 9Clear= and is de4ined as 9 a
s'stem b' 7hich banks e>chan6e che<!es and other ne6otiable instr!ments dra7n on
each other 7ithin a speci4ic area and thereb' sec!re pa'ment 4or their clients thro!6h
the Clearin6 (o!se At speci4ied time= in an e44icient 7a'=&
CL!A/$+1 *)@.!
It is a place 7here representati%es o4 all banks sit to6ether and interchan6e their
claims a6ainst each other 7ith the help o4 controllin6 sta44 o4 tate Bank o4 Pakistan
And 7here there is no branch o4 tate Bank o4 Pakistan the desi6nated branch o4
National Bank o4 Pakistan act as controllin6 member instead o4 tate Bank o4
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 .#
$mran Aslam *ead of
clearing 9e&artment
Bunior officer
ACBL Internship Report
/@L!. A+9 /!1@LAT$)+. *A,! CL!A/$+1 *)@.!:
8imin6:E+onda' thro!6h at!rda'F
i& 1st Clearin6 at 1,:,, a&m&
ii& .nd Clearin6 at .&2, p&m&
Account de&artment
Acco!nt department is responsible 4or b!d6etin6 and acco!nt openin6 all the
transaction that are take place in the bank and their ph'sical pro%e are match to the
comp!ter 6enerated report and sa%e it as a ph'sical that these transaction are take
place in the bank& econdl' acco!nt is responsible 4or b!d6etin6 and also record dail'
e>pense inc!rred b' the bank
Acco!nt department 7ork as a backbone o4 the or6ani;ation this department directal'
report the operational man6er and %ice president Preparin6 the bankMs ann!al acco!nts
and coordinatin6 e>ternal a!dit is also a direct 4!nction o4 the 4inance di%ision
$:T de&artment
8he comp!ter has chan6e the 7a' o4 7orkin6 no7 all the departments
o4 Askari commercial bank limited per4orm their d!ties in comp!teri;e en%ironment
the d!t' o4 the I&8 department is to per4orm the 4ollo7in6 d!ties
Peri4ication o4 N&I&C online 4or the p!rpose o4 acco!nt openin6
Comp!teri;e record keepin6 o4 Acco!nts
5enerate report o4 dail' transaction in the bank
+aintain the LAN and make the so4t7are and hard7are con4i6!ration

Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 2,
Mr: /e%an Luckey
*ead of $T de&artment
Miss: Med%a *ead of
Account 9e&artment
$mran Dul5*a8
1rade 1 officer
ACBL Internship Report
Credit de&artment
Credit ?epartment deals 7ith arran6ement b' 7hich a b!'er can take o7nership o4
somethin6 no7 and pa' 4or it later or o%er time credit department per4orm 4ollo7in6
Computer Loans:
Personal Binance
+ort6a6e Binance
B!siness Binance
Auto finance 9e&artment
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 21
Auto -inance
/ana *asan *ead of
Auto finance de&artment
Mu%ammad +aeem
1rade 1 officer
M: .alman *ead of
credit 9e&artment
Amir Akt%er
1rade 1 officer
Amras /as%eed
1rade 1 officer
ACBL Internship Report
A!to 4inance ?epartment o44ers !s the most con%enient and a44ordable %ehicle
4inancin6 scheme to help !s o7n o!r 4a%orite brand ne7 car&
'roduct -eatures:
Borro7er: Resident Pakistani Nationals
Bacilit': 8erm Binancin6
Binancin6 Limits: Rs: 1,,:,,,1- to Rs: 2&, +illion
Repa'ment: +onthl' Installments
+ark!p Rates: Competiti%e
Balloon Pa'ment: A%ailable
+inim!m Income: alaried: Rs: 1,:,,,1-:
el4 *mplo'ed B!sinessman: Rs: .@:,,,1-
Char6e 1 Bees: As Per c!rrent ched!le o4 Char6es
A!to Ins!rance: +andator'
Binancin6 8enor Dp to - 'ears
Agriculture 9e&artment
8he head o4 a6ric!lt!re department is Ali Ahmed it Pro%ide the di44erent kind o4 loan
to the Kissan or 4ormer it incl!de
Kissan *%er 5reen Binance
Kissan 8ractor Binance
Kissan Aabpashi Binance
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 2.
Ali A%med *ead of
Agriculture 9e&artment
Mou(am Ali
1rade 1 officer
Amir Akt%er
1rade 1 officer
ACBL Internship Report
Kissan Li%estock ?e%elopment Binance
Kissan Barm +echani;ation Binance
Kissan 8ransport Binance
Consumer -inance 9e&artment
8he (ead o4 cons!mer 4inance department is Kam&Arshed cons!mer 4inance
department pro%ide the b!siness loan @,,,,,-@,,,,,,, 8he rate o4 interest char6e b'
the bank is t7ent' one percent 7hich is lo7er as compare to the other competitor
*uman /esource 9e&artment
8he responsibilit' o4 (!man reso!rce
department is per4ormin6 the Acco!nt department d!e to short n!mber o4 emplo'ee
the responsibilities o4 (R department is share to acco!nt department s!ch as
recr!itment o4 internee
Comments on organi(ation structure
)rgani(ation structure
8he 4ormal pattern o4 ho7 people and jobs are 6ro!ped in an
8he basis 7hich jobs are 6ro!ped to6ether
C%ain of command
Is the contin!o!s line o4 a!thorit' that e>tends 4rom !pper
or6ani;ation le%el to the lo7est le%el and clari4ies 7ho report to 7homT

Centrali(ation and decentrali(ation
?ecision makin6 is made b' top le%el or lo7
.&an of control
8he n!mber o4 s!bordinates a mana6er can direct e44icientl' and
$n m' personal point o4 %ie7 the str!ct!re o4 Askari commercial bank limited is
simple d'namic and centrali;e decision makin6 all the department is report to
operational mana6er and then he report to branch mana6er& 8he jobs d!ties and
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 22
Consumer -inance
Bam:Ars%ed *ead of
Consumer -inance
ACBL Internship Report
responsibilities is di%ided b' department b!t d!e to short n!mber o4 emplo'ee in the
or6ani;ation jobs responsibilities are share bet7een the emplo'ee
Centrali;e decision makin6 make the distance bet7een the top le%el and lo7er le%el
mana6er the jobs responsibilities and di%ided b' the department b!t these are share
bet7een the emplo'ee d!e to short n!mber o4 emplo'ee and all head o4 each
department report to the operational man6er and 7ho ne>t report to the branch
man6er& 8he main ad%anta6e o4 centrali;e decision makin6 is s!per%isor can j!d6e
and e%al!ate the per4ormance o4 each emplo'ee
'lan of interns%i& &rogram
$ am #ery t%ank full to Askari commercial bank w%o &ro#ide us t%e &late form to
&olis% our skill and gi#e me o&&ortunity to &olis% my skill
A brief introduction of t%e branc%<%ead office w%ere you did
: your interns%i&
Askari commercial bank start its operation 1##.: and main head <!arter o4 askari
commerical bank in Ra7alipandi It has se%ent 4i%e branches in pakistan o!r branch o4
Rahim-Yar-Khan 7here I did m' internship 7as establish in 1##" It is located on
Ashra4 Comple>: +odel 8o7n: Rahim-Yar- Khan& 8here are t7ent' ei6ht emplo'ee in
Askari commercial bank 8he en%ironment o4 the bank is %er' d'namic and attracti%e
8he branch mana6er o4 Askari commercial bank Ashra4 Comple>: +odel 8o7n:
Rahim-Yar-Khan is +ehboob Ramar 7hich is %er' hard7orkin6 and p!nctilio!s
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 20
Branc% Manager
)&erational Manager
*ead of cas% 9e&artment
!m&loyee 1
!m&loyee 3
!m&loyee E
*ead of /emittances 9e&artment
!m&loyee 1
!m&loyee 3
ACBL Internship Report
8he b!siness %ol!me o4 o!r branch is t7ent' million and it has ten departments
Acco!nt department: c!stomer ser%ice: remittances cash credit: a!to 4inance:
cons!mer 4inance department and I8 department

(ead o4 Remittances department is Yo!si4 Kamil
(ead o4 C!stomer ser%ice center Amir Rehmani
(ead o4 Cash department 3aseen-!d-din id<!i
(ead o4 Clearin6 department Imran Aslam
(ead o4 Acco!nt department +iss +elha
(ead o4 I&8 department Rahan L!cke'
(ead o4 Credit department +!hammad alman
(ead o4 A!to Binance ?epartment Rana (asan
(ead o4 A6ric!lt!re ?epartment Ali Ahmed
(ead o4 (!man Reso!rce ?epartment Rehan L!cke'
Askari bank pro%ide .01- A8+ ser%ice 4or the c!stomer and has 87ent' se%en
million b!siness %ol!me o4 Rahim-Yar-Khan branch and the sta44 o4 the bank is
%er' hard 7orkin6 and cooperati%e 8he bank held a 6ood ima6e in the p!blic d!e
6ood c!stomer relationship mana6ement and a!tomatic operation in the bankin6
and has a stron6 identi4' as compare to the competitor
.tarting date and ending date of interns%i&
.tarting date of interns%i& .,-,.-.,,# !nding date of interns%i& ,@-,0-.,,#
T%e de&artments in w%ic% you got training and duration of :
: your training
.r: F +ame of de&artment from To
1 C!stomer er%ice .,Beb @+arch
. Acco!nt ?epartment "+arch 1@+arch
2 Clearin6 ?epartment 1"+arch ."+arch
0 Cash ?epartment .- +arch @April
9etailed descri&tion of t%e &roGect assigned
C!stomer er%ice
Acco!nt ?epartment
Clearin6 ?epartment
Cash ?epartment
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 2@
ACBL Internship Report
Customer .er#ice
C!stomer ser%ice ?epartment per4orm the 4ollo7in6 d!ties
5i%e brie4 in4ormation abo!t di44erent acco!nt to c!stomer
Acco!nt openin6
Pro%ide ser%ice to c!stomer s!ch as 4illin6 the 4orma
Iss!in6 the che<!e book
Iss!e ?ebit card and credit card
Locker record keepin6
Comp!teri;e record keepin6 o4 !tilit' bills and other collection
5i%e brie4 in4ormation abo!t di44erent acco!nt to c!stomer
It is the d!t' o4 c!stomer ser%ice department that pro%ide the in4ormation abo!t
the prod!ct and ser%ice to their c!stomer accordin6 to their need Askari pro%ide
di44erent acco!nt 4or their c!stomer
C!rrent acco!nt Nb!siness transactionO
a%in6 acco!nt NpensionerO
Askari special deposit acco!nt Nst!dentO
Askari e%er6reen U8akin6 loanO
Dni<!e Nsalar' personO
Account o&ening
ACC)@+T )'!+$+1 '/)C!9@/!

Know you customer
8he objecti%e o4 kno7in6 a c!stomer is to ha%e a 4air idea abo!t the identit': 4inancial
reso!rces: and 6eneral in4ormation abo!t the c!stomer at the time 7hen the
relationship is established& A banker m!st ha%e 4ollo7in6 in4ormation abo!t the
Customer name :
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 2"
Customer .er#ice
Amir /e%mani *ead of
customer ser#ice
Miss .ima
1rade 1 officer
ACBL Internship Report
*nter complete name as mentioned in ori6inal I? card 1other b!siness
Nat!re o4 b!siness 1pro4ession: i4 c!stomer is o4 salaried class enter his emplo'er
name& I4 the c!stomer is a b!sinessman: trader: sole proprietor: enter the b!siness
name: 4or e>ample 9Kamil 8raders=etc&also enter the c!stomerIs title1position and
address o4 the b!siness1emplo'er& Address 7ith P&A&BAS is not acceptable& imilarl'
remarks like
9Pri%ate ser%ice=: 9b!siness= are not acceptable: rather speci4' 7hat t'pe o4
compan'1b!siness the c!stomer is associated 7ith 4or e>ample +ana6er Philips
*lectrical Compan'&
*nter the complete b!siness1residential address& 3ith in the brackets 'o! ma' also
pro%ide prominent address identi4ication marks 4or ease o4 ph'sicall' locatin6 the
Contact +umbers :
*nter home: o44icial: mobile: 4a> n!mber and e-mail address Ei4 a%ailableF& Banker can
%eri4' the n!mber b' 6i%in6 the c!stomer a co!rtes' call or b' sendin6 him a e-mail&
)t%er< secondary< mailing address:
ome c!stomer ma' %ol!nteer their parents or siblin6sI addressor second home
address or a mailin6 address other than a permanent address&
!"isting<ot%er bankers:
Almost most all the bankers !s!all' ha%e a bankin6 relationship 7ith another bank& In
case o4 c!stomer 7ho does not ha%e an e>istin6 bankin6 relationship: or does not
7ant to disclose the e>istin6 relationship: then it is stron6l' recommended that at least
4or some time this partic!lar acco!nt m!st be kept !nder obser%ation&
.ource of $ncome
No7 the state bank o4 Pakistan has also add the re6!lation that to kno7
abo!t 'o!r c!stomer so!rce o4 income and it is comp!lsor' to the person 7ho 7ant to
open their acco!nt in the bank m!st sho7 his so!rce o4 income to the bank
$ssuing t%e c%e8ue book
3hen the acco!nt o4 the acco!nt holder is open it is the
d!t' o4 the c!stomer ser%ice department is to iss!e the che<!e book to the c!stomer
also the pre%io!s acco!nt holder the proced!re o4 the iss!in6 o4 the che<!e book is
that bank has di44erent kind o4 che<!e book 4or di44erent c!stomer the bask has three
t'pes o4 che<!e book ten: t7ent' 4i%e and 4i4t' pa6es bank char6e a 4ee 4or iss!in6 the
che<!e book 4or e>ample three h!ndred r!pee is char6e 4or the 4i4t' pa6es che<!e
Pro%ide ser%ice to c!stomer s!ch as 4illin6 the 4orma or Po!cher
8he task 7hich is assi6ned to !s is that pro%ide ser%ice to c!stomer s!ch as 4illin6
the %o!cher 4orm it incl!de
Billin6 the che<!e book
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 2-
ACBL Internship Report
Billin6 the %o!cher o4 st!dent Bee o4 di44erent chool and colle6e
Billin6 the %o!cher 8o trans4er the mone' in debit credit card
Iss!e ?ebit card and credit card
It is also the d!t' o4 C? department to iss!e the debit and credit to acco!nt holder
7hich is re<!ested to iss!e the debit and credit card and pro%ide pin code and
other necessar' and also record o4 the transaction
Locker record keepin6
C!stomer ser%ice department is also record o4 the lockers on re6ister the name o4
the acco!nt ke' n!mber si6nat!re and the time to !se the locker all these
transactions are dail' record on the re6ister
Lockers /ent of locker H/.I &:a:
Lar6e .@,,
+edi!m 1@,,
mall 1,,,
Com&uteri(e record kee&ing of utility bills and ot%er
It is also the d!t' o4 C department and the task 7hich is assi6ned to !s to
comp!teri;e record keepin6 o4 the !tilit' ills and also record the Bee o4 t!dent
7hich is paid d!rin6 the da'

Account 9e&artment

8he most important department o4 the bank the head o4 acco!nt department is +iss
+edha the main responsibilities o4 the acco!nt department is
aF B!d6etin6
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 2/
Miss Med%a *ead of
Account 9e&artment
$mran Dul5*a8
1rade 1 officer
ACBL Internship Report
bF Reportin6
cF +aintenance C depreciation o4 4i>ed assets
dF +iscellaneo!s 4!nctions
Acco!nt department is responsible 4or b!d6etin6 keepin6 record o4 the re%en!e and
e>pense all the transaction that are take place in the bank and their ph'sical pro%e
N%o!cherO are come to the acco!nt department ne>t da' these %o!cher are also posted
to comp!ter and the comp!ter 6enerated report o4 the dail' transaction is created in I8
department and then the' send to the acco!nt department to match or tell to the
comp!ter 6enerated report and their %o!cher o4 dail' transaction and sa%e it as a
ph'sical record that these transaction are take place in the bank at 4ollo7in6 date
& econdl' acco!nt is responsible 4or b!d6etin6 and also record dail' e>pense
inc!rred b' the bank Acco!nt department 7ork as a backbone o4 the or6ani;ation this
department directl' report the operational man6er and %ice president Preparin6 the
bankMs ann!al acco!nts and coordinatin6 e>ternal a!dit is also a direct 4!nction o4 the
4inance di%ision
Acco!nts department maintains the record o4 all the assets and char6es depreciation
on them& 8he bank normall' !ses the strai6ht-line method to comp!te the
It is calc!lated on monthl' basis and char6ed 'earl'& Bank not onl' depreciates the
e>istin6 assets b!t also the assets b!t also the assets trans4erred in and trans4erred o!t&

All the operations per4ormed in %ario!s departments o4 ACBL are comp!teri;ed& 8he
4!nctions are per4ormed thro!6h the c!stomi;ed so4t7are& In order to 4acilitate
do!ble-checkin6 o4 all the transactions done: e%er' concerned o44icial also passes
%o!chers and che<!es man!all'& At the da' end all the %o!chers passed b' %ario!s
o44icers 7orkin6 in di44erent departments are 6i%en to Acco!nts ?epartment&
B!rthermore the I&8& department also prints a %er' b!lk' report o4 all the transactions 1
entries 7hich ha%e been 4ed into the comp!ter s'stem o4 the branch that da'& 3hen
both o4 these thin6s are at the desk o4 concerned o44icer: he per4orms the job o4
tall'in6 the dail' acti%it' report 7ith all the correspondin6 %o!chers and che<!es: in
order to track do7n an' discrepanc'&
8he reports 6enerated b' the acco!nts department on a dail': 7eekl': monthl': bi-
'earl' and 'earl' are 7ritten in a proper 4ormat& It is neither necessar' nor possible to
6et ac<!ainted b' all o4 these reports in a short period o4 time& ome o4 the common
reports are:-
+onthl' Assets C Liabilities
+onthl' B!d6et Re%ie7 Report
+onthl' +onitor' tatement
+onthl' Per4ormance Re%ie7 Report
+onthl' 4i>ed in%estment
Brom these statements: 4i%e reports carr' e>treme importance& 8he 4i%e reports are:-
?ail' position o4 ad%ances and deposits
tatement o4 a44airs
?ail' e>chan6e position report
Bi>ed assets statement
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 2#
ACBL Internship Report
+onthl' re%ie7 o4 per4ormance&
8he acco!nt department o4 ACBL has to record e%en the minor e>penses o4 the
branch like tea 4or the sta44: stationer' 4or the branch
Clearing 9e&artment
M!A+$+1 )- CL!A/$+1
8he 7ord clearin6 has been deri%ed 4rom the 7ord 9Clear= and is de4ined as 9 a
s'stem b' 7hich banks e>chan6e che<!es and other ne6otiable instr!ments dra7n on
each other 7ithin a speci4ic area and thereb' sec!re pa'ment 4or their clients thro!6h
the Clearin6 (o!se At speci4ied time= in an e44icient 7a'=&
1& ince clearin6 does not in%ol%e an' cash etc& and all the transaction take place
thro!6h book entries: the n!mber o4 transaction can be !nlimited&
.& No cash is needed as s!ch the risk o4 robber': embe;;lements and pil4era6e is
totall' eliminated&
2& As major pa'ments are made thro!6h clearin6: the banks came mana6e cash
pa'ments at the co!nters 7ith a minim!m amo!nt o4 cash in %a!lts&
0& A lot o4 time: cost and labor are sa%ed&
@& ince it pro%ides an e>tra ser%ice to the c!stomer o4 banks 7itho!t an' ser%ice
char6es or costs: more and more people are inclined and attracted to7ards
CL!A/$+1 *)@.!
It is a place 7here representati%es o4 all banks sit to6ether and interchan6e their
claims a6ainst each other 7ith the help o4 controllin6 sta44 o4 tate Bank o4 Pakistan
And 7here there is no branch o4 tate Bank o4 Pakistan the desi6nated branch o4
National Bank o4 Pakistan act as controllin6 member instead o4 tate Bank o4
/@L!. A+9 /!1@LAT$)+. *A,! CL!A/$+1 *)@.!:
8imin6:E+onda' thro!6h at!rda'F
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 0,
$mran Aslam *ead of
clearing 9e&artment
Bunior officer
ACBL Internship Report
i& 1st Clearin6 at 1,:,, a&m&
ii& .nd Clearin6 at .&2, p&m&
*ach bank 7ill send competent representati%e to e>chan6e the che<!es&
*ach bank is re<!ired to ins!re that all che<!es and other ne6otiable
instr!ments are properl' stamped and s!itabl' dischar6ed
An objection memo m!st accompan' each and e%er' che<!e 7hen ret!rn
!npaid d!l' initialed&
*ach bank is re<!ired to maintain s!44icient 4!nds in the principal acco!nt
7ith BP to meet the pa'ment obli6ations&
)@TCA/9 CL!A/$+1 AT T*! B/A+C*:
8he 4ollo7in6 points are to be taken into consideration 7hile an instr!ment is
accepted at the co!nter to be presented in o!t7ard clearin6:
8he name o4 the branch appears on its 4ace 7here it is dra7n o&
It sho!ld be stale or post dated or 7itho!t date&
Amo!nt in 7ords and 4i6!res does not di44er&
i6nat!re o4 the dra7er appears on the 4ace o4 the instr!ment&
Instr!ment is not m!tilated&
8here sho!ld be no material alteration: i4 so: it sho!ld be properl'
I4 order instr!ment s!itabl' indorsed and the last endorseeIs acco!nt bein6
*ndorsement is in accordance 7ith the crossin6 i4 an'&
8he amo!nt o4 the instr!ment is same as mentioned on the pa'in6-in-slip
and co!nter4oil&
8he title o4 the acco!nt on the pa'in6-in-slip is that o4 pa'ee or endorsee
E7ith the e>ception o4 bearer che<!eF&
I4 an instr!ment is in order than o!r bank special crossin6 stamp is a44i>ed across the
4ace o4 the instr!ment& Clearin6 stamp is a44i>ed on the 4ace o4 the instr!ments:
pa'in6-in-slip and co!nter4oil E8he stamp is a44i>ed in s!ch a manner that hal4 appears
on co!nter4oil and pa'in6-in-slipF& 8he instr!ment is s!itabl' dischar6ed: 7here a
bearer che<!e does not re<!ire an' dischar6e and also an instr!ment in 4a%or a bank
not need be dischar6ed&
8he instr!ment alon6 7ith pa'-in-slip is retained 7hile the co!nter4oil is 6i%en to the
c!stomer d!l' si6ned& 8hen the 4ollo7in6 steps are to be taken:
1& 8he partic!lars o4 the instr!ment and the pa'-in-slip or credit %o!cher are
entered in the o!t7ard clearin6 re6ister&
.& erial no& Is 6i%en to each %o!cher&
2& 8he re6ister is balancedH the credit %o!chers are balanced 4rom the instr!ments
and are released to the respecti%e departments a6ainst ackno7led6ement in the
0& 8he instr!ments are arran6ed bank 7ise&
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 01
ACBL Internship Report
@& 8he sched!les are prepared in triplicate: t7o copies 7hich are attached 7ith
the rele%ant instr!ment and the third is kept as o44ice cop'&
"& 8he ho!se pa6e is prepared 4rom sched!les in triplicate&
-& 8he sched!les and ho!se pa6es are si6ned b' the ho!se inchar6e 7ith branch
/& 8he 6rand total o4 the ho!se pa6e is taken and a6reed 7ith that o4 the o!t7ard
clearin6 re6ister&
#& 8he instr!ment alon6 7ith d!plicate sched!le and ho!se pa6e are sent to the
main o44ice&
(o7e%er the amo!nt is kept in 4loat till 4inal stat!s o4 %ario!s instr!ments is kno7n
4rom respecti%e pa'in6 banks in second dealin6&
8he entr' o4 the instr!ment ret!rned !npaid is made in Che<!es ret!rned Re6ister& I4
the instr!ment is not to be presented a6ain in clearin6 then a co%erin6 memo is
prepared& 8he co%erin6 memo alon6 7ith ret!rned instr!ment and objection memo is
sent to the c!stomer 7ho sent the same to his acco!nt&
$+CA/9 CL!A/$+1 )- T*! B/A+C*:
1& 8he partic!lars o4 the instr!ments are compared 7ith the list&
.& 8he instr!ments are detached and sort o!t department 7ise&
2& 8he entr' is made in the in7ard clearin6 re6ister Eserial no& Instr!ment no&
Acco!nt no& Is 7rittenF&
0& 8he instr!ments are sent top the respecti%e departments
@& 8he instr!ments are scr!tini;ed in each respect be4ore honorin6 the same&
)@TCA/9 C*!J@!. /!T@/+!9 @+'A$9:
8hese are the che<!e ret!rned !npaid b' !s in in7ard clearin6& d!e to some
$+CA/9 C*!J@!. /!TA$+!9 @+'A$9:
8hese are the che<!es retained !npaid to !s 7hich 7ere lod6ed b' !s in A!t7ard
Cas% 9e&artment
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 0.
Caseem .adi8ue
*ead of cas%
C% Ba#ad
ACBL Internship Report

8he cash department is the most important department o4 the bank& It recei%es cash
4rom c!stomers and then deposits it into the acco!nts o4 the c!stomers and maintained
their balances& All ph'sical mo%ement o4 cash in the bank is made thro!6h the cash
Normall' cash department per4orms 4ollo7in6 4!nctions
Act accordin6 to an' standin6 instr!ctions
8rans4er o4 4!nds 4rom one acco!nt to another
(andlin6 o4 A8+
Peri4ication o4 si6nat!res
(andlin6 o4 pri;e bond
The task 7hich is assi6ned to me in the cash department is that sort the r!pees and
e>cl!de the a44ected or dama6e note and make the b!ndle or cop' Npacka6eO o4 note
4or e>ample 1,,,V1,,W1,,,,, make the cop' o4 one lack secondl' be4ore 6oin6
c!stomer to co!nter 4or pa'ment 7rite the detail o4 note or c!rrenc' back 7ord on the
%o!cher 4or e>ample a c!stomer 7ant to deposit 1,,,,, r!pees 7e 7rite the detail o4
r!pees on backside o4 %o!cher s!ch as
8otal W.,,,,,
8hird the task 7hich is assi6ned to me is that record the detail o4 %o!cher on re6ister
%o!cher n!mber r!pee and also makes the spread record o4 st!dent 4ee %o!cher s!ch
as their roll n!mber amo!nt and class
9e&osit Cas% $n CustomerKs Account:5
3hen the c!stomer 7ant to deposit amo!nt in his acco!nt at openin6 o4 acco!nt or
a4ter that then he has to 4ill a deposit slip that sho7s the amo!nt and the acco!nt in
7hich the cash 7ill be deposited& 8hen teller 7ill recei%e amo!nt and credit the
c!stomerIs acco!nt that sho7s increase in c!stomerIs bank acco!nt&
Make 'ayments -rom CustomerKs Account:5
3hen the c!stomer dra7s a che<!e on the bank to pa' a certain amo!nt then teller
7ill debit the c!stomerIs acco!nt that sho7s red!ction in his acco!nt balance&
C%e8ue &ayment &rocedure
Che<!e *ncashment are made in 4o!r steps: these are:-
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 02
Abdul *ameed
ACBL Internship Report
1& Recei%in6 o4 Che<!es
.& Peri4ication o4 i6nat!re
2& Comp!ter 8erminal Process
0& Pa'ment o4 Cashs
.tructure of t%e Marketing 9e&artment
3hen I talk abo!t the str!ct!re o4 marketin6 department in ACBL it is %er' clear
that the A!to 4inancin6 department: A6ric!lt!re department: Cons!mer 4inance
department are the marketin6 departments in Askari bank commercial bank
T%e Marketing de&artments in Askari Bank are
Branch man6er operational man6er and b!siness de%elopment o44icer are partiall'
in%ol%ed in the marketin6 and 6et 6rant 4rom head o44ice to promote their promotional
acti%ities s!ch as banner ad%ertisement social marketin6 and p!blic relation and
C!stomer ser%ice credit cons!mer 4inance and A6ric!lt!re are internall' in%ol%ed in
marketin6 3hen I see at the branch in Rahim 'ar khan I see that the operational
department 4ollo7s the marketin6 acti%ities 7hich is s!per%ised b' the operational
mana6er o4 Askari commercial bank limited bank 8ari< +ehmood Khan& Aperational
mana6er and calls to c!stomers thro!6h telephone and personall' meet 7ith the
c!stomers and appl' the principle o4 c!stomer relationship mana6ement to attracts the
c!stomer& +r& Imran Aslam 7orks as a b!siness de%elopment o44icer EB?AF and meet
7ith clients to con%ince them to open the acco!nt in Askari bank and tell the
c!stomers abo!t the detail o4 di44erent t'pes o4 acco!nts&
8he marketin6 departments o4 Askari commercial bank are a6ric!lt!re department:
a!to 4inance department: cons!mer 4inance department and c!stomers ser%ices
departments these departments are practicall' en6a6ed in the marketin6 o4 the
prod!cts and ser%ices that the Askari bank o44er to c!stomers& 8he marketin6 policies
o4 the Askari commercial bank is keepin6 the track o4 the latest de%elopment in the
7orld and incorporatin6 the latest and the most modern e<!ipment to make the
bankin6 proced!res simple and eas'
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 00
ACBL Internship Report
9e&artment *ierarc%y
+umber of em&loyees working in t%e Marketing de&artment
8here are ele%en emplo'ee 7orkin6 in marketin6 department o4 Askari commercial
bank Ashri4 comple> model to7n Rahim-Yar-Khan
Marketing o&erations
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 0@
9ouble click on t%e obGect to see t%e
marketing 9e&artment in full screen
ACBL Internship Report
Be4ore disc!ssin6 marketin6 operation o4 Askari commercial bank I 7ant to clari4'
+arketin6 and the +arketin6 ?epartment are t7o di44erent thin6s& +arketin6 mi6ht
best be de4ined as all or6ani;ed e44orts: acti%ities and e>pendit!res desi6ned to: 4irst:
ac<!ire a c!stomer and: second: maintain a c!stomer. 8he +arketin6 ?epartment is a
!nit o4 or6ani;ation: traditionall' char6ed 7ith carr'in6 o!t speci4ic tasks that are
deemed to be Qmarketin6Q Es!ch as ad%ertisin6: market researchF&
+arketin6 in%ol%es a ran6e o4 processes concerned 7ith 4indin6 o!t 7hat cons!mers
7ant: and then pro%idin6 it 4or them& 8his in%ol%es 4o!r ke' elements: 7hich are
re4erred to as the 0PMs Ethe marketin6 mi>F& A !se4!l startin6 point there4ore is to carr'
o!t market research to 4ind o!t abo!t c!stomer re<!irements in relation to the 0Ps&
+arketin6 operation o4 Askari commercial bank is to identi4' the needs and 7ants
And pro%ide the ri6ht prod!ct and ri6ht price and ri6ht place o!r R&Y&K branch o4
Askari commercial bank is mainl' 4oc!s on ho7 to a7are the c!stomer abo!t the
prod!ct and ser%ice and con%ert their need into demand to a7are the c!stomer or
tar6et a!dience the or6ani;ation !se di44erent promotion scheme s!ch Ad%ertisement
banner internet and ne7spaper and con%e' their messa6e to tar6et a!dience
Askari commercial bank !se di44erent marketin6 strate6ies to a%ail the opport!nit' to
4!ll 4ill the cons!mer demand and it l!nch di44erent kinds o4 scheme
Askari Bank is 4inancin6 prod!cts o4 di44erent companies: 7hich 7o!ld bene4it those
people 7ho can onl' a44ord to b!' home appliances on
installments d!e to limited reso!rces& In addition to this: bank has
also si6ned a6reements 7ith other top man!4act!rers o4
a!tomobiles 4or 4inancin6 o4 motorc'cles to the 6eneral p!blic at
most competiti%e rates&
8he top mana6ement m!st contin!o!sl' Boc!s on the C!stomer: +onitor the
Competition: Bind C ?irect o!tside Pendors: Create Ne7 Ideas to attract c!stomer
and et the trate6': Plan the Attack: and *>ec!te 8o attract the c!stomer Askari
commercial bank o44er di44erent t'pes o4 prod!ct and ser%ice accordin6 to c!stomer
need 3ants and e>pectation
+arketin6 operation are per4ormed b' the emplo'ees 7orkin6 in these departments
like a!to 4inance department: a6ric!lt!re department: cons!mer 4inancin6 department
and c!stomer ser%ice department& 8he tar6et o4 this bank is to increase in the deposit
o4 the bank as compared to competitors& 8he emplo'ee is %er' talented and kno7s the
%al!e o4 c!stomer 4or e>ample in a6ric!lt!re department the head and j!nior o44icer
pro%ide detail abo!t the a6ric!lt!re prod!cts and the' do marketin6 in the shape o4
banners ne7 ad and tr' to create the attraction o4 the c!stomer to7ard the
or6ani;ation and the a!to 4inance department the emplo'ees there pro%idin6
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 0"
ACBL Internship Report
in4ormation abo!t the a!to 4inancin6 and in the cons!mer 4inancin6 department the
emplo'ee there are responsible to do the marketin6 operations 4or cons!mer
4inancin6& 8he marketin6 operation is done thro!6h the !se o4 media like on 8P
people see the Ad o4 di44erent t'pes o4 acco!nts the Askari bank o44er to its c!stomers&
8he main media the Askari bank !sed 4or ad%ertisement o4 their prod!cts and ser%ices
is the internet& 8he Askari bank has %er' attracti%e 7ebsite an' person can 6o on this
7ebsite and collect all the details abo!t the prod!cts and ser%ices the Askari bank
o44er to its c!stomers&
-unctions of t%e Marketing 9e&artment
8here are 4ollo7in6 4!nction o4 marketin6 ?epartment
Boc!s on the C!stomer
+onitor the Competition
A7n the Brand
Bind C ?irect A!tside Pendors&
Create Ne7 Ideas&
Comm!nicate Internall'&
+ana6e a B!d6et&
Dnderstand the RAI&
et the trate6': Plan the Attack: and *>ec!te&
.egmentation strategy
Askari commercial bank se6ment their market 6eo6raphical
demo6raphic and Niche marketin6 Askari bank belon6s to Pakistan Arm': and
the si;e o4 the this market is %er' small as compares to other markets so the
niche market 4or Askari Bank is Pakistan Arm' and there is competitor belon6 to
this se6ment
&In 6eo6raphical se6ment the askari bank di%ide their se6ment reli6ion and cities
the most pop!lation o4 Pakistan is +!slim so it o44er both Islamic bankin6 and
commercial bankin6 4or reli6io!s 6ro!p it o44er Islamic bankin6 4ree o4 interest
rate and 4or sec!lar 6ro!p it o44er the commercial bankin6 In demo6raphic
se6ment it di%ide the market into a6e income ed!cation occ!pation and
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 0-
ACBL Internship Report
Askari commercial bank o44er di44erent prod!ct 4or di44erent se6ment and tar6et
c!stomer in demo6raphic se6ment it di%ide the market into a6e 7ise 4or e>ample
st!dent 1.-2, and retired or pensioner 0,-"@ Bor st!dent askari commercial pro%ide
Askari special deposit acco!nt Askari commercial bank has also se6ment their market
in occ!pation the tar6et a!dience that are related to a6ric!lt!re pro%ide them di44erent
kind o4 scheme
Kissan *%er 5reen Binance
Kissan 8ractor Binance
Kissan Aabpashi Binance
Kissan Li%estock ?e%elopment Binance
Kissan Barm +echani;ation Binance
Kissan 8ransport Binance
Target marketing strategy

8he 4oc!s o4 marketin6 e44ort is people& 8he 6oal is to reach a
s!bset o4 the pop!lation 7ho ma' be interested in 'o!r
partic!lar prod!ct& 8hat 6ro!p o4 people is 'o!r tar6et market&
8he tar6et market o4 Askari commercial bank is 6i%en belo7
7hich is based on
Abjecti%e o4 the or6ani;ation 7hich it 7ant to achie%e tar6et market o4 askari
commercial bank is
All Arm' related instit!tion
C!stomer ha%in6 deposit
C!stomer 7ho 7ants to p!rchase %ehicle
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 0/
+ic%e Market
1eogra&%ical unit
ACBL Internship Report
All a6ric!lt!re related comm!nities
C!stomer desires di44erent loan
chool colle6e and b!siness ind!stries
Binancial in%ertors
Cons!mer ha%in6 interested to p!rchase on leasin6
Reli6io!s 6ro!p interested in Islamic Bankin6
5ro!p o4 people needs to 6et bankin6 ser%ices s!ch as !tilit' bills collector
8he term tar6et market is !sed beca!se that market is the tar6et at 7hich 'o! aim all
'o!r marketin6 e44orts& 8he markets 'o! are tr'in6 to reach are people 7ith common
characteristics that set them apart as a 6ro!p& 8he more 7e kno7 abo!t a tar6et
market: the more precisel' 7e can de%elop o!r marketin6 strate6'& 8he reason 'o!
need to identi4' a tar6et market is beca!se it makes strate6ies 4or desi6nin6: pricin6:
distrib!tin6: promotin6: positionin6 and impro%in6 o!r prod!ct: ser%ice or idea easier:
more e44ecti%e: and more cost-e44ecti%e&
87o important 4actor to consider 7hen selectin6 a tar6et market se6ment are the
Attracti%eness o4 the se6ment and the 4it bet7een the se6ment and 4irmIs objecti%e
Reso!rces and capabilities
'roduct &lanning; de#elo&ment 7 management
In simple 7ords prod!ct plannin6 is making decisions about
the features that are needed to sell a business's products,
services, or ideas.
3hen an' ne7 prod!ct is la!nched b' the Askari
commercial bank the plannin6 de%elopment and
mana6ement o4 the prod!ct is per4orm on Askari commercial bank head <!arter
Ra7alpandi and then scheme is l!nched all branches o4 Askari commercial bank each
prod!ct is based on the c!stomer need 7ants and e>pectation
Be4ore L!nchin6 the ne7 prod!ct mana6ement 7ill contin!o!sl' obser%e the market
need and 7ants and plan 4or the prod!ct that can achie%e the or6ani;ation 6oals and
objecti%e Companies m!st be constantl' modi4'in6 e>istin6 prod!cts and de%elopin6
ne7 onesH the marketplace demands it ho7 ne7 is ne7T most ne7 prod!cts are
modi4ications o4 or e>tensions to e>istin6 ones the introd!ction o4 a ne7 prod!ct is a
strate6ic decision 7hich sho!ld be 6!ided b' the compan'Is 6oals and a ne7 prod!ct
introd!ction strate6' 7hen the or6ani;ation think that there prod!ct is not achie%in6
or6ani;ation 6oal then the' decide to create ne7 prod!ct or to modi4' it
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 0#
ACBL Internship Report
8he mana6ement sho!ld keep the 4ollo7in6 point 7hen de%elopin6 ne7 prod!ct
ne7 prod!ct is best de%eloped thro!6h a series o4 si> sta6es:
8he 4irst t7o sta6es pro%ide a 4oc!s 4or 6eneratin6 ne7-prod!ct ideas and a
basis 4or e%al!atin6 them&
8he ne>t three sta6es deal 7ith ideas and are the least e>pensi%e&
m!st satis4' ke' 4inancial criteria
m!st be compatible 7ith en%ironmental standards
m!st 4it 7ith the compan'Is marketin6 str!ct!re
sho!ld also be compatible 7ith prod!ction capabilities: satis4' le6al
re<!irements: and 4it 7ith corporate 6oals and objecti%es
Prod!ct mana6ement is an or6ani;ational li4ec'cle 4!nction 7ithin a compan' dealin6
7ith the plannin6 or marketin6 o4 a prod!ct or prod!cts at all sta6es o4 the prod!ct
li4ec'cle&Prod!ct mana6ement Einbo!nd 4oc!sedF and prod!ct marketin6 Eo!tbo!nd
4oc!sedF are di44erent 'et complementar' e44orts 7ith the objecti%e o4 ma>imi;in6
sales re%en!es: market share: and pro4it mar6ins& 8he role o4 prod!ct mana6ement
spans man' acti%ities 4rom strate6ic to tactical and %aries based on the or6ani;ational
str!ct!re o4 the compan' each prod!ct has li4e c'cle introd!ction 6ro7th mat!rit' and
decline 7hen a prod!ct reach at mat!rit' le%el man6ment tr' to keep maintain this
le%el the branch man6er o4 Askari cmmerical bank is tra' to man6e the prod!ct and
tra' to pro%ide their best man6ement to their c!stomer and pro%de them 6ood and
better en%irnment 7hen the see that prod!ct or ser%ice is not 4illin6 c!stomer neeed
then the' de%elop a ne7 prod!ct or modi4' it the ke' point is ho7 to man6e the
prod!ct its depend on man6ment ho7 the present their prod!ct to c!stomer to achie%e
their 6ol and objecti%e
In marketin6: positionin6 has come to mean the process b' 7hich marketers tr' to
create an ima6e or identit' in the minds o4 their tar6et market
4or its prod!ct: brand: or or6ani;ation& It is the Mrelati%e
competiti%e comparisonM their prod!ct occ!pies in a 6i%en
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 @,
ACBL Internship Report
market as percei%ed b' the tar6et market&positionin6 is ho7 'o! 7ant to be kno7n it
m!st re4lect realit'& (o7 the compan' reall' is kno7n& Ar ho7 it can belie%abl' be
Askari commercial Bank has stron6 positionin6 in the mind o4 their c!stomer or tar6et
market d!e to its prod!ct !ni<!e attrib!te characteristic 4eat!re and s!perior ser%ice&
8op mana6ement al7a's tr' to di44erinate their prod!ct and ser%ice !sin6 di44erent
Promotion scheme to comm!nicate their a!dience and create stron6 identit' ACBL
shorter: smarter name: crisper ne7 colors and 4resh ne7 look are an insi6ht to o!r
%ie7s on bankin6& 8he aim to pro%ide inno%ati%e 4inancial sol!tions to c!stomers:
7ith the sec!rit' o4 kno7in6 the' are dealin6 7ith one o4 the stron6est 4inancial
instit!tions in the co!ntr'&
ACBL ne7 slo6an re4lects c!stomer ser%ice philosoph' and pro%ide
them .01- in4ormation thro!6h online and call center and listen
c!stomer complaint and pro%ide them or submitting an online complaint regarding bank
related issues !e.g. account, credit card, debit card" A care4!ll' cra4ted b!siness
positionin6 strate6' can be !sed as a 6!ideline 4or j!d6in6 the appropriateness o4 all
marketin6 pro6rams: especiall' 4or promotion: ad%ertisin6: and PR e%ents& It 7ill
ens!re that o!r b!siness ima6e is consistent to 'o!r tar6et b!'ers1end !sers and help
to b!ild an end!rin6: memorable Eand hope4!ll' !ni<!eF messa6e to sell 'o!r b!siness
1 &roduct L 1 marketing &rogram L 1 &ositioning statement
Positionin6 is based on idea that c!stomer keep in mind the positionin6 o4 Askari
commercial bank to7ard the c!stomer is that it is onl' bank 7hich pro%ide con%ince
and d'namic en%ironment to their c!stomer each prod!ct o4 ACBL has its o7n
positionin6 in the mind o4 the c!stomer 4or e>ample Akari r!pee tra%eler che<!e is
consider sec!re 7a' to trans4er the mone' 4rom one partic!lar place to another and it
has a stron6 identit' in the mind o4 c!stomer It is necessar' to create a stron6 identi4'
in the mind o4 c!stomer that prod!ct has some <!alit' attrib!te that create s!perior
%al!e in c!stomer mind
Askari commercial Bank has stron6 positionin6 in the mind o4 their c!stomer or tar6et
market d!e to its prod!ct !ni<!e attrib!te characteristic 4eat!re and s!perior ser%ice
It has necessar' to keep in the mind that each prod!ct and ser%ice has its o7n
positionin6 in the mind o4 c!stomer
8o create stron6 positionin6 o4 or6ani;ation and its prod!ct and ser%ice the ACBL
limited !se di44erent marketin6 strate6ies s!ch as ad%ertisement sale promotion
personal sellin6 and p!blicit' to create the stron6 ima6e and con%e' their messa6e to
'ricing strategy
Pricin6 is one o4 the 4o!r Ps o4 the marketin6 mi>& 8he
other three aspects are prod!ct: promotion: and place& Price
is the onl' re%en!e 6eneratin6 element amon6st the 0ps: the
rest bein6 cost centers&
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 @1
ACBL Internship Report
Askari commerical bank !se di44erent price strate6' 4or di44erent prod!cts and ser%ice
to Achi%e the or6ani;ation Binancial 6oals 4or each prod!ct it !se di44erent strate6'
7hen an' ne7 prod!ct is l!nched b' the Askari commerical bank the top man6ment
o4 the or6ani;ation m!st the see the marketin6 objecti%e Be4ore selectin6 a s!itable
price 4or a prod!ct: the marketer is needed to re%ie7 the compan'Ms objecti%es& 8he
more clearer the compan'Ms objecti%es the more easil' to set a price
Bollo7in6 are the possible pricin6 objecti%es
aF !r%i%al
bF +a>im!m c!rrent pro4it:
cF +a>im!m market share:
dF +a>im!m market skimmin6:
eF Prod!ct <!alit' leadership&
3hen the man6ement set its marketin6 objecti%e its position in the market and the
prod!ct nat!re 7here it is a inno%ati%e prod!ct and create monopol' in the market
7hen the topman6ment set its pricin6 objecti%e then sta6e o4 settin6 the price o4 the
prod!ct come
Bollo7in6 are the steps in settin6 price 4or a prod!ct:
1& electin6 the pricin6 objecti%esH
.& ?eterminin6 the cons!mersM demandH
2& *stimatin6 costsH
0& anal';in6 the competitorsM costs: prices and o44ersH
@& electin6 a pricin6 methodH
"& electin6 the 4inal price&
ACBL see the nat!re o4 prod!ct and char6e price accordin6 to prod!ct i4 the prod!ct
is inno%ati%e it char6e hi6er mar6in be4ore l!chin6 the ne7 prod!ct the top
mana6ment m!st see and anal';e the demand o4 prod!ct and estimate its costs
anal';in6 competion cost price and o44er and then choose a pricin6 strate6' accordin6
to compan' objecti%e Askaric commerical bank has di44erent prod!ct and ser%ices
each is based on its o7n tar6et maket and e>pection to7ard the c!stomer price is onl'
ke' 7hich 6enrate the re%en!e 4or the or6ani;ation to achie%e its 4inancial objecti%e
and the s!ccess and 4ail!r o4 prod!ct and ser%ice is depand on the price strate6' the
detail o4 some prod!ct and ser%ice and their marketin6 strate6' is 6i%en belo7
Prod!ct C er%ice trate6' ?etail
Kissan 8ractor
Cost-pl!s pricin6 Price W Cost o4 Prod!ction X +ar6in o4
*lectronic Bill
Pa'ment er%ices
ettin6 a price based !pon anal'sis and
research compiled 4rom the tar6eted market&
Also 7ith the cost price
Personnel 4inance Price
Char6e di44erent price 4or ci%ilian c!stomer
and arm' c!stomer
Prod!ct line
Askari commercial bank o44er a ran6e o4
prod!ct line 4or 4ormer s!ch like
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 @.
ACBL Internship Report
Kissan *%er 5reen Binance
Kissan 8ractor Binance
Kissan Aabpashi Binance
+!ltiplier Acco!nt
Premi!m pricin6 Premi!m pricin6 is the practice o4 keepin6
the price o4 a prod!ct or ser%ice arti4iciall'
hi6h in order to enco!ra6e 4a%orable
perceptions amon6 b!'ers
Askari R!pee
tra%eler che<!e
8ar6et pricin6 Pricin6 method 7hereb' the sellin6 price o4
a prod!ct is calc!lated to prod!ce a
partic!lar rate o4 ret!rn on in%estment 4or a
speci4ic %ol!me o4 prod!ction&
Askers car Binance Competion based
Char6e the price accodin6 to competatioer
Price strate6'
Islamic Bankin6 Competion based
Char6e the price accodin6 to competatioer
Price strate6'
8he detail o4 prod!ct and ser%ice and their pricin6 strate6' is 6i%en belo7 7hich is
based on compan' 4inancial objecti%e
.A-! 9!').$T L)CK!/.

Bee 4or sa4e deposit lockers Eto be reco%ered in ad%ance or at the commencement o4
the period 'earl'1hal4 'earl'1<!arterl' as the case ma' beF

aF iF mall Rs& 1:.,, p&a&
iiF +edi!m Rs& 1:-,, p&a&
iiiF Lar6e Rs& 2:,,, p&a
i%F *>tra Lar6e SL E1"=> 1"=F Rs& 2:-@, p&a
%F *>tra Lar6e SSLE1"=>21=F Rs& ":,,, p&a
char6e price accordin6 to !sa6e or ser%ice
@T$L$T6 B$LL. H'TCL; CA'9A; .+1'LI

a& er%ice Char6es R / R!pees pa'able b' !tilities companies
Char6e a 4i> 4ee 4or e%er' c!stomer
A1/$C@LT@/! BA+K$+1
'rocessing -ee for following -inances: 1M of t%e sanctioned facility amount

iF Askari Kissan *%er6reen Binance&
iiF Askari Kissan 8ractor Binance&
iiiF Askari Kissan Barm +echani;ation&
i%F Askari Kissan Li%estock ?e%elopment Binance
%F Askari Kissan Aabpashi Binance
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 @2
ACBL Internship Report
%iF Askari Kissan 8ransport Binance
%iiF Askari Kissan 5reen (o!se C 8!nnel Binance
%iiiF Askari Kissan Barm tora6e Binance
i>F Askari Kissan +odel ?air' Binance
>F Askari Kissan 5old Bish Binance&
>iF Askari Kissan 3hite Pearl Binance
>iiF Askari Kissan +!r6hban Binance
>iiiF Askari Kissan 5!lban Binance
>i%F Askari Kissan amar Bahisht Binance
>%F Asan +ali ah!lat&
.& er%ice char6es on dela'ed pa'ment o4 mark!p1Installment
o4 8B1rollo%er o4 re%ol%in6 credit 4acilities&

iF o%erd!e b' 21 da's to ", da's Rs& @,,1- E4latF
iiF o%erd!e b' "1 da's to #, da's Rs& 1:,,,1- E4latF

iiiF o%erd!e EpastF #, da's Rs& 1:@,,1- or Rs& ,&0"11,,, on dail' prod!ct
E7hiche%er is hi6herF
2& 8rans4er o4 Bacilit' Eon re<!est 7ithin the bankF Rs& 1:,,,1- E4latF
0& Amendments in terms o4 appro%al Rs& @,,1- E4latF
Pro%ide a ra6e o4 prod!ct and ser%ice to 4ormer and pro%ide di44erent loans 4or
/etail banking
Personal Binance
a& Processin6 4ee 4or ci%ilians
iF Clean - 1&.,G o4 loan amo!nt min& Rs&.: -@,1-
EIncl!din6 le6al C doc!mentation char6esF
iiF ec!red Y 1&.,G o4 loan amo!nt ma>& Dp to Rs&@: @,,1-
ELe6al C doc!mentation char6es at act!alF
b& Processin6 4ee 4or Armed Borces personnel

iF Clean - 1&.,G o4 loan amo!nt min& Rs&1: /,,1-
EIncl!din6 le6al C doc!mentation char6esF
iiF ec!red - 1&.,G o4 loan amo!nt ma>& Dp to Rs&@: @,,1-
ELe6al C doc!mentation char6es at act!alF
.mart Cas%

a& Processin6 Bee
iF Clean - 1&.,G o4 loan amo!nt min& Rs&2:@,,1-
EIncl!din6 le6al C doc!mentation char6esF
iiF ec!red - 1&.,G o4 loan amo!nt ma>& Dp to Rs&@: @,,1-
ELe6al C doc!mentation char6es at act!alF
Mortgage -inance

a& Processin6 Bee Rs&@: @,,1- EBlatF

b& Le6al1doc!mentation1%al!ation1income
*stimation char6es at act!al
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 @0
ACBL Internship Report
c& *nhancement Char6es Rs&@: @,,1- EBlatF
d& Late Pa'ment Char6es Rs&",,1- per installment
4& Premat!re 8ermination Char6es
aF In case o4 earl' settlement b' the borro7er char6es 7ill be
Applicable in the 4ollo7in6 manner
iF 1stYear: Dnto "G on o!tstandin6 balance
iiF .ndYear: Dp to @G on o!tstandin6 balance
iiiF 2rdYear on7ards: Dpto 0G on o!tstandin6 balance&
bF Dpto 1,G o4 the o!tstandin6 balance: in case o4 balance
8rans4erred to other bank: irrespecti%e o4 the time period
Balloon Pa'ment allo7ed !p to a ma>im!m o4 .,G o4
8he o!tstandin6 balance in a 'ear Additional balloon
Pa'ment be !p to @&@G char6es on the amo!nt bein6 paid
6& Balloon Pa'ment Rs&.@,1- per che<!e
Business -inance
Processin6 Bee Rs&@: @,,1- EBlatF
*stimation char6es at act!al
Rene7al Bee Rs&@: @,,1- EBlatF
*nhancement Char6es Rs&@: @,,1- EBlatF
Che<!e Ret!rn Char6es Rs& ",,1- Eper che<!eF
Late Pa'ment Char6es .1G o4 the o%erd!e am
Premat!re 8ermination Char6es Dpto "G o4 the limit&
Auto -inance

a& Processin6 Bee Rs&@: ,,,1- ERs&.: .,,1- non-re4!ndableF
b& Le6al1doc!mentation1%al!ation1income
*stimation char6es at act!al
c& Premat!re 8ermination Char6es Dp to "&@G o4 the o!tstandin6 loan amo!nt
d& Baloon Pa'ment 1@G o4 the o!tstandin6 balance in a 'ear s!bject to 2&.@G
Char6es on the amo!nt bein6 paid Eballoon pa'ment amo!ntF
e& Che<!e Ret!rn Char6es Rs&",,1-
4& Late Pa'ment Char6es Rs&",,1-
8he price is based on competitor price and price incl!de mar6in X cost

9istribution .trategy
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 @@
ACBL Internship Report
9istribution or &lace is one o4 the 4o!r elements o4
marketin6 mi>& An or6ani;ation or set o4 or6ani;ations E6o-
bet7eensF in%ol%ed in the process o4 makin6 a prod!ct or
ser%ice a%ailable 4or !se or cons!mption b' a cons!mer or
b!siness !ser&
ACBL has 1@, branches thro!6h 7hich it o44ers ser%ices to its clients& 8he
distrib!tion channels are its emplo'ees 7ho deal 7ith c!stomers ?istrib!tion strate6' o4
bankin6 sector is di44erent 4rom cons!mer cons!mable prod!ct Askri commercial bank
!se its o7n distrib!tion channel to promote their prod!ct 7hen an' prod!ct is l!nched
b' Askari commercial bank to make the prod!ct a%ailable to 4inal !ser it is distrib!ted
to its all branches Askari commercial bank has one 4i4t' branches 7here c!stomer can
a%ail prod!ct and ser%ice and also 6ain in4ormation related to prod!ct and ser%ice
Askari Bank has e>panded into a nation7ide presence o4 1@, branches: and an o44shore
bankin6 Dnit in Bahrain& A shared net7ork o4 o%er 1:1,, online A8+s co%erin6 all
major cities in Pakistan s!pports the deli%er' channels 4or c!stomer ser%ice&
Askari commercial bank !se selecti%e distrib!tion strate6' it has onl' a 4e7 o!tlet in
6eo6raphical area to pro%ide is onl' one branch o4 Askari commercial bank in district
Rahim-Yar-khan selecti%e distrib!tion means selecti%e distrib!tion: it means that there
are 4e7er locations 7here the c!stomer can b!' o!r prod!ct& e%eral ad%anta6es ma' be
6ained b' the !se o4 selecti%e distrib!tion& Askari commercial bank has its o7n o!tlet or
branches to promote their prod!ct the main ad%anta6e and disad%anta6e o4 selecti%e
distrib!tion strate6' is
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 @"
ACBL Internship Report

Better market co%era6e than e>cl!si%e distrib!tion
+ore control and less cost than intensi%e distrib!tion
+a>imi;e control o%er ser%ice
*nhance prod!ctIs ima6e C allo7 hi6her mark!ps
Promotes lo'alt': better 4orecastin6
+a' not co%er the market ade<!atel'
?i44ic!lt to select that can match 'o!r re<!irement and 6oals
'romotion .trategy
Promotion is a 4orm o4 corporate comm!nication that !ses
%ario!s methods to reach a tar6eted a!dience 7ith a certain
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 @-
ACBL Internship Report
messa6e in order to achie%e speci4ic or6ani;ational objecti%es& Nearl' all
or6ani;ations: 7hether 4or-pro4it or not-4or-pro4it: in all t'pes o4 ind!stries: m!st
en6a6e in some 4orm o4 promotion&
Dnder the concept o4 Inte6rated +arketin6 Comm!nication ACBL attempt to de%elop
a !ni4ied promotional strate6' in%ol%in6 the coordination o4 man' di44erent t'pes o4
promotional techni<!es& 8he objecti%e o4 promotion strate6' is to 6ettin6 c!stomers
to b!' an or6ani;ationIs prod!ct and: in most cases: to remain a lo'al lon6-term
T%e &ur&ose and obGecti#es for marketing &romotions of ACBL may include t%e

B!ild A7areness

Create Interest&

Pro%ide in4ormation

tim!late ?emand&

Rein4orce the Brand

'romotional .trategies use by ACBL
8he main so!rce is !sed b' ACBL is ad%ertisement it in%ol%es non-
personal: mostl' paid promotions o4ten !sin6 mass media o!tlets to deli%er the
marketerIs messa6e& 3hile historicall' ad%ertisin6 has in%ol%ed one-7a'
comm!nication 7ith little 4eedback opport!nit' 4or the c!stomer e>periencin6 the
ad%ertisement: the ad%ent o4 comp!ter technolo6' and: in partic!lar: the Internet has
increased the options that allo7 c!stomers to pro%ide <!ick 4eedback&
Ad%ertisin6 in Ne7s Papers and 8ele%ision is !sed as a marketin6 tool b' ACBL
(o7e%er it is o4ten !sed 7hen a ne7 prod!ct is introd!ced
Bill Board
Another so!rce !sed b' ACBL to con%e' messa6e is billboard the main
areas o4 !rban era near the school1colle6e airport and hi6h tra44ic areas the bill
board are placed to con%e' messa6e
8he Bank p!blishes %ario!s broch!res 4or the 6eneral 6!idance o4 the
c!stomers& 8hese incl!de the ched!le o4 Bank Char6es: PIA Card In4ormation:
and a%in6s C 8erm ?eposit In4ormation etc
'ersonal .elling
Personal sellin6 is also a norm at the Bank& 8he branch has 7ell learned
sales e>ec!ti%es i&e&: B!siness al!mnae& Personal sellin6 is !sed both 4or attractin6
indi%id!al and corporate clients
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 @/
ACBL Internship Report
Askari commercial bank !se internet as a promotion tool to con%e' the
messa6e to the tar6et a!dience all the in4ormation related to prod!ct and ser%ice and
the or6ani;ation is a%ailable on the internet 777&askaribank&com&pk
.ocial marketing
ACBL has made 6enero!s contrib!tion in the area o4 sport c!lt!re
po%ert' 7oman C child care health C medical science h!man de%elopment and
scienti4ic research ACBL sponsored international s<!ash to!rnaments 7ere
pro4essional 4rom all o%er the 7orld participated Askari commercial has also
sponsored other sports to!rnament incl!de 5ol4 at both amate!r and pro4essional le%el
the bank has also contrib!te to7ard a7areness pro6ram 4or AI? 7ater conser%ation
and blindness and has promoted the co!ntr' Ms ca!se on international 4or!m b'
cosponsorin6 the 4irst interacti%e enc'clopedia o4 Pakistan
'ublic /elations
8he most pop!lar tool !se b' the banker and man6er to increase
their deposit crate a7areness and lo'alt' p!blic relation s also tool o4 promotion
8his t'pe o4 promotion !ses third-part' so!rces: and partic!larl' the ne7s
media: to o44er a 4a%orable mention o4 the marketerIs compan' or prod!ct
7itho!t direct pa'ment to the p!blisher o4 the in4ormation& Bor e>ample media
co%er an' 8o!rnament that is sponsored b' ACBL
.tructure of t%e .ales 9e&artments
3hen 7e talk abo!t the str!ct!re o4 sale department in Askari Commercial Bank
Limited the A!to 4inancin6 department: A6ric!lt!re department: Cons!mer
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 @#
ACBL Internship Report
4inance and credit department are the sale departments o4 Askari bank commercial
8he' sell their prod!ct and ser%ice to their c!stomer
9e&artment %ierarc%y
8here is no sprat sale department in Askari commercial bank limited Ashri4 comple>
model to7n Rahim-Yar-Khan each department sales its o7n prod!ct and ser%ice the
prod!ct and ser%ice sold b' the department c!stomer ser%ice credit c!stomer 4inance
and a!to 4inance department in cons!mer cons!mable prod!cts companies like Le%er
Broth o4 Pakistan there is onl' one sale department that sell the prod!ct o4 the
or6ani;ation b!t in bankin6 sector it is di44erent each department sell its prod!ct and
!ac% 9e&artment *ierarc%y

Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 ",
Customer .er#ice
Amir /e%mani *ead of
customer ser#ice
Miss .ima
Bunior officer
M: .alman *ead of
credit 9e&artment
Amir Akt%er
1rade 1 officer
Amras /as%eed
1rade 1 officer
ACBL Internship Report
!ac% 9e&artment *ierarc%y
+umber of em&loyee working in .ale 9e&artment
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 "1
Auto -inance
/ana *asan *ead of
Auto finance de&artment
Ali A%med *ead of
Agriculture 9e&artment
Mou(am Ali
1rade 1 officer
Amir Akt%er
1rade 1 officer
Consumer -inance
Bam:Ars%ed *ead of
Consumer -inance
Mu%ammad +aeem
1rade 1 officer
ACBL Internship Report
?epartment Name N!mber o4 emplo'ee
A6ric!lt!re ?epartment 2
Credit ?epartment 2
A!to 4inance ?epartment .
Cons!mer Binance ?epartment 1
C!stomer er%ice ?epartment .
8otal n!mber o4 emplo'ee 11
ales operations
8he sale departments per4orm the sale operation sale departments is Askari
commercial bank Limited are the a!to 4inance department: a6ric!lt!re department and
cons!mer 4inance department is the' 4irst marketin6 o4 their prod!cts and ser%ices and
a4ter that the' sell their prod!cts to c!stomers each o4 these department are
indi%id!all' or separatel' in%ol%ed in the marketin6 and sell their prod!ct and ser%ice
c!stomer 4iancZ
?epartment open di44erent acco!nt to c!stomer and pro%ide them ser%ice 6i%e them
detail in4ormation abo!t their prod!ct and ser%ice 7hen an' c!stomer 7ant to open
the acco!nt in the bank c!stomer ser%ice 7ork as a sale department and sell the
prod!ct and ser%ice iss!in6 o4 che<!e book credit card and debit card is per4ormed b'
the c!stomer department
All these department 7ork as a !ni4ormed to sell their prod!ct and ser%ice s!pport and
promote each other prod!ct 8he emplo'ees in a!to 4inance department personall'
meet 7ith c!stomers and tell all detail abo!t the interest rates o4 di44erent cars and
catch the attention o4 the c!stomer to7ards their prod!ct& 8he cons!mer 4inance
department head is also personall' meet 7ith b!siness class c!stomers and tells all
detail to c!stomers abo!t loanin6 o4 the prod!ct and the' also contact 7ith c!stomer
thro!6h telephone calls: 6i%e broachers to c!stomers 4or sellin6 o4 the prod!ct&
8he sellin6 4!nction is an important element o4 the o%erall marketin6 process& In
man' instances: some component o4 the +arketin6 ?epartment is responsible 4or
de%elopin6 leads and then t!rns them o%er to the ales ?epartment& +ake s!re that
plannin6 and e>ec!tion o4 plans is al7a's coordinated: and that all pro6rams are
inte6rated across both marketin6 and sales e44orts&
-unction of sales de&artment
8he 4!nction o4 sale department is to sell the prod!ct and ser%ice o4 the or6ani;ation
and the 4oc!s o4 a sales department is to co ordinate sales acti%ities to meet the
c!stomer demand 7ith appropriate s!ppl'& 8he ne>t is to increase the sales %ol!me
considerin6 a partic!lar period o4 time the sale department is link 7ith marketin6
department to help marketin6 department in meetin6 the sales %ol!me 4ore castled b'
then& 8o 6i%e moti%ation b' appropriate means to the sales persons and to 6i%e
appropriate trainin6 to them in carr'in6 o!t the sales acti%ities s!ccess4!ll' the sale
department anal';e the demands o4 markets and st!d' the cons!merMs ps'cholo6':
st!d' market 4l!ct!ations: prepare sale b!d6ets: e>plore ne7 markets and so on
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 ".
ACBL Internship Report
ales are the acti%ities in%ol%ed in pro%idin6 prod!cts or ser%ices in ret!rn 4or mone'
or other compensation& 8he marketin6 department 6enerates potential c!stomers and:
it can be bene4icial 4or sales& 8he marketin6 departmentMs 6oal is to brin6 people to the
sales team !sin6 promotional techni<!es s!ch as ad%ertisin6: sales promotion:
p!blicit': and p!blic relations& 8he 4!nction o4 sale department is not to see the
prod!ct and ser%ice to c!stomer b!t also satis4' other 4actor and pro%ide them special
attention beca!se the sale is per4ormed b' c!stomer and it 7ill be repeated i4 the
c!stomer is satis4'
In ACBL the marketin6 department is str!ct!red in a similar 4ashion to the sales
department and the mana6ers o4 these teams m!st coordinate e44orts in order to dri%e
pro4its and b!siness s!ccess& ?ri%in6 more c!stomers Qthro!6h the doorQ 6i%es the
sales department a better chance b' ratio o4 sellin6 their prod!ct to the cons!mer
.ales met%odology
ale department is back bone o4 an' or6ani;ation No or6ani;ation e>ists 7itho!t the
sale department& A4ter the proced!re o4 the marketin6 these departments 6i%e the
prod!ct to c!stomers 4inall'& 8he main and the most important 4!nction o4 the sale
department are to coordinate the sale acti%ities&
8he operational mana6er and the head o4 sale departments do the personal sellin6 to
sell their prod!cts beca!se lot o4 competitors in the market and the' meet personall'
7ith c!stomers to con%ince the c!stomers and sell the prod!cts to c!stomers& 8he
marketin6 departments and sale departments are linked 7ith each other b' de%elopin6
a solid b!siness plan to best position 'o!r prod!cts to the cons!mers that 7ill b!'&
3orkin6 in cooperation 7ith 'o!r b!siness leaders +arketin6 and ale +ethodolo6'
helps to cra4t a plan speci4ic 4or b!siness d'namics& Dsin6 i> i6ma tools and pro%en
marketin6 strate6ies: + and +ethodolo6' 7ill help 'o! s!cceed in toda'Is
competiti%e en%ironment
8he sellin6 4!nction is an important element o4 the o%erall marketin6 process& +an'
or6ani;ations establish a separate sales 4!nction: apart 4rom other elements o4 the
marketin6 process& 8his is o4ten a so!nd b!siness strate6' b!t can lead to a 6ap
bet7een ales and the other marketin6 elements& In ACBL the marketin6 department
and department are sale in man' instancesH some component o4 the +arketin6
?epartment is responsible 4or de%elopin6 leads and then t!rns them o%er to the ales
?epartment& Q
ale department in Askari commercial bank are A!to 4inance: credit cons!mer 4inance
that sell the prod!ct and ser%ice to the cons!mer 8he operational mana6er and the
head o4 sale departments do the personal sellin6 to sell their prod!cts to lar6e b!siness
!ser 8he emplo'ees in a!to 4inance department personall' meet 7ith c!stomers and
tell all detail abo!t the interest rates o4 di44erent cars and catch the attention o4 the
c!stomer to7ards their prod!ct& 8he cons!mer 4inance department head is also
personall' meet 7ith b!siness class c!stomers and tells all detail to c!stomers abo!t
loanin6 o4 the prod!ct and the' also contact 7ith c!stomer thro!6h telephone calls:
6i%e broachers to c!stomers 4or sellin6 o4 the prod!ct&
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 "2
ACBL Internship Report
Ty&e of selling
ellin6 is art and science both& 8he sellin6 o4 a prod!ct is di44erent 4rom ser%ice
8he most o4 sellin6 o4 Askari commercial bank prod!ct is thro!6h the operational
mana6er and branch mana6er directl' contact to cons!mer con%e' the messa6e to the
c!stomer and con%ince cons!mer to p!rchase the prod!ct
Personal sellin6: ho7e%er: is 4ar more costl' than ad%ertisin6 and is 6enerall' !sed
onl' 7hen its hi6h e>pendit!re can be j!sti4ied& 87o other 4orms o4 personal sellin6
that are not !sed 7ith hi6h-end prod!cts are door-to-door sellin6 and home
demonstration parties
8he operational mana6er and the head o4 sale departments do the personal sellin6 to
sell their prod!cts beca!se lot o4 competitors in the market and the' meet personall'
7ith c!stomers to con%ince the c!stomers and sell the prod!cts to c!stomers
.ales returns &rocedures
8he sale ret!rn proced!re is i4 the c!stomer 7ants to close his acco!nt in the bank i4
an' c!stomer 7ant to close the c!stomer and sale ret!rn proced!re is he 7rites
application in his o7n 7ritin6 and 7ith the si6nat!re o4 operational mana6er and the
acco!nt o4 c!stomer is closed in the bank&
I4 the c!stomer is 7ant to sell the prod!ct like car and tractor or an' other ser%ice
s!ch like processin6 4ee it is not ret!rnable bank char6e 4ee 4or their ser%ice that is not
ret!rnable 4or e>ample bank char6e ei6ht r!pees to e%er' c!stomer 7ho pa' !tilities
bill in Askari commercial bank and that is not ret!rnable another e>ample bank char6e
three h!ndred r!pees 4ee to 8rans4er the mone' 4rom one place to another that is not
ret!rnable the cons!mer not directl' sell the prod!ct and ser%ice to another cons!mer
prod!cts and ser%ices s!ch like to close the acco!nt make thro!6h the bank
Customer ser#ice de&artmnet
C!stomer er%ice ?epartment is the pro%ision o4 to c!stomers be4ore: d!rin6
and a4ter a p!rchase&C!stomer ser%ice is a series o4 acti%ities desi6ned to enhance the
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 "0
ACBL Internship Report
le%el o4 c!stomer satis4action Y that is: the 4eelin6 that a prod!ct or ser%ice has met
the c!stomer e>pectation
'rocess of de#elo&ing relations wit% customers
C!stomer ser%ice department is de%elop a series o4 acti%ities desi6ned to enhance the
le%el o4 c!stomer satis4action to make the lon6 term relation 7ith c!stomer is
necessa' to +ake lon6 term relation 7ith them the lon6 term relation is based on the
prod!ct ser%ice <!alit' a 4eat!re pro%ide b' the bank to their c!stomer to make the
lon6 term relationship 7ith c!stomer mana6ement o4 Askari commerical bank limited
appl' the principle o4 c!stomer relation ship man6ment some o4 them as 4ollo7
Keep Constant Comm!nication 7ith C!stomers
Respond R!ickl' to their Needs
atis4action not onl' on prod!ct b!t also on other aspects
A%oid Irritations
+ake Prod!cts A%ailable
Render Ad%ice
5i%e pecial Attention
Protect C!stomers Ri6hts
Be Pisible
Pro%ide 6ood and d'namic en%ironment
+ake C!stomers Part o4 the Ar6ani;ation
8he relation bet7een the or6ani;ation and c!stomer is based on satis4action the
demand o4 the prod!ct come thro!6h c!stomer i4 the c!stomer is satis4' it 7ill
repeat their p!rchase i4 c!stomer is not satis4' than it 7ill s7itch to another
s!bstit!teI4 a c!stomer is lost: not onl' is that partic!lar transaction lost: b!t
perhaps all 4!t!re transactions thro!6ho!t the li4e o4 that c!stomer& it is necessar'
4or the or6ani;ation to keep satis4' the c!stomer and make lon6 term relation 7ith
them lon6 term relation is based on ser%ices o44ered b' c!stomer and the attit!de
o4 the c!stomer to7ard the or6ani;ation to create a 6ood ima6e in the mind o4
c!stomer it is necessar' Keep Constant Comm!nication 7ith C!stomers: Respond
R!ickl' to their Needs atis4action not onl' on prod!ct b!t also on other aspects
A%oid Irritations and +ake Prod!cts A%ailable 5i%e pecial Attention and donIt
mislead the c!stomer 6i%e him brie4 introd!ction o4 their prod!ct and be %isible
Pro%ide 6ood and d'namic en%ironment and consider as Part o4 the Ar6ani;ation
Tec%ni8ues of retaining t%e customers
Yts it is 4act that ac<!irin6 a ne7 c!stomer is 4i%e time better than to satis4' 'o!r
e>isin6 c!stomer beca!se c!stomer is the kin6 7e are there 4or c!stomer and 7e canIt
s!r%ei%e in this 7orld i4 7e i6nore o!r c!stomer +ana6in6 demand means mana6in6
c!stomers beca!se A demand comes 4rom ne7 c!stomers and repeat c!stomers&
8oda': besides makin6 e44orts to attract ne7 c!stomers: marketers are 6oin6 all o!t
to retain and b!ild relationships 7ith e>istin6 c!stomers& It costs 4i%e times as m!ch to
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 "@
ACBL Internship Report
attract a ne7 c!stomer as it does to keep a c!rrent c!stomer satis4ied& Beca!se o4
chan6in6 demo6raphics: a slo7-6ro7th econom': more sophisticated competitors: and
o%ercapacit' in man' ind!stries: man' markets and market shares are shrinkin6& 8he
ke' to s!ccess4!l c!stomer retention is s!perior c!stomer %al!e and satis4action&
8o retain the c!stomer it is necessar' 4or the or6ani;ation is to keep satis4' the
c!stomer pro%ide them ser%ice !nderstand need and 7ant and react accordin6 to their
need not stais' prod!ct and ser%ice bt also other 4actor the attraction o4 the c!stomer
and the or6ani;ation depand o7n ho7 the o6rani;ation 6i%e him special attention are
the or6ani;ation consider c!stomer as a part o4 the or6ani;ation c!stomer ser%ice
department pla' important role in this cat6orie beca!se the most o4 the attraction o4
the c!stomer in ACBL is c!stomer ser%ice department ACBL pro%ide them special
attention and 6ood and d'namic en%iroment i4 the c!stomer has an' complaint related
ACBL it can re6ister their complaint online are toll 4ree and the mana6ement not onl'
sol%e their pro%lem b!t 6i%e it back beca!se demand comes 4orm c!stomer and
repeate the c!stomer ACBL is treat c!stomer as kin6 6i%e special attention to
c!stomer then c!stomer notonl! satis' b!t beecome re6!lar c!stomer to lo'al
c!stomer 8his relationship m!st pro%ide %al!e to both parties& I4 a c!stomer is lost:
not onl' is that partic!lar transaction lost: b!t perhaps all 4!t!re transactions
thro!6ho!t the li4e o4 that c!stomer&
Tec%ni8ues of attracting new customers
8o attract a ne7 c!stomer is comm!nicate the c!stomer abo!t prod!ct and ser%ice It is
al7a's important 4or e%er' compan' to al7a's be ac<!irin6 ne7 c!stomers since the
main idea to make pro4it each month& 8he 6oal 7ith each b!siness !s!all' is make
more o4 a pro4it each 'ear than the pre%io!s 'ears& 8he strate6' !sed b' ACBL 4or
ac<!irin6 ne7 c!stomers Ad%ertisin6 is one o4 the most important methods !sed to
constantl' be ac<!irin6 ne7 c!stomers& ACBL !sed di44erent kinds o4 promotion
scheme to con%e' the messa6e and ac<!ire the ne7 c!stomer ad%ertisement bill board
social marketin6 personal sellin6 p!blicit' and p!blic relation are important toot to
comm!nicate the c!stomer and ac<!ire the ne7 c!stomer
8o attract the ne7 c!stomer ACBL !se di44erent techni<!e create ne7 prod!ct and
ser%ice accordin6 to c!stomer need and e>pectation Askari R!pee 8ra%elers che<!e is
a ne7 prod!ct o4 Askari commercial bank that attract the c!stomer 7ho 7ant to
trans4er the mone' 4rom one place to another
No7 the trend o4 bankin6 is chan6e the banks tra' to create ne7 d'namic
en%ironment and pro%ide con%ince ser%ice to attract the c!stomer completion is so
stron6 each or6ani;ation tra' to take competiti%e ed6e and dominant to other ACBL
has capt!re man' c!stomer d!e to 6ood en%ironment and con%ince ser%ice as compare
to competitor s!ch like national bank o4 Pakistan the 4oc!s o4 the or6ani;ation is
to7ard the c!stomer ACBL 7ant to e>pand their b!siness 7orld 7ide and 7ant to
create a stron6 ima6e in the mind o4 cons!mer c!stomer 6enerate the re%en!e and
re%en!e is blood o4 or6ani;ation to attract the ne7 c!stomer ACBL contin!o!sl'
comm!nicate the tar6et a!dience and comm!nicate their messa6e abo!t prod!ct and
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 ""
ACBL Internship Report
ser%ice and the special 4eat!re o4 prod!ct and ser%ice to p!rchase the prod!ct and tr'
to create the demand

3a's o4 handlin6 di44erent kinds o4 c!stomers like 4!rio!s c!stomers
& problem creatin6 c!stomers
?i44ic!lt c!stomer is Ane that is ne%er happ' no matter 7hat 8hese Qne6ati%eQ
c!stomers can lead to emplo'ee b!rno!t: lo7 sta44 morale: or be responsible 4or
someone lea%in6 the ind!str' entirel'& 3eM%e all heard that one disgruntled customer
can lead to t%e loss of at least si" ot%ers b' 7ord o4 mo!th alone&
Following step should followed by customer service department to
handle difficult customer
.te& )ne: Assume t%e customer is telling t%e trut%:
.te& Two: Let t%e customer talk
.te& T%ree: Always listen wit%out interru&tion or comments
.te& -our: Be em&at%ic
.te& -i#e: @nderstanding
.te& .i": .olution:
.te& .i": -ollow5u&:
.te& .e#en: Take ste&s to fi" t%e &roblemHsI t%at caused t%e &roblem in
t%e first &lace:
'ersonal e"&erience %andling t%e difficult customer during t%e
: interns%i& &eriod
?!rin6 the internship 7hen I 7as 7orkin6 in c!stomer ser%ice department the task
7hich is assi6ned to me is that to 4ill the %o!cher o4 trans4er the mone' to another
branch one da' I 7as 7orkin6 !s!all' a c!stomer came and pro%ide me the
necessar' in4ormation and 4ill the %o!cher a4ter some time he came and make a
noise !sin6 bad lan6!a6e and %iolent beha%ior and so r!de all the sta44 6ather and
operation mana6er listen his point o4 %ie7 6i%e him a c!p o4 tea and 4ill the
%o!cher in 4act he is 7ron6 and he 6a%e the 7ron6 in4ormation abo!t the acco!nt
n!mber b!t the operational man6er listen his point o4 %ie7 and 4ill %o!cher a6ain
and he 4ollo7-!p 7ith the c!stomer a4ter the 4act: the point is that donIt i6nore the
c!stomer listen him be patience and tra' to 4ollo7 !p
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 "-
ACBL Internship Report
Critical analysis
?!rin6 the ei6ht 7eek o4 the internship the 7eakness 7hich I obser%e in Askari
commercial bank is that short n!mber o4 emplo'ee and branches there is onl' one
branch o4 Askari commercial bank in district Rahim-Yar-Khan the bank has onl'
t7ent' ei6ht emplo'ees& 8here is no job trainin6 to the emplo'ee the beha%ior o4 the
emplo'ee is not so 6ood to7ard the c!stomer beca!se the sta44 is not technical
trained and d!e to short n!mber o4 emplo'ee the responsibilities o4 the emplo'ee is
share bet7een the department there4ore the' cannot per4orm their d!ties 7ell& 8he
decision makin6 is centrali;e and that create the distance bet7een hi6her and lo7er
le%el and create stress on emplo'ee
?!rin6 the internship I 4ell that there is a brid6e bet7een ed!cational and pro4essional
li4e 8he thinks that 7e read and obser%er no7 has implemented practicall' it is
necessar' 4or !s to sho7 o!r skills the task and assi6nment 7hich is assi6ned !s
d!rin6 ed!cational li4e is %er' help4!l in pro4essional li4e and sho7 !s the ne7 7a' o4
inno%ation and s!ccess
Askari commercial bank has di44erent prod!ct that is r!nnin6 s!ccess4!ll' it is not
possible 6i%e a brie4 detail o4 Askari prod!cts 7hich are r!nnin6 s!ccess4!ll' some o4
them 6i%en as 4ollo7 7ith reason o4 s!ccess
C!rrent acco!nt Nb!siness transactionO
a%in6 acco!nt NpensionerO
Askari special deposit acco!nt Nst!dentO
?ebit card A8+ card
Credit card
Askari R!pee tra%eler che<!e
Akari c!rrent acco!nt is desi6n 4or those c!stomer 7ho are in%ol%e in b!siness the'
can take !nlimited n!mber o4 transaction in a da' in bankin6 ho!r and sa%in6 acco!nt
is desi6n 4or those c!stomer s!ch like retire o44icer pensioner disable person the can
deposit their mone' in sa%in6 acco!nt and 6et monthl' pro4it Askari special deposit
4or st!dent 7ho can deposit their mone' in A?A acco!nt it is 4ree o4 bank char6es
the 4ee bank is char6e is %er' nominal and Akari commercial bank o44er credit and
A8+ card and pro%ide .01- ser%ice to the c!stomer that the can 6et deposit an' time
thro!6h A8+ Askari R!pee 8ra%eler che<!e is desi6n mainl' 4or passen6er Askari
Bank o44ers 'o! its QR!pee 8ra%eler Che<!esQ eliminatin6 all 4inancial risks 7hile
tra%elin6& o a%oid risk o4 carr'in6 cash thro!6h Askari BankMs R!pee 8ra%eler
Che<!es& 8he bene4it o4 r!pee tra%ler che<!e is
Bree ins!rance
Bree encashment
Pro4it 7ill be o44ered at the time o4 encashmentV
Nation7ide acceptabilit'
Bacilit' o4 encashment in cash to the p!rchaser
Bacilit' o4 encashment thro!6h clearin6
No p!rchasin6 limit
Palid !ntil encashed
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 "/
ACBL Internship Report
*asil' trans4erable
Acco!nt relationship not mandator'
Bastest re4!nd proced!re in case o4 loss 1 the4t
a4e C sec!re mode o4 4!nds trans4er
A%ailable in Rs& 1,:,,, ?enomination at all branches o4 Askari Bank
Per4ect s!btit!te o4 'o!r cash
Askari commercial bank has di44erent prod!ct 4or their tar6et c!stomer each has its
o7n demand b!t d!e to hi6h in4lation the state bank o4 Pakistan has increase the
interest rate to control the s!ppl' o4 mone' d!e to increase in interest rate credit :a!to
4inance and cons!mer 4iancZ is a44ected beca!se the interest is hi6h people a%oid to
6et the loan these brand s!ch like
Askari car
Kissan 8ractor Binance
Personal Binance
+ort6a6e Binance
B!siness Binance
mart Cash
Are a44ected d!e to interest rate each partic!lar prod!ct has its o7n market and
demand the prod!ct 7hich cannot 4!l4ill c!stomer need and e>pectation 7ill 4ail i4 7e
i6nore c!stomer need 7e cannot s!r%i%e in this 7orld there is no prod!ct o4 Askari
commercial bank is 4ail!re b!t these prod!ct that is mention abo%e 7ill badl' e44ect
d!e to in4lation and hi6h interest rate
In m' point o4 %ie7 the 4!t!re perspecti%e o4 Askari commercial bank Ashra4
Comple>: +odel 8o7n: Rahim-'ar Khan is 7onder4!l and o!tstandin6 it pro%ide
s!perior %al!e to their c!stomer the c!stomer are lo'al and Askari bank pro%ide .01-
t7ent' 4o!r ho!rs and se%en da's ser%ice o4 A8+ and char6e a nominal 4ee as
compare to the competitor
Ane thinks 7hich make it s!perior and better to competitor it has 4!ll' a!tomated
operation i4 7e see other bank s!ck like National bank o4 Pakistan the proced!re to
receipt or pa'ment to bank is %er' di44ic!lt and time cons!min6& Beca!se the !se old
and traditional method and Askari bank !se ne7 comp!teri;e technolo6'& 8he
en%ironment o4 Askari commercial bank is 6ood d'namic and attracti%e as compare to
other banks in o!r area Rahim-Yar-Khan the main tar6et c!stomer o4 Askari
commercial bank is Arm' and Arm' related instit!te and it is onl' the bank 7hich
tar6et the partic!lar c!stomer the b!siness %ol!me o4 o!r branch is t7ent' se%en
Askari commercial bank a7are their tar6et a!diences abo!t their ne7 and e>istin6
prod!ct thro!6h di44erent media the sta44 7ork to6ether as a team to6ether e%er' one
and achie%e more that create moti%ation and s'ner6' the sta44 is hi6hl' <!ali4ied&
Askari commercial bank also pro%ide the online bankin6 4or their c!stomer to 6et the
acco!nt in4ormation bills collection mone' trans4er these <!alities make it stron6er
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 "#
ACBL Internship Report
a6ainst their competitor the 4!t!re perspecti%e o4 Askari commercial bank is bri6ht
and it 7ill open ne7 7a's o4 s!ccess
.C)T A+AL6.$.
3A8 anal'sis indicatin6 to7ards the or6ani;ations stren6ths: 7eaknesses:
opport!nities and threat 3A8 anal'sis is %er' important 4or the mana6ement in
retainin6 the stren6th: o%ercomin6 the 7eaknesses: capitali;in6 market opport!nities:
and a7are to threat and o%ercomin6 it
?!rin6 ei6ht 7eeks o4 m' sta' at Askari Commercial Bank: Rahim-Yar-Khan: I ha%e
come across the 4ollo7in6 3A8 anal'sis o4 the bank&
-inancial .trengt%
Leading &ri#ate sector bank
!t%ical concern and &ublic image
Automatic o&eration
)nline Banking
1ood dynamic en#ironment
-ull day banking
ATM network
!lectronic Banking
Lower number of Branc%es
.%ort number of em&loyee
Low Gob s&eciali(ation
Low Gob satisfaction
Ceak customer %andling
$nside recruitment no merit
Lack of training faculties
)pport!ne Threat
'romote $slamic Banking
A large amount of foreign in#estment
is attracted
.teady increase in Customer 9e&osits
)&en branc%es in rural Areas
Tec%nological $m&ro#ements
@se ATM as a credit card
*ig% c%arges
.trong com&etition
Legal regulation
*ig%er e"&enses
!conomic !n#ironment
*ig% rate of inflation
Less e"&erienced .taff
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 -,
ACBL Internship Report
Online Banking
Askari commercial bank pro%ide online bankin6 4or their
c!stomer 8his ser%ice is a%ailable in all branches it is onl' the bank 7hich pro%ide
online ser%ice to pa' !tilities bill trans4er mone' check balance that 6i%e a
competiti%e ed6e to Askari commercial bank as compare to the competitor
1ood dynamic en#ironment
Askari commercial bank pro%ide 6ood and d'namic
en%ironment to their c!stomer as compare other competitor bank s!ch like DBL
National bank the en%ironment o4 the bank is not so 6ood and the' treat c!stomer as a
animal b!t Askari commercial bank kno7 the %al!e o4 c!stomer and pro%ide them
6ood en%ironment
-inancial .trengt%
Binancial stren6th is a stron6 stren6th 4or Askari commercial
bank o!r branch o4 Ashra4 Comple>: +odel 8o7n: Rahim 'ar Khan has t7ent' se%en
million and o%er all b!siness %ol!me o4 Askari commercial bank is
8otal assets 1:1//:.0@
8otal liabilities /"1://-
Net assets 2.":2@/

8otal re%en!e and pro4it a4ter ta> 4or the nine months ended eptember 2, : .,,/
7ere Rs& -@:12- tho!sands and Rs& 2-:,"1 tho!sands respecti%el'&
L!A9$+1 '/$,AT! .!CT)/ BA+K:
Askari commercial bank is the
leadin6 pri%ate sector bank in the bankin6 net7ork in Pakistan 7ith man' o4 them
online branches in major cities o4 the co!ntr'
A@T)MAT$C )'!/AT$)+.:
8he operations per4ormed b' the bank are hi6hl'
a!tomated that res!lt in ass!rance 4or the c!stomers that their transactions are
completed reliabl': e44icientl' and sec!rel'&
-@LL 9A6 BA+K$+1
Ane can a%ail the bene4it o4 the ser%ices pro%ided at the bank
till @:,, P&m& 7hich is hi6hl' !se4!l 4or those c!stomers 7ho 4ind it di44ic!lt to lea%e
their o44icers in the mornin6&
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 -1
ACBL Internship Report
8he bank has the lar6est A8+ Net7ork cross the co!ntr'& 8he
c!stomers o4 ACBL 7ithdra7 access their 4!nds an' time at all the A8+ ites 7ith
AKCA( Lo6o&
!L!CT/)+$C BA+K$+1
8he re%ol!tion in the bankin6 in the 4orm o4 electronic
bankin6 operations ha%e opened a%en!es o4 e>cellent: e44icient and <!ick ser%ices
sa%in6 the time and costs o4 the c!stomers and 4ort!natel' ACBL is amon6 those 4e7
banks 7ho are alread' reapin6 the bene4its o4 electronic transactions&
!L!CT/)+$C -@+9. T/A+.-!/
ACBL mana6ement is <!ite prepared to adopt the
latest ad%ancements in technolo6' res!ltin6 in re%ol!tion in the bankin6 operations
s!ch as check clearin6 process: comp!ter based teller e<!ipment: a!tomatic teller
machines: and electronic 4!nds trans4ers amon6 the others&
!T*$CAL C)+C!/+. A+9 '@BL$C $MA1!
8he or6ani;ations sho7in6
concern 4or the people: ethics: and en%ironment enjo' 6ood p!blic rep!tation and are
able to reap the bene4its in the lon6 r!n& ACBL mana6ement is <!ite sensiti%e to this

In m' opinions these are the points that mi6ht be detrimental to the e44icienc' and
pro4itabilit' o4 the bank&
Lower number of Branc%es
8he main 7eakness o4 Askari commercial bank is
short or lo7er n!mber o4 branches there is onl' one branch o4 Askari commercial
bank in district Rahim Yar Khan i4 7e compare to competitor DBL has 4i%e branches
in o!r cit' Rahim Yar Khan
.%ort number of em&loyee
8he main 7eakness d!rin6 the internship I 4o!nd shot
n!mber o4 emplo'ee there is onl' t7ent' ei6ht emplo'ees in 7hole the bank onl' one
or t7o emplo'ee is 7orkin6 in e%er' department 7hen an'bod' is at abscond bank
4ace a lot o4 di44ic!lt' to accomplish its task 4or e>ample there is onl' one emplo'ee
o4 I8 is 7orkin6 in 7hole the bank
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 -.
ACBL Internship Report
8he decision makin6 is centrali;e the branch man6er is 4!ll'
control 7hole the branch and decision makin6 is at top le%el that create the distance
bet7een middle and hi6her le%el to o%ercome the 7eakness the a!thorit' o4 decision
makin6 is also share to middle le%el and 6i%e them 4reedom to 7ork
Ceak customer %andling
8he main 7eakness d!rin6 I 4o!nd 7eak c!stomer
handlin6 emplo'ee are not technical trained and not appl' the principle o4 C!stomer
Relation +ana6ement c!stomer are the blood o4 or6ani;ation the or6ani;ation 7ho
i6nore it canIt s!r%i%e in this 7orld
$nside recruitment no merit
No merit o4 recr!itment all recr!itment is
internall' is re4erence base emplo'ee i6norin6 'o!n6 and talent people
Low Gob .atisfaction
Dnderstandin6 and the e44ecti%e mana6ement o4 the h!man reso!rces is the most
di44ic!lt challen6e 4aced not onl' b' the bank b!t b' all the or6ani;ations& *%en
tho!6h the people ha%e been sacri4iced in the ne7 or6ani;ational de%elopments: it is
becomin6 clear that the tr!e lastin6 competiti%e ad%anta6e comes thro!6h h!man
reso!rces and ho7 the' are mana6ed& ACBL seems to not 4oc!sin6 on this hi6hl'
critical iss!e as the job satis4action le%el o4 the emplo'ees 7orkin6 at ACBL: 7as
<!ite lo7&
LACK )- .'!C$AL$.AT$)+
8his 4amo!s and !se4!l concept 6i%en b'
Adam mith in 1--" seems to be missin6 in the bank& 8he emplo'ees are constantl'
rotated 4rom one job to another job o4 totall' di44erent characteristic in the %ie7 o4
6i%in6 them the kno7-ho7 o4 the 7orkin6 in all the departments& B!t I think this is
not a %er' 6ood tactics !sed b' the mana6ement& Ather7ise the sit!ation mi6ht be like
this [Kack o4 all and master o4 none
LACK )- T/A$+$+1 -AC$L$T$!.
Presentl' there is no speci4ic trainin6
pro6ram arran6ed 4or the ne7 recr!iters& 8he' ha%e to learn based on their
obser%ations and also their mistakes& It takes a bit time 4or the 4resh one to learn the
bankin6 the res!lt is h!6e amo!nt o4 bl!nders: mistakes etc& res!ltin6 in monetar' and
non-monetar' losses 4or the bank& 8here is press!re not onl' on the ne7 learner b!t
also on the person placed !pon 7ith this responsibilit'&
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 -2
ACBL Internship Report
Apart 4rom the ones disc!ssed in *>ternal Bactors *%al!ation +atri>: the bank is
4acin6 the 4ollo7in6 threats and opport!nities c!rrentl':
'romote $slamic Banking
Askari commercial Bank promote Islamic bankin6 in
all the branches onl' a 4e7 branches this ser%ice is a%ailable
A large amount of foreign in#estment is attracted
A lar6e amo!nt o4
4orei6n in%estment is attracted to e>pand their b!siness 7orld 7ide It is e>ternal
opport!nit' 4or Askari commercial bank to a%ail it and take a competiti%e ed6e and
create a stron6 identit' 7orld 7ide
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 -0
ACBL Internship Report
.teady increase in Customer 9e&osits
It is opport!nit' 4or Askari
commercial bank to stead' increase c!stomer deposit b' adoptin6 ne7 marketin6 and
promotion scheme and l!nch ne7 scheme 4or their c!stomer
)&en branc%es in rural Areas
It is the opport!nit' 4or Askari commercial bank
to e>pand their b!siness in r!ral areas and met !nmet se6ment in 6eo6raphical areas
and promote their b!siness
Tec%nological $m&ro#ements
It is opport!nit' 4or Askari commercial bank
limited to make technical impro%ement in their operation and adopt ne7 technolo6ies
o4 b!siness and make their 7hole operation a!tomatic it is con%ince 4or both c!stomer
and or6ani;ation to sa%e their time
@se of ATM as a Credit Card
It can be an opport!nit' 4or ACBL to introd!ce
A8+ also as a credit card 7hich 7ill in%ite a di44erent se6ment and 7hich 7ill
impro%e pro4itabilit'& 8he' can also c!t costs in this 7a'&
*ig% c%arges
(i6her char6es is a stron6 threat 4or Askari commercial bank It char6e
2,, R!pess to trans4er the mone' to another Askari branch it is %er' e>pensi%e as
compare to other DBL 1.@ R!pees
Legal regulation
Le6al re6!lation is serio!s threat 4or or6ani;ation beca!se
6o%ernment chan6e their policies and p!t di44erent kind o4 ta>es and re6!lation on the
or6ani;ation top mana6ement al7a's keep the e'e on mo%in6 trend o4 6o%ernment
*ig%er e"&enses
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 -@
ACBL Internship Report
(i6her e>pense is a threat 4or Askari commercial bank Ashra4
Comple>: +odel 8o7n: Rahim 'ar Khan has ro!ndabo!t ei6ht tho!sand e>pense per
*ig% rate of inflation
(i6her rate o4 in4lation is a threat 4or Askari
commercial bank the prices o4 the prod!ct and ser%ices !p and !p and !nemplo'ment
is increasin6 %er' rapidl' bank sho!ld adopt 4le>ible policies to 6i%e relie4 their
*ig% c%arges
8he sched!les o4 char6es indicate that the 4ees char6ed b' the bank on
the %ario!s ser%ices it pro%ides are e>tremel' hi6h& It ma' res!lt in decrease in the
n!mber o4 its e>itin6 c!stomers& B!rther more: this co!ld be %er' alarmin6 sit!ation
4or the bank in case some o4 the competitors 6rasped the opport!nit' and lo7ered its
rates& 8he res!lt 7o!ld be either the lost o4 market share or decrease in the char6es
res!ltin6 in lo7erin6 the bankIs income&
.tiff Com&etition
CB is c!rrentl' 4acin6 strict competition 4rom the 4orei6n banks
especiall' the American 7ho banks enjo' a 6ood market position& Collecti%el' D&&
banks hold appro>imatel' # percent o4 all commercial banksM assets& At present: three
American banks are operatin6 in Pakistan: American *>press BankH Bank o4 America
and Citibank&
Less !"&erienced .taff
A7in6 to h!6e t!rno%er o4 the emplo'ees: the no& o4
e>perienced and 7ell trained sta44 is %er' lo7& +ajorit' o4 the sta44 7orkin6 in the
bank branches is <!ite 'o!n6 and ine>perienced& I4 the bank 4ailed to brin6 do7n its
hi6h emplo'ees t!rno%er: then it 7o!ld be lackin6 the most important reso!rces o4
an' or6ani;ation i&e& the e>perienced sta44&
Conclusion and /ecommendation
A4ter spendin6 si> 7eeks at di44erent departments o4 the bank: interactin6 7ith the
emplo'ees: 6ettin6 their %ie7s: obser%in6 the or6ani;ational str!ct!re and desi6n: I
ha%e come !p 7ith the 4ollo7in6 s!66estions that in m' %ie7: 7ill de4initel' impro%e
a 4e7 7eaknesses obser%ed in the bank b' me&
$ncrease number of Branc%es and em&loyee
It is necessar' 4or Askari
commercial bank to increase n!mber o4 branches and increase n!mber o4 emplo'ee in
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 -"
ACBL Internship Report
their branches other7ise bank can 4ace di44ic!lt' i4 an' emplo'ee is t!rno%er and
there is onl' t7ent' ei6ht emplo'ees in 7hole the branch o4 the Askari commercial
bank Rahim-'ar -khan
-le"ible 'olicies
8he bank sho!ld be adoptin6 4le>ible policies: especiall' in the areas o4 the
recr!itment: promotions: e%al!ation o4 the emplo'ees other7ise the hi6h t!rno%er
obser%ed in the bank 7ill contin!e to create problems 4or the bank no7 and in the
Bob security
8he emplo'ees in the or6ani;ation sho!ld be ins!red job sec!rit' so that there is no
press!re on the emplo'ees 7hile per4ormin6 their tasks&
'ermanent *iring
8he 4resh hirin6 sho!ld be made permanent so that the' are sec!red o4 their 4!t!re&
B!rther the allo7ances and per<!isites attached 7ith the permanent jobs 7ill also
increase the moti%ation le%el o4 the emplo'ees&
Bob Training 'rograms
8he bank sho!ld place emphasis on the or6ani;ation o4 e44ecti%e trainin6 and
de%elopment pro6rams 4or its ne7 as 7ell as e>istin6 emplo'ees so that these are
6rad!all' !pdated re6ardin6 the recent de%elopments in the 4ield o4 bankin6
'er8uisites and Allowances
8he n!mber o4 allo7ances and per<!isites 4or the emplo'ees sho!ld be increased to
ens!re that the' p!t their bod' and so!l in the jobs assi6ned to them&
/e#i#al of t%e C%arges
8he rates 4or the %ario!s char6es pro%ided b' the bank sho!ld be bro!6ht do7n a bit:
as it 7o!ld res!lt in increase in the n!mber o4 c!stomers o4 the bank&
Ado&tion of !ffecti#e tec%nology
8he c!rrent !nbind s'stem !sed b' the bank is %er' slo7 in processin6 so m' %ie7 is
that the bank sho!ld tr' to adopt some other b!t more e44ecti%e 4orm o4 technolo6' in
order to pro%ide com4ort to the c!stomers as 7ell as the sta44&
9ecentrali(e 9ecision making
?ecentrali;ation mana6ement rather than centrali;ed mana6ement it 7o!ld res!lt in i
8he hi6her a!thorities sho!ld 4orm team-based impro%ement in !pli4tin6 the morale
o4 the emplo'ees& 8he' 7ill be more moti%ated and in%ol%ed in all their operations
res!ltin6 in o%erall e44ecti%eness o4 the or6ani;ation&
I4 Askari commercial bank limited 4ollo7 these 6!ideline it can create stron6 ident' in
the market and achie%e ne7 7a's o4 s!ccess and bank can also achie%e their objecti%e
%ision and mission m' concl!sion and recommendation is based on m' 4indin6 7hich
I 6ather d!rin6 internship period personnel obser%ation and data 7hich I 6ather both
primar' so!rce and secondar' so!rce Askari commercial banks has to o%er come their
7eakness and a%ail the opport!nit' to create a stron6 ima6e 7orld 7ide
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 --
ACBL Internship Report
/eferences and sources used
1F Amir Rehmani (ead o4 C!stomer er%ice ?epartment Askari
commercial bank Limited Ashra4 Comple>: +odel 8o7n: Rahim-'ar-
Phone N!mber \,"/-@/-#/@,
.F Rehan L!cke' (ead o4 I&8 ?epartment Askari commercial bank
Limited Ashra4 Comple>: +odel 8o7n: Rahim-'ar-Khan
Phone N!mber \,"/-@/-#/@,
2F Aksari commercial bank o44icial 7ebsite NonlineO
0F Askari commercial ann!al report .,,/ NonlineO
@F Imran Aslam B!siness de%elopment o44icer Askari commercial bank
Limited Ashra4 Comple>: +odel 8o7n: Rahim-'ar-Khan
Phone N!mber \,"/-@/-#/@,
"F 3ikipedia the enc'clopedia NonlineO
Internship Report-
Course Code: MKT619 -/

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