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Universitatea Maritima din Constanta Terrestrial Navigation

Assist.Prof. Costel STANCA

Errors in terrestrial navigation
Universitatea Maritima din Constanta Terrestrial Navigation
Common errors (Bowditch 823.)
1. Failure to obtain or evaluate soundings
2. Mis-identification of aids to navigation.
3. Failure to use navigation aids effectively.
4. Failure to correct charts
5. Failure to adjust magnetic compass and to keep
table of corrections
6. Failure to apply deviation
7. Failure to apply variation.
8. Failure to check gyro and magnetic compass
9. Failure to keep a dead reckoning plot
Universitatea Maritima din Constanta Terrestrial Navigation
Common errors (Bowditch 823.)-cont
10. Failure to plot new information
11. Failure to properly evaluate information
12. Poor judgment.
13. Failure to use information in charts and
navigation publications
14. Failure to have back-up navigational
methods in place
15. Failure to recognize degradation of
electronically obtained LOPs or lat/long
Universitatea Maritima din Constanta Terrestrial Navigation
Source of errors
1. Navigation equipment and tools errors (deviation and
variation magnetic compass, gyro error, sextant error,
2. Use of chart and nautical publications (identification
of AtoN, chart / publication update)
3. Observers errors (lack of experience, less visual
4. Weather condition (rolling and pitching poor
5. Selection of method(selection of objects, method
according to circumstances time, objects availability,
traffic congestion, navigation hazards, etc.)
Universitatea Maritima din Constanta Terrestrial Navigation
Plotting routine
Plotting fix measure as quick as possible, record data
and time
Labeling fix clearly mark with circle / close time and log
Dead reckoning carefully check in advance area for
dead reckoning to navigational hazards
Calculate set and drift at each fix, compare with the
predicted values, evaluate the influence of ship navigation
and take measures to keep the ship on route
Plotting routine when turning adjust the fix interval so
you will have a fix one minute before turning, use a AtoN
to establish the turning bearing (the value of bearing when
to turn the ship)

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