Nursery Welcome Songs

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Welcome Everyone.
(Tune: Twinkle, twinkle little star)
Welcome, welcome everyone,
It is time to have some un.
!irst we"ll #ut our $ags away,
Then we"ll start our $usy %ay.
Welcome, welcome everyone,
I"m so gla% that you have come.
&oo% 'orning.
(tune: (a##y )irth%ay to you)
&oo% morning to you,
&oo% morning to you.
&oo% morning, goo% morning,
&oo% morning to you.
Where is ?
Where is *NN*+
Where is *NN*+
(ere I am,
(ere I am,

'ary"s (ere To%ay,
(Tune: The armer"s in the %ell)
'ary"s here to%ay,
'ary"s here to%ay.
-et"s all cla# our han%s an% say,
.(i#, hi#, (//0*1,,,2

Ti%y 3# Song.
4ut the toys where they $elong,
4ut the toys where they $elong,
4ut the toys where they $elong,
So everyone can 5n% them.

(urry, hurry ti%y u#,
(urry, hurry ti%y u#,
(urry, hurry ti%y u#,
It"s time to go outsi%e6to 4.E etc. etc.

*ttention Song.
Every$o%y sit %own, sit %own, sit %own.
Every$o%y sit %own on the mat.

(as the chil%ren a##roach encourage them to ollow your
actions $y %oing %i7erent actions an% continue singing)

Every$o%y %o this, %o this, %o this,
Every$o%y %o this, 8ust like that.

(gra%ually as they all 8oin you on the mat, sing in a soter
an% soter voice so they all en% u# on the mat, crosse%
Twinkle, Twinkle -ittle Star.
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
(ow I won%er what you are+
3# a$ove the worl% so high,
-ike a %iamon% in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
(ow I won%er what you are.

Incy Wincy S#i%er.
Incy Wincy s#i%er,
9lim$e% u# the water s#out.
:own came the rain,
*n% washe% the s#i%er out.
/ut came the sunshine ,
*n% %rie% u# all the rain,
So Incy Wincy s#i%er ,
One, two, three, four, fve
/nce I caught a 5sh alive.
-et I let him go again.
Why %i% you let him go+
)ecause he $it my 5nger so.
Which 5nger %i% he $ite+
This little 5nger on my right.

(ickory :ickory :ock,
(ickory, %ickory %ock,
The mouse ran u# the clock.
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran %own.
(ickory, %ickory %ock.
Tick, tock, tick, tock.

&oo%$ye Song.
(Tune: (a##y )irth%ay)
&oo%$ye to you,
&oo%$ye to you.
&oo%$ye, goo%$ye,
&oo%$ye to you
Now /ur :ay is :one.
(Tune: 'ary ha% a little lam$)
*ll %ay long we worke% an% #laye%,
Worke% an% #laye%, worke% an% #laye%.
*ll %ay long we worke% an% #laye%,
Now our %ay is %one.
Wave goo%$ye ,to all your rien%s,
*ll your rien%s, all your rien%s,
Wave goo%$ye, to all your rien%s,
3ntil we meet again.

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