Expert's Tips To Crack GATE-2015

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Experts Tips To Crack GATE-2015

Two important parameters to be considered very crcia! to crack t"e GATE exam
are Accracy and Time #ana$ement% T"e paper consists o& '5 (estions w"ic"
s"o!d be so!ved in ) "ors in t"is ct-t"roat competition%
GATE consists o& m!tip!e c"oice and nmerica! answer type (estions* "ence on!y
correct answer &etc"es marks%
+ractice previos year (estion papers and ana!y,e topics in w"ic" yo are weak
and concentrate more on t"ose topics% A!ways try to &inis" t"e papers at t"e $iven
time* to obtain an idea on "ow many (estions yo are ab!e to so!ve in t"e $iven
time !imit%
+ay e(a! attention to bot" t"eory and nmerica! prob!ems%
Care&!!y $o t"ro$" t"e GATE sy!!abs and &ind ot t"e topics w"ic" &etc" more
marks and $ive more importance to t"ose topics%
Grop stdy wit" yor partners is a!so an e&&ective way to brs" p yor
know!ed$e abot tec"nica! topics% -n t"is process* yo mi$"t exp!ore
new tec"ni(es and procedres to nderstand t"e topic better%
."ort Ct Tec"ni(es/ Traditiona! met"ods to so!ve nmerica! prob!ems is time
takin$ process* try to adopt s"ort ct tec"ni(es to save time%
0o not make wi!d $esses as t"ere is ne$ative markin$ associated wit"
t"e (estions%
+repare t"e !ist o& important de&initions* e(ations* derivations* t"eorems* !aws in
every sb1ect
.e!& #ade 2otes/ Try to prepare notes a&ter stdyin$ a partic!ar topic% -nitia!!y* it
wi!! take some time* bt it wi!! be se&! in revisin$ t"e topics at t"e &ina! sta$e%

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