SOFC Reactions

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CACHE Modules on Energy in the Curriculum

Fuel Cells
Module Title: Conduction, Convection, and Radiation Heat Transfer from a
Solid Oide Fuel Cell
Module Author: Michael D. Gross
Module A!liation: Department of Chemical Engineering
Bucknell University, Lewisurg, !" #$%&$
Course: 'eat (ransfer
Tet Reference: )ncropera an* De+itt ,
e*ition, -ections #../#.&, ..#/..., 0.#,
Conce"ts #llustrated: Con*uction, convection, an* ra*iation.
!rolem Motivation2 3uel cells are a promising alternative energy conversion
technology. (here are numerous types of fuel cells, as *escrie* in Mo*ule 4, which
are typically *istinguishe* 5an* name*6 y either #6 the ion con*ucte* across the
electrolyte or .6 the electrolyte material.

" general schematic of a -oli* 78i*e 3uel Cell 5-73C6 operating on '. fuel is shown
in 3igure #. 78ygen from air supplie* to the catho*e is re*uce* to 7
at the
catho*e, transporte* across the electrolyte, an* reacte* with '. fuel at the ano*e
releasing electrons. (he electrons release* at the ano*e are transporte* through an
e8ternal circuit where electrical power can e *rawn.
-73C reactions2
"no*e2 '. 9 7
'.7 9
. e
Catho*e2 : 7. 9 . e

7verall2 '. 9 : 7.
3igure #. General schematic of -73C.
-73Cs typically operate in the temperature range of $44/#444<C. 'eat transfer with
a -73C system will e e8plore* in this mo*ule, which is particularly important *ue
to the high operating temperature.
'eat can e transferre* y materials in three ways2 #6 con*uction, .6 convection,
an* &6 ra*iation. Con*uction is heat transfer that occurs y atomic motion *ue to a
temperature gra*ient. Convection is heat transfer that occurs etween a surface
an* a li=ui* or gas that can >ow freely *ue to a temperature gra*ient. ?a*iation is
heat transfer that occurs through ra*iative heat waves an* applies to any type of
phase. )n calculating the ra*iation leaving a material only the material itself is
important, not the surroun*ing components.
(he rate of heat transfer *ue to con*uction is governe* y 3ourier@s Law, as shown
in E=n. #.
E=n. #
(he terms in E=n. # are2
= A rate of heat transfer 5+6
k A thermal con*uctivity 5+BmCD6
" A surface area across which heat is transferre* 5m
E( A *ifference in temperature over which heat is transferre* 5D6
E8 A *istance over which heat is transferre* 5m6
(hermal con*uctivity in*icates the ease of heat transfer through a material an* is a
material *epen*ent property. (he E( term is the *riving force for heat transfer.
(he rate of heat transfer *ue to convection is *escrie* y E=n. ..
E=n. .
)n E=n. . the new term is2
h Aheat transfer coeFcient 5+Bm
)n E=n. ., the heat transfer coefficient replaces the kBE8 term in E=n. #. (he reason
this happens is ecause convection has a moile phase, an* thickness is no longer
an eGective way of *escriing how the heat is transferre*. (he heat transfer
coeFcient can e thought of as the inverse of the resistance to heat transfer. "lso,
ecause temperature is a function of *istance from a surface, the E( term is
calculate* etween the surface an* the ulk temperature of the moile phase.
(he concept for ra*iation is that all materials are constantly emitting infrare*
ra*iation that is asore* y other materials. 3or this mo*ule, we will assume that
ra*iation is emitte* *irectly outwar* from the surface of oHects. +hile con*uction
an* convection are *riven y a temperature gra*ient, ra*iation is only ase* on the
temperature of the oHect emitting ra*iation.
(he rate of heat transfer *ue to ra*iation can e *escrie* y E=ns. & an* ,.
?a*iation Emitte*2 E=n. &
?a*iation "sore*2 E=n. ,
)n E=ns. & an* ,, the new terms are2
I A Emissivity, the ease with which a material emits ra*iation. Emissivity is a
*imensionless =uantity etween 4 an* #.
J A -tefan/BoltKmann constant 51.0$4 8 #4
6. (his constant is use*
to *escrie the ma8imum amount of energy ra*iate* per surface area.
(s A (he surface temperature of the material 5D6
L A "sorptivity, the ease with which a material asors ra*iation.
"sorptivity is a *imensionless =uantity etween 4 an* #.
(o A (he temperature of oHects surroun*ing the material 5D6
"nother term commonly foun* in ra*iation e=uations is view factor. (his term
*escries the *egree of e8posure of a surface to other oHects. 3or e8ample, if ) am
trying to Mn* the temperature of a roof on a sunny *ay, then ) want to know how
much sunshine is hitting the roof. +hen the sun is at *iGerent positions in the sky,
the view factor is *iGerent. 3or this mo*ule, we will assume the view factor is #,
which means that an oHect has a full view.
"s an e8ample, let@s consi*er heat transfer for a fuel cell encase* with an insulating
o8. 3or this case, the mo*es of heat transfer are *epicte* in 3igure .. (he mo*e of
heat transfer through the walls of the o8 is con*uction. "t the outer surface of the
o8, heat is transferre* to the air surroun*ing the o8 y convection an* emitte*
ra*iation. "t the same time, heat is eing transferre* from the surroun*ings to the
o8 y asore* ra*iation.
3igure .. Depiction of the *iGerent mo*es of heat transfer for a fuel cell with
insulating o8.
3uel Cell
)nsulating Bo8
7uter -urface
)nner -urface
Bulk (emperature
?a*iation 7ut
?a*iation )n
$ro%lem #nformation
Eam"le $ro%lem Statement:
Oou are operating a soli* o8i*e fuel cell system with hy*rogen fuel an* o8ygen. (he
fuel cell is encase* with an insulating o8. (he outsi*e surface temperature of the
o8 is #44<C.
a6 3or a fuel cell temperature of $44<C, calculate the net rate of heat transfer at
the insi*e surface of the o8. +ill the fuel cell temperature increase or
*ecrease over timeP
6 3or a fuel cell temperature of $44<C, calculate the net rate of heat transfer at
the outsi*e surface of the o8. +ill the fuel cell temperature increase or
*ecrease over timeP
c6 "t what temperature will the fuel cell operate isothermally 5i.e. what is the
stea*y state temperature of the fuel cell6P
&ecessary #nformation:
)nsulating o8 geometry2 cue with a surface area of # m
?eaction rate Q .4 mol '.Bh
'r8n Q .R4 kSBmol of '. reacte*
(he air surroun*ing the o8 has a ulk temperature of .1<C an* a heat transfer
coeFcient of .1 +Bm
Tiew factor is #
'r8n has a negligile *epen*ence on temperature
'eat transfer is only *irectly outwar* through the walls
)nsulating Bo8 )nformation2
Eam"le $ro%lem Solution:
$art a'
"t the inner surface of the insulating o8, heat generate* y the fuel cell
reaction is a**e* to the system an* heat is lost y con*uction through the walls
of the o8.
Ste" ()
(he net heat transfer is calculate* with a heat alance.
Q .R Q
Ste" *)
(he net rate of heat transfer is positive, which means heat is accumulating in
the fuel cell. (herefore, the temperature of the fuel cell will increase over
3uel Cell
)nsulating Bo8
7uter -urface
)nner -urface
Bulk (emperature
?a*iation 7ut
?a*iation )n
'eat generate*
from reaction
$art %'
"t the outer surface of the insulating o8, heat is eing a**e* *ue to con*uction
through the walls of the o8 an* ra*iation from the surroun*ings. 'eat is eing
remove* y convection to the surroun*ings an* ra*iation y the o8.
Ste" ()
(he net rate of heat transfer is calculate* with a heat alance.
3uel Cell
)nsulating Bo8
7uter -urface
)nner -urface
Bulk (emperature
?a*iation 7ut
?a*iation )n
'eat generate*
from reaction
Ste" *)
(he net rate of heat transfer is negative, which means heat is eing lost.
(herefore, the outer surface temperature of the o8 will *ecrease over time.
$art c'
(he fuel cell can e operate* isothermally when the net rate of heat transfer at the
insi*e surface of the o8 is Kero.

(o more eGectively visualiKe the eGect of temperature, results for =r8n, =con*, an* =net
are plotte* from $44<C to R44<C.
Home $ro%lem Statement:
(he stea*y state operating temperature of a soli* o8i*e fuel cell is %44<C. 3or safety
purposes, the fuel cell is to e encase* with an insulating o8 an* the outer surface
of that o8 must e maintaine* at a stea*y state temperature of U 14<C. (wo
insulating o8es are availale an* you have een aske* to evaluate
a6 whether or not each o8 meets the safety re=uirements
6 which material is more eGective
&ecessary #nformation:
)nsulating o8 geometry2 cue with a surface area of 4.% m
(he air surroun*ing the o8 has a ulk temperature of .4<C
Bo8 )nformation2
Tiew factor is #
'eat transfer is only *irectly outwar* through the walls

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