Chapter 4: Cell Reference and Functions

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Chapter 4 : Cell Reference and Functions

1.Cell References and Functions.......................................................................................................CA-63

a)Cell References .........................................................................................................................CA-63
b)Cell References Outside The Sheet...........................................................................................CA-65
c)Functions ..................................................................................................................................CA-67
1. Cell References and Functions
A for$ula in a s%readsheet such as Calc is a $athe$atical e&uation used to calculate a 'alue. (n Calc
for$ulas $ust be)in *ith an e&ual + , ) si)n. A for$ula entered in a cell $a- consist of.
Cell references
/alues or te"t
a) Cell References
A cell reference refers to a cell or a ran)e of cells on a *or0sheet and tells O%enOffice Calc *here
to loo0 for the 'alues or data that -ou *ant to use in a for$ula. 1ith cell references2 -ou can use
data that is contained in different %arts of a *or0sheet in one for$ula2 or -ou can use the 'alue fro$
one cell in se'eral for$ulas. 3ou can also refer to cells on other *or0sheets in the sa$e *or0boo0.
4ere are so$e co$$on e"a$%les.
This for$ula. Refers to. And Returns.
,C Cell C The 'alue in cell C.
,Sheet56 Cell 6 on Sheet The 'alue in cell 6 on Sheet.
The cells na$ed
7iabilit- and Asset
The 'alue of the cell na$ed 7iabilit- subtracted fro$
the cell na$ed Asset.
The cell ran)es na$ed
1ee01 and 1ee0
The su$ of the 'alues of the cell ran)es na$ed
1ee01 and 1ee0 as an arra- for$ula.
Cell references in a for$ula can be of three t-%es.
Relati'e References
Absolute References
;i"ed References
The follo*in) table su$$ari<es ho* a reference t-%e u%dates if a for$ula containin) the reference
is co%ied t*o cells do*n and t*o cells to the ri)ht.
For a for$ula
bein) co%ied. (f the reference is.
(t chan)es
=A=1 absolute colu$n and absolute ro*.
(n a for$ula2 the e"act address of a cell2 re)ardless of the %osition
of the cell that contains the for$ula. An absolute cell reference
ta0es the for$ =A=1
A=1 relati'e colu$n and absolute ro*.
(n a for$ula2 the address of a cell based on the relati'e %osition of
the cell that contains the for$ula and the cell referred to. (f -ou
co%- the for$ula2 the reference auto$aticall- ad>usts. A relati'e
reference ta0es the for$ A1
=A1 +absolute colu$n and relati'e ro*) =A3
A1 +relati'e colu$n and relati'e ro*) C3
Relative References
(n O%enOffice Calc and other s%readsheets2 a relati'e cell reference identifies the location a cell or
)rou% of cells. Cell references are used in for$ulas2 functions2 charts and other Calc co$$ands.
6- default2 a s%readsheet cell reference is relative. 1hat this $eans is that as a for$ula or function
is co%ied and %asted to other cells2 the cell references in the for$ula or function chan)e to reflect
the function?s ne* location. A relati'e cell reference consists of the colu$n letter and ro* nu$ber
that intersect at the cell?s location. An e"a$%le of a relati'e cell reference *ould be C@2 A152 or
Absolute References
(n O%enOffice Calc and other s%readsheets2 an absolute cell reference identifies the location a cell
or )rou% of cells. An absolute cell reference consists of the colu$n letter and ro* nu$ber
surrounded b- dollar si)ns + $ ).
An absolute cell reference is used *hen -ou *ant a cell reference to sta- fi"ed on a s%ecific cell.
This $eans that as a for$ula or function is co%ied and %asted to other cells2 the cell references in
the for$ula or function do not chan)e. An e"a$%le of an absolute cell reference *ould be =C=@2
=A=152 or =A=3@5.
Mixed References
A $i"ed reference has either an absolute colu$n and relati'e ro* or an absolute ro* and relati'e
colu$n. An absolute colu$n reference ta0es the for$ =A12 =61 and so on. An absolute ro* reference
ta0es the for$ A=12 6= and so on.
(f the %osition of the cell that contains the for$ula chan)es2 the relati'e reference chan)es and the
absolute reference does not chan)e. (f -ou co%- the for$ula across se'eral colu$ns or do*n se'eral
ro*s2 the relati'e reference is auto$aticall- ad>usted and the absolute reference is not ad>usted.
b) Cell References Outside The Sheet
The Paste Special feature can be used to &uic0l- lin0 to ran)e of cells fro$ another sheet.
(n the e"a$%le belo*2 *e ha'e a table on the sheet labeled First. 1e *ant to lin0 to the botto$ ro*
fro$ the sheet labeled Second
Select the desired ran)e for lin0in) bC.DC2 then select !dit - Co%-
Eo* )o to the sheet fro$ *here *e *ill be lin0in). Select the start cell of the ne* ran)e
+corres%ondin) to 6C)
Eo* select Edit - Paste Special.
The Faste S%ecial dialo) is sho*n belo*. Select the 7in0s o%tion on botto$ left.
This can be 'er- useful if -ou ha'e a 'er- lar)e ran)e of cells that -ou need $a%%ed to another
c) Functions
Calc %ro'ides all of the co$$onl- used functions found in $odern s%readsheet a%%lications. O'er
5# standard functions are a'ailable in Calc2 *ith $an- $ore a'ailable throu)h its Add(n feature.
A function can be entered usin) the follo*in) s-nta".
,function na$e + ar)u$ent 12 ar)u$ent 2$ent n)
To access the co$$and2 O%en the conte"t $enu in the Co$$ands *indo* - choose Functions or
Choose View - Selection - in the Selection *indo*2 clic0 f+") Function.
The follo*in) tables list CalcGs functions or)ani<ed in ele'en functional cate)ories.
Table 1. Functions a'ailable in Calc
Function Cate)or- Standard Addins Total
;athe$atical 5@ H 6
Financial 37 5C
Statistical 77 # 77
Date and Ti$e 17 13 3#
7o)ical 6 # 6
(nfor$ational 16 1H
Database 1 # 1
Arra- 1@ # 1@
S%readsheet # # #
Te"t 7 1 H
Total 65 61 36
Function Examples
There are $an- cate)ories of functions. So$e of the$ are $athe$atical functions2 statistical
functions2 date and ti$e functions2 lo)ical functions and $an- $ore. 6elo* are so$e e"a$%les.
Matheatical functions
(ET+nu$ber) Rounds the )i'en nuber do*n to the nearest inte)er.
ROIED+nu$berJ count) Rounds the )i'en nuber to a certain nu$ber of deci$al
%laces accordin) to 'alid $athe$atical criteria. !ount
+o%tional) is the nu$ber of the %laces to *hich the 'alue is to
be rounded. (f the count %ara$eter is ne)ati'e2 onl- the *hole
nu$ber %ortion is rounded. (t is rounded to the %lace indicated
b- the count.
nu$berKJ ... nu$berK3#)
Adds all the nu$bers in a ran)e of cells. "uber#$%
nuber#&%... nuber#'( are u% to 3# ar)u$ents *hose su$
is to be calculated. 3ou can also enter a ran)e usin) cell
Statistical anal)sis functions
nu$berKJ ... nu$berK3#)
Returns the a'era)e of the ar)u$ents. "uber#$%
nuber#&% ... nuber#'( are nu$erical 'alues or ran)es.
Te"t is i)nored.
COIET+'alueK1J 'alueKJ
... 'alueK3#)
Counts ho* $an- nu$bers are in the list of ar)u$ents. Te"t
entries are i)nored. Value#$% value#&% ... value#'( are 'alues
or ran)es *hich are to be counted.
'alueKJ ... 'alueK3#)
Counts ho* $an- 'alues are in the list of ar)u$ents. Te"t
entries are also counted2 e'en *hen the- contain an e$%t-
strin) of len)th #. (f an ar)u$ent is an arra- or reference2
e$%t- cells *ithin the arra- or reference are i)nored.
value#$% value#&% ... value#'( are u% to 3# ar)u$ents
re%resentin) the 'alues to be counted.
nu$berKJ ... nu$berK3#)
Returns the $a"i$u$ 'alue in a list of ar)u$ents.
"uber#$% nuber#&% ... nuber#'( are nu$erical 'alues
or ran)es.
nu$berKJ ... nu$berK3#)
Returns the $ini$u$ 'alue in a list of ar)u$ents.
"uber#$% nuber#&% ... nuber#'( are nu$erical 'alues
or ran)es.
*ate and tie functions
DAT!+-earJ $onthJ da-) Con'erts a date *ritten as -ear2 $onth2 da- to an internal
serial nu$ber and dis%la-s it in the cellGs for$attin). +ear is
an inte)er bet*een 15H3 and CC56 or # and CC. Month is an
inte)er bet*een 1 and 1. *a) is an inte)er bet*een 1 and
DA3+nu$ber) Returns the da-2 as an inte)er2 of the )i'en date 'alue. A
ne)ati'e dateMti$e 'alue can be entered. "uber is a ti$e
4OIR+nu$ber) Returns the hour2 as an inte)er2 for the )i'en ti$e 'alue.
"uber is a ti$e 'alue.
EO1+) Returns the co$%uter s-ste$ date and ti$e. The 'alue is
u%dated *hen -our docu$ent recalculates. EO1 is a function
*ithout ar)u$ents.
TODA3+) Returns the current co$%uter s-ste$ date. The 'alue is
u%dated *hen -our docu$ent recalculates. TODA3 is a
function *ithout ar)u$ents.
1!!NDA3+nu$berJ t-%e) Returns the da- of the *ee0 for the )i'en nuber +date
'alue). The da- is returned as an inte)er based on the t-%e.
,)pe deter$ines the t-%e of calculation. t-%e , 1 +default)2
the *ee0da-s are counted startin) fro$ Sunda- +;onda- ,
#)J t-%e , 2 the *ee0da-s are counted startin) fro$ ;onda-
+;onda- , 1)J t-%e , 32 the *ee0da-s are counted startin)
fro$ ;onda- +;onda- , #).
2. Exercises
1. Fre%are the s%readsheet as belo*.
A 6 C D
1 5# 7H ;A7A3S(A
5 7 1#
3 7 1## (R!7AED
@ H 3@ 3# 1M1M##H
5 1 @5 5 H5O

Ise functions to find the.
a) Total of nu$bers in A1.C5 KKKKKKKKKK
b) A'era)e of nu$bers in A1.C5 KKKKKKKKKK
c) 4i)hest nu$ber in A1.D5 KKKKKKKKKK
d) 7o*est nu$ber in A1.D5 KKKKKKKKKK
e) Eu$ber of cells in A1.D5 usin) Count Function KKKKKKKKKK
f) Eu$ber of cells in A1.D5 usin) CountA Function KKKKKKKKKK
. 6ased on the data in the s%readsheet belo*2 calculate the follo*in).
A 6 C D !
1 C 1# 3 5 PAE ##
@ # 7 1
3 H 5 5 6 R;15
@ CO;FIT!R 1 C#O
c) ,;(E +A1.!@) KKKKKKKKKK
d) ,;AL +A1.!@) KKKKKKKKKK
)) ,SI; +A.D)-;(E +A1.!@) KKKKKKKKKK
3. 1ithout enterin) the data in the s%readsheet2 calculate the follo*in).
A 6 C D ! F
Sales Total 1ei)ht
Frice +%er
Total Sales
3 Rice Flour @# 1.5#
@ 1heat Flour 7# 3.##
5 Alutinous
3# .##
6 Self Raisin)
# .5#
Total Sales is the %roduct of Total 1ei)ht and Frice +%er 0))
a) Calculate Total 1ei)ht in D3
For$ula in D3 KKKKKKKKKK /alue Dis%la-ed KKKKKKKKKK
b) Co%- the for$ula in D3 to D@.D6
For$ula in D@ KKKKKKKKKK /alue Dis%la-ed KKKKKKKKKK
For$ula in D5 KKKKKKKKKK /alue Dis%la-ed KKKKKKKKKK
For$ula in D6 KKKKKKKKKK /alue Dis%la-ed KKKKKKKKKK
c) Co%- the for$ula in D3 to !@
For$ula in !6 KKKKKKKKKK /alue Dis%la-ed KKKKKKKKKK
d) Co%- the for$ula in D3 to !6
For$ula in !6 KKKKKKKKKK /alue Dis%la-ed KKKKKKKKKK

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