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John Smith

123 Main Street, Chicago, IL
(703) 5555555
'ro!ect (ngineering in the )e&ecomm*nication# +e&,
Ma% 2000 Lehigh University -eth&ehem, '.

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
2007're#ent International electrical Devices Associate Engineer /air0a1, 2.

.##i#te, in the ,e#ign an, man*0act*ring o0 integrate, circ*it#
*#e, in #ate&&ite comm*nication #%#tem#" 'er0orme, 3*a&it%
contro& te#t# 0or circ*it #ta4i&it%" 're5are, re5ort# o0 te#t re#*&t#"
're#ente, re#*&t# to the engineering gro*5"
20052007 J ! " Electrical "#$$ly Co%$any, Service Assistant -a&timore, M6

'ro7i,e, #*55ort #er7ice to #a&e# #ta8engage, in the #a&e o0
e&ectrica& com5onent# to &arge e&ectronic +rm#" Maintaine,
acc*rate recor,#, +e&, or,er#, monitore, in7entor%, an,
5ro7i,e, 9areho*# #*55ort"
19902005 B#rea# o& Recreation, Pro Shop Attendant, -a&timore, M6

:enerate, a55ro1imate&% ;2,000 in #a&e# 5er 9ee< *ti&i=ing
c*#tomer #er7ice #<i&&#" >ecor,e, ,ai&% #5orting goo,# #a&e#,
#che,*&e, 5&a%ing time# 0or 8 co*rt#" Maintane, tenni# co*rt
*#e recor,#"
19992000 Digital Control "yste%s Lehigh University Sophomore Circuity-eth&ehem, '.

Design Project,
?or<e, 9ith a team o0 +7e #t*,ent# to ana&%=e a circ*itr%
#%#tem" >e#earche, 7ario*# t%5e# o0 #%#tem# to recommen,
4e#t 5o##i4&e #o&*tion" Mo,e&e, a 9or<ing #%#tem #o&*tion 7ia
Com5*ter" 6re9 circ*itr% 5&an# an, 5re#ente, +n,ing# in a
re5ort to the c&a##"
Com5*ter@ CAA, .S' an, SBL" ?or,, (1ce&, Internet
S5ani#h C 5ro+cient
2002"2003 Inter&raternity Co#ncil Re$resentative
.tten,e, I/C Meeting# a# the re5re#entati7e o0 Sigma 'hi
(5#i&on /raternit%" >e5orte, on meeting# to 0raternit%
Mem4er#" -ro*ght 3*e#tion# 0rom mem4er# to the I/C
e1ec*ti7e 4oar,"
I(((, -ro9n an, ?hite (?riter), #igma 'hi (5#i&on,
6rama C&*4 2ar#it% )enni# )eam
)ra7e& inc&*,e#@ S5ain, /rance, 'ort*ga&, (ng&an,

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