Final Draft - Research - On - Human - Development

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Manuel R. Arellano
Julie Ann M. Dungo
Ramoncito J. Gulinao
May 2014
The study ocused on the descri!tion and relationshi! o !ersonal !roile to the study
ha"its o selected #$T% students in Bulacan &tate 'ni(ersity during summer 2014.
There !o!ulation o the study is com!osed o 42 #$T% students randomly selected. The
instrument used "y the researchers is )uestionnaire consist o t*o !arts+ the !ersonal !roile li,e
gender- age- course inished and ty!e o school *here the res!ondents studied and the as!ects o
study ha"its li,e moti(ation- and !lanning *or,- *or,ing *ith others- managing
school and *or, stress- note ta,ing and reading- and !re!aring an assignment/!ro0ect *hich *as
ado!ted rom an acti(ity o the "oo, 1acilitating 2earning: A Meta3#ogniti(e $rocess "y maria
Rita D. 2ucas- $h.D. and Brenda B. #or!u.- $h.D.
&tatistical analysis o the results *as limited to the use o mean- standard re)uency and
!ercentage. The researchers also use the &$&& sot*are to ta"ulate and !rocess the data gathered.
The results re(ealed that !ersonal !roile li,e age and gender ha(e signiicant relationshi!
*ith study ha"its o the res!ondents *hile course and school rom *hich they *ere graduated
ha(e no signiicant relationshi! to their study ha"its. &ince the res!ondents4 as!ects o study
ha"its li,e moti(ation- and !lanning *or,s- note3ta,ing and reading- and !re!aring an
assignment/!ro0ect are correlated *ith their age and gender- students must concentrate on these
as!ects to im!ro(e and de(elo! eecti(e study ha"its. &tudents should also "e a*are o the
relationshi!s "et*een !ersonal !roile and study ha"its to im!ro(e their academic !erormance.
The de(elo!ment o ,no*ledge- attitudes- s,ills- and a!!reciations are among the "asic
training a student recei(es in his early education. A student cannot learn much i he does not
de(elo! good study ha"its as *ell as his attitudes and (ie*s to*ard studying.
5t is a common ,no*ledge that achie(ements o students in school are indeed- aected "y
their study ha"its or styles. &e(eral others are 0ust contented *ith "arely !assing grades- ne(er
de(elo!ing their s,ills and a"ilities to the highest le(el attaina"le. As cited "y #oleman- 6o the
117 causes o school ailures- one o the most re)uently mentioned *as student4s !oor study
8hat- *here- and ho* to study are indis!ensa"le to e(ery student and scholar. 5n act-
!ro!er study ha"its are the tools or ac)uiring ,no*ledge. Good study ha"it largely inluence and
*ill undou"tedly im!ro(e the academic !erormance o the student. 5t is im!ortant on the !art o
the students so that they *ill ma,e use o their time eecti(ely and !ur!osely instead o ta,ing
assigned *or, or granted. 5t *ill dra* them to go urther *ith less eort and la9ity.
Armstrong :1;<=> as cited "y ?ilario- e9!ressed that ho* to study is one o the most
im!ortant things you can learn *hile you are still young and your mind is still !lia"le. 2earning
ho* to study in(ol(es !utting a*ay the ha"its and ideas *hich ma,e a study a real constructi(e
and dedicated orce aimed at the ultimate ulillment o the talents *hich se!arates man rom the
"east o the ield.
As cited "y Mala"ay- the learners4 attitude to*ard his study is an im!ortant actor that
greatly hel!s the learner. 8ith that end- the standing o most students could "e greatly enhanced
"y the im!ro(ed study ha"its.
The study *ill in(estigate the study ha"its o selected #$T% students in Bulacan &tate
'ni(ersity during summer o school year 2017 @ 21014.
&!eciically- this *ill ans*er the ollo*ing )uestions:
1. ?o* is the !ersonal !roile "e descri"e in terms o :
1.1. gender+
1.2. age+
1.7. course inished+
1.4. ty!e o school *ere he/she studiedA
2. ?o* may study ha"its "e descri"e in terms o :
2.1. moti(ation+
2.2. and !lanning *or,+
2.7. *or,ing *ith others+
2.4. managing school and *or, stress+
2.<. note ta,ing and reading+
2.=. !re!aring an assignment/!ro0ectsA
7. 5s there signiicant relationshi! "et*een !ersonal !roile and the study ha"its o the
This !art o the study o the study !resent the methods and techni)ues used "y the
researchers- the !o!ulation and instrument o the study as *ell as the data !rocessing and the
statistical treatment a!!lied in the study.
Descri!ti(e a!!roach in research *as descri"ed "y Bachimias and Bachimias :1;;=>
cited "y &antos:2010> as a !rocess o gathering the data o (aria"les or act inding *hich
descri"e the condition o the !resent and s!eciic !henomenon and to ind the relationshi!
"et*een the (aria"les used.
The !o!ulation o the study is consist 42 selected #$T% :#ontinuing $roessional
Teacher %ducation> students o Bulacan &tate 'ni(ersity during summer o 2014. The
)uestionnaire *as the main instrument in gathering data that are re)uired and needed to ans*er
the )ueries in this study. The )uestionnaire *as di(ided into t*o !arts. The irst !art *as the
res!ondents !roile *hich state the !ersonal inormation li,e age- gender- course inished- and
ty!e o school *here the res!ondents studied. The second !art *as the study ha"its test. 5t is
com!osed o ity3i(e :<<> )uestions- e(aluating the si9 :=> actors o study ha"its. %ight :C>
)uestions assessed the Moti(ation- ten :10> )uestions !ertains to and !lanning *or,-
eight :C> )uestions e(aluate the res!ondents a"ility to *or, *ith others- another eight :C>
)uestions or managing school and *or, stress- ele(en :11> )uestions to assessed their a"ility in
note ta,ing and reading- and lastly- ten :10> )uestions or measuring res!ondents ca!a"ility in
!re!aring an assignment and !ro0ects. The )uestionnaire used *as ado!ted rom an acti(ity o
the "oo, 1acilitating 2earning: A Meta3cogniti(e $rocess "y Maria Rita D. 2ucas- $h. D. and
Brenda B. #or!u.- $h. D. The scale ranges rom 0 to 10 *here 0 corres!onded *ith the lo*est
(alue and 10 corres!onded to the highest (alue.
&#A2% 5BT%R$R%TAT5DB
E.0 3 10 Al*ays
4.0 @ =.;; &ometimes
0 37.;; Be(er
The researchers sort- tally- and ta"ulated the data. The tallying o gathered data *as done
manually and it is acilitated "y the use o com!uter or aster e(aluation o the inormation.
&tatistical techni)ue is a!!lied in the data. The researchers get the re)uency
distri"ution and mean. The $earson4s #orrelation *as used to determine the relationshi! "et*een
the !ersonal !roile and the study ha"its o the res!ondents. &$&& :&tatistical $ac,age or &ocial
&tudents> *as used in !rocessing the o"tained data.
This cha!ter !resents the analysis and inter!retation o data o"tained rom the
res!ondents through the )uestionnaire issued. 5t is com!osed o three !arts- the irst !art
descri"es the !ersonal !roile o res!ondents- the second !art !resents the study ha"its o the
res!ondents in terms o se(eral (aria"les- the last !art dis!lays the relationshi! o !ersonal
!roile and study ha"its o the res!ondents.
Frequency Distributin ! t"e Persn#$ Pr!i$e ! t"e Res%n&ents
Ta"le 1 3 Age
'#ri#b$es Frequency Percent#(e
2132< 1E 40.4CF
2=370 = 14.2;F
7137< E 1=.=EF
7=340 C 1;.04F
4134< 7 E.14F
4=3<0 1 2.7CF
As ta"le 1 sho*s- 1E or 40.4CF o the res!ondents are *ithin the 21 to 2< age "rac,et- =
or 14.2;F "elongs to 2= to 70 age "rac,et- E or 1=.=EF com!rises the 71 to 7< age "rac,et- C or
1;.04F *ere included in the 7= to 40 age "rac,et- 7 or E.14F com!oses 41 to 4< age "rac,et-
*hile 1 or 2.7CF is in the 4= to <0 age "rac,et. 5t sho*s that ma0ority o the res!ondents are 21
to 2< years o age- *hile a minority o res!ondents *herein 41 to <0 years o age.
Ta"le 2 3 Gender
'#ri#b$es Frequency Percent#(e
Male :0> E 1=.=F
1emale :1> 7< C7.4F
Ta"le 2 sho*s that emales are dominant in num"ers *ith a total o 7< or C7.4 F o the
res!ondents- *hile the remaining E or 1=.=F are males. 5t is thereore stated that most o the
res!ondents are emale.
Ta"le 7 @ Ty!e o &chool
'#ri#b$es Frequency Percent#(e
Ty%e ! Sc"$
$ri(ate :1> 27 <4.CF
$u"lic :2> 1; 4<.2F
The ta"le maniests that 27 or <4.CF o the res!ondents came rom !ri(ate school *hile
the remaining 1; or 4<.2F *ere rom !u"lic school.
Ta"le 4 @ #ourse 1inished
'#ri#b$es Frequency Percent#(e
B& Bursing 11 2=.2F
B& $sychology = 14.1F
B5T < 11.;F
B& %ngineering 4 ;.<F
AB Ban,ing G 1inance 7 E.1F
AB Mar,eting Management 7 E.1F
B& ?RM 2 4.CF
B& Accountancy 2 4.CF
B& #om!uter &cience 2 4.CF
B& Tourism 1 2.4F
B& %conomics 1 2.4F
B& Math 1 2.4F
B& #ustom Management 1 2.4F
The res!ondents come rom dierent ma0or ields. 11 o the !artici!ants or 2=.2F o the
*hole !o!ulation are graduates o B& Bursing. 14.1F and 11.;F are rom the ield o
$sychology and 5ndustrial Technology res!ecti(ely. The remaining !o!ulations *ere distri"uted
to (arious courses.
T#b$e *
Frequency Distributin, Me#n #n& Inter%ret#tin ! t"e Res%n&ents n Mti+#tin
1re)uency Mean 5nter!retation
1. 5 e9ert eort to ind out *hy 5 need
to do a !articular tas,.
2= 1= 0 C.10 Al*ays
2. 5 re*ard mysel *hen 5 *or,. 2E 1< 0 C.21 Al*ays
7. 5 see to it that 5 gi(e mysel regular
"rea,s rom *or,.
2= 1< 1 E.;C Al*ays
4. 5 am a"le to ,ee! my concentration
and does not let my mind 6drit
11 71 0 =.7 &ometimes
<. 5 ha(e *ays o dealing *ith
22 20 0 E.=2 Al*ays
=. 5 am *illing to do the *or, 5 do not
en0oy "ecause 5 see it as im!ortant.
1; 27 0 E.2= Al*ays
E. 5 see, clariication rom teacher
a"out her e9!ectations and standards.
17 2= 7 =.1; &ometimes
C. 5 go to tutorials to im!ro(e my
school *or,.
< 1< 12 2.;C Be(er
8eighted mean =.C7 &ometimes

Ta"le < sho*s that the selected #$T% students during summer o 2014- gets =.C7
*eighted mean *hich is inter!reted as they are S,eti,es moti(ated in studying.
T#b$e -
Frequency Distributin, Me#n #n& Inter%ret#tin ! t"e Res%n&ents n Or(#ni.#tin #n&
P$#nnin( /r0 and $lanning Iour 8or, 1re)uency Mean 5nter!retation
1. 5 ma,e a *ee,ly timeta"le or the
school *or, 5 need to accom!lished.
1< 2< 2 =.<< &ometimes
2. 5 ma,e a re(ie* schedule or
2E 17 2 E.;C Al*ays
7. 5 !lan to get the necessary resources
and e)ui!ment !rior to starting *or,.
77 ; 0 C.;7 Al*ays
4. 5 su"mit all my assignments on
7< E 0 ;.1E Al*ays
<. 5 ha(e a !lace to *or, *here 5
*on4t "e distur"ed.
2C 14 0 C.77 Al*ays
=. 5 ha(e time or amily commitments
and rela9ation as *ell as studying.
2C 14 0 C.77 Al*ays
E. 5 !rioriti.e tas,s *hich should "e
done irst- second and so on.
7< E 0 ;.1E Al*ays
C. 5 ma,e lists o things to do. 1E 27 2 4.E= &ometimes
;. 5 ma,e a list o (alua"le reerences
*ith "i"liogra!hic details- !age
num"ers o )uotes and so on.
2 7E 7 4.CC &ometimes
10. 5 re(ie* my *or, "eore
su"mitting it.
24 1C 0 E.C= Al*ays
8eighted Mean E.=0 Al*ays
Ta"le = sho*s that the selected #$T% students during summer o 2014- gets E.=0
*eighted mean *hich is inter!reted as they A$1#ys and !lanning or their *or,.
T#b$e 2
Frequency Distributin, Me#n #n& Inter%ret#tin ! t"e Res%n&ents n /r0in( 1it"
8or,ing *ith Dthers- '
Resources and 1eed"ac,
1re)uency Mean 5nter!retation
1. 5 discuss *or, assignments *ith
other students.
1= 2= 0 =.; &ometimes
2. 5 share resources *ith other
20 22 0 E.7C Al*ays
7. 5 ,ee! cuttings rom ne*s!a!ers
and maga.ines *hich may "e o hel!
to me.
1= 20 0 =.1; &ometimes
4. 5 ma,e sure 5 see TJ !rograms
*hich may "e useul.
24 1C 0 E.C= Al*ays
<. 5 read the to!ic assigned "eore a
20 22 0 E.7C Al*ays
=. 5 as, )uestions and generally ta,e
!art in grou! discussion.
1E 24 0 =.; &ometimes
E. 5 listen out or ,ey ideas *hen
someone is tal,ing.
71 11 7 C.=; Al*ays
C. 8hen 5 am listening to someone- 5
try to antici!ate *hat they *ill say
1C 27 1 E.02 Al*ays
8eighted mean E.2; Al*ays
Ta"le E sho*s that selected #$T% students during summer o 2014- gets E.2; *eighted
mean *hich is inter!reted as they are A$1#ys *or,ing *ith others to get hel! in their !ro0ects
and assignments.
T#b$e 3
Frequency Distributin, Me#n #n& Inter%ret#tin ! t"e Res%n&ents n M#n#(in( Sc"$
/r0s #n& Stress
Managing &chool 8or, &tress 1re)uency Mean 5nter!retation
1. 5 get so *orried a"out assignment
that they ma,e me eel ill.
< 70 E <.27 &ometimes
2. This *orry a"out assignments
ma,es me eel de!ressed.
1 2= 1< =.=E &ometimes
7. 5 eel misera"le a"out doing
1 1< 2= E.;C Al*ays
4. 5 let these concerns a"out the *or,
get on to! o me.
7 21 1C =.E; &ometimes
<.8hen 5 need to *or,- other al*ays
succeed in !ersuading me to go out.
1 2E 14 =.<< &ometimes
=. 5 ha(e diiculty in tal,ing to others
a"out my *orries.
= 2< 11 <.= &ometimes
E. 5 ignore my !ersonal itness
through *orrying a"out assignments.
4 1E 21 E.02 Al*ays
C. The stress o assignments causes
me to get "ehind and 5 ne(er seem to
catch u!.
1 10 71 C.<E Al*ays
8eighted mean =.C0 &ometimes
Ta"le C sho*s that selected #$T% students during summer o 2014- gets =.C0 *eighted
mean *hich is inter!reted as they S,eti,es get stress to the school *or,s that the !roessor
*ill gi(e.
T#b$e 4
Frequency Distributin, Me#n #n& Inter%ret#tin ! t"e Res%n&ents n Nte T#0in( #n&
Bote3ta,ing and Reading 1re)uency Mean 5nter!retation
1. My notes indicate the main ideas-
rather than merely re!eat *hat has
"een said.
2< 1E 0 E.;C Al*ays
2. 5 listen or ,ey ideas *hen listening
to a s!ea,er.
74 C 0 ;.0< Al*ays
7. 5 a!!roach tutors or hel!. ; 24 ; < &ometimes
4. 5 organi.e or ile my notes
20 22 0 E.7C Al*ays
<. 5 re3*rite my notes under ,ey ideas-
headings- using num"ering or
lettering schemes.
12 2= 4 <.;< &ometimes
=. 5 ha(e a shorthand techni)ue o my
1< 24 7 =.47 &ometimes
E. 5 underline or highlight ,ey ideas
so they stand out.
72 10 0 C.C1 Al*ays
C. 5 decide- "eore reading a "oo,-
*hether it is (ital or "ac,ground
1= 22 4 =.47 &ometimes
;. 5 go o(er a "oo, "eore di(ing into
cha!ter one.
17 2E 2 =.47 &ometimes
10. 5 chec, the contents !age or
rele(ance "eore reading a "oo,.
24 1= 2 E.=2 Al*ays
11. 5 loo, or summaries at the end o
the cha!ters.
1= 27 7 =.<< &ometimes
8eighted mean E.0< Al*ays
Ta"le ; sho*s that selected #$T% students during summer o 2014- gets E.0< *eighted
mean *hich is inter!reted as they A$1#ys ta,e note and reading related *or, a"out the to!ic
*hich ha(e discussed "y the 5nstructor.
T#b$e 56
Frequency Distributin, Me#n #n& Inter%ret#tin ! t"e Res%n&ents n Pre%#rin( n
Assi(n,ent 7 Pr8ect
$re!aring an Assignments/$ro0ects 1re)uency Mean 5nter!retation
1. 5 see to it that 5 understand *hat is
really "eing as,ed or in the
7E < 0 ;.40 Al*ays
2. 5 read other reerences and read
a"out the to!ic.
2E 1< 0 C.21 Al*ays
7. 5 ma,e an outline/!lan "eore doing
my assignment/!ro0ect.
2E 17 2 E.;C Al*ays
4. 5 s!ell3chec, or s!elling mista,es. 77 ; 0 C.;7 Al*ays
<. My essays ha(e clear introductions. 1; 27 0 E.2= Al*ays
=. My essays ha(e a conclusion. 20 22 0 E.7C Al*ays
E. 5 re)uently chec, "ac, to the title
during the *riting o an essay.
2C 14 0 C.77 Al*ays
C. My essays/research !a!er has a ull
set o reerences and a "i"liogra!hy.
1E 24 1 =.;0 &ometimes
;. 5 re(ie* !ro0ect/assignment "eore
su"mitting it.
70 12 0 C.<E Al*ays
10. 5 re)uest someone else to loo,
at/read my !ro0ect/assignment "eore
su"mitting it.
C 27 11 4.=4 &ometimes
8eighted Mean E.E= Al*ays
Ta"le 10 sho*s that selected #$T% students during summer o 2014- gets E.E= *eighted
mean *hich is inter!reted as they A$1#ys !re!aring their assignment or !ro0ect.
T#b$e 55
)ener#$ /ei("te& Me#n ! t"e Stu&y
As!ects o &tudy ?a"its Mean 5nter!retation
Moti(ation =.C7 &ometimes
Drgani.ation and !lanning 8or, E.=0 Al*ays
8or,ing *ith Dthers E.2; Al*ays
Managing &chool 8or, and &tress =.C0 &ometimes
Bote Ta,ing and Reading E.0< Al*ays
$re!aring on Assignment /$ro0ect E.E= Al*ays
)ener#$ /ei("te& Me#n 29:: A$1#ys
Ta"le 11 sho*s that the selected #$T% students during summer o 2014- ha(e general
*eighted mean o E.22. This came u! to an inter!retation that the res!ondents in general- ha(e
)& Stu&y H#bits.
T#b$e 5:
Re$#tins"i% ! t"e Pr!i$e t t"e Stu&y H#bits ! t"e Res%n&ents
n and
*or, and
!re!aring an
Age $earson
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
The ta"le a"o(e sho*s the correlation o !ersonal !roile and study ha"its o the
res!ondents. The result maniested that moti(ation is correlated *ith the age o the res!ondents
as sho*n in the ta"le ha(ing a (alue o 3.7==. They are correlated at 0.0< le(el. Meaning- as the
age increases the degree o moti(ation decreases. Dn the other hand- age has no correlation *ith
the rest o the as!ects o study ha"its.
Drgani.ation and !lanning are highly correlated *ith gender as sho*n in the ta"le ha(ing
a (alue o 3.<74. They are correlated at 0.01 le(el. Gender is also correlated *ith note ta,ing and
!re!aration o assignment/!ro0ect *hich !ro(ed as sho*n in their com!uted (alue o 3.7E= and
374< res!ecti(ely. Bote ta,ing and !re!aration o assignment/!ro0ect are correlated *ith gender
at 0.0< le(el. &ince C7.4F o the res!ondents are emale it is sae to say that emales are good in
organi.ation and !lanning as *ell as in note ta,ing and !re!aration o assignment/!ro0ect.
The study ha"its o the res!ondents ha(e no correlation to the school *here they *ere
graduated as *ell as *ith course they ha(e ta,en.
Based on the results o the study conducted- the researchers arri(ed at the
ollo*ing conclusions+
1. $ersonal !roile !articularly age and gender are signiicantly related to the study
ha"its o the res!ondents.
2. &tudy ?a"it has no signiicant relationshi! *ith the course ta,en "y the res!ondents-
and *ith the school rom *hich they *ere graduated.
7. The res!ondents4 as!ect o study ha"its li,e moti(ation- and !lanning
*or,s- note3ta,ing- reading and !re!aring an assignment/!ro0ect are correlated *ith
their age and gender. As 1roe and 2ee :1;=7> noted and cited "y Malu"ay- eecti(e
study techni)ues include note ta,ing- ma,ing !lans and schedules- re(ie*ing using
the li"rary and de(elo!ing reading s,ills.
59 &ince the res!ondents4 as!ects o study ha"its li,e moti(ation- and
!lanning *or,s- note3ta,ing and reading- and !re!aring an assignment/!ro0ect are
correlated *ith their age and gender- students must concentrate on these as!ects to
im!ro(e and de(elo! eecti(e study ha"its.
:9 &tudents should "e a*are o the relationshi!s "et*een !ersonal !roile and study
ha"its to im!ro(e their academic !erormance.
;9 A related study should "e conducted- so that dierent (aria"les may "e used to
determine other actors aecting indi(iduals4 study ha"its.
8illian #oleman- A Jo" Analysis o the #auses o &chool 1ailures- :Master4s Thesis-
Dhio &tate 'ni(ersity- !. CC cited "y 8alter &. Monroe :ed.>
2oida Dayrit A. &antos- &tudy ?a"its and Attitudes and its Relationshi! to Mathematics
Achie(ement o the 1ourth Iear &tudents. :2000>
Maria Rita D. 2ucas- $h.D. and Brenda B. #or!u.- $h.D. 1acilitating 2earning: A Meta3
#ogniti(e $rocess
#hristine #. Mala"ay- &tudy ?a"its o Third and 1ourth Iear &tudents o &an Remigio
Bational ?igh &chool- &an Remigio #e"u. Basis or action !lan- Dct. 1;;=
Jose Manuel A. &antos :2000>. $roile- %motional Maturity- #ohesi(eness and Decision
Ma,ing &tyles o the &elected 'ni(ersities and #olleges in Region 555 :'n!u"lished master4s
thesis Bulacan &tate 'ni(ersity- #ity o Malolos>

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