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Write to Think:

For each reading section, you will choose two of the most signicant passages from the
text and discuss why you think the quote is important to the overall meaning of the
novel. The quote can be a passage, or selected quotes that are connected and you
want to discuss that connection. You should look beyond the plot. Think about the
imagery, details, gurative language, diction, syntax, characterization... The What.
Then, you must analyze and explain what The What does; how does it contribute to or
reveal the bigger ideas The So What.
The Write-to-Think should be typed, double-spaced and one page in length.
Reading Sections:
1. The Opening Letters (1 Write to Think)
2. Chapters 1-8 (2 WT)
3. Chapters 9-15 (2 WT)
Total, 5 Write to Think Responses due Monday
While reading, be mindful of the following themes found in the novel:
Dangerous Knowledge - The pursuit of knowledge is at the heart of Frankenstein, and
this ruthless pursuit of knowledge or ambition sometimes proves dangerous and
problematic. Record passages that relate to the pursuit of knowledge and its effects.
Impact of Nature - The Romantics viewed Nature as a source of emotional experience
and spiritual renewal. Literature in the Gothic tradition also involves Natures darker side
as relating to human experience. Record passages that relate to Nature and how it
impacts or is an integral part of meaning in the novel.
Texts & Language - Frankenstein is full of texts: letters, notes, journals, inscriptions,
and books, both directly and indirectly. Likewise, language plays a key role in the
Creatures development. Record passages that create or allude to texts and the
importance of language.
Isolation - Even though Victor is raised in a loving family, he becomes isolated
throughout many parts of the novel. Other characters also experience isolation for
various reasons. Record passages that show isolation and its effects on individuals and
Responsibility - With great knowledge comes great responsibility. Think about what
kind inventor/creator/mother Victor is to the monster? Record passages that relate to
the issue of responsibility or lack of it, and the ensuing effects.
AP Lit
Loss of Innocence Throughout the novel, innocence is driven out through the effects
of abandonment, revenge and death. How is Victor a victim, as well as the perpetrator?
The monster? Record passages that relate to the issue of the loss of innocence and
how it impacts the characters and is an integral part of meaning in the novel.
Questions to Think About:
In what ways are Frankenstein and the Creature similar and different?
How is Frankenstein similar/different to the story of Adam & Eve/Paradise Lost?
What is the signicance of the frame story in the novel? What effect does this technique
have on the story? How is Frankenstein a tragic hero? Byronic Hero?
How is Frankenstein a characteristic of the Romantic and Gothic literary movement?
How does Frankenstein rail against the Enlightenment?
Do you agree or disagree with the statement that, We are what society makes us?
AP Lit

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