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Crabbe Questions

Before reading
1) What makes a good parent? Defend your opinion (give examples).
2) The protagonist in this book has recorded part of his life in a series of journals. Do you think your life
is worth recording in a journal like Crabbe's? Explain.
Begin reading...
3) Page 8: Why would the author put the St. Barts hospital slip on the first page?
a. What information do we get?
4) Page 10: Why did the author capitalize W.W.W.C.
5) Page: 17: How do you think a keeping a journal can help Crabbe?
6) Describe Dr. Browne. Why isnt he impressed with Crabbes progress?
7) Journal 2: What does the story about the river have to do with anything?
8) Crabbe says, "I was sick of life and already sick of the future that everybody had planned for me but
nobody bothered to consult me about." Think about your own life. Is there a "spoken" or
"unspoken" plan for you to fulfill? If there is, describe it and how you feel about having such
expectations. If there isn't, state why you think your parents/guardians have not expressed one.
9) What does Journal 3 tell us about Crabbes life?
10) Who/what is Silent Sam?
11) Page 32: do you feel like school is ass backwards? Why/Why not?
12) Page 34: What are your views on thinkers
13) Page 38: (Journal 5) why is she almost happy?
14) Do you think Crabbe's reaction to his parents is normal or abnormal? Why? What kind of
relationship do you have with your parents?
15) Page 47: What does a couple of forevers mean?
16) How does the author foreshadow that something bad will happen to Crabbe?
17) Page 50: (Journal 8) Can you picture the scene?
18) Journal 8 describes the lowest point to which Crabbe has sunk since leaving home. Pretend that you
are Crabbe and that you are assessing your present situation ("no heat, no cooking, no defenses").
What are the pros and cons Crabbe might consider as he convinces himself not to return to the
comfort of his parents' home? What would you do?
19) Page 54: Do you think it was a bear?
20) Page 55: what is symbolic about Crabbe bathing in the lake?
21) Page 60: Have you ever heard the phrase darkness fell? Where? What does it mean?
22) Page 61: Why is he only having withdrawal symptoms now, on the third night?
23) Page 61: Does the weather affect us indoors?
24) Page 64: Why does he have an erotic dream? What do you think was actually happening?
25) Page 69: What do you imagine she sounds like?
26) Page 78: What is the name of people who only go to church on Sundays and do not practice their
beliefs during the week?
27) Page 81: What is self pity
28) Page 81: what is the last layer?
29) Page 92: What is this symbol? What does it mean (in your own words)? Why is that ironic?
30) Crabbe states, "But if she was willing to invest something of value to her on me, I was certainly
willing to try." When someone we love and respect gives us something precious, it makes us feel
special and important. Describe an occasion in your life when you received a memento or object of
value from a person you loved. Explain how it made you feel and why.
31) Mary tells Crabbe, "You have to go. You see that, don't you?" Mary feels that it is absolutely
essential that Crabbe return home at this point. Outline all the reasons she may have for believing
that it is time for Crabbe to go home. What negative effects does she believe staying in the
wilderness might have on Crabbe?
32) Page 100: If he knows where it is and how to read a map, why is it forever?
33) In Journal 14 we learn that Crabbe feels a boost to his self-respect. In your opinion, what kinds of
experiences and accomplishments would increase one's self-respect? Why do you think self-respect
is so important to one's development as a healthy, mature individual?
34) What has happened to Mary?
35) Take a position: did she accidentally fall off the cliff or did she choose to. Explain why you think that.
36) Page 123: Why did it take realizing discovery for him to mourn?
37) Whats a losers game according to Mary?
38) Page 128: What is mercy killing?
39) Mary has taught Crabbe some very important lessons about life (sometimes life isn't fair; only you
can be responsible for your own life and happiness; it is immature to keep blaming others; a life
without significance may be very unhappy, etc.) Think of someone who has taught you an important
lesson about life. Describe the person, the lesson, and the circumstances in which you learned it.
40) Page 138: who makes you dependant? How? Make a list.
41) Page 139: What does the cave represent (think back to the water at the beginning)
a. How does mommy nature fit into this idea?
42) What does Mary think is the greatest compliment to a teacher?
43) What happened to Crabbes hands and feet?
44) Page 154: Did he forget that he already told us about that teacher?
45) Nurse Owens gives Crabbe some advice on "living". Comment on her advice (do you agree or
disagree) and develop some advice of your own for Crabbe.
46) Page 158: Why did his parents get old so fast?
47) What is your opinion of how Crabbe handled the meeting with his parents? What would you have
done differently?
48) In his discussions with Mary, Crabbe learned much about relationships. What are some of the
qualities of a good relationship which you feel are important? Why?
49) Whats Project Adventure? Do you think Project Adventure is a good thing for Crabbe? Explain

Words to define:
Page 9:
- Amber
- Sibilant
- Cribbage
- Tedious
Page 10:
- Corresponding
- Cynical
Page 13:
- Vice
Page 15:
- School marm
Page 16:
- Impertinent
Page 21:
- Implement
Page 22:
- Eyrie
- Provisions
Page 23:
- Omen
Page 26:
- Valium
Page 27:
- Understatement
- Hypocrite
Page 28:
- Ingratitude
Page 51:
- Foresight
Page 54:
- Seizure
Page 57:
- Hernia
- Optimism
Page 62:
- Bosom
- Atery
Page 64:
- Whodunits
Page 66:
- Hypothermia
- Disorients
Page 68:
- Drawing room
Page 70:
- Coincidence
- Jarred
- Speculate
Page 82:
- Accusative case (a noun that has
something done to it whom, them)
Page 83:
- Lithe
Page 101:
- Coureur de bois
Page 109:
- Indecision

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