Secondary - Lesson Plan - Whole Class

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Pre-Service Teacher Copy

Lesson Plan (Whole Class Lesson)

Year Level(s): Engineering Cert. II Learning Area/ACARA Focus: Mathematics

Date/Time: 26.8.14 (1:151:35pm) Lesson Focus: Fractions, Percentages &

Background Information:

The class consists of a group of students studying a certificate course Engineering Certificate II.
The classroom is based upon the campus adult ethos where the students are expected to be
responsible for their own learning and completion of set work tasks under the supervision of the
classroom teacher.

The students have difficulty understanding particular Mathematics concepts required for this
particular course. The students require clear explanations and visual examples to better
understand the concepts.

Teaching/Learning Purpose(s) (written in terms of outcomes):

At the conclusion of the lesson the students should be able to:

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Mathematic concepts for fractions,
percentages and decimals.
Display correct answers and methods for each Mathematic problem.


Create notes to remind me of the script to use to teach the lesson.

Note: The teacher has created the required copies of the worksheet to be completed by
the students after the implementation of the lesson.

Learning Experiences:

1. How will I engage the learners?

Advise students that the Mathematics lesson will consist of learning about
fractions, percentages and decimals.
Provide opportunities for visual learning such as providing examples on the
whiteboard. Provide examples where fractions, percentages and decimals may be
used e.g. slices of pizza.

2. Student tasks and activities (what will the students do to achieve the lesson purpose(s)?

Students will complete the worksheet relating to fractions, percentages and

3. Conclusion (how do you summarize the learning and relate it to the lesson purpose(s)?

These students can be uncomfortable in asking for assistance. Be mindful of this
and individually monitor each student to ensure understanding of concepts.
Assist each student individually rather than re-grouping to summarize the

Assessment and evaluation: (How do you know the students have achieved the learning

When students are able to show the method used to obtain the answer for each
mathematical problem relating to fractions, percentages and decimals.

Evaluate your own performance

I presented a whole class Mathematics lesson to a group of Engineering Certificate II students.
The lesson focus was on Fractions, Percentages and Decimals. Throughout the lesson I was more
aware of my positioning to the students than I had been during the Micro Lesson. I ensured that
when I had completed writing each example on the whiteboard that I then turned back to face the
students and address them face to face regarding each part of the lesson.

I ensured that each section of the workbook I was presenting was broken down into sections
which were presented as visuals on the whiteboard. An example of this was that I presented
examples of fractions on the whiteboard and then allowed the students to complete the set tasks
associated with fractions before continuing onto the next task of percentages, and then did the
same before moving on from percentages to decimals. As the students were completing each set
of tasks I would ensure that I was walking around the classroom and checking methods and
answers as well as assisting where needed.

The majority of students were willing to engage, and seek help where required. One particular
student chose not to participate and engaged in off task behaviour. I responded by ignoring this
behaviour based on the adult ethos the senior campus promoted which was that the students are
at this particular school of their own choice and that learning is their responsibility. In a
subsequent discussion with the Mentor Teacher I was advised that a different course of action
should have occurred. On reflection I should have stopped the lesson and dealt with the situation
by reminding the student of the adult ethos in place at the campus, and what my expectations
were during the lesson.

Another student completed the workbook as required but chose not to actively participate in the
lesson but rather seemed content listening to music whilst wearing headphones. I ensured when
walking around the room and checking students methods and answers that this particular student
had completed the workbook correctly. After examining some of the answers and finding them
to be incorrect I explained the concepts to the student and ensured the answers were adjusted. On
reflection I should have ensured that the student was engaged in the lesson. An area for
improvement would be for me to reflect on implementing better classroom management
strategies at a secondary level such as providing clear expectations of behaviour prior to
commencing a lesson.

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