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GAD Activity 3.

Activity 3.51
Game Resources
Introduction: Game resources are the items such as game pieces, money, houses,
territory, and player health that are used in a game. Game resources play much the same
role as resources do in real life. Control the resources and you control the game.
To !oard games such as "onopoly and #archeesi $different games can !e
1. &irst, !ecome familiar ith the to !oard games. 'ou might play a little of each
game so you have a !etter understanding.
(. )ist all the resources for each game and e*plain the resources scarcity and utility in
the game.
Game Resources:
Things used
in a game
Limited in the game
a !ur!ose in the game
Stratego +om!s , total Automatic in of duel,
removed after e*plostion
-couts . total Can move more than one
-py 1 total Automatic in of duel, e*cept
for !om!s
1 each /igh value pieces
&lag 1 0eeps you in the game, ie
once the flag is lost, you lose
-olider pieces
.,1,,, 5, and
(,3,2,2,2 respectfully #ieces in the game
"iners 5 They can diffuse !om!s
Mono!oly /ouses and
32 and 1( Increases rent on property
Chance 3
1, and 1, #unish or reard players at
#roperty cards (. +uy to ma4e money off of
Game pieces 1 To mar4 the place on the
money -ome odd num!er of 1,
5, 15, (5, 55, 155 and
Allo people to !uy and pay
for rent and property
Die ( dice To !e a!le to move the
GAD Activity 3.51
num!er of spaces rolled
1. 8hat resource is the most valua!le for each game and hy9 The "lag in
Stratego# $ecause you lose %ithout it. &ro!erty in Mono!oly $ecause you
need it to %in the game and ma'e money.
(. 8hat resource is the least valua!le for each game and hy9 The ) units in
stragetgo $ecause they have the lo%est value %ithout any s!ecial
a$ilities. The chance cards are the least im!ortant $ecause they can $e
removed and the game %ill still *unction.
3. Do you thin4 "onopoly has too many resources9 8hy or hy not9 +o $ecause I
can manage the amount o* resources availa$le.
). Thin4 of a ay you could change the utility of one of the resources in a game.
Descri!e ho it ould affect the game play. The chance card could ,ust $e
negative# this %ould ma'e !layers try to avoid the chance tiles.
5. Thin4 of a ay you could change the scarcity of one of the resources in a game.
Descri!e ho it ould affect the game play. I* you removed the scarcity o*
scouts in Stratego# each !layer %ould thro% scouts at each other
constantly to *ind the value o* the other-s !ieces.
.. Ta4e one resource aay from one of the games. Descri!e ho it ould affect the
game play. I* you ta'e scouts out o* Stratego# the strategy o* !layers have
to change.

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