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GAD Activity 3.

Activity 3.62
Prisoner's Dilemma
Introduction: You have probably not played many non-zero sum games. There are no
inners or losers in this type o! game. "ere is one popular game you might li#e to try.
%aper and pencils
&. Divide into groups o! to.
2. $magine you are a prisoner in the above scenario. 'tudy the outcomes !rom each.
3. At the same time you and your partner rite don your decision to con!ess or #eep
(uiet. %lace cards !ace don in the middle. Turn up at the same time and discuss
hat happens to each o! you.
). *epeat !our more times and add the +ail time !or each player.
Image by Phyllis Jones
GAD Activity 3.62
!tension: Try loo#ing at the ,Tragedy o! The -ommons. !or another e/ample.
#. 0hat ould be the best scenario !or both players1 I$ %ot& 'layers kee' (uiet.
2. Did you play the game di!!erently a!ter the !irst !e rounds1 )es
3. -ould a player ever in or lose in this type o! game1 )es
*. 2rainstorm another non-zero sum game and rite don the basic rules. 'hare your
ideas ith the class. Lego city+eac& 'layer uses t&eir lego 'ieces to %uild a
di$$erent %uildings to add to lego city, everyone -ins %ecause o$ t&e lego city and social $un.

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