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"Left Outside Alone" lyrics

"Left Outside Alone"
All my life Ive been waiting
For you to bring a fairy tale my way
Been living in a fantasy without meaning
Its not okay I dont feel safe
I don't feel safe..
Left broken empty in despair
anna breath !ant find air
"hought you were sent from up above
But you and me never had love
#o mu!h more I have to say
$elp me find a way
And I wonder if you know
$ow it really feels
"o be left outside alone
hen its !old out here
ell maybe you should know
%ust how it feels
"o be left outside alone
"o be left outside alone
I tell ya..
All my life Ive been waiting
For you to bring a fairytale my way
Been living in a fantasy without meaning
Its not okay I dont feel safe
I need to pray
hy do you play me like a game&
Always someone else to blame
'areless( helpless little man
#omeday you might understand
"heres not mu!h more to say
But I hope you find a way
#till I wonder if you know
$ow it really feels
"o be left outside alone
hen its !old out here
ell maybe you should know
%ust how it feels
"o be left outside alone
"o be left outside alone
I tell ya..
All my life Ive been waiting
For you to bring a fairytale my way
Been living in a fantasy without meaning
Its not okay I dont feel safe
I need to pray
ANASTACIA LYRICS - Left Outside Alone
1 of 2 4.9.2014. 20:32
Ohhh. )ray...
Ohh.. $eavenly father..
#ave me.. Ohhhh..
And I wonder if you know
$ow it really feels
"o be left outside alone
hen its !old out here
ell maybe you should know
%ust how it feels
"o be left outside alone
"o be left outside alone
All my life Ive been waiting
For you to bring a fairytale my way
Been living in a fantasy without meaning
Its not okay I dont feel safe
I need to pray...
"hanks to troetelbeert*e+ for adding these lyri!s.
riter,s-. Anasta!ia L. /ewkirk( 0len Ballard( 1allas Austin
'opyright. )oho )rod.( 2mi Bla!kwood 3usi! In!.( )enny Farthing 3usi! O.B.O. Arlovol 3usi!( Arlovol 3usi!( 4niversal 3usi! 'orp.(
)enny Farthing 3usi!
A/A#"A'IA lyri!s are property and !opyright of their owners.
5Left Outside Alone5 lyri!s provided for edu!ational purposes and personal use only.
Copyright 200020!" A#Lyrics$co%
ANASTACIA LYRICS - Left Outside Alone
2 of 2 4.9.2014. 20:32

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