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cenlury, only lhree of lhem vere born in

Sringeri, Karnalaka. They are lhe 81sl, 82nd and
84lh Fonliffs, lhe lasl being Sri Chandrasekhara
Bharali Mahasvami.
Sri Chandrasekhara Bharali Mahasvami
belongs lo lhe rare calegory of lhose vho are
born lo leach, born lo be exemplars of mankind.
He spenl mosl of his 62 years in Sringeri. Excepl
for his lvo loursin 1924-1927 and 1988-194u
he vas al Sringeri. The Kala Bhairava lemple
had a special fascinalion for him. One finds lhe
peace of lhe place in lhe jagadguru's
counlenance, in his unhurried sleps and, in facl,
in everylhing he did.
Sri Chandrasekhara Bharali Mahasvami vas
born in a family noled for ils godliness, slricl
observance of scriplures and vasl erudilion. His
grandfalher, Esvari Subba Saslri had performed
hotilinga archana along vilh mahanyasa. He vas
a meJhavi a man of profound inlellecl and
greal delachmenl. Though his only son, Gopala
Saslri, could nol malch his falher in his erudilion,
he oulshone him in his delachmenl. Gopala
Saslry's vife Lakshamma vas a lrue pativrata.
Though 11 children vere born lo lhem, each
of lhem died in lheir infancy. Gopala Saslry bore
lhis series of misforlunes vilh greal forlilude
and courage. Bul even he, for all his deep sense
of lrue religious spiril, could nol help feeling lhe
pangs of sorrov in his hearl. Some suggesled
lhal a pilgrimage lo Gokarna vould solve lheir
The couple soughl lhe blessings of Sri
Narasimha Bharalhi Mahasvami, vhom lhey
looked up lo for everylhing. When lhey mel lhe
Acharya, due lo his spirilual insighl, he could
see lhe happy evenls in slore nol only lo lheir
family bul also for lhe Feelha. Il is said lhal lhe
Sacred Sringeri I
Sringeri is a brealhlakingly beauliful place
vilh river Tunga floving amidsl a rich
background of foresls and mounlains. Valmiki
Bamayana porlrays lhe characler of sage
Vibhandaka vho lived here. He vas lhe very
essence of auslerily and renuncialion. His son
Bishyasringa, afler vhom lhe place is named,
vas equally oulslanding in knovledge and
When Adi Sankara came lo lhe soulh of lhe
Vindhyas in search of a cenlre for lhe
propagalion of lhe Sanalana Dharma, he vas
slruck by lhe spirilual enchanlmenl of lhe place.
He chose il as one of lhe four cenlres of scriplural
and dharmic visdom eslablished by him. He also
slayed in Sringeri ilself for 12 years vriling his
commenlaries on lhe scriplural lexls.
The principal deily, Sharadambal, lhe
Goddess of Learning, is a focus of a mighly
spirilual force. Sharadambal, by all legendary
accounls, is a deily of Kashmir vho vas broughl
dovn lo lhe soulh of India by Adi Sankara. He
inslalled an idol made of sandalvood on a Sri
Chakra dravn by himself. Tradilionally, il is
regarded lhal lhe deily embodies Cil, or lhe
consciousness aspecl of lhe Self.
Adi Sankara also buill four guardian lemples
on lhe surrounding hillocksKalabhairava in lhe
easl, Anjaneya in lhe vesl, Durga in lhe soulh
and Kali in lhe norlhlo prolecl lhe place from
dangers, diseases and forces of evil. The olher
landmark is lhe Vidya Sankara lemple buill by
Sri Vidyaranya.
Guvu Lincagc
Of lhe long lineage of jagadgurus of Sringeri
Sharada Feelha, daling back lo lhe eighlh
YAhA8wAY| - YY8T|6 AN0 8EER
Book condensalion from Tallvaloka, july 1999, Volume XXII No. 2
Acharya conveyed his blessings, knoving as he
did vhal role lhe boy vas lo play as an
exceplional tapasvi, vhose life vould be lolally
surrendered lo Sharadamba.
On lhe elevenlh day lhe riluals of jataharma
and namaharana, vriling of horoscope and
naming, vere done. The son vas named 'Sri
Hoyhood Days
Narasimha vas a gifl of God vilh lhe
blessings of lhe guru Sri Narasimha Bharalhi
Mahasvami. There is lillle doubl lhal Narasimha
vas an exceplional luminary vho vas born lo
leach, born lo redeem. Lillle vonder lhal even
from his boyhood days he vas inlroverled, had
no allraclion for lhe objecls of lhe vorld.
He had his boarding and lodging in lhe house
of Srikanla Saslri, lhe Adminislralor, bul he
vould never fail lo discharge his filial dulies.
Bul moods of God-inloxicalion vould be lhere
on him, oflen making him forgel his
He vas very fond of chanling lhe hymn
Moohapanchasati. Once vhile on vay lo lhe
markel, he vas so immersed in lhe composilion
lhal he proceeded far beyond lhe limils of lhe
Sringeri lovnship. Il vas only vhen lhe
recilalion ended lhal Narasimha realized he had
come far oul.
This vas nol a slray incidenl. His God-
mindedness manifesled ilself in several vays.
Each evening, lill aboul seven or seven-lhirly,
Narasimha vould sil in lhe Vidya Sankara lemple
vilh no avareness of lhe exlernal vorld.
This devolional mood vould be parlicularly
inlense on praJosha days praJosha occurs lvice
in a lunar monlh and is considered sacred for
Siva vorship. "Hov did he offer his vorship.
Wilh aIhisheha performed vilh lhe valers of
lhe pure mind dravn from lhe river of failh and
vilh flovers of conslanl samaJhi."
Acharya, vhile assuring lhem of lhe success of
lheir pilgrimage, added lhal il vould be in lhe
besl inleresl of lheir lo-be-born son lo be
dedicaled lo Goddess Sharadambal.
When lhe couple reached Gokarna lhey vere
in lhe besl possible spirilual mood. On being lold
lhal lheir horoscope indicaled putra Josha, lhey
performed lhe necessary propilialory riles. Then,
on lhe Sivaralri day, vhich lhey spenl in prayer
and fasling, lheir minds dvell on lhe parenls of
Adi Sankara. Had nol Sivaguru and Aryamba
similarly vorshipped Lord Siva vilh greal
devolional fervour, also on a Sivaralri day
cenluries earlier, for a son. Had nol lhe greal
Lord Vrishabesvara granled lheir boon. Would
lhey nol be similarly blessed by Mahabalesvara.
One nighl Mahabalesvara appeared in lhe
dreams of Gopala Saslri and Lakshamma, and
assured lhem lhal lhey vould be blessed vilh
an illuslrious son. Their hearls vere filled vilh
HivIh oI a MysIic Sccv
Soon lhe happy lidings came. Lakshamma had
conceived her lvelflh child. There vas a special
luslre in her face. Was nol a jnani, a mahapurusha,
lhe upholder of dharma in her vomb. The highly
delached Gopala Saslri loo exuded evidenl
On Sunday, Oclober 16 1892, a son vas born
lo lhis pious couple. His birlh, upanayanam,
sannyasa, and viJeha muhti vere all on Sundays.
Il vas lhe auspicious day of ashvayuja Iahula
ehaJasi lhe elevenlh day of lhe dark forlnighl
in lhe lunar year Nandana. His birlh slar vas
Makha, second paJa, and lhe rasi vas simha. Il
vas in lhe filness of lhings lhal lhis child, vho
has lo become a vairagya chahravarti, lhe
foremosl amongsl lhe dispassionale, should be
born on an ehaJasi, a day marked for fasling and
prayer. The parenls' joy knev no bounds.
When lhis auspicious evenl vas reporled lo
Sri Narasimha Bharalhi Mahasvamigal, lhe
According lo ils plans, lhe divine soon look
lhe maller of his fulure educalion inlo ils ovn
hands. Narasimha changed over lo Sadvidya
Sanjeevini Falhasala of lhe Feelha, according lo
lhe express vishes of Sri Narasimha Bharalhi
Heir to Sharada Peetha - II
The Mahasvami kepl a close valch over lhe
progress of his vard. He nol only visiled lhe
pathasala regularly bul vould also evaluale lhe
ansver papers of lhe sludenls. The ansver
papers of Narasimha gave him lhe confidence
lhal Sharadamba had ansvered his prayers and
lhal Narasimha vas vell on lhe road lo
sarvajnatva, fullness of knovledge, for vhich he
had prayed so ardenlly.
During his lours, lhe Acharya esalablished in
191u an inslilulion of higher Vedanlic lraining,
'Bharaliya Girvana Froudha Vidya Vardhini
Sala'. His aulomalic choice for lhe course vas
his special sludenl, Narasimha. The olhers could
seldom undersland lhe myslery of lhe
Mahasvami's relalionship vilh and lhe fondness
for lhis "impecunious, reliring lype of boy." One
is reminded of Sankara Bhagavalpada's
assessmenl of lhe lrue vorlh of his disciple Giri
vhom olhers had regarded, in lheir ignorance,
as dull villed.
Before sending Narasimha lo Bangalore, lhe
Mahasvami briefed him on vhy he vas sending
him for furlher sludies lhere.
Even more imporlanl is lhe facl lhal lhe
Mahasvami inilialed Narasimha vilh
Neelahantha Traiahshari mantra. Afler inilialing
him lhe Mahasvami lold him, "Bolh for you and
for lhose vho acquire knovledge under you, lhis
vill conslilule lhe means of earning God's grace."
This special blessings underscores lhe avareness
of lhe Mahasvami of lhe fulure role of
Narasimha as a Sadguru.
To him vorship vas a sure means of
communion vilh God. There vas an air of realily
in vhalever he did. Il vas nol a maller of make-
believe or imaginalion. The vay he did lhe
parayanam, reading from lhe Bamayana, vas a
lesson in lhis direclion.
Narasimha vould visil lhe Sharadambal
lemple everyday and also offer his respecls lo
his Acharya. The guru noliced lhe regularily and
deep devolion of Narasimha and vas happy
aboul il. If he vas absenl some day lhe Acharya
vould miss him and enquire, "Why has
Narasimha nol come loday."
Narasimha's, memory vas prodigious, his
inlelligence vas sparkling and his conducl vas
humble and simple. His parenls performed lhe
saslraically prescribed rile of chooJaharma il is
one of lhe 16 samsharas prescribed in sastras
vhich enables a boy lo enler a school for formal
sludies. He vas lhen admilled lo lhe local Anglo-
venacular school run by lhe Governmenl.
Narasimha vas nol al all made for lhe secular
educalion. Bul lhe parenls did nol consider his
inclinalions and predisposilions. They had had
enough of penury and vished lhal lheir long
cherished only surviving child should have a
successful career and have all lhe good lhings in
life. Thus, Narasimha used lo sludy Sanskril al
home and English al school.
The rahmopaJesha of Narasimha vas
performed vhen he vas eighl. He vas regular
in lhe performance of sanJhyavanJana lhree
limes each day and agniharya, vorship of fire
god, lvice daily.
Narasimha excelled in his class. In his lvelflh
year, Narasimha look lhe lover secondary
examinalion and lopped lhe lisl in lhe firsl
division. This excellenl performance confirmed
lhe dreams vhich his parenls had sel in lheir
minds. They visualized a brighl career for him.
Hovever, Narasimha vas jusl nol made for a
vordly career. He vas lhe child of God born lo
adorn lhe Sharada Feelha.
in Gavipuram. Il vas like an oasis in lhe cily
and almosl as if il vas silualed in a village.
Narasimha vould go lhere regularly and lose
himself in lhe menlal vorship of Siva.
For his parenls lhis vas perhaps lhe besl
period of lheir lives. Narasimha slayed under
lhe same roof and pleased lheir hearls no end
by villingly allending lo all lheir daily needs.
Their son vas performing exceplionally vell in
his sludies and vas ever obedienl, genlle and
affeclionale. Lillle could lhey foresee hov
quickly fale vould lake a hand, hov soon lhey
vould lose lheir son lo a higher call, a call from
his guru lo succeed him lo lhe Sharada Feelha.
Fvc!udc Io Sanyasa
When Narasimha Bharali Mahasvami fell
lhal his body had served ils purpose and lhal
lhere vas a need lo appoinl his successor, he
senl for Narasimha vho vas lhen sludying in
Bangalore. Every day lhe Mahasvami vould
visil Sri Kala Bhairava lemple in lhe evening.
On lhe vay he vould chanl Antahshari verses
verses in vhich lhe lasl syllable of a verse vould
be lhe firsl syllable of lhe succeeding verse and
also discuss some spirilual lopics.
One evening he asked Narasimha and lvo
olher sludenls Markandeya and Shivananda lo
accompany him. Sealed al lhe lemple he
composed 11 verses pregnanl vilh meaning. Il
vould appear lhal he had resolved lo give
sannyasa lo Narasimha. Hence, afler composing
eighl verses, he specially lurned his gracious eyes
on Narasimha and ullered lhe lasl lhree verses
looking slraighl al his face. The English
lranslalion on lhese verses read:
1 O Child, if you have lhe desire lo cross lhe
ocean of lransmigralory exislence, lislen lo
vhal I am saying. Il is in consonance vilh
lhe Upanishads and vould be helpful lo you
2 Have your head shaven. Throv avay your
sacred lhread donned for performing
Highcv SIudics in Hanga!ovc
For Sri Narasimha Bharali Mahasvami il musl
have been quile a vrench lo send Naransimha
avay from his immediale presence. He had
already selecled him as his successor and grovn
fond of him because of his inlelleclual brilliance,
humilily and many endearing spirilual virlues.
Though lhe greal ones have no allachmenl, slill
lhe relalionship belveen lhe guru and a disciple
is somelhing special and cannol be explained.
Narasimha moved lo Bangalore vilh his
parenls in 1911, and plunged inlo his sludies.
Mahamahopadhyaya Vellore Subramanya Saslri,
vho had sludied Mimamsa under lhe
Mahasvami, vas a leacher for lhis subjecl. He
had also a brillianl leacher in Mimasaha,
Shiromani Vaidyanalha Saslri. Narasimha spenl
long hours sludying Mimamsa books like hatta
Narasimha had a vise head on his young
shoulders. So he soughl oul Virupaksha Saslri,
an exceplionally erudile scholar in Vedanla, lo
learn from him. He vas nol on slaff of lhe Feelha
Falhasala, so Narasimha look privale luilion
under him. The greal advanlage vas also lhal
he vas a chosen disciple of Mahasvami. Il vas
as if lhe divine had planned lhal Narasimha
should receive his coaching in Vedanla from
Virupaksha Saslri vho had sludied under Sri
Narasimha Bharali Mahasvami himself. The
divine hand is clear because Virupaksha Saslri
vas specially chosen laler for conlinuing
Narasimha's lesson in Vedanla, afler he had
acceded lo lhe Feelha, lhe very nexl year in 1912.
il vas lo be a long and close relalionship born of
mulual love and respecl.
Even in Bangalore lhere vas no change
vhalsoever in Narasimha's invardness. There
in Sringeri il vas lhe Vidya Sankara lemple
vhich drev him. He vanled a place nol loo far
avay from his house vhich vould yel be
unpolluled by lhe vasl crovds. He found a
suilable place in lhe Gangadharesvara lemple
When he relurned lo Sringeri in March 1911,
his heallh vas none loo good. His period of
slevardship of lhe Sringeri Malh had been
fulfilled, and people had come lo recognize lhe
imporlance and significance of Sringeri as lhe
founlainhead of scriplural learning and Vedic
The Mahasvami, lherefore, fell lhal his life's
lask vas done. As he expressed il lo Sharadamba,
"Ata Param Kim Karyam Asti." Afler lhis vhal
is il lhal remains lo be done . Hence, he
gradually vilhdrev from his aclivilies of lhe
Feelha and prepared lo spend mosl of lhe lime
in lhe solilude of Narasimha Vana.
Having fell lhal his body's purpose had been
served, he vas ready lo casl off lhe same.
Hovever, one duly remained, lhe duly lo
nominale, formally, his successor. 'Formal'
because he had decided lhal Narasimha vas lo
succeed him.
A beloved devolee Bama Saslri vas enlrusled
vilh lhe sacred lrusl, lhal of personally carrying
lhe Mahasvami's leller seeking lhe official
consenl of Krishnaraja Wodeyar, Maharaja of
Mysore, for lhe nominalion of Shrungagiri
Narasimha Saslri lo succeed lhe Mahasvami lo
lhe Sharada Feelham. He vas also lo meel
Narasimha and his parenls lo communicale lhe
decision and oblain lheir consenl.
The Mahasvami had lhe salisfaclion of
visualizing in his Yoga Nishla lhe coronalion of
Narasimha Saslri as lhe peethaaJhipathi head of
lhe Feelha. The Mahasvami also chose lhe
sannyasi name of his successor as
"Chandrasekara Bharali" pulling lhe final seal
on vhal his hearl had alvays vanled.
A fev days laler, on March 2u, 1912, Sri
Narasimha Bharali Mahasvami allained
Mahasamadhi. Narasimha Saslry vas lo reach
Sringeri only a day laler. Bul his guru had already
lransmilled his pover lo him and lhe firm
assurance in his hearl of lhe availabilily of his
unfailing guidance.
sacrifices. Become a sannyasi. Be a sleadfasl
adherenl of saJhana chatustaya.
8 Enquire long inlo lhe lrulh vilh failh and
devolion lislening lo lhe neclar-like
ullerances of lhe Upanishads floving from
lhe lips of lhe Sadguru.
Whal is lhe real significance of lhis evenl.
Sri Abinava Vidya Tirlha is posilive lhal Sri
Narasimha Bharali Mahasvami had aclually
given sannyasa Jihsha -inilialed Narasimha inlo
sannyasa. He slresses lhal lhe inlialion need nol
necessarily be by louch only, since lhe scriplures
recognize olher modes like look and vilh lhe
mind. The parallel being lhe case of Giri, on
vhom Sankara Bhagavalpada lransmilled
knovledge of all lhe 14 sciences. Whal happened
al lhe Kala Bhairava lemple vas exaclly lhe
Sri Abhinava Vidya Tirlha says, "While my
paramaguru did nol lell my guru aboul his
vanling lo give him sannyasa or his vanling lo
choose him as his successor, he composed lhe
verses vhile looking al my guru's mind."
By pouring his grace on Narasimha lhus, he
provided him vilh lhal vhich is considered lo
be of paramounl imporlance-a single minded
decision lo become a sannyasi by renouncing
home. Since Narasimha Bharali Mahasvami
allained Mahasamadhi on March 2u, 1912 before
Narasimha reached Sringeri, lo lake over as his
successor, he had lhe necessary divine foresighl
lo fulfill lhis sacred requiremenl.
Aflervards Narasimha relurned lo Bangalore
lo conlinue his sludies.
Mantle of Succession III
During lhe firsl quarler of 1911 many
momenlous evenls look place in lhe hislory of
lhe Sharada Feelha. Sri Narasimha Bharali
Mahasvami visiled Kaladi, vhich he had
idenlified as lhe birlhplace of Adi Sankara
lhrough divine insighl, and consecraled a lemple
of Sharadamba and anolher for Adi Sankara.
As for lhe lille Bharali, il vas indeed mosl
appropriale. He had maslered lhe Tarha Sastra
and mosl of Mimamsa and Vedanla. His mind
vas sharp as a husa grass, and could grasp lhe
lrue imporl of Saslraic slalemenls. Had nol lhe
prayers of his predecessor lo Sharadamba lhal
Narasimha should become a 'sarvajna' borne
The nev Mahasvami lhen proceeded lo lhe
aJhistanam, lhe samaJhi shrine of his guru. There
he beheld lhe divine form of his guru as if he
vere physically presenl lhere. Bubbling vilh joy
he composed a poem exlolling lhe glory of his
guru, exlracls from vhich read:
"You are lhe incarnalion of Lord Siva. As if
lo confirm lhis you have been named Sivasvami.
Will nol your compassionale glance fall on me
and make me also vorlhy of lhis glorious
Feelham. You have immensely graced me by
your sagacious guidance and blessings al lhe Kala
Bhairava lemple. Flease accepl me as a bee
seeking your lolus feel."
When Mahasvami vas engrossed in lhe
vorship of Sharada, lhe doors of lhe sanctum
sanctorum closed. The Mahasvami could feel lhe
hand of Sharada over his head and her sveel
voice blessed him. There could nol have been a
more auspicious augury for his spirilual
Lifes Fulfilment of
Kumbhabhishekams IV
This affirmalion of failh in lhe presiding deily
of lhe Feelha, Sharadambal, vas mosl
auspicious. The Kumbhabhishekam, of lhe
Sharada lemple, in 1916, vas a greal fulfillmenl
for Sri Chandrasekhara Bharali Mahasvami,
folloving lhe rebuilding of lhe lemple vhich had
been parlly deslroyed by fire in 1911.
Throughoul his life, his overfloving love for
his guru and Sharadambal vere lhe slreams
vhich influenced his every aclion. And il vas
given lo him lo perform lhe Kumbhabhishekam
Fovma! 5=O=I=
The shock of having losl lhe physical presence
of lhe guru, and lhe learful farevell of his loving
parenls musl have veighed heavily on
Narasimha's mind. The physical vaccum vas
hard lo bear, even lhough lhe slrong menlal
bonds made il somevhal bearable.
On lhe day before coronalion, he vas in
conslanl prayer of his guru vho responded lo
his prayers. His guru appeared in his dream and
imparled lhe Mahavahya of lhe Feelha, Aham
rahmasmi I am Brahman. Though he vas
blessed by his guru himself, he fell duly bound
lo go lhrough lhe formalilies and demonslrale
lhe imporlance of keeping up lhe lime honoured
lradilions of receiving lhe Mahavahya inilialion
Worship of Sri Chakra is a musl for lhe
svamis of lhe Feelha. Normally, lhe Sri Vidya
mantropaJesa vould be done by lhe guru. Since
Sri Narasimha Bharali had passed avay, lhe
mantropaJesa vas done by Srikanla Saslri vho
had been inilialed inlo il by lhe Mahasvami.
On lhe ninlh day of Chailra Bahula of Sri
Faridhavi Samvalsara, April 7, 1912, a nev
chapler davned in lhe hislory of Sharada Feelha.
Narasimha performed lhe required riles lo
become a sannyasi. Afler having anolher balh in
lhe Tunga, Narasimha slood navel deep in lhe
valer and look lhe vov of non-injury. He vas
ready lo receive his formal inilialion inlo
sannyasa from Sri Salyananda Sarasvali
Mahasvami vilh lhe mahavahya, Aham
He received lhe safforn robes, lhe sacred slaff
and lhe hamanJalu valer-pol from Sri
Salyananda Mahasvami. As desired by lhe
previous Acharya, he vas given lhe sannyasi
name Sri Chandrasekhara Bharali.
The brilliance of inner life shoved ilself in
lhe exlraordinary beauly of lhe face, and a
magnelic pover lo drav everyone lovards him.
of bolh lhe lemples of his guru and Sharadambal.
Il vas quile a slupendous achievemenl made
possible by lhe groving pover of his penance.
For lhis happened vilhin lhe firsl fev years of
his ponliffship vhen he slill had lo eslablish firm
conlacl in lhe minds and hearls of devolees.
In a voice charged vilh devolion Sri
Chandrasekhara Bharali spoke in mellifluous
Sanskril aboul lhe unique combinalion of lhe
place Sringeri, bursling vilh spirilual currenls,
and vorship of Sharada, lhe epilome of visdom.
"Forlunale indeed is one vho has Sharada as his
Upasana Jevata for she is lhe supreme giver of
boons. One is reminded of lhe Mahasvami's
poelic oulpourings on lhe supreme Sharada. In
one of his composilions, he ecslalically says, "Lel
lhose vho come for veallh vorship Lakshmi
bul for me, Sharada, you alone, are lhe refuge."
Thc FocI
Who can access lhe slalure of lhe jagadguru's
poelic genius. His vas a muli-sided excellence.
He vas young, full of devolional fervour for his
guru, for Sharadambal, and full of unsaid
concern for his molher's plighl vhen he vrole
his composilions. The jagadguru's composilions
number 86 and have been prinled in Sanskril
and Tamil in a beauliful vork, lilled Gururaja
Suhthi Maliha, in lvo volumes, coming lo aboul
4uu pages.
The vhole vorld is indebled lo lhe jagadguru
for his monumenlal prose vork, lhe commenlary
on Viveha ChooJamani. This vas a vork dear lo
his hearl. He began lhis vork early in 194u
during his second lrip lo Kaladi, as lhe inspiralion
came in lhe birlhplace of Adi Sankara vhose
limeless vork vas being commenled upon.
No one vas beller suiled lo lhis lask for, in
his reverence for Adi Sankara, he vas second lo
none. Each verse vas direclly applicable lo his
ovn SaJhana and siJJhi of lhe slale of jivanmuhti.
Only a fev verses remained lo be commenled
upon afler some years, lhe verses from 516 lo
581. When requesled lo complele lhem, he said,
"Whalever has lo be said has already been
The Swamis Spell-binding
Worship - V
Being keen on selling an example, lhe nev
Mahasvami vould, vilhoul fail, do lhe
Chandramouleesvara pooja and Sri Chakra
Fooja, vhenever he vas nol indravn.
To lhe Mahasvami, vorship vas a means of
direcl communion vilh God. Il vas nol a
formalily lo be gone lhrough mechanically. He
vould emphasize lhal il should be done vilh
lolal absorplion.
On lhe day vhen Sri Abhinava Vidya Tirlha
vas nominaled as his successor, on May 22,
1981, lhe disciple and Guru vere aboul lo enler
lhe sanctum sanctorum. Nolicing lhe
underslandable eagerness of lhe disciple, lhe
Mahasvami counseled palience and lhe
folloving conversalion look place.
M: Where are ve going.
D: To Sharadamabal's lemple.
M: Il is nol jusl Sharadamabal's lemple ve
are going lo bul lo molher's inner chamber.
She is lranscendenl and granls all vishes.
Whalever you vish for, she vill confer. Hence
enler vilh full failh and lranquilily.
There is a convenlion lhal on lheir birlhdays
lhe heads of lhe Feelha should vorship Siva in
lhe Malahaniharesvara lemple, on a hillock in
On an occasion vhen lhe Mahasvami vas
performing vorship al Malahanikaresvara
lemple, even lhough lhe place had been
lhoroughly cleaned, red anls slarled allacking
lhe Mahasvami. They kepl coming oul of lhe
crevices in svarms. The allendanl could nol help
coming oul. Bul lhe Mahasvami vas
unperlurbed and lhe red anls did nol make lhe
slighlesl impression on him. He compleled lhe
elaborale pooja afler vhich he emerged.
lemple in his guru's honour had lo be declared
open and ancillary facililies for Vedic sludies had
lo be provided.
The Mahasvami vas lherefore vell avare
lhal he should go oul on lour and lhe only
queslion vas one of liming. He vanled lo be
rooled in lhe Self, lo be fully ripe before slarling.
Unlike his guru and his successor Svamis, he
had lhe greal handicap of having lo do his
spirilual praclices on his ovn vilhoul having
lhe conslanl physical proximily and guidance of
lhe guru. True, Virupaksha Saslri filled lhis
vaccum lo some exlenl. Bul slill lhe Herculean
labour had lo be his.
Tovards lhe middle of 1928, lhe Mahasvami
fell he vas ready bul he vailed for Sharada's
Prerana, lhe divine sanclion. A couple of monlhes
laler, he gol lhe green signal form Sharada and
aulhorized lhe adminislralion lo make lhe
necessary arrangemenls.
The adminislralion vas only loo happy. In
lheir hearl of hearls lhey had misgivings as lo
vhelher lhe Mahasvami, used as he vas lo inner
communion and vilhdraval, vould ever agree
lo such a lour vhich lhey had fell vould be in
lhe besl inleresls of lhe Feelha, from all angles.
Il look a fev monlhs lo finalize lhe plans. In
january 1924, Sri Chandrasekhara Bharali lefl
Sringeri on his firsl lour vhich vas lo be
momenlous in many vays.
Ainava Shakava!aya
Sri Chandrasekhara Bharali allached greal
imporlance lo his firsl camp al Mysore. Was il
nol lhe birlh place of his guru. The lemple in
his honour had been compleled. The
Mahasvami's firsl assignmenl, on his firsl lour,
vas lo consecrale lhis lemple. Whal could be
more pleasing lo him. The lemple had been
named 'Abhinava Shankaralaya'.
A marble slalue of Sri Narasimha Bharali
Mahasvami vas inslalled in lhe lemple vhich
vas declared open by lhe Mahasvami. This vas
To lhe Mahasvami, vorship vas somelhing
sacrosancl and nolhing should be alloved lo
inlerfere vilh il. Once vhile lhe Mahasvami
vas performing Chandramouleesvara pooja, a
king cobra came in, causing conslernalion among
lhe devolees. Bul lhe Mahasvami signaled lo
lhem lo be calm and proceeded vilh lhe vorship.
The cobra venl near lhe place of vorship. The
Mahasvami look a small cup, filled il vilh milk
and exlended his hand vilh lhe cup of milk lo
lhe cobra. The cobra licked up lhe milk, look a
good look al lhe Mahasvami and slilhered avay.
When lhere is no fear lhe response of repliles
and animals vould be normal and fearless. Bul
vho excepl a jnani can be fearless.
The vay lhe Mahasvami vould offer vorship
vas a sighl for Gods lo see. He vould
meliculously observe every lillle delail and yel
be vholly absorbed in lhe deily. The almosphere
vould be charged vilh spirilualily and lhose
vilnessing lhe vorship vould be uplifled and
elevaled lo a nev dimension.
Thc FivsI Touv
The Mahasvami vas fully avare of lhe need
lo meel lhe devolees vho looked up lo lhe
guidance of lhe jagadguru. He vas also avare
of lhe lradilion coming dovn from lhe lime of
Adi Sankara for lhe heads of lhe Feelha lo go on
lour spanning several years. The Mahasvami's
Faramaguru, Sri Narasimha Bharali VII, vas
almosl alvays on lour. Even his guru had
covered vasl areas during his lours.
There vas conslanl pressure from lhe
adminislralion and various appeals from
organizalions and devolees lhal lhe guru should
perform some auspicious funclion or lhe olher
connecled vilh lhe Kumbhabhishekam of a
lemple, opening of a Veda pathasala and so on.
There vas also lhe slanding invilalion from
Krishnaraja Wodeyar lhal lhe Mahasvami
should come lo Mysore and honour him. Besides,
a beauliful lemple in honour of his guru vas
being conslrucled in his birlh place Mysore. This
lhe second occasion for lhe Mahasvami lo pay
a concrele lribule lo his guru. Eighl years earlier
he had done so al Sringeri.
GiII oI Shavada
Form Mysore, lhe Mahasvami proceeded lo
Salyamangalam via Nanjangud and
Chamarajanagar. Al Salyamangalam, lhe firsl
hall of lhe Mahasvami in Tamil Nadu, a
lumulluous velcome availed him.
Afler compleling lhe evening vorship lhe
Mahasvami vho had scanl knovledge of Tamil
began his speech in chasle Tamil. The choicesl
vords fell inlo lheir proper place in mellifluous
Tamil as if coming oul of a nalural spring. Il
vas like pouring neclar inlo lhe ears of lhe large
galhering. Never once did lhe Mahasvami faller.
One mighl say lhal lhis address, fully in
Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekhara Bharati Mahaswami
Mystic and Seer
AouI Ihc Hook and Ihc AuIhov
Sri Chandrasehkara Bharali Mahasvami, vho incarnaled in Sringeri adorned lhe Dakshinamnaya
Sringeri Sharada Feelha for 42 years 1912-1954, vas one of lhose rare human beings vho vas born
lo leach and bring lighl lo lhe lives of all lhose vilh vhom he came in louch.
The book selecled for lhis issue, jagadguru Chandrasekhara Bharali Mahasvami-Myslic and
Seer, brings alive lo lhe reader lhe jagadguru vilh all lhe fragrance and aroma of lhe fascinalion of
his inner life.
"My Faramaguru's unparalleled erudilion in Saslras," said lhe presenl Holiness Sri Bharali Tirlha
Mahasvami, "vas malched only by his ovn abilily lo make even lhose of ordinary inlellecl
comprehend lhe mosl profound imporl of lhe scriplures. The louchslone of his erudilion and
scholarship is his commenlary on Adi Sankara's Vivekachoodamani."
"Gifled vilh divine virlues, jagadguru Sri Chandrasekara Bharali Mahasvami vas also resplendenl
as a jivanmukla", His Holiness added.
A.B. Nalarajan, aulhor of lhe book, has been associaled vilh lhe Sringeri Sharada Feelham for
over lhree decades. From lhe lime he sav lhe pholograph of lhe sage al lhe old guesl house al
Sringeri, in 1956, lhe pull vas magnelic. The fascinalion conlinued. The aulhor lhinks lhal perhaps
lhis link gave him lhe opporlunily of being lhe biographer of lhe Mahasvami.
The aulhor says lhal al every slage, vhile galhering lhe malerial for il, sifling il, absorbing il and
presenling il, he fell an inlimale conlacl vilh Sri Chandrasekala Bharali Mahasvami-one born for
velfare of lhe vorld, rooled in lhe Self.
The book, conceived on lhe occasion of lhe birlh cenlenary of lhe Mahasvami Oclober 16,
1992, vas published in 1994 by A.B. Nalarajan, Fresidenl of lhe Bamana Maharshi Cenler for
Learning, 4u/41, 2nd Cross, Lover Falace Orchards, Bangalore 56u uu8. Friced al Bs. 95, lhe 2u2-
page book conlains a fev color and some rare black and vhile pholographs.
Tamil, vas lhe firsl public evidence of lhe facl
lhal lhe Mahasvami had become a greal pavana
purusha-a sainl lo vhom lhe various siddhis
povers had come nalurally, unsoughl.
Olhervise il is impossible lo explain hov lhe
Mahasvami could speak Tamil as fluenlly as in
his ovn molher-longue vhen he hardly knev
lhe language. To lhe Mahasvami everylhing vas
lhe gifl of lhe Goddess Sharada.
In laler years his successor Sri Abhinava Vidya
Tirlha Mahasvami used lo be amazed al lhe
manner in vhich lhe Mahasvami vould knov
even lhe unexpressed problems of lhe devolees,
and solve lhem. Whenever he asked lhe
Mahasvami in vonder, lhe Mahasvami vould
never admil his povers bul vould only submil
lhe credil lo Sharadambal.

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