Math 7 Outline 2014-2015

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Mathematics 7

Mathematics 7
Mrs. C. Magill
The aim of the mathematics program is to prepare students to:
Use mathematics confidently to solve problems
Communicate and reason mathematically
Appreciate and value mathematics
Commit themselves to lifelong learning
Become mathematically literate adults, using
mathematics to contribute to society
Students are expected to learn how to:
Communicate mathematically
Connect mathematical ideas to everyday experiences and to other subect areas
Use estimation and mental mathematics where appropriate
!elate and apply new mathematical "nowledge to problem solving
!eason and ustify their thin"ing
Use appropriate technologies as a tool to solve problems
Use visuali#ation to assist in solving problems, processing information and ma"ing
Students are expected to:
Be present on time and prepared to wor" for the entire period$
Be respectful and courteous to other members of the class$
Complete all assignments given in class in a timely manner$
%eep noteboo"s complete and well&organised$
'valution consists of daily assignments, unit
(ui##es, unit exams, and proects$ There will
be a test or proect at the end of each unit
and regular (ui##es throughout the year$
Term )or" *+,
-inal 'xam .+,
Students need to provide the following items:
pencils binder scieni!ic c"lc#l"$r %A&end" is sr$n&l' enc$#r"&ed
er"ser r#led p"per &r"p( p"per
c$l$#red pencils )"r*in& pen &e$)er' se +incl, pr$r"c$r - c$)p"ss.
This is a working document and may be changed as reuired throughout the year.
Changes will be communicated with students and !arents as e"ecti#ely and e$ciently as
U/0T 1 2 3easurement and .&4 5eometry September
0dentify and draw bisectors and line segments6 measurement of circles$
U/0T . 2 /umber Concepts October
0dentify factors, multiples, and their uses6 add and subtract fractions with li"e denominators$
U/0T 7 2 8perations of 4ecimals and 0ntegers November
Apply arithmetic operations on decimals and integers in solving problems$
U/0T 9 2 :atterns and 3easurement of .&4 5eometry January
0dentify and apply pattern relationships6 measure area of polygons$
U/0T ; 2 -ractions and !atios February
4evelop a number sense for fractions, percents, and ratios6 add and subtract fractions with unli"e
U/0T < 2 4ata 3anagement = :robability March
0nterpret sets of data and identify measures of central tendency. Use numbers to communicate the
probability of independent events from experiments and models$
U/0T > 2 :atterns and 3otion in 5eometry May
Create patterns and designs that incorporate symmetry, tessellations, translations and reflections on the
Cartesian plane$
Cumulative !eview of Units June
Assignments and course wor" will regularly be posted on teacher webpage which can be found on school website at
:lease return this page signed to 3rs$ 3agill before -riday, September 1.$
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