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News Extra

pg 12

pg 5




American Government Contracts

Services of Experimental Drug
Producer for More Miracle Drug

Police Hierarchy, Crowd 50

identify with Dolo Town Residents


VOL 8 NO.670












These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of

the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The
rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials
banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Research, Policy and Planning Department,
Central Bank Liberia,
Monrovia, Liberia







When Dr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol were tested positive for ebola. Ric
called and said Im ready to go. Bruce Johnson, SIM-USA Chief


BanLaw Employees Drag management to

Court, Demand Unpaid Wages
Law & Order

pg 7

EBOLA - pg.5



Thursday, September 4, 2014

Page 2 | Frontpage

Monrovia -

inistry of Justice and Liberia National Police officials

have denied giving order for an attempted hijacking
of FrontPageAfrica office Wednesday. A half dozen
police officers accompanied by a representative
from the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) and a forklift
faced resistance from bystanders and FrontPageAfrica staffers
as they attempted to remove the companys generator from its
Several multinational companies including Lonestar Cell/MTN,
Putu and Bea Range with generators three times the size of
FrontPageAfrica are operating within the vicinity but have not
been forced by the EPA to remove their generators.
Since the civil war more than 90 percent of resident in the city
rely on electricity to run businesses and homes. The government
has made numerous pledges to restore electricity to no avail.
FrontPageAfrica runs the generator five hours a day to print its
print edition and carries out the rest of its operations using LEC
current when it is available.
On Monday this week, the EPA escorted by officers of the
Liberia National Police bulldozed its way into the premises of
FrontPageAfrica without a warrant and locked the generator
room which provides power to the printing press which prints the
newspapers print edition.
The action stems from an ongoing feud between the EPA, FPA and
Martha Sendolo Belleh, a former Minister of Health in the Samuel
Kanyon Doe government who has been harassing the newspaper
and complaining that the entitys generator has been disturbing
When the attempted raid on Monday failed, Ms. Belleh took her
nagging to the landlord in the U.S. who informed FrontPageAfrica
that the generator be moved to the front of the building. However,
the front of the building has no space and would be adjacent to
the Lonestarcell/MTN building which could triple the noise Ms.
Belleh claims is disturbing her.
FrontPageAfrica has spent more than $US3,000 to extend the
smoke pipe in its generator room, increased the height of the fence
adjacent Ms. Bellehs property and even stopped using the office
for production for three months while the renovation work was
going on just to appease the former minister.
To the newspapers dismay, Mrs. Belleh has been continuously
running to the EPA with complaints saying that the noise from
the generator house is disturbing her. In the absence of stable
electricity, ninety percent of Monrovia residents rely on generators
for work and business.
Major companies in Liberia are also using generators which
make loud noise. The Cocacola Factory in Paynesville is using
generators that make noise that can be heard as far as 10 minutes
drive from the factory. Residents of Moses Blah Road, Morriss

Farm and other communities sleep under the heavy sound of the
factorys generator which also discharges heavy smoke into the
Sounds of generators echo in Monrovia at all times, and increase
during night hours. Major companies including CEMENCO all
use generators that make a lot of noise in communities nearby.
At some point, waste from the factory causes bad odour on the
main road known as Moses Blah road with inaction from the EPA.
The major Mount Coffee Hydro Dam was destroyed in 1990 when
rebel forces under the command of Charles Taylor seized the dam
and shut off power and water to Monrovia.
During this First Civil War, the projects intake dam was destroyed
on one end while the rest received other damage. Other parts
of the facilities were looted and destroyed in later years of the
conflict. Beginning in early 2005, proposals were made to repair
the facility and restore power, including a proposal by China.
The United States Trade and Development Agency gave $400,000
to Liberia in February 2007 to study rebuilding and expanding the
project. The study showed no structural damage to the dam, but
that most of the projects facilities would need to be rebuilt at a
cost of US$383 million.
In May 2012, the Mt. Coffee Hydropower Rehabilitation
Project was initiated with a series of surveying and engineering

assessments of the feasibility of revitalizing the plant.

This work culminated with the signing of a contract in April 2013
with a Norwegian company (Norplan AS) and a German company
(Fichtner GmbH) to revitalize the defunct power-plant by 2015.
At the end of Wednesdays melee at the FrontPageAfrica office,
both Police Director Chris Massaquoi and Justice Minister
Christiana Tah ordered the officers to leave the premises and said
that they were not ordered to undertake any action on the FPA
property, especially without a court order.
A visibly upset FrontPageAfrica publisher told bystanders and
reporters on the scene: This is a total disregard of the law and
an attempt by the EPA to pick an unnecessary fight with us.
Everywhere in Liberia, virtually everyone relies on generators to
survive. In the absence of the governments promise to provide
electricity for all Liberians, we just have to work together but
if it is a fight the EPA and Ms. Belleh want, we are ready. But
we will not allow anyone to take unfair advantage of us or try to
hijack our operations and keep us from delivering the news to our
FrontPageAfrica is still under lease of the building which expires
at the end of September and was in the process of finalizing
arrangements to move to another location, just to avoid the hassle,
when the Ebola virus outbreak heightened.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Page 3





THE ENVIRONMENTAL Protection Agency of Liberia has

requested the Ministry of Justice to provide its inspectors with
police protection in a bid to remove the generator that supplies
FrontPageAfrica with power to operate its office in Congotown.
THE EPAS DECISION stems from a complaint filed by Dr. Martha
Sendolo Belleh, a former Minister of Health and Social Welfare in
the Samuel K. Doe government.
FOR THE RECORD, FrontPageAfrica has been operating in the
vicinity in question since 2008, long before Ms. Belleh commenced
construction of her building. Nevertheless, following a meeting
with Ms. Belleh, FrontPageAfrica and Ms. Belleh agreed that we
would carry out a number of facelift to prevent the emission from
entering Ms.Bellehs building.
For the past three month, since FPA was informed by Ms. Belleh,
we have not used the generator in question because we came to the
conclusion that we would complete the tune-ups which included
raising the fence adjacent to Ms. Bellehs building and raising the
pipe above her building so that the emission from the generator will
no longer enter her premises.
THAT WORK is nearly completed.
IN THE MEANTIME, our staff has been working off the premises,
unless in cases where the Liberia Electricity Corporation decides
to give power to the area and that has not been the case for some
time now.
WE DID ALL THIS just to satisfy the wishes of Ms. Belleh and
avoid confrontation with her, or any breach of the EPA regulations.
TO OUR SURPRISE, while the construction was taking place, the
EPA continued to send us communications regarding the complaint
when in fact we were doing everything in our power to ensure that
this matter was resolve.
the efforts we were making to rectify the issue with Ms. Belleh, the
director agreed that we should continue with the retooling of the
building to keep the emission from Ms. Bellehs yard.
TO OUR SURPRISE, Ms. Vohiris deputy, Stephen Neufville
took it upon himself to write the following letter seeking police
protection from the Ministry of Justice to remove the generator
from our office.
IN A LETTER dated May 28, 2014 sent to Cllr.Wheatonia Dixon
Barnes, Acting Attorney General and Minister of Justice, the EPA
Dear Minister Barnes,
I wish to present you my compliments and to inform you of EPAs
decision to remove a generator located in the vicinity of Congotown
and owned by Mr. Rodney Sieh of the FrontPageAfrica Newspaper.
This decision is the result of the intervention of a complaint brought
to the EPA by Madam Martha Sendolo-Belleh, a resident of
Congotown against Mr. Rodney Sieh for the emission of generator
smoke into her house by means of the exhaust pipe built through
her fence.
Upon receipt of said complaint, Mr. Sieh was invited for inquiry
and at the end of our inquiry, it was decided that the generator be
removed within seven (7)working days as of the date of the decision
which was on Thursday, May 1, 2014. But the removal is yet to take
In view of the above and in keeping with Section 69 of the
Environmental Protection and Management Law of Liberia 2003
entitled Prohibition of Pollution by Emission which prohibits
pollution by Emission, we are therefore requesting that the Ministry
of Justice provides police protection to our inspectors in the exercise
of removing the generator. This exercise is scheduled to take place
on Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at 10: 00am.
Please accept the sentiment of my highest esteem as we strive for
save and clean environment for Liberians.
Kind Regards
Stephen Y. Neufville
Acting Executive Director
FOR THE RECORD, no representative of FrontPageAfrica
was part of any inquiry as claimed by Mr. Neufville. Secondly,
FrontPageAfrica is only a tenant in the building and its publisher
Rodney Sieh is not the owner of the generator. The generator is
owned by FrontPage Corporation.
WE ARE UNSURE what the motive is behind Mrs. Belleh and, Contributing Writer

adam president, members of the Executive Branch of

government, The Legislature, The Judiciary, Members of
the private Sector, Our civil Servants, Fellow Liberians,
Ladies and Gentlemen.
The first black president of the United States America His Excellency
Barack Obama says, Change will not come if we wait for some other
person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been
waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
It is sad to see our people and leaders keep failing all the time in running a
small country like Liberia with 4.19 million people. What is the problem?
From where I sit I have been move by the spirit of liberation to deliver
this message to the Liberian leaders and people of that beloved country of
ours. When Liberia underdevelopment issue is brought forward for debate;
there will be lot of opinions. Some will say the international community
did not provide what they should have provided for the Liberian people
over the years, that is why we are so poor and underdeveloped. Others will
say the americo Liberians (Congo people) took all the government money
and bought strategic properties for themselves in the city of Monrovia and
their children are enjoying those properties today. Moreover, some will
even say we are what we are because we were not colonized by any direct
power of the world but America grew interest in Liberia because of their
15,000 freed slaves that they deposited in Liberia in 1822. Finally some
will push it on the 15yrs of civil war we had in Liberia that took the lives
of more than 200,000 people. The blame will continue to go on even the
president of Liberia if she was asked why Liberia is the way it is she will
have her version of the story. But from my own critical investigation and
analysis as a political Scientist, I believed we are the way we are because
leaders come and gone continue to use one pattern or style of leadership.
Everything you do has a trick therefore if you want it done you need to
find the trick. The way to lead a nation has a trick. Our leaders have been
missing the trick of leadership and that is why we are the way we are.
Think for instance; let me give a clear analogy of this issue of Liberia
underdevelopment. In Liberia there are many radio stations but I think
I know a few that I can name, We have ELBC, Fabric radio, Sky FM,
Kings FM, ELWA, UNMIL Radio and the list goes on. These various
radio stations have different air time programs. Like for example, some
time ago ELWA had a program called Family Contact and ELBC also
had Good morning Liberia If anyone was in Liberia during the period of
the war you will know the program called family contact on ELWA. Now,
this is the point if you wanted to listen to a special program on ELBC it
means that you must first of all tune your radio to the frequency of ELBC
and at the same time, if you wanted to listen to a program from ELWA you
have to tune to ELWA frequency. But you cannot tune to ELWA frequency
and listen to programs from Kings FM it is not possible. This is exactly
what our leaders past and present have been doing in Liberia. We want to
listen to family contact from ELWA but we are tuning to Sky FM how can
this be? Our leaders keep following the same pattern of leadership over
and over. How do we expect our condition to change? During Samuel
K. Doe term there was nepotism and corruption, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
term nepotism and corruption. During Charles Taylor term there was
corruption, President Tubman term corruption, William R. Tolbert term
corruption in the cause of the people the struggle continues. So if you
can see from a political eye you will understand that all of these leaders
were using the same pattern of leadership. So then how can we change
our situation when all our leaders keep tuning to the same radio station
frequency years after years? There will be no change in the lives of the
people because all our leaders do not want to change their attitude and
way they lead the country. We are going to always have the same results.
There was a great philosopher and thinker called Leo Tolstoy He said
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing
Now this is a political and economic recipe for Liberia transformation. I
referred to this recipe as THE AGENDA FOR CHANGE.
Every man has what we called positives and negatives or assets and
liabilities. There is no man without assets and liabilities and so it is with
Liberia. Liberia has Positives and Negatives or assets and liabilities.
Assets are those things that bring in resources to you or those things that
help you out. And liabilities are those things that take away resources from
you or things that are not helpful to you. However, in life always make
sure that your assets are more than your liabilities but in the event where
your liabilities are more than your assets, your life becomes a failure. As
I see Liberia over the years and even now, the country liabilities are more
than the assets. Liberia is a failure right now and the recent indicator is
the outbreak of the Ebola Virus. Can you imagine as a nation calamities
strive your people and you dont have any means to protect them. People
just dying in the streets, dogs eating your citizens who you took oath to
protect; how would the people look at you as a government trusted with
power? Let me reduce it to the family level. Think for example you were

the father of your home and a man came in and start to bust up and beat
up your family members but you were the first man who ran underneath
the bed because you dont have means to fight back and you are looking
for safety for yourself? How your children and wife will see you to be?
When you could not protect them in time of trouble. Trust me ladies and
gentlemen; we will not be able to protect our people all the time because
we did not build the capacity to do so. The country will always run into
deficit because we are spending more than what we are raising. Now, lets
see the new plan for Liberia.
The people of Liberia no matter what part of the country they are they all
want freedom, achievements, money and they all want to have fun with
their lives in their own country. But how do they realize all of these if
their leaders dont put the right political and economic recipes together?
Citizens do not put government into power for fashion or formalities.
A government is set up to create conditions that will improve the lives
of their citizens. As a government it is your responsibility to have the
following done:
a. The country must have efficient and effective operations.
b. The country must increase its revenue yearly
c. The country must grow mentally, economically and financially nothing
is static the nation must grow.
d. The country must have quick and accurate respond to issues that are
1. In every government the most important people are the citizens.
Because they are the one that always going to be with you all the time as
a leader. You have to see them as your biggest assets therefore make them
happy, make them productive and make them feel a part of the country.
2. Insist on hiring the right people for the right jobs in the country.
Interview them well so that you will know that they actually fit for the
job you want them for. In doing so, remember that no company or firm
will employ anyone that will not produce a result. If they cannot produce
a result then there is no need to hire them.
3. Make sure that you train sufficient man power to do the job both locally
and internationally; by doing so, you will keep the country running with
trained professionals. Dont forget that because we just came from war we
need more vocational training centers in the country to absorb the Jr. &
senior high school dropped out students.
4. You must have structure in the running of the country. There are two
things that we all human beings want. We want freedom and we want
structure but these two are opposed to each other. You cannot be totally
free when you have a structure or system and you cannot have a structure
and be totally free but there is no game without rules. If you want to play
you must abide by the rules. A football game has a structure and rules.
Can you imagine driving down Tubman Boulevard or Broad Street and
there is not structure on the road? I mean no lane marks, no opposite road
everything just together? We need structure in Liberia every good nation
has a structure and we must have one to transform Liberia.
5. Liberia needs clear and complete system. Can you imagine boarding a
plane that does not have a system? No running water inside, no navigation
system no air conditioner system. How do you feel flying with that kind
of plane? For me that particular airplane will not be trustworthy to me. If
you dont have these things in place people from other countries and even
our own people will not trust the leadership or the country.
6. Remember that governments are put into power to achieve results so
if a government cannot achieve results in a given period then there is no
need to keep or put them in power. As a government you must have a job
review to see whether or not your objectives as a president or government
are met in the specified period.
7. This point is very cardinal to the smooth operation of the country. One
of the mean reason governments are place into power is to raise money
for the country. Whatever you do you need to raise money to support your
programs nationally and internationally. You have your employees to pay
at the end of every month. You have other expenditure as a government to
take care of. If you dont raise money how do you pay for all these things
that you have to do as a government?
8. Cash flow management is the heart beat of every nation. You must
know what is going out and what is coming in. Risk management should
not be forgetting you dont want to do anything that will jeopardize your
government operation. Take both international and national insurance
for the government by doing so you are preparing for unforeseen
To conclude this article, I hope that this message will fall on fertile
grounds and it shall germinate not in a too distance future. I also hope that
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will read this and grab some ideas that
will help her in the last few years of her term. Long live Liberia, Long
live the people of Liberia and lets remember that with heart and hand our
country's cause defending, well meet the foe with valour unpretending.
So help us God.

the EPAs attempt to shut down our operations within the vicinity
when right next door to Mrs. Bellehs building is the Lonestar
Communication Corporations which has an even bigger generator
which spreads more smoke into the environment and her building.
The company equipment and operations are much larger than
LONESTAR CELL operates two 500KVA generators which run
more hours than FrontPageAfrica which has an 80KVA generator
that operates less than five hours daily and used only for printing
purposes at night.
ADDITIONALLY, the community is host to several companies
including Putu Range, Bea Mountain and others all with bigger
generators than FPA. This is why we are puzzled and do not see the
rationale for targeting FrontPageAfrica.
EPA HAS NEVER inspected the environment to know the volume
of smoke sent into the air by Lonestar Cell Communications and
other companies but is singling out FrontPageAfrica for reasons

best known to the EPA and Mrs. Belleh. More importantly, no other
company within the vicinity has taken the steps FPA has taken to
ease the concerns of Mrs. Belleh.
IT IS SAD that Mr. Neufville chose to use his power and influence
to try and sabotage our operations by taking the generator away from
our premises.
IN A POST-WAR nation still struggling to restore electricity to
millions of its citizens, generator is the only source of power for
many homes and businesses.
THROUGHOUT Monrovia, the buzzing sounds of generators
can be heard daily and nightly. It is sad that the EPA has chosen
FrontPageAfrica as the only violators of its Section 69 EPA
Prohibition of Pollution by Emission policy.
WERE PRETTY sure that if this policy is implemented throughout
the length and breadth of Liberia, the EPA would need a lot of police
escorts to push a lot of businesses and homes into darkness.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Page 4 | Frontpage




Emeka Obiamiwe - TOP COMMENTER

It is a damn joke as EPA should be focus on major things as they should

be involved in the whole Ebola crises but they are going after smaller

Emmanuel Logan University of Denver

In the last decade, our country has experienced some of the worst effect
of pollution such as chemical waste on most of our major river including
the Farmington River in Habel. These activities are yet to made major
headlines in the news. Why? Because our EPA officials accept corrupt
money from these multinational companies. Do we have regulations on
protecting our environment? I say no, because the EPA of Liberia know
and understand the facts that there are numerous generators in Liberia
creating pollutions but they are not regulated. Fellow countrymen, I will
not get into the politics of the day but I will discuss few things about
protecting our environment. There are chemical waste from factories and
sewage around Monrovia that continue to pollute our rivers and seas.
EPA should focus on creating policies that will protect our environment
instead of going after FPA. No matter what we believe in or not, we
should be willing to take defensive measures that will help policymaker
work towards achieving positive goals for the environment.
I believe that addressing the issues of pollution and finding alternative
ways in which we conduct business with the environment will help people
understand the important environmental protection. If we are to achieve
solid goals on protecting our environment, we must establish strong
local, national and international policies that must include private sector
initiatives with the intention of limiting the impact of chemical waste as
well as engaging politicians, policymaker and stakeholders, to promote
sustainable programs aimed at limiting many environmental challenges
we continue to experience. Society should also establish special program
on implementing strong environmental laws which are considered a key
to protecting our country and minimizing the impact of pollution and
chemical waste. EPA should not target a news outlet because of political
reason. We have many environmental challenges effecting Liberia and
they are creating health problems for Liberians.

Emmanuel Blimie Park Center Senior High

OK! LET ME TALK TOO: Sounds like Liberia's EPA was cherry picking
and shortcut rule-making. See Section 6 (c), (g), (j) of Liberia's EPA
article entitled: "The Functions of the Agency." Liberia's EPA may have
exceeded the bounds of its statutory authority and violated their act by
relying on subjective reasoning rather than regulation and scientific facts
to establish protective standards. By that I mean, what exposure level in
decibels (dB) per 24-hour constitutes a violation of noise control? 5 dB,
55 dB, 70 dB? What are the criteria for the pollutant? The Procedures
that EPA used to remedy this problem maybe flaw. Why lock FPA's door?
EPA have the statutory edge to obtain an injunction for FPA to cease and
desist. Should FPA fail to obey the injunction given that due process is
in order, then FPA will pay the price for failing to comply with court's
order. Putting lock on door to prove strength instead is below the office.
Remember, law is blind. And so the minister and FPA must be treated
equal regardless of ethos. Take no bribe or else you'll give injustice an

Wollor Topor Top Commenter Central Luzon State

University CLSU

The whole thing boils down to the failure of the government to provide
basic public utilities like electricity, safe water, etc. If these essential
ingredients for development were to be made accessible for the Liberian
public, Im of the strong view that the EPA/FPA/Martha Belle drama
would not have been on current stage.

Edward Roye Top Commenter Liberia College

EPA should go after the big fish and leave FPA alone. the most polluter
in the congotown area now is the LONESTAR cell. EPA is looking for
polluters? hahahahahahahahahahahh, this is really funny. go to downtown
monrovia, powertech, sheriff pharmacy, bushrod island; is EPA afraid
of them?can EPA show us its policy or regulation on emission from
generators in Liberia? We are yet to see its implementation. We have a
flour mill in monrovia not far from the CEMENCO, is EPA giving blind
eye or lip service to our health, too? Stop joking and leave FPA alone.
Andrew Gursay Top Commenter
If the assertion made by FPA that there are companies in the vicinity
operating bigger generators, then there is more to Belleh's anguish than
meet the eyes. By the way, is she related to the Lands and Mines Minister?
Just curious! FPA, this is Africa, and your western style reporting will
always get you into a mess. And oh, just so you know, that mess, shall
come in all forms, shapes and sizes. Keeping on reporting.
Dolakeh Jonathan Saye Taryor African Methodist Episcopal
I am getting totally embarrassed with the attitude of government
especially when Newspaper acting as awareness by total involvement for
the Fight against EBOLA will now be close without early notification.


The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and
bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

The Reader's Page

Send your letters and comments to:


The Editor,

ittle did the Nigerians know they would get the

same baptism by Ellen that Liberians have come
to know but the rest of the world thought was an
Angel who would deliver, not only Liberians, but
the entire African continent to the promised land. So when did
the former Nigerian leader Olusugun Obassanjo start having
a doubting Thomas-like second thoughts or syndrome of a
woman he politically fervently courted? Didn't Obassanjo
recently start a chicken farm business in Liberia, a country
many western investors had been shunning? Suddenly
Obassanjo is launching political salvos at friend Ellen,
putting aside the usual diplomatic courtesy: "It is devilish
enough that Patrick Sawyer had to spread this (Ebola), and
indeed spread it to Niveria in "CONNIVANCE?") with some
authorities of his country. Because they (in the Liberian
government) knew he had it (Ebola) before he came to
Nigeria," Obassanjo fumed.
The very negligence with which Ellen handled the Ebola
outbreak that it has now consumed over 700 Liberian lives
is the same level of negligence Ellen allowed the export of
this deadly biological weapon of mass destruction to be fired
at the Nigerians. We feel your pain and hurt but we live it in
And this negligence was even bragged about by an official of
the Liberian government. Former Deputy Finance Minister
Augustine Muah who approved Sawyer's travel allowance
(money) was bold enough to dare anyone to send him to the
International Criminal Court as he posted on the Internet.
Now you see the "connivance" conspiracy theory Obassanjo
is talking about? And Muah was never fired by Ellen, but
instead he was "promoted" and transferred to another
government position.
To my sister Nyaemade Wani who I dearly admire: I can
understand your frustration with the behavior of the Nigerian
soldiers (peacekeepers). But that is what we get for not
building true democracy in Liberia since 1847. Blame us and
not the Nigerians. We should now hope the Nigerians can
join us in asking the United States to tell Ellen it is time to
pack up and leave. For now, we Liberians will accept and live
with any devil than this Angel who is leading us back into
hell, and dragging the Nigerians along.
Sorry, I was not able to finish my earlier commentary, and
this is the conclusion.
Jerry Wehtee Wion,
Journalist and Political Commentator,
Washington, DC, USA


The Editor,







Foreign Minister Ngafuans response to the

disproportionate and over- exaggerated manner

in which some African countries are treating

our Ebola situation, I just thought to halt him and more civilly
too (without his style of insults).

Scott needs to understand that the difference between

instituting preventive measures and banning of flights and

or border closures as opposed to international health experts


What the Liberian Government did was to restrict the porous

borders by ensuring the closure of the non-essential ones

but maintaining a focus on the main entry points (like Bo

Waterside, Foya ) while the major

international airport remains opened. Ref:

com/liberia-closes-borders-steps-ebola screening-101807774.

By that action, Immigration and health workers at these points

will effectively monitor all those coming and going out of

the country. And that should have been the argument you

needed to push through, that this is the action that the Liberian
Government needed to do at the very onset of the crisis from

Lofa which could have most likely recorded a very low Ebola
figure by now.

What he Martin needs to redirect his energy towards is to join

his Liberian compatriots there in the US in raising funds for this

killer virus back here in the face of so many cries coming from

the international community that international support is not

strong and we all (including you) are losing the battle against


Thanks for the space.
Philomena Wreh

Monrovia, Liberia


Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666;

Wade C. L. Williams, News Desk Chief, wade.; 0880664793
Sports Editor, Danesius Marteh, danesius.marteh@, 0886236528
Henry Karmo, henry.karmo@frontpageafricaonline.
Al-varney Rogers
com, 0886-304498
Sports Reporter, A. Macaulay Sombai,macaulay., 077217428


Grand Bassa, Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, 0777432042
selma.lomax@, 0886-484666
Sinoe County, Leroy N.S Kanmoh, leroy.kanmoh@
Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753, advertise@

Thursday, September 4, 2014




Page 5



One thing with this Z-Mapp, the US government does not produce it. There is this company that produces it. Our department of Health and Human Services announced yesterday the
award of a contract to the company that produces it to speed the drugs development. It is not going to be fully tested already and handed quickly as we would like but we are expediting to
the extent that we can safely do so, progress with respect to this. Gayle Smith, Special Assistant to U.S President Barack Obama and Senior Director at the National Security Council.

Wade C. L. Williams,

biological, radiological, and

nuclear accidents, incidents and
attacks, pandemic influenza, and
emerging infectious diseases.


S President Barack
Senior Director at
the National Security Council
Gayle Smith, has disclosed
that the American government
has given green-light for more
production of the experimental
drug Z-Mapp.
Smith announced during a
held alongside the Centers
for Disease Control Director
for Global Health, Tom
Kenyon, from Washington
with journalists around Africa
reporting on the deadly Ebola
virus, that the producer of the
drug Mapp Biopharmaceutical,
was awarded the contract on
September 1, 2014.
Our department of Health and
Human Services announced
yesterday the award of a
contract to the company that
produces it to speed the drugs
development, she said.It is not
going to be fully tested already
and handed quickly as we would
like but we are expediting to
the extent that we can safely
do so, progress with respect
to this. One thing with this
Z-Mapp, the US government
does not produce it. There is this
company that produces it.
Smith said US President Obama

takes the outbreak seriously

adding that it should be looked
at as a global crisis that every
government in the world should
be concerned about.
The President has consistently
been raising the need for a
ramped up response to the
Ebola outbreak in all of his
engagement. He and National
Security advisor Susan Rice,
Secretary Kerry has been doing
the same and they will continue
to do so, she said.
opportunities to do that both in
terms of bilateral engagements
but also a number of multilateral
venues. Yes we will continue at
the highest level of government
to urge other governments to
join us in what must be a very
Dr. Kenyon also said during
the teleconference attended by
Liberian journalists at the U.S
Embassy that there are also
other interventions that are at
the research level at this stage
with Z-Mapp being one of them.
He said the drug a therapeutic of
antibodies that helps to bind the
virus so that it does not infect
the body is very difficult to
When the outbreak began
there were only five doses in
the world. Those have all been

used, he said.
It takes a long time to produce
the product and the bottomline is we dont even know if
it works. We dont know if it is
helpful to the immune response,
we dont know really what
the outcomes are. Yes, some
patients received it; some who
received it died, some who
received it survived, we really
cant say whether it is effective.
But Im sure the research; once
production can get up to where
it needs to be will take place.
Dr. Kenyon said there is also a
vaccine trial getting underway
and the National Institute for
Health is a key sponsor. He said
experts are hoping the vaccine
will prevent infections but he
said it would not impact the
current outbreak.
But were only at the first
phase; the first phase would be
whats the right dosage and does
it produce an antibody response;
does it create any side effects
that would be problematic in a
larger trial, said Dr. Kenyon.
Those studies are going to take
time, theyre not going to help
us with this current outbreak but
we remain hopeful that these
tools will become available in
the not too distant future.
The company based in San

Diego was awarded the federal

contract Tuesday that is put at
a worth of up to $42.3 million
to develop its promising ZMapp
drug for treating patients
infected with the deadly Ebola
The contract with the Department
of Health and Human Services
Biomedical Advanced Research
and Development Authority,
or BARDA, supports the
development and manufacturing
of ZMapp with a goal of Food
approval according to The
Times of San Diego.
While ZMapp has received
a lot of attention, it is one
of several treatments under
development for Ebola, and we
still have very limited data on
its safety and efficacy, said Dr.
Nicole Lurie, assistant secretary
for preparedness and response
of the company told The San
Diego Times in an interview
after the news of the contract
broke in the US.
vaccines to protect against
Ebola as a biological threat
has been a long-term goal
of the U.S. government, and
todays agreement represents an
important step forward.
The Department of Defense and




When Dr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol were tested positive for ebola. Ric
called and said Im ready to go. Bruce Johnson, SIM-USA Chief

ick Sacra has been
revealed as the third
with the Ebola virus

in Liberia, his employers, SIM

USA disclosed Wednesday.
Bruce Johnson, president of
SIM USA President described
Dr. Sacra, 51, as a family

physician from Massachusetts

who previously served as the
organizations country director
in Liberia.
Johnson said Dr. Sacra is a

veteran doctor with SIM. He

and his wife Debbie joined SIM
in the late 80s and had served in
At one point, Dr. Sacra was the

other federal agencies supported

initial work on ZMapp. The drug
seems to have helped in treating
two Americans stricken with the
disease in August in Liberia.
As part of the new contract,
Mapp Biopharmaceutical will
manufacture a small amount of
the drug for early stage clinical
safety studies and nonclinical
studies needed to demonstrate
the drugs safety and efficacy
in people. The company will
also focus on the manufacturing
process, increasing production
yields and the scale of
manufacturing according to the
San Diego Times.
ZMapp is a combination of
three monoclonal antibodies
plants. Monoclonal antibodies
bind certain virus proteins and
neutralize the virus, decreasing
the amount of the virus in the
body that the patients immune
system has to fight. ZMapp has
been shown to reduce mortality
in mice and nonhuman primates
exposed to Ebola viruses.
BARDA develops and procures

equipment that address the
public health and medical
consequences of chemical,
country director, Johnsons says.
Hes been our medical director
of our SIM ELWA hospital and
most recently he established a
residency program in family
medicine at ELWA hospital for
Liberian doctors. This is all part
of our initiative with SIM to
help in rebuilding the medical
infrastructure of Liberia which
has been decimated over these
years because of a civil war.
Ric and his family are currently
living in the Boston area in the
U.S. Ric travels back and forth
to Liberia and he volunteers
and he volunteered just a month
ago when Dr. Kent Brantly and
Nancy Writebol were tested
positive for Ebola. Ric called and
said Im ready to go.
Sacra is said to be good friend
of both Writebol and Dr. Brantly.
According to NBC News both
Writebol and Brantly hearts
sunk when they heard the news
Tuesday. My heart sank,
Writebol said in an interview
with NBC News. I just I
didnt have any other words
but oh, no. She immediately
volunteered to head back over
to help take care of him, but she
isnt quite well enough yet to do

workers were treated with the
experimental drug, one died
and the other two survived. Dr.
Abraham Borbor, Chief medical
Doctor then at the Liberias
biggest referral hospital died
after receiving the drug after
contracting the disease. But
Kyndy Kobbah, a Physician
Assistant at the C. H. Rennie
Hospital in Kakata, Margibi
County, who was near death
after contracting the virus and
a Congolese doctor Dr. Senga
Omeonga were administered
the drug and they survived
Another American infected
The president of a missionary
group working in Liberia said
third American sickened with
the Ebola virus decided to return
to Liberia after the other two
people became ill.
SIM President Bruce Johnson
said at a news conference
Wednesday that Dr. Rick Sacra
returned to Liberia about
a month ago after another
SIM doctor and a missionary
became ill with Ebola the
Associated Press is reporting.
Both survived after treatment at
Emory University in Atlanta.
Johnson says the 51-year-old
Sacra lives in the Boston area.
He says Sacra wasn't caring
for Ebola patients but was
delivering babies in the SIM
hospital's obstetrics unit. He
says it's not known whether
Sacra will return to the U.S. for

They are part of the family,

Writebol said, holding tightly to
her husband Davids hand as she
spoke. To hear the news is very
sad, (knowing) the whole cycle
of the progression of the disease
and how that story might end.
Sacra was not treating Ebola
patients, but pregnant women,
SIM said. The charity said they
had not discussed possible
treatment for Sacra at Emory
University Hospital in Atlanta,
as Writebol and Brantly did.
Dr. Bruce Ribner, who oversaw
the first two missionaries'
treatment at Emory, told NBC
that he also does not know
whether the third patient will
come there.
"I know there have been
discussions that this person will
be coming back to the United
States," Ribner, head of the
hospital's infectious disease unit,
said. "I don't believe the actual
site where they're coming back
has been decided yet."
NBC's WHDH in Boston spoke
by phone to Dr. Sacra's brother,
Doug, who confirmed the
diagnosis and said "my brother is
the perfect example of Christian
Self Sacrifice."

Page 6 | Frontpage


age long tradition
among Liberians. It
has become a child of necessity
owing to the inability of most
traders to afford the high cost of
shops and the limited space in
the market places, especially in
the cities.
To some hawkers, low sales in
the shops and markets make
them hawk in the streets, while
to others, the need to bring
their wares closer to passersby,
motorists and passengers make
them embrace hawking in the
streets and highways in Liberia.
A cross section of hawkers on
the Monrovia-Ganta highway
who spoke to FrontPageAfrica
said that the high volume of sales
they make on the streets, and the
fact that they dont have to pay
rents for shops, have made them
dare the laws against hawking on
the highway.
A hawker who simply gave his
name as Charles said he sells as
much as four to six cartons of
sausage roll per day, depending
on how heavy the traffic jam.
Charles disclosed that when he
had a provision shop in Gbarnga,
it took him up to three days to
sell a cartoon of beef sausage in
addition to other wares he was
The hawker added that apart
from the very expensive shops in
Gbarnga, shop owners have had
to contend with various taxes
from local government officials
and street urchins known as area
Another hawker who gave his
name as Frank said he hawks
bottled water at the Salala Check
Point. Frank, in a chat with
FrontPageAfrica, disclosed that
his sales are booming on the
He said that apart from the
danger of having to risk his life
on the road while contending
with some dangerous drivers,
hawking on Monrovia-Ganta
highway is a wonderful thing.
The hawker disclosed that while
he has been very lucky to evade




Selma Lomax, selma.lomax@frontpageafricaonline

arrest by police officers as well

as not being knockdown by
vehicles, some of his colleagues
have had some bitter stories to
He disclosed that security
personnel have been arresting
hawkers who continued to flaut
the laws, adding that the number
of hawkers on highway holdup
prone roads is very many.
Another hawker, Catherine,
who claimed she was arrested
by police officers, tried and
convicted by tribunal, disclosed
that he served three weeks jail
term in the popular Gbarnga
Central prison.
Catherine alleged that she was
jailed because she could not
raise the amount police officers
in Salala who arrest her along
the Monrovia-Gbarnga highway,
adding that she was kept at the
prison, where many hawkers
who had enough money on them
to pay the amount demanded
were freed, while those who

could not afford the amount were

tried and sentenced.
She added, They drove us to
a popular Salala check point,
where they started to negotiate
with us. We were asked to pay
LD 100 each, or else they will
take us to the city corporation in
Totota, to face the tribunal. Some
of us who had enough money, or
who had credit in their phones
called their relations or friends
to bring money to them. Those
who were able to raise money
were released, while those of us
who could not were taken away
to face the tribunal. The rest is
history. I served two weeks at
the Central prison before I was
On why she returned to the road
again to hawk, Catherine said
that life is a risk, adding that
I do not have the money to pay
three years rent of LD 500 per
month, exclusive of agreement
and agent fees.
Responding to a question on

why she did not look for a space

among the many markets on the
highway, another respondent
who gave her name as Beatrice
said the sellers in the markets do
not make much sales. She added
that there are too many levies
apart from the rent paid for the
space in the market.
In her words, I used to have a
space at Totota market; we are
made to pay the mother of the
market levy, chair lady levy,
security guards levy and various
amounts for area boys. Every
now and then, we are asked to
contribute one amount after
another. At the end of the day,
all the gains I made were used to
settle levies.
FrontPageAfrica investigation
across many major roads in the
country showed that the number
of hawkers is swelling by the
Some of the items freely hawked
on the Monrovia-Ganta highway
are sausage rolls, sachet water,


Kennedy L. Yangian 077296781

Officials of the Montserrado County Bar Indentifies With Group of 77

uniforms reportedly

Thursday, September 4, 2014

stormed the Duport and GSA

Road Communities in the
Paynesville area and made
away with several valuable
items including cash.

Since the report had been made

known there had been series
of public outcries as to who is
really behind this latest night
time armed robbery activities

especially when the outbreak

of the deadly Ebola virus has
forced the country into a state
of emergency followed by a
9: pm-6: am curfew where
everyone is in-door leaving
state security officers in charge.
In the wake of these latest
armed report activities a legal
practitioner and President of
the Montserrado County Bar
Atty. Sam Cooper has called
on the national government
to investigate the incident to
ascertain the facts adding that
when state security officers are
in charge, it is hard to believe
where the armed robbers come
Investigate this night time
armed robbery incident because
it is state security officers are the
ones in charge of security when
we are in-door at night said
Atty. Sam Cooper Wednesday
when the Montserrado County
Bar presented a cash token of
L$5,000.00 to the disabled
group under the banner of

bottled water, plantain chips,

handkerchiefs, iced cream,
apple, walnuts, carrots, garden
eggs, popcorn, cloths, umbrella,
soft drinks, shower caps, books
and many more.
In recent time, FrontPageAfrica
has seen the following utensils
hawked on the Monrovia-Ganta
highway include Ebola washing
buckets, knives, cutlasses,
rakes, garden cutters, building
materials, children wears, sun
shades, face caps, meat, toys,
pets, pen and a host of other
items too numerous to list.
Bong Superintendent Selena
Polson-Mappy has this to say
about hawkers on the highway,
You can buy all you require
to cook a delicious soup on the
highway. Meat is on sale on the
road, vegetables, groundnut oil,
salt, magi and all other items
you need to prepare a delicious
The superintendent is trying to
make the point that hawkers
sell both imaginable and
unimaginable items on the
Imagine some hawkers selling
knives, table cutleries, garden
instruments, cutlasses, rake,
umbrella and sundry items on
the Monrovia-Ganta highway.
How many will they sell in a day
to keep soul and body together,
pay rents, pay bills and maintain
a family, in an expensive county
like Bong?
A retired police officer, Mr.
Austin Clarke, in an interview
with FrontPageAfrica, said that
some of the hawkers are criminals
and their acts pose security
risk. Clarke, who retired as an
Assistant Police Commander of
Totota Police Detachment said
that experiences from his days

as a police officer showed that

some of the hawkers in the day
time take up arms in the night to
attack unsuspecting Liberians.
In his words, Liberians should
know that some of the hawkers
on our highway are criminals.
Some of these guys are armed
robbers. Some of them are
ritualists or kidnappers. When
next you see hawkers on the
roads, know that some of them
have their arms and weapons
around, waiting for night to fall
to change to the criminals they
The ex-police officer blamed
Liberians for the rise in hawking
on various highways across
the country, adding that high
patronage from Liberians both
rich and the poor have made many
Liberians to embrace hawking as
a source of livelihood.
He opined that security personnel
are not able to eradicate the
menace, as the number of
hawkers is on the rise due to
the following factors; high shop
rent, unemployment, patronage
from Liberians, unending holdup on highways, multiple taxes
from local government, area
boys and old cultures of some
ethnics groups.
The years ahead will show
if Liberia will ever eradicate
hawking from its highways and
cities as is the case in many
countries of the world.
As Liberians continue to
patronize hawkers, many are
suggesting that they should have
it behind their minds that some
of these hawkers are armed
robbers, ritualists or kidnappers
who are waiting for the darkness
to begin their actual business as
they just use hawking as cover

Group of 77
Presenting the amount to the
program officer of the Group of
77, Rev. Constance Kennedy
and Atty. Cooper indicated that
the money was the associations
way of identifying with the
disabled in the period of the
outbreak deadly Ebola virus in
the country which had claimed
several lives.
He stated that due to the Ebola
outbreak some incentives for
them may be delayed and it
was upon this backdrop that
the association had come to
identify with them in this
critical period in the country
Atty. Cooper called on
restraint in dealing with the
Ebola crisis, saying that the use
of force will cause more harm
than good for the citizens.
He warned that people should
not use the curfew period to
carry out burglary and armed
He called on the national
government to be aware of
the work of the Liberia AntiCorruption
(LACC) and get ready to
give money provided by the
countrys partners to fight the

deadly Ebola disease across

the country.
The Vice President, Cllr.
association who also form part
of the presentation ceremony
indicated that Ghana professed
to be the best country in the
world because of the love and
concern the government shows
for its citizens.
He claimed that for Liberia
the story is different as the
government does not show
love to its citizens as the
result the country continues
to experience difficulties in its
development drive.
No good road, what happens
to us is ourselves, who makes
the law and who signed those
concession agreements Cllr.
Taylor wondered.
In remarks the program officer
of the Group of 77 Rev.
Constance Kennedy thanked
the group for the donation and
said that though the money was
small but the motive behind it
was very rewarding.
She promise to convey the
associations initiative to the
head of the Group of 77
Kartumue Y. Boakai who is
also wife of the Vice President
Joseph N. Boakai.

Thursday, September 4, 2014




Page 7


Monroviaome 142 dismissed

employees of Banlaw
Limited represented
by Richard J, Lavack Chief
Executive Officer (CEO),
have filed a lawsuit against the
company at the eight Judicial
Circuit Court in Nimba County
before the Presiding Judge
Boima Kontoe.
The court had issued writ
of summon ordering the
defendants to appear before
it on September 9th 2014 at
the precise hour of 10: am in
Sanniquellie, Nimba County.
The court writ of summon
You are hereby
commanded to summon the
above named defendants to
appear before the eight Judicial
Circuit Court of Nimba on
the herein date and time
Other part of the writ further
states You are further
commanded to notify the
said defendants to file their
formal appearance or return
on or before the 9th day of
September A.D. 2014 and upon
their failure so to do judgment

BanLaw Employees Drag management to Court, Demand Unpaid Wages

Stephen D. Kollie, 0776329124

will be rendered against them

by default and or the law made
and provided in such cases will
be applied.
The employees are claiming
that they entered into an
employment agreement with
the company for a definite
period of eight months (8)
commencing October A.D
2013 and ending 31 December

A.D. 2014.
According to the dismissed
employees on August 18, 2014
the defendants terminated the
services of all 142 and refused
to pay the full consideration of
the employment contract.
The plaintiff averred that
the total consideration of the
contract constituting total
payment is US$201,558.97


and refusing to pay the balance

US$116,890.59 as attached by
its exhibit.
that defendant committed
fraud when she fails to
supply plaintiff copy of the
employment contract after the
Labour Commissioner had
signature the employment
contract, defendant extracted


the signature page of the

contractual agreement and
attached same to contract that
falls divorced to the original
agreement and started to claim
that since the latter is attached
signature that is the contractual
agreement that Banlaw will
implement henceforth.
Wherefore and in view

of the forgoing facts and

demand judgment against
defendant and pray court to
hold defendant liable in debt,
have defendant pay them their
balance money (US$116,
890.59) and further rule liable
for the cost of this proceedings
complaint stated.



provided its warehouses
across the country for the
storage of Ebola Response
The provision of warehouses
is part of efforts to assist the
government of Liberia with
the coordination of logistics
for national response to the
Ebola Outbreak in Liberia.
On Monday, five United
Nations Trucks containing

assorted Ebola response

materials were downloaded
at the Central Warehouse of
the Commission in Sinkor.
Mr. SylvianDenarie, a World
Health Organization Ebola
Response official, termed the
gesture by the commission
as a relief to the fight against
the deadly Ebola Virus in
The National Elections
Commission owns twenty
large warehouses in the
fifteen counties in Liberia.

video of an Ebola patient who escaped quarantine in

Liberia to look for food and forced into an ambulance in
front of angry residents is making the rounds on the world
wide web.
Several international news reports showed video footages of panicked
crowds gathering as the man, wearing a tag showing he had tested
positive for Ebola, wandered through a local market in Monrovia.
Health workers eventually caught up with the man and bundled him
into a waiting ambulance.
Locals said he was the fifth person to escape from the Elwa hospital

since the outbreak.

One resident said the care for Ebola patients was not good enough,
with many left "starving".
"The patients are hungry, they are starving. No food, no water. The
government need to do more," a woman said.
More than 1,550 people have died from the virus across West Africa
since the outbreak in March.
Liberia has the highest infection rate with around 700 deaths out of
1327 suspected and confirmed cases.




he Government of Japan has disclosed the

immediate dispatch of an assortment of medical
equipment valued at over two hundred eighty-eight
thousand United States Dollars (US$288,774.00) to
aid Liberia in its fight against the deadly Ebola virus.
According to a Foreign Ministry release, the consignment of
medical equipment and accessories will arrive in Liberia this
Friday, September 5, 2014. The release named the items to be
donated 100 pieces of tents, 500 pieces of sleeping pad, 500
blankets, and 25 generators. Other items expected to arrive
include 25 cord reel, 30 pieces of water storage tanks, and 500
pieces of water containers among others.
The donation will cover medical facilities in Montserrado,

Bong, Lofa counties. The John F. Kennedy Medical Center and

the ELWA Hospital are the facilities targeted for the Japanese
The Japanese Governments assistance comes as the country
enters a crucial stage in battling the deadly Ebola virus that
has claimed hundreds of Liberians lives while hundreds more
remain sufferers of the virus.
Previously, the Japanese Government had extended an
Emergency Grant Aid in the tone of US$1.5 million to
support the Ebola outbreak response in Liberia, Sierra Leone
and Guinea that was challenged through the World Health
Organization (WHO), United Nations Childrens Fund
(UNICEF) and the International Federation of Red Cross

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Page 8 | Frontpage


Henry Karmo (0886522495)


rphans from 10 different orphanage homes in and around Montserrado County have
benefited from the donation of food and non-food items donated by a local international
group Trusted Angels Foundation in collaboration with Partner Liberia.
The donation according to Mr. Joe Daweah, Country director of Trusted Angel Foundation
was made available by an American philanthropist, Mr. Robert Peirce from Pennsylvania who is
a Friend of Liberia.
The Items which include; Hand wash station, Rice, Cooking oil, bathing and washing Soap and
Bleach are part of many contributions made by the organizations with support from philanthropist
Robert Perce and others from around the world.
One of the latest according to Daweah was the installation of solar generators at Clinics and orphanage
homes in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.
Mr. Daweah said: Trusted Angels foundation has over the years supplied several orphanages, Health
centers including ELWA and the Respirational Therapist School located at Symth institute in sinkor,
Brumley episcopal Mission school and the Firestone Liberia where we have provided them with
deworming pills.
He further said We feel as an organization that during these crises more attention is being given to
the sick but we as organizations are interested in the children who are alive and in a condition that
they have no-one to cater to them especially providing them with their basic needs.
He also disclosed of plans by the organization to extend similar program into Bomi and Margibi
One of the ten orphanage homes benefiting from the donation was the Child Survival orphanage
home where the owner Mr. Othello Findley told the two organizations that the children of that center
had no food for that day and the donation by the Trusted Angel foundation was not only timely but
much needed.
Findley said: as I speak to you we are not ashamed to say that this rice is highly needed we have
not even cook as yet because we are totally out of food. I can tell you that joy is in the hearts of the
children and my heart because, these days of the Ebola crisis it is difficult to go around and solicit
help for the children because all activities have slow down. We hope that you will always make child
survival a place to stop during these kinds of initiatives.
He described the donation as not only a mere gift but a special blessing placed in the hearts of the
organization by God.
Like Findley, Mrs. Helena Zeon is the owner of the Susie Counetei Home on the Roberts International
Airport highway. She tells FrontPageAfrica that she currently has closed to 30 orphans at the center
that was opened by her late Husband Mr. Jefferson Zeon who died a year ago.
According to Mrs. Zeon getting support for the children is one of the difficult challenges faced by
her as shes left alone to run the home with government giving the home support once in a while.
Thank you Trusted Angel for this donation and please remember us in your prayers, life now a days
for me and the children is not easy, Mrs. Zeon said.
Like Mrs. Zeon, Trusted Angel continues her humanity activities to the Barnerville Belt into an
isolated community known as Kebba, few kilometers from the main streets where the Sis Iye
Children orphanage home is located with over 30 children between the ages 3 to 16.
They received similar donations from the Organization and in an appreciation comment; the caregiver
at the center in a joyous mood described as timely the donation because according to him children at
the home will in the next few weeks have food on their table.
Kebbas isolation is backed by the deplorable road condition that is making movement difficult for
not only the Orphans but those running the Home.
Other Orphanage homes benefiting from the donation were; the Children Relief Ministry in the Cow
field Du-port Road, Amazing Grace Orphanage in 72nd Community and the Children Rescue Center
located in Mount Barclay, amongst others.

Thursday, September 4, 2014




Page 9

Massa F. Kanneh or 0886848625

Bendu Sonii with some pills she has bought for her sick husband

Monroviaeveral families have

accused one of Liberias
hospital that it has
been keeping their relatives and
families who are believed to be
Ebola patients or suspects at the
hospital without providing them
Speaking in an interview with
FrontPageAfrica Wednesday, a
weeping woman, Bendu Sonii
said it has been one week since
her husband Mohammed Sonii
came down with diarrhea and
has spent more than a week at
Redemption Hospital without
treatment or being referred to the
ELWA Ebola Center for advance
Madam Sonii said she is afraid
that her husband will die just
as his two brothers who all died
Bendu who was seen with some
capsules added that she has to
buy medication prescribed by
people for her husband.
She said she wants to take her
husband home since he is not
being attended to by the hospital
but said the hospital refused to
turn the man over to her saying it
was dangerous to do so.
They just keep the man here
and they not treating him, and his
stomach running, his stomach

running for whole one week, you

know what will happen to him?,
Bendu lamented.
On the scene, a female police
officer name withheld assigned
with the Ebola Task Force
instructed and escorted Bendu to
a pharmacy opposite the hospital
to buy some drugs for Bendus
Medications she bought included
erythromycin and metronidazole.
The officer instructed Madam
Sonii to keep their patients home
and apply these medication
instead of bringing them to the
hospital to suffer and die.
Bendu says she is concerned
about how the patients are being
treated at the hospital.
My husband them can sleep
outside, they say they dont even
have bed for them, only the ones
that are very weak they can give
bed to.
Regular patients sent home
Regular patients seeking medical
attention at the hospital facility
were also made to go home by
hospital authority, a patient told
A patient who said she has been
suffering from cold, Martha
David says she and more than
30 others arrived Wednesday
morning at the hospital facility to

seek medical attention but were

made to return home without any
medical care.
Martha said before the Ebola
outbreak which has taken more
then 5 months, she regularly
visited Redemption to seek
medical attention.
At the hospital, Martha narrated
that she was instructed to do
a check up at a private clinic,
Small Catholic and bring back
the result.
According to her, after the
test was conducted as she was
instructed, she immediately
returned with the result, but
doctors at Redemption turned
her down because the hospital
was closed.
She further said that she decided
to return home and administer
her own prescription but her
condition worsened by day.
Upon receiving information
again that the hospital has
reopened, Martha said returned
but to only find out again she
was told to go home and return
next week.
I came to the hospital to get
treatment but the doctors say
they not working, so am going
back home I have chronic cold,
I did my mucus test at small
catholic and I still have the paper
at the house, every time I come
to the hospital the place closed



Switzerland has donated
to the Government
of Liberia 15 tons of
medical supplies to be used by
the Ministry of Health and Social
Welfare for the fight against the
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). The
medical supplies which include
sanitizers, masks and gloves are
valued at One Hundred and Sixty
Thousand United States Dollars
The consignment arrived in the
country on Tuesday, September 2,
2014, on a chartered flight sent by
the Swiss Government.
Speaking at a brief handover

Friedrich Steinemann, Director of
Cooperation and Counselor Affairs
at the Swiss Embassy Office in
Liberia said the Swiss Government
is glad to assist Liberia.
Mr. Steinemann stated that with
the constant use of hand sanitizers
and personal hygiene, there is hope
that Ebola will be kicked out of
Liberia. The Counselor furthered
that the Swiss Government looks
forward to assist if there is more
For his part, Hon. Rufus
Neufville, Chief of Protocol of
Liberia, expressed thanks and
appreciation on behalf of the

Liberian Leader, Her Excellency,

Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the
Government and People of Liberia
to the Government and People of
Hon. Neufville stressed that
Liberia is facing difficulties with
what he called a strange virus.
The Chief of Protocol elaborated
that the Swiss donation will go
down in history, as this donation
portrays the fraternity between
both Switzerland and Liberia and
true partnership to Liberia in this
difficult situation. It is our hope
that many of Liberias friends
in the international community
follow, remarked Hon. Neufville.
Hon. Mathew T.K. Flomo, Deputy

or the doctor will tell me we not

working David said
Several attempts made by FPA
to get the hospital authorities
comment on the allegations
failed as Journalists were
informed that all those who
are to speak to the press are in
meeting, as it has been the same
excuse given in the past.
Ebola cases expected to rise to
World Health Organization have
warned that Ebola Cases could
rise or exceed 20,000 as the
disease continues to spread at
an "alarming" rate across West
Over 1,500 people are known to
have died in the deadliest Ebola
outbreak in history and over
3,000 people have been infected,
with 40 per cent of those cases
occurring in just the last few
WHO also warned that people
who are suspects of the deadly
Ebola virus, are supposed to be
given primary medical attention.
In so doing could help to reduce
the death rate. Adding that
most people who are brought
in to Ebola center are people
who are majority are in critical
Ebola Task force were also seen
removing dead bodies from the
Health Minister for Administration,
articulated that once again the
Government and People of Liberia
through the Ministry of Health and
Social Welfare are gratified by the
Swiss Governments donation. He
recalled that the Swiss Government
had previously donated to the fight
against Ebola.
Hon. Flomo then recalled that
the Swiss Government renovated
and capacitated the Tellewoyan
Hospital in Voinjama, Lofa County.
We hope for more donations from
the Swiss Government, especially
PPEs and body bags, concluded
Minister Flomo.
Representing the National Ebola
Taskforce, Mr. Saah Charles
Ntow, expressed happiness and
extended thanks through the Swiss
Embassy Office to the Government
and People of Switzerland. Mr.
Ntow said that the donation from
the Swiss Government represents
hope for Liberians who see this
Ebola crisis as a hopeless situation.
Mr. Ntow added that the donated
items are what medical personnel
currently need.
The medical supplies brings to an
estimated amount of One Million,
Six Hundred Thousand United
States Dollars (US$1.6 million)
the Swiss Governments donation
thus far towards the fight against
Ebola since the discovery of the
deadly virus in Liberia in March of
this year.

nformation Minister Lewis Brown has clarified that
government has no intention to quarantine Bushrod Island
and its surrounding as is being speculated.
Minister Brown emphasized that it is not true that Bushrod
Island and its surroundings will be quarantined, noting that
quarantine is a public health tool that will not be necessary if
communities observe the preventive measures outlined by the
health ministry to eradicate the Ebola virus from the country.
The MICAT Boss made the clarification Monday in a telephone
interview on UNMIL Radio in Monrovia.
He noted that if communities allow the establishment of relevant
structures to curtail the spread of the deadly Ebola disease by
taking ownership to prevent residents from contracting the Ebola
virus, there will be no need for quarantine in the country.
He indicated that the quarantine lifted on West Point Township
was due to advice from public health authorities which thought
it necessary to remove the quarantine from the township as the
township had taken ownership of the process to curtail the spread
of the Ebola Virus.
Minister Brown clarified that the quarantine of West Point
Township was not for 21 days, noting that it is only public health
authorities can determine how long a place can be quarantined.
He warned that Dolos Town still remains under quarantine
until the public health authorities can give the approval for the
quarantine to be lifted.
He challenged Liberians to remain vigilant in the battle against the
deadly Ebola disease as government is committed to eradicate it
from the country.


his is to announce the death of Mrs. Sieanyene Toose

Yuoh- Katty. This sad event occurred on Sunday, August
31, 2014 at about 5:28 pm. Her remains have been deposited
at the Samuel A. Stryker Funeral Home.
Meanwhile, funeral arrangements are as follows:
*On Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 10:00 am, her remains will
be removed from the Samuel Stryker Funeral Homeand taken to the
Kingdom Light Church, Oldest Congo TownBack Roadfor funeral
*Interment takes please thereafter at the 1st Baptist Church cemetery,
oldest Congo Town Back Road.
She leaves to mourn her loss her Husband; two sons, Keith and
Kevin Toure; her mother, Rev.Rosie Dillon-Wiah; five brothers; six
sistersand a host of other relatives and friends.
May her soul rest in perfect peace and light perpetual shine on her!
This announcement was brought in by her aunt, Associate Justice
Sieanyene G. Yuoh on behalf of the family.

Page 10 | Frontpage




MONROVIA (Reuters) cores of healthcare

workers at Liberia's
main hospital have
gone on strike over
unpaid wages, complicating
the fight against the world's
worst Ebola epidemic that
the U.S. disease prevention
chief said was spiraling out of
As well as the quickly
mounting human toll, the
United Nations warned the
spread of the fever could lead
to food shortages in West
Africa, potentially further
depleting the resources of
governments frantically trying
to contain it.
The World Health Organization
and other international bodies
are scrambling to support of
fragile healthcare systems in
some of the world's poorest
countries, but so far additional
staff and resources have been
slow to arrive on the ground.
More than 120 healthworkers
have died during the Ebola
outbreak amid shortages of
equipment and trained staff
in the region. That is nearly a
10th of the total 1,550 killed by
the disease, mostly in Liberia,
Sierra Leone and Guinea.
The strike at the John F.
Kennedy Medical Center
(JFK) in Liberia's capital
Monrovia follows a one-day
protest over pay and conditions
at the Connaught hospital
in Sierra Leone's capital on
Monday. Both hospitals have
treated Ebola patients.


n Internet video
Tuesday purported to
show the beheading
of U.S. journalist Steven Sotloff
by the Islamic State group,
which called it retribution for
continued U.S. airstrikes in Iraq.
Sotloff, 31, who freelanced
for Time and Foreign Policy
magazines, had last been seen
in Syrian in August 2013 until
he appeared in a video released
online last month by the Islamic
State group that showed the
beheading of fellow American
journalist James Foley.
Dressed in an orange jumpsuit
against the backdrop of an arid
Syrian landscape, Sotloff was
threatened in that video with
death unless the U.S. stopped
airstrikes on the group in Iraq.
In the video distributed Tuesday
and entitled "A Second Message
to America," Sotloff appears
in a similar jumpsuit before he
was purportedly beheaded by an
Islamic State fighter.
The Associated Press could
not immediately verify the
SITE Intelligence Group, a
U.S. terrorism watchdog, first
reported about the video's




he first British person

to contract Ebola
during the outbreak in
West Africa has been
discharged from hospital after
making a full recovery.
William Pooley, 29, has been
treated in a special isolation unit
at the Royal Free Hospital in
Mr Pooley was given the
experimental drug ZMapp and
has praised the "world class"
care at the hospital.
About half of the 3,000 people
infected in the outbreak, which
started in Guinea, have died.
Mr Pooley was working as a
volunteer nurse in one of the
worst affected countries, Sierra
Leone, when he contracted the
He is unsure when he became
infected, but started feeling sick
and needed a blood test.
He recalled the moment his fears
were confirmed: "I was woken
early that evening by one of
the World Health Organization
doctors and immediately I knew
it was bad news.
"I was worried that I was going
to die, I was worried about my
family and I was scared."
'Very lucky'
He was flown back to the UK by
the RAF on Sunday 24 August.
Mr Pooley was in the earlier
stages of the disease. He had a
high temperature but was not
He is not infectious to anyone
else now. The virus is cleared
from the body, and there is no
risk to the wider community in
any way
Dr Michael JacobsInfectious
diseases consultant
He said: "I was very lucky
in several ways; firstly in the
standard of care I received,
which is a world apart from what
people are receiving in West
Africa at the moment.
"And my symptoms never
progressed to the worst stage
of the disease, I've seen people
dying horrible deaths, I had
some unpleasant symptoms, but
nothing compared to the worst of
the disease."
He was treated with the
experimental Ebola drug ZMapp,
a 12-hour infusion of antibodies,
that has been given to only six
other patients.

It is not clear if the infusion

helped, but levels of the virus
in his bloodstream did fall
significantly after the treatment.
infectious diseases consultant
at the hospital, said: "He is not

infectious to anyone else now.

The virus is cleared from the
body, and there is no risk to the
wider community in any way."
He said the isolation unit
Mr Pooley had been kept in
was going through chemical



f there can be any good

news or at least not
news coming out of the
African continent regarding
this years Ebola outbreaks, we

Thursday, September 4, 2014

have one positive report this

The World Health Organization
has just confirmed that the
newly-identified cases of Ebola
Virus Disease (EVD) in the

Democratic Republic of Congo

is genetically unrelated to the
strain currently circulating in
Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone,
and Nigeria.
A WHO collaborating research

"This unit is always there, it's
business-as-usual for us, we
were prepared for this to happen
and we're prepared if it happens

center in Franceville, Gabon,

the Centre International de
Recherches Mdicales, had
previously identified six Ebola
positive samples sent to the
laboratory. They report today
that, the virus in the Boende
district is definitely not derived
from the virus strain currently
circulating in west Africa.
The WHO amplified that
Results from the virus
with findings from the
epidemiological investigation,
are definitive: the outbreak
in DRC is a distinct and
independent event, with no
relationship to the outbreak in
west Africa.
The finding is worthy of such
emphasis because of concerns
that the west African outbreak
had somehow spread to the
DRC, formerly Zaire. The
viruses in each outbreak are
genetically distinct, but they
are both of the Zaire species of
Ebola virus, a fact that might
be confused as meaning the
outbreaks are related.
The form of the Zaire virus
currently circulating in the

In the face of quite likely a

horrible death, they're continuing
to work all day, every day helping
sick people, it's amazing
William PooleyEbola patient
Estimates suggest up to 20,000
people will be infected during
this outbreak.
Mr Pooley praised the efforts
of other people working on the
"It's just heroic what they're
doing, they know what might be
facing them," he said.
"In the face of quite likely a
horrible death, they're continuing
to work all day, every day helping
sick people, it's amazing."
He said it had felt "natural" to
go and help in West Africa, that
he had no regrets and was "more
committed than ever to nursing".
Mr Pooley is heading back to
Eyke in Suffolk with his family
this afternoon.
"They incinerated my passport,
so my mum will be pleased to
know I can't go anywhere," he

DRC is most closely related to

one responsible for an outbreak
in 1995 in the city of Kikwit.
Ebola virus first emerged in the
DRC and South Sudan in 1976.
The current outbreak in the
DRC is the seventh on record.
The index case has been clearly
identified as a pregnant woman
from Ikanamongo Village
who died on August 11 after
preparing bushmeat that her
husband had hunted.
The means of viral spread,
as reported by the WHO,
is typical of most Ebola
outbreaks: Local customs and
rituals associated with death
meant that several healthcare workers were exposed
and presented with similar
symptoms in the following
Thus far, the WHO has
identified 53 cases consistent
with a diagnosis of Ebola,
including 31 deaths. Seven
of the dead were healthcare
But the WHO stressed that the
outbreak is primarily occurring
in a remote region of the DRC,
about 750 miles from the
capital of Kinshasa.

Thursday, September 4, 2014





he reports of his
retirement have been
greatly exaggerated.
Lionel Messi is still sad after
Argentina lost the World Cup
final to Germany in July, but
the Barcelona forward remains
committed to his country despite all of the criticism he
continues to receive.
on Wednesday in Gerardo
Martino's first game as coach, a
repeat of the Maracana meeting
in July which Joachim Low's
side won thanks to Mario
Gotze's extra-time goal. And
Messi misses the latest match
through injury due to a strain in
his right adductor picked up in
Barca's 1-0 win at Villarreal on
In Argentina, some said that
was a convenient excuse to
sit out the Germany game
in Dusseldorf, while other
reports claimed the 27-year-old
intended to quit his national
team altogether.
Neither are true.

summer for his country, but is

likely to miss some friendly
fixtures for the Albiceleste,
concentrating instead on the
important dates.
"Lionel isn't leaving the national
team," the player's father said

this week. "It's just something

made up by the press and there is
no truth in it." And Barca teammate Javier Mascherano added:
"Leo is more committed than
anyone to the national team. It's
crazy to think he would give up

on the Seleccion."
Messi's career with Argentina has
had its difficulties. In the early
years, the Barca forward received
fierce criticism in his homeland,
with many fans accusing him
of caring only about making

What is true is that, this

year, Messi's main focus is
Barcelona and not Argentina.
In the months leading up to the
World Cup, the forward geared
his fitness programme towards
Brazil 2014, was allowed to
recover from injury back in
his native Rosario and was
even granted permission by
the Catalan club to fly over the
Albiceleste kinesiologist for
special training in the lead-up
to the tournament.
World Cups come only once
every four years and Messi feels
it is fair to give his full focus to
Barcelona this season - and not
Argentina. The 27-year-old will
play in the Copa America next

Lofa United President describes Ebola Deaths in Liberia
A. Macaulay Sombai, 0777217428

he President of the
second division club,

Lofa United FC has described

the Ebola death rate in the
Liberia from the Ebola virus as
very frustrating especially in his

county Lofa.
Sheikh Ibrahim K. Sackor whose
football team Lofa United FC is
based in the countys capital,

Voinjama believes that through

the citizens togetherness in
their fight against the disease it
could soon be curtailed.
Sheikh Sackor narrated that
they were fortunate because
members of their technical
staff and players that were
based in Voinjama City were
on two weeks break before
the virus spread in the county
and said since the outbreak of
the disease, none of his team
members have been affected by
the virus .
The Lofa FC President also said
members of his team have no
plan of returning to their base in
Voinjama City until the disease
is brought under control.
Before the outbreak of the
Ebola disease in Liberia, we
brought in three players from
Ghana, one goalkeeper, one
striker and one defender as
part of our preparation for
the LFA 2014/2015 national
league season and as I speak to
you they are now on their way

money at the Catalan club or

not caring about his national
team. Some supporters even
believed the Albiceleste should
pick playmaker Juan Roman
Riquelme instead - even though
Messi is a far superior player to
the veteran No.10.
Leo was upset by criticism
following Argentina's World
Cup final defeat, frustrated that
he was being blamed for a poor
game against Germany after
carrying the team through the
early stages of the competition
almost single-handedly.
But the captain's performances
in Brazil and his obvious sadness
as he stood with the Golden
Ball trophy in Rio instead of the
World Cup saw him gain greater
popularity in Argentina than
ever before. It has taken time,
but Messi is finally winning
over his compatriots. Against
Germany on Wednesday he will
be missing, but a future without
him remains unthinkable.
back home until the situation is
brought under control.
He added that they have ceased
every sporting activity and at
the same time praying for the
nation and people against the
We say thanks to Allah for
everyones life in this state of
dilemma and we pray that he
will accept all of our prayers
and destroy this disease from
every corner of our beloved
The Lofa United President
they have ordered all of their
players and technical staff
to remain with their families
until improvement in the fight
against the unwanted virus.
The team boss called on his
players and all Liberians never
to deny the existence of the
Ebola virus in Liberia but to
join hands with their fellow
citizens in the fight against the

Page 11




ust 52 days have passed

since Germany delivered
on the promise of a
generation and won
the World Cup on South
American soil by beating
Argentina. It was a moment of
redemption for the DFB, for
Joachim Low and his talented
crop of underachieving players.
But the celebrations are over
and new challenges are on the
The triumph at the Maracana
was the culmination of over
a decade of hard work and
three of the teams most
experienced heads, Miroslav
Klose, Philipp Lahm and Per
Mertesacker decided they had
accomplished their mission.
Shorn of 354 caps and three
of his most trusted players,
Lows rebuilding job starts,
fittingly, against Argentina in


ootball coaches love

to talk about balance.
many will bemoan
the lack of it in their side,
while victories will often be
attributed to an equilibrium
that made the winning side
difficult to exploit.
Nothing pleases a boss more
than a perfect marriage
between defence and attack,
left and right.
summer transfer campaign
largely flew in the face of such
a philosophy. Far from creating
a balanced squad, Louis van
Gaal and Ed Woodward have
thrown caution to the wind and
built an attack-heavy staff with
little in the way of defensive



fter a total spend

of nearly 200
million, Louis van
Gaal must now
find a way to fit his summer
arrivals into a cohesive system
at Manchester United.
The prospect of three leading
strikers in Radamel Falcao,
Wayne Rooney and Robin
van Persie will provide the
Dutchman with a selection
headache as one is almost
certainly set to miss out on a
starting place every week.
Daley Blind's arrival from Ajax
adds an extremely versatile
player to United's squad - but
it's currently unclear where
Van Gaal sees the Netherlands
international fitting in.



VOL 8 NO.670

Monroviahe Liberian National

working along with
the Armed Forces
of Liberia in ensuring that
regarding Ebola safety measures
including quarantine, curfew,
amongst others are adhered to by
the citizenry.
It seems the police is not only
focused on the security aspect of
fighting the Ebola and has joined
the efforts of donating equipment
used in preventing further spread
of what has now become a
scourge in Liberia and two other
neighboring countries, Sierra
Leone and Guinea.
Senior officials of the police
including the Director, Deputy
Director for Administration,
Chief of Public Safety, Chief of
Criminal Investigation Division
and other high ranking officers
during a visit to the quarantined
Dolo Town Community donated
several items and cautioned
the citizens to abide by safety
regulations pronounced by the
Ministry of Health and Social
Welfare and other health related
Dolo Town was quarantined on
the same day as West Point but
unlike West Point there has been
no conflict reported in the area.
For West Point the quarantine
turned bloody when residents and
security officers got involved in
a brawl resulting to a death and
Along with Crowd 50, a group
of Liberians, the police held an
outreach in Dolo Town Under the
theme LNP community Outreach
and the community together to
kick Ebola out of Liberia, where
Police Director, Chris Massaquoi
assured the residents that the
police is stronger than before
and ready to provide them the
necessary security during the
current Ebola crisis.
The Crowd 50 includes people
born in the 1950s with members
Minister Morris Dukuly, Police
Director Massaquoi, Mr. Benoni
Urey, amongst other.




Police Hierarchy, Crowd 50 identify with Dolo Town Residents

Police stronger now

Making the donation, Director
Massaquoi said We will not
wait for you to get sick before
we come to identify with you,
we will not wait for you to die
before we come and identify
with you. We have brought
you some food, water. We are
concerned about protecting life
and properties, we are concerned
about protecting you, we know
that there has been lots of issues,
the armed robbery situation at
night but I can assure you that
we are on top of it, we are even
stronger than ever before.
The head of the police indicated
that the police accepts criticisms
from the public on issues and
listens to the issues which are
enabling the force to improve to
be in the position to protect the
We accept criticisms; we

listen to those criticisms and

go by those criticisms to
improve what we have to do, to
protect the people of Liberia. I
understand that there are people
masquerading in Monrovia as
police officers, there are people
with private security uniforms
that resemble the police uniform.
This will make people to think
that police officers are going
around engaging in armed
robbery. We are working on all
of that, Director Massaquoi
The Director of Police expressed
that it is unimaginable for
people to believe that the police
is involved in armed robbery,
although admitting that he could
not put his neck on the line but
said the procedures that are in
placed will easily detect such
acts if being carried out by any
police officer.

It beats my imagination, I do
not want to put my neck on the
chopping board but I can tell
you we have strict orders and
strict SOPs to be able to monitor
and evaluate our officers on the
field every night. Every officer
that signs for gun in the evening
must return it the next morning
and must be able to account for
every shot the next morning; we
will continue to improve on the
measures, Director Massaquoi
He extended thanks to the United
Nations which he said has been
instrumental in enhancing the
capacity of the LNP and also
applauded the hard work of the
Operational staff and the entire
police force.
The items donated to the
community by the police
included, two thermometers,
two boxes of gloves; t-shirts and

other items.
While the Crowd 50 also donated
50 bags of rice, 20 cartoons of
oil, four bags of floor, four bags
of sugar, one bag of milk, 150
sacs of water, three cartoons of
The Statutory Superintendent of
the Dolo area, Henry M. Speare
appealed to the police to help the
local community with security
for them to take charge of the
distribution of food ration.
The Superintendent appealed to
the police to help protect the food
to enable the community carry
out the distribution themselves.
The police has been doing
very well and we want our
community to take control of the
distribution so we do not want
it to degenerate into something
else, we want the police to help
us, said Superintendent Speare
Several citizens in separate

Government of Liberia to ensure
that other clinics in the area
are opened to cater for people
suffering from other illnesses
not Ebola related.
One resident said the clinic
in the town is being used for
Ebola related illness and as such
people are dying from other
diseases, citing a woman who
died because she could not be
catered for during child birth.
A youth of the community also
appealed to people carrying
out donations to also look
into providing medicine to the
community instead of only
focusing on food items.
Many other speakers applauded
the police and other security
agencies for providing protection
for the community during the
current quarantine period of
Dolo Town.

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