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N: Nicolas

J: Jaime

N: Hello, I am here because I represent the desire of chilean artists that think in the
new law of music.
the law said that Chileans stations radios should play Chilean music with a minimum of
20 percent on their set list.

J: Well, I am informed about the new law and i disagree with you, but first I would like
to listen your fundaments

N: Well, Chilean artists feel that radio stations do not include their songs on their set
lists but they play varied foreign music.

J: Yes, I agree with you. But this situation is based on the free expression. Naturally, if
the law is approve our country would be in a dictatorship

N: however the UNESCO recommends that countries should care its culture, and this
law can be the first step for creating new spaces on the culture.

J: I think that our country have so much spaces for the culture, including.. national
holidays, cultural carnavals, and the festival del huaso, for example. So, Chilean music
must promote it and spread it, not impose it.

N: Yes, exist spaces for the culture, but the stations radios have not this space for the
chilean artists. and they do not promote or spread the chilean music. So, the only
option is the law.

J:I think that this topic is recently in the conversation of general people, so i disagree
with you, because i am sure that is not enough time to talk about a law.

N: Yes maybe you are right, is a new topic, furthermore the important is that the
ARCHI and the artists are agree.

J: Well, both have our own ideas, i am grateful for to discuss this topic with you, see
you later

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