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Research Scholar
Department of Applied Physics
Institute of Technology
Banaras Hindu University
• What is multiferroic?
• Types of multiferroics
• Mechanism for multiferroics.
• Future possibilities in multiferroics
• Summary
• There may exist systems in
which two types of ordering—
(Ferro) magnetism, the
spontaneous ordering of orbital
and spin magnetic moments,
and Ferro electricity, the
spontaneous ordering of
electric dipole moments—can
coexist in one material in the
absence of external electric
and magnetic fields. These
materials are now called
multiferroics .
Types of multiferroics

Type-I Multiferroics Type-II Multiferroics

Type-I Multiferroics

• These are often good ferroelectrics, and the critical

temperatures of the magnetic and ferroelectric
transitions can be well above room temperature.

• The coupling between magnetism and ferroelectricity

in these materials is usually weak.

• The materials challenge for this group of multiferroics

is to keep all their positive features, but enhance this
One can single out several different subclasses of type-I multiferroics,
depending on the mechanism of ferroelectricity in them. We will focus on four of

the major subclasses, but there are certainly others.


Ferroelectricity “Geometric”
Multiferroic Ferroelectricity due to
due to lone pairs charge ordering
Multiferroic perovoskites
• Here we use mixed perovoskites with d0 and dn
transition metal ion, where unfilled d orbital TM
ions produce ferroelectricity and filled d orbital
TM ions causes magnetism.
• Ferroelerticty is due to off-centre distortion.
• Example-PbFe1/23+Nb1/25+O3.
Ferroeletricty due to lone pairs
• The ferroeletricity here is due to the lone pairs
present at the ion.

• Example-BiMnO3,BiFeO3

• in these crystals Bi+3 have lone pair which orient

themselves in different directions and due to
this dipoles are created and the crystals
become ferroelectric.
Ferroelectricity due to charge ordering
• In such systems the ferroelectricty is mainly
due to the coexistence of of inequivalents sites
with different charges and inequivalent bonds.

• Example-TbMn2O3
“Geometric” ferroelectricity
• Ferroelectricty is caused by the tilting of any
block. This tilting occurs to get the closed
packing .
• Example-YMnO3
• In this crystal MnO5 block tilted to proved closed
packing so the oxygen become nearer to
Yittrium and this causes ferroelectricty in
From the point of view of the mechanism of multiferroic behavior, one can
divide type-II multiferroics into two groups: those in which ferroelectricity is
caused by a particular type of magnetic spiral and those in which ferroelectricity
appears even for collinear magnetic structures.

Type-II multiferroics:
Magnetic multiferroics

Type-II multiferroics
Spiral type-II with collinear
multiferroics magnetic structures
Spiral type-II multiferroics
• In these type of crystals Ferro electricity
appears in conjunction with a spiraling
magnetic phase, mostly of the cycloid type.
• Ferroeletricity is mainly due to spin- orbit

• Example –TbMnO3
Multiferroics with collinear magnetic
• The second type of magnetically driven ferroelectrics are
those in which Ferro electricity appears in collinear magnetic

• Polarization is due to exchange striction because the

magnetic coupling varies with atomic positions.

• Example-Ca3CoMnO6
Some spin-off of the multiferroic story
Future possibility
• Investigation of the dynamical property and elementary
operation of multiferroics.

• Fabrication and study of “artificial” composite multiferroics.

• The field of multiferroics and magnetoelectrics
as a part of a recent trend to create and used
multifunctional material.
• There is still much more to come, and
development of this field will go still very
actively both in the direction of basic physics
and its application, where it seems, these
materials have very bright future.
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Presented by-Prashant shahi
Research scholar, Department of
Applied physics,I.T., B.H.U.

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