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Prnom NOM : ________________________ Faisons connaissance !

Mme MILLER 3me anne et le Bac

Toi, tu es le pays page 1, un
de ton esprit, de ton cur, de ton me

You are going to create ton propre passeport.
Ton prnom et ton nom de famille sont le nom de ton pays
Un bavardage
You are going to prepare a bavardage about yourself.
This will be an informal talk of about 4-5 minutes in length. You will speak to the class in
a natural way as you tell others about yourself. You will use your passeport as your guide.

The passeport will have trois dessins or symboles that represent your personality and your interests,
relationships or activities that define
YOU : ton esprit (nm), ton cur, ton me (nf)

1. Be prepared to present it on lundi.
2. Each item on your passeport should represent what you will talk about. Therefore, you will not use
notes. Use the item to give you the prompt.
3. Dont worry. This exercise is to provide you with a chance to develop your fluency and the class is
full of familiar and friendly faces who care about you, and who think that whatever you do is just
perfect (especially Mme). . . remember, everyone is doing this too.
4. Things can be in the following categories: something that describes Une bordure 5 pts
Who you are tre + expressions 3 dessins 30 pts
What you like or what is interesting to you aimer + infinitif Prnom NOM 10 pts
Something you did this summer pass compos / imparfait /45 pts
Something that includes plans for the future aller + infinitif PEP: oral devant la classe
Futur Conditionnel Je voudrais + . . /10 pts
These are just suggestions. Feel free to create whatever format makes you
most at ease. Let your passeport dictate what you say.

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