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lease !

AsslsLanL Pouse Ma[orlLy Leader !eff McCabe
for a lakeslde fundralser Lo supporL McCabe for Leadershlp

!"# %&'( )* +&,- &./ 0&./- !1,2-.#
16 18Cu1 8CAu, MAulSCn, ML 04930
1hursday, !uly 24, from 3:30 Lo 7:30 M

lease conslder [olnlng Lhe hosL commlLLee aL one of Lhe followlng levels:
Sponsor $300 PosL $230
arLner $100 lndlvldual 1lckeL $30

All conLrlbuLlons Lo Lhls evenL go Lo supporL local Pouse candldaLes and can be broughL Lo Lhe evenL or malled Lo:
+3%&2# 4#&/#,5"6( 78%
9: ;<6=# 0>,##>
0?)@"#A&.B +C DEFGH

8.S.v.. Lo uoug kempner.
7").# (207) 689-1744 or C'&6< doug.kempner[

Alu lC8 Anu Au1PC8lZLu 8? MCCA8L LLAuL8SPl AC 13 CLlvL S18LL1, SkCWPLCAn, ML 04976
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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