PL 37

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Pride Leader

So Mark, Why did you change her so much?

Her old body was scared and abused. She didnt come here of her own
choosing, but she will meet others who know her and will see how much
better off she is. I want her to show others Im not a bad guy, that I do care
and I do love the ones close to me.

Shes enjoying how that new body feels. Ive seen her checking herself out
all over.

She will enjoy it. And I hope she feels much better too.

Stepping out from behind a hedge row is Joy and Mother Nature.

Joy( As she runs up to him ):

Mother Nature:
I see you introduced Mark to Violet.

Yes we did. Shes so happy now.

Thats Violet? She sure looks so much different. Did you do that Mark?

Yeah, I thought she needed a new body to go with her new start.

Oh, MARK! You can see right thru her dress! Is that your doing also!

Love stands there giggling as Joy watches wide eyes as Violet runs around
in her Dress. Mother Nature stands there and wonders what else Mark will
do, he seems to have an eye for beauty of the female form. His first lesser
Goddess and he changed her in form and dress. Showing off her beauty.
He has also made his branding one for all to see. Something that hasnt
been done in millions of years. Here is a new god who will teach the others
how lowers gods should be treated, maybe how they can love them also.

Mother? Whats on your mind?

Mother Nature:
I was thinking of how much you may change the way others deal with
lesser and lower gods and goddesses. You Child may bring a much
needed change. Do you know most Gods regularly abuse lesser goddess
for their own pleasures. Or just because they can. You dont even abuse
you slaves or anyone under your station, you in fact have a hatred of
abusers. One that I see may come in conflict with other gods. Mark I know
its going to be hard. But soon you will meet some whose treatment of
others will drive you to do something, for now you have to set an example,
you will start with Violet and the other goddess, let them show how you
treat everyone.

Why do you let them treat lesser goddesses in that manner? Why havent
you made them change?

Mother Nature:
Because there has been none to show them how to treat others. Like you,
they have the freedom of choice. But unlike you, they dont know that love
can bridge all matters. Sadly compared to you, they are still children. Even
tho you are truly much younger, you have grown up and learned many
lessons in life.

Grand Mother, look at me! I feel so pretty.

Mother Nature:
Yes you do. You like what has happened to you?

Oh yes. I feel so good, and so much power. It flows like water.

Mother Nature:
Thats good, now let us talk.

<Violet runs off having a good time.>

You have changed her divine also, she oozing your powers.

Its just a little bit. The little power she welded from Zeus wasnt much,
maybe enough to do what little she was asked. But not enough as I see it.

Mother Nature:
Yes, you truly will bring change.


Mpphff heefff mmmeefff

Ha? Oh yeah, How long was I out?

Mppjff mfff

Let me get this gag off of you two.

Thank you. Ahh, can someone please untie us?

Yes Please. I cant feel my tail.

Lisa, you untie Huug, Ill get Waarm. How do you feel?

Like I been torn in two and left out to dry.

Tigger ( Giggling ):
I know the feeling. Im going to be walking funny for a few days.

Ugg, My tail feels like he pulled it off. Has anyone seen Flower?

Shes over here all curled up in the corner. Looks like someone covered
her right here.

Most likely Mark after she passed out. He wouldnt just leave anyone where
they could get hurt.

Doors Slides open and Tina sticks her head in.

I thought I heard talking in here. Anyone for some tea? Or would you like
the pain relievers first?


There you are Mark. I would have thought youll be taking a day off from all
of this work.

Hello to you to SsErcace. How are you feeling?

You know very well how I feel. Now why are you working?

Come sit and read this report

SsErcace takes a seat and picks up the report, as she reads it, shes
having a problem comprehending it. The report shows that while the
Douhed are being pushed back, The Douhed have resorted to suicide runs
and ramming their ships into the warships. One reports states that the
Douhed have in one case spaced all the captives.

Are all of this correct? Theyre ramming our ships?

Yeah, Ive been trying to think of why, but its just plain suicidal. It makes no

Have you thought of a plan?

Not yet, but I hope something will pop up. I just need to find out why.

Do you think we might lose after all?

No, but we can loose a lot of good warriors and ships. At the moment, they
still out number our ships 70 to 1.


In the Meeting hall, Nine priestess Meet their King, to his Right is The
Goddess Joy, to his Left is the Goddess Violet. At his feet are the triplets.

Sire. We come as our Goddess has asked. But we do not understand why?

Your Goddess is loosing her powers as time goes by, She has sent you to
a New God. One who can grant you more power than you have ever seen
before. One who loves those who serve him.


A sudden thunder strike! A massive lighting Blow!! The priestesses jump for
cover, Mark Rises, The triplets glow with powers. Violet gets behind Mark.
Three Forms appear in the back of the hall, two kneeling, One standing.
Mother Nature sees the priestesses hiding, and she feels her contact with
the divine being cut off. To her amazement the triplets are more then she
first thought, One welding the power of an Ancient Sorceresses. One an
Elder Wizard and the last a Druidic Master. Mark found a way around the
magics used one at a time, His will drives the tigers. Cutting off all other

Joys trying to tell Mark there is no danger, its Mother Nature, His eyes
come to focus on her. Power subsides. Mother Nature feels the divine
come back to her. So much power this new gods wields. And finding ways
around ancient laws. Now its time to defuse a problem.

Mother Nature:
Champion, Kneeling before you is War and his offering of peace.

Mother, Welcome to my home, War stand and be recognized.

Champion, Im here to offer Strike as a Peace offering in Goodwill. She is
strong and my best.

<Mark looks over to the kneeling Nude Wolf, her body showing scars and
old injuries from unknown causes. With a wave of a hand she is coved in a
silk robe.>

Rise Strike. Stand and state your understanding.

Champion, Im a younger goddesses of the Wolf Wars. I have served with
honors and Im proud to be able to serve you as you wish.

War I accept your offering and declare peace between us. Return home
and enjoy our peace.

War bows and turns into smoke. Vanishing into the realm of shadows.

Mother Nature:
Champion, I am glad to see there will be peace, when you finish come and
see me, we have much to speak about. < Her body shimmers and she
returns to the shadows >

Strike, Take you place beside Violet, I will complete the change shortly,
Priestesss Please return.

The four priestess return to the middle of the hall, now confused, Their
Kings the Goddesses Champion? But he doesnt have the glow of one,
Hes a living being, A mortal body. Questions have to be asked. Answers
are needed.

Sire, We dont understand? You are the one our Goddesses sent us to?

Yes, each of you represent a different church. Each has under 300
believers. Youre goddesses have grown very weak. You were sent to be
converted. But I have a different thought.

A wooden staff appears in Marks right Paw. Its glowing green.

I call forth the Goddesses of these churches!

<Slowly four forms appear, all female felines. Each a goddess of an ancient
church. All surprised to be awaken, all confused as to what going on.>

Goddesses, I call you from your sleep to offers you a choice! Your
churches have grown weak, your faithful, gone to time. Your priestesses
stand here to be converted. But I offer what I believe is a better choice. I
ask you to become my lesser Goddesses. Share in my divine, Regrow your
followers. Become active once more!

The four Goddesses stand in amazement. A new God asking them to
become his lesser.

Goddess of the Lakes.
I see your power, and I thank you for your offer. I would take your offer and
become your lesser.

Goddess of Spring
I for one thinks its a choice I can live with, I will take a branding and
become your lesser.

Goddess of the Moons:
To survive, to have new followers, this is no choice, its a dream come to.
Im yours.

Goddess of the Woods:
I will welcome your branding, thank you for the offer.

Then Ladies, take your places. Priestesses, return home, spread the word
that the powers have return!

Mark? What are you doing? Do you know how much work it took to get
them to come here?!

Yes I know. And think about it, you worked hard to find four priestesses to
come here. I took five minutes to summon their goddesses and have them
become my lesser. I now have 1200 followers and they keep their old
faiths. Once I accept them and pass on my beliefs I wish them to add to
their own. I gain four goddesses and all their followers.

Damn! We should have thought of that.

Joy my love, I didnt even know I could have lesser goddesses until Violet
was given to me, Now I have four I found with your help and one other to
add to my powers.

< Mark turns his attention to the goddesses waiting. With a wave of a paw
theyre all Nude. All waiting for what is to come >

Strike come here. Tell me, how you got all these scars.

Some were in War, Others in punishment for failing the God War.

Do you wish to keep them? I know some consider scars earned in combat
a badge of honor, but others dont, I would prefer my Goddesses to be of
perfect body.

I would enjoy a whole body once more, but Im not soft as your other

I fully understand that, and I think I can make you happy that way.

< Marks eyes Glow, A bolt of lighting strikes out hitting Strikes form, Her
body convulses, Shakes, Fur Burns off. She howls in Pain. The strike ends,
the smoke ends, She rises to reveal her new Wolf Body, Rippling in
muscles, Fur now Holy White, Whole once More. A wave of Marks Paw
and a Golden Armor skirt forms around her waist, a golden breast plate
covering her now very large breast. A new Gold and silver Lance in her left
paw. She now stands proudly as a White Wolf in Armor befitting a warrior
Goddess. And proudly emblazed on her breast is Marks branding. It is also
emblazed on the center of her breast plate. >

Now take you place, and server with Honor.

Mark why so much pain? I have never seen you inflict a branding with so

She said it herself, shes not soft. She respects pain and suffering, Her
body reflects that.

Now you four. This will not be painful for you. But there is going to be some

Lady of Lakes come forward.

< Mark places his paws on her cheek, a soft glow covers her body, this
younger goddess of ages past has never been branded. She stands there
worried of the treatment she will receive, knowing how other lesser
goddess have been treated in the past. Her body warms as the changes
happen. Her orange and gray marking fading away, replace by pure white
fur. Her dull yellow eyes now shine once more. A semi-transparent White
sundress forms on her. Her branding proudly displayed on her breast. A
crown of water sits on her head >

Now take you place.

Lakes ( Head Lowered ):
Thank you.

Hold on, when you talk to me, always look at me. That goes for all of you.
You are to stand proudly at all times!

Now Lady of the Woods come here.

I am ready.

< Mark lifts her muzzle and looks into her eyes, a soft glow covers her. Her
dark brown fur lightens her fur on her face turns holy white. She looses
mass as her body is reshaped from a plump feline to a slim and trim feline.
Her eyes go from a deep brown to a golden color. The same dress as the
other two lesser goddesses at Marks side clothes her. And a crown made
from a tree trunk. >

Now take you place.

Woods ( Looking right in his eyes ):
Thank you for the gift.

Now Moon, its your turn.

< Mark takes her little paw in his, a soft glow covers her dull black fur. She
looks into his deep blue eyes, a smile on her muzzle, she gains a few
inches in height, her dull fur deepens to a endless Black, her eyes go from
a soft yellow to a bright deep green. Her dress is a semi-transparent red.
She purrs at the feeling of power flowing thru her. The branding on her is
white, and also proudly displayed on her breast. >

Now take you place, and last but in no way least, Spring its your turn.

< Mark reaches to touch her muzzle but she grabs and guides his paw to
hold her breast. The glow covers her, she looks deep in Marks eyes.
Feeling the love he holds, now knowing her choice to become a lesser to
him was the right one. Her sandy brown fur changes to a golden blond
color, her eye brighten, her breast become much fuller. A golden rose vine
ties around her slim waist, holding up a semi-transparent white skirt, a
simple semi-transparent white wrap covers the minimal of her breast.
Another golden rose vine wraps her right arm from her shoulder to her
wrest. Her branding a Silver metal embedded in her right breast to be
proudly seen by all. >

Now we are done. Welcome to my family.

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