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Programming Principle:

Gender Equality

Gender Equality in the UN system
Goal in its own right
- UN Charter, heart of human rights, central to the
mission of UN
Key to development outcomes & achieving
- Central to all development goals
At operational level: TCPR 2007 (GA resolution)
A national priority in most countries
- National action plans for gender equality, ratification of
CEDAW by 187 countries
Shared with HRBA, especially:
Equality and non-discrimination
Participation and inclusion
Accountability and rule of law

Plus Special temporary Measures
Gender Equality Principles
Gender analysis
Examines differences in gender roles, activities, needs,
and opportunities
Considers societal and state structures that sustain
gender inequality, or promote equality

How women and men experience problems differently
How they relate to one another and the societal forces
that shape power relationships.

Understanding of gender gaps and gender-based
power should inform the UNDAF process.

Implementation Challenge
Financing deficit
Planning/Programming Challenge
Accountability Deficit: UNDG Accountability study
Accountability in the UN System is weak overall
Good practices in strengthening accountability in UNDP,
Recommendations on a set of harmonized performance
indicators for UNCTs
Coherence and coordination challenge

Changes needed
Strong Leadership for Gender Equality and
accountability at all levels
Matching commitment with resources
Coherent and coordinated approach, positioning
of gender equality and authority
Multi-sectoral strategies and broad-based
Twin strategy gender mainstreaming and gender
specific actions
Supporting women and womens organizations
and involving men and boys

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