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Jennifer Simeone

Professor Hensel
English 101.87
In the article, Faux Friendship, writer illiam !eresiewic" #isc$sses how
social me#ia sites s$ch as %ace&oo', (witter, an# )*s+ace ha,e change# the
meaning of frien#shi+. He states that these means of comm$nication ha,e
ca$se# the i#ea of frien#shi+ to &ecome -s$##en., -forcef$l. an#
-#istorte#.. (hro$gho$t the rea#ing !eresiewic" e/+lains how new
technolog* allows $s to -&e frien#s with whome,er we want, howe,er we
want, for as long as we want.. He +oints o$t the i#ea that -e ma* +ri#e
o$rsel,es to#a* on o$r a+tit$#e for frien#shi+0frien#s, after all, are the onl*
+eo+le we ha,e left0&$t it1s not clear that we still e,en 'now what it
means.2Faux Friendship, +aragra+h 3). (his statement +ro,es tr$e in the
worl# to#a*. (eenagers es+eciall*, are forgetting what frien#shi+ tr$l*
means. I see it ha++ening more an# more e,er*#a*. Social me#ia sites s$ch
as -(witter. allow +eo+le to &ecome frien#s with no -4/e# commitment..
Instea# of getting that #ee+er connection +eo+le create face5to5face, their
relationshi+ &ecomes one which can &e easil* &ro'en. 6lso, social me#ia
allows more wa*s in which +ro&lems can &e +ro#$ce#. 7ne wrong +ersonal
tho$ght ma#e +$&lic can r$in relationshi+s fore,er. 6lso, in an article calle# 4
Ways Social Media is Changing Your Relationship &* !r. 8achna Jain, the
writer tal's a&o$t how social me#ia can in9$ence frien#shi+s in a negati,e
manner. 8achna writes -7ne &ig mista'e is that it1s eas* to conf$se #igital
intimac* for tr$e intimac*2htt+://www.socialme#iae/, +aragra+h
4;. <eca$se we feel as if o$r connection with someone o,er the internet is as
strong as it wo$l# &e in +erson, we often ten# to create $nrealistic
e/+ectations. 6lso, relationshi+s can also &e wea' #$e to mo#ern conce+ts.
(he generation I li,e in lo,es their free#om. E,en &eing free in a relationshi+
is a &ig #eal. <eca$se social me#ia ma'es it so eas* to &$il# an# &rea'
relationshi+s, teenagers are #rawn to it. =nowing that there is a wa* to &e
a&le to comm$nicate an# tal' serio$sl* witho$t the normal face5to5face
stressf$l sit$ation, teens $se it to their a#,antage. Peo+le of all ages are
$sing social me#ia sites in a negati,e wa*. It is onl* ma'ing relationshi+s
more conf$sing an# #i>c$lt. e sho$l# stic' to formal, in +erson
con,ersations, as the* hel+ maintain health* an# lasting relationshi+s.
(hese strategies hel+e# me to form a str$ct$re# an# organi"e# +aragra+h.
6s I contin$e to learn more I will &e a&le to &rea' #own the &arriers an#
ma'e the writing more of m* own. 6lso, the instr$ctions an# ti+s hel+e# me
to write at a #ee+er le,el. It allowe# me to com+are m* e,er*#a*
e/+eriences to the facts the a$thor +resente# in the article. (his ma#e it
easier for me to write an# easier for me to $n#erstan# the to+ic f$ll*. ?aming
reali"ations an# ma'ing connections force# me to thin' a&o$t how social
me#ia sites are changing the worl# an# how the* are a@ecte# not onl* me
&$t e,er*one else as well. E/ten#ing a +oint hel+e# me to #e,elo+ the
+aragra+h &etter an# more in5#e+th an# critiA$ing the message allowe# me
to re9ect on the sit$ation an# #e,elo+ m* own o+inion a&o$t it. (hese
strategies challenge# me to thin' an# write at a #i@erent le,el then I am
normall* $se# to.

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