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Diplomatic Correspondence Homework

National Day Congratulatory Letter

Laura Sylvia Johanna/Class A-25

June 6, 2014

The Excellency Mr. Carl Bildt
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden
Gustav Adolfs torg 1
SE-103 39 Stockholm

Dear Minister Bildt,

On the occasion of the National Day of the Kingdom of Sweden, It is my honor to
convey to Your Excellency, on behalf of the People of the Republic of Indonesia and my
own, our sincere congratulations and warm wishes for prosperity of the people of
Sweden and for your personal well-being and happiness.

Over the fifty years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Indonesia
and Sweden in 1950, the cooperation and partnership between the two countries
remain active. I sincerely believe that the existing friendly cooperation and partnership
between our countries will continue developing and will be enriched by new initiatives
and ideas for the good wealth of our nations.

lycklig sjlvstndighetsdagen!

May we continue to celebrate such occasions in an atmosphere of peace, stability, long
life and happiness.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration and

Yours Sincerely,

Dewa Made Juniarta Sastrawan
Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia

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