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Felicia Y.

8705 Buttermint Drive North Chesterfield, V !"!"7 #80$% $&7'0($!
P)*F+,,-*N. ,/00)Y
Ten years of experience working with adults with Intellectuals Disabilities,
Schizophrenia, Down Syndrome, Bipolar and Dementia
Fie years of experience as a Senior !esidential "ounselor in a !esidential "luster
#rogram proiding direct patient care to adults with intellectuals disabilities
Seen years experience in training residential aides and relief aides on arious $ob task,
coordinating emergency and crisis interention responses
%olunteer at Boys and &irls "lub of 'etro !ichmond( 'entor
Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling'South )niersity, !ichmond, %*(
+xpected completion(September ,-./
Bachelor of Science Degree-Biology'%irginia )nion )niersity, !ichmond, %*('ay .001
Associate Applied Science Degree-Human Service'2ohn Tyler "", 'idlothian, %*('ay ,--3
1he 2ealin3 1rees, Chester, V 4an !0($'Present
*dolescent and adults with anxiety, depression or trauma related childhood issues
Intake assessments
Bio(social assessments
Indiidual counseling( /4 minute session
#articipate in resource5$ob fairs to obtain more clients
P)*F+,,-*N. +5P+)-+NC+
0ental 2ealth60ental )etardation6,u7stance 7use De8artment of Chesterfield Count9,
"hesterfield, %*
,enior )esidential Counselor 4ul9 !008'Present
#roide training, superision, and counseling to adults with Intellectuals
Disabilities monitor and document indiidual progress and proide support as needed6
Deelops, monitors implementation and training of fie to six indiidual consumer plans6
Train consumers in actiities of daily liing, community integration, socialization,
behaior management, and general medical issues6
Transport consumers to medical appointments, banking, grocery shopping and to
community eents6
"onduct medication audits and administer medication
'aintain consumer records, manage consumer finances and complete consumer monthly
and 7uarterly serice reports6
"arry on(call pager for ,/ hours on one week rotations and respond to any medical
emergency and coerage issues6
#roide onsite training to residential counselors, aides, and relief staff6
"omplete case management duties of implementing and monitoring consumer serice
plans6 #roide referrals and support serices to promote community integration6 #erform
all related documentation per 'edicaid, licensure, and department standards6
)esidential Counselor 8ril !00:'4ul9 !008
#roide training, superision, and counseling to adults with Intellectual Disabilities6
'onitor and document indiidual progress and proide support as needed6
'aintain consumer records and manage consumer finances6
Train consumers in actiities of daily liing, community integration, socialization,
behaior management, and general medical and hygiene issues6
"omplete case management duties which include preparation, implementation, and
monitoring of consumer serice plans6 #roide adocacy, referrals, and linkages to
enhance community integration opportunities6 #erforms all related documentation per
'edicaid, state licensure and department standards6
)esidential ide 4une !00"'8ril !00:
Train consumers with intellectuals disabilities in actiities of daily liing
"onduct medication audits and administer medication
Transport consumers to community eents, banking, grocery shopping
'onitor consumers on oernight shift
Document in consumer program books
Nursing Assistant/Med Technician Dec (&&&'4an !00$
0arriot of Bri3hton ;ardens ssisted .ivin3 Facilit9 !ichmond, %*
*ssist dementia residents in actiities of daily liing
#roide ,/ hour superision on a skilled unit
"onduct controlled medication audits and administer medication
Document daily wellness and monthly behaioral reports
"onduct weekly inentory of medical supplies
,<-..,6C+)1F-C1-*N ,
"#!5First *id 'edication and Insulin 'anagement
'entoring #rogram 8ealth and Safety "ommittee
Sur 9ok Safe and Secure Training #rogram Deelop and write "S#
"ase 'anagement Direct #atient "are
"risis #reentatie Institute
*lzheimer:s Disease5Behaior 'anagement Training

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