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Audience Review by Matthew Brown

The general audience questionnaire allowed us to find out more information about the
audience for our documentary. We found out that the most of our audience where
heterosexual. We found that large amount of people who answered our questionnaire knew
someone who was homosexual, this showed that people who are homosexual are now more
open within aspects of society. We found that many people had known someone who had
been attacked because of their sexual orientation this showed there still some unease within
society, although many people said they though there was an increase in change in the

From the pre documentary questionnaire we learnt what our intended audience expected
within the documentary. We found that a large majority of our audience is aged 15-17 we
also learnt that people expect to see features such as interviews, cutaways and facts and
figures. The majority of people thought our topic was relevant within society although there
was minor majority who did not agree.

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