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What factors influence Thai peoples choice when buy a car?


This research could help you about better decision to buy a car. This
information will explain how Thai people chose their car and its including with
the reasons. The common factors of cars that catch the consumers eyes are
color, safety, save energy and cost. It shows how Thai cars consumers decide to
buy their car and some of their comments these of information might be helped
you. I was found the biggest factor was the color it depends on consumers and
their liking and I was found another of factors that affect to Thais consumer.


This research aims at surveying and studying the psychology of Thai
people on buying cars. In addition, the research will also allow Thai buyers to
know and better understand in design and features that manufactures will
launch when producing new cars on the market.
The research includes the survey on colors, car types and design and
interior safety system. A color is an exterior factor that attracts buyers at first
when they want to buy a new car. It also relates to the luck according to Thai
beliefs. Therefore, it quite affects Thai people when buying new cars because
they believe that wrong colors can bring bad luck and doom to their lives. Car
type is the second factor that really has an effect on car buying decision amongst
Thai people because of the high fuel price and more air pollution in Thailand,
especially in big cities. Most Thai people currently are persuaded to buy a car
with an option and accessories that are environmentally friendly. The reason for
this is that the new generation of Thai people is really concerned about their
health and wellness. Design comes at the third factor for Thais because most of
the Thai people live their lives in competition with one another, causing them to
spend lives in luxury so they can boast of what they have to impress other
people. The last factor that effects on car buying decision is the safety system.
Since this very system will unavoidably affects their lives and those of their
beloved ones. All in all car features and options do impact Thai people when they
think of buying new cars. This research will more or less benefits any Thais who
want to buy new cars and also they can make suggestions to their family
members, friends on how to buy new cars in order to get the highest advantage
out of the car.


Car is one of the necessary for human to live and its common object
to help your life become more comfortable, and most of Thai people decided to
purchase a car by all of these factors. Hong Yan Jin, Zhi Wei Zhu, (2014) said,
The significance is designing a beautiful appearance, convenient operation, full
of emotion, and green car vacuum cleaner for the purpose of improving people's
life quality(p.1485). Izumi Satake et.al (2011) Color of the car is the easiest to
perceptible from the customers to decide their car color While color is a
definitive factor in consumers decisions, little is known regarding how people
assess automotive exterior colors in different countries. (Izumi Satake et.al,
2011) Some experiment find that color of car related to peoples emotion such as
red car can be an aggressive response. According to (Nicolas Guguen et.al,
2012) Colors have physiological and behavioral that effect to humans. (Nicolas
Guguen et.al, 2012) (Izumi Satake et.al, 2011) Did the surveys and confirm that
50% of car exteriors are monochromatic, whereas medium and dark colors are
preferred among achromatic colors. Izumi Satake et.al (2011) There are some
colors that induce different emotions in different countries. For example,
according to the Chijiiwa survey, purple and black have different traditional
meanings in Europe and some parts of Asia.
The high gas price in is one of the big problems in Thailand, so most of
Thai people prefer the Eco-car. (Keawchuer, 2013) Gas price also one of the
main factor to decide to buy a car most of customer prefer a car that better in
saving gas. Keawchuer (2013) The high gas price means consumers now
consider cars with better gas mileage. Kunihiro KISHI (2012) Low-pollution car
is also a main factor to purchase a car, because people start to aware about the
problem from the car pollution. Most of Thai people buy an Eco-car, because it
saves gas and good for the environment.
Design of car is one of the most important factors in decision of
purchase a car in Thailand. Keawchuer (2013) Most of marketing manager focus
on modifying the car image to be more luxurious and offer more accessories
since the consumers taste has change continuously. Wiley (2005) said Stimulus
properties and perceiver characteristics in the appreciation car interiors were
investigated. In Experiment 1 three design components, complexity, curvature
and innovativeness, which are all thought to affect design appreciation were
combined in a fully factorial design. All dimensions were confirmed to affect
ratings, and curvature and innovativeness particularly affected the attractiveness
ratings. Curved and non-innovative designs were generally preferred
The safety is the most important factor of car the cars designers are
cares about the safety of passenger very much. Haberl, et.al (2003) Car
manufacturers design vehicles and side impact restraint systems to protect
passengers from the risk of serious injury in the event of a side impact. In 2006
Cappetti said all the new car models must overcome severe tests that foresees
the throwing of part of dummies, indicate as imparters, in specific points of the
car to simulate the collision pedestriancar and then to measure the strengths,
decelerations and energies levels that they must be tolerable by involved parts of
the human body (p.77). Safety belts are one factor that car designer very serious
to design it to becomes very safe, because safety belts in automobiles greatly
reduces the probability of death and injury in crashes.



1.Muids staff about 10 persons.
2.Muic staff about 20 persons.
3.College of music staff about 15 persons.

Reason: These groups of people will be interviewed, because they can afford to
buy a car, and they are grown enough to effectively use their own rationale in
doing something.

Survey Questions:
1.Do you have a car?
2.Please rank the 5 following main factors on peoples buying decision.
A) Color B) Energy saving C) Safety D) Cost E) Brand
3.Please choose the color that people are going to buy most
A) White B) Black C) Red D) Silver E) Brown F) others (specify)
4.Which type of car will people buy most?
A) Eco-car B) Luxury car C) Super car D) Sports car E) others (specify)
5. Do you have a plan to buy a car recently?
6. What color will you buy?
A) White B) Black C) Red D) Silver E) Brown F) others (specify)
7.What type will you buy?
A) Eco-car B) Luxury car C) Super car D) Sports car E) others (specify)

Interview Questions:

1.Do you have a car?

For yes answer, the questions will be as follows:
2. Why do you buy it?
3.Which brand have you got?
4.What color is your car?
5.Why do you choose that brand?
6.Suppose you need to buy a new car, what is your first factor for a buying
decision and why?

For no answer, the questions will be as follows:
2.If you want to buy a car what factors do make you to buy it?
3.Do you think color have an effect on peoples decision to buy a car?
4.If yes, why?
5.If no, why not?
6.A part from the color what other factors do you think that will make people
buy a car?

Data analysis

Ive collected my data to answer my research question by interviews the
groups of people that own a car and surveys general people from the Internet.
My research question was Why and what makes people decide to buy a car I did
surveys and interviews, because just want to figure my doubt of peoples
decision of purchasing car. I did the surveys and interviews during my Aprils
break and school day first person that I was interviewed was the teacher in MUIC
and I was so excited and nervous.


My research questions are:
1.What are the main factors of peoples decision to purchase a car? And why?
2.What is the most popular cars color in Thailand? And why?
3.What is the most popular type of car in Thailand? And why?

Survey: 66 people

According to my survey, eco-car is the most popular type of car
because nowadays people are thinking about the pollution and care the
environment. About second question I was asked them that do you have a plan to
buy a car soon and the result was more than 50% does not have a plan to buy,
because of many factors, such as fuel price, car price, service and some of them
are to young to have a car. According to third question its so obviously that most
of popular cars color in Thailand is white from the surveys answers almost 40%
chose white. And it sounds weird that white and black are the popular color in
Thailand, its weird because Thailand is a hot country and black is the most color

that could make the most heat than another color. And white is the easiest color
that can get dirty, but most of Thai cars consumer still chose it.

Interview: 30 people

According to my research Ive collected a lot of peoples think about
car and they were recommended me of how they chose their car. From my data
from interview the data that Ive collected is not a lot of difference when
compare to the data from surveys. Mostly of interviewers that Ive interviewed
they chose an Eco-car the reasons they gave me were save energy, low price,
easy to take car of it and be friendly to the environment. Some of MUIC staffs are
using sport car they told me that they love a top speed and fast acceleration, even
though it wastes a fuel and energy more than another types of car. In my
interview question also includes the cars colors that some of Thai people believe
that could effect their luck and life. For example some of them told me that black
is an unlucky color, because they think that its the color of sadness or devil. And
the lucky color that most of them agree is red.


My research has not enough surveys and interviews. Ive interviewed only
a few people and it might not be strong enough for data. Ive surveyed a people
from the Internet by creating a form in Google drive and send to my folks and
teachers. I chose these groups of people, because they have a power to buy a car
and grow enough to think of buying cars decision. But my surveys Ive posted in
my Facebook so some of people that did it they might not even read my
questions so the answers could be just randomly. I think the way that can
improve my research is interview the people that have a car, because they have a
experience about buying and using car.


My research is about purchasing car, so the groups of people that will get
a benefit are the consumers that are going to buy a car. It could help the
consumers to have a good decision to buy a car. Some of my interviewers that I
was interviewed they told and recommended me of the factors to decide to buy a
car. My research shows the advantages and disadvantages of many cars, such as
Eco-car it might not has a good acceleration or a lot of speed, but it safes energy
and fuel compare with super car it might has a very luxury design and fast, but
its very expensive and could burn a lot of energy and fuel. These example just a
few data from my research I hopefully that my research can help people to have
a better decision to purchase a car.


Survey Questions:
1.Do you have a car?
2.Please rank the 5 following main factors on peoples buying decision.
A) Color B) Energy saving C) Safety D) Cost E) Brand
3.Please choose the color that people are going to buy most
A) White B) Black C) Red D) Silver E) Brown F) others (specify)
4.Which type of car will people buy most?
A) Eco-car B) Luxury car C) Super car D) Sports car E) others (specify)
5. Do you have a plan to buy a car recently?
6. What color will you buy?
A) White B) Black C) Red D) Silver E) Brown F) others (specify)
7.What type will you buy?
A) Eco-car B) Luxury car C) Super car D) Sports car E) others (specify)

Interview Questions:

1.Do you have a car?

For yes answer, the questions will be as follows:
2. Why do you buy it?
3.Which brand have you got?
4.What color is your car?
5.Why do you choose that brand?
6.Suppose you need to buy a new car, what is your first factor for a buying
decision and why?

For no answer, the questions will be as follows:
2.If you want to buy a car what factors do make you to buy it?
3.Do you think color have an effect on peoples decision to buy a car?
4.If yes, why?
5.If no, why not?
6.A part from the color what other factors do you think that will make people
buy a car?


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