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Lampiran 5.

1 : Daftar Eligible Member Countries - ADB

Section 5 Eligible Countries


1. AFG Afghanistan 35. FSM Micronesia, Federated States of
2. ARM Armenia 36. MON Mongolia
3. AUS Australia 37. MYA Myanmar
4. AUT Austria 38. NAU Nauru
5. AZE Azerbaijan 39. NEP Nepal
6. BAN Bangladesh 40. NET The Netherlands
7. BEL Belgium 41. NZL New Zealand
8. BHU Bhutan 42. NOR Norway
9. BRU Brunei Darussalam 43. PAK Pakistan
10. CAM Cambodia 44. PAL Palau
11. CAN Canada 45. PNG Papua New Guinea
12. PRC China, Peoples Republic of 46. PHI Philippines
13. COO Cook Islands 47. POR Portugal
14. DEN Denmark 48. SAM Samoa
15. FIJ Fiji Islands, Republic of 49. SIN Singapore
16. FIN Finland 50. SOL Solomon Islands
17. FRA France 51. SPA Spain
18. GEO Georgia 52. SRI Sri Lanka
19. GER Germany 53. SWE Sweden
20. HKG Hong Kong, China 54. SWI Switzerland
21. IND India 55. TAJ Tajikistan
22. INO Indonesia 56. TAP Taipei, China
23. IRE Ireland 57. THA Thailand
24. ITA Italy 58. TIM Timor-Leste
25. JPN Japan 59. TON Tonga
26. KAZ Kazakhstan 60. TUR Turkey
27. KIR Kiribati 61. TKM Turkmenistan
28. KOR Korea, Republic of 62. TUV Tuvalu
29. KGZ Kyrgyz Republic 63. UKG United Kingdom
30. LAO Lao Peoples Democratic Rep. 64. USA United States
31. LUX Luxembourg 65. UZB Uzbekistan
32.. MAL Malaysia 66. VAN Vanuatu
33. MLD Maldives 67. VIE Viet Nam
34. RMI Marshall Islands
Lampiran 5.2 : Daftar Eligible Member Countries - IDB

Section 5 Eligible Countries


1. Guinea Bissau 29 Mozambique
2. Libya 30 Niger
3. Malaysia 31 Palestine
4. Nigeria 32 Qatar
5. Oman 33 Kuwait
6. Saudi Arabia 34 Bahrain
7. Sudan 35 Algeria
8. Suriname 36 Azerbaijan
9. Syria 37 Benin
10. Togo 38 Sierra Leone
11. Turkey 39 Cote dIvoire
12. Uganda 40 Brunei
13. Yemen 41 Djibouti
14. Tajikistan 42 Tunisia
15. Gabon 43 Uzbekistan
16. Indonesia 44 Burkina Faso
17. Gambia 45 Chad
18. Jordan 46 Cameroon
19. Guinea 47 Kazakhstan
20. Iran 48 Egypt
21. Iraq 49 Afghanistan
22. Kyrgyz 50 Turkmenistan
23. Lebanon 51 United Arab Emirates
24. Maldives 52 Albania
25. Mali 53 Bangladesh
26. Mauritania 54 Somalia
27. Morocco 55 Senegal
28. Pakistan 56 Comoros
34. Marshall Islands
Lampiran 5.3 : Contoh Iklan di media cetak- Loan ADB

Invitation for Bids
International Competitive Bidding
No. 02/RRDP/ADB-2817INO/CW05/2013

Date : 11 February 2013.
Loan No. and Title : 2817 INO.
Deadline for Submission of Bids : 1 April 2013.

1. The Republic of Indonesia has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards
the cost of the Regional Roads Development Project (RRDP). Part of proceed of this loan will be used
for payment under the contract named in the table below. Bidding is open to all bidders from eligible
source countries of the ADB.
Package Name
Anticipated Type
of Work
Procurement Team
(Pokja) Address
a b c d e f


2. 30-RCP01 SosokTayan,
Tanjung Sanggau


Reconstruction, and
resurfacing (direct
Procurement Team
(Pokja) of
Contractors For
Regional Roads
Project (RRDP) ADB
Loan No. 2817-INO
in West Kalimantan
Attention to:
Ir. Endang Sutiyani
Street Address: Jln.
Subarkah No. 24 A
City: Pontianak
ZIP Code: 78121
Country: Indonesia
2. Directorate General of Highway, in the Ministry of Public Works of the Government of the Republic of
Indonesia as the owner of the Project, invites sealed bids for construction and completion of the works
mentioned above from all bidders from eligible source countries of the ADB. The successful Bidder
will be required to satisfy evaluation and qualification criteria as follows:
Historical Financial Performance
Submission of audited financial statements or, if not required by the law of the Bidders country,
other financial statements acceptable to the Employer, for the last three (3) years to demonstrate
the current soundness of the Bidders financial position. As a minimum, the Bidders net worth
calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities should be positive.
Average Annual Construction Turnover
Minimum average annual construction turnover of US$ 38,470,000 calculated as total certified
payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last five (5) years.
Financial Resources
Using Forms FIN 3 and FIN - 4 in Section 4 (Bidding Forms) the Bidder must demonstrate
access to, or availability of, liquid assets
, lines of credit, or other financial resources, (other than
any contractual advance payments) to meet the Bidders financial resources requirement
indicated in Form FIN-4.
Liquid Assets mean cash and cash equivalents, short-term financial instruments, short term available-
for-sale-securities, marketable securities, trade receivables, short-term financing receivables and other
assets that can be converted into cash within ONE YEAR.
Contracts of Similar Size and Nature
Participation in at least one (1) contract within the last seven (7)

years that has been
successfully or substantially completed and that is similar to the proposed works, where the
value of the Bidders participation exceeds US$ 40,390,000. The similarity of the Bidders
participation shall be based on the physical size, nature of works, complexity, methods,
technology or other characteristics as described in Section 6, Employers Requirements.
Construction Experience In Key Activities
- Cement Treated Recycler Base (CTRB) : 2,290 m3/month.
- Granular Pavement : 8,640 m3/month.
- Hot Mixed Asphalt Pavement : 5,790 tonne/month.
3. Interested prequalified eligible Bidders may choose to either download a complete set of bidding
documents, in the English language, from the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) website which will be
available on 14 February 2013, or, obtain the bidding documents on free of charge from the
Procurement Team (Pokja) on the submission of a written application via registered e-mail or air-land
mail at address as stated in the table above. The bidding document will be sent to prequalified eligible
bidders on free of charge by registered e-mail or air-land mail. No liability will be accepted for loss or
late delivery.
4. All bidders -Foreign and Domestic interest to bid strongly suggested using the semi e-
procurement system. In order to use this system, the Bidders must register in the system electronically
through the Ministry Public Works website, ( under the procurement section to obtain
access code to the system. In particular, for international Bidders, this access code will only valid for
WINRIP/RRDP Project. While for local bidders will follow as usual registration for APBN procurement
(procurement for national budgeting).
Two registration process will be required:

I. To obtain access code
a. The Bidder can obtain from whether click in the banner of LPSE or Layanan Pengadaan Secara
Elektronik on the box-command of Semi e-Procurement, or
b. Click on direct link then click on
Registrasi. By this access code, the Bidder can register to the specific package that interested
in. Please follow the instruction hereafter
c. The procedures to obtain the User-ID and Password are as follows:
i. Open the MPW website at
ii. Click the Semi e-procurement
iii. Select the Language as necessary
iv. Click Registrasi bagi Penyedia J asa yang belum memiliki User-ID (Registration for
Participant who has yet no User-ID).
v. Click Klik Disini in the right side of Untuk Penyedia J asa (Badan Usaha)
Nasional (For Domestic Participants (Entities))
vi. Click Click Here in the right side of For Foreign Vendors WINRIP / RRDP
vii. Clik Agree and then fill the data. Finally, clik send
viii. For Joint Venture (JV), Joint Operation (JO), Consortium or Association, click Klik
Disini in the right side of Untuk J oint Operation (J O), J oint Venture (J V) dan
ix. For Domestic Bidder as leading member, fill the user-ID and password, then click
x. For the Foreign Bidder as leading member, click Klik Disini, then fill the user-ID and
password, and finally click Login
xi. The User-ID and Password will be sent to the Bidder by email.
II. To register to specific package
The procedures to register the related package and download the bidding documents are as
i. Open the MPW website at
ii. Click the Semi e-procurement
iii. Select the Language as necessary
iv. Select Tahun Anggaran (Fiscal Year), select Provinsi (Province) and choose Direktorat
J enderal Bina Marga (Directorate General of Highways) in the menu of Satminkal
(Administration Based Unit). All in the left column. The registration period can be seen in the
right column of Tanggal Pendaftaran (Registration Date).
v. Fill the User ID and Password in the left column, and click Login
vi. Select the Package Name in the column of Nama Paket (Package Name)
vii. Click the icon of Pendaftaran (Registration)
viii. Fill the registration form completely, especially for Kualifikasi (Qualification):
a. Bidang (maximum 50 characters) : Civil Works
b. Sub-bidang (maximum 50 characters) : Road and Bridge Works
c. Lingkup Layanan (maximum 50 characters) : Construction Works
d. and for asterisk (*) in red colour may be filled or unfilled as necessary.
ix. Click Pendaftaran (Registration). The registration receipt will appear and print it as an
evident, and clik Kembali (back).
x. To download the bidding documents, click the file name of bidding documents in the right
side of Dokumen Lelang (Bidding Documents).
xi. Click Save to save the file into the Hard Disk without change the file name
5. Further information can be obtained from the Procurement Team (by request) at the addresses stated
6. Foreign Bidders who are interested to work in Indonesia should have a working license certification
Badan Usaha Jasa Konstruksi Asing or BUJ KA (under the Public Works Ministry Decree No.
05/PRT/M/2011) from Ministry of Public Works prior to signing the contract (but not a pre-condition
for this bidding).
7. Please deliver your bid in sealed envelope:
To the address as stated in the above table.
Before the deadline: 1 Aril 2013 at 10:00 AM (Middle Indonesia Time).
Together with a Bid Security in amount as stated in the Bidding Data Sheet of the bidding
The number of copies provided shall be: 1 (one) original and 5 (five) copies.
8. Bids will be opened immediately after the deadline in the presence of bidders representatives and
anyone who chooses to attend at the address in the above table. Late bids will be rejected. Bids shall be
valid for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days after the bid submission deadline date.
9. No margin of preference for the domestic Bidder in bid evaluation.

Jakarta, 11 February 2013.
Chairman of Procurement Committee

Lampiran 5.4 : Contoh Iklan di media cetak- IDB


Republic of Indonesia
Regional Roads Development Project (RRDP)
IDB Financing Agreement: IND 0161

The Republic of Indonesia has received financing from the Islamic Development Bank toward the cost of the
Regional Roads Development Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to payments
under the contracts for:
- Lot1: Tambak Mulyo to Wawar (24-RCP01)
- Lot2: Giriwoyo to Duwet (24-RCP02)
Prequalification is being invited for Lot 1, Lot 2 (or Lot 1 and Lot 2 combined). Applicants have to specify in
their applications for which lot they want to be prequalified.
The Directorate General of Highways/Ministry of Public Works intends to prequalify contractors and/or firms
for construction of the Tambak Mulyo to Wawar road section (38.7 Km) and reconstruction of the Giriwoyo to
Duwet road section (23.8 Km).
It is expected that invitations to bid will be made in 11 May 2012.
Prequalification will be conducted through prequalification procedures specified in the Islamic Development
Banks Guidelines for Procurement under IDB Financing May 2009, and is open to all bidders from eligible
source member countries (ICB/MC), as defined in the Guidelines.
Interested eligible Applicants may choose to either download prequalification document, in the English
language, from the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) website (to do this will required the access code
mentioned on the paragraph below), or obtain the prequalification document, in the English language, from
the Procurement Team (Pokja) upon submission of a written application via registered e-mail or air-land mail
at address below. In addition to prequalification document, the details of prequalification information can be
obtained from the Procurement Team (Pokja) by request at the address stated below from 09.00 to 14.00
hours on 18 January, 2012 and up to 7 (seven) days prior to the deadline of prequalification submission.

All bidders -Foreign and Domestic interested in prequalification are strongly invited to use the semi
e-procurement system. In order to use this system, the Applicants must register in the system
electronically through the Ministry Public Works website, ( under the e-procurement section to
obtain access code to the system. In particular, for international Applicants, this access code will only be
valid for WINRIP/RRDP Project. While for local bidders will follow as usual the registration for APBN
procurement (procurement for national budgeting).
Two registration processes will be required
III. To obtain access code
a. The Applicant can obtain the access code by clicking the banner of LPSE or Layanan
Pengadaan Secara Elektronik in the box-command of Semi e-Procurement, or
b. Click on direct link then click on
Registrasi. By this access code, the Applicant can register to the specific package of interest.
For this, please follow the instruction hereafter:
c. The procedures to obtain the User-ID and Password are as follows:
xii. Open the MPW website at
xiii. Click the Semi e-procurement
xiv. Select the Language as necessary
xv. Click Registrasi bagi Penyedia J asa yang belum memiliki User-ID (Registration for
Participant who does not yet have a User-ID).
xvi. Click Klik Disini in the right side of Untuk Penyedia J asa (Badan Usaha)
Nasional (For Domestic Participants (Entities)
xvii. Click Click Here in the right side of For Foreign Vendors WINRIP/RRDP Project.
xviii. Clik Agree and then fill the data. Finally, clik send
xix. For Joint Venture (JV), Joint Operation (JO), Consortium or Association, click Klik
Disini in the right side of Untuk J oint Operation (J O), J oint Venture (J V) dan
xx. For Domestic Applicant as leading member, fill the user-ID and password, then click
xxi. For the Foreign Applicant as leading member, click Klik Disini, then fill the user-ID
and password, and finally click Login
xxii. The User-ID and Password will be sent to the Applicant by email.

IV. To register to specific package
The procedures to register for the related package and download the prequalification documents
as follows:
xii. Open the MPW website at
xiii. Click the Semi e-procurement
xiv. Select the Language as necessary
xv. Select Tahun Anggaran (Fiscal Year), select Provinsi (Province) and choose Direktorat
J enderal Bina Marga (Directorate General of Highways) in the menu of Satminkal
(Administration Based Unit). All in the left column. The registration period can be seen in the
right column of Tanggal Pendaftaran (Registration Date).
xvi. Fill the User ID and Password in the left column, and click Login
xvii. Select the Package Name in the column of Nama Paket (Package Name)
xviii. Click the icon of Pendaftaran (Registration)
xix. Fill the registration form completely, especially for Kualifikasi (Qualification):
a. Bidang (maximum 50 characters) : Civil Works
b. Sub-bidang (maximum 50 characters) : Road and Bridge Works
c. Lingkup Layanan (maximum 50 characters) : Construction Works
d. and for asterisk (*) in red colour may be filled or unfilled as necessary.
xx. Click Pendaftaran (Registration). The registration receipt will appear and print it as an
evident, and clik Kembali (back).
xxi. To download the prequalification documents, click the file name of bidding documents in the
right side of Dokumen Prakualifikasi (Prequalification Documents).
xxii. Click Save to save the file into the Hard Disk without change the file name

Applications for prequalification should be submitted in sealed envelopes, delivered to the address below by 5
March 2012 and be clearly marked Application to Prequalify for Regional Road Development Project, Lot 1:
Tambak Mulyo to Wawar (24-RCP01) and/or Lot2: Giriwoyo to Duwet (24-RCP02).

Procurement Team (Pokja)
Regional Roads Development Project (RRDP)
SNVT of Road Development Central Java
Attention : Mr. Mochamad Subektiyono, Ir, MT.
Number and Street : Jl.Murbei Barat I Sumurboto
City : Semarang, Central Java
ZIP Code : 50269
Country : Indonesia
Telephone : +62 24 7470086
Facsimile number : +62 24 7470086
Electronic mail address:

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