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Worm infestation in humans is a very common problem seen in all the

individuals of all age groups. The parasitic worms live in human intestinal
tract. The common types of worms are roundworms, pin-worms, 5whip
worms, hookworm and fukes etc. The patient with mild infestation may
not have any symptoms or may present with poor appetite, weight loss,
abdominal discomfort, restlessness, sleep disturbance, loss of
concentration. The children with worm infestation are usually pale with
dark circles around eyes and complain of leg pain. The worms usually
spread from infected to healthy person by house dust, pets and
contaminated obects like beddings, utensils, and doorknobs. The
following simple measures help in preventing worm!s infestation.

"eep #nger-nails short to prevent re-infection.
$void nail-biting to prevent infections.
Wash hands fre%uently with soap, especially before meals and after
using toilets.
&aily take bath in the morning to keep away infections.
Wash all beddings and clothes of the infected individuals and family
members in hot water during treatment.
&aily disinfect toilet including seats and door handles.
'se safe and clean water for drinking, cleaning and cooking of
$lways treat the whole family even if one person in infected.
(ducate and e)plain whole family about basic hygiene, to stay away
from diseases.

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