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shortcut Description

F2 Edit the selected cell.

F3 After a name has been created F3 will paste names.
F4 Repeat last action. For example, if you changed the color of
text in another cell pressing F4 will change the text in cell to
the same color.
F5 Go to a specific cell. For example, !.
F7 "pell chec# selected text or document.
F11 reate chart from selected data.
Ctrl +
Shift + ;
Enter the current time.
Ctrl + ; Enter the current date.
Alt +
Shift +
$nsert %ew &or#sheet.
Alt +
&hile typing text in a cell pressing Alt ' Enter will mo(e to
the next line allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell.
Shift +
)pen the Excel formula window.
Shift + *ring up search box.
Ctrl + 1 )pen the Format ells window.
Ctrl + A "elect all contents of the wor#sheet.
Ctrl + B *old highlighted selection.
Ctrl + I $talic highlighted selection.
Ctrl + K $nsert lin#.
Ctrl + S "a(e the open wor#sheet.
Ctrl + +nderline highlighted selection.
Ctrl + 1 hange the format of selected cells.
Ctrl + 5 "tri#ethrough highlighted selection.
Ctrl + ! *ring up the print dialog box to begin printing.
Ctrl + " +ndo last action.
Ctrl + F3 )pen Excel %ame ,anager.
Ctrl + F# ,inimi-e current window.
Ctrl +
,aximi-e currently selected window.
Ctrl + F% "witch between open wor#boo#s or windows.
Ctrl +
!&'e up
,o(e between Excel wor# sheets in the same Excel
Ctrl +
,o(e between Excel wor# sheets in the same Excel
Ctrl +
,o(e between .wo or more open Excel files.
Alt + , reate a formula to sum all of the abo(e cells
Ctrl + - $nsert the (alue of the abo(e cell into cell currently selected.
Ctrl +
Shift + .
Format number in comma format.
Ctrl +
Shift + /
Format number in currency format.
Ctrl +
Shift + 0
Format number in date format.
Ctrl +
Shift + 1
Format number in percentage format.
Ctrl +
Shift + 2
Format number in scientific format.
Ctrl + Format number in time format.
Shift + 3
Ctrl +
,o(e to next section of text.
Ctrl +
"elect entire column.
Shift +
"elect entire row.
Ctrl + 6 /elete the selected column or row.
Ctrl +
Shift + ,
$nsert a new column or row.
Ctrl +
,o(e to cell A0.
Ctrl + 9 "witch between showing Excel formulas or their (alues in

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