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Quadrangle Mapping for the Campus of the

University of Tennessee at Martin

Geographic Information Systems

Presented By:
Amy N. Kendall, President
Table of Contents


List of Tables

List of Figures


Materials & Methods





Kendall Information Systems would like to thank the University of

Tennessee at Martin for the opportunity to submit a business proposal for a

bid of employment. We would also like to thank Dr. Tim Burcham, the

Parker Chair of Excellence chairholder at UTM for his invaluable assistance

with the project and supplying KIS with the Martin ortho-image and

photography of the quad. Jesse Winchester, a student, also supplied KIS

with photography of the quad. Without their help, the project would not

have proceeded with such ease.

List of Tables

List of Figures


Kendall Information Systems (KIS) is a locally owned company that

was established in the fall of 2005. It is a small business that employs a

field crew of 20 college graduates that obtained their GIS certifications,

most of which graduated from the University of Tennessee at Martin. KIS

also employs 10 data analysts that have achieved at least a master’s

degree in Geographic Information Science, Remote Sensing, or

Photogrammetry. The abilities of KIS are available on a wide spatial scale,

from mapping a landowner’s property, to subdivision construction mapping,

to city expansion planning. The company prides itself on its affordable

prices for all types of jobs and its friendly business demeanor. KIS strives

to make all projects flow smoothly and quickly.

Kendall Information Systems received notice that the University of

Tennessee at Martin was putting up a bid to companies with GIS mapping

capabilities to have the entire campus mapped. The University has

requested that with each business proposal, a sample of the company’s

mapping capabilities be included. KIS has chosen to map the quadrangle

of the campus for its business proposal. The following information will

outline the materials, methods, and mapping capabilities of KIS.

Scope of Project

The quadrangle, among the academic halls, was chosen by KIS to

demonstrate the company’s capabilities. Data was collected to document

several aspects of the quad, including the tree species, light poles,

sidewalks, area, and objects, such as bike racks, emergency phones, and

meter access panels. KIS has the analytical capacity to combine a variety

of these aspects for modeling purposes if the University so desires, such as

placing light poles at crosswalks or planning the placement of new trees.


The software that was used in creating the maps of the quad was

ArcPad 7.1 and ArcGIS 9.3.1. The hardware that was used in the field was

the Dell Axim X51v Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), which was equipped

with a SiRFstar III Global Positioning System (GPS) and a Kingston 1GB

Secure Digital flash card. The PDA was also fitted with the ArcPad

software. All data was analyzed and maps created on DELL computers.

Dr. Timothy Burcham, at the University of Tennessee at Martin,

supplied KIS with an ortho-image of the campus. This image was used to

georeference the data that was gathered throughout the project. The

following layers were created in ArcPad before any data collection took

place: objects, light poles, trees, sidewalks, and area (Figure 1). A pick list

was created for both the objects and trees layer. Once all of the layers and

quickforms had been set up, points, lines, and polygons were then

collected by the field crew. After all of the field data was collected, the

analyst team created the following sample of the quadrangle of the

University of Tennessee at Martin.

igure 1. Photographs of the Different Aspects of the Quad that were


Map 1. Map of Every Point, Line, and Polygon Recorded in the Quad.

Table 1. Number or Size of Each Aspect in the Quad.

Objects Light Poles Trees Sidewalks (m) Area (m2)

116 61 170 2807.39 44,779.09


Map 2. Quad Objects

Table 2. Number of Each Object in the Quad.

Object Number
Bench 12
Bike rack 5
Cable box 9
Culvert 3
Drain 6
Emergency phone 2
Fire hydrant 3
Flood light 2
Garbage can 9
Manhole 28
Meter access 14
Sign 10
Smoker outpost 11
Statue 2
Total 116

Light Poles

Map 3. Numbered Light Poles in the Quad.


American basswood
American holly
black cherry
black gum
black oak
black walnut
eastern hemlock
eastern white pine
flowering dogwood
goldenrain tree
hybrid oak
Japanese maple
maidenhair tree
Norway maple
overcup oak
pin oak
red maple
red oak
shagbark hickory
silver maple
sugar maple
swamp chestnut oak
tulip poplar
water oak
white ash
white oak
willow oak

Map 4. Each Tree Species in the Quad.

Table 3. The Number of Each Tree Species in the Quad.

Tree Species r
basswood 1
American holly 7
Black cherry 1
Black gum 1
Black oak 1
Black walnut 2
Eastern hemlock 1
Eastern white
pine 1
Elm 1
dogwood 7
Ginkgo 11
Goldenrain tree 1
Hybrid oak 1
Japanese maple 6
Norway maple 1
Overcup oak 2
Pin oak 9
Red maple 6
Red oak 7
Redbud 4
Sassafrass 2
hickory 1
Shrub 5
Silver maple 2
Sugar maple 9
Sumac 1
Swamp chestnut
oak 2
Tulip poplar 19
Water oak 5
White ash 6
White oak 29
Willow oak 18
Total Number of
Total Number of 32
Trees 170

Table 4. Top Five Most Abundant Tree Species in the Quad.

Tree Species Number

White oak 29
Tulip poplar 19
Willow oak 18
Ginkgo 11
Pin oak 9
Sugar maple 9

Top Five Tree Species
kj ginkgo

kj pin_oak

kj sugar_maple

kj tulip_poplar

kj white_oak

kj willow_oak

Map 5. Top Five Most Abundant Tree Species in the Quad.

Map 6. Map of the Problem Species, Ginkgo, in the Quad.

Figure 2. Ginkgo biloba


Map 7. Sidewalks in the Quad.

Table 5. Measurements of the Three Sidewalk Portions.

Portion Length (m)

Perimeter Sidewalk 1,099.99
Interior Sidewalks 1,707.40
All Sidewalks 2,807.39


Map 8. Total Area of Quad Divided into Three Sections: West, Center,
and East Quad.

Table 6. Varying Measurements of Size for Each Portion of the Quad.

Type of
Portion Measure Result
West Perimeter 518.19 m
Area 15,116.35 m2

Center Perimeter 510.61 m

Area 15,704.92 m2

East Perimeter 496.5 m

Area 13, 957.82 m2

Total Perimeter 1,099.99 m

Area 44,779.09 m2

Kendall Information Systems has produced several maps and tables

in this bid for business to prove to the University of Tennessee at Martin

that the company is highly skilled and qualified to map the entire campus.

Furthermore, the collected data and product is now available to the

university at no charge. Being able to go into ArcMap and quickly find

objects, such as meter boxes and cable accesses could be beneficial in the

future. It can also be used for further renovation of the campus. For

example, there are only two emergency phone is the quad, as can be seen

on Map 2. Placement of more emergency phones could be easily mapped

out on the objects layer.

It would be an honor for Kendall Information Systems to be given the

privilege to map the entire campus. By giving the bid to KIS, the university

would be receiving a priceless product that can be built on for years to

come. GIS technology and capabilities is an ever-growing field. The

results of this project, whether or not it results in KIS receiving the winning

bid for the proposed job, can be used for a variety a ways to still benefit the

University of Tennessee at Martin.


Dell. 2009. Dell Axim. Ver. X51v. Round Rock, Texas: Dell, Inc. One Dell
Way, Round Rock, Texas 78682.
Dell. 2009. Dell Latitude. Ver. E5500. Round Rock, Texas: Dell, Inc.
One Dell Way, Round Rock, Texas 78682.
ESRI. 2008. ArcGIS. Ver. 9.3. Redlands, California: ESRI, Inc. 380 New
York Street, Redlands, California 92373.
ESRI. 2008. ArcPad. Ver. 7.1. Redlands, California: ESRI, Inc. 380 New
York Street, Redlands, California 92373.
Globalsat. 2009. SiRFSTAR. Ver. III. Taipei Hsien, Taiwan: Globalsat
Technology Corporation. 16F. No. 186, Jian Yi Road, Chung Ho City,
Taipei Hsien, Taiwan.
Price, M. 2008. Mastering ArcGIS. 4th ed. New York, New York: McGraw-
Hill Companies, Inc.
Kingston. 2000. Kingston 1GB Secure Digital flash card. Fountain Valley,
California: Kingston Technology Company, Inc. 17600 Newhope
Street Fountain Valley, California 92708.


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