30 Wentz v. Fincher

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Wentz v.

55 Am. Dec. 416. August Term, 1851.


A man built a fence upon land which he had no title to and the owner of the said land decided to effect the
removal of said fence and appropriated its material for himself. The question is now whether the one who
built the fence upon the others land has any right of action against him.

May an action be maintained against the owner of the land upon whom a fence was built by another party,
if said owner decides to appropriate the material of said fence?

Lesson Learned

No, in law, the fence is the property of the owner upon whose land the same was built when the builder
had no title thereto. Thusly, no action may be maintained. The exception to this would be if the owner of
the land effected the removal of the fence in such a manner as to constitute a breach of the peace.

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